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Textual Notes

1Inperator. MS: the speaker’s name is written at the top center of the page. Appearing directly to the right of it are the initials M. B., the signature by which Myles Blomefield registered his ownership of the manuscripts of medieval drama in his possession (see Introduction, p. 8).back to note source

2audyens. So MS. BMH: audyeans.back to note source

4be. MS: inserted above the line.back to note source

. MS: word. So also at lines 304, s.d., 305, 380, s.d., 381, 408, s.d., hereafter silently emended.back to note source

12regeons. So MS. BMH: regeouns.back to note source

22porchase. MS has indeterminate letter or blotted error between c and h.back to note source

23am. MS: written above the line.back to note source

25pesabyl. MS: s cancelled after this word.back to note source

possessyon. So BMH. MS: possesson. back to note source

26disobedyent. So BMH. MS: obedyent.back to note source

28shall. MS: xal. The scribe commonly used x rather than the digraph sh for [ʃ]. I emend silently hereafter.back to note source

32nat. MS: inserted above the line.back to note source

36weryons. So MS. BMH: weryouns.back to note source

38grocth. So MS, BMH. B: grocch.back to note source

or2. MS: altered from on.back to note source

40swyche. MS: indeterminate letter cancelled before this word; BMH identify cancelled letter as w.back to note source

45am I plesyd. So BMH. MS lacks the personal pronoun.back to note source

49kyngges. So BMH. MS: kyggys.back to note source

52commaund. So BMH. MS: commaud.back to note source

58knett. MS: Superscript n. BMH mistakenly identify superscript n in knottys in this line.back to note source

caytyfys. So BMH. MS: cayftyys.back to note source

63al. MS: written above the line.back to note source

66to me ful trew. So MS. BMH emend as ful trew to me for the sake of rhyme.back to note source

71is. MS: written above the line.back to note source

72of beuté. So BMH. MS lacks preposition.back to note source

78Save. Written in margin where MS has cancelled of.back to note source

86kyndnes. MS: d written above the line.back to note source

90plesowns. So MS. BMH: plesowans.back to note source

93Thatt. So MS. BMH: Thou.back to note source

96Owt. MS: superscript t here and throughout, silently emended hereafter.back to note source

99dowttyr. MS: scribe has written abbreviation -ys instead of -yr.back to note source

109Whan ye shal hens passe. MS: line bracketed and written to the right of lines 107 and 108.back to note source

110all. MS: h cancelled before this word.back to note source

113Onto thes ladys of jentylnes. MS: line written to the right of line 112.back to note source

121owit. MS: ow with superscript t; thus emended by B. BMH: wythowt. I have adopted Bevington’s emendation because owit wrech (owed harm) makes grammatical sense in light of the series of “if” clauses that follow this line. Nonetheless, the line may involve some scribal error.back to note source

125in. MS: written above the line.back to note source

133Herowdys. MS: indeterminate letter cancelled between w and d.back to note source

145faytours. MS: s written above the line.back to note source

148shal. MS: written above make.back to note source

160governons. So MS. BMH: governouns.back to note source

162me. MS: inserted above the line.back to note source

166ondyrstond. MS: written as two words, with indeterminate letter cancelled between.back to note source

175in lumine tuo. So BMH. MS: in lumine.back to note source

176splendore. So BMH. MS: spelndore.back to note source

179me. MS: written above the line.back to note source

184sceptrum de Juda. So BMH. MS: septrum Juda.back to note source

185qui mitendus. So BMH. MS: imitendus.back to note source

186I. So BMH. MS: omitted.back to note source

187dastardys. MS: dastardus.back to note source

190that. MS: written above the line.back to note source

192marryd. So BMH. MS: marry.back to note source

194ar. MS: written above the line.back to note source

200ondyr. MS: indeterminate letter cancelled before this word.back to note source

203replycacyon. So BMH. MS: replycayon.back to note source

205voys. MS, BMH: woys. B emends as woth.back to note source

208, s.d.masengyr. So BMH. MS: omitted.back to note source

213Tyberyus. The scribe frequently writes the -us abbreviation after the letter u, thus rendering the word Tyberyuus. Hereafter I silently omit the redundant u.back to note source

218Forto. So BMH. MS: for.back to note source

219them. So BMH. MS: the.back to note source

220wythin. MS: in inserted over caret.back to note source

222swych. Repeated in MS.back to note source

224perce. So MS. BMH: perce them.back to note source

225wyth. The scribe probably intended wyght (quickly), a word that appears at line 227 and whose meaning is also apt here.back to note source

227wygth. MS: sond wygth.back to note source

229rychesse. So BMH. MS: rychsse.back to note source

232Tyberius. MS: i added above.back to note source

234pregedyse. MS: predy cancelled before.back to note source

235yow. MS: written above the line.back to note source

236ye. So BMH. MS: he.back to note source

to. MS: written above the line.back to note source

237prommyssary. So BMH. MS: prmmyssary.back to note source

and. MS: ss cancelled after this word. B: ser.back to note source

presedent. So BMH. MS: presdent.back to note source

238inperrowpent. So BMH. MS: inper rowpent. This word exemplifies an obscurity that editors have struggled to explain. My gloss follows BMH, p. 200.back to note source

240what. MS: qwat. I silently emend hereafter.back to note source

seye. So BMH. MS: sye.back to note source

248, s.d.Her. MS: y cancelled after. Stage directions are written in red from this point to the end of the play.back to note source

280this. So BMH. MS: is.back to note source

282God. MS: me cancelled after.back to note source

288bryng. So BMH. MS: bryg.back to note source

292lyf I. MS: lyf y. B omits personal pronoun.back to note source

298exprese. MS: written in right margin; fulfylle cancelled before.back to note source

303systyr. So BMH. MS: systyrs.back to note source

305evyr. MS: b cancelled after this word.back to note source

315perteynyng. So BMH. MS: altered from perteynyt.back to note source

316mone. MS: sonne cancelled before.back to note source

327dwellyn. So BMH, silently emended. MS: dwellyng. B: be dwellyng.back to note source

333, s.d.Kyng. So MS. BMH: Kynge.back to note source

Lechery. MS: written above the line at the right margin.back to note source

358pyrles, prykkyd. So MS. B: pirked, prikkyd.back to note source

359yower. So BMH. MS: ower.back to note source

362and. So BMH. MS: omitted.back to note source

365wyth. So BMH, B. Omitted in MS.back to note source

may. MS: d cancelled before this word.back to note source

387asemlanus. So MS. BMH: asemlaunvs.back to note source

389Thys tyde. MS: line bracketed and written to the right of line 387.back to note source

393Com as fast as he may ryde. MS: line bracketed and written to the right of lines 390 and 391.back to note source

395masege. MS: ge written above the line.back to note source

402yow. MS: written above line.back to note source

404counseyl. BMH observe that the scribe used the incorrect abbreviation yr for the elided nasal. Similar substitutions occur in the spelling of counsell at lines 412, 421, and 436.back to note source

for. So BMH. MS: fo.back to note source

405where. So BMH. MS: whre.back to note source

410ye. MS: send cancelled after.back to note source

417Of that castel beryt the pryse. MS: line bracketed and written to the right of lines 415 and 416.back to note source

421But yf your counseyll may othyrwyse devyse. MS: line bracketed and written to the right of lines 418–20.back to note source

422ye. MS: superscript e.back to note source

431Speaker’s rubric (Satan) repeated at the top of fol. 104v.back to note source

436Syrrys. So BMH. MS: Syrrus. r1 is a superscript.back to note source

439, s.d.Mary. So BMH. MS: omitted.back to note source

447debonarius. MS: debonariuus. Letters iu written above the line, not ius noted by BMH.back to note source

449receyve. MS: ve written above the line.back to note source

459yow. MS: yow yow. Repeated yow cancelled after this word.back to note source

sportys. MS: d cancelled before this word.back to note source

465betake. So MS, B. BMH: beteche.back to note source

469, s.d.seyyng. So BMH. MS: seyyg.back to note source

475is. So BMH. MS: omitted.back to note source

478Grome. So MS, B. BMH: Groine.back to note source

480bettyr. So BMH. MS: berttyr.back to note source

490, s.d.galaunt. MS: of cancelled after this word.back to note source

493What. MS: written above cancelled w.back to note source

Wene. MS: possibly mene. BMH: mene.back to note source

marchant. MS: galaunt cancelled before.back to note source

495sum. MS: written above the line.back to note source

501somyr. MS: wyn cancelled before.back to note source

508in. MS: i.back to note source

514drynk. So BMH. MS: dryng.back to note source

515Coryosté. MS: repeated at top of fol. 107v as Coriosté.back to note source

525womanly. MS: m written over l, but cancellation noted by BMH may be the nasal abbreviation.back to note source

531Mary Maudleyn. MS: Coriosté cancelled before speech marker.back to note source

535sen. MS: seyn cancelled before.back to note source

536love ye. So MS, B. BMH: love ye thos.back to note source

538am. MS: written above the line.back to note source

539My love in yow gynnyt to close. MS: line bracketed and written to the right of lines 537 and 538.back to note source

546To dye for your sake. MS: line bracketed and written to the right of lines 544 and 545.back to note source

563semlyest. So BMH. MS: semyest.back to note source

585nere. MS: nye cancelled before.back to note source

589wol. MS: inserted above the line.back to note source

590veryabyll. MS: a added above.back to note source

593lust. So BMH. MS: lost.back to note source

597in. MS: inserted above the line.back to note source

600mercy. MS: ye cancelled before.back to note source

614, s.d.Leprus. MS: written below the line in the right margin.back to note source

622wythinne. MS: ne inserted above the line.back to note source

630syt. MS: altered from set.back to note source

637hope is perhenuall. So BMH. MS: hope perhenuall.back to note source

640, s.d.Jhesus dicit. MS: repeated at top of fol. 109v.back to note source

642repast. So BMH. MS: rpast.back to note source

650well. So BMH. MS: woll.back to note source

658man. MS: written below the line at the right margin.back to note source

659Symond. MS: Jhesus cancelled before.back to note source

662quesson. So MS. BMH: quessyon.back to note source

665al. So MS. BMH: all.back to note source

670entent. MS: in before this word.back to note source

674conscyens. MS: e added above.back to note source

676wrecchednesse. So MS. BMH note alteration of e to ss.back to note source

684wyl. So MS. BMH: wyll.back to note source

686contrysson. So MS. BMH: contryssyon.back to note source

689porchasyd. MS: l cancelled before this word.back to note source

693tyme. MS: my cancelled before.back to note source

694dred. MS: written below the line at the right margin.back to note source

695thi. MS: I was cancelled before.back to note source

701contrysson. So MS. BMH: contryssyon.back to note source

705omnipotency. So BMH. MS: omipotency.back to note source

706governons. So MS. BMH: governouns.back to note source

708devyn. MS: dey cancelled before.back to note source

709And. MS: ad cancelled before this word.back to note source

723to. MS: inserted above line.back to note source

725, s.d.dyvllys. MS: v written above.back to note source

727Tercius. So MS. BMH silently emend: Rex.back to note source

728judycyal-lyke. MS: d cancelled before this word.back to note source

731Primus. So MS. BMH silently emend: Rex. Also at lines 735, 740, and 744.back to note source

736wreke. So BMH. MS: wroke.back to note source

738hym. MS: y altered from e.back to note source

739, s.d.serve. MS and BMH: serva.back to note source

741lordeynnys. MS: the cancelled before.back to note source

744fals. So BMH. MS: ffals written below the line.back to note source

754deversarye. MS: de added above the line.back to note source

768Mary Maudleyn. MS: Mary M Mary M. Repeated Mary M cancelled. BMH emend silently as Magdalen; also at lines 784, 815, 824, 834, 889, 894.back to note source

787gete. MS: written above the line.back to note source

791prophet. So BMH. MS: prophe.back to note source

hatt. MS: inserted above the line.back to note source

793yower. So BMH. MS: yow.back to note source

803impossyble. So BMH. MS: inpossible.back to note source

815Lord. MS: c cancelled before this word.back to note source

817weyys. MS: e inserted above.back to note source

823, s.d.Mortuus. So BMH. MS: mortuis. This is one of a few stage directions written in the right margin.back to note source

831drewyn. It is unclear if this w is orthographically the same as v, the option B chooses. In either case there is little difference between being drewyn (drawn) and drevyn (driven) down by death.back to note source

836be. MS: inserted above the line.back to note source

845, s.d.Lay him in. MS: written in right margin.back to note source

846cogynysson. So MS. BMH: cognyssyon.back to note source

851chyldyurn. So BMH. B: childyrne. MS: chyldynre.back to note source

853Dissipulus. So MS. BMH: Dissipulys.back to note source

volunté. MS: w cancelled before this word.back to note source

865I. So MS, BMH. B: omits.back to note source

867Wherfor. So BMH. MS: whefor.back to note source

868, s.d.The scribe has squeezed the stage direction between lines 868 and 869.back to note source

876thysse. MS: written below the line at right margin.back to note source

888from. MS: fro cancelled before.back to note source

889rythewys. MS: thow cancelled before.back to note source

equité. MS: written below the line at right margin.back to note source

891be. MS: written below the line at right margin.back to note source

892Good. MS: o inserted above word.back to note source

894monument. So BMH. MS: moment.back to note source

895that. MS: that and another indeterminate letter cancelled before; BMH identify cancelled letter as o.back to note source

ye. MS: the cancelled before.back to note source

900remeve. MS: remembyr cancelled before.back to note source

902, s.d.The scribe has again squeezed the stage direction between two lines of the spoken text.back to note source

904glory. MS: written below the line.back to note source

909me. MS: inserted over caret. Ink is badly smudged at the beginning of this line.back to note source

912wondyre. MS: b cancelled between n and d.back to note source

913nothyng. So BMH. MS: nothyg.back to note source

916away. MS: was cancelled between a and w.back to note source

921yower. MS: ower cancelled before.back to note source

928Obedyenly. MS: Why lowt ye natt lo cancelled before.back to note source

937the. MS: y cancelled before this word.back to note source

so bold. MS: written below the line at the right margin.back to note source

944losty. So MS. BMH indicate here possibility of lofty.back to note source

lyon. MS: written below line at the right margin.back to note source

949O, my blysse, in beuteus bryght. MS: line written to the right of lines 946–48.back to note source

957plesant. MS: pleȝant. Here and elsewhere for the s the scribe has written the yogh for intervocalic s (/z/) . See also lines 1304, 1490, 1503, 1505, 1513, 1519, 1539, 1547, 1585, 1689.back to note source

959ruby. So BMH. MS: rubu.back to note source

960plesaunt. So BMH. MS: pleaunt.back to note source

my. MS: l before, incorrectly cited by BMH as cancelled.back to note source

962, s.d.a dylle. MS: inserted above the line.back to note source

963yelle. MS: e cancelled before this word.back to note source

966brasse. MS: written below the line at the right margin.back to note source

967blase. MS: written below the line at the right margin.back to note source

968asondyr. MS: letter y altered from e or vice versa.back to note source

972passon. So MS. BMH silently emend: passyon.back to note source

973On. So BMH. MS: O.back to note source

979wrowth. MS: written above cancelled wethe.back to note source

983atrey. MS: indeterminate letter cancelled between a and t.back to note source

985Yet. So BMH. MS: ye.back to note source

eye. MS: ye cancelled before.back to note source

986everychon. MS: written below the line at the right margin.back to note source

992in fine. So MS. BMH note that the abbreviation employed here could also mean in sum, the option they and B choose. But in fine better comports with the idiom and meaning of the devil’s speech.back to note source

992, s.d.passon. So MS. BMH: passyon.back to note source

upon. So MS. BMH: ypon.back to note source

. So MS. BMH: Mawdleyn. My examination of the manuscript concurs with BMH’s observation that the “red line drawn through [the] first line of directions” was “apparently” not intended to cancel it. This line resembles other red lines drawn at the tops of pages to mark the upper margin (e.g., see folios 119r and 121v). The scribe appears, however, to have written the first line of the stage direction over the red line, not the reverse as suggested by BMH.back to note source

997Mary Jacobe. So BMH, expanding silently here and elsewhere. MS: M Jacobe.back to note source

998Jewys. MS, BMH: jevys. Inserted above the line.back to note source

1001Mary Salome. So BMH, expanding silently here and elsewhere. MS: M Salome.back to note source

intollerabyll. So BMH. MS: s cancelled after this word.back to note source

1003haddyst. MS: hast cancelled before.back to note source

1004is. MS: inserted above the line.back to note source

1004, s.d.folowyng. MS: yng inserted above the line.back to note source

The speech marker M Maudleyn is cancelled in the right margin. I adopt at line 1005 the emended speech marker of BMH, which calls for all three Marys to speak.back to note source

1007Mannys sowle to bye from all thraldam. So MS. BMH emend for consistency of rhyme: Mannys sowle from all thraldam to bye.back to note source

1008in. MS: shold a be cancelled after. BMH: in peyne shold a be boun.back to note source

1011Mary Maudleyn. MS: M Magdleyn. BMH expand silently here and at lines 1031, 1055, 1059, 1063, 1070, 1078, s.d. 1095, etc.back to note source

1015Mary Jacobe. MS: Speaker’s rubric omitted here. I concur with the logic of BMH’s emendation, which is based on the three Marys sequenced responses at this moment in the play. The red lines that precede and follow the speech at lines 1015–18 appear regularly in the manuscript to divide speeches by different speakers. B does not note a change of speaker here.back to note source

1017mynd. So BMH. MS: myd.back to note source

1019boundys. MS: v cancelled before this word.back to note source

1022, s.d.angelys. MS: angelus. BMH observe the scribe’s erroneous abbreviation. The scribe has clearly employed the same -us abbreviation that we see in the speakers’ rubrics at lines 1023 and 1027 and in gracyus at line 1016 and precyus at line 1018. A comparison with the final words in these lines (wound[ys] and stoundd[ys], respectively) illustrates the scribe’s distinction between -us and -ys. The correct form in the stage direction would produce the plural angel[ys]. Elsewhere the scribe confuses angelus and angelys; for example, see line 2066 and 2077.back to note source

1023Angelus. So MS. BMH: Primus Angelus.back to note source

1026Go. MS: written above cancelled go.back to note source

1039inward. MS, BMH: invard.back to note source

1046, s.d.Here. So BMH. MS: how.back to note source

1047[Petyr]. The MS identifies no speaker here. BMH and B emend.back to note source

1053seyd. MS: d written above word.back to note source

resurrexon. So MS. BMH: resurrexyon.back to note source

1054MS: speaker’s rubric Jhon repeated here at top of fol. 119v.back to note source

1056and. MS: inserted above the line.back to note source

1058Wom sekest. MS: indeterminate letters inserted above the line, and cancelled, between these words; BMH identify cancelled letters as st.back to note source

1060, s.d.Hic aparuit Jhesus. MS: written in right margin.back to note source

1068I. MS: inserted above the line.back to note source

1077hevnly. So BMH. MS: hevly.back to note source

1078fyrst. MS: fr cancelled before this word.back to note source

1079Symoud. So MS. BMH: Symound.back to note source

gardenyr. MS: first letter blotted; g added above.back to note source

1083fowle. So BMH. MS: flowle. Scribe may have cancelled the superfluous letter l.back to note source

1086Mary Maudleyn. MS: J cancelled before unnormalized manuscript speech marker, M Magdleyn.back to note source

1091posybylyté. So BMH. MS: posybyle.back to note source

1096systyrs. So BMH. MS: systyr.back to note source

1100expresse. MS: a cancelled before this word.back to note source

1111I. MS: inserted over the line.back to note source

1120In nomine Patrys, ett Felii ett Spiritus Sancti, amen. MS: line written in red.back to note source

1125O. MS: added in margin.back to note source

1127thow. MS: stroke of letter cancelled before.back to note source

1133aprise. MS: ri added above.back to note source

1134meve. MS: ve added above.back to note source

1139curteys. MS: r added above.back to note source

1149syde. MS: written below the line in the right margin.back to note source

1153ded. MS: inserted above caret.back to note source

1158Onshapli thou art to see. MS: line bracketed and written to the right of lines 1155 and 1156.back to note source

1159women. So MS. BMH: woman.back to note source

1162me. So BMH. MS: partial letter cancelled after.back to note source

. MS: line bracketed and written to the right of lines 1160 and 1161.back to note source

1170On thi ars com mych wondyre. MS: line bracketed and written to the right of lines 1168 and 1169.back to note source

1174This kenred is asprongyn late. MS: line bracketed and written to the right of lines 1171 and 1172.back to note source

1177, s.d.Bete hym. Rex diciit. MS: written to the right of the line.back to note source

1178this. MS: added above.back to note source

1181bryng. So BMH. MS: bryg.back to note source

1186sarasenorum. MS: sarasensore. BMH silently emend, probably for consistency of final orum in all lines of this doggerel Latin. This line is written in red.back to note source

1188Gormoerdorum. So MS. BMH: Gormondorum.back to note source

1193Snyguer. MS: Sy cancelled before this word.back to note source

1194lamba. So BMH. MS: la cancelled before this word.back to note source

1209, s.d.Rex dicitt. MS: written in right margin.back to note source

1213Wyth thi wesdom and thi wytt. MS: line bracketed and written to the right of lines 1210 and 1211.back to note source

1217Here in thi presens as I sett. MS: line bracketed and written to the right of lines 1214–16.back to note source

1220be. MS: o cancelled before this word.back to note source

1227, s.d.Syng both. MS: written in right margin.back to note source

1228dyvll. MS: indeterminate letter blotted before this word.back to note source

1230Butt now, syr, kyng, quene, and knyth. MS: a red line separates lines 1229 and 1230, but there is no change of speaker.back to note source

1234er. MS, BMH: or.back to note source

. MS: A faint line through this word suggests its possible cancellation. In that case er ye gon (before you go) would make sense in the context of the speech.back to note source

1236this. MS: five or six letters cancelled before; word(s) not discernable; BMH identify cancelled letters as mewyer ye.back to note source

1239And. MS: ȝ cancelled before this word.back to note source

1241This same holy bede. MS: line bracketed and written to the right of lines 1238 and 1239.back to note source

bede. MS: final letter obscured by binding. BMH posit the letter e, hence their bede, which they gloss as “prayer.” The scribe usually distinguishes the letters e and o and here clearly has written be; nonetheless, “this same holy body” offers a better fit with Presbiter’s praise of the virtues of Mahownd’s relics.back to note source

1243holy. So BMH. MS, B: body. BMH reverse lines 1243 and 1244 based on the verse form. See BMH, pp. 211–12.back to note source

1246That. MS: t altered from e.back to note source

1248That is ower god in fere. MS: line bracketed and written to the right of lines 1245 and 1246.back to note source

1249serjauntys. MS: xall cancelled before.back to note source

1260Baramathye. MS: m cancelled before this word.back to note source

1261Serjantt. So MS. BMH add Primus before.back to note source

1277Pylatti. MS: final letter obscured by binding, but a second t can be discerned. BMH: Pylatus.back to note source

1278that. So MS. BMH: tho lordys.back to note source

ryall. MS: l cancelled before this word.back to note source

1283passon. So MS. BMH: passyon.back to note source

1287am. MS: inserted above.back to note source

1292nere. MS: before this word the scribe appears to have cancelled a mistaken stroke of the pen.back to note source

1298aprise. So BMH, emending silently. MS: apise.back to note source

1299Wych. So MS. BMH emend silently: Wyche.back to note source

1303be. MS: inserted above.back to note source

1309natt. MS: it cancelled before.back to note source

1311sentens. So BMH. MS: sentellys. BMH emend here and at line 1315.back to note source

1318to. MS: inserted above.back to note source

1323desypyllys. MS: py inserted above this word.back to note source

1329the2. MS: inserted above.back to note source

1333for. So BMH. This line is bracketed and written in the margin to the right of lines 1331 and 1332; binding partly obscures the word after Mery.back to note source

to. MS: fo cancelled before.back to note source

1334renown. MS: of cancelled before.back to note source

1336ded. MS: written below the line at the right.back to note source

1343alle. So BMH. MS: l cancelled before this word.back to note source

1345dysyllpyllys. So MS. BMH: dysypyllys.back to note source

1348ferr. MS: inserted above.back to note source

1348, s.d.Jhesus. This word is repeated at the end of the line. This stage direction is divided from the preceding line with a horizontal line drawn in red ink.back to note source

shew. So MS. BMH emend: shew [hymself].back to note source

1351the. MS: I cancelled before this word. In added in margin.back to note source

1353Phebus. MS: scribe has written character yogh instead of abbreviation for us.back to note source

1358hevnly. So MS. BMH: heuenly.back to note source

1368myn. MS: scribe has written my with superscript abbreviation for er.back to note source

1375, s.d.Tunc decendet angelus. MS: written in right margin.back to note source

1376Abasse. MS: indeterminate letter cancelled between A and b; BMH identify cancelled letter as b.back to note source

1385commaunddement. So BMH. MS: commauddement.back to note source

1388thoys. MS: y cancelled before this word.back to note source

1389be browth. MS: written below the line.back to note source

1395Stryke! Stryke! So BMH. MS: stryke skryke.back to note source

1404good. MS: o inserted above.back to note source

1405forhongord. So MS, BMH. B: sor hongord.back to note source

1409I1. So BMH. MS: Cy cancelled before this word.back to note source

1410forlorn. MS: lonr cancelled between for and lorn.back to note source

1418, s.d.Bete hym. MS: written in right margin.back to note source

1427same. MS: m written over another letter.back to note source

1428to. MS: inserted above.back to note source

1429I. MS: inserted above.back to note source

1430Is of the lond of Marcyll. MS: line bracketed and written to the right of lines 1428 and 1429.back to note source

1435Yondyr. So MS. BMH: Yond ther.back to note source

Torke. So MS. BMH: Torkye.back to note source

1437–38Yendyr is the lond of Satyllye / Of this cors we thar nat abaffe. I follow the emendation of BMH, reversing lines 1437 and 1438. This order preserves the verse form employed by the playwright here and accords with the sequence of events. The stage direction at line 1438 is written to the right of lines 1436 and 1437. B retains the manuscript order of lines 1437 and 1438 and places the direction for singing between lines 1436 and 1437.back to note source

1439BMH silently emend here, adding the speaker’s rubric Shepmen.back to note source

1444Sett off! Sett off from lond. So B. BMH give this line to the Boy. MS: The speech marker, The Boy, appears next to line 1445.back to note source

1448vyctoré. MS: written above a cancelled vytory.back to note source

1452shew. So BMH. MS: she.back to note source

1456yow. MS: written twice.back to note source

way. So BMH. MS: omitted.back to note source

1469mysbelef. So BMH. MS: mysbele.back to note source

1476And. MS: preceded by ampersand.back to note source

1480That wold I lerne; itt is my plesyng. This is the last line on folio 129r. At the bottom right appears the speaker’s rubric (Mary) for the speech beginning at the top of folio 129v. At the bottom of folio 129r the scribe has written Jhesu mercy. Furnivall believed these words to be part of Mary’s speech. BMH (p. 213) suggest that they indicate the scribe’s “pious outburst.”back to note source

1492sterrys. MS: and cancelled after; ampersand written above.back to note source

1503it. MS: inserted above a cancelled is.back to note source

1526hast. MS: a cancelled before this word.back to note source

1530return. So BMH. MS: retur.back to note source

1541sestt. MS: s2 changed from y.back to note source

1542lord. MS: added above the line.back to note source

1549Onto. MS: to inserted above.back to note source

1551knees. MS: indeterminate letter cancelled before this word.back to note source

1553mee. MS: q cancelled after this word.back to note source

1560Good. MS: one o added above.back to note source

1561, s.d.clerk. So BMH. MS: cler.back to note source

1574I. MS: a cancelled before this word.back to note source

1576suek. So MS. BMH: sueke.back to note source

1577hath. So MS. BMH: heth.back to note source

1588asstatt. So BMH. MS: assatt.back to note source

1590awngelys. So BMH. MS: awngelus.back to note source

1609, s.d.angelys. So BMH. MS: angelus.back to note source

1613cold. So MS. BMH emend as chelle for the sake of the rhyme scheme.back to note source

1617, s.d.chongg. MS: voyd cancelled before. Final letter of chongg partially obscured by the margin.back to note source

1620shewyng. MS: is cancelled before.back to note source

1622saw. MS: w altered from x or y.back to note source

1626good. So MS. BMH: Good. See the explanatory note for this line.back to note source

1627may. MS: indeterminate letter cancelled before this word.back to note source

1633I tell yow, wythowtyn dowthe. MS: line bracketed and written to the right of line 1632.back to note source

1638My. MS: I cancelled before.back to note source

1639yower. So BMH. MS: ower.back to note source

1641, s.d.transit. So BMH. MS: transiunt.back to note source

1643the. MS: w cancelled before this word.back to note source

1648wyth. MS: inserted above.back to note source

1649yowre. MS: inserted above cancelled ow.back to note source

1653wyth. MS: s cancelled before this word.back to note source

1655myschef. So BMH. MS: mysch.back to note source

1661malycyows. So BMH. MS: l cancelled before this word.back to note source

1684God. MS: inserted above.back to note source

1695onto. MS: to added above.back to note source

1707me. MS: inserted above.back to note source

1714save. MS: fe cancelled before.back to note source

1715, s.d.tunc. MS: tt cancelled before this word.back to note source

1718And yf thou aspye ony lond. MS: line written to the right of lines 1716 and 1717.back to note source

1721ondyrstond. So BMH. MS: line is written to the right of lines 1719 and 1720; last three letters obscured by binding.back to note source

1724That stondyt upon a strond. MS: line written to the right of lines 1722 and 1723.back to note source

1735Thou woldyst ledd hyr owt of lond. MS: line bracketed and written to the right of lines 1733 and 1734.back to note source

1736God. MS: a letter, probably o, has been cancelled before d.back to note source

1737shall. MS: repeated and not cancelled.back to note source

1738Or ellys I woll nat wend. MS: line written to the right of line 1737.back to note source

1740up. MS: I cancelled before.back to note source

1741In the Holy Lond. MS: line written to the right of line 1740.back to note source

1744Hens that we were. MS: line written to the right of line 1743.back to note source

1749A. MS: inserted above in red.back to note source

1766wyff. MS: f cancelled before. BMH mistakenly note this change at line 1749.back to note source

1773me. MS: inserted above.back to note source

1774Yf thi wyl it be. MS: line bracketed and written to the right of lines 1771–73.back to note source

1777Ower mast woll all asondyr. MS: line bracketed and written to the right of lines 1775–76.back to note source

1778ley. MS: inserted above.back to note source

1780Cast hyr owt, or ellys we synke ondyr. MS: line written to the right of lines 1778 and 1779; final two letters of ondyr not visible because of trimming. BMH emend.back to note source

1786And my chyld hyr by. MS: line written to the right of lines 1784–85.back to note source

1790I sey yow, verely. MS: line bracketed and written to the right of lines 1788 and 1789.back to note source

1790, s.d.remigant. So BMH. MS: remigat.back to note source

dicit rex. MS: This stage direction appears as cancelled after line 1796, suggesting that the scribe realized he had written it in the wrong place but neglected to put the direction before the speech of the king that it clearly introduces. I follow the emendation of BMH. B omits.back to note source

1796To be ther gyde here. MS: line bracketed and written to the right of lines 1794–95.back to note source

1796, s.d.remigant. So BMH. MS: remigat.back to note source

a monte. So BMH. MS: a montem.back to note source

1800And belyve go me fro. MS: Line bracketed and written to the right of lines 1797–99.back to note source

1819shall. MS: thee seyn cancelled after this word.back to note source

1822Mercyll. So MS. BMH: Marcyll.back to note source

1825tell. MS: inserted above.back to note source

1827the. MS: inserted above.back to note source

1829Satyrnas. So MS. BMH: Saternas.back to note source

1830commaundmenttys. So BMH. MS: commaundmettys.back to note source

1838From the fyndys bond. MS: line bracketed and written to the right of lines 1836–37.back to note source

1840baptysse. MS: bast cancelled before. BMH do not note this cancellation.back to note source

1842Agens the fynd to stond. MS: line bracketed and written to the right of lines 1839–41.back to note source

1844cummaunddementt. So BMH. MS: cummauddementt.back to note source

1847dwall. So B. MS: wall.back to note source

1848and2. MS: inserted above.back to note source

1850feyth. MS: e inserted above.back to note source

1856lawe. So B. MS, BMH: lave.back to note source

1859That feythfully I crave. MS: line bracketed and written to the right of lines 1856 and 1857.back to note source

1862kepe. MS: ȝ cancelled after this word. Line bracketed and written to the right of lines 1860–61.back to note source

1866Be1. MS: b cancelled after.back to note source

1870Help me over the se. MS: line bracketed and written to the right of lines 1868–69.back to note source

1873ony. MS: two letters, difficult to distinguish, cancelled before.back to note source

1874Comme in, in Goddys name. MS: line bracketed and written to the right of lines 1871–73.back to note source

1878As well as thou can. MS: line bracketed and written to the right of lines 1875–77.back to note source

1882I shall qwyt yower mede. MS: line bracketed and written to the right of lines 1879–81.back to note source

1883In. So BMH. MS: I.back to note source

1886Verely, indeed. MS: line bracketed and written to the right of lines 1883–85.back to note source

1890thee. MS: ȝ cancelled before this word.back to note source

1897shynne. MS: y written over e.back to note source

1903wrappyd. So BMH. MS: wrppyd.back to note source

varyawns. MS: final two letters difficult to discern because of binding.back to note source

1904into. So BMH. MS: i to.back to note source

1907precyus. MS: inserted above.back to note source

1909Wherfor. So BMH. MS: Whefor.back to note source

1914, s.d.nauta. MS: partial letter cancelled before. BMH do not note this cancellation.back to note source

1916Mercylle. So MS. BMH: Marcylle.back to note source

1918I prye yow for my sake. MS: line bracketed and written to the right of lines 1915 and 1916.back to note source

1921thi. So MS. BMH: þe.back to note source

1922Cryst save thee from wo and wrake. MS: line bracketed and written to the right of lines 1919–21.back to note source

1924think. So BMH, B. MS: omitted.back to note source

yow. MS: both cancelled after.back to note source

1926he. MS: inserted above.back to note source

1928Yitte. So BMH. MS: itte.back to note source

1930donum. So BMH. MS: domum.back to note source

1934men. MS: written below the line at the right.back to note source

1935dysstroccyon. MS: ss written over another letter.back to note source

1938Amen. MS: written in red.back to note source

1938, s.d.qwuene. So MS. BMH: quvene.back to note source

1939Lord. MS: inserted above.back to note source

1944nobyllnesse. MS: l cancelled between second l and nesse. So BMH.back to note source

1946thi. MS: inserted above.back to note source

1949wythowt. MS: b cancelled before this word.back to note source

1955knowlege. So BMH. MS: knowle.back to note source

1958have. MS: inserted above.back to note source

1966yower. So BMH. MS: ower.back to note source

1971, s.d.thus. MS: x cancelled before this word. BMH do not note this cancellation.back to note source

1985swych. So BMH. MS: wych.back to note source

1992me. MS: inserted above.back to note source

1996stryffe. So BMH. MS: styffe.back to note source

2011sprong. So BMH. MS: sporng.back to note source

2014born. MS: written above cancelled bornd.back to note source

2015commaunddement. So BMH. MS: commauddement.back to note source

2021Thou shall byn onoryd wyth joye and reverens. This is the last line on fol. 141r. The scribe skipped fol. 141v and 142r, writing turne on the othyr syde in red at the top of 141v.back to note source

2030, s.d.Her shall she . . . Et dicit Mari. Only the first part of the stage direction is written is red, as is the scribe’s practice for much of the manuscript. The use of black ink for the Latin verses of the hymn thus mark them as spoken text rather than stage direction.back to note source

2034no1. MS: inserted above, not no2 as cited by BMH.back to note source

2038, s.d.prest2. MS: final word obscured by binding.back to note source

2044graunt. MS: gruant. BMH: gravnt.back to note source

2051perfytnesse. So BMH. MS: perfynesse.back to note source

2052shew. So BMH. MS: she.back to note source

2066angelys. So BMH. MS: angelus.back to note source

2073possesson. So MS. BMH: possessyon.back to note source

2074enirytawns. So BMH. MS: Probable letter i inserted above.back to note source

2075savacyon. MS: In an interesting slip, the scribe has cancelled damnacyon and written the more appropriate savacyon above.back to note source

2076fere. MS: e cancelled before this word.back to note source

2077angelys. So BMH. MS: angelus.back to note source

2085cummaundytt. So BMH. MS: cummaudytt.back to note source

2092Straytt. MS: a written above.back to note source

2097thee. MS: inserted above.back to note source

2101inure. I follow the reading of BMH. MS: indeterminate word.back to note source

2107tyme. MS: tym cancelled before.back to note source

reseyve. MS: ve added above.back to note source

2108, s.d.Her she reseyvyt it. MS: written directly to right of line 2108.back to note source

2112recummend. So BMH. MS: recumdmend.back to note source

2118veritatis. MS: final letters obscured by binding. Line written to the right of lines 2115–17.back to note source

2119reseyve. MS: s altered from r.back to note source

2122, s.d.Gaudent in celis. MS: written to the right of lines 2120 and 2121.back to note source

2126game. So BMH. MS: name.back to note source

2131sentens. MS: final letter missing with corner of this page.back to note source