The Author’s Prologue
prose-textblock1[fol. 1r] Religious sustir, in as mechil as ye have desirid
and preyed me divers tymes that I wolde write yow the festis
and the passion of oure lord Jhesu Crist,
therfore now at this tyme to folwe
yowre desire, aftir myn simple conyng,
I wole writin hem
to yow, in whiche ye may usen
bothe preyeres and meditacions,
yef yt
liken yow
to folewe my lewde
I make it but schortli,
for I hope my
lord the Holi Gost wole techin the ovirplus
bettir than man
[fol. 1v] can devise. And at every preiere I sette a Pater noster,
as for the most principal preire of alle other prieris, whiche is an abcé
and former
of alle other orisons. And also for ye schulde whan ye seie thoo
wordes “Fiat voluntas tua”
to have it deepli in mende, and alwey putte yowr wil in Godes wil
in alle yowre preyeris and desiris. Oure lord that made that preiere makith alle other preieris, for be
his grace
it is doon, and therfore of alle thing that wretin and seide,
that sownith
in to goode from
onli be the worschepe and preysing.
prose-textblock2And I preye yow hertili
that [fol. 2r] whanne ye ben in soule presentli
with yowre spouse that is Jhesu, god and man, takith me with yow in yowre preieres. O, myn sustir, preie my lord
God the Trinité
that for his gret bounté
and for his endeles mercy have mercy and pité on me, sinful, and make me a good woman. For ful ofte sinne and wrechidnes withdrawith my gosteli syht
from his glorious presence, and therfore yow and othere of his special children I preie to purchace me sum grace of that benigne lord in whom al grace is in.
prose-textblock3Fertheremore, sustir, much as a [fol. 2v] man may se that it is not faire ne semli
for a gret lord to comyn into a foul hows, but first the hous muste be swepid
and mad fair and clene and honestli araied;
rith so
it is not fair ne
semli for oure lord God to comyn in to oure soule, ne we to make us homly
with him with famulier
speche and loving daliaunce,
yef ony spot of sinne be with inne us wilfulli, til the house of oure conscience be clene swepid be confession and maad fair be contricion, and the soule honestli arraied with meknesse and alle other gostli vertues, or ellis to stonde in [fol. 3r] good wil and desir to have alle gode vertues. And seke and preie therfore, and be the endeles mercy of oure lord God that good wil
schal been acceptid as for dede,
yef a man seke besili
ther-aftir. And whanne we may noyt have oure confessour to be confessid whiche time as we fele us defautife
with sinnes than must we make a general confession
to God, the wheche general confession may be clepid
the sweping awey the filthe of oure sinnes
in a corner. And that with contricion wil be ful helpli
to us and sufficient, though we have do rith gret [fol. 3v] defautes,
til we may be confessid and assoilid;
and whan we of oure confession be confessid and assoilid, than is the filthe of oure corner clene swept awey. And therfore, my gode sustir, at the beginning of these meditaciones
and preieres with a contriyt herte and low
spirit, a fervent wil to amende yow of alle defautis, seith thus to God in this wise for a general confession:
prose-textblock4O holy God, miytful Trinité, I knoweleche
to yow that have displesid [fol. 4r] yow thorw sinne, in whiche I have fallen and sinnyd:
in pride, in wrathe,
in envie, in coveytise,
in gloteiné, in slewthe, and in lecherie.
Myne five wittis
I have mispendid
and yowre comaundementis brokyn, and of alle thise sinnes that ye knowe me gilti, in whiche I have sinnid, in wil, word, thought, and ded, wherthorw I have offendid yow, gode lord, benigne God. I yelde me coupable
to yow, besechyng yowr mercy, and preye yow of foryevenes, and oure lady Seinte Marie and al the company of hevene. O glo|riouse [fol. 4v] Trinité, I woot
wel that for the grete multitude of sinnes and defautes that is in me I am noght worthi to come in to yowre presence to aske ony boone.
But the grete multitude of yowre mercy whiche hath noon ende
ne noumbre, that grauntid the woman of Caninee
the preiere that sche besoughte, and to many anothir also opinli han schewid yowre mercy, and noght onli for hem, but also for
alle sinful that wole forsake here
sinnes schulde trustli
ful hope to yowre mercy. Lord, ful of pité, this makith me hardy
to preie and speke to yow, putting alwey [fol. 5r] my wil to yowre wil in al myn asking. Pater noster. Ave Maria
1: Prayer for Grace
prose-textblock1Blisful Trinité, worchepid and thankith, glorified and magnified mote ye ever be for alle yowre holy vertues, and for alle yowre worthi names, and for alle yowr willes
and werkis. A! goode lord, teche me and make me to thanke yow and magnifie yow in yowr festes, and mekeli to have in mende the grete dedes that ye have for al mankinde, and also the grete peines that yowr manhed
suffrede here for oure love. O Holi Trinité, in reverence and remembraunce
of yow: Pater noster. [fol. 5v] Ave Maria.
2: The Annunciation
prose-textblock1I thanke and magnifie yow, God ful of myht, that ye sente yowre gracious message
be the aungel Gabriel to the virgine Marie. O lady, for the grete joye
that ye hadde in the salutacion whan Gabriel yow grette
and seide that Godis sone schulde be born of yow. Preye my lord the Trinité to foryeve me my sinnes, al be love and in love, and make me to lovyn al that he loveth and hate al that he hatith.
Pater noster.
3: The Incarnation
prose-textblock1O benigne lord, I thanke and magnifie yow, that ye toke flesche and blod of that glorious [fol. 6r] virgine Marie for manes soule redempcion. A! ladi, for the greite joyye that ye hadde at al times whanne ye, swete mayde, felt hym stere
in yowre precious wombe
knowing wel that he was verray
Goddes sone. Preie to my lord the Trinité that he make myn soule and herte clene that I myhte fele hym stere in me be hys devine grace. Pater noster. Ave Maria gratia.
4: The Visitation
prose-textblock1I thanke and magnifie yow, graciouse quene of hevene and erthe, and empresse of helle, that wente to seinte Elizabeth yow cosine
and tolde here goode tidinges, and sche [fol. 6v] also tolde yow here joye.
And thanne ye bothyn
thankid and magnified God for his yeftis
of grace, and ye lady madin the psalme of Magnificat
at that time. O virgine, preie yowr sone, my lord hevene kyng, that he sende me alwey good cumpanie and holi comunicacion
in whiche we may in gret reverence thanke and magnifie that Trinité for alle his beenfetes.
Pater noster. Ave Maria.
5: The Nativity
prose-textblock1O blisful Jhesu, I thanke and magnifie yowre gloriouse birthe, whiche was clene in al pureté, and for yowre holi innocence. [fol. 7r] O dere worthi lord, graunte me grace to have clennesse and pureté of bodi and soule. Putte awey fro myn herte alle angres,
and rancour, alle evil conseitis
and evil ymaginacions and conjectinges,
and make me milde
and meke, pacient and benigne
that I may vertuousli love and serve yow, Jhesu God in whom arn alle vertues. Pater noster. Ave.
6: The Annunciation to the Shepherds
prose-textblock1Mercyful Jhesu, I thanke and magnifie yow for the song that the aungelis sungen: “Gloria in excelsis deo et in terra pax.”
O goode lord, have mercy and pité on alle yowre creatures of this erthe whi|che [fol. 7v] is yowre wil to be preied fore. Alle rithful livers,
hem good perseveraunce, and encres
of grace and vertues; and alle sinful liveres, amende hem of here sinne and drawe hem to goodnesse. A! debonour
God Jhesu, graunte grace, pees, and unité, love and charité among al Cristene peple, and sende perfit pees in to my soule that I may pesibeli
resten in yowre bounté. Pater noster. Ave.
7: Adoration of the Shepherds
prose-textblock1Myhtful Jhesu, I thanke and magnifie yow that thorw exciting of angelis the schepherdes wentin and worchepidin yow.
O goode lord, have mercy on [fol. 8r] alle yowre schepherdes of holi chirche: the pope, and alle the cardinalis,
archibisschopes, bisschopes, prelates, and curates, and alle that any have to reule and to governe. Yeve hem grace, gloriouse lord God, so to governe here owin soulis, and also hem alle that thei have in governaunce, as most may be worchepe and plesing to yow, and profit to here soulis. Pater noster. Ave Maria.
8: The Circumcision
prose-textblock1Jesu, ful of comforte and joye, I thanke and magnifie yow for yowre holy circumcision. O goode lord, yong ye felt peyne. Ful yong and tendere ye were at that tyme [fol. 8v] whan ye were circumcisid, where that ye schadden
first yowre precious blod.
A! swete Jhesu, with that precious blod and peine, clense and hele my sinful soule, and thorw yowr goodnes foryeve me alle the sinnes that I dede in my yonge age and childhood. Pater noster. Ave Maria.
9: Adoration of the Magi
prose-textblock1Glorious Jhesu, I thanke and magnifie yow: worchepid and magnified be ye evirmore that the thre kynges presentid yow with thre presentis, in whiche was gret signifiaunce.
A! Holi Trinité, to yow I offere alle Cristen kinges and emperoures: for yowre gret pité receive hem alle in to yowre mercy, [fol. 9r] fulfille
hem with yowr vertues
and graunte grace so to reule hem self and here temys
as most may be most plesable to yow. O myhtful God, speciali I preie yow to kepe and love, reule and counseile oure kyng:
fulfille hym with yowre Holi Goost and yeve hym good sped
in alle his werkes, and make hym to withstonde and eschewe al that in any wise myhte displese yow. Holy God, sende hym myht and strengthe to have the victorie of all his gostli and bodily enemys, and yeve hym good lif and longe, and graunte so to love
yow that whanne he departith from this world his soule may [fol. 9v] soone be receivid in to yowre presence, where everlasting lif is and blisse. O swete lord, to yow I presente my soule, body, and herte, the king of al richesse
that been so free
and large.
Make my pore yefte riche with yowr holi vertues, make it holy and good and receive it for yowre greet curteisy.
Pater noster. Ave Maria gratia.
10: The Presentation
prose-textblock1Jhesu ful of benignité, I thanke and magnifie yow that ye were on
offrid to yowre holy fadir of hevene in the temple,
where that seint Symeon receivid yow in hys armes, and made the psalme “Nunc dimittis.”
O good lord receive alle [fol. 10r] oure preieris, wepinges, desires and longinges maade to yow, and alle oure assercions
that we offre to yow, as ye were receivid and acceptid of God yowre fadir and of seint Symeon. Pater noster. Ave Maria.
11: The Flight and Return
prose-textblock1Gracious Jhesu, I thanke and magnifie yow that ye wer aftir that tyme flemid in to Egypte;
and whanne Herodes was deed, ye wer
hom ayen of God yowr fadir be his aungel.
O myhtful Trinité, whan we be flemid fro yow thorw sinne and ignoraunce, clepe us sone hom ayen to yow be wey of rithful levyng.
Pater noster. Ave Maria.
12: The Holy Family
prose-textblock1[fol. 10v] Merciful Jhesu, I thanke and magnifie yow for al the lowli service that ye, meke Jhesu, dede to my lady yowre blissid modir, and also to hym that was clepid yowre fadir Joseph. Also swete Jhesu, I yelde yow thankinges that ye were alwey to hym buxum
and debonore. O goode lord, Holi Trinité, make me ever to be lowli and buxum to yow and to my soveraynes
for yow, in wil, word, thouyt and deede. Pater noster. Ave Maria.
13: The Infancy of Jesus
prose-textblock1Dere worthi Jhesu, I thanke and magnifie yow for alle the yeres of yowre age. O goode [fol. 11r] lord, with the yeres of yowre vertuous levinge, restore and fulfille alle the yeres that I have dispendid
in sinne, and yeve me grace hensforth to spende every yer, day and houre vertuousli,
as most may be to yow plesing. And al that fautith
in me of gostli
vertues and of wel spending of tyme, youre gracious bounté fulfille it for me. Pater noster. Ave Maria.
14: The Joys of the Virgin
prose-textblock1O mayde and modir, blissid lady Marie, for alle the grete joyes
that ye hadden here on erthe of youre dere beloved sone, and have now in hevene of his glorious presence. Lady, pray my lord the [fol. 11v] Trinité that have mercy on me, and make me a good woman, and graunte me grace that I may alwey be more preysable
to the siht of hym than to the siht of the peple, in reverence and remembrance, lady, of alle youre joyes. Pater noster. Ave Maria gratia.
15: The Finding in the Temple
prose-textblock1Mihtful Jhesu, I thanke and magnifie yow that ye tauhte in the temple the maystres of the Phariseis in youre yonge age that thei alle wondrede
of youre wit and wisdom, for that tyme, blissid Jhesu, ye were but twelve yer old. O goode lorde ful of grace, I preie yow with my pore herte that ye yeve hem alle grace [fol. 12r] of wit and wisdom that prechin and thechin
youre word, and fulfille hem so with the goodnes of youre Holi Gost that here
wordes mowen
vertuousli entren in to the soules that hereth
it, where thorw thei mowen hate synne and eschewe it, and yeve hem to good lif. Pater noster. Ave Maria.
16: The Sorrows of Mary
prose-textblock1A, goode lady, gloriouse virgine, than was youre herte ful woo and sorweful whan ye hadde lost youre dere swete sone three dayes, and cowden
not finde hym. O lady, for that sorwe, and for the grete sorwis
and compassion that ye hadden
of al the woo and peynys
[fol. 12v] that he in this wrechid world suffrid: have pité, lady, and compassion of alle that stonden in tribulacion and temptacions. And preie my lord the Trinité, in whom is al myht and power, to do what he wole in hevene, erthe and helle, that for his endeles mercy sende hem alleggeaunce
of peynes and grace of victorie that thei be not overcome in here temptacions and tribulacions, and yeve hem strengthe and comfort of the Holy Gost. Pater noster. Ave Maria.
17: The Marriage at Cana
prose-textblock1Jhesu ful of alle vertues, I thanke and magnifie yow that ye at the preiere of youre gloriouse modir [fol. 13r] turnid watir to wyn. O goode lord, for that lady love betwene whose preciouse sides fourty wikes
ye lay, and aftir youre birthe ful tendirli kept yow and nurschede
yow and fedde yow with swete mylke, graunte me continually youre grace and turne my vices in to vertues. O blisful Jhesu, for youre endeles mercy stable
my mende in al goodnesse and festene
my herte to yow and make me evere to liven rithfulli aftir youre wil and plesing. Pater noster. Ave Maria gratia.
18: The Baptism
prose-textblock1Benigne Jhesu, I thanke and magnifie yow for youre holy bapteme that ye were baptisid of [fol. 13v] Seint Johnn in the water of flome Jordan.
A! good lord Jhesu, there the Holi Gost with hevenli lith
alihted on yow,
and the voys of God the fadir seide to yow:
“Thow art my dere sone of whom I am wel apaied.”
O mihtful God, the bapteme of youre holy sone: restore oure bapteme that we have thorw sinne brokin. Pater noster. Ave Maria.
19: The Temptation
prose-textblock1Merciful Jhesu, I thanke and magnifie yow for the grete fastinges that ye fourti daies fastid. And also I yelde yow thankinges, swete Jhesu, that ope
the time of yowre abstinence ye suffrede the fend to tempte yow whan ye [fol. 14r] were solitarie in desert,
in comfort of us that been temptid. O goode lord, have pité and compassion on hem alle that wilfulli for youre love beith solitarie: ancres, reclusis, and hermites, and alle estatis reclusid.
Fulfille hem with perfiyth grace that thei may leven
vertuousli, and yeve hem myht and strengthe to wistonde alle temptacions of the flesch, of the world, and of the feend.
Pater noster. Ave Maria.
20: The Penance of Jesus
prose-textblock1Gloriouse Jhesu, I thanke and magnifie yow for alle your grete wakinges, and for alle the grete hunger, thurst, and cold and hard lyynges, and bare foot goinges that [fol. 14v] ye, debonere Jhesu, in this wepyng valeie
nyht and day suffrid. A! lord Jhesu, what nede hadde ye that were so pure and good to doon penaunce? Sothli ye nedid not as for yow self, for ye agilt
nevere for which ye schulden don ony penaunce. But love only constreinyd yow to doon it for oure nede and helthe, for elles we hadde not be sufficient to don penaunce as we for oure sinnes deserve. Also merciful Jhesu, ye dede it to exite
us to do the same, for ye yaf
us emsaumple
to doon penaunce for your love as ye deden for oure.
prose-textblock2Penaunce is to us ful profitable and gretli plesith yow, [fol. 15r] for holy writ seith that hevene aprochith to the penitentis. Penaunce with preiere and contricion is weye
and ledere
to gete us grace of yow and foryenesse
of oure sinnes. Penaunce discreteli
doon is oure sacrifise to yow for oure misdedis, and be youre mercyful goodnesse it clensith us of oure sinnes and relesith us of grete peynes that we schulde have in purgatorie,
and so the sonere to be with you in everlasting blisse. O Holi Trinité, sithin that penaunce is so plesing to yow and is weie
and meene
to bringe us to youre love, make me to do penaunce so that I may thorw [fol. 15v] youre grace make dewe satisfaction for my sinnes with preiere, penaunce, and contricion and with alle other goode dedis profith
groundid in yow. Pater noster. Ave Maria.
21: The Manners and Gaze of the Lord
prose-textblock1Gracious Jhesu, I thanke and magnifie yow for alle your holi maneres, cheres, cuntenaunces, and for alle youre graciouses lokynges of youre pitable yen.
I yelde yow thankynges with myn poure herte. O myhtful Trinité, governe ever more myne maneres, cheres, cuntenaunces, and myn yen syghte
so that it be alwey meke, devout and benigne, and yeve me grace, glorious God, so [fol. 16r] deepli to wade vertuousli in youre swete love that ye be continualy in myn thowgth
and I therwith evere to be glad withoutyn dissolucion,
and sobre
withoute hevynesse.
Pater noster. Ave.
22: The Samaritan Woman at the Well
prose-textblock1O Jhesu ful of benignité, I yelde yow thankynges that ye so meke and mildeli spak a good while with the woman Samaritan that come to the welle ther
ye sat to fetche watyr. And ye, benigne Jhesu, bad here yeve yow drinke and seide to here, who
that drank of the water of lif that ye yevin that thei schulde not thurstyn perpetueli; for the watir, ye seiden, is the welle that hem schal lede to everlastyng lif. [fol. 16v] And thus fulhomli
ye spak with here a good while and told here her privé secrees.
O good lord, come in to my soule, tel and schew me the derkhed
of defaute
that priveli lurkyn withinne me, suffre me not to make of vertu vice ne of vice vertu, voide
fro me alle evil custumes and yeve me cler syht of trewe undirstonding and sothfast
knowinge so that I may fully amende me of alle myne defautes. A! gracious Jhesu, graunte me also the water of lif that I thurste not endelesli, and make me drunke in youre swete love wherthorw
I may at the laste come to ever|lasting [fol. 17r] lif. Amen. Pater noster. Ave.
23: The Sermon on the Mount
prose-textblock1Blisful Jhesu, I thanke and magnifie yow for alle youre holy sermones, and also that ye baptised the pepil, and for ye chese youre twelve aposteles
and namid hem aposteles. And at that tyme, swete Jhesu, ye deliverede hem the comaundementis of the newe lawe,
and not be maner of distresse
or manas,
but be maner of beheste.
And also, benigne Jhesu, I yelde yow thankinges for the eiyte blessinges
that ye than yaf and seide in this wise: “Blissid be the pouere spirituels:
for the kyngdom of hevene is heres.
Blissid be the debonaires:
[fol. 17v] for thei schal have lond — that is to saye, everlesting lif. Blissid be thei that wepin: for thei schuln be comfortid. Blissid be thei that desiren rithwisnesse
as mete and drinke: for thei schal be fulfillid. Blissid be the merciables:
for thei schal have mercy. Blissid be thei that have clene hertis: for thei schul se God. Blissid be thei that been pesible:
for their schul been clepid Godis sones. Blessid be thei that suffrin persecucion for rithwisnes: for the reume
of God is heris.” O goode lord, chese me and name me for on
of youre chosin children, and graunte me these heye vertues [fol. 18r] wherthorw I may, Jhesu, yow plesin; and yeve me grace day and nyht evere to be yowre trewe servant withoutyn variaunce.
Pater noster. Ave Maria.
24: The Conversion of Mary Magdalene
prose-textblock1Jhesu ful of debonerté, I thanke and magnifie yow that ye clepid and receyvid the seventi and two disciples,
and for ye healede the pepile
of ydropesies
and palsies
and of rennyng blod.
And speciali I yeve yow thankinges that ye, benigne Jhesu, suffrede Marie Maudeleyne whan sche was holde so sinful that sche hadde seven fendis
withinne here
to aproche to youre holy feet in the hous of the Phariseye, and ther [fol. 18v] sche wepte for here misdedis and wessch youre feet
with here terys,
and wipid hem with here heer. Also I thanke yow, gode lord, that ye mercyfulli foryaf here alle her sinnes. O dereworthi Jhesu, suffre me thowgh I be wikkid, werst of alle othire, to aprochin to youre holy feet, and yeve me grace there to abide and wepe for my grete misdedis, til youre merciful herte foryeve me alle min sinnes.
Pater noster. Ave Maria.
25: Jesus and Mary Magdalene
prose-textblock1I thanke and magnifie yow, Jhesu ful of grace, that ye have no despit ne indignacion of the sinful that wele forsake here sinnes, but in gret chareté [fol. 19r] ye receyve hem to youre grace. O lord of pureté and of clennesse, ye arn not skeymous
of hem thowgh thei have been fowle and al defacid
thorw sinnes, but anoon
as thei been contrit ye make hem fair and brith,
and famuliarli
in hem ther make youre habitacion. O lord, gret is your bounté, blissid and preisid, thankid and heried,
glorified and magnified be ye evere therfore. Also swete Jhesu, I yelde yow thankinges that ye so debonerli excused Marie Maudeleyne thries
there to the Phariseies whan she wepte
at youre feet. Anothir time ye, meke Jhesu, excusid here what [fol. 19v] tyme here sustir Martha compleinid to yow that sche wolden not helpyn here. Ful graciousli ye seiden thanne to Martha that Marie hadde chosin the betir partye,
which schulde nevere be benomyn
here. The thridde tyme, benigne Jhesu, ye excusid here
whan Judas grucchid
the precious oynement that sche spendid on yow.
prose-textblock2O gode lord, yeve me grace to have perfith charité to alle myn even Cristen
and schilde
me that I nevere have despit ne disdein of hem for senne but love the persones and hate the sinne.
O charitable God, make me to folwe youre pureté and youre vertues. [fol. 20r] Jhesu myn joye and myn comfort, myn hope and al myn hele,
fulfille me with your goodnesse and sadli stable me therinne. Jhesu myn strengthe and myn socour, schilde me from alle bodili and gostli periles. And gracious lord, for the gret pité and mercy that ye hadde of Marie Maudeleyne and also for the gret love that sche hadde to yow here in erthe and hath now in hevene, blissid Trinité, be holde me with youre pitable yen and graunte me yowre love.
prose-textblock3O allas, I sinful, how dar I thus holi spekin with my lord God that with his myht hevene and erthe made and alle thing of nowht? Certeinli I, sinful [fol. 20v] wreche, am not worthi to speke to hym, ne to hevyn
up myn eyn to hevene, but as a sinful worm
down to the erthe, as sche that is not worthi to preise God, ne to nemine
his name, for the profith
seith the preising of God is not fair in a sinful mouth.
O merciful lord, Holi Trinité: mercy, mercy. My sinnes putten me often tymes abake so that I dar not spekyn ne come in to youre presence, but youre mercy which hath no ende ne noumbre drawith me alwey forth and makith me to been homli and familier with yow; wherfore benigne God, I yelde yow thankinge, [fol. 21r] and thankid be ye as often as alle hertis can or may devise. And myhtful lord, I beseche yow: sithin I am not worthi to preise yow, make me worthi and able therto, and youre owyn goodnesse preise, blisse and magnifie yow in me, so that what evere I write, thinke or speke of yow and for yow, be it youre werk and not myn. And seie to me, and to alle that have forsake the world for yow,
as ye seide to Martha of Maudeleyne, that we have chose the betir partye that nevere schal be benomyn
us. Pater noster. Ave Maria.
26: Feeding the Multitudes
prose-textblock1Myhtful Jhesu, I thanke and magnifie yow that ye fedde the foure thouzande peple and mo
[fol. 21v] with five looves and to
fisschis so plenteuousli that thei lefte twelve beer-lepis
ful of relef
whan thei hadde etyn. Anothir tyme, goode lord, ye fedde a gret multitude of peple with seven looves and with lityl fissch;
wherfore I yelde yow thankinges, blissid and worchepid mote
ye evere ben. O Holi Trinité, ful of myht and mercy, in whom is al plenté and largenesse
with youre swete love and gostli virtues and joyes in yow, fede and nurische my nedy soule that is ful ofte hungry and disolat, bare and nakid of gostli godes. A! lord, have pité on my povert and on my gret nede.
prose-textblock2Mercy|ful [fol. 22r] God, ye knowen wel as be rith
to the most poure the almesse muste be doon and ye, goode lord, mowin do no wrong. And therfore as be rith, ye muste nedis yeve it me that am the moste poure of gostli fruytes
and moste nede have and hungir. Jhesu, fede me with youre presence, fulfille me al of yow, for of lesse may not myn povert passe.
Jhesu God and man, arraie me with youre graciousce vertues and yve
me yow in al: than have I al that I desire and al that me nedith. O allas goode lord, what have I seide? I aske to have youre almasse
of grace and yow be rith
of my povert, [fol. 22v] and how dar I do so? I, that am a wikkid worm, a stinking careyne,
a sinful caytif,
a wretchid sinnere ful of felonie. O mercyful lord, more is in me than myn gret povert of wanting of youre grace and vertues. Ther is in me gret multitude of sinne and wretchidnes that first muste be voidid or
than I may atteyne to so heye a yefte;
for lord, ye arn al pureté and al goodnesse, and I am al filthe
and al wikkidnesse, and how mihte thise two contrarious
dwelle togider?
But gracious lord, this onli comfortith me, that youre myht and mercy may in a moment of tyme clense me of [fol. 23r] al filthe of sinne and foryeve me alle offensis; it is youre rith to be merciful of sinners. Therfore glorious lord, be wey of rith of youre vertues I crave, and aske to have youre mercy and grace, and than also to have yow in al clennesse and pureté in me. Dere God, graunte it me for youre grete benignité. Pater noster. Ave.
27: Calming the Storm
prose-textblock1Gracious Jhesu, I thanke and magnifie yow for alle the windes and tempestes that ye, swete Jhesu, apesedin
and cecedin
divers times, whan youre aposteles werin apoint
in the see to plunge. O goode lord, kepe me whiles I am in [fol. 23v] this world, that weel may be likinid to the see, ful of noyous wawis,
and my sinful body to a boot,
my soule therinne travailid with perilous tempestis. A! debonere Jhesu, save me as ye savedin Petir in the watir from drinching
that I plonge not ne perissche thorwe my malice in this trobli
watir of tribulacions and temptacions. O dere lord, comforte me with youre voies and seie to me “Noli timere,”
and lede my soule in saftee til it come to that glorious hevene ther is everlasting sekirnes,
joye, blisse and reste. Pater noster qui es in.
Ave Maria.
28: The Mocking of Jesus
prose-textblock1[fol. 24r] Gracious Jhesu, I thanke and magnifie yow for alle the skornis, despites, schames, wronges and reproves that ye in this world suffred. And I yelde yow thankinges, swete Jhesu, that ye ful charitabli excusid yowre aposteles whan the Phariseyes reprovid hem and accusid hem.
Ones was what tyme thei tokin the eeres of the whete
as thei wente be the wey and affrayed
it in here handes and etyn the greynes
on a day of .
Anothir time ye, meke Jhesu, excusid hem whan the Phariseyes accusid hem and pleinid to yow that thei wente to mete with [fol. 24v] unwasshin handes.
O goode lord, God have pité and compassion on youre servauntis of holi chirche, for many enemys, accusers and deniers
thei have now in these dayes. But benigne Jhesu, excuse hem to youre holi fadir of hevene of here defautes, and yeve hem grace mekli to suffren schame, skornys, despitis,
wronges and repreves when it comith to hem pureli for the love of yow. Pater noster. Ave Maria.
29: The Woman Taken in Adultery
prose-textblock1Blisful Jhesu, I thanke and magnifie yow for the myht and mercy that ye schewedin to the woman that was foundin in avow|trie,
[fol. 25r] whan the maistir of the Phariseyes browten here to yow and askid what thei schulden doon with here. For thei seiden that Moises hadde comoundid
that swich she
schulde been stonid. And this thei dede for yef
ye hadde seide stone here, thei schulde have askried
yow for cruel, for the pepil that helde yow so pitous
schulde have loved yow the lesse; and yef ye hadde seide let here go quyt,
thei to have take yow as him that hadde doon ayens Moyses lawis. But ye, meke Jhesu, that knewe al here malice wrowhte al anothir,
and whanne ye saw the woman [fol. 25v] come ye enclinid and lokid doun, and wrot in the erthe for the woman schulde not be aschamid. Ye savid here also that day fro deth. A! gentil lord ful of curtesie, I yelde yow thankinges for this dede that ye, meke Jhesu, of youre gret benignité deede.
prose-textblock2And thei than fersli askid yow what thei schulde doo with the woman, and ye fersli lokid on hem and bad which of hem that was withoutyn sinne schulde castin on here the first ston. And forth riht ye enclinid to the erthe anothir tyme and wrot in the erthe, and everich of hem saw there here owin sinnes,
[fol. 26r] and for schame anoon they stal awaei be on and on,
til ther was never on in that place but ye and the woman. And thanne ful debonerli ye seide to here: “woman where been thei that accusid thee, dampnid
thee noman.” “Noo lord,” quod sche, “noman.” And than ye, mercyable God, seide to here that ye wolde not dampne here, and bad here go and welne
to sinne nomore. O goode lord, I preye yow that alle thoo that hatin and despisen folkis of holi chirche, and beth glad to finde hem with defautes, writ in the ground of here hertis,
and opne the eye of here soules that thei may here owyn [fol. 26v] sinnes and defautes see,
that thei may be aschamid of here pride and, goode lord, yeve hem grace to have verray contricion of alle here sinnes and to amende hem of here misdedis. Pater noster. Ave Maria gratia.
30: The Woman of Canaan’s Daughter
prose-textblock1I thanke and magnifie yow, Jhesu ful of grace, that ye chasid the fendis awey and legions of fendes fro men and women. And speciali I yelde yow thankinges for the womanes douyter of Cananee,
that ye chasid the fend from here at the preyng of here modir. O lord, mercyable Jhesu, but first ye made daunger
whan ye seide to here that it [fol. 27r] was not leful
to take the bred that was ordeynyd to the children and yeven it to the houndes, and sche answerde: “lord, noo, but houndes may ete the crummes that fallin doun from the lordis bord
out of children handes.” A! benigne Jhesu, it plesid yow ful mechil
the meke answere of this woman, which made yow ful myldeli to saye: “O woman, mochil is thi feith; be it as thow witt.”
prose-textblock2A dere Jhesu, therfore ye made so straunge atte beginnyng of here preiere for sche schulde gete here the more mede
and thanke of yow, and also yeve us exsaumple that we schulde mekli abide in preiere though firste we finde straunge|ness [fol. 27v] and have not oure preieres anoon
whan we wolde.
For your bounté wele not werne
us oure preieres, and it be skilfulli
askid yef we abide mekeli therupon. O mercyful Trinité, thowgh I be most unworthi and am an hound thorw bestli condicions, and werse than an hound as in ther that I have wrethed
yow, yet goode lord I preie yow yeve me crumes of youre mercy and grace and the bred of everlasting life, and make me with al feith and mekenesse continualli to abide in preiere, that myne preieres mowyn
been herd and grauntid of yow, as was [fol. 28r] the womanes of Cananee. Pater noster.
31: The Transfiguration
prose-textblock1Benigne Jhesu, I thanke and magnifie yow for youre gloriouse Transfiguracion which was a blisful sight ful of swetnesse, whan youre gracious face schon wiht as the sunne and youre clothing wex
whit as snow;
and there Moyses and Helie aperid and spak to yow. A! Petir,
this sight was ful plesing to yow. Ye taasted a litil of this hevenli joye and made yow desiren there to have dwellid, whane ye seide to oure lord: “Sire, it is good here to abide; yef ye welin,
we schal make here thre tabernacles, on for [fol. 28v] yow, anothir for Moyses, the thridde for Helie.” O dere Jhesu, but ye ches rather to suffre for oure redempcion peynes and deth than for to abide there or in youre kingdom of blisse til ye hadde bowth
us with youre precious blod, and therfore I yelde yow thankinges. Swete Jhesu, blissid and worchepid, glorified and magnified be ye evere therfore. And whiles ye spak with Moyses and with Helie a brith cloude come and sprad yow, and a voyes of God youre fadir cam fro the cloude and seide: “This is my dere sone,
of whom I am weel plesid — herith him.” O I preie [fol. 29r] yow, goode lord, that thus were transfigurid, transforme my soule out of worldli lust and joye in gostli merthe and meledie
of yow, in yow, for yow, and make me here your vois and wordes, and wel to folwe ther aftir that I be alwey to yow redi and attendaunt. Pater noster.
32: The Raising of Lazarus
prose-textblock1Jhesu, ful of grace, I thanke and magnifie yow for alle youre holi preieris that ye have preied to your fadir of hevene to yeven us exsample to preie, and for al the speche that ye spak on erthe. And also I yelde yow thankinges, swete benigne Jhesu, that ye rered Lazar [fol. 29v] fro deth to live, that foure dayes hadde leyen in the monument. And othir two also ye rerid to live afore that tyme, the princes dowter Jayre
and the wedewis
that was born
ded on bere,
wherfore I yelde yow thankinges. O dere lord, youre holi preieres excite me alwei to preieres, and schilde me from evil,
deth and dedli sinne. And arere
my soule awey in to contemplacion, where that I may undirstonde, beholde, see, and fele youre swetnes and youre secres.
Pater noster. Ave.
33: The Entry into Jerusalem
prose-textblock1I thanke and magnifie yow Jhesu, ful of blisse, for youre riding [fol. 30r] on upon the asse and here fole to the Citee of Jerusalem; and then it was fulfillid the prophecie that seit: “Noli timere filia Syon ecce rex tuus venit super pullum asinii.”
A! swete Jhesu, the peple dede yow gret worchip that day, and comyn ayenst
yow with gret processions, and leyde here clothis and palme brounchis and brounchis of olive and the weye undir the asses feet that ye, meke Jhesu, sat upon. And thei sungen songes of worschip and herryng
to yow, and as ye wittenessin yow self, but yif thei hadden don so
the stones schulden [fol. 30v] have cried.
O lord, mechil
is youre myht. Iblissid be ye, and worchepid in alle youre miyhtful werkis. Benigne Jhesu, I thanke and magnifie yow also for the gret pité and compassion that ye hadden for the destruxion of that cité, for which ful tendreli ye weptin.
O ye tendre hertid lord, ful of pité and compassion, that wepte so longe afore er than it fel, for Jersalem schulde been destroid speciali for sinne that schulde cause that destruccion.
A! goode Jhesu, verray god and man: have pité and compassion of al holi cherche which is youre spouse, and suffre it not to been [fol. 31r] destroied but, merciful Trinité, amende hem
of here sinnes and governe hem in al grace and vertues, and alwei save hem and supporte hem in alle tymes of nede, to youre everlasting glorie and magnifiyng. Pater noster. Ave Maria.
34: The Cleansing of the Temple
prose-textblock1Gracious Jhesu, I thanke and magnifie yow, that ye divers times chacid out of the temple the beyeres and the selleres, principalli on . Ye beet hem and drof hem owt of the temple for the gret jelosie
that ye haddyn
of youre fadris hows.
Also I yelde yow thankinges, swete Jhesu, that ye wolde been worchepid of innocent children [fol. 31v] which sungen before yow: “Osanna filio David benedictus qui venit in nomine domini rex israel.”
And there thei fulfillid the prophecie that David seide in the sauter, “Ex ore infantium et lactentium perfecisti.”
O goode
us alle that ye han chosin to be youre temple, chase from us pride, coveitise and alle sinnes, and gadre
alle oure wittes togedir from alle worldli
vanitees and vein beholdinges, and stable it sadli
in the mende of yow, and yeve us grace continuali to do worchepe and reverence to yow, as we owin to doon. And make oure soule, bodi, and herte alwei clene [fol. 32r] and able it to been youre temple, fulfille it in alle vertues that ye may reste fully and dwelle in us, and we in yow, Jhesu ful of bounté. Pater noster. Ave Maria.
35: The Tears of the Lord
prose-textblock1Jhesu ful of comfort, I thanke and magnifie yow for alle youre exercises, and for alle the teres
that ye fro youre blissid eyen let falle in this woful valeye, and also for alle the steppis of youre holi feet
I yelde yow thankinges. O goode lord, youre holi exercises withdrawe me from alle wikkidnes, and stere
me alwey to al good, and youre holi teres scarifie
oure teres, and youre gracious [fol. 32v] vertues and steppis lede us continuali the riht wey to yow, God ful of myht and mercy. Pater noster. Ave Maria.
36: The Last Supper
prose-textblock1I thanke and magnifie yow, Jhesu ful of glorie, for the maunde that ye madin on
amoyng youre apostelis, at the which maunde ye schewedin us gret ensample of mekenes that ye so mekely whesch here feet.
Also ye yaf gret ensaumple of charité at that soper that ye, benigne Jhesu, so famulierli eet with hem, and charitabli tauyt hem and comfortid hem, O goode lord, and fedde hem with youre precious body . . .
37: The Procession to Calvary
prose-textblock1[fol. 33r] . . . nifie yow, that ye baar the hevy cros
up on youre sore brousid schuldren
and woundid body. A! lord, sumtyme the cros betokenith penaunce, and sumtyme it signifieth contemplacion. O, goode God, yeve grace that I may helpe
to bere youre cros, that is to say mekli to bere for your love alle hevy birthenys of charge that fallith to me, also to doon penaunce for the love of yow, as ye dede for me, and graunte me grace, blisful God, to been contemplatif as my degre askyth.
Pater noster. Ave Maria.
38: Saint Veronica
prose-textblock1Benigne Jhesu, I thanke and magnifie yow for the [fol. 33v] prente of youre holi face that ye made to the woman Veronica, whiles Simon of Siren
was maad to berith the cros that ye bar. And that prente whiche is clepid the vernicle ye yaf us as for a love tokene
to havyn youre blissid visage in remembraunce. O goode lord, ful of benignité, yeve me grace continueli to havyn youre gracious visage and youre passion in mende, considering the swete love and bounté that ye have doon for me, and for al mankende. Pater noster. Ave Maria.
39: The Crucifixion
prose-textblock1Rihtful Jhesu, I thanke and magnifie yow for the gret peine [fol. 34r] that ye, meke Jhesu, suffrid at that time that youre clothis werin doon off, whan ye schulde been crucified. O goode lord, youre clothis clevid
to youre gracious body, for the blood of youre precious wowndes was dried and congelid therto, and therfore in the takinge awey it rered
off bothe skin and flessh of youre blissid bak and sides. A! debonor Jhesu, than thei leide yow to the cros and bownde yow theron and with cordes thei drowen
youre hondes
and feet to the holes of the cros, and nailid hem therto with grete ruggid
O Jhesu lord, ful of [fol. 34v] al goodnesse, that were thus peinefulli festnid to the cros for love of mankende: have mercy and pité on al youre peple that ye have bowth
so dere, and race
from us al wikkidnesse, and knytte us so faste to yow with a love knotte
that the knot be nevere onknyt, ne we fro yow disseverid. Pater noster. Ave Maria.
40: Jesus’s Suffering on the Cross
prose-textblock1Merciful Jhesu, thanked and magnified be ye for that grete peine that ye, my lord, suffrid whan the cros fel with youre blissid body, for it was not set sufficientli in the morteyses.
And thanne alle the cruel Jewis that werin there heven [fol. 35r] yow up ayen, ye and the cros nailid faste togedir, and putten the foot of the cros ayens in the morteys so despitousli and cruely that it stoneyde, lusschede, and buschede
al youre body, and with that bresure
alle the veynis and senwes of youre blissid body to brusten,
and youre precious woundes bleddin gret foyson.
O myn herte, whi ne clevist on tweyne
for pité of thin lord, that alle thise
cruel turmentis hadde? O, treuli I may seie that my herte is more hard than is the hard ston,
for stones, lord, at youre deth to bursten and clevedin on tweine. Allas, I sinful [fol. 35v] this is a foul schame to me that I am more boystous
and hard to my lord God than is the ston. O benigne God, softe
my herte with youre dere love: sende to me a sparkle of the Holi Gost and anoynte my hard herte with the precious licour of youre swete blood so that love, pité, and compassion may ever abide in me.
prose-textblock2A swete Jhesu, the aking of youre sides and the gret thurst and drinesse that ye hadde for lac of blod that was fro yow ronnen
yow also ful sori. O good lord, that al this woo suffrid for me: what schal I do ayen
[fol. 36r] for yow? Nowht but love ye aske of me, for alle youre woful peynes and grevouse travailes. O allas, myn wretched herte, whi art thow so rude and unkende?
Whi takist thou not this deepli and langourist for love? O Jhesu king of love, make me youre love to fele, and graunte me grace to love yow with al my myht, with al myn herte, and with al myn soule. And goode lorde, reule continuali myne thouytes and dedes aftir youre wil and plesing. Pater noster. Ave Maria.
41: Jesus’s Words on the Cross
prose-textblock1Glorious Jhesu, I thanke and [fol. 36v] magnifie yow, for alle the wordes that ye spak here on erthe, and speciali I yelde yow thankinges for alle the wordes that ye, swete Jhesu, spak whiles ye heng on the cros. O lord, kepe myn tunge from wikkid wordes and from alle thoo wordes that myhte hindren
or sowne
in to evil that I displese yow nowht with my tunge but make me for youre benignité alwei to saye swich wordes as most may be to youre worchepe plesing and heriyng,
and to my even Cristen soules profiting. A! goode Jhesu, the eysel
and the [fol. 37r] galle
was put to youre mouth: lord, kepe myn mouth fro glotenie of mete and drinke, and yeve me grace to abstene me from alle spyces of sinne. Pater noster.
42: The Thirst of the Lord
prose-textblock1Blisful Jhesu, I thanke and magnifie yow for the grete desir that ye hadden to manes soule whan ye, debonere Jhesu, seiden: “Sicio.”
Ye desired thanne ful gretli to have manes soule owt of the fendes pousté,
and fro the derknes that thei were in. For ye hadd raunsomyd hem
with that precious tresor which was blod and life. O goode [fol. 37v] lord, leed my soule from derknesse of sinne, and make me to desire with love longinge to have yow alwey in myn herte, O Holi Trinité, and with al mekenesse and reverence stedfastli myn mynde in yow, with holy thouytes and goode ententes, and stable vertues in me. Pater noster. Ave.
43: The Harrowing of Hell
prose-textblock1Gracious Jhesu, I thanke and magnifie yow: blissid and worchepid be ye evirmore for your peineful deth, which desseverid your holy soule fro youre blissid body whan ye seiden “Consummatum est.”
A! goode Jhesu, thanne youre precious soule with the godhed descendid to [fol. 38r] helle
and took owt Adam and Eve, and alle youre frendes that there werin, and browt hem to paradyse. O merciful dere lord, have pité and yeve mercy to alle the soules that been in the peynes of purgatorie and on hem alle that youre mercy abiden.
Speciali I beseche yow, myn gracious lord God, for al myn kin and frendes that been owt of this world passid: myn fadir and myn modir, myn godfadir and god modres, myn bretherin, myn sustren, and for myne gostli fadres that I have been confessid to. And swete Jhesu, I preie yow for alle my|ne [fol. 38v] goode doeres that been deede, the which I have been sustenid and fortherid
by, also alle thoo that evere I hadde of comfort or ese, bodili or gostli. O myn soverein lord myhtful Trinité, graunte hem alle comfort and reles
of peynes, and bringe hem to that blisse the which is alwey enduring. Amen. Pater noster. Ave Maria.
44: Saint Longinus
prose-textblock1Debonere Jhesu, I thanke and magnifie yow for that precious wounde that Longeus made with a scharp spere, and persid to youre holi blissid herte, and fro that wownde ran watir and blood. O dereworthi
[fol. 39r] lord Jhesu, that precious blood and water clense the blindnesse of myn gostli eyen and herte, as it dede the eyen of Longeus, wher thorw he gat his sight and myhte weel seen, so that I may have
verray knowing of youre divine bounté and trewe sight, and knowing of my self and of alle my sinnes and defautes with perfith hope of youre mercy. Pater noster. Ave Maria.
45: The Deposition
prose-textblock1I thanke and magnifie yow, Jhesu ful of benignité, for alle youre miracleful werkes and gracious dedes, and in reverence and remembraunce of hem, and for alle wowndes [fol. 39v] of youre precious body and woful peynes that ye, blissid Jhesu, for oure love suffrid, and were take doun off the cros and leyde in sepulcre. Pater noster. Ave Maria.
46: The Entombment
prose-textblock1A! ladi seynte Marie, myn lordis dere modir, I preie yow glorious virgine, and also seint John the wangelist, and Marie Maudeleyne, Joseph of Armathe and Nichodeme, and al that holi cumpanie
that was at that holi beriyng
of my lordes precious body, Crist Jhesu. I prey yow alle preiyeth for me to that holi God Jhesu that he take myn herte from al ertheli
[fol. 40r] thing and berie and close it spirituali
in him as his blissid body was beried
in the sepulcre. Pater noster. Ave Maria.
47: The Appearance to the Virgin Mary
prose-textblock1Blisful Jhesu, I thanke yow and blissid be ye of yow self. Worchepid and magnified be ye everemore of alle creaturis for youre glorious resurreccion that ye, goode lord, aroos myhtili from deth to lif on , and aperid to youre dere modir,
and seide to here: “Salve sancta parens.”
O lady, for that gret joye that ye hadde whan ye saw youre dere worthi sone from deth to live arisen, and for the goodli daliaunce
[fol. 40v] that was thanne betwen yow bothe, O gloriouse virgine, and for the fervent love that youre blissid herte was with inflamind in his blisful presence: preie my lord the Trinité that in alle vertues and rihtful levyng he yeve me grace to have good perseveraunce in to myn lyves ende. Pater noster. Ave Maria.
48: The Appearance to Mary Magdalene
prose-textblock1Benigne Jhesu, I thanke and magnifie yow that ye apperid also the day of youre Resurreccion to Marie Maudeleyne, which is a gret comfort to sinners. O lady Maudeleyne, for the gret joye that ye hadde
thanne of his glorious [fol. 41r] Resurreccion, of his presence and of his speche, whom ye loved so inwardli: preie myn lord Jhesu that mercifulli foryaf youre sinnes whan ye wepte at his feet that he for his gret goodnes foryeve me alle myne sinnes and make me evere to loven him parfithli.
Pater noster. Ave Maria.
49: The Supper at Emmaus
prose-textblock1Jhesu ful of endeles goodnes, I thanke and magnifie yow for the appering that ye apperid to Cleophas and his felawe on . And ful benigneli, goode lord, ye walkid with hem and brouht hem owt of here errour and wente with hem in to the Castell of [fol. 41v] Emaus,
and there ye sattin at a bord betwen hem two and brak the bred wher thorw thei knewyn yow. O benigne Jhesu, blissid and worchepid, glorified and magnified be ye evere more for alle the comfortis that thee have doon and schal doon in to the to youre chosin children. Pater noster. Ave.
50: The Incredulity of Thomas
prose-textblock1Merciful Jhesu, I thanke and magnifie yow for alle the apperinges that thee apperid aftir yowre Resurreccion. And specialli I thanke yow, good lord, for youre appering to seynt Thomas of Inde, at the which tyme ye yaf [fol. 42r] youre blissing to alle hem that belevyd in yow and never saw yow. O dere benigne God, yeve us alle grace feithfulli and continualli to have parfith beleeve in yow wherthorw we may have youre blissing evir withoutyn ende. Amen. Pater noster. Ave.
51: The Ascension
prose-textblock1Myhtful Jhesu, I thanke and magnifie yow for youre merveilous Ascension, that ye stey
to hevene on
and sette yow on youre fadris riht
hand, and schul come ayen and deme the quike
and the dede.
O gracious lord, graunte me grace thanne to been on youre riht side and [fol. 42v] seie to me with youre children: “Venite benedicti Patris mei, possidete paratum vobis regnum a constitutione
that I may at that time be
youre blisful bounté haven part of youre eritage, ever to love and herie yow in blisse evirlesting. Amen. Pater noster. Ave Maria.
52: Pentecost
prose-textblock1Glorious Jhesu, I thanke and magnifie yow for the sending doun of the Holi Gost to youre apostelis on , which fulfilde with wit and wisdom
and yaf hem strengthe to suffre for youre dere love peynes and turmentis and cruel deth. O blisful lord, ful of [fol. 43r] swetnesse and ful of all bounté: sende us youre Holi Gost to fulfille us with wit and wisdom, where thorw we mowe wisli governe oure self as longe as the lif is withinne oure bodies, and also to yeven us strengthe, mekeli and myghtili, to suffren peynes and disseses for youre love and to with-stonde alle vices and never
to flitte
from yow for lif ne for deth. Pater noster. Ave Maria gratia.
53: The Sacred Heart
prose-textblock1A debonere Jhesu, I thanke and magnifie yow: worchepid and blissed be ye, goode lord, continueli in alle youre gracious vertues, and blissid and worchepid [fol. 43v] been alle youre holy lymes and fetures, and alle youre bones and alle youre intrailes. And speciali I thanke and magnifie youre precious merciful herte.
O blisful dere herte of myn lord Jhesu God: from yow comyth the brith schinyng bemes of deepe lyht of trewe understondyng. O gracious herte, from yow comyth the cler knowyng and stremys of swetnesse, the whiche is joye and comforth to oure mornyng
soules. O benigne herte, that was so meke and pacient to suffre alle wornges,
peynes and disseses that was put to yow: [fol. 44r] blissid and thankid mote ye be. O merciful herte, ful of al godnes in whom is al precious gostli oynementis
to hele with oure sike soules. O herte debonere, from yow comyth al grace and vertues that is yeven to man and woman: glorified and magnified be ye evermore. O swete herte, ful of love: wownde myn herte in youre love and ravissche it
al in yow. Schewe to me youre briht bemes
of gostli undirstonding and streme me youre watres
clere that gostli frutes
may growe in me, and alwey make me lowli to receiven youre spirituel sondes
and mekeli to resig|ne
[fol. 44v] it to yow. Pater noster. Ave Maria.
54: The Benefits of the Lord
prose-textblock1Mihtful Trinité, ful of endeles glorie, I thanke and magnifie yow for alle the beenfetis that ye han doon to al mankende. And speciali I thanke yow that ye, gracious God, of yowre hey noblesse voucheth saf to been so mercyful to me, sinful. I thanke yow, benigne lord, of alle the beenfetes that ye withoutyn noumbre have doon to me, not withstonding that I am an unworthi, vicious,
wrecchid creature. Yet I finde youre goodnesse ever redy to me: therfore I beseche youre modir Lady seynt Marie, and al the cumpany of hevene, [fol. 45r] to thanke yow for my sake. O Holi Trinité, in hevene and in erthe, blissid and loved, worchepid and thankid, glorified and magnified be ye, blissid lord, continueli that lyvest and regnist in too, thre, and on,
everlasting withouten ende. Amen. Pater noster. Ave Maria.
The Author’s Epilogue
prose-textblock1Ithankid be oure lord, good sustir, now have I ende that ye desired. I have write alwey at the beginninges of these preyeres and meditations thankynges and hereynges to God, for we owyn ever to thanke God for alle the grete werkis that he hath doon for man, and for alle yeftes and graces that of his benigne goodnesse [fol. 45v] to us yevith and sendith; and for alle gostli and bodili victories, for be his helpe and grace it is doon. And but yef we yelde
thankinges to God for alle these before seide, we been unkende wherthorw we gretli displese him, as ye may pleinli se be emsample of king Ezechie
that after a gret victorie that he hadde, he made no canticle
thanking God of his victorie; and therfore was God displesed and sente him to sein
be his prophete
that he schulde dien. Wherfore I counseile alwey that ye in al mekenesse and reverence thanke and herie God at alle tymes for his beenfetis.
prose-textblock2Ferthermore, myn sustir, mo [fol. 46r] peynes I have wretin than I finde in the passion of the gospel, the whiche was be revelacion of God schewid to a religious persone. Alle the evangelistes witnessin
weel in here writing that ther was more of oure lord Crist Jhesu than thei wretin of him, and therfore it may leeffuli
been seide or wretin thing that hath be schewid be Godes goodnesse, al though it be not in the gospel. Also I write in divers places “us” and “we” for ye schulde at swich places take youre even Cristen with yow in youre preieres, for whan we preie for us self it plesith God [fol. 46v] gretli that we take oure even Cristen with us. And treuli, sustir, yef we do so he of his gret goodnesse wole thanne here oure preiere the sonere.
prose-textblock3I have set yow in this writing of lesse pris that I hope ye been in the syght of God, for this cause: for thoug a man or womman be never so good a lever,
and though thei have never so mochil grace of God, gostli and bodili, thei schulde alwey sette lest
of hem self, and holde hem self most sinful and lest worthe of alle othire. But summe ther beth that seyn that thei can not holden hem self most sinful of alle othire, for thei seye that othir [fol. 47r] han doon grete dedli sinnes that thei dede nevere. And to hem that sein so I answere: yef thei wolde opin the eye of sothfastnesse,
it were ful litil maystrie
to holden hem self most sinful of alle othir. For yef the most perfith liver that is this day on lyve,
and lest sinne hath doon, and he hadde standin in the same occasions that the most sinful man stood in, and therto he hadde had the same temptacions and that same disposicion, and the grace of God withdrawe from hym, he schulde have do as evil as he or worse. And therfore as of his owin propreté
he may holde [fol. 47v] him self as most sinful, for it is but only of Godes goodnesse that kepith him fro the periles that othir fallin in.
prose-textblock4And also ther is anothir wey a man to holde him self as on of the most sinful, though he fele meche grace and vertu yoven to him, and is this: yef a man or woman for his holi levyng falle into pride beholding her vertues and goode dedis, and rejoyeth in hem self with pride, wenyng that thei be not so sinful as other been, ne doo not thoo evel dedes that othir doon, and in this deliten in hem self, and fallen thus in pride and veinglorie,
[fol. 48r] wilfuli holding weel be him self, thei ben more dispisable in the siht of God than thei that have sinnid in gret owtward sinnes. For I likene hem to the Pharisé that oure lord spekith of
in the gospel. The Pharisé thowhte and seide to God that he dede goode dedis and was not so sinful as the publican,
and in this he hadde pride and reyoiced in him self; and therfore he was refusid of God, and the sinful publican for his wekenesse and contricion was receyved
to grace. Lucifer
also he sinnid, not in owtward fleshchli sinnes which arn most abominable and repro|vable [fol. 48v] in the siht of man, but he sinnid in pride onli, which is most reprevable
in the siht of God: and therfore he that was so faire an aungel for his pride become the fowlest fend of helle. O, sithin that pride is so perilous that it fadith al gostli beuté
and gretli displesith God, it owith mechel to ben hatid and enchewid
of every creature to be soore aferd
therof. God, yeve us grace evere to flee therfro: and I seye yow trewli what creature that wole hatin it and eschewen it, he must evere holde him self werst of alle othir, and so I hope that ye do. But yet I write this to remembre
bothe yow and othir [fol. 49r] therupon, and especiali to excite my self to have it weel in mynde. And I am sekir
who so holdith him self most sinful he hath neythir
skorn ne hatred ne disdein of noon of evyn Cristen for eny sinne that thei do or have doon, but thei have pité and compassion of hem and hate the sinnes and love the persones;
and so mekenesse — who that wole takin it — causith charité and al goodnesse.
prose-textblock5And, sustir, bindith not yow self
to seye al ovir the preieres every day, but seye summe on oon day and summe on anothir day as ye have leyser
at tyme. And whoso that evir usith [fol. 49v] mechil to seie it schal finde therinne grace, comforth, and strengthe. I wolde
ye couden
the sentence withoutyn the book, for and
ye so coude ye schulden fele mochil more comforth and unyon in God, to seye it so inforth
than for to seie it be scripture.
And farith now weel, myn goode sustir: God yeve us bothe grace in al thing to do as it is most to his worschep and plesing. Amen.
prose-textblock6Syke and sorwe deeply,
Wepe and mourne sadly,Preye and thinke devoutly,Love and longe continualy.