I JUDEUS Steppe fourth, late us no lenger stande
But smertely that oure gere wer grayde.
This felowe that we with folye fande,
Late haste us fast that she wer flayed.
II JUDEUS We will bere witnesse and warande
How we hir raysed all unarayed
Agaynste the lawes here of oure lande
Wher sche was with hir leman laide.
I JUDEUS Yaa, and he a wedded man,
That was a wikkid synne.
II JUDEUS That bargayne schall sche banne,
With bale nowe or we blynne.
I JUDEUS A, false stodmere and stynkand strye,
How durste thou stele so stille away
To do so vilaunce avowtry
That is so grete agaynste oure lay.
II JUDEUS Hir bawdery schall she dere abye,
For as we sawe, so schall we saye,
And also hir wirkyng is worthy
Sho schall be demed to ded this day.
I JUDEUS The maistirs of the lawe
Are here even at oure hande.
II JUDEUS Go we reherse by rawe
Hir fawtes as we tham fande.
I JUDEUS God save you, maistirs, mekill of mayne,
That grete clergy and counsaille cann.
III JUDEUS Welcome, frendis, but I wolde frayne
How fare ye with that faire woman?
II JUDEUS A, sirs, we schall you saie certayne
Of mekill sorowe sen sche began.
We have hir tane with putry playne,
Hirselff may noght gaynesaie it than.
IV JUDEUS What, hath sche done folye
In fornicacioun and synne?
I JUDEUS Nay, nay, in avowtery
Full bolde and will noght blynne.
III JUDEUS Avowtery, nemyn it noght, for schame.
It is so foule, opynly I it fye.
Is it sothe that thei saie thee, dame?
II JUDEUS What, sir, scho may it noght denye;
We wer than worthy for to blame
To greve hir, but sche wer gilty.
IV JUDEUS Now, certis, this is a foule defame,
And mekill bale muste be tharby.
III JUDEUS Ya, sir, ye saie wele thore,
By lawe and rightwise rede
Ther falles noght ellis therfore
But to be stoned to dede.
I JUDEUS Sirs, sen ye telle the lawe this tyde
And knawes the course in this contré,
Demes hir on heght, no lenger hyde,
And aftir youre wordis wirke schall we.
IV JUDEUS Beis noght so bryme, bewsheris, abide,
A new mater nowe moves me.
. . .
III JUDEUS He shewes my mysdedis more and myne;
I leve you here, late hym allone.
IV JUDEUS Owe, here will new gaudes begynne;
Ya, grete all wele, saie that I am gone.
I JUDEUS And sen ye are noght bolde,
No lengar bide will I.
II JUDEUS Pees, late no tales be tolde
But passe fourth prevylye.
JESUS Woman, wher are tho wighte men went
That kenely here accused thee?
Who hase thee dampned, toke thou entent?
MULIER Lord, no man has dampned me.
JESUS And for me schall thou noght be schent.
Of all thy mys I make thee free;
Loke thou no more to synne assentte.
MULIER A, Lord, ay loved mott thou bee.
All erthely folke in feere
Loves hym and his high name
That me on this manere
Hath saved fro synne and schame.
I APOSTOLUS A, Lorde, we love thee inwardly
And all thi lore, both lowde and still,
That grauntes thy grace to the gilty
And spares tham that thy folke wolde spill.
JESUS I schall you saie encheson why,
I wote it is my Fadirs will
And for to make tham ware therby
To knawe thamselffe have done more ill.
And evermore of this same
Ensample schall be sene:
Whoso schall othir blame,
Loke firste thamself be clene.
II APOSTOLUS A, maistir, here may men se also
How mekenes may full mekill amende,
To forgeve gladly where we goo
All folke that hath us oght offende.
JESUS He that will noght forgiffe his foo
And use mekenesse with herte and hende,
The kyngdom may he noght come too
That ordande is withouten ende.
And more sone schall we see
Here or ye forther fare
How that my Fadir free
Will mustir myghtis more.
Lazare mortus.
NUNCIUS Jesu, that es prophett veray,
My ladys Martha and Marie,
If thou fouchesaffe, thai wolde thee pray
For to come unto Bethany.
He whom thou loves full wele alway
Es seke and like, Lord, for to dye.
Yf thou wolde come, amende hym thou may,
And comforte all that cumpany.
JESUS I saie you that sekeness
Is noght onlye to dede,
But joie of Goddis gudnesse
Schal be schewed in that stede.
And Goddis Sone schall be glorified
By that sekenesse and signes seere;
Therfore brethir no lenger bide,
Two daies fully have we ben here;
We will go sojourne here beside
In the Jurie with frendis in feere.
I APOSTOLUS A, Lorde, thou wote wele ilke a tyde
The Jewes thei layte thee ferre and nere
To stone thee unto dede
Or putte to pereles payne,
And thou to that same stede
Covaites to gange agayne.
JESUS Ye wote by cours wele for to kast,
The daie is now of twelve oures lange,
And whilis light of the day may last
It is gode that we grathely gange,
For whan daylight is pleynly past
Full sone than may ye wende all wrang.
Therfore takes hede and travayle fast
Whills light of liffe is you emang.
And to you saie I more,
How that Lazar oure frende
Slepes nowe, and I therfore
With you to hym will wende.
II APOSTOLUS We will be ruled aftir thi rede,
But and he slepe he schall be save.
JESUS I saie to you, Lazare is dede,
And for you all grete joie I have.
Ye wote I was noght in that stede
What tyme that he was graved in grave.
His sisteres praye with bowsom beede
And for comforte thei call and crave;
Therfore go we togedir
To make there myrthis more.
I APOSTOLUS Sen he will nedes wende thedir,
Go we and dye with hym ther.
MARIA Allas, owtane Goddis will allone
That I schulld sitte to see this sight.
For I may morne and make my mone,
So wo in worlde was nevere wight.
That I loved most is fro me gone,
My dere brothir that Lazar hight,
And I durst saye I wolde be slone,
For nowe me fayles both mynde and myght.
My welthe is wente forevere,
No medycyne mende me may.
A, dede, thou do thy dever
And have me hense away.
MARTHA Allas, for ruthe, now may I rave
And febilly fare by frith and felde.
Wolde God that I wer grathed in grave,
That dede hadde tane me under telde.
For hele in harte mon I nevere have
But if he helpe that all may welde.
Of Crist I will som comforte crave,
For he may be my bote and belde.
To seke I schal noght cesse
Tille I my sovereyne see.
Hayle, pereles prince of pesse,
Jesu, my maistir so free!
JESUS Martha, what menes thou to make such chere?
. . .
This stone we schall full sone
Remove and sette on syde.
JESUS Fadir that is in hevyn on highte,
I thanke thee evere overe all thyng
That hendely heres me day and nyght
And takis hede unto myn askyng:
Wherfore fouchesaffe of thy grete myght
So that this pepull, olde and yyng,
That standis and bidis to se that sight
May trulye trowe and have knowyng
This tyme here or I pas
How that thou has me sent.
Lazar, veni foras,
Come fro thy monument.
LAZARUS A, pereles prince, full of pitee,
Worshipped be thou in worlde alway
That thus hast schewed thi myght in me,
Both dede and dolven, this is the fourthe day.
By certayne singnes here may men see
How that thou art Goddis Sone verray.
All tho that truly trastis in thee
Schall nevere dye, this dar I saye.
Therfore ye folke in fere,
Menske hym with mayne and myght,
His lawes luke that ye lere;
Than will he lede you to his light.
MARIA Here may men fynde a faythfull frende
That thus has covered us of oure care.
MARTHA Jesu, my Lord and maistir hende,
Of this we thanke thee evermore.
JESUS Sisteres, I may no lenger lende,
To othir folke nowe bus me fare,
And to Jerusalem will I wende
For thyngis that muste be fulfilled there.
Therfore rede I you right,
My men, to wende with me.
Ye that have sene this sight
My blissyng with yo be.
sharply; equipment; arrayed
fellow [inferior, or immoral]; found
undressed (nude)
lover lying
(see note)
before; cease
broodmare; stinking witch; (see note); (t-note)
wicked adultery
dearly pay for
judged; death; (see note)
of great authority
learning; counsel (wisdom) know
prohibited sex
harass; unless
disgraceful situation
well there
correct legal advice
(see note)
Judge; without delay; (t-note)
fast (impatient); good sirs, wait
[pages missing, see note, t-note]
sports; (see note)
those men of authority
sin; (see note)
(see note)
harm (kill)
(see note)
humility; greatly
is ordained
before you further
power greater
(see note); (t-note)
very (true)
are willing
Is sick
sickness; (see note)
joy; goodness
shown; place
signs various
Jewry (Judea); (i.e., among friends)
know well every time
search for
Wish to go
well how to compute
hours; (t-note)
go astray
life; among
receive salvation
buxom prayer; (see note)
mourn; moan
[so] strong
is called
fails; strength
death; duty
woods; field
taken; cover [of earth]
hale (well-being)
help; support
seek; cease
[pages missing; see note, t-note]
graciously hears
Lazarus, come forth; (see note)
dead and buried; (t-note)
all together
look; learn
(see note)