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Appendix: Rubrics from Weydenbosch, Antidotarius Animae

Rubrics from Weydenbosch, Antidotarius Animae. The Hague, Koninklijke Bibliotheek, 150 E 23, fols. 18r–33v.

[fol. 18r] Sequuntur orationes seu contemplationes multum devote cum gratiarum actionibus de omnibus beneficiis a deo humano generi impensis et spetialiter in opere nostre redemptionis incarnationis et passionis christi.

  1. Primo ponitur oratio excitativa humane mentis ad laudandum deum.
  2. Laus sancte trinitatis propter seipsam.
  3. [fol. 18v] De creatione celi et terre et omnium que in eis sunt.
  4. De creatione hominis et lapsu eius miserabili.
  5. De reparatione hominis et permissione adventus christi.
  6. [fol. 19r] De redemptione humani generis per verbi incarnati misterium.
  7. [fol. 19v] De electione gloriosissime virgis Marie in matrem divini et mirabili conceptione christi.
  8. De cooperatione omnium trium personatum in divinis quo ad mysterium incarnationis.
  9. [fol. 20r] De virtutibus beatem Marie virginis quibus mervit esse mater domini.
  10. De nativitate et paupertate Jesu.
  11. De diversis incommodis indigentiis infantilibus de quibus vagitibus: lactatione et nutritione esurientis Jesu.
  12. [fol. 20v] De dolorosa circumcisione innocentis Jesu, et de nova impositione dulcissimi nominis eius.
  13. De apparitione Jesu et devota sanctorum regum oblatione, purificatione beate Marie, et presentatione pueri Jesu in templo.
  14. De persecutione Jhesum fuga eius in egyptum, et de sanctis innocentibus ab herode occisia.
  15. [fol. 21r] De inventione Jesu in templo, et de sancta et occulta vita eius.
  16. De baptismo Jesu et eius ieiunio in deserto.
  17. [fol. 21v] De predicatione et salutari doctrina domini Jhesu deque gloriosis eius signis, exemplis, ac bonis moribus, variis quibus tribulationibus in hic mundo.
  18. [fol. 22r] De resuscitatione laszari et humili ingressu in civitate hierusalem in die palmatorum, et ejectione vendentium et ementium de templo.
  19. [fol. 22v] De consilio judeorum adversus christum, et de eius venditione de que eius cena novissima ablutione pedum et sacramenti eucharistie institutione.
  20. [fol. 23r] De sermone domini Jesu habito cum discipulis post cena.
  21. [fol. 23v] De oratione Jesu pro discipulis ac de egressu eius in montem oliveti, de quem pavorem eius et tristicia et trina oratione ad patrem ac sudore sanguineo.
  22. [fol. 24r] De spontaneo transitu Jesu ad passionem, ipsi usquam traditione per Judam traditorem, et de sanatione servi cui abscidit Petrus auriculam.
  23. [fol. 24v] De derelictione Jesu in manu hostili, fuga discipulorum, de quam dira comprehensione alligationem et deductione eius ad Annam sacerdotem et Caypham et de percussione et consputione eius.
  24. [fol. 25v] De presentatione vincti Jesu coram pylato, et de irrisione eius ab herode et exercitu eius de que improbo clamore judeorum “crucifige eum,” et de expoliatione et flagellatione eius.
  25. [fol. 26v] De expoliatione, illusione, coronatione, et percussione capitis Jesu.
  26. [fol. 27r] De injusta condemnatione Jesu ad morte crucis.
  27. [fol. 27v] De bajulatione crucis ad locus Calvarie et crucifixione Jesu.
  28. [fol. 28r] De vulneratione ac extentione Jesu Christi in cruce, et de supplicatione per inimicis suis.
  29. [fol. 28v] De obprobriis judeorum et contumeliis exhibitis Jesu in cruce, et de verbo ad latronem in crucem dicto.
  30. [fol. 29r] De compassione virginis et matris Marie, et mutua commendatione eius Johanni.
  31. [fol. 29v] De valido clamore Jesum cruce “hely hely lamazabathani.”
  32. De tribus horis quibua pende|bat [fol. 30r] Jesus vivens in cruce, et de multiplicibus opprobriis et contumeliis ibidem passis.
  33. [fol. 30v] De siti Iesu in cruce et amaro eius poculo, de quo verbo consummationis et expiratione Jesu.
  34. De miraculis quod contigerunt in passione domini, et de dira perferatione lateris Jesu.
  35. [fol. 31r] De eo quo corpus Jesu iam mortuum tribus horis pependit in cruce.
  36. [fol. 31v] De depositione Jesu de cruce et veneranda sepultura eius, et de descensu anime Jesu ab inferna et patrum inde liberatione.
  37. [fol. 32r] De gloriosa resurrectione domini Jesu, et eius multiformi apparitione et familiari convictu et loquela cum discipulis.
  38. [fol. 32v] De admirabili ascensione domini Jesu.
  39. De missione sancti spiritus in die sancto penthecostes.
  40. De sancto adventu domini Jesu ad judicium et de condigna remuneratione et glorificatione justorum et de punitione impiorum.
  41. [fol. 33r] Graciarium actiones de singulis beneficiis particularibus alicui homini singulari a deo impensis.

[fol. 33v] Explicit totus processus de vita passione resurrectione et ascensione domini nostri Jesu Christi necnon spiritus sancti missione. Omnibus quod aliis beneficiis homini a deo collatis.

There follow most devout prayers or contemplations, with pleas of thankfulness for all the benefits given to humankind by God and — especially useful for our redemption — on the Incarnation and Passion of Christ.

  1. First is set a prayer exciting the human mind to praise for God.
  2. Praise for the Holy Trinity in its own right.
  3. On the creation of heaven and all that is in it.
  4. On the creation of man and his wretched fall.
  5. On the renewal of humanity and granting of Christ’s arrival.
  6. On the redemption of humankind through the mystery of the Incarnation of the Word.
  7. On the selection of the most glorious Virgin Mary as mother of God and the miraculous conception of Christ.
  8. On the collaboration of all three divine persons in the mystery of the Incarnation.
  9. On the virtues of the Blessed Virgin Mary by which she deserved to be mother of the lord.
  10. On the birth and the poverty of Jesus.
  11. On the various troublesome hardships of the infant Jesus; on his cries, suckling, and ravenous feeding.
  12. On the doleful circumcision of the innocent Jesus, and on the new application of his sweetest name.
  13. On the appearance of Jesus and the devout Oblation of the sainted kings, the Purification of the blessed Mary, and the Presentation of the child Jesus in the Temple.
  14. On the persecution of Jesus, his flight to Egypt, and the holy innocents murdered by Herod.
  15. On the discovery of Jesus in the temple, and on his holy and unrecorded life.
  16. On the baptism of Jesus and his fasting in the desert.
  17. On the preaching and beneficial teaching of lord Jesus, his glorious signs, examples and good habits, and various tribulations in this world.
  18. On the resurrection of Lazarus, and the humble entry into the city of Jerusalem on the day of palms, and the expulsion of the traders and the cleansing of the Temple.
  19. On the conspiracy of the Jews against Christ, and of his selling, his Supper, the most novel washing of feet, and the institution of the sacrament of the Eucharist.
  20. On the conversation that was held between lord Jesus and the disciples after the Supper.
  21. On the prayer of Jesus for the disciples and on his departure for the Mount of Olives, on his fear and sadness and threefold prayer to the Father, and his sweating blood.
  22. On the voluntary journey of Jesus to his Passion, where he was seized through the treachery of Judas, and on the healing of the servant whose ear Peter cut off.
  23. On the surrendering of Jesus into the hands of his enemies and the flight of the disciples; on his dreadful arrest, accusation and delivery before Annas the priest and Caiaphas, and his being beaten and spat upon.
  24. On the presentation of Jesus, bound, before Pilate, and his mockery before Herod and his affliction, and on the wicked cries of the Jews “Crucify him,” and his being stripped and beaten.
  25. On the stripping, mocking, crowning, and beating of the head of Jesus.
  26. On the unjust condemnation of Jesus to death on the cross.
  27. On the transportation of the cross to the place of Calvary and the crucifixion of Jesus.
  28. On the wounding and stretching out of Jesus Christ on the cross, and on his supplication for his enemies.
  29. On the insults of the Jews and abuses shown to Jesus on the cross, and of the words he spoke to the thief on the cross.
  30. On the compassion of the Virgin and mother Mary, and his commendation of her to John in return.
  31. On the vigorous cry of Jesus on the cross, “Eloi, eloi, lamma sabacthani?” [Aramaic for “My Lord, my Lord, why have you forsaken me?”].
  32. On the three hours for which Jesus hung still living on the cross, and on the many insults and derisions he endured.
  33. On the thirst of Jesus on the cross and his cup of bitterness, and on the word consummatus and the death of Jesus.
  34. On the marvels that occurred during the Passion of the lord, and on the dreadful piercing of the side of Jesus.
  35. On the body of Jesus which, now dead, hung for three hours on the cross.
  36. On the deposition of Jesus from the cross and reverence at his tomb, and on the descent of the soul of Jesus to hell and liberation of the patriarchs from that time.
  37. On the glorious Resurrection of lord Jesus, and his multiple appearances, and intimate association and conversation with the disciples.
  38. On the miraculous Ascension of the Lord Jesus.
  39. On the mission of the Holy Spirit on the holy day of Pentecost.
  40. On the sacred coming of the lord Jesus in judgment, and on the condign reward and glorification of the just, and of the punishment of the wicked.
  41. Acts of thanksgiving, with regards to particular benefits for any particular person through the generosity of God.

Here ends the entire progression of the life, Passion, Resurrection, and Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ, and also the mission of the Holy Spirit. All of the other blessings of man by God have been discussed.