Inperator I command sylyns, in the peyn of forfetur,
Emperor silence under penalty of lossTo all myn audyens
present general!audienceOf my most hyest and mytyest volunté,volitionI woll it be
knowyn to all the world
unyversalline5That of heven and hell chyff rewlar am I,chief rulerTo wos magnyfycens non stondyt egall.whose equalFor I am soveren of al soverens subjugalsubjugatedOn to myn empere, beyng incomparableempireTyberyus Sesar,
wos power is potencyal.whose mightyline10I am the blod ryall, most of soverenté,royal, highest inOf all emperowers and kynges my byrth is best,And all regeons
obey my myty volunté.willLyfe and lem and goodys all be at my request,limbSo, of all soverens, my magnyfycens most mytyestline15May nat be agaynsayd of frend nor of foo;opposed by by foeBut all abydyn jugment and rewle of my lyst.endure pleasureAll grace upon erth from my goodnys commyt fro,kindness comesAnd that bryngis all pepell in blysse so.line19For the most worthyest, woll I rest in my sete.As will seat
Serybyl Syr, from your person growyt moch grace!much grace emanates
InperatorNow, for thin answer, Belyall blysse thi face!your BelialMykyl presporyté I gyn to porchase;
Great begin to acquireI am
wonddyn in welth from all woo.wrapped woefol. 95vHerke thou, provost,
I gyff thee in commandmentcommand youline25All your pepull preserve in pesabyl
peacefulYff any ther be to my goddys disobedyent,
godsDyssever tho harlottys and make to me declaracyon.Isolate those scoundrelsAnd I shall
make all swych to dye,suchThos precharsse of Crystys incarnacyon!preachers
ProvostLord of all lorddys, I shall gyff yow informacyon.
InperatorLo, how all the world obeyit my domynacyon!line32That person is nat born that dare me dysseobey!Syrybbe, I warne yow, se that my lawysIn all your partyys have dew obeysauns.regions dueline35Inquere and aske, eche day that daunnes,dawnsYf in my pepul be found ony weryons
Contrary to me in ony chansse,Or with my goldyn goddys grocth
groneI woll marre swych harlottys with mordor and myschanse!
line40Yff ony swyche
remayn, put hem in repreffe,such reprove themAnd I shall you releff.reward
SerybylYt shall be don, lord, withowtyn ony lett or withowt doth.delay doubt
InperatorLord and lad to my law doth lowte.bowIs it nat so? Sey yow all with on showte!one shout
Here answerryt all the pepulInperatorSo, ye froward folkes, now am I plesyd! disobedientline46Sett wyn and spycys
to my consell full cler.fol. 96rNow have I told yow my hart, I am wyll plesyd.Now lett us sett don alle and make good chyr.cheer
Syrus Emperor and kyngges
and conquerors kene,braveline50Erlys and borons and knytes that byn bold,barons knights areBerdys in my bower
so semely to senne,Young women house attractive seeI commaund
yow at onys my hestes to once orders to obeyBehold my person, glysteryng in gold,glitteringSemely besyn of all other men.Deemed comely amongline55Cyrus is my name, be cleffys so cold,
cliffsI command yow all obedyent to beyn.beWoso woll nat, in bale I hem bryng,Whoso suffering themAnd knett
swyche caytyfys
in knottys of care.bind such wretchesThys castell of Maudleyn is at my wylddyng,commandline60With all the contré, bothe lesse and more,surrounding landsAnd Lord of Jherusalem. Who agens me don dare?Who dares act against me?Alle Beteny at my beddyng be.Bethany is at my biddingI am sett in solas from al
syyng sore,And so shall all my posteryté,line65Thus for to leven in rest and ryalté.
I have her a sone that is to me ful trew,
veryNo comlyar creatur of Goddys creacyon;more attractiveTo amyabyll douctors full brygth of bleTwo daughters very countenanceFul gloryos to my syth an ful of delectacyon.sight and delightfol. 96vLazarus, my son in my resspeccyon,regard (sight)line71Here is
Mary, ful fayur and ful of femynyté,
very fairAnd Martha, ful of beuté
and of delycyté,completely beautiful and delightfulFul of womanly merrorys
and of benygnyté.virtues kindnessThey have fulfyllyd my hart with consolacyon.
line75Here is a coleccyon of cyrcumstance:To my cognysshon nevyr swych anothyr,As be demonstracyon knett in contynens,Save
alonly my lady that was ther mother.
Now Lazarus, my sonne, whech art ther brothyr,wholine80The lordshep of Jherusalem I gyff thee aftyr my dysses;deathAnd Mary, thys castell
alonly an non othyr;only andAnd Martha shall have Beteny, I say exprese.expresslyThes gyftes I graunt yow withowtyn leslieWhyll that I am in good mynd.
LazarusMost reverent father, I thank yow hartelyline86Of yower grett kyndnes shuyd onto me.For shownYe have grauntyd swych a lyfelod worthylivelihoodMe to restreyn from all nessesyté.
keep hardshipNow, good Lord, and hys wyll it be,may it beline90Graunt me grace to lyve to thy plesowns,
And agens hem so to rewle me,Thatt we may have joye wythowtyn veryans.
fol. 97r
Mary MaudleynThatt God of pes and pryncypall counsell,peaceMore swetter is thi name than hony be kynd.
sweeter by natureline95We thank yow, fathyr, for your gyftes ryall,royalOwt
of peynes of poverté us to onbynd.
Thys is a preservatyff from streytnes
we fynd,impoverishmentFrom worldly labors to my coumfortyng,
For thys lyfflod is abyll for the dowttyr of a kyng,line100Thys place of plesauns, the soth to saye.
MarthaO, ye good fathyr of grete degré,father of great social stature you are goodThus to departe with your ryches,Thus to part withConsederyng ower lowlynes and humylyte,lowly estateUs to save from worldly dessetres.line105Ye shew us poyntes of grete jentylnes,examples greatSo mekly
to mayntyn us to your grace.benevolently keep usHey in heven avansyd mot yow be high;High may you be advancedIn blysse, to se that Lordys faceWhan ye shal hens passe.
pass from here (die)
SyrusNow I rejoyse wyth all my mygthtys.
to the fullness of my abilitiesline111To enhanse
my chyldryn, it was my elevate to prosperityNow, wyn and spycys,
ye jentyll knyttes,Onto thes ladys of jentylnes.
InperatorSyr provost and skrybe, juggys of my rem,scribe judges realmline115My massengyr I woll send into ferre cuntrédistant regionOnto my seté of Jherusalem,cityOnto Herowdys, that regent ther ondyr me,fol. 97vAnd onto Pylat,
jugges of the countré.Myn entent I woll hem teche.themline120Take hed, thou provost, my precept wretyn be,
heed that my orders be in writingAnd sey I cummaund hem, as they woll be owit
that harm will come to themYf ther be ony in the cuntré ageyn my law doth prech,anyoneOr ageyn my goddys ony trobyll tellys,against gods speaks illThat thus agens my lawys rebellys,Wholine125As he is regent and in
that reme dwellys,realmAnd holdyth his croun of me be ryth,crown rightYff ther be ony harlettys
that agens me make replycacyon,
Or ony moteryng agens me make with malynacyon.
muttering evil intent
ProvostSyr, of all this they shall have informacyon,line130So to uphold yower renoun and ryte.prerogative
[Inperator]Now, massengyr, withowtyn taryyng,Have here gold onto thi your paymentSo bere thes lettyrs to Herowdys
the kyng,And byd hem make inquyrans in every cuntré,inquiriesline135As he is jugge in that cuntré beyng.Since
Nuncyus Soveren, your arend it shall be done ful redy,errand readilyIn all the hast that I may;hasteFor to fullfyll your byddyng,I woll nat spare nother be nyth nor be day.neither night
HerodysIn the wyld, wanyng world, pes all at onys!Curse on you, silence at onceline141No noyse, I warne yow, for greveyng of me.angering meYff yow do, I shal hourle off yower hedys, be Mahondys bonys,hurl off headsAs I am trew kyng to Mahond
so fre.nobleHelp, help, that I had a swerd!swordline145Fall don, ye faytours,
flatt to the ground.down scoundrelsHeve off your hodes and hattys, I cummaund yow alle;Take off hoodsStand bare hed, ye beggars! Wo made yow so bold?bare headed WhoI shal
make yow know your kyng ryall.Thus woll I be obeyyd thorow al the world,line150And who so wol nat, he shal be had in hold,restrainedAnd so to be cast in carys cold,into a miserable conditionThat werkyn ony wondyr agens my magnyfycens.Who devisesBehold these ryche rubyys, red as ony fyr,anyWith the goodly grene perle ful sett abowgth.aboutline155What kyng is worthy or egall to my power?equalOr in this world, who is more had in dowt
fearedThan is the hey name of Herowdys, kyng of Jherusalem,highLord of Alapye, Assye, and Tyr,Of Abyron, Beryaby, and Bedlem?
line160All thes byn ondyr my governons.
are controlLo, all thes I hold withowtyn reprobacyon.reproofNo man is to me
egall, save alonly the emperower,equal except forTyberyus, as I have in provostycacyon.
whom I serve as provostfol. 98vHow sey the phylyssoverys be my ryche reyne?philosophers about reignline165Am nat I the grettest governowur?Lett me ondyrstond;
whatt can ye seyn?say
Phylysofyr Soveren, and it plece yow, I woll expresse:pleaseYe be the rewlar of this regyon,rulerAnd most worthy sovereyn of nobylnesline170That evyr in Jude barre domynacyon.Judea heldBott, syr, skreptour gevytt informacyon,scripture givesAnd doth rehersse
it verely,truly reportThat chyld shal remayn of grete renoun,continue inAnd all the world of hem shold magnyfy:shall glorify himline175Et ambulabunt gentes in lumine tuo
et regesIn splendore
ortus tui.
HerodysAnd whatt seyst thow?
Secundus PhylysofyrThe same weryfyyt my bok; as how,verifiesAs the skryptour doth me tell,line180Of a myty duke shal rese and reyn,mighty duke [who] shall riseWhych shal reyn and rewle all Israell.WhoNo kyng agens hys worthynes shall opteyn,prevailThe whech in profesy hath grett eloquence:Non auferetur sceptrum de Juda
et dux deline185Femore eius, donec veniet qui mitendus
fol. 99r
HerodysA, owt, owt! Now am I grevyd all wyth the worst!completely grievedYe dastardys!
Ye doggys! The dylfe mote yow draw!
With fleyyng flappys
I byd yow to a fest.flaying whips command feastA swerd, a swerd! Thes lordeynnes wer slaw!line190Ye langbaynnes! Loselles!
Forsake ye that
That caytyff shall be cawth, and suer I shall hem flaw;caught surely him flayFor hym many mo shal be marryd
with mordor.
Primus MilesMy sovereyn lord, dyssemay yow ryth nowt.First Soldier dismay not at allThey ar but folys,
ther eloquens wantyng;fools lackingline195For in sorow and care sone they shall be cawt.soon caughtAgens us they can mak no dysstonddyng.They cannot withstand us
Secundus MilesMy lord, all swych shall be browte before your audyens,And levyn ondyr your domynacyon,Or elles dammyd to deth wyth mortal sentense,line200Yf we hem gett ondyr
ower gubernacyon.
HerodysNow thys is to me a gracyows exsortacyon,exhortationAnd grettly rejoysyth to my sprytes indede. spirits indeedThow these sottes agens me make replycacyon,
Although fools oppose meI woll suffer non to spryng of that kenred,
allow no one from that lineageline205Some voys
in my lond schall sprede,Prevely or pertely in my lond abowth.fol. 99vWhyle I have swych men, I nede not to dredeBut that he shal be browt ondyr, withowtyn doth.
MesengyrHeyll, prynse of bountyowsnesse!generous princeline210Heyll, myty lord of to magnyfy!worthy to extolHeyll, most of worchep of to expresse!Heyll, reytyus rewlar in thi regensy! righteous ruler kingdomMy sofereyn, Tyberyus,
chyff of chyfalry,chief of chivalryHys soveren
sond hath sent to yow here:messageline215He desyrth yow and preyyt on eche partydesires beseeches in every wayTo fulfyll hys commaundment and desyre.
HerodysBe he sekyr, I woll natt spareHe may be sure hesitateForto complyshe his cummaunddment,to fulfillWyth sharp swerddes to perce them
barepierce bare fleshline220In all countres wythin
this regentkingdomFor his love to fulfyll his intentt.Non swych
shall from ower handys stertt,escapeFor we woll fulfyll his ryall juggementWyth swerd and spere to perce
thorow the hartt!
line225But, masengyr, reseyve thys lettyr wyth,
in hasteAnd ber ytt onto Pylattys syth.bear sight
fol. 100r
MesengyrMy lord, it shall be done ful wygth. quicklyIn hast I woll me spede!hurry
PylattNow ryally I reyne in robys of rychesse, reign robesline230Kyd and knowyn both ny and ferreRecognized nearFor juge of Jherusalem, the trewth to expresse, As judgeOndyr the Emperower Tyberius Cesar.
Therfor I rede yow all, bewarreadviseYe do no pregedyse
agen the no damage to existing lawline235For and ye do, I wyll yow
natt spare,if you doTyl ye
have judgment to
be hangyd and draw.torn to piecesFor I am Pylat, prommyssary
procurator and rulerAll renogat robber inperrowpent,
To put hem to peyn, I spare for no peté.
line240My serjauntes semle, what
ye?attractive say youOf this rehersyd I wyll natt spare.
Plesauntly, syrrys, aunswer to me,sirsFor in my herte I shall have the lesse care.So that concern
Primus SerjuntAs ye have seyd, I hold it for the best,First Sergeantline245Yf ony swych among us, may we know.If [there be] any such
Secundus SerjuntFor to gyff hem jugment, I holdd yt best,Second Sergeant give themAnd so shall ye be dred of hye and low.feared by high and low
PylattA, now I am restoryd to felycyté!
fol. 100v
HerMesengyrHeyll, ryall in rem in robis of rychesse!realmline250Heyl, present thou prynsys pere!present one peer of princesHeyl, jugge of Jherusalem, the trewth to expresse!Tyberyus, the emprower, sendyt wrytyng herre,emperor writing hereAnd prayyt yow, as yow be his lover dere,beseeches since you are his loyal subjectOf this wrytyng to take avysementnoticeline255In strenthyng of his lawys cleyr,strengthening plainAs he hath set yow in the state of jugment.Since seat
PylattNow, be Martes so mythy, I shal sett many a snareMars so mightyHis lawys to strenth in al that I may.strengthen can doI rejoyse of his renown and of his wylfare,I am happy for well-beingline260And for thi tydyngges, I geyff thee this gold today.give
MesengyrA, largeys, ye lord, I crye this day!largesse (generosity)For this is a geft of grete degré.gift quality
PylattMasengyr, onto my sovereyn thou seyOn the most specyall wyse recummend me.
Her avoydytSyrusA, help, help! I stond in drede!line266Syknes is sett ondyr my syde.A, help! Deth wyll aquyte me my mede!grant me my rewardfol. 101rA gret God, thou be my gyde!guideHow I am trobyllyd both bak and syde.troubled (pained in)line270Now, wythly help me to my bede. quicklyA, thys rendyt my rybbys! I shall nevyr goo nor ryde.tears my ribsThe dent of deth is hevyar than led.stroke heavierA, lord, lord, what shal I do this tyde?at this timeA gracyows God, have ruth on me,mercyline275In this world no lengar to abyde.
I blys yow, my chyldyrn. God mot with us be!bless May God be
[Lazarus]Alas, I am sett in grete hevynesse!Ther is no tong my sorow may tell,So sore I am browth in dystresse.sorrowfully put in distressline280In feyntnes I faltyr for this fray fell;weakness deadly attackThis dewresse wyl lett me no longar dwelle,But God
of grace sone me redresse.
A, how my peynys don me attack meLord, withstond this duresse![may I] withstand
Mary MaudleynThe inwyttissymus God that evyr shal reyne,most wiseline286Be his help an sowlys sokor.[May] he be your soul’s succorTo whom it is most nedfull to cumplayn,necessary to appealHe to bryng
us owt of ower dolor.
He is most mytyest governowre,line290From soroyng us to restryne.restrain (keep)
fol. 101v
MarthaA, how I am sett in sorowys sad,That long my lyf I may nat longer endureThes grawous peynes make me ner mad.grievous pains nearlyUndyr clowyr is now my fathyris cure,line295That sumtyme was here ful mery and glad.
Ower Lordes mercy be his mesure,desert (reward)And defeynd hym from peynes sad.protect sorrowful
LazarusNow, systyrs, ower fatherys wyll we woll exprese; fulfillThys castell is owerys with all the fee.
ours income
MarthaAs hed and governower, as reson is,line301And on this wyse abydyn with yow wyll wee.We wyll natt desevyr, whattso befalle.
Mary MaudleynNow, brothyr and systyr, welcum ye be,And therof specyally I pray yow all.
[World]I am the World, worthyest that evyr God wrowth,wrought (made)line306And also I am the prymatt portature
principal supporterNext heveyn, yf the trewth be sowth,Next to heaven soughtAnd that I jugge me to skryptur.
And I am he that longest shal induereendureline310And also most of domynacyon.greatest infol. 102rYf I be hys foo, woo is abyll to recure?
someone’s foe who thriveFor the whele of fortune
wyth me hath sett his senture.centerIn me restyt the ordor of the metellys sevyn,is fixed metalsThe whych to the seven planyttys ar knett ful sure:planets securely knitline315Gold perteynyng
to the sonne, as astronemere nevyn;sun saysSylvyr to the mone,
whyte and pure;moonIryn onto the Maris that long may endure;Iron MarsThe fegetyff mercury onto Mercuryus;fugitive (unstable)Copyr onto Venus, red in hys merrour;Copper mirror (image)line320The frangabyll tyn to Jubyter, yf ye can dyscus;breakable tin JupiterOn this planyt Saturne, ful of rancure,And to rancorThis soft metell led, nat of so gret puernesse.
lead purityLo, alle this rych tresor wyth the World doth indure.treasure endureThe seven prynsys of hell
of gret bowntosnesse,princes bounty (generosity)line325Now who may presume to come to my honour?approximate my
PrydeYe, worthy World, ye be gronddar of gladnessefounderTo them that dwellyn ondyr yower domynacyon.
CovetyseAnd who so wol nat, he is sone set asyde,Wher as I, Covetyse, take mynystracyon.
MundusOf that, I pray yow, make no declareracyon.Worldline331Make swych to know my soverreynte,And than they shal be fayn to make supplycacyon,If that they stond in ony nesessyté.
fol. 102v
Her shal entyr the Kyng of FleschFleschI, Kyng of Flesch, florychyd in my flowers,adornedline335Of deyntys delycyows I have grett domynacyon.By means of delicious luxuriesSo ryal a kyng was nevyr borne in bowrys,royal bowersNor hath more delyth ne more delectacyon.Nor has [one] delight pleasureFor I have comfortatywys to my comfortacyon:Dya galonga, ambra, and also margaretton —line340Alle this is at my lyst, agens all vexacyon.Alle wykkyt thyngys I woll sett asyde.Clary, pepur long, wyth granorum paradysy,Zenzybyr and synamom at every tyde —
Lo, alle swych deyntyys delycys use I.
daintiesline345Wyth swyche deyntyys I have my blysse.Who woll covett more game and glecould wish for greater mirth and sportMy fayere spowse Lechery to halse and kysse?
Here is my knyth Gloteny, as good reson is,knight as reason would have itWyth this plesaunt lady to rest be my syde.remainline350Here is Slowth, anothyr goodly of to expresse;another good one to speak ofA more plesaunt compeny doth nowhere abyde.cannot be found anywhere
LuxuriaO ye prynse, how I am ful of ardent lowe,Lechery prince loveWith sparkylles ful of amerowsnesse!amorousnessWith yow to rest fayn wold I aprowe, remain gladly would I agreeline355To shew plesauns to your jentylnesse.
show gentility
The FleschO ye bewtews byrd, I must yow kysse!beauteous young womanI am ful of lost to halse
yow this tyde.lust (desire) to embrace you right now
fol. 103r
Here shal entyr the prynse of dyllys[Dylfe]Now I, prynse pyrles, prykkyd in pryde,
Devil peerless dressed upSatan, yower
sovereyn, set wyth every cyrcumstanse,
line360For I am atyred
in my towyr to tempt yow this tyde.fitted out timeAs a kyng ryall I sette at my plesauns,sit pleasureWyth Wrath and
Invy at my ryall my royal retinueThe bolddest in bowyr I bryng to abaye,
Mannis sowle to besegyn and bryng to obeysauns.besiege obedienceline365Ya, wyth
tyde and tyme I do that I may,
time what I canFor at hem I have dysspyte that he shold have the joyeThat Lycyfer wyth many a legyown lost for ther pryde.
The snarys that I shal set wher nevyr set at Troye.
snares (traps) were neverSo I thynk to besegyn hem be every waye wyde.plan to besiege them by every meansline370I shal getyn hem from grace whersoevyr he abyde,
That body and sowle shal com to my hold,So that controlHym for to take.
Now, my knythtys so stowthstout (strong)Wyth me ye shall ron in rowte,run togetherline375My consell to take for a skowte,
Whytly that we were went for my sake.
WrathWyth wrath or wyhyllys we shal hyrre wynne. wiles win her over
EnvyOr wyth sum sotyllté sett hur in synne.subtlety cause her to sin
DylfeCom of, than, let us begynneline380To werkyn hure sum wrake!cause her some harm
fol. 103v
Her shal the Deyvl go to the World wyth hys compeny. [Stage of the World]SatanHeyle, World, worthyest of abowndans!abundantly worthyIn hast we must a conseyll take:take counselYe must aply yow wyth all your afyauns,A woman of whorshep ower servant to make.
MundusSatan, wyth my consell I wyll thee avansse.advance (promote) youline386I pray thee, cum up onto my tent.Were the Kyng of Flesch her with hys asemlanus!
Masengyr! Anon that thou werre wentwere on your wayThys tyde.
At this timeline390Sey, the Kyng of Flesch wyth grete renown,Wyth hys consell that to hym be bown,boundIn alle the hast that evyr they mown,mayCom as fast as he may ryde.
MesengyrMy Lord, I am your servant, Sensualyté.line395Your masege to don, I am of glad chyr.deliver cheer (disposition)Ryth sone in presens ye shal hym se,Very soon before youYour wyl for to fulfylle
Heyl, lord in lond, led wyth lykyng!by pleasureHeyl, Flesch in lust, fayyrest to behold!fairestline400Heyl, lord and ledar of emprore and kyng!leaderThe worthy World, be wey and wold,by highway and forestHath sent for yow and your consell.Satan is sembled wyth hys howshold,assembledYour counseyl
to have most for
aweyle.for the greatest profit
fol. 104r
FleschHens in hast that we ther where! were thereline406Lett us make no lengar delay.
SenswalitéGret myrth to ther hertys shold yow arere, SensualityBy my trowth I dare safly saye.safely
[Flesch]Heyl be yow, soverens lefe and dere!belovedline410Why so hastely do ye for me send?
MundusA, we are ryth glad we have yow here,very pleased [that]Ower counsell togethyr to comprehend. to planNow, Satan, sey your devyse.
tell your device (plan)
SatanSerys, now ye be set, I shal yow say:that you are seatedline415Syrus dyyd this odyr day.diedNow Mary, hys dowctor, that may,daughter maidenOf that castel beryt the pryse.
bears the prize
MundusSertenly, serys, I yow tell,CertainlyYf she in vertu stylle may dwelle,remains virtuousline420She shal byn abyll to dystroye helle, be ableBut yf your counseyll may othyrwyse devyse.
FleschNow ye, Lady Lechery, yow must don your attendans,attend upon herFor yow be flowyr fayrest of femynyté.femininityYow shal go desyyr servyse and byn at hure atendauns,line425For ye shal sonest entyr, ye beral of bewte.
LecherySerys, I abey your counsell in eche degré.obey in every wayStryttwaye thethyr woll I passe.Straightaway there go
SatanSpiritus malyngny shal com to thee,An evil spiritHyre to tempt in every plase.Her everywhereline430Now all the six
that here be,fol. 104v
Wysely to werke, hyr favor to wynne,To entyr hyr person be the labor of Lechery,That she at the last may com to helle.
How, how, spiritus malyng, thou wottyst what I mene?do you knowline435Cum owt, I sey! Heryst nat what I seye?Do you not hear
Bad AngylSyrrys, I obey your counsell in eche degree.Stryttwaye thethyr woll I passe.Speke soft, speke soft, I trotte hyr to tene.
hurry in order to torment herI prey thee pertly, make no more noyse.ask you openly
[Luxuria]Heyl, lady, most laudabyll of alyauuns! kindredline441Heyl, oryent
as the sonne in hys reflexité!brilliantMyche pepul be comfortyd be your benyng afyauns.Bryter than the bornyd is your bemys of bewté,Most debonarius wyth your aungelly delycyté.
Mary MaudleynWhat personne be ye that thus me comendyd?
LuxuriaYour servant to be, I wold comprehende.intend
Mary MaudleynYour debonarius obedyans ravyssyt
me to trankquelyté.
line448Now, syth ye desyre, in eche degree,since desire [it] every wayTo receyve
yow I have grett delectacyon.pleasureline450Ye be hartely welcum onto me!sincerelyYour tong is so amyabyll, devydyd wyth reson.
fol. 105r
LuxuriaNow, good lady, wyll ye me expressesay to meWhy may ther no gladdnes to yow resort?
Mary MaudleynFor my father I have had grett hevynesse;line455Whan I remembyr, my mynd waxit mort.becomes deadened
LuxuriaYa, lady, for all that, be of good comfort,For swych obusyons may brede myche dysese. abuses breed uneaseSwych desepcyons potyt peynys to exsport;Prynt
in sportys
whych best doth yow plese.
Mary MaudleynForsothe, ye be welcum to myn hawdyens!Truly presenceline461Ye be my hartys leche.healer of my heartBrother Lazarus, and it be yower plesauns,if pleasureAnd ye, systyr Martha, also in substawns, trulyThis place I commend onto your governons,entrustline465And onto God I yow betake.
LazarusNow, systyr, we shal do your intente,In this place to be resydentWhyle that ye be absent,To kepe this place from wreche.
[Tavernere]I am a taverner, wytty and wyse,line471That wynys have to sell, gret plenté.wines in great abundanceOf all the taverners, I bere the pryse,take the prizeThat be dwellyng wythinne the ceté.Who are cityfol. 105vOf wynys I have grete plenté,line475Both whyte wynne and red that is
so cleyre.white clearHere is wynne of Mawt and malmeseyn,Clary wynne, and claret, and other moo,Wyn of Gyldyr and of Galles, that made at the Grome,
Wyn of Wyan and Vernage, I seye also,line480Ther be no bettyr
as ferre as ye can goo.
LuxuriaLo, lady, thee comfort and thee sokower. help yourselfGo we ner and take a tast;Let’s go closer tasteThys shal bryng your sprytys to favor.comfort your spiritsTavernere, bryng us of the fynnest thou hast.finest
TavernereHere, lady, is wyn, a repastrefreshmentline486To man and woman, a good restoratyff. cordialYe shall nat thynk your mony spent in wast;is spent wastefullyFrom stodyys and hevynes it woll yow relyff.cares and burdens relieve
Mary MaudleynIwys, ye seye soth, ye grom of blysse.Certainly the truth manline490To me ye be courtes and kynde. courteous
GalauntHof, hof, hof! A frysch new galaunt! livelyWare of thryst; ley that adoune!
ye, syrrys, that I were a marchant
Do you suppose sirsBecause that I am new com to town?
newly arrived infol. 106rWyth sum
praty tasppysstere wold I fayne rownd!
line496I have a shert of reynnys wyth slevys peneawnt,
A lase of sylke for my lady constant.silken sash faithfulA, how she is bewtefull and ressplendant!Whan I am from hyre presens, lord, how I syhe!away from her sighline500I wol awye
sovereyns and soiettys I dysdeyne.
In wyntyr a stomachyr, in somyr
non att al;[I wear] a waistcoat summerMy dobelet and my hossys evyr together abyde.
I woll, or even, be shavyn for to seme yyng.
before evening look youngWith here agen the her I love mych pleyyng —
line505That makyt me ilegant and lusty in lykyng.elegant amorous in my desiresThus I lefe in this world; I do it for no pryde.
LuxuriaLady, this man is for yow, as I se can,To sett yow in sporttys and talkyng this tyde.pleasures at this time
Mary MaudleynCal him in, tavernere, as ye my love will han,if haveline510And we shall make ful mery yf he wolle abyde.stay (remain)
TavernereHow, how, my mastyre, Coryossyté! Curiosity (the gallant)
CoryostéWhat is your wyll, syr? What wyl ye wyth me?
TavernereHere ar jentyll women dysyore your presens to se,are [who] desireAnd for to drynk with yow this tyde.
Coryosté A, dere dewchesse, my daysyys iee!
duchess daisyline516Splendaunt of colour, most of femynyté!Bright complexionYour sofreyn colourrys,
set wyth synseryté!sovereign disposition sincerityfol. 106vConsedere my love into yower alye,
Or ellys I am smet wyth peynnes of perplexité.
else smitten (struck) pains
Mary MaudleynWhy, syr, wene ye that I were a kelle? think loose woman
CoryostéNay, prensses, parde, ye be my hertys hele.line522So wold to God ye wold my love fele!
Mary MaudleynWhat cause that ye love me so sodenly?Why do you suddenly
CoryostéO, nedys I must, myn own lady.necessarilyline525Your person, itt is so womanly,I can nat refreyn me,
swete lelly.
restrain myself lily
Mary MaudleynSyr, curtesy doth it yow lere.
CoryostéNow, gracyus gost wythowtyn pere,spirit peerMych nortur is that ye conne.line530But wol yow dawns,
my own dere?dance
Mary Maudleyn Syr, I asent in good manyr.Go ye before, I sue yow nere,I will follow close behind youFor a man at alle tymys beryt
reverens.times possesses
CoriostéNow, be my trowth, ye be with other ten. you are grieved by other thingsline535Felle a pese; tavernere, let us sen
Fill a cup let’s see (we’ll have)Soppes in wynne.
How, love ye?
Mary MaudleynAs ye don, so doth me.I am ryth glad that met be we;My love in yow gynnyt to close.
fol. 107r
CoryostéNow, derlyng dere, wol yow do be my rede?counsel (advice)line541We have dronkyn and ete lytyl brede.Wyll we walk to another stede?place
Mary MaudleynEvyn at your wyl, my dere derlyng,EvenThowe ye wyl go to the worldys eyndThough endline545I wol nevyr from yow wynd,wend (go)To dye for your sake.
[Bad Angyl]A lorges, a lorges, lorddys alle at onys!Ye have a servant fayur and afyabylle,affableFor she is fallyn in ower grogly gromys.
grisly snaresline550Ya, Pryde, callyd Coriosté,
to hure is ful laudabyll,laudableAnd to hure he is most preysseabyll,worthy of praiseFor she hath graunttyd hym al hys bonys.boons (requests)She thynkyt hys person so amyabyll,thinksTo here syte, he is semelyare than ony kyng in tronys.
DiabolusA, how I tremyl and trott for these tydyngys!tremble newsline556She is a soveryn servant that hath hure fet in synne.feetGo thow agayn and ewer be hur gyde.ever guideThe laudabyll lyfe of lecherry let hur nevyr lynne,ceaseline559For of hure al helle shall make rejoysseyng.
Because of
Rex DiabolusFarewell, farewell, ye to nobyl kyngys this tyde,King of Devils twoFor hom in hast I wol me dresse.home go
fol. 107v
MundusFarewell, Satan, prynsse of pryde!
FleschFarewell, semlyest, alle sorowys to sesse.
Mary MaudleynA, God be wyth my valentynys,line565My byrd
swetyng, my lovys so dere!lover dearFor they be bote
for a blossum of blysse,
Me mervellyt sore they be nat here!marvel greatlyBut I woll restyn in this erbyre,
Amons thes bamys precyus of prysse,Among balms of priceline570Tyll som lover wol apereUntilThat me is wont to halse and kysse.
accustomed to embrace
Symont Leprus This day holly I pot in rememberownscompletely I intend to keepTo solas
my gestys to my power.
I have ordeynnyd a dynere of substawns,prepared a sumptuous dinnerline575My chyff freyndys therwyth to friends cheerInto the seté I woll apere,city appear (go)For my gestys to make porvyawns,
guests preparationsfol. 108rFor tyme drayt ny to go to dynyr,draws nearAnd my offycyrs be redy with this ordynowns.
line580So wold to God I myte have aqueyntownsmake the acquaintanceOf the profyth of trew perfytnesse,
prophet (Christ) perfectionTo com to my place and porvyowns.purveyance (the dinner)It wold rejoyse my hert in gret gladnesse,For the report of hys hye nobyllnessehighline585Rennyt in contreys fer and nere.
Runs (circulates)Hys precheyng is of gret perfythnes,Of rythwysnesse, and mercy cleyre.righteousness pure
[Good Angyl]Woman, woman, why art thou so onstabyll?Ful byttyrly thys blysse it wol
be bowth.bitterly boughtline590Why are thou agens God so veryabyll?
inconstant (variable)Wy thynkys thou nat God made thee of nowth?
In syn and sorow thou art browth,broughtFleschly lust
is to thee full delectabyll;very pleasurableSalve for thi sowle
must be sowth,Salve (salvation) soughtline595And leve thi werkys vayn and veryabyll.abandon actionsRemembyr, woman, for thi pore pryde,because ofHow thi sowle shal lyyn in
helle fyre.lie fireA, remembyr how sorowful itt is to abydeWythowtyn eynd in angure and ir!
end in anger and ireline600Remembyr thee on mercy,
make thi sowle clyre.pure I am the gost of goodnesse
that so wold thee gydde.spirit guide
fol. 108v
Mary MaudleynA, how the speryt of goodnesse hat promtyt me this tyde.And temtyd me wyth tytyll of trew perfythnesse!
Alas, how bettyrnesse in my hert doth abyde!bitternessline605I am wonddyd
with werkys of gret dystresse.grieved by worksA, how pynsynesse potyt me to oppresse,That I have synnyd on every syde!
O, Lord, wo shall put me from this peynfulnesse?who removeA, woo shal to mercy be my gostly gyde?who spiritual guideline610I shal porsue the prophett, wherso he be,pursue whereverFor he is the well of perfyth charyté.perfectBe the oyle of mercy
he shal me relyss.By oil relieveWith swete bawmys, I wyl sekyn hym this syth,seek timeAnd sadly folow hys lordshep in eche degré.earnestly
Symond LeprusNow ye be welcom, mastyr most of magnyfycens.line616I beseche yow benyngly ye wol be so gracyows,kindly graciousIf that it be lekyng onto yower hye presens
Thys daye to com dyne at my hows.
JhesusGodamercy, Symont, that thou wylt me knowe,line620I woll entyr thi hows with pes and unyté.peace unityI am glad for to rest ther grace gynnyt grow,where begins to growFor wythinne
thi hows shal rest charyté,charity shall remainAnd the bemys of grace shal byn illumynows.beams enlighteningfol. 109rBut syth thou wytystsaff a dynere on me,
line625With pes and grace I entry thi hows.
SymondI thank yow, mastyr most benyng and gracyus,kindThat yow wol, of your hye soverenté.To me itt ys a joye most speceows,most pleasingWythinne my hows that I may yow se.line630Now syt to the bord, mastyrs alle!come to the table
Mary MaudleynO I, cursyd cayftyff that myche wo hath wrowthAgens my makar, of mytys most!I have offendyd hym with dede and thowth,thoughtBut in hys grace is all my trost,trustline635Or ellys I know well I am but lost,elseBody and sowle damdpnyd perpetuall!eternally damnedYet, good Lord of Lorddys, my hope is perhenuall
Wyth thee to stand in grace and favour to se.
Thow knowyst my hart and thowt in especyal;especiallyline640Therfor, good Lord, aftyr my hart reward me.
according to the wishes of
[Jhesus]Symond, I thank thee speceallyespeciallyFor this grett repast that here hath be.repast (meal)fol. 109vBut, Symond, I tell thee fectually,
earnestlyI have thyngys to seyn to thee.
Symond LeprusMastyr, what your wyll be,whateverline646And it plese yow, I well yow here;If will hear youSeyth your lykyng onto me,Speak what you likeAnd al the plesawnt of your mynd and desyyr.pleasure
JhesusSymond, ther was a man in this present lyf,line650The wyche had to dectours well suere,Who two debtors surelyThe whych wher pore and myth make no restoratyf.
But stylle in ther dett ded induour.ever debt endureThe on owt hym an hondyrd pense ful suere,
And the other fefty, so befell the chanse;fifty as it happenedline655And becawse he cowd nat hys mony recure,could not recoverThey askyd hym for foryevnesse, and he foryaf in substans.
But, Symont, I pray thee, answer me to this sentens:address this problemWhych of thes to personnys was most beholddyn to that man?
two indebted
Symond Leprus Mastyr, and it plese your hey presens,may it pleaseline660He that most owt hym, as my reson yef can.
JhesusRecte judicasti. Thou art a wyse man,You have judged rightlyAnd this quesson hast dempte trewly.question have judged (deemed)Yff thou in thi concyens remembyr can,conscienceYe to be the dectours that I of specefy.two debtors of whom I speakfol. 110rBut, Symond, behold this woman in al
wyse,in every wayline666How she wyth terys of hyr bettyr wepyng,tears bitterShe wassheth my fete and dothe me servyse,serves meAnd anoytyt hem wyth onymentys,lowly knelyng,them ointments, humblyAnd with hur her, fayur and brygth shynnyng,her hair brightline670She wypeth hem agayn wyth good entent.
But, Symont, syth that I entyrd thi hows,since enteredTo washe my fete thou dedyst nat aplye,
did not offerNor to wype my fete thou were nat so favorus;obligingWherfor, in thi conscyens,
thou owttyst nat to replye.
ought notline675But, woman, I sey to the verely,trulyI forgeyffe thee thi wrecchednesse,
forgiveAnd hol in sowle be thou made therby!
Mary MaudleynO, blessyd be thou, lord of evyrlastyng lyfe,And blyssyd be thi berth of that puer vergynne!birth pure virginline680Blyssyd be thou, repast contemplatyf,Agens my seknes, helth and medsyn.And for that I have synnyd in the synne of pryde,becauseI wol enabyte
me wyth humelyté.clothe myself humilityAgens wrath and envy, I wyl
devydeopposeline685Thes fayur vertuys, pacyens and charyté.
fol. 110v
JhesusWoman, in contrysson thou art expert,contritionAnd in thi sowle hast inward mythe,
strength (might)That sumtyme were in desert,
And from therknesse hast porchasyd
line690Thy feyth hath savyt thee and made thee saved brightWherfor I say to thee, “Vade in pace.”
Go in peace
[Mary Maudleyn]O thou, gloryus Lord, this rehersyd for my sped,Sowle helth attys tyme for to recure.
Lord, for that I was in whanhope,
now stond I in dred,
because despairline695But that thi
gret mercy wyth me may endure.UnlessMy thowth thou knewyst wythowtyn ony dowth.thoughts doubtNow may I trost the techeyng of Isaye in scryptur,
trust IsaiahWos report of thi nobyllnesse rennyt fere abowt.Whose circulates widely
JhesusBlyssyd be they at alle tymethose who timesline700That sen me nat and have me in credens. see on faithWith contrysson
thou hast mad a recumpens,made recompenseThi sowle to save from all dystresse.Beware and kepe thee from alle neclygens,negligenceAnd aftyr thou shal be partenyr of my blysse.afterwards partner
fol. 111r
Here devodyt Jhesus wyth hys desipyllys, the Good Angyll rejoysyng of Mawdleyn:Bonus AngelusHoly God, hyest of omnipotency, Good Angelline706The astat of good governons
to thee I recummend,
Humbylly besecheyng thyn inperall gloryeimperialIn thi devyn
vertu us to comprehend.divine includeAnd,
delectabyll Jhesu, soverreyn sapyens,sapience (wisdom)line710Ower feyth we recummend onto your pur peté,pure pity (mercy)Most mekely prayyng to your holy aparens,spiritual manifestationIllumyn ower ygnorans with your devynyté.ignorance divinityYe be clepyd redempcyon, of sowlys defens,Whyche shal ben obscuryd be thi blessyd mortalyté.
line715O Lux Vera, graunt us yower lucense,True Light brillianceThat wyth the spryte of errour
I nat seduet be.spirit seduced (led astray)And, Sperytus Alme, to yow most benyne,Bounteous Spirit kindThre persons in trenyté and on God eterne,trinity one eternalMost lowly ower feyth we consyngne,
line720That we may com to your blysse gloryfyed from malyngne,
And wyth your gostely bred
to fede us, we desyern.
Rex DiabolusA, owt, owt and harrow! I am hampord wyth hate!In hast wyl I set our jugment to
se!hastefol. 111vWyth thes betyll-browyd bycheys
I am at debate.
line725How, Belfagour and Belzabub,
com up here to me!
Secundus DiabolusHere, Lord, here! What wol ye?Second Devil What do you want?
Tercius Diabolus The jugment of harlottys here to se,Third DevilSettyng in judycyal-lyke
How, thow Bad Angyll! Apere before my grace.Appear
Spiritus MaligniAs flat as fox, I falle before your face.Evil Spirit
Primus Diabolus
Thow theffe! Wy hast thou don alle this trespas,First Devilline732To lett yen woman thi bondys breke?allow that bonds
Malinus SpiritusThe speryt of grace sore ded hyr smyth,struck her heavilyAnd temptyd so sore that ipocryte.greatly hypocrite
Primus DiabolusYa, thys hard balys on thi bottokkys shall byte!line736In hast, on thee I wol be wreke.
avengedCum up, ye horsons, and skore awey the yche,
And wyth thys panne, ye do hym
pan darken him with pitchCum off, ye harlottys, that yt wer don!were done
Primus DiabolusNow have I a part of my desyere!desireline741Goo in to this howsse, ye lordeynnys
here,And loke ye set yt on afeyere —on fireAnd that shall hem awake!
fol. 112r
Here shall the tother deyllys sett the howse on afyere and make a sowth, and Mari shall go to Lazar and to Martha.Primus DiabolusSo, now have we well afrayyd these felons fals! frightenedline745They be blasyd, both body and hals!burned neckNow to hell lett us synkyn alsalsoTo ower felaws blake!
fellows (companions)
Mary MaudleynO brother, my hartys consolacyown!O blessyd in lyffe and solytary!line750The blyssyd prophet, my confortacyown,He hathe made me clene and delectary,
pure delectableThe wyche was to synne a subjectary.
Thys kyng, Cryste, consedyryd hys creacyown;considered (remembered)I was drynchyn in synne deversarye,
drowning in many sinsline755Tyll that Lord relevyd me be hys domynacyon.relieved powerGrace to me he wold nevyr denye,Thow I were nevyr so synful, he seyd, “Revertere.”
Though extremely “Turn back”O, I, synful creature, to grace I woll aplye;dedicate myselfThe oyle of mercy hath helyd myn infyrmyté.
healed infirmity (sickness)
MarthaNow worchepyd be that hey name Jhesu,line761The wyche in Latyn is callyd Savyower! SaviorFulfyllyng that word evyn of dewe,
just as deservedTo alle synfull and seke, he is sokour.
sick remedy
fol. 112v
LazarusSystyr, ye be welcum onto yower towere.line765Glad in hart of yower obessyawnse, [I am] glad for respectWheyl that I leffe, I wyl serve hym wyth honour,While liveThat ye have forsakyn synne and varyawns.For (Because) instability
Mary Maudleyn Cryst, that is the lyth and the cler daye,light clearHe hath oncuryd the therknesse of the clowdy nyth,uncovered darknessline770Of lyth the lucens and lyth veray,
Wos prechyng to us is a gracyows lyth,WhoseLord, we beseche thee as thou art most of myth,becauseOwt of the ded slep
of therknesse defend us aye.darkness protect us alwaysGyff us grace evyr to rest in lyth,Giveline775In quyet and in pes to serve thee nyth and day.
[Lazarus]A, help, help, systyrs, for charyté!Alas, deth is sett at my hart!A, ley on handys! Wher are ye?lay your hands on meA, I faltyr and falle! I wax alle onquarte.become totally uneasyline780A, I bome above! I wax alle swertt.A, good Jhesu, thow be my gyde.A, no lengar now I reverte!
I can no more revive myselfI yeld up the gost.
I may natt abyde.give up spirit
fol. 113r
Mary MaudleynO good brother, take coumforth and myth,be strongline785And lett non hevynes in yower hart abyde.allowLett away alle this feyntnesse and fretth,Let pass frettingAnd we shal gete yow leches
yower peynys to devyde.
doctors destroy
MarthaA, I syth and sorow and sey, “Alas!”sighThys sorow is apoynt to be my confusyon.appointed ruinline790Jentyl systyr, hye we from this place,let us go quicklyFor the prophet to hym hatt
grett delectacyon.takes great pleasure in himGood brothere, take somme confortacyon,consolationFor we woll go to seke yower
[Mary Maudleyn and Martha]O, Lord Jhesu, ower melleflueus swettness,line795Thowe art grettest lord in glorie!Lover to thee, Lord,
in all lowlynesse,Comfort thi creatur that to thee crye!
Behold yower lover, good Lord, specyally,How Lazare lyth seke in grett dystresse.liesline800He is thi lover, Lord, suerly.surelyOnbynd hym, good Lord, of hys hevynesse!Release him from
JhesusOf all infyrmyté, ther is non to deth.For of all peynnys that is impossybleTo undyrestond be reson; to know the werke,
line805The joye that is in Jherusallem hevenly,
fol. 113vCan nevyr be compylyd be counnyng of clerke:To se the joyys of the Fathyr in glory,The joyys of the Sonne whych owth to be magnyfyed,oughtAnd of the therd person the Holy Gost truly,thirdline810And alle three but on in heven gloryfyed!
oneNow, women that arn in my presens here,who areOf my wordys take avysement.heedGo hom agen to yower brothyr Lazere —My grace to hym shall be sent.
Mary MaudleynO, thow gloryus Lord here present,line816We yeld to thee salutacyon!give greetingsIn ower weyys
we be expedyent.
Now, Lord, us defend from trybulacyon.protect tribulation
LazarusA, in woo I waltyr as wavys in the wynd!am tossed like wavesline820Awey is went all my sokour.Gone helpA, deth, deth, thou art onkynd!A, A, now brystyt myn hartt! This is a sharp showyr! breaks painFarewell, my systyrs, my bodely helth.[and] my bodily
Mary MaudleynJhesu, my Lord, be yower sokowre,line825And he mott be yower gostys welth.
Primus MilesGoddys grace mott be hys governour.mayIn joy evyrlastyng fore to be.
fol. 114r
Secundus MilesAmonge alle good sowlys, send hym favour,As thi powere ys most of dygnyté.
MarthaNow, syn the chans is fallyn soo,because circumstance has thus fallenline831That deth hath drewyn
hym don this day,drawn him downWe must nedys ower devyrs doo:do our dutyTo the erth to bryng hym wythowt delay.
him (his body)
Mary MaudleynAs the use is now, and hath byn aye,custom alwaysline835Wyth wepars to the erth yow hym bryng.weepers (mourners)Alle this must be donne as I you saye,as I tell youClad in blake, wythowtyn lesyng.
black truly
Primus MilesGracyows ladyys of gret honour,This pepull is com here in yower syth,sightline840Wepyng and weylyng with gret dolour,wailing sadnessBecause of my lordys dethe.
Here the on knyght make redy the ston, and other bryng in the wepars, arayyd in blak.Primus MilesNow, good fryndys that here be,friendsTake up thys body wyth good wyll,And ley it in hys sepoltur, semely to se.sepulchre reverentlyline845Good Lord, hym save from alle manyr ille!every kind of harm
Lay him in.[Jhesus]Tyme is comyn of very cognysson.
My dyssyplys, goth wyth megoFor to fulfyll possybyll peticion.
Go we together into Jude.
Judeafol. 114vThere Lazar, my frynd,
is he.line851Gow we together as chyldyurn
of lyth,children lightAnd from grevos slepe,
sawen heym wyll
Dissipulus Lord, it plese yower myty volunté,
Disciple [if] it please powerful intentThow he slepe, he may be savyd be skyll.
JhesusThat is trew, and be possybilyté;it is possibleline856Therfor of my deth shew yow I wyll.My fathyr, of nemyows charyté,boundlessSent me, hys son, to make redemcyon,Wyche was conseyvyd be puer verginyté,Who conceived by pureline860And so in my mother had cler incarnacyon.
And therfore must I suffyre grevos passyonpainOndyre Pounse Pylat, wyth grett perplexité,Under Pontius Pilate distressBetyn, bobbyd, skoernyd, crownnyd with thorne —mocked scornedAlle this shall be the soferens of my deité.
suffering divinityline865I,
therfor, hastely folow me now,
For Lazar is ded, verely to preve;
I am joyfull, I sey onto yow,That I knowlege yow therwyth, that ye may it beleve.
[Jew]A, Martha, Martha, be full of gladnesse!line870For the prophett ys comyng, I sey trewly,With hys dyssypyllys in grett lowlynesse.humilityfol. 115rHe shall yow comfortt wyth hys mercy.
Here Martha shall ronne agen[Martha]A, Lord, me, sympyl creatur, nat denye,do not deny meThow I be wrappyd in wrecchydnesse.Althoughline875Lord, and thou haddyst byn here, verely,if you had beenMy brother had natt a byn ded, I know well thysse. this
[Jhesus]Martha, docctor, onto thee I sey,daughterThy brother shall reyse agayn.rise
MarthaYee, Lord, at the last day,line880That I beleve ful pleyn.
JhesusI am the resurreccyon of lyfe, that evyr shall reynne,reignAnd whoso belevyt verely in mewhoever believesShall have lyfe evyrlastyng, the soth to seyn.Martha, belevyst thow this?
MarthaYe, forsoth, the Prynsse of blysch!blissline886I beleve in Cryst, the son of sapyens, sapience (wisdom)Whyche wythowt eynd ryngne shall he,Who shall reign without endTo redemyn us freell from
ower iniquité.frail ones our
fol. 115v
Mary MaudleynO, thou rythewys regent,
reynyng in equité,
line890Thou gracyows Lord, thou swete Jhesus!And thou haddyst byn here, my brothyr alyfe had be.
If would be aliveGood
Lord, myn hertt doth this dyscus.
JhesusWher have ye put hym? Sey me thys.
Mary MaudleynIn hys monument, Lord, is he.
JhesusTo that place ye
me wys.
direct meline896Thatt grave I desyre to se.Take off the ston of this monument.fromThe agrement of grace here shewyn I wyll.covenant will I show
MarthaA, Lord, yower preseptt fulfyllyd shall be.your orderline900Thys ston I remeve wyth glad chyr.removeGracyows Lord, I aske thee mercy.Thy wyll mott be fullfyllyd here!May thy will
JhesusNow, Father, I beseche thyn hey paternyté,your highThat my prayour be resowndable to thi Fathyrod in glory, may resound Fatherhoodline905To opyn theyn erys to thi Son in humanyté,your earsNat only for me, but for thi pepyll verely,That they may beleve and betake to thi mercy.commend themselvesFathyr, fore them I make supplycacyon.line909Gracyows Father, graunt me
my bone!boon (request)fol. 116rLazer, Lazer! Com hethyr to me!
LazarusA, my makar, my savyowr, blyssyd mott thu be!may you beHere men may know thi werkys of wondyre. wondrous worksLord, nothyng
is onpossybyll to thee.impossibleFor my body and my sowle was departyd asondyr.separatedline915I shuld a rottytt, as doth the tondyre,Fleysch from the bonys a-consumyd away.
Now is aloft that late was ondyr!
The goodnesse of God hath don for me here,enacted thisFor he is bote of all balys to onbynd,remedy sufferingline920That blyssyd Lord that here ded apere.
did appear
[Jhesus]Of yower good hertys I have advertacyounys,
in sowle, holl made ye be.
Betwyx yow and me be nevyr varyacyounys,Between divergenceWherfor I sey, “Vade in pace.”
Go in peace
[Rex Marcylle]Avantt! Avant thee, onworthy wrecchesse!
King of Marseillesline926Why lowtt ye nat low to my lawdabyll presens,bow praiseworthyYe brawlyng breellys and blabyr-lyppyd bycchys,
rascals thick-lipped scoundrelsObedyenly
to obbey me wythowt offense?[Thus] obedientlyI am a sofereyn
semely that ye se butt seyld,seldom seeline930Non swyche ondyr sonne, the sothe for to say!sunWhanne I fare fresly and fers to the feld,
My fomen fle for fer of my fray!foes fear attackEven as an enperower I am onored ay,ever honoredWanne baner gyn to blasse and bemmys
gyn to blow.line935Hed am I heyest of all hethennesse holld!
Both kynggys and cayserys I woll they shall me know,emperorsOr ellys they bey the
bargayn that evyr they were so bold!
pay the priceI am Kyng of Marcylle, talys to be told,Thus I wold it were knowyn ferre and nere.line940Ho sey contraly, I cast heym in carys cold,Whoever speaks contrarilyAnd he shall bey the bargayn wondyr dere!extremelyI have a favorows fode and fresse as the fakown,
She is full fayur in hyr femynyté.Whan I loke on this lady, I am losty
as the lyon.
look upon lustyline945In my sythsight [she is]Of delycyté most delycyows,delight delightfulOf felachyp most felecyows,
companionship happyOf alle fodys most favarows —young ladies pleasingO, my blysse, in beuteus bryght!
beauteous brightness
fol. 117r
ReginaO of condycyons and most onorabyll,Queenline951Lowly I thank yow for this recummendacyon —HumblyThe bounteest and the boldest ondyr baner bryth,most bountifulNo creatur so coroscant
to my consolacyon.
Whan the regent be resydent, itt is my refeccyon.refreshment (nourishment)line955Yower dilectabyll dedys devydytt me from dyversyté.In my person I privyde
to put me from polucyon,
To be plesant
to yower person, itt is my prosperyté.
RexNow, godamercy, berel brytest of bewté! King thank you beryl brightestGodamercy, ruby,
rody as the rose.ruddyline960Ye be so plesaunt
to my
pay, ye put me from my liking keep meNow, comly knygthys,
loke that ye forth dressesee to it arrangeBoth spycys and wyn here in hast!spices
[Dylle]Owt, owt, harrow! I may crye and yelle,
DevilFor lost is all ower labor, wherfor I sey alas!line965For of all holddys that evyr hort, non so as hell!
Owur barrys of iron ar all to-brost, stronge gatys of brasse!
bars broken upThe Kyng of Joy entyryd in therat, as bryth as fyrys blase!
For fray
of hys ferfull banere, ower felashep fled asondyr.
Whan he towcheyd it wyth hys toukkyng, they brast as ony glase,line970And rofe asondyr, as it byn wyth thondore!
fol. 117vNow ar we thrall that frest wher fre,slaves once were freeBe the passon
of hys manhede.Because of human natureOn
a crosce on hye hangyd was he,Whyche hath dystroyd ower labor and alle ower dede.destroyed deedsline975He hath lytynnyd lymbo and to paradyse yede!lightened is gone toThat wondyrfull worke werkytt us wrake:does us harmAdam and Abram and alle hyre kynred,Abraham their kindredOwt of ower preson to joy were they take!prisonAll this hath byn wrowth
syn at none.done noonline980Brostyn don ower gatys that hangyd were full hye!BrokenNow is he resyn. Hys resurreccyon is don,risenAnd is procedyd into Galelye.He is goneWyth many a temptacyon we tochyd hym to atrey,
tried to test himTo know whether he was god ore non.or notline985Yet,
for all ower besynes, bleryd is ower eye,
busyness (labor) blearedFor wyth hys wyld werke he hath wonne hem everychon!
Now, for the tyme to come,in times to comeTher shall non falle to ower chanseto our fortunesBut at hys deleverans.
line990And weyyd be rythfull balans,And yowyn be rythfull domme.
I telle yow alle, in fine,
to helle wyll I gonne!in conclusion
fol. 118r
Here shall entyr the thre Mariis, arayyd as chast women, wyth sygnis of the passon[Mary Maudleyn]Alas, alas, for that ryall bem!beam (cross)A, this percytt my hartt worst of all!piercesline995For here he turnyd agen to the woman of Jerusalem,And for wherynesse lett the crosse falle.because of weariness
Mary Jacobe Thys sorow is beytterare than ony galle,more bitterFor here
the Jewys
spornyd hym to make hym goo,kickedAnd they dysspyttyd ther kyng ryall,
scorned royalline1000That clyvytt myn hart and makett me woo.rends sorrowful
Mary Salome Yt ys intollerabyll
to se or to tell,For ony creature that stronkg tormentry.forceful tormentO Lord, thou haddyst
a mervelows mell!
horrible struggleYt is
to hedyows to dyscry.too hideous to tell
[Three Marys]Heylle, gloryows crosse! Thou baryst that Lord on hye,bore (carried)line1006Whych be thi myght deddyst lowly bowe doun,
Mannys sowle to bye from all thraldam,
redeem slaveryThat evyrmore in
peyne shold a-be,
Be record of Davyt wyth myld stevyn:David voiceline1010“Domine, inclina celos tuos et dessende!”
fol. 118v
Mary Maudleyn Now to the monument lett us gon,Wheras ower Lord and savyower layd was,WhereTo anoynt hym body and bone,To make amendys for ower trespas.
[Mary Jacobe] Ho shall putt doun the led of the monument,Who remove lidline1016Thatt we may anoytt
hys gracyus woundys,anointWyth hartt and mynd
to do ower intenttWith precyus bamys, this same stounddys?at this time
Mary SalomeThatt blyssyd body wythin this boundys, spaceline1020Here was layd wyth rufull monys.rueful moansNevyr creature was borne upon gronddysearthThat myght sofere so hediows a peyne at onys.
Angelus Ye women presentt, dredytt yow ryth nowth!Angel fearJhesus is resun and is natt here.risenline1025Loo, here is the place that he was in browth.into which he was broughtGo,
sey to hys dysypyllys and to Petur he shall apere.
Secundus AngelusIn Galelye, wythowtyn ony wyre, doubtTher shall ye se hym lyke as he sayd.just asGoo yower way, and take comfortt and chyr,cheerline1030For that he sayd shall natt be delayyd.
fol. 119r
Mary MaudleynO, Petyr and John, we be begylyd!are beguiled (deceived)Ower Lordys body is borne away!I am aferd itt is dyffylyd.afraid defiledI am so carefull, I wott natt whatt to saye.full of care
PetyrOf thes tydynggys gretly I dysmay!line1036I woll me thethere hye wyth all my myth.will hurry thereNow, Lord defend us as he best may.protect us as only he canOf the sepulture we woll have a syth.sepulcher sight
JhonA, myn inward sowle stondyng in dystresse —line1040The weche of my body shuld have a gyde —For my lord stondyng in hevynesse,
Whan I remembyr hys woundys wyde.
PetyrThe sorow and peyne that he ded dryeendureFor ower offens and abomynacyon!offencesline1045And also I forsoke hym in hys turmentry;tormentI toke no hede to hys techeyng and exortacyon. paid no attention
[Petyr] A, now I se and know the sothe!truthBut, gracyus Lord, be ower protexcyon!Here is nothyng left butt a sudare cloth,
winding sheetline1050That of thi beryyng shuld make mencyon.burying gives evidence
JhonI am aferd of wykkytt opressyon.wicked (evil)Where he is becum, it can natt be devysyd.
Butt he seyd
aftyr the third day he shuld have resurrexon.
fol. 119v
Long beforn, thys was promysyd.ago
Mary MaudleynAlas, I may no lengar abyde,longer endureline1056For dolour and dyssese that in my hartt doth dwell.distress
Primus AngelusWoman, woman, wy wepest thou?why do you weepWom sekest thou with dolare thus?Whom dolor (grief)
Mary MaudleynA, fayn wold I wete, and I wyst how,line1060Wo hath born away my Lord Jhesus.Who carried
[Jhesus]Woman, woman, wy syest thow?why do you sighWom sekest thou? Tell me this.
Mary MaudleynA, good syr, tell me now,Yf thou have born awey my Lord Jhesus.line1065For I have porposyd in eche degré,resolved in every wayTo have hym wyth me verely,trulyThe wyche my specyall Lord hath be,Who has beenAnd I hys lover and cause wyll phy.
I [am] trust
JhesusO, O, Mari!
Mary MaudleynA, gracyus Mastyr and Lord, yow it is that I seke!line1071Lett me anoynt yow wyth this bamys sote.sweetLord, long hast thou hyd thee from my spece,hidden speechButt now wyll I kesse thou for my hartys bote!kiss remedy
JhesusTowche me natt, Mary! I ded natt asendhave not ascendedline1075To my Father in deyyté and onto yowers. deityfol. 120rButt go sey to my brotheryn I wyll pretendeintendTo stey to my Father in hevnly
Mary MaudleynWhan I sye yow fyrst, Lord, verely,sawI wentt ye had byn Symoud
the gardenyr.
thought gardener
JhesusSo I am for sothe, Mary.line1081Mannys hartt is my gardyn here.Therin I sow sedys of vertu all the yere.seedsThe fowle
wedys and vycys I reynd up be the rote.weeds tear rootWhan that gardyn is watteryd wyth terys clere,line1085Than spryng vertuus and smelle full sote.
very sweet smells
Mary Maudleyn O thou dereworthy Emperowere,
thou hye devyne!
To me this is a joyfull tydyng,And onto all pepull that aftyr us shall reyngne,ruleThys knowlege of thi deyyté,line1090To all pepull that shall obteyne,
And know this be posybylyté.
JhesusI wol show to synnars as I do to theesinnersYf they woll wyth vervens of love me seke.fervorBe stedfast, and I shall evyr wyth thee be,line1095And wyth all tho that to me byn meke.
[Mary Maudleyn]O systyrs, thus the hey and nobyll influentt graceflowingfol. 120vOf my most blessyd Lord Jhesus, Jhesus, Jhesus!
He aperyd onto me at the sepulcur ther I was!appeared whereThat hath relevyd my woo and moryd
my blysche.relieved increasedline1100Itt is innumerabyll to expresse,
too greatOr for ony tong for to tell,Of my joye how myche itt is,muchSo myche my peynnys itt doth excelle!
pains exceed
Mary SalomeNow less us go to the setté, to ower lady dere, cityline1105Hyr to shew of hys wellfare,make knownAnd also to dyssypyllys that we have syn here,what seenThe more yt shall rejoyse them from care.gladden
Mary JacobeNow, systyr Magdleyn, wyth glad chyr.So wold that good Lord we myth wyth hym mete!
JhesusTo shew desyrows hartys I am full nere,desirous veryline1111Women, I apere to yow and sey “Awete!”
Mary SalomeNow, gracyus Lord, of yowur nymyos charyté,beyond measureWyth hombyll hartys to thi presens complayne,[We who] withGrauntt us thi blyssyng of thi hye deyté,line1115Gostly ower sowlys for to sosteynne.Spiritually sustain
JhesusAlle tho byn blyssyd that sore refreynne.We blysch yow, Father and Son and Holy Gost,fol. 121rAll sorow and care to constryneconstrain (control)Be ower power, of mytys most.greatest in mightline1120In nomine Patrys, ett Felii ett Spiritus Sancti, amen!
Goo ye to my brethryn and sey to hem ther,That they procede and go into Gallelye,
And ther shall they se me as I seyd before,Bodyly, wyth here carnall yye.
their physical eye
Mary MaudleynO thou gloryus Lord of heven regyon,line1126Now blyssyd be thi hye devynyté,Thatt evyr thow
tokest incarnacyon,Thus for to vesyte thi pore servantys thre.visitThi wyll, gracyows Lord, fulfyllyd shall be.line1130As thou commaundyst us in all thyng,Ower gracyows brethryn we woll go seWyth hem to seyn all ower lekeyng.speak of liking (pleasure)
Rex MarcyllNow, lorddys and ladyys of grett aprise,
King worthA mater to meve
yow is in my memoryall:
line1135This day to do a sacryfyce,Wyth multetude of myrth before ower goddys all,great mirthWyth preors in aspecyall before hys presens,special prayersEche creature wyth hartt demure.demure (sober)
fol. 121v
ReginaTo that lord curteys and kynd,Queen courteousline1140Mahond,
that is so mykyll of myth,greatWyth mynstrelly and myrth in mynd,musicLett us gon ofer in that hye kyngis syth.go offer sight
PresbytyrNow, my clerke Hawkyn, for love of me,PriestLoke fast myn awter wer arayd!line1145Goo ryng a bell, to or thre.two or threeLythly, chyld, it be natt delayd,Quickly delayedFor here shall be a grett solemnyté,Loke, boy, thou do it wyth a brayd!
in haste
ClericusWhatt, mastyr! Woldyst thou have thi lemman to thi beddys syde? Clerkline1150Thow shall abyde tyll my servyse is sayd.
wait divine office
PresbytyrBoy! I sey, be Sentt Coppyn, byNo swyche wordys to thee I spake!
BoyWether thou ded or natt, the fryst jorny
shall be myn,first undertakingFor, be my feyth, thou beryst Wattys pakke!
line1155But, syr, my mastyr, grett Morell,
Ye have so fellyd yower bylly with growell,filled belly gruelThat it growit grett as the dywll of hell.
grows devilOnshapli thou art to see!
Ill-shapenWhan women
comme to here thi sermon,line1160Pratyly wyth hem I can houkkyn,
Cunningly hook (fornicate)fol. 122rWyth Kyrchon and fayer Maryon,
They love me
bettyr than thee,
I dare sey.
And thou shulddys ryde,
If you should rideThi body is so grett and wyde,line1165That nevyr horse may thee abyde,no horse can abide (carry) youExseptt thou breke hys bakk asoundyre!Unless back asunder
PresbytyrA, thou lyyst, boy, be the dyvll of hell!byI pray god, Mahond mott thee quell. may kill youI shall whyp thee tyll thi ars shall belle!
whip until ass swellline1170On thi ars com mych wondyre!
many wonders
BoyA fartt, mastyr, and kysse my grenne! groinThe dyvll of hell was thi emme.uncleLoo, mastyrs, of swyche a stokke he cam;stock (lineage)This kenred is asprongyn late.
kindred is lately sprung (risen up)
PresbytyrMahoundys blod, precyows knave!preciousline1176Stryppys on thi ars thou shall have,StripesAnd rappys on thi pate!blows head
Bete hym. Rex diciit:[Rex]Now, prystys and clerkys of this tempyll cler,pureYower servyse
to sey, lett me se.say
PresbytyrA, soveryn Lord, we shall don ower our dutyline1181Boy, a boke anon thou bryng me!Now, boy, to my awter I wyll me dresse;On shall my vestment and myn aray.
BoyNow than, the lesson I woll expresse,readline1185Lyke as longytt for the servyse of this day:Such as belongs to
Leccyo mahowndys viri fortissimi sarasenorum:
fol. 122vGlabriosum ad glumandum glumardinorum,Gormoerdorum
alocorum, stampatinantum cursorum,Cownthtys fulcatum, congruryandum tersorum,line1190Mursum malgorum, mararagorum,Skartum sialporum, fartum cardiculorum,Slaundri stroumppum, corbolcorum,Snyguer
snagoer werwolfforum,Standgardum lamba
beffettorum,line1195Strowtum stardy strangolcorum,Rygour dagour flapporum,Castratum raty rybaldorum.
Howndys and hoggys, in heggys and hellys, Hounds hogs hedges hellsSnakys and toddys mott be yower bellys!
line1200Ragnell and Roffyn,
and other in the wavys,
wavesGrauntt yow grace to dye on the galows!gallows
PresbytyrNow, lordys and ladyys, lesse and more,Knele all don wyth good devocyon.Yonge and old, rych and pore,line1205Do yower oferyng to Sentt Mahownde,Make SaintAnd ye shall have grett pardon,That longytt to this holy place,belongsAnd receyve ye shall my benesown,blessingfol. 123rAnd stond in Mahowndys grace.
Rex dicitt.[Rex of Marcylle]Mahownd, thou art of mytys most,greatest in powerline1211In my syth a gloryus gost.sight spiritThou comfortyst me both in contré and cost,country coastWyth thi wesdom and thi wytt,
wisdomFor truly, lord, in thee is my trost.trustline1215Good Lord, lett natt my sowle be lost.All my cownsell well thou wotst,you well knowHere in thi presens as I sett
setThys besawnt
of gold, rych and rownd,coinI ofer ytt for my lady and me,line1220That thou mayst be
ower counfortys in this stownd,at this timeSweth Mahound, remembyr me!Sweet
PresbytyrNow, boy, I pray thee, lett us have a song!Ower servyse be note, lett us syng, I say.Cowff up thi brest, stand natt to long.Clear your throat tooline1225Begynne the offyse of this (service)
BoyI home and I hast, I do that I may,Wyth mery tune the trebyll to syng.
PresbytyrHold up! The dyvll mote thee afray,
For all owt of rule thou dost me bryng!orderline1230Butt now, syr, kyng, quene, and knyth,
knightBe mery in hartt everychon!everybodyFor here may ye se relykys brygth —bright relicsMahowndys own nekke bon!neck bonefol. 123vAnd ye shall se er
ye gon,before you goline1235Whattsomever yow betyde.
And ye shall kesse all this
holy bon,kissMahowndys own yeelyd!
eyelidYe may have of this grett store —benefitAnd
ye know the cause wherfor —
line1240Ytt woll make yow blynd forevyr more,This same holy bede.
prayerLorddys and ladyys, old and ynge,youngMahownd the holy
and Dragon
the dere,Golyas so good to blysse may yow bryng,line1245Wyth Belyall,
in blysse everlastyng,
ye may ther in joy syng,Before that comly kyngThat is ower god in fere.
in common
PylattNow, ye serjauntys semly, what sey ye?line1250Ye be full wetty men in the law.prudentOf the dethe of Jhesu I woll avysyd be —will be advisedOwer soferyn Sesar the soth must nedys know.
Thys Jhesu was a man of grett vertu,And many wondyrs in hys tyme he wrowth.miracles workedline1255He was put to deth be cawsys ontru,for reasons untruefol. 124rWheche matyr stekytt in my thowth.
sticks thoughtAnd ye know well how he was to the erth browth,broughtWacchyd wyth knygths of grett aray.Guarded by armamentsHe is resyn agayn, as before he tawth,he previously taughtline1260And Joseph of Baramathye
he hath takyn awey.
Serjantt Soferyn juge, all this is soth that ye sey,But all this must be curyd be sotylté,
taken care of by cunningAnd sey how hys dysypyllys stollyn hym away —[we must] say have stolenAnd this shall be the answer, be the asentt of me.assent
Secundus SerjanttSo it is most lylly for to be!likelyline1266Yower councell is good and commendabyll.So wryte hym a pystyll of specyallté, special epistle (letter)And that for us shall be most prophytabyll.
PylattNow, masengyr, in hast hether thou com!hitherline1270On masage thou must, wyth ower wrytyng,To the soferyn emperower of Rome.But fryst thu shall go to Herodys the kyng,firstAnd sey how that I send hym knowyngknowledgeOf Crystys deth, how it hath byn wrowth.brought aboutline1275I charge thee, make no lettyng,delayTyll this lettyr to the emperower be browth!Until
fol. 124v
Nuncyus Pylatti My lord, in hast yower masage to spedePilate’s messengerOnto that
lordys of ryall
renown,Dowth ye nat, my lord, it shall be don indede.Doubtline1280Now hens woll I fast owt of this town!hence will I [go]
NuncyusHeyll, soferyn kyng ondyr crown!The prynsys of the law recummende to yower heynesse,commend themselvesAnd sendytt yow tydyngys of Crystys passon, passionAs in this wrytyng doth expresse.
HerodysA, be my trowth, now am I full of blyss!line1286Thes be mery tydyngys that they have thus don.Now certys I am glad of this,For now ar we frendys that afore wher fon.friends before foesHold a reward, masengyr, that thow were gon,
line1290And recummend me to my soferens grace.sovereign’sShew hym I woll be as stedfast as ston,Fere and nere
and in every place.Far and near
NuncyusHeyll be yow, sofereyn, settyng in solas!Heyll, worthy wythowtyn pere!peerline1295Heyll, goodly to grauntt all grace!Heyll, emperower of the world, ferr and nere!Soferyn, and it plese yower hye empyre,and [if] it imperial majestyfol. 125rI have browth yow wrytyng of grett aprise,
shall be pleseyng to yower desyre,line1300From Pylatt, yower hye justyce.He sentt yow word wyth lowly intentt.humbleIn every place he kepytt yower cummaundement,As he is bound be
hys ofyce.
office (position)
InperatorA, welcum, masengyr of grett pleseauns!line1305Thi wrytyng anon lett me onceMy juggys, anon gyffe atendans,give [your] attentionTo ondyrstond whatt this wrytyng may be,Wethyr it be good are ony deversyté, or anything maliciousOr ellys natt
for myn avayll.profitline1310Declare me this in all the hast!haste
ProvostSyr, the sentens we woll dyscus,meaningAnd it plese yowere hye exseleyns.excellencyThe intentt of this pystull is thus:epistlePylatt recummendytt to yower presens,commends himselfline1315And of a prophett is the sentens,
Whos name was callyd Jhesus.He is putt to dethe wyth vyolens,violenceFor he chalyngyd to
be kyng of Jewys.claimedTherfor he was crucyfyed to ded,deathline1320And syn was beryyd, as they thowth reson.
Also, he cleymyd hymsylf son of the Godhed.fol. 125vThe therd nyght he was stollyn away wyth treson,thirdWyth hys desypyllys
that to hym had dyleccyon;
So wyth hym away they yode.
wentline1325I mervayll how they ded, wyth the bodyys corupcyon;I trow they wer fed wyth a froward fode!
InperatorCrafty was ther connyng, the soth for to seyn.Thys pystyll I wyll kepe wyth me yff I can;Also I wyll have cronekyllyd the yere and the reynne,line1330That nevyr shall be forgott, whoso loke theron.
Masengyre, owt of this town wyth a rage!speedHold this gold to thi wage,Have forMery for
NuncyusFarewell, my lord of grett renown,line1335For owt of town my way I take.
[Mary Maudleyn]A, now I remembyr my lord that put was to ded deathWyth the Jewys, wythowtyn gyltt or treson.By guiltThe therd nygth he ros be the myth of hys Godhed;third aroseUpon the had hys gloryus resurrexcyon.line1340And now is the tyme past of his gloryus asencyon;ascensionHe steyyd to hevyn, and ther he is kyng.rose upA, hys grett kendness may natt fro my mencyon.
Of alle
manyr tonggys he gaf us knowyng,many languages knowledgeFor to undyrstond every langwage.fol. 126rNow have the dysyllpyllys
take ther passage,their journeysline1346To dyvers contreys her and yondyr;countries hereTo prech and teche of hys hye damage,injury (the Passion)Full ferr
ar my brothyrn departyd asondyr.
Very far separated
JhesusO, the onclypsyd sonne, tempyll of Salamon!un-eclipsed sunline1350In the mone I restyd, that nevyr chonggyd goodnesse;In the
shep of Noee, fles of Judeon.ship Noah, fleece GideonShe was my tapyrnakyll of grett nobyllnesse;tabernacleShe was the paleys of Phebus
brygthnesse;palace Phoebus’She was the vessell of puere clennesse,line1355Wher my Godhed gaff my manhod myth:
gave manhood mightMy blyssyd mother, of demure femynyté,For mankynd, the feynddys defens,
Quewne of Jherusalem, that hevnly
ceté,cityEmpresse of hell, to make resystens.
line1360She is the precyus pyn, full of ensens,pine incenseThe precyus synamvyr, the body thorow to seche.
She is the muske agens the hertys of vyolens,
The jentyll jelopher agens the cardyakyllys
The goodnesse of my mothere no tong can expresse,line1365Nere no clerke of hyre, hyre joyys can wryth.
Butt now of my servantt I remembyr the kendnesse;kindnessfol. 126vWith hevenly masage I cast
me to vesyte.
angell in my syte,sightTo Mary Maudleyn decende in a whyle,descendline1370Byd here passe the se be my myth,
And sey she shall converte the land of Marcyll.
AngelusO gloryus Lord, I woll resorttproceedTo shew your servant of yower grace.She shall labor for that londys comfortt,land’sline1375From hevynesse them to porchasse. deliver them from sadness
thee noutt, Mary, in this place!Fear notOwer lordys preceptt thou must fullfyll.precept (command)To passe the see in shortt space,cross timeOnto the lond of Marcyll.line1380Kyng and quene converte shall ye,And byn amyttyd as an holy apostylesse.
Alle the lond shall be techyd alonly be thee,taught solely byGoddys lawys onto hem ye shall expresse.Therfore hast yow forth wyth gladnesse,hurryline1385Goddys commaunddement
for to fullfylle.
fol. 127r
Mary MaudleynHe that from my person seven dewllys mad to fle,Be vertu of hym alle thyng was wrowth;createdTo seke thoys
pepull I woll rydy be,those readyAs thu hast comaunddytt, in vertu they shall be browth.
line1390Wyth thi grace, good Lord in deité,Now to the see I wyll me hy,sea hie (go quickly)Sum sheppyng to asspy.
Some ship seeNow spede me, Lord, in etyrnall glory!hastenNow be my spede, allmyty Trenité!success
ShepmanStryke! Stryke! Lett fall an ankyr to grownd.
line1396Her is a fayer haven to se!Here portConnyngly in, loke that ye sownd!
I hope good harborow have shal wee.harborLoke that we have drynke, boy thou!See to it
BoyI may natt for slep, I make god a vow!line1401Thou shall abyde ytte, and thou were my syere.
ShepmanWhy, boy, we are rydy to go to dynere!Shall we no mete have?food
fol. 127v
BoyNatt for me, be of good chyr,line1405Thowe ye be forhongord
tyll ye rave,made very hungry raveI tell yow plenly beforn!
For swyche a cramp on me sett is,has come upon meI am a poynt
to fare the worse.likely toI
ly and wryng tyll I pysse,twist and turnline1410And am a poyntt to be forlorn!
about destroyed
The MastyrNow, boy, whatt woll ye this seyll?
BoyNothyng butt a fayer damsell!She shold help me, I know it well,Ar ellys I may rue
the tyme that I was born!Or else regret
The MastyrBe my trowth, syr boye, ye shal be sped! helpedline1416I wyll hyr bryng onto yower bed!Now shall thou lern a damsell to wed —She wyll nat kysse thee on skorn!
The BoyA skorn! No, no, I fynd it hernest!In jest earnestline1420The dewlle of hell motte thee brest,
For all my corage
is now cast.vigor overthrownAlasse, I am forlorn!forsaken
Mary MaudleynMastyr of the shepe, a word with thee.ship
fol. 128r
MastyrAll redy, fayer woman! Whatt wol ye?
Mary MaudleynOf whense is thys shep? Tell ye me,From whereline1426And yf ye seyle wythin a whyle.sail soon
MastyrWe woll seyle this same day,Yf the wynd be to
ower pay.advantageThis shep that I
of sey,of which I speakline1430Is of the lond of Marcyll.
Mary MaudleynSyr, may I natt wyth yow sayle?And ye shall have for yower avayle.
MastyrOf sheppyng ye shall natt faylle,For us the wynd is good and saffe.safeline1435Yondyr
is the lond of Torke,
TurkeyI wher full loth for to lye!would be tell a lieYendyr is the lond of Satyllye —Antalya (southern Turkey)Of this cors we thar nat abaffe.
From course need not go back
Stryk! Beware of sond! Lower the sails landline1440Cast a led and in us gyde!Take a sounding guideOf Marcyll this is the kynggys lond.Go a lond, thow fayer woman, this tyde,timeTo the kynggys place. Yondyr may ye se.Sett off! Sett off from lond!
fol. 128v
The BoyAll redy, mastyr, at thyn hand.
Her goth the shep owt of the place. [Marseilles]Mary MaudleynO Jhesu, thi mellyfluos name sweetly flowingline1447Mott be worcheppyd wyth reverens!May it beLord, graunt me vyctoré
agens the fyndys flame,fiend’sAnd yn thi lawys gyf this pepyll credens.give people credence (belief)line1450I wyll resortt
be grett convenyens;
proceed expeditiouslyOn hys presens I wyll draw nere,Onto his (the king’s)Of my Lordys lawys to shew
the sentens,meaningBothe of hys Godhed and of hys powere.
Now, the hye kyng Crist, mannys redempcyon,line1455Mote save yow, syr kyng, regnyng in equité,May justiceAnd mote gydde yow the way
toward salvationJhesu, the Son of the mythty Trenité,That was, and is, and evyr shall be,For mannys sowle the reformacyon,
soul [is]line1460In hys name, lord, I beseche thee,Wythin thi lond to have my mancyon.dwelling
fol. 129r
RexJhesu? Jhesu? What deylle is hym that?What the devil is he?I defye thee and thyn apenyon!opinionThow false lordeyn, I shal fell thee flatt!wretch knock you downline1465Who made thee so hardy to make swych rebon? daring answer
Mary MaudleynSyr, I com natt to thee for no decepcyon,But that good Lord Crist hether me compassyd. hither directedTo receyve hys name, itt is yower refeccyon,refreshmentAnd thi forme of mysbelef
be hym may be losyd.
by undone
RexAnd whatt is that lord that thow speke of her?
Mary MaudleynId est salvator, yf thow wyll lere,It is the Savior learnline1472The Secunde Person, that hell ded conquare,who conquerAnd the son of the Father in Trenyté.
RexAnd of whatt power is that god that ye reherse to me?recount
Mary MaudleynHe mad hevyn and erth, lond and see,line1476And all this he mad of nowth.from nought (nothing)
RexWoman, I pray thee, answer me!Whatt mad God at the fyrst begynnyng?Thys processe ondyrstond wol we,line1480That wold I lerne; itt is my plesyng.
fol. 129v
Mary MaudleynSyr, I wyll declare al and sum,What from God fryst ded procede.first didHe seyd, “In principio erat verbum,” In the beginning was the WordAnd wyth that he provyd hys grett Godhed.demonstratedline1485He mad heven for ower spede,our helpWheras he sytth in tronys hyee;
Hys mynystyrs next, as he save nede,as he saw the needHys angelus and archangyllys, all the compeny.Upon the fryst day God mad all this,madeline1490As it was plesyng to hys intent.On the , he wold natt mys,failTo make sonne, mone, and sterrys
and the fyrmament,starsThe sonne to begynne hys cors in the oryent,sun course eastAnd evyr labor wythowtyn werynesse,
line1495And kepytt hys cours into the occedentt.keep westThe , as I ondyrstond this,Grett grace for us he gan to incresse.That day he satt upon watyris,the watersAs was lykyng to hys goodnesse,pleasingline1500As holy wrytt
berytt wettnesse.bears witnessThat tyme he made both see and lond,All that werke of grett nobyllnesse,As it
was plesyng to hys gracyus sond.intentionfol. 130rOn the , ower lord of mythe,line1505Made more at hys plesyng,Fysche in flod and fowle in flyth,
Fish birds flightAnd all this was for ower hellpyng.helpOn the , that nobyll kyngMad dyverse bestys, grett and smale.beastsline1510He gaff hem erth to ther fedyng,gave to feed themAnd bad hem cressyn be hylle and increaseAnd on the , God mad man,As it plesett hys hynesse most,pleased highnessAftyr hys own semelytude than,similitude (likeness)line1515And gaf hem lyfe of the Holy Gost.gave through theOn the , as I tell can,All hys werkys he gan to blysse.blessHe bad them multyply and incresse than,As it was plesyng to hys worthynesse.line1520And on the , he gan rest take,he restedAs skryptur declarytt pleyn,That al shold reverens make
To hyr makar that hem doth susteyn —their maker sustains themUpon the to leven in hys servyse,liveline1525And hym alonly, to serve I tell yow pleyn.serve him alone clearly
RexHerke, woman, thow hast many resonnys
grett!great wordsI thyngk onto my goddys aperteynyng they beth.
But thou make me answer son, I shall thee frett,Unless soon harmAnd cut the tong owt of thi hed!
fol. 130v
Mary MaudleynSyr, yf I seyd amys, I woll return
line1531Leve yower encomberowns of perturbacyon,burdens of worryAnd lett me know what yower goddys byn,areAnd how they may save us from treubelacyon.tribulation
RexHens to the tempyll that we ware,line1535And ther shall thow se a solom syth.solemn sightCome on all, both lesse and more,Thys day to se my goddys myth!
Loke now, what seyyst thow be this syth?aboutHow pleseaunttly they stond, se thow how?line1540Lord, I besech thi grett myth,beseechSpeke to this Chrisetyn that here sestt
thou!Christian you see hereSpeke, god lord,
speke! Se how I do bow!Herke, thou pryst! What menytt all this?priest meansWhat? Speke, good lord, speke! What eylytt thee now?ailsline1545Speke, as thow artt bote of all blysse!
PresbytyrLord, he woll natt speke whyle Chriseten here is.
Mary MaudleynSyr kyng, and it plese yower gentyllnesse,if itGyff me lycens my prayors to makelicense
Onto my God in heven blysch,heaven’s blissline1550Sum merakyll to shewyn for yower sake.miracle
RexPray thi fylle tyll then knees ake!your ache
Mary MaudleynDominus, illuminacio mea, quem timbeo?fol. 131rDominus, protecctor vite mee, a quo trepedabo?
Now Lord of lordys, to thi blyssyd name sanctificatt,sanctifiedline1555Most mekely my feyth I recummend.meekly commitPott don the pryd of mamentys violatt!Lord, to thi lover thi goodnesse descend;send downLett natt ther pryd to thi posté pretend,
Wheras is rehersyd thy hye name Jhesus!
Lord, my preor I feythfully send;prayerLord, thi rythwysnesse here dyscus!
righteousness demonstrate
[Rex]A, owt! For angur I am thus deludyd!I wyll bewreke my cruell tene!revenge misfortuneAlas, wythin mysylfe I am concludytt!
have made up my mindline1565Thou woman, comme hether and wete whatt I mene.knowMy wyff and I together many yerys have byn,And nevyr myth be conceyvyd wyth chyld.Yf thou for this canst fynd a mene,meansI wyll abey thi god and to hym be meke and myld.obey
Mary MaudleynNow, syr, syn thou seyst so,sinceline1571To my Lord I prye wyth reythfull bone.pray worthy boon (request)Beleve in hym and in no mo,no othersAnd I hope she shall be conceyvyd sone.
RexAvoyd, avoyd! I wax all seke!Go away sickline1575I wyll to bed this same tyde.[go] to right nowfol. 131vI am so wexyd wyth yen suek,
That hath
nere to deth me dyth!
nearly brought me to death
[Mary Maudleyn]Now Cryst, my creatur, me conserve and kepe,creatorThat I be natt confunddyd wyth this reddure. defeated harshnessline1580For hungore and thurst to thee I wepe!Because ofLord, demene me wyth mesuer.
treat measure (moderation)As thou savydyst Daniell from the lyounys rigur,lion’s severityBe Abacuk thi masengyre,
relevyd wyth sustynouns,
Good Lord, so hellpe me and sokore,aidline1585Lord, as itt is thi hye pleseawns!high pleasure
JhesusMy grace shall grow and don decenddescendTo Mary my lover, that to me doth call,Hyr asstatt
for to (condition)She shall be relevyd with sustinons corporall.bodily sustenanceline1590Now, awngelys,
to hyr in especyall,especiallyAnd lede hyr to the prynssys chambyr ryth.lead her directlyBed hyre axke of hys good be weyys pacyfycal.
And goo yow before hyr wyth reverent lyth.light
Primus AngelusBlyssyd Lord, in thi sythFirst Angelline1595We dyssend onto Mary.
Secundus AngelusWe dyssend from yower blysse bryth;Second Angel brightOnto yower cummaundement we aplye. comply
fol. 132r
Tunc dissenditt angelus. Primus dyxit:[Primus Angelus]Mary, ower Lord wyll comfortt yow send!He bad, to the kyng ye shuld take the waye,line1600Hym to asay, yf he woll condesend,As he is slepyng, hem to asaye.
While to test them
Secundus AngelusByd hym releve yow, to goddys pay,And we shal go before yow wyth solem lyth;lightIn a mentyll of whyte
shall be ower araye.mantle white arrayline1605The dorys shall opyn agens us be ryth.doors toward right
Mary MaudleynO gracyus God, now I undyrstond!Thys clothyng of whyte is tokenyng of mekenesse.token (sign)Now gracyus Lord, I woll natt wond, hesitateYower preseptt to obbey wyth lowlynesse.humility
line1610Thow froward kyng, trobelows and wood,hostile troublous and madThat hast at thi wyll all worlddys wele,
Departe wyth me wyth sum of thi good,Distribute to some richesThat am in hongor, threst, and cold.
Who is thirstGod hath thee sent warnygys felle.manyline1615I rede thee, torne, and amend thi mood.
Beware of thi lewdnesse for thi own hele,ignorance spiritual healthAnd thow, qwen, turne from thi good.
queen your possessions
[Rex]A, this day is com! I am mery and glad!fol. 132vThe son is up and shynyth bryth.sunline1620A mervelows shewyng in my slep I had,showing (vision)That sore me trobelyd this same nyth:greatly troubled me nightA fayer woman I saw
in my syth,All in whyte was she cladd;Led she was wyth an angyll bryth,by a bright angelline1625To me she spake wyth wordys sad.serious
ReginaI trow from good
that they were sentt!Queen believeIn ower hartys we may
have dowte.fearI wentt ower chambyr sholld a brentt,thought should have burnedFor the lyth that ther was all abowth.Because ofline1630To us she spake wordys of dred,spoke authorityThat we shuld help them that have nede,Wyth ower godys, so God ded byd,goods as did bidI tell yow, wythowtyn dowthe.
RexNow, semely wyff, ye sey ryth well.speak veryline1635A, knyth, anon, wythowtyn delay!knightNow, as thou hast byn trew as stylle,steelGoo fett that woman before me this daye!fetch
MilesMy sovereyn lord, I take the waye.She shall com at yower
pleseawns.line1640Yower soveryn wyll I wyll goo saye,declare [to her]Itt is almesse hyr to avawns.alms advance (assist)
fol. 133r
Thunc transitSped well, good woman! I am to thee sentt,May you prosperYow for to speke wyth the kyng.[In order] for you
Mary MaudleynGladly, syr, at hys intentt,line1645I comme at hys own pleseyng.
Tunc transytt Maria ad regem.The mythe and the powere of the heye Trenyté,The wysdom of the Son, mott governe yow in ryth!may (they) rightThe Holy Gost mott wyth yow be.
What is yowre
wyll? Sey me in sythe.
Tell me now
RexThow fayer woman, itt is my delyth,delightline1651Thee to refresch is myn intentt,Wyth mete and mony, and clothys for the nyth,nightAnd wyth
swych grace as God hathe me lentt.lent me
Mary MaudleynThan fullfylle ye Goddys cummaundement,line1655Pore folk in myschef
them to susteyn.misfortune
RexNow, blyssyd woman, reherse here presentt,relateThe joyys of yower lord in heven.
Mary MaudleynA, blyssyd the ower and blyssyd be the tyme,hourThat to Goddys lawys ye wyll gyff credens!give credenceline1660To yowerselfe ye make a glad pryme beginningAgens the fenddys malycyows
violens.fiend’s maliciousfol. 133vFrom God above comit the influens,comes spiritual powerBe the Holy Gost into thi brest sentt down,breastFor to restore thi offens,atone forline1665Thi sowle to bryng to evyrlastyng salvacyon.Thy wyffe, she is grett wyth chyld!Lyke as thou desyerst, thou hast thi bone!Just as desire request
ReginaA, ye! I fel ytt ster in my wombe up and down!feel stirI am glad I have thee in presens.line1670O blyssyd woman, rote of ower savacyon,
rootThi God woll I worchep with dew reverens.due
RexNow fayer woman, sey me the sentens,tell meI beseche thee, whatt is thi name?
Mary MaudleynSyr, agens that I make no resystens.againstline1675Mary Maudleyn, wythowtyn blame.reproach
RexO blyssyd Mary, ryth well is me,That ever I have abedyn this daye.lived untilNow thanke I thi God, and specyally thee,And so shall I do whyle I leve
Mary MaudleynYe shall thankytt Petyr, my mastyr, wythowt delay.line1681He is thi frend, stedfast and cler.fol. 134rTo allmythy God he halp me pray,helpedAnd he shall crestyn yow from the fynddys power,christen fiend’sIn the syth of God
an hye.sight
RexNow, suerly, ye answer me to my pay.surely likingline1686I am ryth glad of this tyddyngys!Butt, Mary, in all my goodys I sese yow this day, with all endowFor to byn at yower gydyng,under your controlAnd them to rewlyn at yower pleseyng,ruleline1690Tyll that I comme hom agayn.I wyll axke of yow neythyr lond nore rekynyng,
But I here delever yow powere pleyn.deliver full
ReginaNow, worshepfull lord, of a bone I yow pray,requestAnd it be pleseyng to yower hye dygnité.If it be
RexMadam, yower desyere onto me say.desireline1696What bone is that ye dysyere of me?
ReginaNow, worshepfull sovereyn, in eche degré,in every wayThat I may wyth yow goo,A Crestyn womman made to be.line1700Gracyus lord, it may be soo.may it be so
RexAlas, the wyttys of wommen, how they byn wylld! wits wildfol. 134vAnd therof fallytt many a chanse.
A, why desyer it yow, and ar wyth chyld?since you are
ReginaA, my sovereyn, I am knett in care,knit (bound up)line1705But ye consedyr now that I crave,Unless what I nowFor all the lovys that ever ware,loves wereBehynd yow that ye me not leve!
RexWyff, syn that ye woll take this wey of pryse,since special voyageTherto can I no more seyn. sayline1710Now Jhesu be ower gyd, that is hye justyce,guideAnd this blyssyd womman, Mary Maugleyn!
Mary MaudleynSyth ye ar consentyd to that dede,Since deedThe blyssyng of God gyff to yow wyll I.He shall save yow from all dred,line1715In nomine Patrys, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen.
[Nauta]Loke forth, Grobbe, my knave,SailorAnd tell me what tydyngys thou have,tidings (information)And yf thou aspye ony lond. see
BoyInto the shrowdys I woll me hye.ship’s rigging go quicklyline1720Be my fythe, a castell I aspye,faithAnd as I ondyrstond!
NautaSett therwyth, yf we mown,For I wott itt is a havyn townhaven (harbor)That stondyt upon a strond.
fol. 135r
[Rex]How, good man, of whens is that shep?from where does that ship comeline1726I pray thee, syr, tell thou me.
NautaSyr, as for that, I take no kepe.heedFor what cause enquire ye?reason
RexFor causys of nede, seyle wold we,need, sailline1730Ryth fayn we wold over byn.
NautaYee, butt me thynkytt, so mote I thee,So hastely to passe, yower spendyng is thyn.I trow, be my lyfe,Thou hast stollyn sum mannys wyffe;stolenline1735Thou woldyst ledd hyr owt of lond!
Neveretheles, so God
me save,Lett se whatt I shall
have,Let [me] seeOr ellys I woll nat wend!
else go
RexTen marke I wyll thee gyff, marks (in currency)line1740Yf thou wylt set me up
at the cleyffdeliver cliffIn the Holy Lond.
NautaSet off, boy, into the flod!sea
BoyI shall, mastyr! The wynd is good.Hens that we were!
[Regina]A, lady, hellp in this nede,distressline1746That in this flod we drench natt!drownA, Mary, Mary, flower of wommanned! womanhoodO blyssyd lady, foryete me nowth!do not forget me
fol. 135v
RexA, my dere wyffe, no dred ye have,do not fearline1750Butt trost in Mary Maudleyn,trustAnd she from perellys shall us save,perilsTo God for us she woll prayyn.pray
ReginaA, dere hosbond, thynk on me,And save yowersylfe as long as ye may,while you can
line1755For trewly itt wyll no otherwyse be,Full sor my hart it makytt this day.A, the chyld that betwyx my sydys lay —lies between my sidesThe wyche was conseyvyd on me be ryth —Which by rightAlas, that wommannys help is away!woman’s not hereline1760An hevy departyng is betwyx us in syth,
Fore now departe wee!For defawte of wommen here in my nede,Because of default (lack)Deth my body makyth to sprede.spreads throughoutNow, Mary Maudleyn, my sowle lede!leadline1765In manus tuas,
RexAlas, my wyff is ded!Alas, this is a carefull chans!sorrowful chance (fortune)So shall my chyld, I am adred,
And for defawth of sustynons.lack of nourishmentline1770Good Lord, thi grace graunte to megrantedfol. 136rA chyld betwen us of increse,
An it is motherles!Help me
my sorow for to relesse,releaseYf thi wyl it be!
NautaBenedicité, benedicité!Bless usline1776What wethyr may this be? weatherOwer mast woll all asondyr!
BoyMastyr, I therto ley myn ere,bet my earIt is for this ded body that we bere.because ofline1780Cast hyr owt, or ellys we synke ondyr.
RexNay, for Goddys sake, do natt so!And ye wyll hyr into the se cast,If seaGyntyll serys, for my love [otherwise]Yender is a roch
in the west,Yonder rockline1785As ley hyr theron all above,upon itAnd my chyld hyr by.
beside her
NautaAs therto I asent well.assentAnd she were owt of the vessell,IfAll we shuld stond the more in hele,line1790I sey yow, verely.
RexLy here, wyff, and chyld thee by.Blyssyd Maudleyn be hyr rede!counselorWyth terys wepyng, and grett cause why,great reason for itI kysse yow both in this sted.placeline1795Now woll I pray to Mary myldTo be ther gyde here. their guide
fol. 136v
NautaPay now, syr, and goo to lond,For here is the portt Zaf, I ondyrstond;JaffaLey down my pay in my hand,line1800And belyve go me fro!
quickly go from me
RexI graunt thee, syr, so God me save!Lo, here is all thi connownt. covenant (agreed sum)All redy thou shall it have,PromptlyAnd a marke more than thi graunt,
mark (in currency) what is dueline1805And thou, page, for thi good obedyentt;obedienceI gyff yow besyde yower styntt,
in addition to your allotted incomeEche of yow a marke for yower wage!
NautaNow he that mad bothe day and nyth,He sped yow in yower ryth,[May] he helpline1810Well to go on yower passage!voyage
[Jerusalem]PetyrNow all creaturs upon mold,earthThat byn of Crystys creacyon,areTo worchep Jhesu they are behold,beholden (obliged)Nore nevyr agens hym to make varyacyon.
RexSyr, feythfully I beseche yow this daye,line1816Wher Petyr the apostull is, wete wold I.know
PetyrItt is I, syr, wythowt delay.Of yower askyng tell me why.
RexSyr, the soth I shall yow seyn,truthfol. 137rAnd tell yow myn intentt wythin a whyle.line1821Ther is a woman hyth Mary Maudleyn,namedThat hether hath laberyd me owt of Mercyll —
hither broughtOnto the wyche woman I thynke no gyle —
And this pylgramage
causyd me to take —pilgrimageline1825I woll tell
you more of the stylle —circumstancesFor to crestyn me from wo and wrake.christen woe harm
PetyrO, blyssyd be the tyme that ye are falle to grace,fallen (come)And ye wyll kepe yower beleve aftyr my techeyng,
And alle-only forsake the fynd Satyrnas,
completely fiend Satanasline1830The commaundmenttys
of God to have in kepyng.
RexForsoth, I beleve in the Father that is of all wyldyng,powerAnd in the son, Jhesu Cryst,Also in the Holy Gost, hys grace to us spredyng;extendingline1834I beleve in Crystys deth and hys uprysyng.Christ’s Resurrection
PetyrSyr, than whatt axke ye?ask
RexHoly father, baptym, for charyté,baptismMe to save in eche degréin every wayFrom the fyndys bond. bondage
PetyrIn the name of the Trenité,line1840Wyth this watyr I baptysse thee,That thou mayst strong beAgens the fynd to stond.
fol. 137v
RexA, holy fathyr, how my hart wyll be sorOf cummaunddementt, and ye declare nat the sentens!
PetyrSyr, dayly ye shall lobor more and more,daily laborline1846Tyll that ye have very experyens.Until true experienceWyth me shall ye dwall to have more eloquens,
dwellAnd goo vesyte the stacyons
by and
by;visit holy placesTo Nazareth and Bedlem, goo wyth delygens,Bethlehem diligentlyline1850And be yower own inspeccyon, yower feyth
to edyfy.
RexNow, holy father, dereworthy and dere,precious dearMyn intent now know ye.Itt is gon full to yere two yearsThat I cam to yow overe the se,line1855Crystys servont and yower to be,servant yoursAnd the lawe
of hym evyr to fulfyll.alwaysNow woll I hom into my contré.will I [go] countryYower puere blyssynd graunt us tylle —
That feythfully I crave!
PetrusNow in the name of Jhesu,Peterline1861Cum Patre et Sancto SperituHe kepe
thee and save.
RexHold ner, shepman, hold, hold!Come near
BoySir, yendyr is on callyd aftyr cold. yonder one [who]
NautaA, syr! I ken yow of old.know from earlier timesline1866Be my trowth, ye be welcum to me!By
fol. 138r
RexNow, gentyll marranere, I thee pray,marinerWhatsoever that I pay,Whatever the paymentIn all the hast that ye may,hasteline1870Help me over the se! sea
NautaIn good soth, we byn atenddawntt;Truly on dutyGladly ye shall have yower graunt,requestWythowtyn ony connownt.
any covenantComme in, in Goddys name!
line1875Grobbe, boy, the wynd is nor-west;Fast abowth the seyle cast!
Rere up the seyll in all the hast,RaiseAs well as thou can!
[Rex]Mastyr of the shyp, cast forth yower yee!eye (i.e., look out there)line1880Me thynkyt the rokke I gyn to aspye!Gentyll mastyr, thether us gye;guide us thitherI shall qwyt yower mede.
pay reward
NautaIn feyth, it is the same stonstoneThat yower wyff lyeth upon!
line1885Ye shall be ther even anon,at onceVerely, indeed!
RexO thou myty Lord of heven region,Yendyr is my babe of myn own nature,YonderPreservyd and keptt from all corrupcyon!line1890Blyssyd be that Lord that thee doth socure!succors (aids) youAnd my wyff lyeth here fayer and puer!liesFayere and clere is hur colour to se!clear seeA, good Lord, yower grace wyth us indure,
fol. 138vMy wyvys lyfe for to illumyn.kindleline1895A, blyssyd be that puer vergyn!
virginFrom grevos slepe she gynnyt revyve!
A, the sonne of grace on us doth shynne.
shineNow blyssyd be God, I se my wyff alyve!
ReginaO virgo salutata, for ower savacyon!line1900O pulcra et casta, cum of nobyll alyauns!O almyty maydyn, ower sowlys confortacyon!almighty consolationO demur Maudlyn, my bodyys sustynauns!modest body’s sustenanceThou hast wrappyd
us in wele from all varyawns,
And led me wyth my lord into
the Holy Land.line1905I am baptysyd as ye are, be Maryus gyddauns,
Mary’s guidanceOf Sent Petyrys holy hand.ByI sye the blyssyd crosse that Cryst shed on hys precyus
blod;saw on whichHys blyssyd sepulcur also se I.Wherfor,
good hosbond, be mery in mode,moodline1910For I have gon the stacyonnys,
by and by.
RexI thanke it, Jhesu, with hart on hye,highNow have I my wyf and my chyld both!I thank ytt Maudleyn and ower lady,for itAnd ever shall do, wythowtyn othe.oath
Et tunc remigant a monte, et nautafol. 139r
[Nauta]Now are ye past all perelle;perilline1916Her is the lond of Mercylle.Now goo a lond, syr, whan ye wyll,I prye yow for my sake.
pray (ask)
RexGodamercy, jentyll marraner!gentle marinerline1920Here is ten pounds of nobyllys cler.nobles (a currency)And ever thi
frynd both ferre and nere.
Cryst save thee from wo and wrake!
[Mary Maudleyn]O dere fryndys, be in hart stabyll,And think how dere Cryst hathe yow
bowth.bought (redeemed)line1925Agens God be nothyng vereabyll;
Thynk how he
mad all thyng of nowth.from nothingThow yow in poverté sumtyme be browth,broughtYitte
be in charyté both nyth and day,
YetFor they byn blyssyd that so byn sowth,
line1930For paupertas est donum
poverty is God’s giftGod blyssyt alle tho that byn meke and good,thoseAnd he blyssyd all tho that wepe for synne.They be blyssyd that the hungor and the thorsty gyff fode;
They be blyssyd that byn mercyfull agen wrecched men;
towardline1935They byn blyssyd that byn dysstroccyon
of synne;destruction of sinThese byn callyd the chyldyren of lyfe,fol. 139vOnto the wyche blysse, bryng both yow and me,That for us dyyd on the rode tre. Amen.
died cross
[Rex]Heyll be thou Mary, ower Lord is wyth thee!line1940The helth of ower sowllys and repast contemplatyff!refreshmentHeyll, tabyrnakyll of the blysssyd Trenité!tabernacleHeyll, counfortabyll sokore for man and wyff!
ReginaHeyll, thou chosyn and chast of wommen alon!It passyt my wett to tell thi nobyllnesse!
surpasses my witline1945Thou relevyst me and my chyld on the rokke of ston,relievedAnd also savyd us be thi
hye holynessse.saved
Mary MaudleynWelcum hom, prynse and prynsses bothe!Welcom hom, yong prynsse of dew and ryth!rightful princeWelcom hom to your own erytage wythowt
othe,heritage by natural rightline1950And to alle yower pepyll
present in syth!Now are ye becum Goddys own knyght,you have becomeFor sowle helth,
salve ded ye seche,remedy did you seekIn hom the Holy Gost hath take resedens,
whom residenceAnd drevyn asyde all the desepcyon of wrech.
line1955And now have ye a knowlege
of the sentens,substantial knowledgeHow ye shall com onto grace.But now in yower godys agen I do yow sese;goods again endowfol. 140rI trost I have
governyd them to yower hertys ese.
trust easeNow woll I labor forth, God to plese,line1960More gostly strenkth me to purchase.
RexO blyssyd Mary, to comprehend accomplishOwer swete sokor, on us have peté!succor pity
ReginaTo departe from us, why should ye pretende?part ventureO blyssyd lady, putt us natt to that poverté!
Mary MaudleynOf yow and yowers I wyll have rememberauns,line1966And dayly yower bede woman
for to be,
That alle wyckydnesse from yow may have deleverans,In quiet and rest that leve may
RexNow thanne, yower puere blyssyng graunt us us
Mary MaudleynThe blyssyn of God mott yow fulfyll.May the blessingline1971Ille vos benedicatt, qui sene fine vivit et regnat!
[Rex]A, we may syyn and wepyn also,sigh weepThat we have forgon this lady fre —Because lost excellentIt brynggytt my hart in care and woo —line1975The whech ower gydde and governor should a be.Who guide
ReginaThat doth perswade all my ble,That swete sypresse that she wold so.
In me restytt neyther game nor gleremains play joyfol. 140vThat she wold from owere presens goo.
RexNow of hyr goyng I am nothyng glad.line1981But my londdys to gyddyn I must aplye,rule apply [myself]Lyke as Sancte Peter me badde. commandedChyrchys in cetyys I woll edyfye,cities edify (build)And whoso agens ower feyth woll replye,whoever complainline1985I woll ponysch swych
personnys with perplyxcyon.
punish distressMahond and hys lawys I defye!A, hys pryde owt of my love shall have polucyon,
And holle onto Jhesu I me betake!wholly betake myself
[Mary Maudleyn]In this deserte abydyn wyll wee,remainline1990My sowle from synne for to save.I wyll evyr abyte
me wyth humelyté,always clothe myselfAnd put me
in pacyens, my Lord for to love.patienceIn charyté my werkys I wol grave,engraveAnd in abstynens, all dayys of my lyfe.line1995Thus my concyens
of me doth crave;
Than why shold I wyth my consyens stryffe?
Then strive (contend)And ferdarmore, I wyll leven in charyté,furthermore liveAt the reverens of ower blyssyd lady,In goodnesse to be lyberall, my sowle to edyfye.generous strengthenline2000Of worldly fodys I wyll leve all refeccyon,
Be the fode that commyt from heven on hye,fol. 141rThatt God wyll me send, be contemplatyff.
JhesusO, the swettnesse of prayors sent onto meFro my wel-belovyd frynd wythowt varyouns.From friend variance (change)line2005With gostly fode relevyd shall she be.spiritual relievedAngellys, into the clowdys ye do hyr hauns,
cause her to be raised upTher fede wyth manna
to hyr systynouns.feed sustenanceWyth joy of angyllys, this lett hur receyve.enable her toByd hur injoye wyth all hur afyawns,
Bid enjoy faith in usline2010For fynddys frawd
shall hur non deseyve.fiend’s fraud shall not deceive her
Primus AngelusO thou redulent rose that of a vergyn sprong! fragrantO thou precyus palme of vytory!victoryO thou osanna, angellys song!hosannaO precyus gemme, born
of ower Lady!
fromline2015Lord, thi commaunddement
we obeyy lowly!humblyTo thi servant that thou hast grauntyd blysse,to whom youWe angellys all obeyyn devowtly.We woll desend to yen wyldyrnesse.descend yon(der)
Secundus AngelusMari, God gretyt thee wyth hevenly influens!line2020He hath sent thee grace wyth hevenly synys.signsThou shall byn onoryd wyth joye and reverens,
honoredfol. 142vInhansyd in heven above vergynnys.
Raised up virginsThou hast byggyd
thee here among spynys;settled thornsGod woll send thee fode be revelacyon.line2025Thou shall be receyvyd into the clowddys,Gostly fode to reseyve to thi savacyon.Spiritual food for
Mary MaudleynFiat voluntas tua in heven and erth!Your will be doneNow am I full of joye and blysse.Laud and preyse to that blyssyd byrth!
line2030I am redy, as hys blyssyd wyll isse.
according to
[Mary Maudleyn]O, thou Lord of lorddys, of hye domenacyon!In heven and erth worsheppyd be thi name!How thou devydyst me from houngure and vexacyon!separated hungerO, gloryus Lord, in thee is no
frauddys nor no defame!fraud dishonorline2035But I shuld serve my Lord, I were to blame,UnlessWych fullfyllyt me wyth so gret feliceté,Who so fills felicityWyth melody of angyllys shewit me gle and game,
And have fed me wyth fode of most delycyté.has
[Prest]O Lord of lorddys! What may this be?Priestline2040So gret mesteryys shewyd from heven,mysteriesWyth grett myrth and melody,fol. 143rWith angellys brygth as the levyn!bright lighteningLord Jhesu, for thi namys sevynne seven namesAs graunt
me grace that person to see!
line2045Heyl, creature, Crystys delecceon!belovedHeyl, swetter than sugur or cypresse! sweeter cyperusMary is thi name be angyllys relacyon;reportGrett art thou wyth God for thi perfythnesse!because of your perfectionThe joye of Jherusallem shewyd thee expresse —
line2050The wych I nevyr save this thirty wyntyr and more —
Wherfor I know well thou art of gret perfytnesse.
I woll pray yow hartely to shew
me of yower Lord!
Mary MaudleynBe the grace of my Lord Jhesus,This thirty wyntyr this hath byn my selle, cellline2055And thryys on the day enhansyd thus,thrice each day raised upWyth more joy than ony tong can telle.Nevyr creature cam ther I dwelle,whereTyme nor tyde, day nore nyth,At no time norThat I can wyth spece telle,With whom I can speakline2060But alonly wyth goddys angyllys brygth.ExceptBut thou ar wolcum onto my syth,welcome sightIf thou be of good conversacyon.manner of livingAs I thynk in my delyth,delightfol. 143vThow sholddyst be a man of devocyon.must be
Prest In Crystys law I am sacryed a pryst,ordained priestline2066Mynystryyd be angelys
at my masse.ServedI sakor the body of ower Lord Jhesu Cryst,consecrateAnd be that holy manna, I leve in sowthfastnesse.
Mary MaudleynNow I rejoyse of yower goodnesse,line2070But tyme is comme that I shall asende. time ascend
PrestI recummend me wyth all umbylnesse;commend myself humilityOnto my sell I woll pretend.cell go
Her shall the prest go to hys selle, thus seyyng Jhesus: [Heaven][Jhesus]Now shall Mary have possesson, possessionBe ryth enirytawns
a crown to bere.
By true inheritance bearline2075She shall be fett to evyrlastyng savacyon,
fetched (brought)In joye to dwell wythowtyn fere.
equalNow, angelys,
lythly that ye were ther!quicklyOnto the prystys sell apere this this timeMy body in forme of bred that he bere,line2080Hur for to hossell, byd hym provyde.
Primus AngelusO blyysyd Lord, we be redyareYower massage to do wythowtyn treson!deliver betrayal
Secundus AngelusTo hyr I wyll goo and make reportur,How she shall com to yower habytacyon.dwelling place
Here shall to[Angellys]Syr pryst, God cummaundytt from heven region,line2086Ye shall go hosyll hys servont expresse,housel with hastefol. 144rAnd we wyth yow shall take mynystracyon,serveTo bere lyth before Hys body of worthynesse.light
PrestAngyllys, wyth all umbyllnesse,humilityline2090In a vestment I wyll me aray, array myselfTo mynystyr my Lord of gret hynesse.serveStraytt
therto I take the way.Straight
Secundus AngelusMary, be glad, and in hart strongTo reseyve the palme of grett vytory! receive victoryline2095This day ye shall be reseyvyd wyth angellys song!receivedYower sowle shall departe from yower body.
Mary MaudleynO good Lord, I thank thee withowt veryawns!
steadfastlyThis day I am groundyd all in goodnesse,fixedWyth hart and body concludyd in substawns.essentially brought to an endline2100I thanke thee, Lord, with speryt of perfythnesse!spirit of perfection
[Prest]Thou blyssyd woman, inure
in mekenesse,practicedI have browth thee the bred of lyf to thi syth,brought sightTo make thee suere from all dystresse,sure (secure)Thi sowle to bryng to evyrlastyng lyth.
Mary MaudleynO thou mythty Lord of hye magesté,line2106This celestyall bred for to determyn,This tyme
to reseyve
it in me,fol. 144vMy sowle therwith to illumyn.
I thanke thee, Lord of ardent love!line2110Now I know well I shall nat opprese.
be overwhelmedLord, lett me se thi joyys above!I recummend
my sowle onto thi blysse.commendLord, opyn thi blyssyd gatys!gatesThys erth at this tyme fervenly I kysse!ferventlyline2115In manus tuas, Domine.
Lord, wyth thi grace me wysse.
directCommendo spiritum meum. Redemisti me,Dominus Deus veritatis.
Primus AngelusNow reseyve we this sowle, as reson is,as is rightline2120In heven to dwelle us among.
Secundus AngelusWythowtyn end to be in blysse,Now lett us syng a mery song!
Gaudent in celis.PrestO good God, grett is thi grace!O Jhesu, Jhesu, blessyd be thi name!line2125A, Mary, Mary, mych is thi solas,much (great) solaceIn heven blysse with glé and game.Thi body wyl I cure from alle manyr blame,
And I wyll passe to the bosshop of the seté,go bishop cityThys body of Mary to berye be name,buryline2130Wyth all reverens and solemnyté.
fol. 145rSufferens, of this processe, thus enddyt the sentens
That we have playyd in yower syth.Allemythty God, most of magnyfycens,Mote bryng yow to hys blysse so brygth,May [he]line2135In presens of that kyng.Now, frendys, thus endyt thys matere,matterTo blysse bryng tho that byn here.those areNow, clerkys, wyth voycys cler,voices“Te Deum laudamus”
lett us syng.
We praise you, God
Explicit oreginale de Sancta Maria Magdalena.
line2140Yff ony thyng amysse be,amissBlame connyng, and nat me.learningI desyer the redars to be my frynd,desire readers friendYff ther be ony amysse, that to amend.