The York Corpus Christi Plays
- Unknown
- Author
- Clifford Davidson
- Editor
- description
Medieval Christians observed the feast of Corpus Christi through not only solemn processions with the consecrated Host, but also pageants and plays depicting central moments from salvation history. These vernacular-language dramas inspired medieval audiences toward greater devotion and encouraged emotional participation in such events as the Creation of Adam and Eve, the Nativity, and the Crucifixion. This edition’s forty-seven plays, preserved exclusively in the fifteenth-century manuscript known as London, British Library, MS Add. 35290, form the only complete play cycle verifiably performed as part of the feast of Corpus Christi at a specific location in England. Performed by members of York’s craft and mercantile guilds on mobile wagon stages, these plays were an annual tradition observed continuously from the fourteenth century until their suppression amid anti-Catholic sentiment in 1569. Not performed again until the twentieth century, the York Corpus Christi Plays represent a unique, remarkable survival of Middle English drama.
- forms
- Drama
- languages
- English, Middle (1100–1500)
- time periods
- 15th Century
- categories
- Drama, Cycle drama, Mystery drama, Legacy HTML
- additional information
- Cover design by Linda K. Judy.
- contents
- Introduction
- The York Corpus Christi Plays
- Play 1, The Creation of the Angels and the Fall of Lucifer
- Play 2, The Creation through the Fifth Day
- Play 3, The Creation of Adam and Eve
- Play 4, The Prohibition of the Tree of Knowledge
- Play 5, The Fall
- Play 6, The Expulsion from the Garden
- Play 7, Sacrificium Cayme et Abell
- Play 8, The Building of Noah's Ark
- Play 9, The Flood
- Play 10, Abraham and Isaac
- Play 11, Pharaoh and Moses
- Play 12, The Annunciation to Mary and the Visitation
- Play 13, Joseph's Troubles about Mary
- Play 14, The Nativity
- Play 15, The Offering of the Shepherds
- Play 16, Herod Questioning the Three Kings and the Offering of the Magi
- Play 17, The Purification of the Virgin
- Play 18, The Flight to Egypt
- Play 19, The Massacre of the Innocents
- Play 20, Christ and the Doctors
- Play 21, The Baptism of Christ
- Play 22, The Temptation in the Wilderness
- Play 22a, The Marriage in Cana
- Play 23, The Transfiguration
- Play 23a, The Feast in Simon's House
- Play 24, The Woman Taken in Adultery and the Raising of Lazarus
- Play 25, The Entry into Jerusalem
- Play 26, The Conspiracy
- Play 27, The Last Supper
- Play 28, The Agony and Betrayal
- Play 29, The Trial before Cayphas and Anna
- Play 30, The First Trial before Pilate
- Play 31, The Trial before Herod
- Play 32, The Remorse of Judas
- Play 33, The Second Trial before Pilate
- Play 34, The Road to Calvary
- Play 35, Crucifixio Christi
- Play 36, Mortificacio Christi
- Play 37, The Harrowing of Hell
- Play 38, The Resurrection
- Play 39, The Appearance of Christ to Mary Magdalen
- Play 40, The Travelers to Emmaus
- Play 41, Doubting Thomas
- Play 42, The Ascension
- Play 43, Pentecost
- Play 44, The Death of Mary
- Play 44a, The Funeral of the Virgin ("Fergus")
- Play 45, The Assumption of the Virgin (Thomas Apostolus)
- Play 46, The Coronation of the Virgin
- Play 47, Doomsday
- Play 1, The Creation of the Angels and the Fall of Lucifer
- Appendix: Notes on the Dialect of the York Corpus Christi Plays by Paul A. Johnston, Jr.
- Bibliography