5 10 15 20 25 30 35 |
Listen, lords, great and small, What adventures did befall In England, where hath beene Of knights that held the Round Table Which were doughty and profittable, Of kempys cruell and keene. All England, both East and West, Lords and ladyes of the best, They busked and made them bowne. And when the King sate in seate - Lords served him att his meate - Into the hall a burne there came. He was not hye, but he was broad, And like a Turke he was made Both legg and thye; And said, "Is there any will, as a brother, To give a buffett and take another? And iff any soe hardy bee?" Then spake Sir Kay, that crabbed knight, And said "Man, thou seemest not soe wight, If thou be not adread. For there beene knights within this hall With a buffett will garr thee fall, And grope thee to the ground. "Give thou be never soe stalworth of hand I shall bring thee to the ground, That dare I safely sweare." Then spake Sir Gawaine, that worthy knight, Saith, "Cozen Kay, thou speakest not right - Lewd is thy answere! "What and that man want of his witt? Then litle worshipp were to thee pitt If thou shold him forefore." Then spake the Turke with words thraw, Saith, "Come the better of your tow, Though ye be breme as bore . . . |
there were (once) [Some] knights stalwart and worthy warriors fierce and courageous [Throughout] came and went sat; (see note) warrior; (see note) tall (i.e., a pagan) thigh who wishes through mutual consent blow Might there be; (see note) sulky powerful Given that make drop If; ever so stalwart; (see note) overcome you Cousin Uncouth What if; be deficient in honor; allotted destroy angry two; (see note) fierce as a wild boar |
[At this point about half a page of the story is missing; Gawain enters into a sworn agreement to trade blows (apparently without weapons) with the Turk. He strikes his blow, but the return blow by the Turk is postponed.] |
40 45 50 55 60 65 70 |
"This buffett thou hast . . . Well quitt that it shall be. And yett I shall make thee thrise as feard As ever was man on middlearth, This Court againe ere thou see." Then said Gawaine, "My truth I plight, I dare goe with thee full right, And never from thee flye; I will never flee from noe adventure, Justing, nor noe other turnament, Whilest I may live on lee." The Turke tooke leave of King with crowne; Sir Gawaine made him ready bowne, His armor and his steed. They rode northwards two dayes and more. By then Sir Gawaine hungred sore; Of meate and drinke he had great need. The Turke wist Gawaine had need of meate, And spake to him with words great, Hawtinge uppon hee; Says "Gawaine, where is all thy plenty? Yesterday thou wast served with dainty, And noe part thou wold give me, "But with buffett thou did me sore; Therefore thou shalt have mickle care, And adventures shalt thou see. I wold I had King Arthur heere, And many of thy fellowes in fere That behaves to try mastery."1 He led Sir Gawaine to a hill soe plaine. The earth opened and closed againe - Then Gawaine was adread. The merke was comen, and the light is gone: Thundering, lightning, snow, and raine, Therof enough they had. Then spake Sir Gawaine and sighed sore: "Such wether saw I never afore In noe stead there I have beene stood." |
repaid three times as afraid; (see note) (see note) before troth I pledge [That]; resolutely flee Jousts unharmed himself ready for travel (see note) sorely understood Raising himself on high; (see note) riches were; delicacies (see note) made great (see note) together in the open darkness Of those place where; (see note) |
[Again at this point a half page is missing. The storms seem a preliminary test. Gawain endures them, and accepts instruction from the Turk, and is then allowed to proceed to the mysterious castle.] |
75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 |
". . . made them noe answere But only unto mee." To the Castle they then yode. Sir Gawaine light beside his steed, For horsse the Turke had none. There they found chamber, bower, and hall, Richly rayled about with pale, Seemly to look uppon. A bord was spred within that place: All manner of meates and drinkes there was For groomes that might it againe. Sir Gawaine wold have fallen to that fare, The Turke bad him leave for care; Then waxt he unfaine. Gawaine said, "Man, I marvell have That thou may none of these vittells spare, And here is soe great plentye. Yett have I more mervaile, by my fay, That I see neither man nor maid, Woman nor child soe free. "I had lever now att mine owne will Of this fayre meate to eate my fill Then all the gold in Christenty." The Turke went forth, and tarryed nought; Meate and drinke he forth brought, Was seemly for to see. He said, "Eate, Gawaine, and make thee yare. In faith, or thou gett victalls more Thou shalt both swinke and sweate. Eate, Gawaine, and spare thee nought!" Sir Gawaine eate as him good thought, And well he liked his meate. He dranke ale, and after wine. He saith, "I will be att thy bidding baine Without bost or threat. But one thing I wold thee pray: Give me my buffett and let me goe my way. I wold not longer be hereatt. |
(see note) went; (see note) dismounted (see note) arrayed with elegant cloths handsome; (see note) table men; gain taken up that food [But]; refrain because of harm became [Gawain] unhappy am astonished foods dispense faith rather [have]; Christendom ready before; food toil ready Without (need for) |
[Another half page is missing at this point. The Turk refuses to allow Gawain to conclude the bargain by receiving his return blow. Instead he asks that Gawain accompany him to the Isle of Man.] |
115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 |
Ther stood a bote and . . . Sir Gawaine left behind his steed, He might noe other doe. The Turke said to Sir Gawaine, "He shal be here when thou comes againe - I plight my troth to thee - Within an hower, as men tell me." They were sailed over the sea: The Turke said, "Gawaine, hee! "Heere are we withouten scath. But now beginneth the great othe, When we shall adventures see." He lett him see a castle faire; Such a one he never saw yare, Noewher in noe country. The Turke said to Sir Gawaine "Yonder dwells the King of Man, A heathen soldan is hee. "With him he hath a hideous rout Of giants strong and stout And uglie to looke uppon. Whosoever had sought farr and neere As wide as the world were, Such a companye he cold find none. "Many aventures thou shalt see there, Such as thou never saw yare In all the world about. Thou shalt see a tenisse ball That never knight in Arthurs hall Is able to give it a lout. "And other adventures there are moe. Wee shall be assayled ere we goe, Therof have thou noe doute. "But and yee will take to me good heed, I shall helpe you in time of need. For ought I can see There shall be none soe strong in stower But I shall bring thee againe to hi . . . |
boat; (see note) hour hasten; (see note) harm the fulfillment of our compact (see note) before (see note) (see note) sultan throng before tennis ball [so large] blow more absolved (of sin) before; (see note) if anything battle (see note) |
[Another half page is missing here. After these reassurances, Gawain accompanies the Turk into the Castle of the King of Man where he is met with verbal assaults.] |
155 160 165 170 175 180 185 |
. . . "Sir Gawaine stiffe and stowre, How fareth thy unckle King Arthur, And all his company? And that Bishopp Sir Bodwine That will not let my goods alone, But spiteth them every day? "He preached much of a Crowne of Thorne; He shall ban the time that he was borne And ever I catch him may. I anger more att the spiritually In England, not att the temporaltie, They goe soe in theire array. "And I purpose in full great ire To brenn their clergy in a fire And punish them to my pay. Sitt downe, Sir Gawaine, at the bord." Sir Gawaine answered at that word, Saith, "Nay, that may not be, "I trow not a venturous knight shall Sitt downe in a kings hall Adventures or you see." The King said, "Gawaine, faire mot thee fall! Goe feitch me forth my tennisse ball, For play will I and see." They brought it out without doubt. With it came a hideous rout Of gyants great and plenty; All the giants were there then Heire by the halfe then Sir Gawaine, I tell you withouten nay. There were seventeen giants bold of blood, And all thought Gawaine but litle good. When they thought with him to play. All the giants thoughten then To have strucke out Sir Gawaines braine. Help him God that best may! The ball of brasse was made for the giants hand; There was noe man in all England Were able to carry it . . . |
fierce Baldwin; (see note) spoils curse If clergy; (see note) lords lavish clothes intend; wrath burn satisfaction table do not think a daring; (see note) before may good things befall you; (see note) see what happens huge throng Higher; than without doubt (see note) |
[In a missing section, Gawain defeats the giants at tennis with the help of the Turk, who ends by pummeling one of the giants.] |
190 195 200 205 210 215 220 |
. . . and sticked a giant in the hall That grysly can hee grone. The King sayd, "Bray away this axeltree, For such a boy I never see. Yett he shal be assayed better ere he goe - "I told you, soe mote I the - With the three adventure, and then no more Befor me at this tide." Then there stood amongst them all A chimney in the Kings hall With barres mickle of pride. There was laid on in that stond Coales and wood that cost a pound, That upon it did abide. A giant bad Gawaine assay, And said, "Gawaine, begin the play - Thou knowest best how it shold be! And afterwards when thou hast done, I trow you shal be answered soone Either with boy or me. "A great giant, I understand, Lift up the chimney with his hand And sett it downe againe fairly." Sir Gawaine was never soe adread Sith he was man on midle earth, And cryd on God in his thought. Gawaine unto his boy can say "Lift this chimney - if you may - That is soe worthily wrought." Gawaines boy to it did leape, And gatt itt by the bowles great, And about his head he it flang. Thris about his head he it swang That the coals and the red brands . . . |
stabbed gruesomely did Take; staff; (see note) [i.e., the Turk] (see note) may I prosper; (see note) time free-standing fireplace; (see note) iron bars great in strength stand in large quantity lie give it a try matched [i.e., the Turk] [Should be able to] easily since did massively charcoal holders; (see note) flung Thrice; (see note) |
[In a missing half page the Turk completes his victory in the second contest, twirling the hot fireplace above his head. He then clothes himself in a garment of invisibility to accompany Gawain as the King of Man leads him to the final challenge. Here, a giant threatens Gawain.] |
225 230 235 240 245 250 255 260 265 |
". . . saw of mickle might And strong were in battell. "I have slaine them thorrow my mastery, And now, Gawaine, I will slay thee, And then I have slaine all the flower. There went never none againe no tale to tell, Nor more shalt thou, thoe thou be fell, Nor none that longeth to King Arthur." The Turke was clad invissible gay: No man cold see him withouten nay, He was cladd in such a weede. He heard their talking lesse and more: And yet he thought they shold find him there When they shold do that deed. Then he led him into steddie Werhas was a boyling leade, And welling uppon hie: And before it a giant did stand With an iron forke in his hand, That hideous was to see. The giant that looked soe keene That before Sir Gawaine had never seene Noe where in noe country. The King saide to the giant thoe, "Here is none but wee tow; Let see how best may bee." When the giant saw Gawaines boy there was, He leapt and threw, and cryed "Alas, That he came in that stead!" Sir Gawaines boy to him lept, And with strenght up him gett, And cast him in the lead. With an iron forke made of steele He held him downe wondorous weele, Till he was scalded to the dead. Then Sir Gawaine unto the King can say, "Without thou wilt agree unto our law, Eatein is all thy bread." The King spitt on Gawaine the knight. With that the Turke hent him upright And into the fyer him flang, And saide to Sir Gawaine at the last, "Noe force, Master, all the perill is past! Thinke not we tarrie too longe . . . |
great (i.e., other knights); (see note) elite (of chivalry) none ever returned Any more than; though; fierce belong clothed with wonderful invisibility; (see note) without doubt garment altogether feel his presence (i.e., the King led Gawain); a spot Where; [cauldron of] molten lead seething fierce [one so fierce] then two do your best (see note) writhed this place took well; (see note) death did Unless (i.e., your time is up); (see note) (see note) seized him as he stood fire No worry |
[In a missing half page, Gawain and the Turk apparently move quickly to another part of the Castle, where captives have been magically imprisoned. The Turk then, instead of taking the return blow at Gawain to which he is entitled, requests that Gawain deliver a sword stroke that would behead him.] |
270 275 280 285 290 295 300 305 310 |
He tooke forth a bason of gold As an Emperour washe shold, As fell for his degree. He tooke a sword of mettle free, Saies "If ever I did any thing for thee, Doe for me in this stead: Take here this sword of steele That in battell will bite weele, Therwith strike of my head." "That I forefend!" said Sir Gawaine, "For I wold not have thee slaine For all the gold soe red." "Have done, Sir Gawaine! I have no dread. But in this bason let me bleed, That standeth here in this steed, "And thou shalt see a new play, With helpe of Mary that mild mayd That saved us from all dread." He drew forth the brand of steele That in battell bite wold weele, And there stroke of his head. And when the blood in the bason light, He stood up a stalwortht Knight That day, I undertake, And song "'Te Deum Laudamus' - Worshipp be to our Lord Jesus That saved us from all wracke! "A! Sir Gawaine! Blessed thou be! For all the service I have don thee, Thou hast well quitt it me." Then he tooke him by the hand, And many a worthy man they fand That before they never see. He said, "Sir Gawaine, withouten threat Sitt downe boldly at thy meate, And I will eate with thee. Ladyes all, be of good cheere: Eche ane shall wend to his owne deer In all hast that may be. "First we will to King Arthurs hall, And soone after your husbands send we shall In country where they beene; There they wold . . . abide. |
basin Such as; (see note) it suited his rank metal noble; (see note) [And] says Help me; case [And] with it; off forbid Enough place turn of events off fell dare say sang; (see note) ruin repaid encountered; (see note) had seen with all courtesy; (see note) one; go; dear haste have lived (see note) |
[In another missing section, the process of liberating the chivalric captives continues with the return to Arthur's court.] |
315 320 325 330 335 |
"Thus we have brought seventeen ladys cleere That there were left in great danger, And we have brought them out." Then sent they for theire husbands swithe, And every one tooke his oune wife, And lowlye can they lowte, And thanked the two knights and the King, And said they wold be at theire bidding In all England about. Sir Gromer kneeld upon his knee, Saith "Sir King, and your wil be, Crowne Gawaine King of Man." Sir Gawaine kneeld downe by, And said "Lord, nay, not I; Give it him, for he it wan. "For I never purposed to be noe King, Never in all my livinge, Whilest I am a living man." He said, "Sir Gromer, take it thee, For Gawaine will never King bee For no craft that I can." Thus endeth the tale that I of meane, Of Arthur and his knightes keene That hardy were and free. God give them good life far and neere That such talking loves to heere! Amen for Charity! Fins. |
handsome quickly own humbly did they bow (see note) (see note) if it be your will [of the Isle] of Man next to Sir Gromer (i.e., Arthur); for yourself argument I may make had in mind to them (i.e., the audience) The end |