GABRIEL Hayle, myghtfull Marie, Godis modir so mylde,
Hayle be thou, roote of all reste, hayle be thou ryall.
Hayle floure and frewte noght fadid nor filyd,
Haile, salve to all synnefull; nowe saie thee I schall,
Thy Sone to thiselve me has sente
His sande, and sothly he saies,
No lenger than ther thre dayes
Here lefte thee this liffe that is lente.
And therfore he biddis thee loke that thou blithe be,
For to that bigly blisse that berde will thee bring
There to sitte with hymselve, all solas to see,
And to be crowned for his quene and he hymselve kyng
In mirthe that evere schall be newe.
He sendis to thee worthely, iwis,
This palme oute of paradise
In tokenyng that it schall be trewe.
MARIA I thanke my Sone semely of all his sandis sere;
Unto hym lastandly be ay lovyng
That me thus worthely wolde menske on this manere
And to his bigly blisse my bones for to bringe.
But, gode ser, nevenes me thi name?
GABRIELL Gabriell, that baynly ganne bringe
The boodworde of his bering,
Forsothe, Lady, I ame the same.
MARIA Nowe, Gabriell, that sothly is fro my Sone sent,
I thanke thee ther tythyngis thou tellis me untill,
And loved be that Lorde of the lane that has me lente,
. . .
And dere Sone, I beseke thee,
Grete God, thou graunte me thi grace,
Thyne appostelis to have in this place
That thei at my bering may be.
GABRIELL Nowe, foode faireste of face, most faithfull and fre,
Thyne askyng thi Sone has graunte of his grace,
And saies all same in sight ye schall see
All his appostelis appere in this place
To wirke all thi will at thi wending.
And sone schall thi peynes be paste
And thou to be in liffe that schall laste
Evermore withouten any ending.
JOHANNES Marie, my modir, that mylde is and meke
And cheffe chosen for chaste, nowe telle me, what chere?
MARIA John, sone, I saie thee forsothe I am seke;
My swete Sone sonde I hente, right nowe it was here
And douteles he saies I schall dye.
Within thre daies, iwis,
I schall be beldid in blisse
And come to his awne company.
JOHANNES A, with thi leve, Lady, thou nevene it me noght,
Ne telle me no tydingis to twynne us in two,
For be thou, blissid birde, unto bere broght
Evermore whils I wonne in this worlde will me be full woo;
Therfore lete it stynte, and be still.
MARIA Nay John, sone, myselve nowe I see.
Atte Goddis will moste it nedis be;
Therfore be it wroght at his will.
JOHANNES A, worthy, when thou art wente will me be full woo,
But God giffe the appostelis wiste of thi wending.
MARIA Yis John, sone, for certayne schall it be so.
All schall thei hardely be here at myne ending.
The sonde of my Sone saide me thus,
That sone schall my penaunce be paste
And I to be in liffe that evere schall laste,
Than baynly to belde in that blisse.
PETRUS O God, omnipotent, the giffer of all grace,
Benedicite Dominus, a clowde now full clere
Umbelappid me in Jude prechand as I was,
And I have mekill mervayle how that I come here.
JACOBUS A, sesse, of this assemelyng can I noght saie
Howe and in what wise that we are here mette,
Owthir myrthe or of mornyng mene wele it maye
For sodenly in sight here sone was I sette.
ANDREAS A, bredir, be my wetand and iwisse so wer we
In diverse landes lely I wotte we were lente,
And how we are semelid thus can I noght see
But as God of his sande has us same sente.
JOHANNES A, felawes, late be youre fare,
For as God will it moste nedis be,
That pereles is of posté,
His myght is to do mekill mare.
For Marie, that worthy, schall wende now, I wene,
Unto that bigly blisse that high barne baynly us boght
That we in hir sight all same myght be sene
Or sche dissever us froo, hir Sone sche besoght.
And thus has he wroght atte hir will
Whanne sche shal be broght on a bere
That we may be neghand hir nere
This tyme for to tente hir untill.
MARIA Jesu, my darlyng that ding is and dere,
I thanke thee my dere Sone of thi grete grace
That I all this faire felawschip atte hande nowe has here,
That thei me some comforte may kythe in this case.
This sikenes it sittis me full sare;
My maidens, take kepe nowe on me
And caste some watir uppon me.
I faynte, so febill I fare.
I ANCILLA Allas, for my Lady that lemed so light
That evere I leved in this lede thus longe for to lende,
That I on this semely schulde se such a sight.
II ANCILLA Allas, helpe, sche dyes in oure hende.
A, Marie, of me have thou mynde
. . .
Some comforte us two for to kythe,
Thou knowes we are comen of thi kynde.
MARIA What ayles yow women for wo thus wynly to wepe?
Yhe do me dere with youre dynne, for me muste nedis dye.
Yhe schulde, whenne ye saw me so slippe and slepe,
Have lefte all youre late and lette me lye.
John, cosyne, garre thame stynte and be still.
JOHANNES A, Marie, that mylde is of mode,
When thi Sone was raised on a rode,
To tente thee he toke me thee till,
And therfore at thi bidding full bayne will I be.
Iff ther be oght, modir, that I amende may,
I pray thee, myldest of mode, meve thee to me,
And I schall, dereworthi dame, do it ilke a daye.
MARIA A, John, sone, that this peyne were overe paste.
With goode harte ye alle that are here
Praies for me faithfully in feere,
For I mon wende fro you as faste.
I JUDEUS A, foode fairest of face, moste faithfull to fynde,
Thou mayden and modir that mylde is and meke,
As thou arte curtaise and comen of oure kynde
All oure synnes for to sesse thi Sone thou beseke
With mercy to mende us of mys.
II JUDEUS Sen thou, Lady, come of oure kynne,
Thou helpe us nowe, thou veray virginne,
That we may be broght unto blisse.
MARIA Jesu, my Sone, for my sake beseke I thee this,
As thou arte gracious and grete God, thou graunte me thy grace.
Thei that is comen of my kynde and amende will there mys,
Nowe specially thou thame spede and spare thame a space,
And be ther belde, if thi willis be;
And dere Sone, whane I schall dye,
I pray thee than, for thi mercy,
The fende thou latte me noght see.
And also, my blissid barne, if thi will be,
I sadly beseke thee, my Sone, for my sake,
Men that are stedde stiffely in stormes or in see
And are in will wittirly my worschippe to awake
And thanne nevenes my name in that nede,
Thou late thame not perissh nor spille;
Of this bone, my Sone, at thi will,
Thou graunte me specially to spede.
Also, my bliste barne, thou graunte me my bone,
All that are in newe or in nede and nevenes me be name,
I praie thee, Sone, for my sake, thou socoure thame sone,
In alle ther schoures that are scharpe thou shelde thame fro schame.
And women also in thare childing,
Nowe speciall thou thame spede,
And if so be thei die in that drede,
To thi blisse thane baynly thou thame bringe.
JESUS Marie, my modir, thurgh thee myght nowe of me
For to make thee in mynde with mirthe to be mending,
Thyne asking all haly here heete I nowe thee.
But modir, the fende muste be nedis at thyne endyng
In figoure full foule for to fere thee;
Myne aungelis schall than be aboute thee.
And therfore, dere dame, thou thar noght doute thee,
For douteles thi dede schall noght dere thee.
And therfore, my modir, come myldely to me,
For aftir the Sonne my sande will I sende,
And to sitte with myselfe all solas to se
In aylastand liffe in likyng to lende.
In this blisse schall be thi bilding,
Of mirth schall thou nevere have missing
But evermore abide in my blissing.
All this schall thou have at thi welding.
MARIA I thanke thee, my swete Sone, for certis I am seke.
I may noght now meve me, for mercie almoste
To thee, Sone myne that made me, thi maiden so meke,
Here thurgh thi grace, God Sone, I giffe thee my goste.
Mi sely saule I thee sende
To hevene that is highest on heghte;
To thee, Sone myne, that moste is of myght,
Ressayve it here into thyne hande.
JESUS Myne aungellis lovely of late, lighter than the levene,
Into the erthe wightly I will that ye wende
And bringe me my modir to the highest of hevene
With mirthe and with melody hir mode for to mende,
For here schall hir blisse never be blynnande.
Mi modir schall myldely be me
Sitte nexte the high Trinité
And nevere in two to be twynnand.
I ANGELUS Lorde, atte thi bidding full bayne will I be,
That floure that nevere was fadid full fayne will we fette.
II ANGELUS And atte thi will, gode Lorde, wirke will we
With solace on ilke side that semely umsitte.
III ANGELUS Latte us fonde to hir faste hir fors to deffende,
That birde for to bringe unto this blis bright.
Body and sawle we schall hir assende
To regne in this regally be regentte full right.
IV ANGELUS To blisse that birde for to bringe,
Nowe Gabriell, late us wightly be wendand;
This maiden mirthe to be mendand
A semely song latte us sing.
Cum uno diabolo.
Et cantant antiphona, scilicet, Ave regina celorum.1
(see note); (t-note)
flower; fruit; defiled
messenger; truthfully
life; given; (t-note)
great; Lord
sign; true
many messages
everlastingly; praising
say to me
message; bearing
gift; given; (t-note)
[line missing, see textual note]
(see note)
burial (funeral)
[For] your asking; has granted
passing away
chief; chastity
message; received; (t-note)
without doubt
(see note)
Lady; bier
willingly; dwell
Praise God; (see note)
Encircled; Judea preaching; (t-note)
cease; assembling
Either joy; mourning
so far as I know
message; together
peerless; power
much more
person; willingly us purchased
together; seen; (t-note)
Ere; separate herself
coming near her
sickness; sore
(see note)
shone; brightly
lived; place (land)
beautiful one
[line missing, see textual note]
excessively; (see note)
harm; crying; (t-note)
(i.e., go to sleep)
your fuss
make; to stop
excellent; this same day; (t-note)
passed over (concluded)
Pray; all together
must go
cease; beseech; (t-note)
sin (error)
people; (see note)
their defender
fiend; (see note)
steadfast; sea; (see note)
willing wisely
call on
allow them; perish
(see note)
trouble; call on me by
troubles; shield
their childbirth
wholly; promise; (see note)
form; frighten
(see note)
worry yourself
death; harm
everlasting; bliss to dwell
wielding (control); (t-note)
move (speak)
through; spirit
simple; (see note)
aspect; brighter; lightning
meekly by
flower; gladly; bring
of that lovely one be seated around
go; strength
reign; dominion
Lady; (t-note)
let; going
joy; mending
let; (t-note)
With one devil; (t-note)
(see note)