Abraham: 4.308
Abraham ibn Ezra: 3.224–45 note
Absolon: 7.1302, 7.1392, 7.1303 note
Adam: 1.1–12 note, 1.111, 1.350 note, 3.224–45 note, 5.2223
Aeneid: 3.840–45 note
Africa: 5.1146 note, 7.1342, 7.1341–43 note
Ages of Man: 1.63 note
Alanus de Insulis: 4.626–27 note
Alberigo (friar): 6.971 note
Alexander (the Great): 7.1341, 7.1341–43 note, 7.1412
Alexandreis (Walter of Châtillon): 7.1341–43 note
Alliterative Morte Arthure: 2.328–37 note
All Saints Church, North Street, York: 5.746 note
Amazons, Queen of: 5.461 note, 5.468
Angelic orders: 2.43, 3.361–62, 5.422–23, 7.237, 7.1092–1112
Angel(s): 3.610, 3.617, 3.658, 3.828, 4.187, 4.192, 5.202–07, 5.422–23 note, 5.935, 5.964, 5.1012, 5.1078, 5.1097, 5.1171, 5.1315, 5.1326, 5.1335, 5.1375, 5.1372–83 note, 5.1441–50, 5.1555, 5.2016, 5.2071 (fallen), 5.2122, 6.37–38 note, 6.510, 7.201, 7.304, 7.1046, 7.1082, 7.1241, 7.1504, 7.1597, 7.1634
Annales Hebraeorum (Jerome): 5.745 note
Anselm: 3.692 & note, 7.745
Antichrist: 5.31, Book 5 passim
Apocalypse (biblical book): 5.370, 5.421, 5.522, 5.528, 5.1032, 5.1472, 5.1478, 6.285, 6.898, 7.1183
Apollo: 5.140, 5.140 note
Aquinas, Thomas: 4.1108, 5.746 note
Argonauts: 1.201–04 note
Aristotle: 1.201–04 note
Arthur: 2.328–37 note
Asael (Asahel): 7.1309, 7.1398, 7.1398 note
Ascension (of Christ): 7.163–70 note
Asia: 5.1146 note, 7.1342
“Assumption of Mary” (N-Town Play): 3.558–87 note
Augustine of Canterbury: 3.753, 3.754–55 note
Augustine of Hippo: 2.379–81 note, 3.273, 3.292, 3.312, 3.336, 3.440, 3.448, 3.753, 3.835, 3.908, 4.112, 4.408, 4.646–48 note, 4.689, 4.756, 4.762 & note, 4.1104–11 note, 5.960, 5.1265, 5.2184, 6.231, 6.420, 6.467, 6.542, 6.555, 6.630, 6.653, 7.350, 7.565, 7.653, 7.719, 7.1736
“Augustinus de peccatis venialibus”: 4.646–48 note
Augustus (Caesar): 7.1317, 7.1319 note, 7.1400
Ayenbite of Inwyt: Entre.330 note, 1.201–04 note
Bartholomaeus Anglicus: 1.201–04 note, 2.33, 2.43 ff. note, 2.219, 7.49, 7.49–50 note
Baptism: 1.176, 4.69 note, 7.693–95
Baptismal font: 4.373, 4.529
Bede (pseudo): 5.746 note
Bernard of Clairvaux: Entre.235, Entre.237–38 note, 1.186, 1.189, 1.246, 1.531, 3.204, 3.262, 3.523 note, 3.526, 3.532, 3.783, 3.792, 3.800, 3.815, 5.1582, 5.1740
Berno Augiensis: 4.94–95 note
Bethlehem: 5.1145, 5.1154
Bethsaida: 5.211–19
Bishops: 4.1040, 7.976
Boethius: 1.201–04 note, 2.328–37 note, 7.678 note
Book of Common Prayer: 1.51 note, 6.950–61 note
Book of Life: 7.716, 7.717 note
Bosom of Abraham: 4.308
Bracegirdle, John: 7.762–66 note
Branca d’Oria: 6.971 note
Bruno the Carthusian: 5.665–68 note
Callisthenes (pseudo): 7.1341–43 note
Calvary: 5.1143, 5.1146 note, 5.1161
Capharnaum: 5.212–19
Carius: 6.103 & note
Caspia: 5.461 note, 5.463
Cato: 3.458
Chartres Cathedral: 5.1367 note
Chateau d’Amour (Robert Grosseteste): 7.1423–31 note
Chaucer, Geoffrey: 1.128–29 note, 1.201–04 note, 2.591 note, 3.818 note, 4.1004 note, 5.1329–31 note, 7.110–14 note, 7.1303 note
Christ: 1.201–04 note, 2.656, 2.657 footnote, 3.115 note, 3.224–45 note, 3.470, 3.557 note, 3.566, 3.840–45 note, 4.91 note, 4.94, 4.203, 4.532, 4.781, 4.786 note, 4.887, 4.992, 4.1004 note, 4.1014, 4.1015, 4.1017–19 note, 5.13 and passim, 6.90, 6.92, 6.103 note, 6.106, 6.108, 6.499, 6.703, 7.1116 7.1212, 7.1235
Christendom: 5.104, 5.184
Christendom (state of being baptized): 1.176, 4.374, 7.693
Church: 3.432, 4.92, 4.539, 4.750, 4.861, 4.954, 4.963, 4.990, 4.1004 & note, 4.1037, 4.1054, 4.1086, 5.106, 5.477–82, 7.1193–1239, 7.1492
Church militant: 7.1218–19 note
Church triumphant: 7.1218–19 note
Circumcision: 5.200 note
Cistercian Order: Entre.237–38 note, 3.523 note
City of God (Augustine): 3.441–42 note, 4.113–14 note, 4.409–11 note
Communion: 4.610–11 note, 4.782, 4.862, 5.1253 note, 6.950–61 note
Compendium in Job (Petrus Blesensis): 4.104 note
Consolation of Philosophy (Boethius): 1.201–04 note, 2.328–37 note, 7.678 note, 7.762–66 note
Corozain: 5.182 & note, 5.214
Creation: 5.1383 note, 5.2234 note
Cross: 3.224–45 note, 5.1162, 5.1223–39, 5.1253 note, 5.1533, 5.1548 & note. See also Crucifixion, Passion
Crucifixion: Entre.104 note, 3.557 note, 4.786 note, 5.1146 note, 6.103 note. See also Cross, Passion
Cura pastoralis (Gregory): 5.1329–31 note
Cursor Mundi: Entre.173–74 note, 5.169–227 note, 5.949–91 note, 7.1341–43 note
Cyprian: 1.1–12 note
Dan: 5.183–89, 5.187–88 note
Daniel: 5.124, 5.247, 5.622, 5.1389
Dante: 4.69 note, 4.304 note, 6.971 note, 7.1593–94 note
David: Entre.274 note, Entre.302, 1.228, 1.339, 2.604, 2.624, 3.354, 3.375, 3.415, 5.898, 5.1561, 5.1660, 5.1678, 5.2201, 6.173, 6.174–75 footnote, 6.304, 6.665 note, 7.790, 7.952, 7.1334, 7.1408, 7.1644, 7.1658
Debate between the Body and the Soul: 7.897–906 note
De Genesi ad literam (Augustine): 7.656 note
Delphic oracle: Entre.206 note
De miseria (Innocent III): 1.118–19 note, 1.128–29 note, 1.261–66 note, 1.289–94 note, 1.474–75 note, 2.557–60 note
De officiis ecclesiasticis summa (Sicardus Cremonensis): 5.1073 note
De proprietatibus rerum (Bartholomaeus Anglicus): 2.36 note, 2.43 ff. note, 2.221–36 note, 7.49–50 note
De sacro altaris mysterio: 5.515 note
De trinitate (Augustine): 7.656 note
De Varia Psalmorum (Berno Augiensis): 4.94–95 note
Devil: 2.148, 3.33, 3.523 note, 3.558–87 note, 5.129, 5.132, 5.226, 5.310–14, 5.330–41 note, 5.2070, 7.1194. See also Fiend, Lucifer
Devil(s): 2.297, 3.154, 3.497, 3.571, 3.613, 3.643, 3.658, 4.127, 4.176, 4.188, 4.193, 4.468, 5.133, 5.400, 5.1358, 5.1375, 5.1383 note, 5.1424, 5.1556, 5.1574, 5.1985, 5.2103, 6.37, 6.37–68 note, 6.141–44, 6.220, 6.363, 6.391–435, 6.510 & note, 6.518, 6.532–50, 6.695, 6.752, 6.851–69, 7.513, 7.990–1001, 7.1062, 7.1731, 7.1741–42, 7.1775–78
Distichs (Cato): 3.469 note
Doomsday: Entre.254, Entre.344, 3.847, 4.74, 4.124, Book 5 passim, 6.127, 6.510–13 note, 7.751, 7.1197, 7.1233, 7.1801, 7.1862
Dragon of the Apocalypse: 5.428–30
Dragons: 7.1770
Dream of the Rood: 5.1548 note
Earth: Entre.72 note, 2.67, 2.86, 2.121, 4.63, 4.91, 4.134 & note, 4.146, 4.345, 4.1020, 5.321 note, 5.348, 5.426, 5.697, 5.729, 5.770, 5.779, 5.784, 5.803, 5.849, 5.856, 5.862, 5.869, 5.878, 5.1024, 5.1057, 5.1124–29, 5.1146 note, 5.1354, 5.1566–73, 5.2203, 5.2211, 5.2252, 6.18–34, 6.866, 7.119, 7.184–87, 7.395, 7.425. See also Middle Earth
Ecclesiasticus: 7.195–200 note
Egyptians: 7.1338, 7.1410
Elde: 1.421–23 note
Elijah: 5.451 & note,
5.497–503 & note, 5.550 note, 5.556–65, 7.1350, 7.1416, 7.1419 note
Elucidarium (Honorius Augustodunensis): 6.233–34 note, 6.469–70 note, 6.723–24 note
Enarrationes in Psalmos (Augustine): 3.285–88 note
Enchiridion (Augustine): 4.762 note
England: 7.1868
Enoch: 5.451 & note, 5.497–503 & note, 5.550 note, 5.556–65, 7.1350, 7.1416, 7.1419 note
Europe: 5.1146 note, 7.1342
Eve: 1.114, 1.120
Exorcism: 5.607 note
Ezechiel: 4.40, 5.1795
Faerie Queene (Spenser): 5.1146 note
Fall of the Angels: 3.361–62, 3.612–13, 6.37–38 note
Faustus (Marlowe): 5.1971 note
Fiend: Entre.36, 1.174, 2.308, 3.520, 3.546, 3.553, 3.559, 3.638, 3.828, 5.336, 5.486, 5.639. See also Devil, Lucifer
Fiends: see Devils
Fifteen Pains of Hell: 6.124–1044
Fifteen Tokens before Doomsday: 5.729–810, 5.746 note
Fortune: 2.329
Fortune’s Wheel: 2.332, 2.328–37 note, 2.343
Gethsemane, Garden of: 3.115 note, 3.493–94 note
Ghosts: 4.155–62 note
Gislebertus: 5.1367 note
Glossa Ordinaria: 5.83–84 note, 5.484, 5.484–87 note, 5.525, 5.622, 5.1394
God: Entre.104 note
Gog: 5.459–95
Gospel of Nicodemus: 6.103 note, 6.116–17 note
Gray, Thomas: 2.109–16 note
Gregory the Great: 2.367, 2.387, 3.754–55 note, 3.769 note, 5.578, 5.1073 note, 5.1329–31 note, 5.1614, 5.1670, 7.1494–95 note
Guide of the Perplexed: 7.126 note
Hallows: 4.994, 5.1080, 5.1464, 5.1554. See also Saints
Harrowing of Hell: 4.91 note, 6.103 note
Haymo of Auxerre: 5.398
Heaven(s): Entre.9–68 note, Entre.104 note, 4.1017–19 note, 5.1566–69, 5.1712, 5.1719, 5.2235, 6.30–32, 6.866, Book 7 passim
Hell: Entre.9–68 note, Entre.104 note, 3.76–96, 3.428, 3.502, Book 4 passim, 4.91 note, 4.1017–19 note, 5.804, 5.865, 5.926–28, 5.1027, 5.1064, 5.1352, 5.1463, 5.1466, 5.1500, 5.1574, 5.1928, 5.1954, 5.1986, 5.2104–18, Book 6 passim, 7.57–60, 7.219, 7.388, 7.456, 7.474, 7.507, 7.557–60, 7.609, 7.645, 7.676, 7.803, 7.861, 7.906, 7.940, 7.1006, 7.1061, 7.1724, 7.1728, 7.1787, 7.1802–09, 7.1830–32, 7.1864
1 Henry IV (Shakespeare): 1.187–88 note
Henry V (Shakespeare): 1.438 note
Hercules: 5.140 & note
Historia Scholastica (Peter Comestor): 1.118–19 note
Honorius Augustodunensis: 6.233–34 note, 6.245–46 note, 6.469–70 note, 6.723–24 note
House of Fame (Chaucer): 7.110–14 note, 7.1269 note
Hugo Ripelin: 5.248–49 note
Imitatio Christi: 5.321 note
Incarnation: Entre.101–04 note, 4.91 note, 5.891 note
Inferno (Dante): Entre.9–68 note, 6.971 note
Innocent III: 1.118–19 note, 1.127, 1.128–29 note, 1.260, 1.288, 1.471, 2.556, 3.769 note, 4.1104, 5.515 note
Irenaeus: 1.1–12 note
Isaiah: 5.1606, 6.484
Isidore of Seville: 3.758, 3.774
Jeremiah: 3.515
Jerome: 2.351, 5.664, 5.729, 5.736, 5.746 note, 5.805, 5.1528, 6.243, 6.343
Jerome (pseudo): 5.665–67 note
Jerusalem: 3.423–26, 5.116, 5.117 note, 5.229, 5.475, 5.542, 5.1112–13 footnote, 5.1141, 5.1146 & note, 5.1158
Jerusalem (new): 7.1187, 7.1269 note
Jesse: 3.224–45 note
Jews: 5.449, 5.461 note, 5.472, 5.509–18, 5.628, 5.635, 5.1453
Job: 1.42, 1.139, 1.159, 1.165, 1.167, 1.332, 1.378, 4.103, 5.1052, 5.1061, 5.1072, 5.1437, 5.1644, 6.226, 6.333, 6.354, 6.373, 6.378, 6.760
Joel: 5.712, 5.1111
John (the Apostle): 3.481, 5.376, 5.429, 5.1032, 5.1196, 6.284, 6.898, 7.1182, 7.1191
John Chrysostom: 5.1304
Jonathan: 7.1334, 7.1408
Josaphat, Vale of: 5.1109, 5.1115, 5.1121, 5.1126, 5.1146 note, 5.1150, 5.1175
Joseph: 7.1338, 7.1410
Joys of Heaven: 6.1050, 7.276–335, 7.352
Judas Iscariot: 3.557 note
Judith (biblical book): 6.496
Julius Caesar: 7.1317 note, 7.1341–43 note
Julius Caesar (Shakespeare): 5.1529–32 note
Jupiter (planet): 5.139, 7.97
Kidron valley: 5.1112–13 footnote
Kirkegaard, Søren: 3.784–85 note
Knight’s Tale (Chaucer): 2.434 note
Last rites: 4.617, 4.964
Lateran Council, Fourth: 1.128–29 note
Lazarus (Luke 16): 4.307–27
Lazarus (John 11): 6.80
Legend of Good Women (Chaucer): 1.128–29 note, 7.1303 note, 7.1392 note
Leonardo da Vinci: 2.546 note
Leopards: 2.283
Lewis, C. S.: 1.289–94 note, 1.536–37 note
Liber antiphonarius (Gregory): 5.1073 note, 7.1494–95
Liber parabolarum (Alanus de Insulis): 4.627 note
Libri deflorationum (Wernerus S. Blasii): 6.469–70 note, 6.718, 6.723–24 note
Life of Adam and Eve: 1.1–12 note
“Life of Soul”: 3.27–28 note
Limbo: 4.69 note, 4.87, 4.91 note
Lions: 2.283, 3.503, 4.177, 7.1774
Lot: 5.810, 5.834, 5.838
Lucifer: 1.1–12 note, 1.6. See also Devil, Fiend
Lucius: 6.103 & note
Luke: 5.812, 5.976
Lull, Raymond: 4.1106
Luther, Martin: 4.778 note
Lyndesay, David: 5.665–67 note
Lynx: 1.203, 1.201–04 note
Lysyas: 7.1345, 7.1414
Magog: 5.459–95
Maimonedes: 7.126 & note, 7.153
Malachi: 5.504
Mankind (morality play): 2.567–695 note
Man of Law’s Tale (Chaucer): 1.128–29 note
Marbod of Rennes: 2.360–61 note
Marc Antony: 5.1529–32 note
Marlowe, Christopher: 5.1971 note
Mars (planet): 7.97
Martha (John 11): 6.90
Martin, Saint: 3.523 & note
Martyrs: 3.462, 4.986, 4.1004 note, 5.381–91, 5.1375, 5.1382 note, 5.1466, 7.1119
Marvell, Andrew: 1.187–88 note, 5.500–03 note
Mary, mother of Christ: 3.558–87 note, 5.1182, 7.1080, 7.1793
Mary Magdalen: 6.80, 7.775
Mary of Bethany: 6.80 & note
Mass: 4.109, 4.339, 4.615, 4.774, 4.790, 4.865–99, 4.957, 4.968, 6.766
Matthew: 5.571, 5.1083, 5.2015
Meditationes piisimae (Bernard of Clairvaux): Entre.237–38 note, 1.187–88 note, 1.247–48 note, 1.532–33 note
Mediterranean: 5.1146 note
Mercury (planet): 5.139, 7.96
Methuselah: 1.350 note, 7.1326, 7.1404
Michael (archangel): 5.451–53 note
Michael, Saint: 5.603
Middle Earth: Entre.72, 3.576. See also Earth
Miller’s Tale (Chaucer): 4.950 note
Monarche (David Lyndesay): 5.665–67 note
Moon: 2.59, 5.695, 5.722, 5.1418, 5.2225–29, 5.2234 note, 7.96, 7.105, 7.119, 7.371
Moralia in Job (Gregory): 3.755 note
Moses: 6.175 note, 7.1321, 7.1402
Mount of Olives: 5.117 & note, 5.598, 5.1091, 5.1140, 5.1169
Nativity: 5.1156
Nicene Creed: Entre.9–68 note
Noah: 1.354, 5.811, 5.827, 5.831, 5.880, 5.892 note
Odo of Cheriton: 1.118–19 note
“Of þo flode of þo world”: 2.155–64 note, 2.266–79 note
Original Sin: Entre.101–04 note, 1.78–79 note
Paradise: 4.442, 4.896, 4.927, 5.2217, 7.1351, 7.1417, 7.1419 note
Paradise Lost (Milton): 5.422–23 note
Paradiso (Dante): 7.1594 note
Pardon: 4.975–1103
Pardoner (Chaucer): 2.591 note, 4.1004 note
Pardoner’s Tale (Chaucer): 3.603 note
Parliament of the Thre Ages: 1.421–23 note
Parson (Chaucer): 3.818 note, 5.2186–91 note
Parson’s Tale (Chaucer): 3.818 note, 4.8 note, 5.2186–91 note
Passion: 3.540, 4.992, 4.1004 note, 5.1252 note, 5.1261, 5.1312, 5.1525. See also Cross, Crucifixion
Passion of Our Lord: 3.115 note
Pater Noster: 4.611 & note
Paul: 2.43 ff. note, 2.179, 3.467, 3.558–87 note, 5.82, 5.124–26, 5.200 note, 5.1005, 6.113 note
Pearl: 4.54 note, 7.1269 note
Penance: 3.50, 4.50, 4.55, 4.141, 4.404, 4.513, 4.522, 4.597, 4.710, 4.988, 4.1004 note, 4.1066–77, 5.627, 6.114
Pentecost: 5.303–04 note
Peter: 4.1014, 4.1017–19 note, 4.1025, 5.1857, 7.773
Peter Chanter: 3.754–55 note
Peter Comestor: 1.118–19 note, 5.746 note, 5.1741 note
Petrus Blesensis: 4.104 note
Physiologus: 1.201–04 note
Piers Plowman: 1.422–23 note, 5.422–23 note
Planet(s): 2.63, 2.82, 5.138, 5.2218, 7.40, 7.93–94, 7.103, 7.115, 7.130, 7.140, 7.172, 7.179, 7.1039. See also Jupiter, Mercury, Moon, Saturn, Venus
Pontius Pilate: 6.117 & note
Pope(s): 4.1005, 4.1024, 4.1029, 4.1036, 4.1045. See also Innocent III
Priests: 4.882 note, 4.1002
Proslogion (Anselm): 7.745 note
Pseudo-Dionysius: 2.43 ff. note
Psychopharmacon: 7.762–66 note
Ptolomaic cosmos: 2.53–68 note, 7.229–32 note
Purgatorio (Dante): 4.304 note
Purgatory: Entre.9–68 note, Entre.342, 3.874, 3.881 & note, 3.915, 3.921, Book 4 passim, 4.91 note, 4.123–26 note, 4.155–62 note, 4.770 note, 5.867, 7.472, 7.1493, 7.1832, 7.1861. Pains of: 4.163–499
Quadrivium: 7.263–64 note
Red Jews: 5.461 note
Reformation: 4.954–56 note, 5.1252 note
Regula monachorum: 5.665–67 note
Robert Grosseteste: 7.1423–31 note
Romance of the Rose: 1.201–04 note, 7.1423–31 note
Roman d’Alexandre: 7.1341–43 note
Rome: 5.76–121, 5.83–84 note, 6.118, 6.185, 7.1317
Saint: 5.1975. See also Hallows
St. Lazare, Autun: 5.1367 note
St. Peter’s, Wenhaston, Suffolk: 5.1366 note
Samson: 7.1305, 7.1345, 7.1394, 7.1415
Saracens: 5.1453, 5.1955
Saturn (planet): 7.98, 7.106, 7.139
Sea: 2.269, 5.328, 5.699, 5.748, 5.760, 5.765, 5.2189
Seneca: 2.358
Sententiarum libri tres (Isidore): 3.776–77 note
Sermones de Symbolo: 5.1266–69 note
Seth: 3.224–45 note
Seven Blisses of Heaven: 7.337, 7.353; Bodily: 7.366–620; Spiritual: 7.621–1713. See also Joys of Heaven
Seven Deadly Sins: 4.252 note, 4.574
Seven Harms of Hell: 7.338; Bodily: 7.382–596; Spiritual: 7.627–1805. See also Fifteen Pains of Hell
Seven Works of Bodily Mercy: Entre.335 note, 4.646–48 note, 5.1688–89 footnote, 5.2029 footnote, 5.2097
Sicardus Cremonensis: 5.1073 note
Simeon (father of Carius and Lucius): 6.102
Sirach: 7.195
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight: 2.328–37 note
Sodom: 5.839
Solomon: 3.216, 3.893, 5.1629, 5.1723, 5.1783, 6.748, 7.1314, 7.1329, 7.1396, 7.1406, 7.1419 note
Speculum Ecclesiae (Honorius Augustodunensis): 6.245–46 note
Spenser, Edmund: 5.1146 note
Stars: 2.63, 2.82, 5.422–32 & note, 5.697, 5.791, 5.1418, 5.2219, 7.40, 7.101, 7.173, 7.181–90, 7.1039, 7.1521–23
Stephen of Bourbon: 5.1529–32 note
Sulpitius Severus: 3.523 note
Summa Theologica (Aquinas): 4.1111
Sun: 2.85, 4.346, 5.695, 5.721, 5.767, 5.792, 5.1418, 5.2123, 5.2220–27, 7.97, 7.371, 7.402, 7.491, 7.1133, 7.1155, 7.1505, 7.1510, 7.1522–24, 7.1576
Swinburne, Algernon Charles: 5.1529–32 note
Ten Commandments: 5.1460, 5.1950
Thornton Manuscript (Lincoln): 1.64–178 note
Tiberius: 6.117 & note
Tolomea: 6.971 note
Tractate on Morals (Bernard): 3.205–06 note, 3.263–64 note
Tractatus (Stephen of Bourbon): 5.1529–32 note
Tractatus de interiori domo (Bernard): 3.794–99 note
Treasury of Merit: 4.1004 & note, 4.1017–19 note, 5.2186–91 note
Trevisa, John: 2.36 note
Tribes of Israel: 5.187–88 note, 5.1941
Trinity: Entre.9–68 note, 2.42, 5.14 note, 5.142, 5.1191, 5.1372–83 note, 5.1382, 5.1544, 5.1548 note, 7.236, 7.327, 7.522, 7.642, 7.717 & note, 7.1052, 7.1703
Trivium: 7.263–64 note
Troilus and Criseyde (Chaucer): 2.328–37 note
Venus (planet): 7.96
Verbum Abbreviatum (Peter Chanter): 3.754–55 note
Vernon Manuscript: 7.762–66 note
Virgins: 4.999
Vita antiquior: 5.665–67 note, 5.1329–31 note
Vitruvian Man: 2.546 note
Walter of Châtillon: 7.1341–43 note
Wernerus St. Blasii: 6.469–70 note, 6.722–24 note
Wolves: 2.283
Zion, Daughters of: 3.423
Zodiac: 2.64 note