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1 Perle, plesaunte to prynces paye To clanly clos in golde so clere, Oute of Oryent, I hardyly saye, Ne proved I never her precios pere. So rounde, so reken in uche araye, So smal, so smothe her sydes were, Queresoever I jugged gemmes gaye I sette hyr sengeley in synglure. Allas, I leste hyr in on erbere; Thurgh gresse to grounde hit fro me yot. I dewyne, fordolked of luf-daungere Of that pryvy perle withouten spot. Sythen in that spote hit fro me sprange, Ofte haf I wayted, wyschande that wele That wont was whyle devoyde my wrange 1 And heven my happe and al my hele. That dos bot thrych my herte thrange, My breste in bale bot bolne and bele. 2 Yet thoght me never so swete a sange As stylle stounde let to me stele; Forsothe, ther fleten to me fele To thenke hir color so clad in clot. O moul, thou marres a myry juele, My privy perle wythouten spotte. That spot of spyses mot nedes sprede Ther such ryches to rot is runne: Blomes blayke and blwe and rede Ther schyne ful schyr agayn the sunne. Flor and fryte may not be fede Ther hit doun drof in moldes dunne; For uch gresse mot grow of graynes dede, No whete were elles to wones wonne. 3 Of goud uche goude is ay bygonne - So semly a sede moght fayly not That spryngande spyces up ne sponne Of that precios perle wythouten spotte. To that spot that I in speche expoun I entred in that erber grene In Augoste in a hygh seysoun Quen corne is corven wyth crokes kene. On huyle ther perle hit trendeled doun Schadowed this wortes ful schyre and schene: Gilofre, gyngure, and gromylyoun, And pyonys powdered ay bytwene. Yif hit was semly on to sene A fayr reflayr yet fro hit flot. Ther wonys that worthyly, I wot and wene, My precious perle wythouten spot. Bifore that spot my honde I spenned For care ful colde that to me caght. A deuely dele in my hert denned Thagh resoun sette myselven saght. I playned my perle that ther was penned Wyth fyrce skylles that faste faght. Thagh kynde of Kryst me comfort kenned, My wreched wylle in wo ay wraghte. I felle upon that floury flaght - Suche odour to my hernes schot, I slode upon a slepyng-slaghte On that precios perle wythouten spot. 2 Fro spot my spyryt ther sprang in space - My body on balke ther bod in sweven. My goste is gon in Godes grace In aventure ther mervayles meven. I ne wyste in this worlde quere that hit wace Bot I knew me keste ther klyfes cleven. Towarde a foreste I bere the face Where ryche rokkes wer to dyscreven. The lyght of hem myght no mon leven, The glemande glory that of hem glent, For wern never webbes that wyyes weven Of half so dere adubbemente. Dubbed wern alle tho downes sydes Wyth crystal klyffes so cler of kynde; Holtewodes bryght aboute hem bydes Of bolles as blwe as ble of Ynde. As bornyst sylver the lef on slydes That thike con trylle on uch a tynde; 4 Quen glem of glodes agayns hem glydes Wyth schymeryng schene ful schrylle thay schynde. The gravayl that on grounde con grynde Wern precious perles of Oryente. The sunnebemes bot blo and blynde In respecte of that adubbement. The adubbemente of tho downes dere Garten my goste al greffe forgete. So frech flavores of frytes were As fode hit con me fayre refete. Fowles ther flowen in fryth in fere Of flaumbande hwes bothe smale and grete; Bot sytole-stryng and gyternere Her reken myrthe moght not retrete, For quen those bryddes her wynges bete Thay songen wyth a swete asent. So gracios gle couthe no mon gete As here and se her adubbement. So al was dubbet on dere asyse That fryth ther fortwne forth me feres. The derthe therof for to devyse Nis no wyy worthé that tonge beres. I welke ay forth in wely wyse, No bonk so byg that did me deres: The fyrre in the fryth, the feier con ryse The playn, the plonttes, the spyse, the peres; And rawes and randes and rych reveres 5 As fyldor fyn her bukes brent. I wan to a water by schore that scheres - Lorde, dere was hit adubbement. The dubbemente of tho derworth depe Wern bonkes bene of beryl bryght. Swangeande swete the water con swepe Wyth a rownande rourde raykande aryght. 6 In the founce ther stonden stones stepe As glente thurgh glas that glowed and glyght, As stremande sternes quen strothe-men slepe Staren in welkyn in wynter nyght. 7 For uche a pobbel in pole ther pyght Was emerad, saffer, other gemme gente - That alle the loghe lemed of lyght So dere was hit adubbement. 3 The dubbement dere of doun and dales, Of wod and water and wlonke playnes, Bylde in me blys, abated my bales, Fordidden my stresse, dystryed my paynes. Doun after a strem that dryyly hales I bowed in blys, bredful my braynes. The fyrre I folwed those floty vales The more strenghthe of joye myn herte straynes. As fortune fares theras ho fraynes, Whether solace ho sende other elles sore, The wyy to wham her wylle ho waynes Hyttes to have ay more and more. More of wele was in that wyse Then I cowthe telle thagh I tom hade, For urthely herte myght not suffyse To the tenthe dole of tho gladnes glade. Forthy I thoght that Paradyse Was ther over gayn tho bonkes brade. I hoped the water were a devyse Bytwene myrthes by meres made. 8 Byyonde the broke, by slente other slade, I hoped that mote merked wore; Bot the water was depe, I dorst not wade, And ever me longed ay more and more. More and more and yet wel mare Me lyste to se the broke byyonde, For if hit was fayr ther I con fare Wel loveloker was the fyrre londe. Abowte me con I stote and stare; To fynde a forthe faste con I fonde. Bot wothes mo iwysse ther ware The fyrre I stalked by the stronde, And ever me thoght I shulde not wonde For wo ther weles so wynne wore. 9 Thenne nwe note me com on honde That meved my mynde ay more and more. More mervayle con my dom adaunt; I sey byyonde that myry mere A crystal clyffe ful relusaunt; Mony ryal ray con fro hit rere. At the fote therof ther sete a faunt, A mayden of menske ful debonere. Blysnande whyt was hyr bleaunt. I knew hyr wel, I hade sen hyr ere. As glysnande golde that man con schere, So schon that schene anunder schore. On lenghe I loked to hyr there - The lenger, I knew hyr more and more. The more I frayste hyr fayre face, Her fygure fyn quen I had fonte, Suche gladande glory con to me glace As lyttel byfore therto was wonte. To calle hyr lyste con me enchace Bot baysment gef myn hert a brunt. I sey hyr in so strange a place, Such a burre myght make myn herte blunt. Thenne veres ho up her fayre frount, Hyr vysayge whyt as playn yvore, That stonge myn hert ful stray astount - And ever the lenger the more and more. 4 More then me lyste my drede aros; I stod ful stylle and dorste not calle. Wyth yyen open and mouth ful clos I stod as hende as hawk in halle. I hoped that gostly was that porpose; I dred onende quat schulde byfalle Lest ho me eschaped that I ther chos, Er I at steven hir moght stalle. That gracios gay wythouten galle, So smothe, so smal, so seme slyght, Ryses up in hir araye ryalle, A precios pyece in perles pyght. Perles pyghte of ryal prys Ther moght mon by grace haf sene Quen that frech as flor-de-lys Doun the bonke con bowe bydene. Al blysnande whyt was hir beau biys, Upon at sydes and bounden bene Wyth the myryeste margarys, at my devyse, That ever I sey yet with myn yyen; Wyth lappes large, I wot and wene, Dubbed with double perle and dyghte, Her cortel of self sute schene Wyth precios perles al umbepyghte. A pyght coroune yet wer that gyrle Of marjorys and non other ston, Highe pynakled of cler quyt perle Wyth flurted flowres perfet upon. To hed hade ho non other werle, Her here-leke al hyr umbegon. Her semblaunt sade for doc other erle, Her ble more blaght then whalles bon; As schorne golde schyr her fax thenne schon On schylderes that leghe unlapped lyghte. Her depe colour yet wonted non Of precios perle in porfyl pyghte. Pyght was poyned and uche a hemme At honde, at sydes, at overture, Wyth whyte perle and non other gemme, And bornyste quyte was hyr vesture. Bot a wonder perle wythouten wemme Inmyddes hyr breste was sette so sure, A mannes dom moght druyyly demme Er mynde moght malte in hit mesure. I hope no tonge moght endure, No saverly saghe say of that syght, 10 So was hit clene and cler and pure, That precios perle ther hit was pyght. Pyght in perle, that precios pyse On wyther half water com doun the schore. No gladder gome hethen into Grece Then I quen ho on brymme wore. Ho was me nerre then aunte or nece; My joy forthy was much the more. Ho profered me speche, that special spyce, Enclynande lowe in wommon lore, Caghte of her coroun of grete tresore And haylsed me wyth a lote lyghte. Wel was me that ever I was bore To sware that swete in perles pyghte. 5 "O perle," quoth I, "in perles pyght, Art thou my perle that I haf playned, Regretted by myn one on nyghte? Much longeyng haf I for thee layned Sythen into gresse thou me aglyghte. Pensyf, payred, I am forpayned, And thou in a lyf of lykyng lyghte In Paradys erde, of stryf unstrayned. What wyrde has hyder my juel vayned And don me in thys del and gret daunger? Fro we in twynne wern towen and twayned I haf ben a joyles jueler." That juel thenne, in gemmes gente, Vered up her vyse wyth yyen graye, Set on hyr coroun of perle orient And soberly after thenne con ho say, "Sir, ye haf your tale mysetente To say your perle is al awaye That is in cofer so comly clente As in this gardyn gracios gaye, Hereinne to lenge forever and play Ther mys nee mornyng com never nere. Her were a forser for thee, in faye, If thou were a gentyl jueler. "Bot, jueler gente, if thou schal lose Thy joy for a gemme that thee was lef, Me thynk thee put in a mad porpose And busyes thee about a raysoun bref. For that thou lestes was bot a rose That flowred and fayled as kynde hyt gef; Now thurgh kynde of the kyste that hyt con close To a perle of prys hit is put in pref. And thou has called thy wyrde a thef That oght of noght has mad thee cler. 11 Thou blames the bote of thy meschef. Thou art no kynde jueler." A juel to me then was thys geste And jueles wern hyr gentyl sawes. "Iwyse," quoth I, "my blysfol beste, My grete dystresse thou al todrawes. To be excused I make requeste; I trawed my perle don out of dawes. Now haf I fonde hyt, I schal ma feste And wony wyth hyt in schyr wod-schawes And love my Lorde and al His lawes That has me broght thys blysse ner. Now were I at yow byyonde thise wawes, I were a joyfol jueler." "Jueler," sayde that gemme clene, "Wy borde ye men? so madde ye be! Thre wordes has thou spoken at ene; Unavysed, for sothe, wern alle thre. Thou ne woste in worlde quat on dos mene - 12 Thy worde byfore thy wytte con fle. Thou says thou trawes me in this dene Bycawse thou may wyth yyen me se. Another - thou says in this countré Thyself schal won wyth me ryght here. The thrydde - to passe thys water fre. That may no joyfol jueler. 6 "I halde that jueler lyttel to prayse That loves wel that he ses wyth yye, And much to blame and uncortoyse That leves oure Lorde wolde make a lyye That lelly hyghte your lyf to rayse Thagh fortune dyd your flesch to dyye. Ye setten Hys wordes ful westernays That loves nothynk bot ye hit syye; 13 And that is a poynt o sorquydryye That uche god mon may evel byseme - To leve no tale be true to tryye Bot that hys one skyl may dem. "Deme now thyself if thou con dayly As man to God wordes schulde heve. Thou says thou schal won in this bayly. Me thynk thee burde fyrst aske leve - And yet of graunt thou myghtes fayle. Thou wylnes over thys water to weve; Er moste thou cever to other counsayle. Thy corse in clot mot calder keve, For hit was forgarte at Paradys greve; Oure yorefader hit con mysseyeme. Thurgh drwry deth bos uch man dreve Er over thys dam hym Dryghtyn deme." "Demes thou me," quoth I, "my swete, To dol agayn, thenne I dowyne. Now haf I fonte that I forlete, Schal I efte forgo hit er ever I fyne? Why schal I hit bothe mysse and mete? My precios perle dos me gret pyne. What serves tresor bot gares men grete When he hit schal efte wyth tenes tyne? Now rech I never for to declyne Ne how fer of folde that man me fleme; 14 When I am partles of perle myne, Bot durande doel what may men deme?" "Thow demes noght bot doel dystresse," Thenne sayde that wyght, "why dos thou so? For dyne of doel of lures lesse Ofte mony mon forgos the mo. 15 Thee oghte better thyselven blesse And love ay God in wele and wo, For anger gaynes thee not a cresse. Who nedes schal thole be not so thro; For thogh thou daunce as any do, Braundysch and bray thy brathes breme, When thou no fyrre may to ne fro Thou moste abyde that He schal deme. "Deme Dryghtyn, ever Hym adyte, Of the way a fote ne wyl He wrythe. Thy mendes mountes not a myte, Thagh thou for sorwe be never blythe. Stynst of thy strot and fyne to flyte And sech Hys blythe ful swefte and swythe; Thy prayer may Hys pyté byte That mercy schal hyr craftes kythe. Hys comforte may thy langour lythe And thy lures of lyghtly fleme. For marre other madde, morne and mythe, Al lys in Hym to dyght and deme." 7 Thenne demed I to that damyselle, "Ne worthe no wraththe unto my Lorde If rapely I rave, spornande in spelle. My herte was al wyth mysse remorde As wallande water gos out of welle. I do me ay in Hys myserecorde; Rebuke me never wyth wordes felle Thagh I forloyne, my dere endorde, Bot kythes me kyndely your coumforde, Pytosly thenkande upon thysse: Of care and me ye made acorde, That er was grounde of alle my blysse. "My blysse, my bale, ye han ben bothe; Bot much the bygger yet was my mon Fro thou was wroken fro uch a wothe. I wyste never quere my perle was gon; Now I hit se, now lethes my lothe; And quen we departed we wern at on. God forbede we be now wrothe - We meten so selden by stok other ston! 16 Thagh cortaysly ye carpe con I am bot mol and maneres mysse. Bot Crystes mersy and Mary and Jon, Thise arn the grounde of alle my blysse. "In blysse I se thee blythely blent, And I a man al mornyf mate; Ye take theron ful lyttel tente Thagh I hente ofte harmes hate. Bot now I am here in your presente I wolde bysech, wythouten debate, Ye wolde me say, in sobre asente, 17 What lyf ye lede erly and late. For I am ful fayn that your astate Is worthen to worschyp and wele, iwysse; Of alle my joy the hyghe gate, Hit is in grounde of alle my blysse." "Now blysse, burne, mot thee bytyde," Then sayde that lufsoum of lyth and lere, "And welcum here to walk and byde, For now thy speche is to me dere. Maysterful mod and hyghe pryde I hete thee arn heterly hated here. My Lorde ne loves not for to chyde For meke arn alle that wones Hym nere, And when in Hys place thou schal apere Be dep devote in hol mekenesse. My Lorde the Lamb loves ay such chere; That is the grounde of alle my blysse. "A blysful lyf thou says I lede; Thou woldes knaw therof the stage. Thow wost wel when thy perle con schede I was ful yong and tender of age, Bot my Lorde the Lombe, thurgh Hys Godhede He toke myself to Hys maryage, Corounde me quene in blysse to brede In lenghe of dayes that ever schal wage. And sesed in alle Hys herytage Hys lef is. I am holy Hysse - Hys pyese, Hys prys; and Hys parage Is rote and grounde of alle my blysse." 8 "Blysful," quoth I, "may thys be trwe? Dyspleses not if I speke errour. Art thou the quene of hevenes blwe That al thys worlde schal do honour? We leven on Marye that grace of grewe, That ber a barne of vyrgyn flour. The croune fro hyr, quo moght remwe Bot ho hir passed in sum favour? Now for synglerty o hyr dousour We calle hyr Fenyx of Arraby That freles flewe of hyr fasor Lyk to the quen of cortaysye." "Cortayse quen," thenne sayde that gaye, Knelande to grounde, folde up hyr face, "Makeles moder and myryest may, Blessed bygyner of uch a grace." Thenne ros ho up and con restay And speke me towarde in that space, "Sir, fele here porchases and fonges pray Bot supplantores none wythinne thys place. That emperise al hevens has And urthe and helle in her bayly, Of erytage yet non wyl ho chace For ho is quen of cortaysye. "The court of the kyndom of God alyve Has a property in hytself beyng; Alle that may therinne aryve Of alle the reme is quen other kyng; And never other yet schal depryve, Bot uchon fayn of otheres hafyng And wolde her corounes wern worthe tho fyve If possyble were her mendyng. 18 Bot my lady of quom Jesu con spryng Ho haldes the empyre over uus ful hyghe, And that dyspleses non of oure gyng For ho is quene of cortaysye. "Of courtaysye, as says Saynt Poule, Al arn we membres of Jesu Kryst. As heved and arme and legg and navle Temen to Hys body ful trwe and tryste, Ryght so is uch a Krysten sawle A longande lym to the mayster of myste. Thenne loke what hate other any gawle Is tached other tyyed thy lymmes bytwyste; Thy heved has nauther greme ne gryste On arme other fynger, thagh thou ber byghe. So fare we alle wyth luf and lyste To kyng and quene, by cortaysye." "Cortaysé," quoth I, "I leve, And charyté grete be yow among. Bot my speche that yow ne greve, . . . . . Thyself in heven over hygh thou heve To make thee quen that was so yonge. What more honour moghte he acheve That hade endured in worlde stronge And lyved in penaunce hys lyves longe Wyth bodyly bale hym blysse to byye? What more worschyp moght he fonge Then corounde be kyng by cortaysé? 9 "That cortaysé is to fre of dede Yf hyt be soth that thou cones saye. Thou lyfed not two yer in oure thede; Thou cowthes never God nauther plese ne pray Ne never nawther Pater ne Crede - And quen mad on the fyrste day! I may not traw, so God me spede, That God wolde wrythe so wrange away. Of countes, damysel, par ma fay, Wer fayr in heven to halde asstate 19 Other elles a lady of lasse aray - Bot a quene! Hit is to dere a date." "Ther is no date of Hys godnesse," Then sayde to me that worthy wyghte, "For al is trawthe that He con dresse And He may do nothynk bot ryght. As Mathew meles in your Messe, In sothfol gospel of God almyght, In sample He can ful graythely gesse And lyknes hit to heven lyghte. 'My regne,' He says, 'is lyk on hyght To a lorde that hade a vyne, I wate. Of tyme of yere the terme was tyght To labor vyne was dere the date.' "That date of yere wel knawe thys hyne; The lorde ful erly up he ros To hyre werkmen to hys vyne And fyndes ther summe to hys porpos. Into acorde thay con declyne For a pené on a day, and forth thay gos, Wrythen and worchen and don gret pyne, Kerven and caggen and man hit clos. Aboute under the lorde to marked tos 20 And ydel men stande he fyndes therate. 'Why stande ye ydel?' he sayde to thos, 'Ne knawe ye of this day no date?' "'Er date of daye hider arn we wonne,' So was al samen her answar soght. 'We haf standen her syn ros the sunne And no mon byddes uus do ryght noght.' 'Gos into my vyne, dos that ye conne,' So sayde the lorde and made hit toght. 'What resonabele hyre be naght be runne, I yow pay in dede and thoghte.' 21 Thay wente into the vyne and wroghte And al day the lorde thus yede his gate And nw men to hys vyne he broghte Welnegh wyl day was passed date. "At the date of day of evensonge, On oure byfore the sonne go doun, He sey ther ydel men ful stronge And sade to hem, wyth sobre soun, 'Wy stonde ye ydel thise dayes longe?' Thay sayden her hyre was nawhere boun. 'Gos to my vyne, yemen yonge, And wyrkes and dos that at ye moun.' Sone the worlde bycom wel broun, The sunne was doun and hit wex late. To take her hyre he mad sumoun; The day was al apassed date. 10 "The date of the daye the lorde con knaw; Called to the reve, 'Lede, pay the meyny! Gyf hem the hyre that I hem owe And fyrre, that non me may reprené, Set hem alle upon a rawe And gyf uchon inlyche a peny. Bygyn at the laste that standes lowe Tyl to the fyrste that thou atteny.' And thenne the fyrst bygonne to pleny And sayden that they hade travayled sore. 'These bot on oure hem con streny! Uus thynk uus oghe to take more. "'More haf we served, uus thynk so, That suffred han the dayes hete Thenn thyse that wroght not houres two - And thou dos hem uus to counterfete.' Thenne sayde the lorde to on of tho, 'Frende, no waning I wyl thee gete. 22 Take that is thyn owne and go And I hyred thee for a peny agrete. Quy bygynnes thou now to threte? Was not a pené thy covenaunt thore? Fyrre then covenaunde is noght to plete. 23 Wy schalte thou thenne aske more? "'More, wether louyly is me my gyfte To do wyth myn quatso me lykes? Other elles thyn yye to lyther is lyfte For I am goude and non byswykes.' 'Thus schal I,' quoth Kryste, 'hyt skyfte: The laste schal be the fyrst that strykes And the fyrst the laste, be he never so swyft. For mony ben called thagh fewe be mykes.' Thus pore men her part ay pykes Thagh thay com late and lyttel wore; And thagh her sweng wyth lyttel atslykes, 24 The merci of God is much the more. "More haf I of joye and blysse hereinne, Of ladyschyp gret and lyves blom, Then alle the wyyes in the worlde myght wynne By the way of ryght to aske dome. Whether welnygh now I con bygynne, In eventyde into the vyne I come. Fyrst of my hyre my Lorde con mynne; I was payed anon of al and sum. Yet other ther werne that toke more tom, That swange and swat for longe yore, That yet of hyre nothynk thay nom - Paraunter noght schal to-yere more." Then more I meled and sayde apert, "Me thynk thy tale unresounable. Goddes ryght is redy and evermore rert Other Holy Wryt is bot a fable. In Sauter is sayd a verce overte That spekes a poynt determynable: 'Thou quytes uchon as hys desserte, Thou hyghe kyng ay pertermynable.' Now he that stod the long day stable And thou to payment com hym byfore - Thenne the lasse in werke to take more able, And ever the lenger the lasse, the more." 25 11 "Of more and lasse in Godes ryche," That gentyl sayde, "lys no joparde, For ther is uch mon payed inlyche Whether lyttel other much be hys rewarde. For the gentyl Cheventayn is no chyche; Quether-so-ever He dele, nesch other harde, 26 He laves Hys gyftes as water of dyche Other gotes of golf that never charde. 27 Hys fraunchyse is large; that ever dard To Hym that mas in synne rescoghe, 28 No blysse bes fro hem reparde, For the grace of God is gret inoghe. "Bot now thou motes, me for to mate That I my peny haf wrang tan here; Thou says that I that com to late Am not worthy so gret fere. Where wystes thou ever any bourne abate, 29 Ever so holy in hys prayere, That he ne forfeted by sumkyn gate The mede sumtyme of hevenes clere? And ay the ofter, the alder thay were; Thay laften ryght and wroghten woghe. Mercy and grace moste hem then stere, For the grace of God is gret innoghe. "Bot innoghe of grace has innocent. As sone as thay arn borne by lyne In the water of babtem thay dyssente. Then arne thay boroght into the vyne. Anon the day, with derk endente, The niyght of deth dos to enclyne That wroght never wrang er thenne thay wente. 30 The gentyle Lorde thenne payes hys hyne; Thay dyden hys heste, thay wern thereine. Why schulde he not her labour alow - Yys, and pay hym at the fyrste fyne? For the grace of God is gret innoghe. "Inoghe is knawen that mankyn grete Fyrste was wroght to blysse parfyt; Oure forme fader hit con forfete Thurgh an apple that he upon con byte. Al wer we dampned for that mete, To dyye in doel out of delyt And sythen wende to helle hete Therinne to won withoute respyt. Bot theron com a bote astyt; Ryche blod ran on Rode so roghe And wynne water then at that plyt. The grace of God wex gret innoghe. "Innoghe ther wax out of that welle, Blod and water of brode wounde; The blod uus boght fro bale of helle, And delyvered uus of deth secounde. The water is baptem, the sothe to telle, That folwed the glayve so grymly grounde, That wasches away the gyltes felle That Adam wyth inne deth uus drounde. Now is ther noght in the worlde rounde Bytwene uus and blysse bot that he wythdrow, And that is restored in sely stounde, And the grace of God is gret innogh. 12 "Grace innogh the mon may have That synnes thenne new, yif hym repente; Bot wyth sorw and syt he mot hit crave And byde the payne therto is bent. Bot resoun, of ryght that con not rave, Saves evermore the innossent. Hit is a dom that never God gave That ever the gyltles schulde be schente. The gyltyf may contryssyoun hente And be thurgh mercy to grace thryght, Bot he to gyle that never glente As inoscente is saf and ryghte. 31 "Ryght thus I knaw wel in this cas Two men to save is God, by skylle; The ryghtwys man schal se Hys face, The harmles hathel schal com Hym tylle. The Sauter hyt sas thus in a pace, 'Lorde, quo schal klymbe Thy hyghe hylle Other rest wythinne Thy holy place ?' Hymself to onsware He is not dylle: 'Hondelynges harme that dyt not ille, 32 That is of hert bothe clene and lyght - Ther schal hys stepe stable stylle.' The innosent is ay saf by ryght. "The ryghtwys man also sertayn Aproche he schal that proper pyle That takes not her lyf in vayne Ne glaueres her nieghbor wyth no gyle. Of thys ryghtwys, sas Salamon playn, How kyntly oure Koyntyse hym con aquyle. By wayes ful streght he con hym strayn And scheued hym the rengne of God awhyle, As quo says, 'Lo, yon lovely yle! Thou may hit wynne if thou be wyghte.' Bot hardyly, wythoute peryle, The innosent is ay save by ryghte. "Anende ryghtwys men, yet says a gome, David in Sauter if ever ye sey hit, 'Lorde, Thy servaunt draw never to dome, For non lyvyande to Thee is justyfyet.' 33 Forthy to corte, quen thou schal com Ther alle oure causes schal be tryed, Alegge the ryght - thou may be innome By thys ilke spech I have asspyed. Bot He on Rode that blody dyed, Delfully thurgh hondes thryght, Gyve thee to passe, when thou arte tryed, By innocens, and not by ryghte. "Ryghtwysly quo con rede, He loke on bok and be awayed How Jesus Hym welke in arethede, And burnes her barnes unto Hym brayde For happe and hele that fro Hym yede. To touch her chylder thay fayr Hym prayed. His dessypeles wyth blame, 'Let be!' hym bede, And wyth her resounes ful fele restayed. Jesus thenne hem swetely sayde, 'Do way, let chylder unto me tyght; To suche is hevenryche arayed.' The innocent is ay saf by ryght. 13 "Jesu con calle to Hym Hys mylde And sayde Hys ryche no wyy myght wynne Bot he com thyder ryght as a chylde Other elles nevermore com therinne. Harmles, trwe, and undefylde, Wythouten mote other mascle of sulpande synne - Quen such ther cnoken on the bylde, Tyt schal hem men the gate unpynne. Ther is the blys that con not blynne That the jueler soghte thurgh perré pres And solde alle hys goud, bothe wolen and lynne, To bye hym a perle was mascelles. "This makelles perle, that boght is dere, The joueler gef fore alle hys god, Is lyke the reme of hevenesse clere - So sayde the Fader of folde and flode - For hit is wemles, clene, and clere, And endeles rounde and blythe of mode, And commune to alle that ryghtwys were. Lo, even inmyddes my breste hit stode! My Lorde, the Lombe that schede Hys blode, He pyght hit there in token of pes. I rede thee forsake the worlde wode And porchace thy perle maskelles." "O maskeles perle, in perles pure, That beres," quoth I, "the perle of prys, Quo formed thee thy fayre fygure? That wroght thy wede, He was ful wys. 34 Thy beauté com never of nature; Pymalyon paynted never thy vys, Ne Arystotel nawther by hys lettrure Of carpe the kynde these propertes. Thy colour passes the flour-de-lys; Thyn angel-havyng so clene cortes - Breve me, bryght, quat kyn ostriys Beres the perle so maskelles?" "My makeles Lambe that al may bete," Quoth scho, "my dere destyné, Me ches to Hys make, althagh unmete Sumtyme semed that assemblé. 35 When I wente fro yor worlde wete, He calde me to Hys bonerté: 'Cum hyder to me, my lemman swete For mote ne spot is non in thee.' He gef me myght and als bewté; In Hys blod He wesch my wede on dese And coronde clene in vergynté, And pyght me in perles maskelles." "Why, maskelles bryd, that bryght con flambe, That reiates has so ryche and ryf, Quat kyn thyng may be that Lambe That thee wolde wedde unto Hys vyf? Over alle other so hygh thou clambe To lede wyth Hym so ladyly lyf. So mony a comly anunnder cambe For Kryst han lyved in much stryf, And thou con alle tho dere out dryf And from that maryag al other depres - Al only thyself so stout and styf, A makeles may and maskelles." 14 "Maskelles," quoth that myry quene, "Unblemyst I am, wythouten blot, And that may I wyth mensk menteene, Bot 'makeles quene' - thenne sade I not. The Lambes uyves in blysse we bene, A hondred and forty thowsande flot As in the Apocalyppes hit is sene. Sant John hem syy al in a knot On the hyl of Syon, that semly clot; The apostel hem segh in gostly drem, Arayed to the weddyng in that hyl-coppe, The nwe cyté o Jerusalem. "Of Jerusalem I in speche spelle; If thou wyl knaw what kyn He be, My Lombe, my Lorde, my dere juelle, My joy, my blys, my lemman fre, The profete Ysaye of Hym con melle Pitously of Hys debonerté: 'That gloryous gyltles that mon con quelle Wythouten any sake of felonye, As a schep to the slaght ther lad was He, And as lombe that clypper in lande nem, So closed He hys mouth fro uch query'- Quen Jues Hym jugged in Jerusalem. "In Jerusalem was my lemman slayn And rent on Rode wyth boyes bolde. Al oure bales to bere ful bayn, He toke on Hymself oure cares colde; Wyth boffetes was Hys face flayn That was so fayr on to byholde. For synne He set Hymself in vayn That never hade non Hymself to wolde. For uus He lette Hym flyye and folde 36 And brede upon a bostwys bem; As meke as lomp that no playnt tolde For uus He swalt in Jerusalem. "Jerusalem, Jordan, and Galalye, Ther as baptysed the goude Saynt Jon, His wordes acorded to Ysaye. When Jesu con to hym warde gon, He sayde of Hym thys professye: 'Lo, Godes Lombe, as trwe as ston, That dos away the synnes dryye That alle thys worlde has wroght upon.' Hymself ne wroghte never yet non Whether on Hymself He con al clem. Hys generacyoun quo recen con That dyyed for uus in Jerusalem? "In Jerusalem thus my lemman swete Twyes for lombe was taken there, By trw recorde of ayther prophete, For mode so meke and al Hys fare. The thryde tyme is therto ful mete, In Apokalypes wryten ful yare. In mydes the trone there sayntes sete, The apostel John Hym saw as bare, Lesande the boke with leves sware There seven syngnettes wern sette in seme; And at that syght uche douth con dare In helle, in erthe, in Jerusalem. 15 "Thys Jerusalem Lombe hade never pechche Of other huee bot quyt jolyf That mot ne masklle moght on streche, For wolle quyte so ronk and ryf. Forthy uche saule that hade never teche Is to that Lombe a worthyly wyf, And thagh uch day a store He feche Among uus commes nouther strot ne stryf, Bot uchon enlé we wolde were fyf. The mo the myryer, so God me blesse! In compayny gret our luf con thryf, In honour more and never the lesse. "Lasse of blysse may non uus bryng That beren thys perle upon oure bereste, For thay of mote couthe never mynge Of spotles perles tha beren the creste. 37 Althagh oure corses in clottes clynge And ye remen for rauthe wythouten reste, We thurghoutly haven cnawyng; Of on dethe ful oure hope is drest. 38 The Lombe uus glades, oure care is kest; He myrthes uus alle at uch a mes. Uchones blysse is breme and beste - And never ones honour yet never the les. "Lest les thou leve my tale farande, 39 In Appocalyppece is wryten in wro: 'I seghe,' says John, 'the Loumbe Hym stande On the Mount of Syon ful thryven and thro, And wyth Hym maydennes an hundrethe thowsande And fowre and forty thowsande mo. On alle her forhedes wryten I fande The Lombes nome, Hys Faderes also. A hue fro heven I herde thoo, Lyk flodes fele laden runnen on resse, 40 And as thunder throwes in torres blo That lote, y leve, was never the les. "'Nautheles thagh hit schowted sharpe And ledden loude althagh hit were, A note ful nwe I herde hem warpe; To lysten that was ful lufly dere. As harpores harpen in her harpe, That nwe songe thay songen ful cler In sounande notes, a gentyl carpe. Ful fayre the modes thay fonge in fere Ryght byfore Godes chayere, And the fowre bestes that Hym obes, And the aldermen so sadde of chere - Her songe thay songen never the les. "'Nowthelese, non was never so quoynt For alle the craftes that ever thay knewe, That of that songe myght synge a poynt Bot that meyny the Lombe that swe. For thay arn boght, fro the urthe aloynte, As newe fryt to God ful due, And to the gentyl Lombe hit arn anjoynt As lyk to Hymself of lote and hwe. For never lesyng ne tale untrwe Ne towched her tonge for no dysstresse. That moteles meyny may never remwe Fro that maskeles mayster never the les.'" "Never the les let be my thonc," Quoth I, "my perle, thagh I appose. I schulde not tempte thy wyt so wlonc To Krystes chambre that art ichose. I am bot mokke and mul among, And thou so ryche a reken rose And bydes here by thys blysful bonc Ther lyves lyste may never lose. Now, hynde, that sympelnesse cones enclose, I wolde thee aske a thynge expresse, And thagh I be bustwys as a blose, Let my bone vayle never the lese. 16 "Neverthelese cler I yow bycalle If ye con se hyt be to done. As thou art gloryous, wythouten galle, Wythnay thou never my ruful bone. Haf ye no wones in castel walle, Ne maner ther ye may mete and won? Thou telles me of Jerusalem, the ryche ryalle, Ther David dere was dyght on trone - Bot by thyse holtes hit con not hone, Bot in Judee hit is, that noble note. As ye ar maskeles under mone, Your wones schulde be wythouten mote. "Thys moteles meyny thou cones of mele, Of thousandes thryght, so gret a route - A gret ceté, for ye arn fele, Yow byhod have wythouten doute. So cumly a pakke of joly juele Wer evel don schulde lyy theroute; And by thyse bonkes ther I con gele I se no bygyng nawhere aboute. I trowe alone ye lenge and loute To loke on the glory of thys gracious gote. If thou has other bygynges stoute, Now tech me to that myry mote." "That mote thou menes in Judy londe," That specyal spyce then to me spakk. "That is the cyté that the Lombe con fonde To soffer inne sor for manes sake. The olde Jerusalem, to understonde, For there the olde gulte was don to slake. Bot the nwe that lyght, of Godes sonde, The apostel in Apocalyppce in theme con take. The Lompe ther wythouten spottes blake Has feryed thyder Hys fayre flote, And as Hys flok is wythouten flake, So is Hys mote wythouten moote. "Of motes two to carpe clene And Jerusalem hyght bothe, nawtheles - That nys to yow no more to mene Bot 'Ceté of God' other 'Syght of Pes' - In that on oure pes was mad at ene. With payne to suffer the Lombe hit chese. In that other is noght bot pes to glene That ay schal laste wythouten reles. That is the borgh that we to pres Fro that oure flesch be layd to rote; Ther glory and blysse schal ever encres To the meyny that is wythouten mote." "Moteles may, so meke and mylde," Then sayde I to that lufly flor, "Bryng me to that bygly bylde And let me se thy blysful bor." That schene sayde, "That God wyl schylde! Thou may not enter wythinne Hys tor. Bot of the Lombe I have thee aquylde For a syght therof thurgh gret favor. Utwyth to se that clene cloystor Thou may, bot inwyth not a fote; To strech in the strete thou has no vygour Bot thou wer clene wythouten mote. 17 "If I this mote thee schal unhyde, Bow up towarde thys bornes heved, And I anendes thee on thys syde Schal sue tyl thou to a hil be veved." Then wolde I no lenger byde, Bot lurked by launces so lufly leved Tyl, on a hyl, that I asspyed, And blusched on the burghe as I forth dreved. Byyonde the brok, fro me warde keved That schyrrer then sunne wyth schaftes schon. 41 In the Apokalypce is the fasoun preved As devyses hit the apostel John. As John the apostel hit syy with syght, I syye that cyty of gret renoun, Jerusalem so nwe and ryally dyght As hit was lyght fro the heven adoun. The borgh was al of brende golde bryght, As glemande glas burnist broun - Wyth gentyl gemmes anunder pyght, Wyth bauteles twelve on basyng boun, The foundementes twelve of riche tenoun. Uch tabelment was a serlypes ston, As derely devyses this ilke toun In Apocalyppes the apostel John. As John thise stones in Writ con nemme, I knew the name after his tale: Jasper hyght the fyrste gemme That I on fyrst basse con wale. He glente grene in the lowest hemme; Saffer helde the secounde stale. The calsydoyne thenne wythouten wemme, In the thrydde table con purly pale. The emerade, the furthe, so grene of scale; The sardonyse, the fyfthe ston, The sexte, the rybé, he con hit wale In the Apocalyppce the apostel John. Yet joyned John the crysolyt The seventhe gemme in fundament; The aghtthe, the beryl cler and quyt, The topasye twynne-hew, the nente endent. The crysopase, the tenthe is tyght, The jacyngh, the enleventhe gent. The twelfthe, the tryeste in uch a plyt, The amatyst, purpre wyth ynde blente. The wal abof the bautels bent Of jasporye as glas that glysnande schon. I knew hit by his devysement In the Apocalyppes, the apostel John. As John devysed yet saw I thare; Thise twelve degres wern brode and stayre. The cyté stod abof ful sware, As longe, as brode, as hyghe ful fayre; The stretes of golde as glasse al bare - The wal of jasper that glent as glayre - The wones wythinne enurned ware Wyth alle kynnes perre that moght repayre. Thenne helde uch sware of this manayre Twelve forlonge space, er ever hit fon, Of heght, of brede, of lenthe to cayre, For meten hit syy the apostel John. 18 As John hym wrytes yet more I syye; Uch pane of that place had thre gates, So twelve in poursent I con asspye. The portales pyked of ryche plates And uch gate of a margyrye, A parfyt perle that never fates. Uchon in scrypture a name con plye Of Israel barnes, folewande her dates - That is to say, as her byrth-whates. The aldest ay fyrst theron was done. Such lyght ther lemed in alle the strates, Hem nedde nawther sunne ne mone. Of sunne ne mone had thay no nede; The selfe God was her lambe-lyght, The Lombe her lantyrne, wythouten drede. Thurgh Hym blysned the borgh al bryght. Thurgh wowe and won my lokyng yede, For sotyle cler noght lette no syght. 42 The hyghe trone ther moght ye hede Wyth alle the apparaylmente umbepyghte, As John the appostel in termes tyghte; The hyghe Godes self hit set upone. A rever of the trone ther ran outryghte Was bryghter then bothe the sunne and mone. Sunne ne mone schon never so swete As that foysoun flode out of that flet; Swythe hit swange thurgh uch a strete Wythouten fylthe other galle other glet. Kyrk therinne was non yete - Chapel ne temple that ever was set. The Almyghty was her mynster mete, The Lombe the sakerfyse ther to refet. The gates stoken was never yet, Bot ever more upen at uche a lone. Ther entres non to take reset That beres any spot anunder mone. The mone may therof acroche no myghte; To spotty ho is, of body to grym, And also ther ne is never nyght. What schulde the mone ther compas clym And to even wyth that worthly lyght 43 That schynes upon the brokes brym? The planetes arn in to pouer a plyght And the selfe sunne ful fer to dym. Aboute that water arn tres ful schym That twelve frytes of lyf con bere ful sone; Twelve sythes on yer thay beren ful frym And renowles nwe in uche a mone. Anundre mone so gret merwayle No fleschly hert ne myght endeure As quen I blusched upon that bayle, So ferly therof was the fasure. I stod as stylle as dased quayle For ferly of that freuch fygure, That felde I nawther reste ne travayle So was I ravyste wyth glymme pure. For I dar say, wyth conciens sure, Hade bodyly burne abiden that bone, Thagh alle clerkes hym hade in cure His lyf wer loste anunder mone. 19 Ryght as the maynful mone con rys Er thenne the day-glem dryve al doun, 44 So sodanly on a wonder wyse I was war of a prosessyoun. This noble cité of ryche enpryse Was sodanly ful, wythouten sommoun, Of such vergynes in the same gyse That was my blysful anunder croun. And coronde wern alle of the same fasoun, Depaynt in perles and wedes qwyte. In uchones breste was bounden boun The blysfyl perle with gret delyt. With gret delyt thay glod in fere On golden gates that glent as glasse. Hundreth thowsandes, I wot ther were, And alle in sute her livrés wasse; Tor to knaw the gladdest chere. The Lombe byfore con proudly passe Wyth hornes seven of red golde cler. As praysed perles His wedes wasse. Towarde the throne thay trone a tras. Thagh thay wern fele, no pres in plyt, 45 Bot mylde as maydenes seme at mas So drov thay forth with gret delyt. Delyt that hys come encroched, To much it were of for to melle. Thise aldermen, quen he aproched, Grovelyng to his fete thay felle. Legyounes of aungeles, togeder voched, Ther kesten ensens of swete smelle. Then glory and gle was nwe abroched; Al songe to love that gay juelle. The steven moght stryke thurgh the urthe to helle That the Vertues of heven of joye endyte. To love the Lombe His meyny in-melle, Iwysse I laght a gret delyt. Delit the Lombe for to devise With much mervayle in mynde went, Best was He, blythest, and moste to pryse That ever I herde of speche spent. So worthly whyt wern wedes Hys, His lokes symple, Hymself so gent; Bot a wounde ful wyde and weete con wyse Anende Hys hert thurgh hyde torente. Of His quyte syde his blod outsprent. Alas, thoght I, who did that spyt? Ani breste for bale aght haf forbrent Er he therto hade had delyt. 46 The Lombe delyt, non lyste to wene; Thagh He were hurt and wounde hade, In His sembelaunt was never sene, So wern His glentes gloryous glade. I loked among His meyny schene, How thay wyth lyf wern laste and lade. Then saw I ther my lyttel quene That I wende had standen by me in sclade. Lorde, much of mirthe was that ho made Among her feres that was so quyt! That syght me gart to thenk to wade For luf longyng in gret delyt. 20 Delyt me drof in yye and ere - My manes mynde to maddyng malte. Quen I sey my frely, I wolde be there Byyonde the water, thagh ho were walte. I thoght that no thyng myght me dere, To fech me bur and take me halte, And to start in the strem schulde non me stere To swymme the remnaunt, thagh I ther swalte. Bot of that munt I was bitalt. When I schulde start in the strem astraye, Out of that caste I was bycalt; Hit was not at my Prynces paye. Hit payed Hym not that I so flonc Over mervelous meres so mad arayde. Of raas, thagh I were rasch and ronk, Yet rapely therinne I was restayed. For ryght as I sparred unto the bonc, That brathe out of my drem me brayde. Then wakned I in that erber wlonk; My hede upon that hylle was layde Ther as my perle to grounde strayd. I raxled and fel in gret affray, And sykyng to myself I sayd, "Now al be to that Prynces paye." Me payed ful ille to be outfleme So sodenly of that fayre regioun - Fro alle tho syghtes so quyke and queme. A longeyng hevy me strok in swone, And rewfully thenne I con toreme, "O perle," quoth I, "of rych renoun, So was hit me dere that thou con deme In thys veray avysyoun! If hit be veray and soth sermoun That thou so stykes in garlande gay, So wel is me in thys doel-doungoun That thou art to that Prynses paye." To that Prynces paye hade I ay bente And yerned no more then was me gyven, And halden me ther in trwe entent As the perle me prayed that was so thryven - As helde, drawen to Goddes present, To mo of His mysterys I hade ben dryven. Bot ay wolde man of happe more hente Then moghten by ryght upon hem clyven. 47 Therfore my joye was sone toriven And I kaste of kythes that lastes aye. Lorde, mad hit arn that agayn Thee stryven Other proferen Thee oght agayn Thy paye. To pay the Prince other sete saghte, Hit is ful ethe to the god Krystyin. For I haf founden Hym, bothe day and naghte, A God, a Lorde, a frende ful fyin. Over this hyul this lote I laghte 48 For pyty of my perle enclyin; And sythen to God I hit bytaghte In Krystes dere blessyng and myn, That in the forme of bred and wyn The preste uus schewes uch a daye. He gef uus to be His homly hyne 49 And precious perles unto His pay. Amen Amen |
pleasing; pleasure; (see note) To set elegantly; (see note) firmly; (see note) I never discovered; equal; (see note) lovely; each setting; (see note) (see note) Wherever apart as unique; (see note) lost; a garden; (see note) grass; it tumbled from me; (see note) I languish, wounded by unrequited love; (see note) special; (see note) Since; it sprang from me increase my luck; well-being (see note) I thought; (see note) As a still time let steal over me Indeed; flew; many [songs] dirt earth; mar a pretty; (see note) spice plants must be overgrown; (see note) Where; are run; (see note) white must shine; brightly against; (see note) withered; (see note) Where it sank in clods of brown earth each plant must; from dead seed; (see note) each good thing; always begun lovely; could not fail springing; would not shoot up; (see note) describe festival; (see note) cut; sickles sharp mound where plants; bright; shining Gillyflower, ginger; gromwell; (see note) peonies; everywhere; (see note) lovely to look on; (see note) lovely fragrance also; floated; (see note) lives; noble one; believe and know; (see note) clasped; (see note) seized on me desolating grief; lay deep Though reason would have reconciled me mourned; trapped; (see note) With vehement arguments that contended fiercely; (see note) nature; taught will; struggled turf brains slid; sudden sleep; (see note) (see note) (see note) mound; remained; dream; (see note) spirit quest; marvels happen did not know; where; was But I knew myself cast where cliffs cleave made my way to be seen; (see note) believe gleaming; glinted For never were fabrics that people weave; (see note) adornment; (see note) Adorned were; hillsides bright by nature Woods; them lie tree trunks; indigo (see note) bright patches [of sky] brightly they shone (see note) pale and blind (fig. dark and dim) comparison hills splendid Caused; spirit scents; fruits did completely refresh me Birds; flew; wood together; (see note) glowing colors citole-string; gittern player; (see note) Their lovely; imitate harmony music could; (see note) adorned; manner wood; takes splendor; describe There is no person walk; blissful state hill; hindrance further; fairer; (see note) field (see note) gold thread their streamlets glistened; (see note) came; flows lovely was its adornment splendid depths banks pleasing Swirling bottom; stood; staring; (see note) flashes through glass; glinted (see note) pebble; pool; fixed; (see note) sapphire; noble pool gleamed; (see note) hill lovely meadows; (see note) Built up; sorrows Abolished; distress continually flows went; brimful further; watery stirs she wishes; (see note) she; sorrow person; she sends; (see note) Seeks; (see note) happiness; state could; leisure had; (see note) be adequate part; delights Therefore over against; broad; (see note) (see note) slope; valley believed; walled city was situated; (see note) ever I longed always; (see note) still more I desired; beyond the brook where I was going Even lovelier; more distant did I stop ford; eagerly I tried dangers; more indeed further; stepped; shore (see note) matter came to my notice moved stunned my reason saw; pleasant water shining splendid; rose up from it child; (see note) courtesy; gracious Gleaming; silk clothing before can cut; (see note) fair [maiden]; at the foot of the cliff; (see note) For a long time; at her examined after; noticed gladdening; glided As a little before used to [come to me]; (see note) desire drove me shock gave; blow saw blow; stun my heart raises she; forehead face; polished ivory dazed in bewilderment; (see note) More than I wished my fear arose dared eyes courtly; (see note) thought; spiritual; quarry; (see note) concerning what escaped; looked at for a meeting; stop [for a moment] lovely [creature]; flaw seemly being; decorated; (see note) There might one by good fortune have seen fair; lily (i.e., lovely one) bank came directly beautiful garment; (see note) Open; beautifully loveliest pearls, in my opinion ; (see note) (see note) hanging sleeves; believe and know; (see note) Adorned; trimmed kirtle; matching Adorned; trimmed wore pearls [With] high pinnacles With perfect flowers figured upon it On her head; covering hair-enclosure; all around; (see note) dignified; duke or earl complexion; white hair lay unbound loosely wide collar; nothing; (see note) embroidered border wristband wrist; sides; [neck] opening burnished white blemish In the middle of man's judgment; be utterly baffled Before his mind might take its measure (see note) precious being; (see note) across the stream man from here to Greece when she was on the bank nearer to me; (see note) therefore addressed me; creature; (see note) Bowing; in woman's counsel; (see note) Took off greeted; glad word born answer; sweet one (see note) mourned Grieved; me alone at concealed; (see note) glittered away from me; (see note) Sorrowful, broken; wasted away pleasure joyful land; untroubled fate; here; brought put; sorrow; heartache; (see note) Since we were forced apart and separated (see note) elegant Raised; face; (see note) did she distorted strong box so handsomely riveted; (see note) So as to be in this garden a gracious fair one ; (see note) stay Where neither loss nor mourning; (see note) Here would be a coffer for you, truly was dear to you And trouble yourself about a fleeting course that which you lost as nature allowed it chest; enclosed; (see note) has proved to be fate (see note) remedy for your misfortune courteous visitor/story; (see note) words Well; excellent one dispel believed; out of existence rejoice; (see note) live; bright groves praise near; (see note) with; waves (see note) Why joke at the same time Ill-considered, truly has fled believe; valley live third; noble what he sees with [his] eyes; (see note) believes faithfully promised (see note) of pride ill-befit believe; test individual reason; judge; (see note) have conversed address dwell; realm you ought to permission wish over; pass First; submit to another plan; (see note) body; ground; sink more coldly ruined; grove abused Each man must make his way through dire death; (see note) water; God allows Condemn grief; pine away found; lost again; before ever I die pain makes; weep; (see note) again; pains lose deprived; (see note) What may men expect but endless grief grief-sorrow person cross yourself (see note) cress (i.e., not a straw) Whoever must suffer should not be so stubborn writhe; doe; (see note) Struggle; agonies wild further accuse He will not turn aside a foot from the path rewards increase; (see note) Even if you in [your] sorrow Stop complaining; quit wrangling; (see note) seek; mercy; swiftly and earnestly penetrate So that; powers show misery relieve And your sorrows quickly drive off; (see note) [whether you] lament; rave, mourn; mutter; (see note) lies said Let it be no offense to my Lord rashly; stumbling; speech; (see note) loss afflicted welling; spring; (see note) put myself; mercy cruel go wrong; gold-adorned [one]; (see note) send; (see note) You made sorrow familiar to me You who ever were grief Since; removed; path; (see note) knew never where softens; sorrow were parted angry (see note) can speak; (see note) dust; manners lack; (see note) blended; (see note) sorrowfully dejected notice suffer; sorrows burning presence i.e., all the time glad; rank Has become [one of] honor highway; (see note) at the ground of; (see note) Now happiness, man, may come to you lovely [one]; limb; face (see note) Arrogant assure; fiercely complaining devout; total demeanor; (see note) station; (see note) know; fell dwell continue; (see note) endowed with; inheritance beloved; wholly; (see note) maiden; honored one; lineage; (see note) Blissful one Do not be displeased believe; from whom grace grew child; (see note) remove Unless she surpassed her in some noble quality singularity of; sweetness Phoenix; (see note) flawless; from her creator; (see note) (see note) (see note) covering; (see note) Spotless; maiden paused after that interval many strive [for] here and receive a prize usurpers empress; (see note) Both; realm Yet from inheritance will she drive no one living; (see note) its own nature realm dispossess each one glad; possession; (see note) group (see note) head; navel Are joined to; faithfully; (see note) soul; (see note) A limb belonging; spiritual mysteries rancor attached; between; (see note) resentment; spite ring (or bracelet) behave; love and desire believe; (see note) But that my words may not offend you (see note) too; exalt (yourself); (see note) yourself queen steadfastly all his life torment to buy himself happiness he receive; (see note) Than to be crowned king through courtesy; (see note) too liberal in action land never knew how to Paternoster nor Creed; (see note) queen made; (see note) believe, so God me speed (mild oath) turn; wrongly away [from right] Or else; lesser exalted; goal limit person ordains tells; Mass; (see note) truthful parable; aptly conceive; (see note) bright on high vineyard, I know (interj.) season was come cultivate; good; season; (see note) these households; (see note) hire They come to an agreement penny a day; (see note) Toil; labor Cut; tie up; make it secure; (see note) I.e., Do you not know what time it is? Before dawn; come together; given anything at all Go; do what firm (i.e., a contract) (see note) (see note) worked went his way new; (see note) Almost until time; (see note) One hour saw tone; (see note) their hire; arranged laborers; (see note) what you can dark (see note) pay daytime was all over knew overseer; My good man; hired hands; (see note) payment; (see note) further; find fault with me; (see note) row alike (see note) reach complain worked; (see note) a single hour; worked ought deserved, we think heat (see note) make them equal to us one of those; (see note) loss; grant; (see note) Since; all together Why; complain contract then (see note) Moreover, is not my own right to give lawful; (see note) my own whatever pleases me Or else is your eye turned to evil (i.e., bitterness) Because; cheat no one arrange who comes; (see note) however swift he is chosen [ones]; (see note) share always get expend; (see note) bloom of life people If they asked for an award according to justice Even though I began just now; (see note) My Lord thought of my wages first immediately in full time toiled; sweated; long before; (see note) That still received nothing for their work Maybe nothing; for a long time; (see note) spoke; plainly prompt; supreme Psalter; verse plain (open) definite reward each according to supreme; (see note) kingdom exists (lies) no uncertainty fully; (see note) Ruler; skinflint pours out; dike (see note) will be withheld But now you argue, in order to shame me wrongly taken (see note) reward; (see note) (see note) some kind of way reward more often; older left; did wrong guide lineage baptism; descend (see note) servants command; there (i.e., the vineyard) recognize them according to the first contract; (see note) it is well known first food die in grief go to hell's heat But for it came a remedy immediately; (see note) Cross so cruel precious; plight grew flowed; (see note) redeemed (see note) spear; sharpened guilts cruel With which Adam drowned us in death; (see note) he (Adam) took away blessed hour grief; must it implore endure; penalty; set that cannot deviate from justice; (see note) judgment guiltless; punished guilty; grasp thrust (see note) (see note) God is to save two men, for certain; (see note) (see note) innocent man; to Psalter; passage; (see note) (see note) remain fixed; (see note) fine stronghold their (i.e., his) life backbites; (see note) righteous one, says Solomon; (see note) naturally our Wisdom welcomed him; (see note) led; (see note) kingdom Like one who says; realm brave assuredly; risk Concerning; man; (see note) Psalter; saw; (see note) (see note) (see note) (see note) If you plead righteousness; trapped ; (see note) observed Cross Painfully; pierced Should allow you to go free Correctly Let him look; instructed Himself walked in olden times; (see note) people their children; brought luck and healing (coll. good luck); went (see note) disciples sharply; commanded them; (see note) their objections many [people] restrained to them come gentle ones; (see note) kingdom; person polluting knock; building Instantly cannot cease gems precious; (see note) wool and linen spotless peerless; (see note) For which the jeweler gave all his goods realm of heaven; (see note) land; sea spotless serene; character (see note) exactly; (see note) advise; senseless face; (see note) learning Speaks of the nature of these properties; (see note) angelic bearing; refined Tell; oyster; (see note) remedy wet; (see note) beatitude sweetheart; (see note) stain also clothing; dais adorned; (see note) bride; brightly; shines; (see note) royal honors; abundant kind of wife climbed queenly So many a beauty (lit. fair one under headdress); (see note) (see note) And you drive out all those worthy ones exclude; (see note) Except for; strong; firm stain honor maintain said wives; (see note) in company; (see note) saw; throng knoll hilltop (see note) discuss kind sweetheart noble spoke humility kill charge (e.g., criminal) slaughter; led shearers; takes hold of; (see note) (see note) (see note) slit open on Cross by thugs Ready to take on all our troubles scourged as nothing; (see note) That never had any Himself stretched; strong lamb; (see note) died (see note) Where; (see note) agreed with Isaiah; (see note) went towards him heavy (see note) committed; (see note) And yet; claimed ancestry; recount (see note) revealed i.e., both manner; demeanor third; fully consistent; (see note) clearly Amid; where; sat very clearly; (see note) Opening; leaves (pages) square; (see note) seals; on the border; (see note) creature bowed down patch; (see note) white bright To which neither spot nor stain might adhere; (see note) white; abundant stain supply [of wives] dispute; (see note) But each one singly we would wish were five thrives Less; no one (see note) bodies cry out; pity We have complete understanding cast out; (see note) feast Each one's; intense And yet never is one's honor any the less (see note) a passage saw; (see note) lovely; noble (see note) found cry; then; (see note) (see note) rolls; thunderheads dark clamor I believe rang out din of voices utter wonderfully delightful melodious; discourse melodies; sang together throne obey; (see note) elders; dignified; expression Their skillful phrase (of music) Except for the retinue that follow the Lamb; (see note) redeemed; earth far removed (see note) they are joined; (see note) voice; sound; (see note) lying retinue; depart Never consider my gratitude any the less interrogate test; superb chosen dust; (see note) noble; splendid shore (bank) life's pleasures gracious one, that encloses simplicity blustery; churl; (see note) request prevail; (see note) call upon If you can see [how] it may be done Refuse; request residences manor; live; (see note) kingdom royal Where; placed; (see note) woods; be situated enterprise ; (see note) spotless under the moon; (see note) dwellings; stain company; do speak of; (see note) thronged; retinue many must I.e., It were unfortunate if they should be outside did stroll building; (see note) believe; linger; bow low stream; (see note) stately; (see note) lead; city/castle Judea sought out pain that is to say brought to an end But the new that descended, of God's sending; (see note) as a theme Lamb/Lamp; (see note) carried; flock blemish court; stain expound were named That is to mean to you no more than; (see note) In that one our peace was made secure; (see note) chose it glean end city; hurry toward Since; (see note) Spotless maiden flower pleasant dwelling bower shining one; prevent stronghold petitioned; (see note) From outside; (see note) within; smidgen; (see note) go Unless city; reveal Go; stream's head opposite follow; brought (see note) moved furtively past branches; leafed Until, from a hill, I saw [it]; (see note) gazed; city; went form shown describes royally adorned As [if] it had descended pure burnished bright underneath With twelve arches arranged on the foundation; (see note) tiers; joinery work Each tier (of foundation); single; (see note) same town; (see note) Scripture; named; (see note) account; (see note) was called; (see note) base perceived It; step Sapphire; place chalcedony; flaw; (see note) translucently gleamed; (see note) facet sardonyx ruby; perceive; (see note) chrysolite eighth; white ninth inlaid; (see note) cyrosophrase; fastened jacinth; eleventh noble; (see note) truest; array; (see note) indigo blended arches curved; (see note) jasper; (see note) description steps; steep square clear shone; enamel; (see note) decorated; (see note) kinds gems; be there; (see note) square furlong; ended; (see note) traverse measured; saw; (see note) side enclosing wall; (see note) adorned; metal plates; (see note) pearl fades Each one; inscription expressed children, according to their fortunes of birth; (see note) oldest always first was done (written) thereon gleamed; streets They needed lamplight; (see note) doubt shone wall; dwelling; went (see note) observe the hosts of heaven arranged around; (see note) expressly expounded Himself river from copious; room; (see note) Swiftly; rushed slime Church; moreover built temple fitting; (see note) refresh; (see note) shut open; roadway no one; refuge moon; steal; (see note) dull river's surface (see note) bright; (see note) fruits; quickly times; abundantly renew (see note) when I gazed; castle wall; (see note) marvelous; appearance In amazement; vivid vision; (see note) So that I felt radiance conviction Had a man in the body experienced that boon learned men; care (see note) powerful; (see note) sinks wonderful way aware renown; (see note) (see note) (see note) [maiden] beneath Adorned; clothes white fastened firmly (see note) proceeded together streets; (see note) (see note) alike their livery; (see note) Difficult (see note) (see note) precious; (see note) made their way moved coming brought; (see note) explain elders Prostrate summoned scattered incense poured out worship sound; earth; (see note) Which the Virtues of heaven chant in joy; (see note) retinue among Truly I took contemplate to esteem described in speech (see note) wet/bloody showed; (see note) Near; torn gushed out outrage No one would doubt the Lamb's delight glances shining charged; filled believed; valley she companions; white made me; wade [across] eye human; madness dissolved saw; noble one chosen; (see note) hinder; (see note) deal a blow; hold me back plunge; restrain died aim; shaken impetuously intention; summoned pleasure pleased; would fling myself waters In rushing; impetuous quickly; checked sprang; bank violence; yanked; (see note) garden lovely awoke; agitation; (see note) sighing driven out vivid; pleasant; (see note) swoon sorrowfully; cried out spoke of true vision true speech; (see note) who are set; (see note) submitted yearned; (see note) lovely As most likely; presence brought (see note) torn apart cast from lands that last forever they are offer You anything please; to be reconciled easy night most excellent (see note) humble; (see note) committed it mine; (see note) (see note) (see note) |