[W19] |
Hic incipiunt salutaciones beate Marie virginis. Hic transire cave nisi primo dicis ave.1 “Sint semper sine ve qui michi dicit ave.”2; (see note); (t-note) |
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SALUTATION TO JESUS FOR MARY’S LOVE Hayle, Maré, to thee I say, Hayle, ful of grace, God is with thee. Hale, blessid mot thou be, thou swete may, Hayle, among al wemen, so mot hit be. Hayle, blessid be the froyt of thi body. Hayle, the Holé Gost thee lyght withyn. Hayle, the moder of Crist thou art trewly. Hayle, thou bare swet Jhesus. Amen. Hayle, mayd! Hayle, moder! Hayle, vergyn swete! Hayle, grawnt ham the grace that thus con thee grete. Hayle, mayd merceful. Hayle, fayryst of face. Hayle, ale our hope of help al hone. Hayle, meke. Hayle, myld, myghtfulst of grace. Hayle, solans and socur to synful mon. Hayle, vergyn. Hayle, moder to Crist Godis Son. Hayle, ye dysservydyn, I say, honly, To be a moder unknowyn to mon, Hayle, and to gef thi Sun sowke so mervesly. Hayle, mayd! Hayle, moder! Hayle, vergyn swete! Hayle, grawnt ham thi grace that thus can thee grete. Hayle, quene and empers of angelis ale. Hayle, cumfordor of wreschis, ywis. Hayle, cumford me yif I in sorow fale, Hayle, fore my synns that styyng is. Hayle, socore me in al synnys. Hayle, gif not thi worchip fro me away. Haile, moder of mercé. Hayl, makeles. Hayle, quene of heven, I thee pray. Hayle, maid and moder! Hayle, vergyn swete! Hayle, grawnt ham thi grace that thus gan thee grete. Hayle, gracyous lady. Excuse ye me To Crist, thi Sune, thou swete may. Hayle, I drede his wrath in hert hylé. Hayle, I trembil fore fere both nyght and day. Hayle, I have synyd to him, I say. Hayle, vergyn Mary, wil not ye Be wroth with me foreever and ay? Hayle, ful of hevenlé grace and of peté. Hayle, mayd! Hayle, moder! Hayle, vergyn swete! Hayle, grawnt ham thi grace that thus con thee grete. Hayle, be ye keper of hert myn. Hayle, with dred of God marke ye me. Hayle, gif me lyve of consians clene And ale moner of onesté. Hayle, grawnt me grace my synnus to fle, Hayle, fore to love al ryghtwysnes. Hayle, vergen swete, blest mot ye be. Hayle, seche another was never, ne is. Hayle, maid! Hayle, moder! Hayle, vergyn swete! Hayle, grawnt ham thi grace that thus con thee grete. Hayle, among al wemen that ever were bore, Hayle, thi Sun, Maker of al thyng, Hayle, he ches thee his moder hom before. Hayle, that Maré Mawdlen, that synful thyng, Hayle, he clansid here clene of here giltyng. Hayle, he me, throgh your prayere, He wype away al my synyng, Hayle, fore love of thee, his moder dere. Hayle, mayde! Haile, moder! Hayle, vergyn swete! Hayle, grawnt ham thi grace that thus con thee grete. Hayle, the rose without thorne. Hayle, medicyn of al our syne. Hayle, pray the Sun of thee was borne, Hayle, he me save fro temptacion then. Hayle, of this word that wyckid ben That steren me both nyght and day, Hayle, everé our to dedlé syn, Hayle, save me fro the Fyndis fray. Hayle, mayd! Hayle, moder! Hayle, vergyn swete! Hayle, grawnt ham thi grace that thus con thee grete. Hayle, yif I fal throgh my frelté, Haile, grawnt me grace to ryse anon. Haile, lest the Fynd, is myn enmy, Hayle, bryng me into disperacion. Hayle, grawnt me trew confession, Hayle, and veré repentans, Hayle, and ful satisfaccion, Hayle, and fore my synys to do penans. Haile, mayd! Haile, moder! Haile, vergyn swete! Haile, grawnt ham thi grace that thus can thee grete. Haile, lady, for thi Fyve Joys swete, Hayle, thou hadist of thi dere Sune, Haile, when Gabryel con thee grete, Haile, and of his blisful burth ale one, Hayle, and of gloreus Resureccion, Hayle, and of his Assencion mervely, Hayle, and of the joyful Assumsioun, When angelis thee bere to heven on hie. Hayle, moder! Haile, maide! Haile, vergyn swete! Haile, grawnt ham thi grace that thus can thee grete. O Jhesu, fore these Joys Fyve, O Jhesu, thi moder had of thee, O Jhesu, that was both mayd and wyfe. O Jhesu, so was no mo bot che. O Jhesu, with al laudabeleté, Thou crownd here quene, that blisful floure, O Jhesu, with alle onorabeleté, Within thi tabernakil in heven toure. O Jhesu, thi grace and thi mercy, O Jhesu, fore thi moder love, mayde Mary! O Jhesu, the Sun of the Fader on hye, O Jhesu, fore the love of thi moder, O Jhesu, that bere thee of here body, O Jhesu, and fed thee with gret onour, O Jhesu, bere that blesful floure. O Jhesu, our help to us ye be, O Jhesu, both solans and socour, O Jhesu, to the soulis in purgatori. O Jhesu, thi grace and thi mercy, O Jhesu, fore thi moder love, mayde Mary! Thagh I be gilté, Lord, I thee pray, O Jhesu, thou have mercé on me. O Jhesu of mercé, have mercé I say. O Jhesu, a Rewere foresoth bene ye. O Jhesu, my synys away do ye. O Jhesu, clanse my hert within. O Jhesu Crist of al peté, O the Sun of God, have mercé then. O Jhesu, thi grace and thi mercy, O Jhesu, fore the love of mayd Mari! And grawnt me stidfast hope and trew beleve, O Jhesu, and parfid charité, O Jhesu, and good endyng without repreve. O Jhesu, of al gifftis blest these be. O Jhesu, yet more grawnt ye me Fore the love of thi moder: O Jhesu, in oure when we schul dye. O Jhesu, my soule that ye sokore. O Jhesu, thi grace and thi mercy, O Jhesu, fore the love of thi moder Mari! O Jhesu, then clanse my herte within, O Jhesu, my soule thou take to thee, O Jhesu, that I may worthlé then, O Jhesu, ressayve thi blessid body. O Jhesu, thi wrath greve hit not me. O Jhesu, thi blod wasche me withyn, Both bodé and soule, fore thi mercé, O Jhesu, fro the fulthe of dedlé syn. O Jhesu, thi grace and thi mercé, O Jhesu, fore thi moder love, mayde Mary! O Jhesu, in that our that I schal dye, O Jhesu, my good angel to me cum. O Jhesu, make him my keper be, O Jhesu, to lede me to thi kyngdam. O Jhesu, when deth my body hath slayne, O Jhesu, the secounde deth toche not me, When flesche and bons in erth rotyn. O Jhesu, my soule hit ryst with thee. O Jhesu, thi grace and thi mercé! O Jhesu, when I schal ryse up thee to se, O Jhesu, at dredful Domysday, O Jhesu, me grawnt perpetualy Joy and blys foreever and ay! O thou moder of God, quene of heven, I say, O thou lady of the word, of hele empers, O thou moder of mercé, I thee pray, Thou grawnt me part of paradyse! Hayle, maydyn! Haile, moder! Haile, vergyn swete! Hayle, grawnt ham the grace that thus con thee grete. PRAYER RUBRIC I pray thee, Fadur Omnipotent, Graunt mercy tofore thy Jugement, And alle that don yow here servyse, Thou graunt hom part of paradyse. PRAYER ON THE JOYS OF THE VIRGIN O allmyghty God everlastynglé, For holy Gabryel salutacion, And for thy blesful Nativité, And for thy gloryouse Resurexcion, And for thy merveles Ascencion, And for the Assumpcion of oure Ladye, And for thes Joyes and Coronacion That Mary, thy modur, heo had of thee, For heere love to us, graunt ye To have forgevenes of oure syn, And from alle sorowes delyvered to be, And to have everlastyng joyes. Amen. INSTRUCTIONS FOR PRAYER 8 Wel ys hym that wil and may Say this prayere every day. XXIX. OTHER DEVOTIONS TO MARY SALUTATION TO MARY Alia oracio de Sancta Maria virgine. Haile, the fayrst ther ever God fond. Haile, maid and moder. Haile, mayd fre. Hayle, the floure of Josep wand. Hayle, the froyte of Jesse. Hayle, blossum that our bale unbonde. Haile, mans bot was borne of thee. Haile, our beleve in thee can stonde Whan Crist was raght on rode-tre. Hayle, rose on ryse. Haile, lellé. Hayle, swet, swettist of savore. Hayle, hygh princes of peté. Haile, blessid froyt! Haile, swet floure! Haile, tabirnakil the Trewth con tyelde. Haile, garden ther grace gan spryng. Haile, scheltyrne schours to schyelde. Hayle, bryghtnes ever-chynyng. Haile, yonketh that never schal yilde. Haile, beuté ever-duryng. Haile, thi Barne in blis thi boure cun bilde. Haile, grace and goodnes ever-growyng. Haile, fresche and no fadyng. Haile, of Charité the paramour. Haile, Love. Haile, Leche. Haile, hie Kyng. Haile, blessid froyt! Haile, swet flour! Haile, prayerys of the postilis alle. Haile, the martyrs gladenes. Hayle, comford confessours on to calle. Haile, of vergyns the clennes. Haile, the Sun that ever chyne schale. Haile, maide of worchip makeles. Haile, of worthénes the walle. Haile, perseverens of holénes. Haile, moder to the norcheles. Haile, to the synful mon socore. Haile, moder to the helples. Haile, blest froyt! Ayle, swete flour! Haile, quene of hevenryche blis. Haile, ladé of this worde wide. Haile, of hel the hy emperes. Haile, fallere of the Fyndis pryde. Haile, the joy of paradise, Thi wil schal never be denyed. Haile, angelis done thee servyse. Haile, perré patrearkis to gyde. Haile, dissire prestis to abyde. Haile, silour of our Saveour. Haile, pardun throgh whom our pes is criud. Haile, blessid froyt! Haile, swete flour! Haile, solans to ham that bene sory. Haile, to ertekes — a, waiful wyght! — Haile, help to hom that ben gulté. Haile, hope to thayme that grace is dyght. Hale, wel of worchip and mercé. Haile, thi peté on us thou pyght. Haile, thou bildist ful beselé To al that leven here in thi myght. Haile, bussche. Hayl, blase brenyng bryght, Yet was not blemyschid thi colour. Haile, berel the blynd to lyght. Haile, blest froyte! Haile, swete flour! Ryght as the lelé is freschist in hew, Haile, beuté passeth, as maydyns clene, Haile, so, vergyn, vertu and trew. Thou worchipist alle that ever han bene. Haile, the Olde Law and the New Opon thiselve hit was sene — Was never bot ye that monkynd knew Too bere a child, and maide clene! Haile, deystere. Haile, saver chene. Haile, diamand delycious of odour. Haile, ryal rebé. Haile, crownyd quene. Haile, blessid froyt! Haile, swete floure! Haile, onex. Haile, olif. Haile, vyne vertuys. Haile, the rose without thorne. Haile, gresse on grownd most gloreous. Haile, bryghtter then sun on somyr morowe. Haile, gude gladlé. Haile, gracious. Haile, hert that with a swerd was chorne. Haile, Joseps wyf. Haile, Joseps spous. Haile, thi Breder thou hast eborene. Was never non seche beforen, Moder and maid us to honour. Haile, helpe to hom that were forelorne. Haile, blist froyt! Haile, swet floure! Haile, chif chosyn charbokil stone. Haile, ryal rygal, thi reme to lyght. Haile, athamond that God and Mon Thou drew into thi blessid bodé bryght. Haile, lyghter of lymbo, were never sun chone, Bot darker then the myrke mydnyght. Haile, glader of Adam and moné mo That to damnacion thai were dyght — Fyve thousand yere thai se never syght, Lyyng in longyng in here langure — Abydyng, in grace, thi mekil myght. Haile, blest froyt! Haile, swet flour! Thus, haile to thee, thi Sun to send, With haile, myghtfulst of grace. This word hit may not comprehend, Fore of thi body borne he was! Haile, medycyne that ale may mend. Haile, kever in everé case. Haile, tapere that ever is tent. Haile, lamp lyghtand in everé place. Hayle, most fayryst of fygure and face. Haile, tabyrnakil of heven toure. Hayle, moder of mercé withouton manse. Hayle, blessid froyt! Hayl, swete floure! These halowne — al the sayntis in heven, Angelis, patrearchis, and prophet, The postilis al, with marters steven, The confessours, with vergyns swete — Al that was made in days seven! Us aght thee love, love of Grete. When hellis and dalis thai schal be even, Ther bodé and soule in fere schal met. When Jhesu schal schew his wondis wete, Maré, thou be our mayne-paroure, With these sayntis to have a sete. Her haile, blest froyt! Haile, swete flour! Explicitur GABRIEL’S SALUTATION TO THE VIRGIN Hec salutacio composuit angelus Gabrielus. The angel to the vergyn said, Entreng into here boure, Fore drede of quakyng of this mayd, He said, “Haile,” with gret honour. “Haile be thou, quene of maidyns mo. Lord of heven and erth also Consayve thou schal, And bere withale The Lord of myght, Hele of al monkyn. He wil make thee the gate of heven bryght, Medesyne of al our syn.” “How schuld I consayve and gete? No syn never I knew. How schuld I breke that I have forehete Of thought stedfast and trewe?” “The grace al of the Holé Gost Schal bryng ale forth, without boost. Ne drede thou take, Bot joy thou make, Serten and sere. This message he send to thee, To dwel withyn thee ful pere Throgh myght of his Fader fre.” The angel went this ladé fro. This womons wombe with wele Hit wax gret, as odur do, This blessid burthe of hele. He was in here wome, I wene, The nombur ful of monethis nene. Hent he outyed, Batelis bede To al the floke, Beryng on his chulderis bloo The holé cros that kene a knok Unto oure dedly Foo. Thys may bare Chyelde with mylde chere; This Chylde bede kepe hyer chaast. Goddus Sone heo broght us forthe and bere, Geffing hym wombe and waast. Then he blessud here sydus sere, And so he ded here pappus dere, For thay ber that Thay nyst nott hwat In law, as we fyende. How these werkus wroght arne, Hit was agaynes al monkynde — A maydon to ber a barne! Make joy, modir of oure Lorde, That Cryst concevedust cleene; Angelus, men, and al this worlde, God, pes and rest us leene! Mary, thy Son thou for us pray, As ye beth ful of mercy ay, And send us to, And soo to do Away oure syn, And gef us helpe of thee, Heven blys we may dwel in Afftur thys owtlary. Explicitur XXX. SONG OF THE MAGNIFICAT Hic incipit psalmus de Magnificat.3 “My soule, my Lorde hit mangnefyth,” Our lady thus to here Sun con say. “Fore he me here gloryfyd, To be his moder, vergyn and may; He hath me chosyn — hit is no nay — To lyver his pepil fro thraldam. Mangneficat, herefore I say, Anima mea Dominum. “My speryt hit joys in my God; He is my hele, my sustynans, That is so graceous and so good; He hath me prevelid to his plesans, Fore to make delyverans Of al that before our fader Adam Had cast into cumbyrrans. Mangnificat anima mea Dominum. “Fore the makenes of his mayd he hath behold: ‘Lo, herefore, forsoth I say, Me schul worchip you, yong and hold, Al generacons in uche cuntré, That I was boren, hit is no nay, Into this word that I come.’ Now ‘mangefygat,’ syng thai mai. Anima mea Dominum. “Fore he hath made me gret throgh his pouere — Forewy al myght in him hit is — And his holé name, when I him bere To bryng his pepul unto his blis. With his precious blod, iwys, He hath here payd heere rawnson, Fore to amend the ded mys. Mangneficat anima mea Dominum. “For now his mercé is knowyn ful wyde Throgh generacions in uche cuntré — To al that dreden hym, on uche a syde, And sechen his grace and his mercé, And kepe here stat and here degré, And to his lauys thay bene buxum, The ayrs of heven, foresoth, thay be! Mangneficat anima mea Dominum. “His myght has made, in his pouere, Proud men to sparpil from his face With the mynd of his hert, fere and nere; That nyl not seche mercé and grace, Ne hem amend wile thai han space, Thai schul be cast fro his kyngdam, And have no part within that place. Mangnificat anima mea Dominum. “Thenke on Kyng Robart Sesel: He went no lord had be bot he, Yet sodenlé downe he felle And was put into a folis degré! An angel was set apon his se, Fore he had these verse in his scornyng — Deposuit potentis de sede4 — And sayd in heven ther was no Kyng. “Thus myghté men God pittis ful loue, And meke men he liftis ful hye, That his grace and his goodnes here wil knowe, And seche his grace and his mercé, And no nother sekyrly — At the dredful Day of Dome, Here dedis schal deme ham hopynly. Mangneficat anima mea Dominum. “The pore and hongré he had fulfillid With his grace and his goodnes, And ryche men, he am revylid, And let ham ly in here lewdnes, That trustyn al in hor reches And not in the joy that is to cum — Thai schal have seche here as thai ches. Mangneficat anima mea Dominum. “Fore he hath takyn up Yrael, That is child of ryghtwysnes; In recordacion he had everé dele, His grace, is mercé, and his goodnes, Fore thagh he fel throgh freelnes, He hath foregifyn ham, al and sum, And schal have that blis that is endles. Mangneficat anima mea Dominum. “Ryght as our fader Abraam Had spokyn to our Fader beforne, And to al the sede that com fro ham, To multepli ham foreevermore, Fore was never mon yet here forelorne In his defawte in Cresendam; Into his kyndam he wyl ham restore. Mangnificat anima mea Dominum. “Now joy be to the Fader and to the Sun And to the Holé Gost, al thre efere, That in the word of wordis togeder thai won, That is now and was and schal be ever, In wom hit is now al pouere, Mercé, grace, al wit, wysdam, That is that Prynce without pere. Mangneficat anima mea Dominum.” “Mangneficat,” our ladi thus can say To here Sun both leve and dere; Blessid mot heo be, that swete may, And that berthe when heo him bere! Heo graunt us grace in our prayoure Here to worshyp with hert gladsum, With “mangnifycat,” wen we ben here, "Anima mea Dominum.” Explicitur. XXXI. SALUTATION TO SAINT BRIDGET |
[W19] may; virgin; (t-note) fruit; (see note) alighted within thee (t-note) them; who fairest all one (i.e., whole) mightiest solace; help you alone deserve unknown to man (i.e., a virgin) suck; marvelously; (see note) empress comforter; wretches, indeed fall on account of my growing sins; (see note) (t-note) take not thy esteem from me matchless [one] greatly; (see note) angry compassion heart; (t-note) [a] life of clean conscience all manner of honesty; (t-note) (t-note) righteousness nor before them (i.e., all other women) Mary Magdalene; (see note) cleansed; guilt he [may do so for] me; (see note) (i.e., either Mary or Christ); (see note) (see note) [who] of thee world steer hour Fiend’s frailty; (see note) [who] is despair true repentance (see note); (t-note) did [i.e., Annunciation] birth all whole (i.e., Nativity) miraculously Assumption (see note) none was so [honored] more than she; (see note) laudability honorableness tabernacle; heaven’s tower; (see note) who bore honor flower (i.e., Mary) solace; (see note) Dispenser of Mercy; (see note) (t-note) perfect disgrace (t-note) hour [may] succor; (see note); (t-note) (see note) worthily receive grieve me not with thy wrath [with] thy blood filth hour; (t-note) [let] my good angel (t-note) second death (i.e., damnation); (see note) rot [let] it rest (see note) (see note) (see note) world; empress of hell [W19] (see note) who give you their worship them [W19] everlastingly; (see note) she her (see note) [W19] [W20–W21] [W20] Another prayer concerning the Blessed Virgin Mary created; (see note) (see note) remedy stretched out branch; lily princess did build where; did shelter to shield [one] from showers ever-shining youth; yield (i.e., grow old) beauty everlasting Child; bower did build (see note) prayers; apostles comfort [of]; upon [which we can] call cleanness; (t-note) shine matchless worthiness unnurtured; (see note) succor blissful kingdom of heaven; (see note) world high empress conqueror do worship thee jewel to guide patriarchs awaited desire of priests shelter; (see note) peace; declared solace to those who are penitent heretics; ah, woeful creature; (see note); (t-note) them; (t-note) for [whom] grace is prepared well [have] set nurture; busily believe bush; blaze burning blemished beryl; illuminate lily; freshest beauty [that] surpasses [all], as [do] pure virgins virtuous honor (i.e., fulfill) Mankind never knew anyone but you [remain] clean; (t-note) daystar; lovely savor ruby onyx; olive; virtuous vine grass (or herb) summer morning [one who is] gladly good cut [see Luke 2:35]; (see note) Joseph’s Brother; borne; (see note) [for] us; (t-note) choicest carbuncle royal regal [one]; realm adamant (i.e., diamond) illuminator; where; shone; (see note) darker (referring to limbo); murky gladdening source for set saw languishing Awaiting most mightily full; (see note) world (see note) shelter taper; tended to tabernacle; (see note) abode These [ones sing] praise martyrs’ voices (i.e., all of creation) We should love thee, beloved [one] of Great [God] hills; dales; (see note) Where; together; meet bloody legal surety; (see note) The end [W21] The angel Gabriel composed this salutation (see note) bower trembling [see Luke 1:28]; (see note) (t-note) Health; mankind (see note); (t-note) Medicine get [with child] [see Luke 1:34] break what I have contracted (t-note) entirely [see Luke 1:35] Certain and sure; (see note); (t-note) pure generous departed from this lady; (see note); (t-note) happily others health (i.e., salvation) think nine months Until he emerged; (see note) [And] battles commanded flock [of followers]; (t-note) shoulders [black and] blue gave a keen knock; (see note); (t-note) (see note); (t-note) maiden bore; sweet demeanor promised to keep her chaste she brought forth [for] us and bore Giving; waist womb affording safety; (see note) dear breasts; (t-note) (t-note) Who; chastely loan; (t-note) [to] thy Son outlawry (i.e., life outside God’s law); (see note) The end [W22] her Son did say (t-note) deliver; servitude My soul doth magnify the Lord [Luke 1:46] rejoices health; sustenance prevailed upon; liking debt (t-note) meekness; beheld (and said); (t-note) Men shall honor; old; (see note) world (t-note) pregnant; power Because their ransom misdeed; (t-note) every country seek estate; (see note) laws; obedient heirs scatter; (see note) [They] that will not seek Nor amend themselves Robert of Sicily; (see note) thought; [ever] existed; (t-note) fool’s position throne had scorned this verse puts very low; (t-note) meek no other certainly openly reviled them them lie; ignorant ways riches; (t-note) choose Israel righteousness he remembered [them] in every way [With] his; (t-note) they; frailty; (see note) [they] shall (t-note) Abraham seed lack; Christianity kingdom together forever and ever; dwell; (see note) whom it; power beloved and dear may she birth gladsome when The end [W23] |
Hic incipit salutacio Sancte Brigitte virginis et quomodo Dominus Jhesu Christus apparuit illi corporaliter et dedit illi suam benedictionem quod Awdelay.5; (t-note) |
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Hayle, maydyn and wyfe, hayle, wedow Brygytt, Hayle, thou chese to be chast and kepe charyté. Hayle, thi special spouse kyndlé to thee knyt, Hayle, he consentyd to the same by concel of thee To be relegyous. Hayle, fore the love of Jhesus Crist, Ye foresake your fleschelé lust — Therfore be ye both eblest In the name of swete Jhesus! Haile, the moder of God to thee con apere. Haile, he told thee of his Passion and of his spetus payne. Hayle, ye wepit fore wo togeder when ye were, Hayle, for his dolful deth that so was eslayne. Our Ladé to thee gan say: “Hayle, blessid Bregit, let be the tere, And thonke my Sun fore his deth dere, That has egeven thee powere To be wyfe, wedow, and may.” Haile, seche a kyndlé coupil can no mon herekyn. Hayle, ye foresoke reches and ryal aray. Hayle, ye hopid hilé in your hert then, Hayle, al the worchip of this word wol sone wynd away Within a lytil stownd. Haile, this wordlé honour, Hit fallis and fadis as a flour; Today is fresche in his colour; Tomorow he gyrdis to grownd. Hayle, ye betoke your tresour to the Trineté, Fore he is trusté and trew without treynyng. Hayle, he dissayvyd never no soule with no sotelté, Hayle, faythfullé, that ye fond at your endyng, The sothe fore to say! Hayle, other tresoure have we noght, Out of this word when we be broght, Bot good word, wil, dede, and thoght, When we schuld wynd away. Hayle, with these four feythfully ye boght youe heven blis, With good word, wil, dede, and thoght, to obey Godis bidyng. Hayle, with the werkis of mercé ye geten you mede, iwis.6 Haile, ye foresoken flesschelé lust, the Fend, false covetyng, That were your thre enmys. Haile, thai settyn al here sotelté Houe mons soule thai mow dystré, With pride, lechory, and glotonye, And cursid covetyse. Haile, blessid Bregid fore thi benyngneté, Haile, the perles Prynce to thee con apere. Haile, he grownded thee in grace in thi vergeneté. Haile, spesialy he speke with thee oft in thi prayere. Haile, to the pope he thee send Fore to grawnt thee his special grace, And to al that vesid thi holy plase, To assoyle ham of here trespas, That here mysdedis wol amend. Haile, he bed thee bild a plas o relygion, Haile, blessid Bregid, fere fro oné plase: “Haile, to Pope Urban, to Rome, thou shalt goon, That is my veker in erth to grawnt thee his grace, To have the same pardon That is in Peters Cherche at Rome, To al the pilgrems that to thee cum, That vesid thee in Cristis name, To have playn remyssion.” Haile, he said: “Yif that pope wil grawnt thee no grace Without moné or mede, becawse of covetys, Haile, the Fader of Heven schal prevelege thi place. Haile, I schal conferme thi bul that above him is,7 That schal he yknow. Haile, my moder my sele schal be, My witnes al the sayntis of heven on hye, My blessyng the Holé Gost I betake to thee. The pope schal lout ful low.” Haile, to that perles prelat, to the pope when thou come, Haile, thou mendist thi mesage in a meke manere. Haile, faythfulli that fader ful reverenly at Rome, Haile, he welcumd thee worthelé with a wonder chere Into that holé place. “Haile,” he said with myld steven, “Welcum be ye fro the Kyng of Heven; Now blessid be thai that in thee leven, That ever thou borne was. “Haile, mervelus maide ful of mekenes. Haile, helé the Holé Gost is lyght thee within. Haile, God hath grouned thee gemfulli in his goodnes. Haile, to be saver of soulis and seser of syn, Be his ordenans. Haile, I grawnt to al remyssioun That chryven hem clene with contrichon, And wil do here satisfaccion; I reles here penans. “Haile, to al that worthely vesetyn the holé place. Haile, that sechen thi socor, schal have salvacion. Haile, fore sake of that Sofren that thee to me send had. Haile, in reverens of that Lord I grawnt hem remyssion Of al here trespace. Haile, to thi pilgrems perpetualy That worchipen thi place graciously With prayers, selver, gold, lond of fe, I grawnt ham this special grace.” “Now, gramarcé, gracious fader, of your blessyng I you pray.” “Mi blessid suster Bregit, my blessyng gif I thee; Here I graunt thee this grace, specialy I say, Withowton moné or mede, I make hit to thee fre, This special pardoun: To al the pilgrems fer and nere That vesityn thi place in good manere, To here gostelé fader I grawnt pouere To asoyle ham, everechon. “Haile, to that pereles Prynce, Bregit, fore me pray, That hath groundid thee in grace and is thi Governoure. Haile, my blessid doghter, thi blessidnes hit may At the day of my deth my soule then socour; And gif me wil and wit Mi mysdedis here to amend, Out of this word or that I wynd. To the Treneté I thee recomend. Farewel, blessid Breget.” Thus the pope prevelegd here place and haloud hit to Cristis entent.8 Anon hure holé husband a covennt to him con take, And Bregit mad here of maydyns another blest covent,9 That foresoke here fleschlé lust fore Jhesu Cristis sake, In the name of the Treneté. Thus thai disceverd hem to — Hure husbond to his bredern con go, And to hure susteres heo whent him fro To leve in chastité. Haile, thus this perles prelat fro thee passid away, When he with his benyngneté had geven thee his blessyng. Haile, at the day of our deth that settis no day, Haile, then, blessid Bregit, our soulis to blis bryng, And graunt us thi special grace In erth that we mowe werchip thee; After in heven we may thee se, In joi and blis perpetualy, Within that blisful place. Beside the Chene, sothly, seven myle fro Lundun, Our gracious Kyng Herré the V wes founder of that place. Haile, he let prevelege that holé place and callid hit Bregit Sion. The pope conferme therto to his bul throgh his special grace,10 In the worchip of Saint Bregit, To al here pilgrems an Lammes Day, And also Myd-Lentyn Sunday, This pardon to last foreyever and ay. God graunt us part of hit. Mekil is al Ynglan ihold to pray for Kyng Herré,11 That so worthelé our worchip in everoche place, Both in Fraunce and in Breten and in Normandy, That our faders had lost before he get agayn be grace; And, moreover, speciali, To make soche a house of relegioun, And to preveleche therto that gracious pardon, Al Ynglond to have remyssioune. Now Crist on his soule have mercé. Was never a holeer order preveleged in no plas Fore to red al the rollis of relegyown, Fore thai schal never schew no chappe ny fygure of face,12 Ne without lycence or leve, speche speke thai non, Bot the warden be present. Nother fader ne moder, ne no mon levyng, Schal speke to hom no erthlé thyng, Without the warden be ther hereng, And know both here entent. Redlé thei rysun with gret reverens onethus out of hure rest,13 Devoutelé with devocion here servys to syng and say, And crucefyen here caren and slen here fleschelé lust, With prevé prayers and penans the Prynce of Heven to pay, Devotlé day and nyght. Thai prayn to God specialy Fore al that thai here levyng be, In masse, in matyns, in memoré, To that Lord of myght. Fore hit fars noght be gostelé goodis as doth be temperale — The men that han part therof so lasse is uche dole,14 Bot he that delis gostlé goodis, hit is so spiritual, That uche mon that hath his part hath fullé the hole. Ensampil chul ye se: Alse moné men as may here a mas, Uche mon his parte holé he has, And yet the masse is never the lasce, Bot so more of dyngneté. Pray we to God specialy to save that spiritual plas, That thai obey obedyans that thay be bound to; Fore thay may throgh here precious prayoure purches here our grace, Have we never in this word wroght so moche wo — Thai han that pouere — Fore al that here wele done, Crist wil graunt hem here bone, Thai wot never hou sone He hers here prayere. Crist that was crucefid on cros, and cround with thorne, And ched his blesful blod fore oure syns sake, Let never this worthé lond, Lord, be forelorne, Bot puttis doune here pouere that werris wil awake,15 And sese al males. Fore yong Kyng Herré now we pray, That Crist him kepe both nyght and day, And let never traytor him betray, And send us rest and pes. Al that redis reverenly this remyssioune, Prays to blisful Bregit, that merceful may, Fore hom that mad this mater with dewocion, That is both blynd and def, the synful Audelay. I pray youe, specialy, Fore I mad this with good entent, In the reverens of this vergyn, verement, Heo graunt youe grace, that beth present, To have joy and blis perpetualy. Amen. XXXII. DEVOTIONS TO SAINT WINIFRED SAINT WINIFRED CAROL Wenefrede, thou swete may, Thow pray for us bothe nyght and day. As thou were marter and mayd clene, Therfor thou hadist turment and tene; A princes love thou myghtis have bene, A lady of ryal aray. Wenefrede, thou swete may, Thow pray for us bothe nyght and day. Bot to that syn thou woldist noght sent; To kepe thee chast was thyn entent, Therfore of Cradoc thou wast echent; Anon he thoght thee to betray. Wenefrede, thou swete may, Thow pray for us bothe nyght and day. He was ful cursid and cruel, And dred not God ne no parel; Smot of thi hede; thou knelist ful stil; Hit ran into a dry valay. Wenefrede, thou swete may, Thow pray for us bothe nyght and day. Then Bewnou, thin unkul, with gret peté, Set thi hede to thi body; Thou levedust after merwesly Fiftene yere — hit is no nay! Wenefrede, thou swete may, Thow pray for us bothe nyght and day. About thi nek hit was esene, The stroke of the swerd that was so kene, A thred of perle as hit had bene, Hit besemyd thee wel, sothlé to say. Wenefrede, thou swete may, Thow pray for us bothe nyght and day. When Cradoc han don this cursid dede, The erth him swoloud in that stede; The foyre of hel hit was his mede, Therin to be foreever and ay! Wenefrede, thou swete may, Thow pray for us bothe nyght and day. A wonderful wel ther sprong anon — Seche on se never Cristyn mon! — Thi blod was sparpild on everé stone; No water myght wasche hit away. Wenefrede, thou swete may, Thow pray for us bothe nyght and day. Ther ben mesis at that wel, That bene swete and sote of smel, And yet ther is a more marvel — Hevenlé bryddis in numerus aray! Wenefrede, thou swete may, Thow pray for us bothe nyght and day. Be the streme of that fayre wel Ther went a myl-wele, as I you tel; Hit bere down a child with gret parel; The wele stod stil, might not away. Wenefrede, thou swete may, Thow pray for us bothe nyght and day. Then the moder cryd out and yeld: “Alas, my child! He is spillid!” Be the ladlis he him huld, And logh and mad gomun and play. Wenefrede, thou swete may, Thow pray for us bothe nyght and day. A mon, a grote downe he felle Out of his hond into the well; He se hit then al other wel; Thai myght not tak the grote away. Wenefrede, thou swete may, Thow pray for us bothe nyght and day. Also ther was a gret marvel; Wyne was couchid in here chapel; The wel stod styl, ran never a del; Hit trobild as hit had bene with clay. Wenefrede, thou swete may, Thow pray for us bothe nyght and day. Ther was no fuyre, treulé to tele, Myght hete the water of the wel, To seth ne dyght no vetel, Wile that wyne in that chapil lay. Wenefrede, thou swete may, Thow pray for us bothe nyght and day. Then thai west wel afyne Of Wynfryd hit was a syne; Anon thai hurled out the wyne Into the stret, on dele way. Wenefrede, thou swete may, Thow pray for us bothe nyght and day. Anon a merekel fel in that plas; A mon of that wyne enpoysund was, That was savyd throgh Godis grace, And Wynfryd, that holé may. Wenefrede, thou swete may, Thow pray for us bothe nyght and day. Anon this wel began to clere; The streme ran forth as hit dede ere; The plumys thai mad a hedus bere, When thai began to play. Wenefrede, thou swete may, Thow pray for us bothe nyght and day. Fore ye chuld make no marchandyse In Holé Cherche in no wyse; God himselve he ded dispyse, And drof hom forth in here aray. Wenefrede, thou swete may, Thow pray for us bothe nyght and day. Fore hit is a house of prayore, Hold hilé to Godis honour, To worchip therin our Saveour With mas, matens, nyght and day. Wenefrede, thou swete may, Thow pray for us bothe nyght and day. Ther hath be botynd moné a mon, Blynd and crokid, that myght not gon, Seke and sorouful, moné hone, Ther at that wel there hur heed lay. Wenefrede, thou swete may, Thow pray for us bothe nyght and day. Then Wynfred anon chorun che was, Echosun fore chefe to be abbas, Fol of vertu and of grace, And servyd God both nyght and day. Wenefrede, thou swete may, Thow pray for us bothe nyght and day. Then Bewnow toke his leve anon, And betoke here this tokyn: “Over the se schal swem a stone To bryng vestementus — ther ys noo nay!” Wenefrede, thou swete may, Thow pray for us bothe nyght and day. “Yif that stone abyde with thee, Then wit wel that I schal dye; God of my soule he have mercy; Have mynde on me then, I thee pray.” Wenefrede, thou swete may, Thow pray for us bothe nyght and day. Then Wenfred heo knelid adowne, And toke mekelé his benesoune; This monke he toke his way anon Over the se to his abbay. Wenefrede, thou swete may, Thow pray for us bothe nyght and day. When that Bewnew he was dede, The ston styl with here hit levyd; Then anon heo prayud, He schul pas on his chornay. Wenefrede, thou swete may, Thow pray for us bothe nyght and day. Son after Wenefred heo dyid then, At Shrosberé men dedon here schryne; Moné a merakil ther hath be syne, Of dyvers pepul in fer cuntré. Wenefrede, thou swete may, Thow pray for us bothe nyght and day. Moné a merakil heo hath edo, Presonars feters ibroke atwo, Blynd and crokid helid moné mo, That were in rewful aray. Wenefrede, thou swete may, Thow pray for us bothe nyght and day. Glad mai be al Schrosberé To do reverens to that lady; Thai seche here grace and here mercy On pilgrymage ther everé Fryday. Wenefrede, thou swete may, Thow pray for us bothe nyght and day. Wynfrede, we thee beseche, Now ryght with herfilly speche, That thou wilt be our soulis leche, Thee to serve, both plese and pay. Wenefrede, thou swete may, Thow pray for us bothe nyght and day. We prayn thee, al that beth present, Save thyn abbay and thi covent, That thai be never chamyd ne chent With wykkid mon ne Fyndis pray. Wenefrede, thou swete may, Thow pray for us bothe nyght and day. I pray youe al, pur charyté, Redis this carol reverently, Fore I hit mad with wepyng ye. Mi name hit is the Blynd Awdlay. Wenefrede, thou swete may, Thow pray for us bothe nyght and day. SALUTATION TO SAINT WINIFRED Hic incipit salutacio Sancte Wenefrede virginis.16 Hayle, Wenefryd, that worchipful with thi vergeneté. Hayl, mervelus marter and merceful may. Haile, meror of meraclys, our medecyne to be. Haile, solans to the seke, here soker, I say, Treuly in trouth! Thi grace, thi goodnes, I con not telle, Thi merakels and thi gret mervell, Bot woso wil go to thi welle, Ther may thai se the soth. Haile, thou chese to be chast and kepe charité. Haile, Cadoc the curst cast thee in care. Haile, he smot of thi hede without peté. Haile, fallere of his foly fore alle his false fare. Fore sodenlé he felle Fore love and lust of lechoré, To have payne perpetualy, With sorow and care and turmentré, Into the fuyre of helle. Haile, the blessyng of Bewnow, thi botynyng was be grace.17 Haile, that merceful munke savyd thee mercefully, Haile, when thi hed fro thi halse, hent away hit was; Haile, set hit save and sound to thi body, The soth fore to sayn! Ther was moné a wepyng ye Of men and wemen that hit se; When Bewnow blessid thee gracyously, Thou ros to lyfe agayne. Haile, our Lord lenketh thi lyfe fiftene yere, Haile, after thi holé hede hent of hit was. Haile, Bewnow the blest, anon he thee chere. Haile, thou were chosun to be chef, to be here abbas. With hert and good entent Thou servys thi God in that place; Ful of vertuys and of grace, A good ensampil thou was To al thi covent. Haile, lover of that Lord with laudabeleté. Haile, preysere of his Passion, with peté nyght and day. Haile, servand to that Soveren, I sai thee sothly. Haile, he hath joynd thee to joy in heven fore ay. Thre giftis geven thee has: A ston to eswem over the se; The stonus in the wel, blodé to be; And al that seche sokor to thee To have mercé and grace. Haile, the kyngdam of this word, thou hit refusust. Haile, reverens and reches and ryal aray. Haile, fore the love of Jhesus Crist, hit thou dispisist, Haile, him to love. Haile, hym to plese and pay Herefore with gret reverens. Fore thou foresoke this wickid word Fore the love of thi Lord, In heven thou hast thi reward, Icrownd in his presens. Haile, to that perles Prynce for us now thee pray. Haile, he was Grownder of thi grace and thi Governour. Haile, Wenefryd, thi worthenes, I wot wele hit may, At the dai of our deth our soulis then socour, And put us out of drede. Out of this word or that we wynd, Our mysdedis that we mow mend, That we be never chamyd ne chend, We pray thee, Wenefryde. Explicitur salutacio. LATIN VERSE PRAYER VIRGO PIA WYNFRYDA Hic incipit oracio. Virgo pia Wynfryda, pollens in myraculis, Tua presentia nos emunda a peccatorum maculis, Et cuntis parvis vite defende peryculis. Ora pro nobis, beata Wenefryda, Quia per te est nobis gracia data.18 LATIN PROSE PRAYER DEUS QUI BEATAM VIRGINEM TUAM WENFRYDAM Oremus collecte. |
widow chose joined; (t-note) counsel did appear; (see note) she; cruel who; slain cease crying; (t-note) given maiden; (t-note) natural; hear of hoped fervently world; pass; (see note); (t-note) while [he who] is dashes to ground took; (t-note) trustworthy; deceit deceived; trickery; (t-note) you were found faithful until death; (t-note) truth world (see note) shall; (t-note) (t-note) destroy; (t-note) avarice mildness peerless; did appear virginity (t-note) grace; (t-note) visit; (t-note) absolve their misdeeds bid you to build a place of far; (t-note) Pope Urban [V]; (see note) vicar (t-note) complete remission; (see note) money or fee; (t-note) sanctify my mother shall be my seal; (t-note) bow peerless prelate mentioned; (see note) worthily; wondrous demeanor; (t-note) voice believe miraculously; alighted crowned you with gems; (see note); (t-note) destroyer ordinance Who confess (shrive) themselves; (t-note) release [them from] their penance seek the succor Sovereign (t-note) land rents grant mercy sister; give freely (t-note) far and near visit; (t-note) spiritual father (i.e., priest); power absolve them, every one; (t-note) Governor; (t-note) depart (t-note) her devout; convent separated themselves; (t-note) she went live peerless prelate (i.e., Pope Urban); (t-note) holy manner happens on no determined day (t-note) (t-note) Sheen (now Richmond, in Surrey); (see note) Henry V (see note) (August 1) (t-note) (t-note) (see note) worthily [deserves] Brittany such privilege [it]; [by] that; (t-note) [So that] all England [might] have holier; place; (see note) read; rolls of religion (t-note) permission; speech speak Unless; (t-note) any earthly thing there [within] hearing; (t-note) their (see note); (t-note) Devoutly mortify their flesh; slay; desire private; satisfy; (t-note) (t-note) all who live here [on earth] (t-note) (t-note) But when he (i.e., God) doles out each; has fully the whole; (t-note) Example shall many; mass wholly less; (t-note) But [instead is] so much greater in dignity; (t-note) place (i.e., Syon Abbey) religious vows; (see note) purchase created so much woe power [have] done well request know; soon hears shed; blessed (t-note) cease all malice Henry VI; (see note); (t-note) (t-note) read Pray him who made; (t-note) truly; (t-note) She [W24–W25] [W24] maiden martyr; virgin; (t-note) trouble prince’s royal assent by Caradoc; disgraced peril Smote off your head; quietly It rolled; valley; (see note) Beuno; uncle; compassion; (t-note) Reconnected lived afterwards miraculously (see note) keen thread of pearl complemented; truly (t-note) swallowed; place fire; reward fountain Such a one saw spattered might wash mosses fragrant a greater marvel Heavenly birds in immense numbers; (t-note) By; (see note) mill wheel; (t-note) bore down a child [who fell in]; peril mill wheel stood still; (t-note) yelled killed floatboards of the waterwheel; held laughed and made [it a] game groat (i.e., a coin); dropped; (see note) [in] another well (see note) stored; her (i.e., Winifred’s) fountain grew muddy fire heat boil nor prepare any food While knew; finally sign every bit away miracle; place clear did before plumes; head’s gesture; (see note); (t-note) operate should; business transaction drove them (i.e., the moneylenders) out [see Mark 11:15–17] Conducted reverently mass, matins have been healed lame many a one where her head soon chosen she Chosen as leader; abbess Full took his leave gave her sea; swim holy vestments; (t-note) remains know well thee (i.e., Winifred); (t-note) she received meekly; blessing remained [That] he; journey Shrewsbury; established her shrine miracle; seen By diverse people from many countries she has done Prisoners’ fetters broke in two lame healed a pitiful state (see note) heartfelt speech physician; (see note) thee (i.e., Winifred); (see note) shamed nor ruined By; prey; (see note); (t-note) for (see note) eye [W25] virginity martyr mirror of miracles solace; their succor (t-note) whoso see the truth chosen; (t-note) Caradoc (Winifred’s betrayer) the accursed off; pity conqueror; folly; actions suddenly lecherous desire torments fire monk head; neck, cut [Beuno] set it safe; [back] on many saw lengthened cut off cheered; (see note) chief; their abbess served; (see note) praiseworthiness One who praises; (t-note) servant forever [He] has given you three gifts stone; swim; sea; (t-note) bloody seek succor from world; refuse honor; riches; royal attire despise (t-note) crowned; presence peerless Originator; (see note); (t-note) before we pass may amend shamed or disgraced [Here] ends the salutation [W25] Here begins a prayer (t-note) [W25] Let us pray together |
Deus qui beatam vergenem tuam Wenfredam post capitis absisionem tua potencia reddevivam fyere precepis et fac nos quaesimus ea interveneente presente vite et future conveneente ad ipsissem per Christum Dominum nostrum. A. M. E. N.19; (t-note) |
[W26] [W26] |
Quicumque hanc salutacionem in honore Sancte Anne matris Marie cotidie devote dixerit sine dubio mala morte non morietur.20 |
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Gaude, felix Anna, the moder of Mari, Gaude, thou broghtis forth that borth that al the word con glade,21 Gaude, that here Crist Jhesu, heo bere of hur body. Gaude, heo fed that frelé Food, that Floure that never schal fade! Gaude, felix Anna, that bere that blesful floure, Gaude, that gracious graff that sprong out of Jesse, Gaude, that blessid brange, hit bere our Saveour; Gaude, he growndid here in grace to graunt us al mercé! Gaude, felix Anna, oure blis to us thou broght, Gaude, here, that al the word that ladé heo gan lyght;22 Gaude, that maiden mercéful, our wele heo hath ewroght; Gaude, heo savyd al monkynd fore syn to deth was dyght!23 Gaude, felix Anna, the moder of Messee, Gaude, thou consayvyst clene be Joachym, that holé man, Gaude, that long tyme before baren thou hadist be; Gaude, thou broghtist furth that burth was our salvacion! Gaude, felix Anna, thou bere of thi body, Gaude, the moder of Jhesu Crist, that al the word hath wroght, Gaude, that fore our love soche a deth wold dye, Gaude, with hes pressious blod fro bale to blis us boght! Gaude, felix Anna, fore us now thou pray, Gaude, to the quen of even and to here blisful Sun; Gaude, this salutacion to thee here we say, Gaude, thou graunt us of thi grace to have remyssioun! LATIN PROSE PRAYER DEUS QUI BEATAM ANNAM |
Rejoice, fruitful Anne noble Nursling; (see note) (see note); (t-note) graft; sprung branch grounded her (see note) weal; brought about Messiah; (see note) chastely by; (see note) barren you had been birth [that] was our salvation world; (t-note) heaven [W26] |
Ora pro nobis beata Anna quia de fructu ventris tui est nobis gratia data. Oremus collecte.24; (t-note) Deus qui beatam Annam diu sterilem prole voluisti gloriosa et humano genere salutifera fecundare, da ut omnes amore filium matrem venerantes in hora mortis utiusque precencia gaudere mereantur per te, Jhesu Christe, salvatur mundy, rex glorie. Amen.25; (see note); (t-note) |
[W27] [W27] |
Quicumque hanc salutacionem in honore Salvatoris per xx dies continuo devote dixerit, Bonefacius papa quartus concessit omnibus vere confessis et contritus plenam remissionem omnium peccatorum et hoc scriptum est apud Romam in ecclesia Sancti Petri coram altare salvatoris.26; (see note); (t-note) |
[not in W] |
[Webmaster's note: Figure 1, The Holy Face (University of Oxford, Bodleian Library MS Douce 302, fol. 27v), has not been reproduced here, as we do not have permission to reproduce the image electronically. To see the image, check the printed volume.] |
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SALUTATION TO THE HOLY FACE Salve, I say, Holé Face of our Saveour, In the wyche schynth to us an hevenly fygure, An graceus on to se! Salve, thou settis thi prynt on lynin cloth of witlé coloure, And betoke hit Veroneca fore love and gret honoure Upon here sudoré — Salve, the fayrnes of this word, a myrrore of holé men, That dissiren fore to se Heven Spirit hen, In heven on hie, Salve, delyvers us fro the bond o wyckidnes of syn, And joyns to the compané of tho that holé bene, Fore thi mercy. Salve, our joy here in this lyuf, graunt us of thi grace; Yif we fal throgh frelté, foregif us our trespace, Lord, we thee pray. Salve, led us to that cuntré that holé fygure in was, That we may se of Jhesu Crist his clene, pured Face, Foreever and fore ay! Salve, we now thee beseche, be our helpe in everé place, And be our sokore and refyte and alle our solas, Lord Omnipotent, Salve, lest he us nuye grimsli, our enmy Satanas, And grant us al thi mercé in heven to have a plas, Tofore thi Jugement. |
[W27] Hail shines before us a heavenly image; (t-note) One gracious to behold imprint; linen; whitish gave it [to]; (see note) sudary (i.e., humeral veil) word (i.e., sign); mirror for Heaven’s Spirit (i.e., God) hence high of; (t-note) joins [us]; those who are holy life; (see note) If; frailty; forgive lead; country [where] succor; refuge; solace horribly harm us; (see note) (t-note) |
Signatum est super nos lumen vultis tui Domine. Dedisti leteciam in corde meo.27; (t-note) |
[W27] Let us pray together |
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Deus qui nobis signatum vultis tui memoreali tuum ad instanciam Veronece ymaginem tuam sudareo impressam relinquere voluisti, per passionem et crusem tuam tribue ut iam nunc in terris per speculum in enigmate ipsam venerare honorare adorare valiamus, ut te tunc, judicem super nos venientem, facie ad faciem se cum videamus Dominum nostrum Jhesum Christum filium tuum. Amen.28 |