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Jesu Cryst, lord of myghttus most, Fader and Son and Holy Gost, Grant hem alle Thi blessyng That lystenyght me to my endyng. Yf ye that her ben awhyle dwell, Seche a sampull Y wyll yow telle, That he that woll hit undurstand, In hart he schall be full dredand For hys synnus, yf he woll drede And clanse hym her of his mysdede. In Yrlond byfyll sumtyme this case Sethyn God dyeyd and from deythe arase. Aftyr that tyme, as ye may here, A thowsand and a hondryt yere And nyn wyntur and fourty, As it hys wretyn in tho story, I woll yow tell what befell than In Yrlond of a rych man; Tundale was is right name. He was a man of wykud fame. He was ryche ynow of ryches, But he was poore of all gudnesse. He was ay full of trychery, Of pride, of yre, and of envy. Lechery was all his play, And gloteny he loved ay. He was full of covetyse And ever slouthe in Goddus servyse. Nou warkus of mercy wold he worch; He lovyd never God, ne Holy Chyrch. With hym was never no charyté; He was a mon withowton pyté. He loved well jogelars and lyers. He mayntyniod ay mysdoers. He lovyd ay contakt and stryve. Ther was non holdyn wors on lyf. Yett nold not God is sowle tyne, For He hit boghthe from Hell pyne, For His mersy passud all thynge. But Tundale had an hard warnyng, For as he in his transyng lay, His sowle was in a dredeful way. Ther hit saw mony an howge payn, Ar hit come to the body agayn. In Purgatory and in Helle As he saw, he cowthe well telle. But how he had a hard fytt, Yf ye woll here, ye may whytt. Tundale had frendys full mony, But he was full of trichery. Of his maners mony had dred, For he was lythur in word and dede. Throw ocur wold he sylver leyn; For nyne schyllyng he wold have ten. For frystyng wold he ocur take, And nothyng leyn for Goddus sake. When he sold his marchandyse, He sold ay derur than ryghtfull prise. He wold gyve dayes for his best, But he sold the derur for the fryst. Tundale, he went upon a day To a mon to ascon his pay For thre horsus that he had sold, For the whych the penys wer untold. That mon hym prayd of respite Unto a day the deyt to quytte And proferud hym sykurnes by othe. Anon he grucchud and waxyt wrothe For he had not evon tho pay, But thratte hym fast and made gret deray. But Tundale was bothe quynte and whys; He sette the horsus to full hye prise For he had no pay in honde. To hym the mon in scripture hym bonde. The mon spake to hym curtesly And broghtte hym owt of is malycoly. He sobort his hart that was so greyt And made Tundale dwell at tho meytt. And when he was seytt and servyd well, A greytt evyl he began to fele. At the fyrst mossel soo syttand He myght not well lefte up his hond. He cryed lowde and changyt chere, As he had felud dethe nere. To the weyf of the howse than callud he, "Leve dame," he seyd, "for charyté Loke me my sparthe wher that he stande, That Y broghtt with me in my hande, And helpe me now hethon awey, For Y hope to dye this same day. So harde with evyll am Y tane That strenthe in me fell Y nane. For now my hart so febull Y fele, Y am but dede, Y wot full wele. A Jesu Cryst, Y aske Thee mercy, For can I now non odur remedy." Ryght as he schuld ryse of that stede, Anon in the flore he fell don dedde. Tho that wer his frendys by sybbe Herd of that cause that hym bytydde. Thei comyn to hym with hart sore And saw Tundale lygge dedde in the flore. For hym wer the bellus yronge And "Placebo" and "Dyrge" sone ysonge. All his cloths wer of hym tane. He lay cold dedde as any stan, But of the lyft syde of Tundale Was sumwat warme the veyne corale, Wherfor sum hyld hym not all dedde; Forwhy thei flytte hym not fro that sted. But styll as a dedde mon ther he lay From mydday of that Wenusday Tyl the Setturday aftur the none; By than wyst Tundale what he had done, Then he lay dedde, as ye han hard, But herus now how is sowle fard. Wen Tundale fell don sodenly, The gost departyd sone from the body. As sone as the body was dedde, Tho sowle was sone in a darke sted. Full wrechudly hit stod allone; Hit weput sore and made gret mone. He wend to a byn dampnyd ay to payne And never a com to tho body agayne For the synnus that the body dyd, That myght nether be layned nor hydde. He had lever then al mydylerde Ha ben agayne, so was he ferd But he sawe mony a hydwys payne Or he come to the body agayne, But sum had more and sum had lasse, As tho story beyrthe wyttnesse. I Passus As the gost stod in gret dowte, He saw comyng a full loddly rowte Of fowle fendys ay grennyng, And as wyld wolfus thei cam rampyng. He wold a flown from that syght, But he wyst never whydur he myght. Thes fowle fendys cam to hym ther. The sowle for ferd made drury chyr, And that was full lytull wondor; He went to a byn ryvon asondur. Thei wer so loghtly on to loke, Hym thoghtte the eyrthe undur hym schoke, Her bodys wer bothe black and fowle; Full gryssly con thei on hym gowle. Her ynee wer brode and brannyng as fyr; All thei wer full off angur and yre. Her mowthus wer wyde; thei gapud fast. The fyre owt of her mowthus thei cast. Thei wer full of fyr within. Her lyppus honget byneythe her chyne. Her tethe wer long, tho throtus wyde, Her tongus honged owt full syde. On fete and hondus thei had gret nayles, And grette hornes and atteryng taylys. Her naylys wer kene as grondon styll; Scharpur thyng myght no mon fyll. Of hem cam the fowlest stynk That any erthyly mon myght thynk. With her naylys in that plas Ychon cracched other in the face. Thei faghtton ycheon with odur and stryvon, And ychon odur all toryvon. Hit was a wondur grysely syght To see how thei weryn all ydyght. In tho word was no mon alive That cowthe so grysely a syghth dyscryve. Full grymly thei on hym staryd, And all atonus thei cryd and rored And seyd, "Gow abowte we yond wykyd gost That hathe ey don owre cownsel most And syng we hym a song of deyd, For he hathe wroght aftur owre red." Thei umlapud the soule abowte And creidon and mad an hugy schowt And seyd, "Thu synfull wrecchyd wyght, In Hell a styd is for thee dyght, For thu art now owre owne fere. Thu art deythus doghttur dere. And soo to fyr withowttyn ende And to darknes art thu frend, And to all lyght art thu foo; Therfor, with us schalt thu goo. This his thi felyschyp, thu caytyff, That thu chase to thee in thi lyffe; Therfor, with us schald thu wende To dwell in Hell withowton ende. Thu hast ybyn bothe fals and fykyll, And thu hast seyd fals sclandur mykyll; Thu lovedyst stryft nyght and day, And thu and we lovyd ay. Thu hast ylovyd myche lechery, And myche thu hast usud voutry, Pryde, envy, and covetys, Gloteny with all odur vys. Why wolddust not thu leyve thi trichery Whyle thu levedust and was myghty? Wher his now all thi vanyté, Thi ryches, and thi grette mayné? Wher is thi pompe and thi pryde? Thi wyckydnes may thu not hyde. Wer is thi streynthe and thi myght And thi harneys soo gayly dyght? Wher is thi gold and thi tresour? Wher is thi catell and thi stor, That thu wendyst schuld never thee fayll, And now may all hit not thee avayle? Thu lovyst neyver God, nor Holy Chyrch, Noo warkys of mercy woldyst worch. All the gud that in tho erthe is, Nor all the matens ne all the masse Myght not help thee from the peyn of Hell For eyvermore therin to dwell. That wykkyd thought that was in thi brest, Woldyst thu never schowe it to no preste. Wreche, thu thar not calle nor crye. Thu wendust with us withowton mercy." Ther the gost stod. Hit was darke as nyght But sone he saw a sterre full bryght. Tundale fast that sterre beheld. Full wyll comfortud he hym feld. Throw tho vertu of his creatur He hopeyd to geyte sum socur. That was the angell to beton is bale The whych was emer of Tundale. The angell sone with Tundale mett, And full mekely he hym grette. He spake to hym with myldde chere: "Tundale," he seyd, "wat dost thu here?" When Tundale herd hym his name call And saw hym bryght schynyng withall, He was fayn and began to crie And seyd, "Swete fader, mercy! These fowle fendys for my mysdede To tho fyr of Hell thei wold me lede." Then onsweryd tho angell bryght And seyd to the drefull wyght, "Fader and lord thu callust me now. Why woldyst thu not er to me bow? Y was thi yemer evon and moron, Seython thu was of thi modur boron. Thu woldyst neyver to me take tent, Nor to non of myn thu woldest not sent." Tundale seyd, and sykyd sore: "Lord, Y saw thee never before, Nor never myght Y here thee lowde nor styll, Therfor, wyst Y not of thi wyll." The angell that was of gret might Chasyd won that was a fowle wyght. Of all that fowle company Ther semed non soo uggly. "Tundale," he seyd, "this is he That thu dyddest know and not me. Aftur hym thu hast alwey wroght But in me trystys thu ryght noght. But Goddus mercy schall thee save, Allthaff thu servydyst non to have. Bot Y woll welle that thu wytte, Thee behovyt fyrst an hard fyght." Than was Tundale full glad. But he was aftur full hard bystad, For he saw peynus greyt and strong. And sum of hem was he among. Well he cowthe tell yche a peyn When he come to the body ageyn. Tundale therowt the angell hym drowgh, For hym thoght he had drede ynow. When that thei saw, tho fendys felle, That he schuld not goo with hem to Hell, Thei began to rore and crye And sclanderyd then God allmyghty And seyd, "Thu art not tru justyce. Thu art fals and unryghtwysse. Thu seydust Thu schuldust reward sone Ylke mon aftur that he hathe done. Tundale is owrus with skyll and ryght, For he hathe sarvyd hus day and nyght, Full wykydly has he levyd longe. Yf we leyf hym, Thu dost hus wronge." Thei rorud and crydon, so wer thei woo That Tundale schuld wend hem froo. Ychon faght and with odur dyd stryve And with her naylys her chekus dyd ryve. So fowle a stynke, as thei cast than, Feld never before yrthely man. Then seyd the angell to hym at the last, "Tundale, com forthe and folow me fast." Then seyd he and sykud full sore, "Lord, than seyst thu never me more. Yf Y goo behind thee, then am Y schent, Thes fendys from thee wold me hent And leyd me with hom to Hell peyn, Then getust thu me never ageyn." Then seyd the angell, "Have no drede. Thei mey no wyse from me thee lede. As mony, as thee thynkuth, semyth here, Yet ar ther mo with naylys full nere. Whylus that God is with us bathe, Thei may never do hus skathe, But thu may rede to fende thee with, In the profecy of Davyd, That ther schall fall of thi lyft syde A thowsand fendys in short tyde And of thi ryght syde semand Schall fall also ten thowsand. And non of hem schall com to thee, Bot with thi eyn thu schalt hom see. Thu schalt ysee, or we too twyne, What peynus fallyth for dyverse synne." II Passus When the angell had told his tale, Throw an entré he lad Tundale, That was darke; they had no lyght, But only of the angell bryght. Thei saw a depe dale full marke, Of that Tundale was full yrke. When he hit saw, he uggod sore. A delfull dwellyng saw he thore. That depe dale fast he beheld. A fowle stenke therof he feld. Alle the grond, that ther was semand, Was full of glowyng colis brennand. Over the colys yron lay, Red glowand hit semud ay. Fowr cubytus thyk hit was, Tho heyte of the fuyr dyd throw pas. That yron was bothe large and brad. For full strong payn was hit mad. The heyte of the yron was more Then all the fuyr that was thore. That fyr was ever ylyche brannyng And ever mor stronglyke stynkyng. Of that fyr com more stynk Then any erthely mon myght thynk. And that was peyn to hym more Then all that he saw or he com thore. Apon that yron, as hit was seyd, Fendus with the sowlus wer layd. And in that stynke dyd thei brenne than And wer molton as wax in a pan. Thei ronnen throw fyr and yron bothe, As hit wer wax throw a clothe Thei weron gederud and molton agayn; And fro thes therin to new payn. Then seyd the angell to Tundale. "Her may thu see mykyll bale. For every mon is dight this payn That fadur or modur has yslayn, Or any odur throw cursyd red, Or ben asentyd to any monus ded. Of this geyte thei never reles, For this peyn schall never ses. In odur peyn yet schall thei be Then this that thow may herre see. But of this peyn schall thu not fele, And yett thu hast deservyd hit full welle." III Passus Thei passyd forth from that peyn And comyn to a greyt montteyn That was bothe gret and hye. Theron he hard a delfoll crye. Alle that ton syde was semand Full of smoke and fyr brennand; That was bothe darke and wan And stank of pyche and brymston. On that todur syde, myght he know, Gret was the forst and snow, And therwith gret wyndus blast, And odur stormus that folowyn fast. He saw ther mony fendys felle And herd hom loghtly rorre and yelle. Thei hadon forkys and tongus in hand And gret brochys of yron glowand With hom thei drowyn and putton ful sore The wrecchyd sowlys that ther wore. Owt of that fyr thei conne hom drawe And putton hom into the cold snowe, And seython into the fyr agayne Thei putton hom into odur peyne. Her peyn was turnod mony folde, Now in hotte, now in cold. Then seyd the angell, that was soo bryght, "This peyn is for thefus dyght And for hom that robry makus Or agayn mennus wyll her guddus takus Or throw falsehed any mon bygylys Or wynnyght mennus gude with wykyd wylys." When thei hadon seyn that wykyd turment, Furdurmore yette thei went. IV Passus The angell ay before con pas, And Tundale aftur that sore aferd was, Thei hyldon ey forthe the way Tyll thei come to anothur valay, That was bothe dyppe and marke. Of that syght was the sowle yrke. In erthe myght non deppur be. To the grond thei myght not see. A swowyng of hem thei hard therin And of cryyng a delfull dyn. Owt of that pytte he feld comand A fowle smoke that was stynkand Bothe of pycche and of brynston, And therin sowlys brent, mony won. That peyn hym thoght well more semand Then all the peynus that he byforyn fand. That peyn passyd all odur peynus. That pyt stod betwene two monteynus. Over that pyt he saw a bryge Fro tho ton to tho todur lygge, That was of a thowsand steppus in leynthe to rede And scarsly of won fotte in brede. All quakyng that brygge ever was, Ther myght no mon over hyt passe, Leryd nor lewyd, maydon ne wyff, But holy men of parfyt lyff. Mony sowlys he saw don falle Of that brygge that was so smalle. He saw non that brygge myght passe, But a prest that a palmer was. A palme in his hond he had, And in a slaveyn he was clad. Ryght as he on erthe had gon, He passyd over be hymselve alon. Then seyd the sowle to that angell tho, "Y was never er soo wo. Wo is me; Y not hom to passe, So sor adred never er Y wasse." The angell seyd to Tundale ryght, "Drede thee noght her of this syght. This payn schalt thu schape full well, But odur peyn schalt thu fell. This peyn is ordeynyd full grevos For prowd men and bostus." The angell toke hym be the hond swythe And lad hym over, than was he blythe. V Passus Yette went thei foryt bothe togeydur, But tho sowle wyst never wydur, Be a longe wey of greyt merknes, As the story beryth wyttenes. Thei passyd that and com to lyght, But he saw then an hogy syght. He saw a best that was more to knaw Then all tho monteynus that thei saw, And his ynee semyd yette more And bradder then the valeyys wore. In all his mowthe, that was so wyde, Nyne thowsand armyd in myght ryde, Betwene his toskys, that were so longe, Too greyt gyandys he saw honge. The hed of the ton hyng donward And tho todur is hed stod upward. In myddys his mowthe stodon on yche syde Too pylers to hold hyt up wyde. Tho pylers weron sette on serewyse. In his mowthe wer thre partyse, As thre gret yatys that opon stode. Gret flamus of fyr owt of hym yode, And therwith come also fowle a stynke, As tong myght tell or hert thynke. Thei hard ther a dylfull dyn Of mony thowsand sowlys withyn. Gowlyng and gretyng thei hard within among. "Welaway" was ever her song. Lowd thei hard hem crye and yell; Hor sorow myght no tong tell. Befor that bestys mowthe was sene Mony thowsandus of fendys kene, That hyed hem with myght and mayne Tho wrecchyd sowlys to dryve to payne. With brennyng baelys thei hem dong And with hem droffe to peynus strong. When Tundale had that best yseen And tho wykyd gostys, that wer so kene, Tundale spake full delfully, When he hard that hydos crie, And seyd than to that angell bryght, "What bytokenyth this hydos syght?" The angell onswerud hym anon. "This best is callud Akyron, And ther throw byhovyth thee to wend, Yff we schull goo owre way to the end. Non from this peyn may passe quyte, But cleyne men of lyffe parfyte. This hogy best, as Y thee kenne His sette to swolo covetows men That in erthe makyght hit prowd and towghe And never wenon to have ynowghe, But evur coveton more and more And that hor sowlys forthynkon sore. In tho profecy hit is wryton thus, That a best schall swolewo the covetows. So muche thurst hathe that best That all the watur most and lest That evur ran est or west Myght not stanche the bestys thurst. Therfor, this payne is redy ydyght, Namely for yche a covetows wyght That wenon never ynow to have, Ne holden hom payd, nor vochensaffe That God hom sent of His grace. Therfor thei schen say, 'Alas! Alas!' For ay the more that thei han free, Tho more covetows a mon may hem see. The gyandys, that thu syst with ee, Hongyng betwene his toskus so hye, Goddys law wold thei not knowe, But thei wer trew in hor owne lawe. Of whom tho namus wer callud thus: That ton hyght Forcusno and that toder Conallus." "Alas," quod that sowle, "suche peyn have thay, Whedur thei schull never thennus away." Quod the angell, "Thee falon no glee; And in erthe seche hast thu ybe." When he had seyd thus, ther thei yode, And byfor the best bothe thei stode, But that was agayn Tundaleis wylle. The angell vaneschyd and he stod stylle. No wondur was thaw he had drede. The fowle fendys comyn gud spede, Thei token hym and bowndyn hym fast, Withynne that best thei connen hym cast. Awhyle within he most dwell. Ther was he beyton with fendys fell, With kene lyonus that on hym gnowe And dragonus that hym al todrowe. With eddrys and snakus full of venym He was all todrawyn yche lym. Now he was in fyr brennand, Now in yse fast fresand. The terys of hys ynee two, Thei brendon as fyr. Hym was full wo. Strong stynke he feld of brymston. He was in peynus mony won. With his nalys in angur and stryfe Hys owne chekus he con al toryfe. Of yche synne that evur he dudde He was upbraydud. Ther was non hudde. In grett wanhope was he ay. He went nevur to have passyd away. But sone he come owt of that peyne. He wyst not how. He was full fayne. Ryght now was he in full grett dowt, And anon aftur was he withowt. He lay awhyly as he wer deed, And sone aftur he stod up in that sted. As he hym dressyd so syttande, He saw the angell byforyn hym stand. He had comfort than of that lyght, When he saw thys angell bryght. The angell twoched sone Tundale And gaff hym strynthe. Than was he hale. Then lovyd he God of His grace With terys sore gretand in that place. He thus passyd that turment, But fordurmore bothe thei went. VI Passus Anodur wey thei to con take, Tyll thei com to an hydous lake. That lake mad an hydous dynne Throw wawys of watur that weron withyne. Tho wawys of that watur roos as hye As any mon myght with is ee ysee. Therin wer howgy bestys and fell That hydously con crye and yell. Her ynee wer brode and brandon bryght, As brannyng lampus don on nyght. On yche a syde thei waytud ay To swolow sowlys that was ther pray. Over that lake then saw thei lygge A wondur long, narow brygge, Too myle of leynthe that was semand And scarsly of the bred of a hand, Of scharpe pykys of yron and stell. Hit was grevows for to fele. Ther myght non passe by that brygge thare, But yeff her feet wer hyrt sare. The hydous bestys in that lake Drew nerre the brygge her pray to take Of sowles that fell of that brygge don. To swolow hem thei wer ay bon. Cryyng and yelling and gowling yfere, Tho noyse was wonder dredfull to here. These hydous bestus wer wondur grette; The sowlys that fell wer her mette. Tundale saw the bestys all And fyr owt of her mowthe walle. The fyr that he saw from hem faulland Made the watur all hotte walland. He saw won stond on the brygge With a burden of corne on is rygge Gretand with a dylfull crye And pleynud his synne full pytuysly. The pykys his fett pykud full sore. He dredyd the bestys mykyll mor That hym to slee wer ay bowne, Yef that he had falle of the brygge don. Tundale askyd the angell bryght, "What meneghth that hydous syght?" The angell onswerud thus agayn, "For hym is ordeynyd this payn That robbyght men of hor ryches Or any gudys that herys is, Lewd or leryd, or Holy Kyrke, Or any wrong to hem woll wyrk. But sum haght more peyn and sum lase All aftur that her synnus his. Sum reckys not wat thei deyre And woll not a kyrke forbeyre. Sum ar fekul and sum unleylle. Sum woll robbe and sum wol stell Thyng that to Holy Chyrche fallys; Sacrileggi that men callys Thei that done wronge or vylony Within that sted of seyntwary, Or within the sted of relegyon Maketh any dystruccioun, All schull thei here turmentyd be In this peyn that thu may see. And he that thu syst on the brygge stand, With tho schevus so sore gretand, Fro Holy Chyrch he hom stale, For thei wer teythe told by tale. Therfor, byes he hem full dere That dede throw peyn that he haght here. Over the brygge schalt thu wend nowe And with thee lede a wyld cowe. Loke thu lede her warly And bewar she fall not by, For wen thu art passyd thi peyn, Thu delyvur hur me agayn. Thee behovys to lede huyr over alle, For that thu thi gossypus cow stale." Than spake Tundale with drury chere, "A mercy, Y aske my lord dere. If all Y toke hur agaynus his wyll, He had hur agayn, as hit was skyll." "That was soght," quod that angell, "For thu myghttust not from hym hur stell. And for he had is cow agayn, Thu schalt have the lesse payn. Yche wyckyd dede, more or lesse, Schall be ponnysched aftur the trespass, But God allmyghty lykusse noght Nowdur ell dede, nor evyll thoght." As Tundale stod that was ylle lykand, The wylde cow was broght to is hande. Maygrey is chekys hym byhovyth nede To take the cow and forthe here lede. Hym thoght hit was to hym gret payne, But he myght not be ther agayn. He dud the angell commandment. By the hornes the cow he hent. He cheryschyd the cow all that he myght, And to the brygge he leduth hor ryght. When he on the brygge was, The cow wold not forthur pas. He saw the bestys in the lake Draw nerre the brygge her pray to take. That cow had ner fall over that tyde And Tundale on that todur syde. He was wonderly sor aferd than Of gret myscheffe. Up than thei wan. Thei passydon forthe, that thoght hym hard, Tyll thei come to the mydwarde, Odur wylye he abovyn, odur wyle the cow; Bothe the hadon sorow ynow. Then mette thei hym that bare the corne Ther went thei bothe. Thei hadon ben lorne, So narow then the brygge was That nowdur myght for othur pas. To hom bothe hit was grette peyn, For nowdur myght ther turne ageyn. Nor nowdur dorst for all myddylerd Loke byhynd hym, so wer thei ferd. The scharpe pykys that thei on yede Made hor feet sore to blede, So that hor blod ran don that tyde Into that watur on eydur syde. He prayd Tundale of mercy That he wold lette hym passe by. He seyd, "Certus Y ne may, For Y may not passe for thee away." Thei wepton sore. Gret dele ther was, For nowdur myght lette odur pas. As Tundale stod with the cow in honde, He saw the angell byfor hym stond. The angell broght hym from that wo And bad hym, "Lette the cow goo." And seyd, "Be of gud comford now, For thu schalt no more lede the cow." Tundale schewyd his fett, that thei wer sore, And seyd, "Lord, Y may goo no more." Then seyd the angell, that hym ladde, "Thynke how sore thi feett bledde, Therfor dredfull is thi way And full grevous, soghth to say." Then towchyd he the feet of Tundale, And as tyd was he all hale. Then seyd Tundale, "A blessyd be thu, That I am delivered from peyn now." The angell seyd, "Thow schalt sone ywytte, A grett peyn abydus hus yette. Fro that sted woll Y thee not save, That is full and more woll have. And thydur now behovyth thee. Ageynes that may thu not bee." VII Passus Tundale went forght, as the boke says, Throw wyldernys and darke ways. He saw an hows hym agayn Was more than any montayn. As an ovon that hows was mad, But the mowthe therof was wyd and brad. Owt at the mowthe the fure brast, And fowle stynkyng lye com owt fast. The lye was bothe grett and thro And start a thowsand fote therfro. The sowlys withhowten that brene to noght, That wykyd gostys thydur had broght. When Tundale had sen that syght, He spake to that angell bryght: "Now goo we to a delfull stedde. Yondur Y holde the yatys of dedde. Who schall delyver me from that sore? Y wene to be ther forevermore." Then seyd the angell gud, "Thu schalt be delyvyred from that styd." "Gret myght he hathe of Goddus grace That may delyver me from that plas." The angelle sone hym answerd, "Tundale," he seyd, "be noght aferd. Withynne yonde hows byhovyth thee to wend, But yonde lye schall thee not schend." When Tundale com that hows nere He saw mony a fowle bocchere, Evyn in the mydward the fyre thei stond And scharp tolys in her hond. Summe hade syculus, knyvus, and saws, Summe had twybyll, brodax, and nawgeres, Cultorus, sythus, kene wytall, Spytyll forkus the sowlys to fall. Thei wer full lodly on to loke. Summe had swerdys and summe hoke, Summe gret axes in here hond That semyd full scharpe bytond. Of that syght had he gret wondur, How thei smyton the sowlus insondur. Summe stroke of the hed, somme the thyes, Summe armus, summe leggus by the kneys, Summe the bodyes in gobedys small, Yette kevered the sowlys togedur all. And ever thei smoton hem to gobbetus ageyn. This thoght Tundale a full grette peyn. Then seyd Tundale to the angell tho, "Lord, delyver me from this woo. Y beseche yow that Y mey passe this care, For sweche a peyn saw Y never are, And all odur turmentus that ben schyll, I woll suffur at yowre wyll." Then seyd the angell to Tundale thus, "This peyn thee thenke full hydous, But in this peyn byhovus thee to bee And eke in more that schalt thu see." Of that peyn he thoght more aw Then of all tho peynus that ever he saw. But sone theraftur he saw thare A peyn that he thoght mare: He saw an hydous hwond dwell Withinne that hows that was full fell. Of that hound grette drede he had. Tundale was never so adrad. Wen he had seyn that syght, He bysoght of that angell bryght That he wold lett hym away steyl, That he com not in that fowle Hell. But the angell wold not for nothyng Grant hym hys askyng. The wykyd gostys that wer within Abowt hym com with gret dynne, With hor tolys and with her geyre, That he saw hom byfore beyre. Among hom thei tokyn Tundale And hewyd hym in gobettus smale. He myght not dye for that peyn, For he was sone hole ageyn. The most maystur of that hows hyght Preston; that was his name ryght. He saw and hard wyle he was thare Gowlyng and gretyng and mykyll care. The lye that he saw withowtton passe Wastyd all that theryn was. Ther was full delfull noyse and crie And hongur for glotenye, That all the sowlys that therin wer Myght not stanche the appetyt there. Tundale saw theryn allsoo Men and wemen that wer full woo, That peynud wer in her prevytys And all tognawyn bytwene hor kneys. He saw within that dongeon Mony men of relygeon That full wer of fowle vermyn Bothe withowttyn and withyn. Strong vermyn on hem he saw, And on every lym beton and gnaw. Tundale knew summe ther full wyll That worthy wer that peyn to fele. But he com sone owt of that peyn. He wyst never how. Than was he fayn. Then stodde Tundale in a darke stede, That was callyd the cawdoron of drede. As he satte, his syght was dym: He saw his angell byfor hym. He seyd to the angyll, "Alas! Wher his the word that wryton was That Goddus mercy schuld passe all thyng? Here see Y therof no tokenyng." Then answeryd the angyll and seyd anon, "That word desseyves mony a mon. Allthauff God be full of myght and mercy, Ryghtwessnes behowyth Hym to do therby. But He forgevyth more wykkydnes, Thenne He findeth ryghtwesnes. Tho peynus that thu haddus wer but lyght. Grettur thu schuldyst have tholud with ryght." Tundale than began to knele And thonked God He schappud so wele. Then sayd the angell to Tundale, "Wherto schuld any mon geff tale, Yf God schuld ay forgeffe hym sone All tho synnus that he had done Withowttyn any peyn to fele? Thenne nedyd a mon nevur to do wele. But thei that ar wykyd and synfull kyd And no penans in body dyd, God takyth on hem no venjans, Yf thei hadon any repentans. Throw His mercy ar thei save. But yette the sowle som peyn schalt have. Oftontymes from mony a wyght Guddus, that han to hom be dyght, Fro hym God hom hathe ytake And dothe here his peynus slake, For insted of peyn is worldus catell, Yf that a mon thonke God of all yll. So schall ther sowlys have lasse peyn Wen dethe to grond hathe hom slayn, And the seyner from all peyn wende To the blysse withowtten ende. But in the world is non, Y wene, Be he of synne nevur so clene, Noght a chyld, for sothe to say, That was boron and deed today Have peyn and drede he schall ryght well, Thaw he schull not hom sore fele. To love more God he woll be fayn That soo may schape suche payn, As the mon that dampnyd is To Hell for his wykkydnes. He schall suche joy in Hevyn ysee That more icy myght nevur bee. That schall greve hym more the syght Then all the peyn that in Hell is dyght, When he may see that grette blysse That he schall forever mysse. But the prest that tho palmer was, That thu saw ovur the brygge pas, He saw all the peynus stronge, But non of hem was he among, For he lovede God almyghty ay And servyd Hym well to his pay. Goddes joy may he not mysse, For he hathe a trone of blysse." When the angyll had thys told To make Tundale the more bold, The angell lad hym yett furdurmare, Tundale folowyd with myckyll care Passus VIII A wondur hydous best thei saw, Of whom Tundale had grett aw. That best was bothe felle and kene And more than he had evur ysene. Two grett wyngys that wer blacke Stod on eydur syde on his backe. Two fett with naylys of yron and stell He had, that weron full scharpe to fell. He had a long nekke and a smalle, But the hed was grett withall. The eyn wer brode in his hed And all wer brannand as fyr red. His mowthe was wyd and syde-lyppud; Hys snowt was with yron typpud Fyr, that myght nevur slakyd bee, Owt of is mowthe com gret plentee. That best sat evyn in mydward A lake, that was froson full hard. That lake was full of gret yse. Ther had sowlys full gret angwysse. That best was bothe fell and gredy And swollod tho sowlys that wer redy, And when the sowlys wer theryn, Ther wer thei peynod for her syn. In strong fyr ther brand thei ay, Too thei wer ner wastud away, And than ycast fro that peyn Tyll thei wer covert agayn. Then wax thei blacke and bloo For sorow and care and muche woo. As wemen doght bothe meke and mylde, When thei ben in berying of chylde, Thei playnod hem and seydon, "Alas!" Harde wer hor peynus for hor trespas. For strong bytyng thei had withyn With wood edderys and odur vermyn That was withynne hem gnawyng ay, As thei among snakys lay. When thei her tymys myght know and see, Thei made hem sorow then gaynyd no glee. Thei made suche dylle sothe to telle, That noyse of hem nygh fylled Hell. So dylfull a noyse was never hard Of men and wemen, so thei fard. But her tyme behovys hem to kepe, When the edders schulld owt of hem crepe, Noght only throw prevy place, But throw ylke a lym maketh her trace. Throw hed and feyt, backe and syde, Throw armus and leggys thei con glyde. Throw wombe and brest thei wer crepand And throw ylk a joynt that thei fand. Thei crepud owt all attonus. Thei sparud neydur flesse nor bwonus. Tho eddres wer full gret and longe With hedys of yron that wer full stronge. Thei had mowthys of fyr glowand And glowand tongus owt schetand. Her taylys wer full of smale broddys As wether hokys wer the oddes. Whan the vermyn wold have owt crepon At the holys that thei made opon, Thei myght not wyn owt hor taylys, Soo fast hyldon the crokyd naylys. Thei turnyd her hedys in agayne thar Throw ylke a joynt thei madon full bare. Thei fretud hom within and hem gnew, And all her bowell they owt drew. Thei smyton her hedds owt and yn; Her taylys thei myght not owt wyn. When tho hokys thay hom ageyns tyt, Thei turnedyn ageyn and toke ther bytt. Fro hed to fotte ay was gnawyng, Scrattyng, fretyng, fleyng, and styngyng. To Hevon the noyse myght have ben harde, So hydously thei crydon and sowle fared. The sowlys thei crydon for grett angwis And pleyndon gretly ther folys. Thei wer not lyveryt of hor payn, For hit was newed ay agayn. Tundale seyd to the angyll bryght, "Lord, this is a dredfull syght. Me thynkyght this peyn well more Then all tho peyn that Y saw before." Then onsweryd the angell ageyn And seyd, "Tundale, this peyn Ys ordeynyd for men of relygyon That kepud not well hor professyon; For monkus, channons, prestus, and clerkus, And for odur men and wemen of Holy Kyrke That delytus hor bodys yn lechery Or in any odur maner of foly, And dothe not as ther ordyr wyll, But ledus hor lyffe aftur ther wyll. Thei schull have the same evermore If thei amend hom not or thei goo before. And for the same thow hast bene, This schalt thu thole, that thu hast sene." When the angyll had seyd thus, The fendys, that wer full hydeous, Within the best Tundale thei ladde, And ther was he within full hard bestad. Therin was he peynyd full long, Brennyng in fyr that was full stronge. Seththyn the best hym owt kest, Then was he swollod as he wold brest. All full of edders than he was, And non of hem myght from odur passe. But wen he shuld delyvered be, Then he myght the angyll ysee With mylde chere befor hym dyd stond. He towched Tundale with hys hond And delyvured hym of that bale. Then seyd the angyll to Tundale, "Com furdurmore and folow me, For more peyn byhovyth thee to se." Fordurmore thei went than, But Tundale thoght hit no gam. Thei come into a wey full derke. Of that way was Tundale yrke, For ther was no more lyght, But that at come of the angyll bryght. That way was strayt and longlastand And worst of all that Tundale fand. Afrontte unnethe thei myght passe So narow of steppus don that was, As thei had come from a hye hyll Don into a deppe dongyll. The more that Tundale folowyd ay, The lengur hym thoght was that way. Tundale feld a stynkyng ayre; Then of his lyffe he was in speyr. Then he sykud and wept full sore, And seyd to the angyll thore, "Lord, wydur schalt this way wend? Me thenkyth this way hasse non ende." Then onsward the angyll fre And seyd, "Y wyll telle thee How this way lythe and into what sted. This is the way that lyght to the dedde." Then seyd Tundale, "How may this be? In boke we may wryton ysee That the way that schall to the deythe lede Ys bothe large and mykyll of brede. Thys is now a narow way That thu us ledust, and longe to asay." Then seyd the angyll, "Wyll Y wate That the boke spekys not of this gate, But of the way of unclannes, Of fleschely lust that dedly is. Be that way men lyghtly wende To the dethe withowttyn ende." IX Passus Then went thei forghthe and furdurmore By that darke way that they in wore. They come to a depe dongyll. Of that syght lykyd hym full yll. That dongyll full of smytheus stood, And smythus abowtte hom yode With grett homerus in hor hond And gret tongus hoote glowand. The smythus wer grymly on to loke. Owt of hor mowthus com grett smoke. These smythus wer full of sowlys within That wepton and madyn grett dyn. In grett fyres thei con hom cast And sethen with homerus leydon on fast. The master of that smythy was bold. Vlkane was is name hold. "Lo yond," quod the angyll, "with is gyn Hathe made mony a mon do syn. Wherfor with hym aftur thare dede, Thei schull be peynod with hym in this stede." Then asked Tundale, "Lord fre, Schall Y among yond fendys be, As odur that han servyd well, So grett peynus for to fell?" Then seyd the angyll sone, "Tundale," he seyd, "thu hast so done That thee behovyth to thole this turment." And then to the smythy he went. The turmentowrus com rennand With furgons and with tongus glowand. Betwene hom hent thei Tundale thar And laddyn hym to muche care. Tundale had thei with hom than And leyt the angyll stond alan. Into that smythy thei hym caste, In myddys the fyr as hem liked best. With gret balyws at hym thei blew, As hit wer as yron ymulton new. Tundale bygan to brenne yche lym, But thowsandus thei brend with hym. Sum of hom thei madyn nesche, As is the watur that is fresche. Sum wer molton as molton ledde, Sum as yron glowyng redde. Thei cast attonus full smartly A thowsand sowlys full peteusly. With yron homorus thei stode And leyde on hem as thei wer wode. A thowsand sowlys togedur thei dong In a pott full wonderly long, As men schull tempore yron and stell, And that was a grysly peyn to fele. That turment most thei long dre, But yett myght thei not fully dye. These turmentowrys wer fowle and blake. Ylke onto odur in cownsell spake What peynus thei myght the sowlys wyrke; Of wykkyd labourus thei wer not yrke. Yet thei dud hom more peyn. Thei smyton hom all insondor ageyn. Odur smythus wer ther that tyde Of anothur smythy ther besyde. Thei seyd, "Habbuth yowr wel her yowr pay. Kest ye hom hydour, lett us asay." Thai lepedon and roredyn and criedon fast And bad tho sowlys to hom kast. And so thei dedyn with greyt talent, And odur smythus thei con hom hent With hokys and tongus hootte glowand, That thei hyldon in hor hand. Hom thoght thei wer not smythyd ynoghe, Up and don the develes hom droghe, And in strong fyr thei brendon hom ay, Tyll thei wer nye brand away. But sone then aftur was Tundale Delyvered owt of that greyt bale Ageyns that grysly smythys wylle. But all tho todur sowlys lafton stylle. When Tundale com owt of that payn, He was sone kevered ageyn. Sone the angyllys voys he hard. The angyll asked hym how he fard. "Tundale," he seyd, "now may thu see Werof thi synnus servyd thee. Thee behowyt to have a gret angwys For thi delytes and thi folys. These that thu art delyvered froo, Wer ordeynyd the peyn for to doo, For with that same company Foluyddyn thee yn thi foly." Tundale stod and cowthe noght say, For his wytte was ner away. Then seyd the angyll as he stood, "Looke thu be of comford gud. Yf all that thu have had tene In sum peyn that thu hast sene, Grettur peynus yett schalt thu see Heraftur that abydus thee. Fro hem schalt thu schap full well, But thee byhovyth sum to fell. Thu schalt see or we wende Sowlys in peyn withowttyn ende. Hor mysdedys hom dampnyd has; Therfor her song is ay 'Alas.' But odur that soghton Goddys mercy Passon that peyn well sycurly." When the angyll had this sayd, His hond upon Tundale he layd. Then was he hoole and feld no soor; Yett went they furthe furdurmore. X Passus As the angyll and he went in company, Ther com a cold all sodenly. Suche a cold Tundale feld That his lymes myght hym not weld. He was ner froson to dedde. Strong darkenes was in that stedde. Then was Tundale full ferd, For more peyn never he hade. For drede of peyn full sore he qwoke. Hym thoght his hedde all toschoke. All his peyn byforyn, hym thoght, So muche as that grevyd hym noght. Then he spake to tho angyll sone And seyd, "Lord, what have Y done? Y am so combret fott and hond That Y may not upryght stond." Then the angyll hym not onsweryd. Then wept Tundale and was ferd. He myght not steron lythe nor lym. The angyll went away from hym. When he myght not the angyll see, Dele he made that was pyté. He went forthe ay furdurmare. To Helle the way lay evyn thare. A deelfull criye he hard sone Of sowlys that wer in peyn don, That dampnyd wer in peyn endles For hor synne and hor wykkydnes. He hard a strong noyse of thondur; To here that dyn hit was grett wondur. Noo hart myght thenke, nor no tong telle How hydous was the noyse of Helle. Then was that sowle in grett dowtte. He lokyd in every syde abowtte. Ever whan come that hydous dyn, He lokyd to have be takyn in. Butt he saw hym besyde A deppe putt muckyll and wyde. Owt of that pyt he saw comand A grett flam of fyr all stynkand. Suche a stynke com of that hole That he myght not long hit thole; Owt of that dyke ther ros evon A pylar that ner raght to Hevon. All brannand that pylar was With lye abowtte as a compas. He saw fendys and sowlys flye On that pylar bothe low and hye. Thei flow ay up and don fast, As sparkelys of fyr thoro wyndus blast. And when the sowlys wer brent to askus all, In myddys the dyke they con falle. They keverdyn that and wer broyght agayn; On this wyse was ever newyd hor payn. Tundale had lever than all myddelerd Have turned ageyn, soo was he ferd. But ageyn myght he not goo, Ne styr hys lymus to nor froo. As he was clomsyd, styll he stod. He was so ferd he was ney wod. With hymselffe he began to stryve And his owne chekys all toryve. He grevdde, he gowlyd, hym was full woo; For he myght not ageyn goo. "Alas," he seyd, "what is tho best red? For now Y wot, Y am but dedde." Tho wykyd gostus, as thei flow Abowt the peler in that low, Thei hardon that gowlyng and that crye; Thei come to hym full hastyly. Brennand hokys with hom thei broght; To turment sowlys wer thei wroght. Thei gretton hym, that sowle that meyné, "Kaytyfe, wealand myght thu bee. Thu metust well with us at home; Tell us now fro wennus thu come. For thi wykkydnes and thi foly In fyr to brenne art thu worthy, For thu come in noo peyn yet to fele. Here in Hell fyr we woll the kele, For now with us schalt thu wende And dwell in Hell withowtyn ende. Of owre maneres we schull thee kenne. Withowt kelyng schalt thu brenne, Evermore to brenne in fyr reed, For thu schalt never passe this steed. Thee tharre not thynke, on no wysse, Too be delyvered of this angwysse In darknes schalt thu ever bee, For lyghtnes schalt thu never see, Trust thu not helpe to have, For noo mercy schall thee save. Wrechyd gost, we schull thee lede To Hell gatys for thi mysdede, For in thi lyffe thu bare thee ylle And wroghttust all ageyn Goddus wyll. Wherfor we wyll thee with us bere Too Satanas owre mastere, That lythe depe in tho pytt of Helle, And with hym schalt thu ther dwelle. He gaffe thee full evyll reyd, That broght thee heddur to this steyd. Ovur late to com woll hym falle To delyver thee from us alle. But now sykyr may thu bee That thu schalt nevur more hym see." The wykkyd gostus togedyr spake And seyd, "This sowle wolle we take. To Satanas cast we hym, that grymly groonus. He schalle hym swolow all attoonus." They brawneschedyn hym and manast fast To Sathanas that sowle to cast. Ther he lay depe in Helle pytte. Thydour they saydon thei wold hym flytte. A hydous noyse the fendys made. Hor eyn wer brannand and brade; As brennand lampus glowand they ware. Full grymly con they on hym stare. Hor teyt wer blacke, scharpe, and long. With tuskus both grett and strong, Her bodyus wer lyke dragonys; Hor tayles wer lyke schorpyonys. They had naylys on her krocus, That wer lyke ankyr hokys As they wer made all of stele; The poyntus wer full scharpe to fele. They had wyngus long and brade; As backe wyngus wer thei made. Whedur they wold, low or hye, With hor wyngus myght they flye. They grennyd on hym and bleryd here yye. That wondur hit was that he dyd not dye. Then com the angyll that hym ladde; Tho fendys than fast away fledde. "Tundale," he seyd, "thu wer full radde. Now may thu make joy and be glad. Thow was the sone of peyn full ryght, And now thu art the sone of lyght. For now forward sycur thu bee; Goddus marcy schall helpe thee. God hathe thee grantyd, thu mayst be feyn, That thu schalt fele noo more payn, But Y woll well that thu wette Moo peynus schalt thu see yette. Com foryt with me smertly; Y schall thee schew thi most enmy To monkynd that ever was, That tysus al men to trespas." A lytull furdurmore they yode, And sone at Hell gatus thei stode. Ther Tundale saw a greyt pytte, That all this world myght not hit dytte. "Com hydour," quod the angyll bryght. "Thu schalt here see an hydous syght. Stond ner this pytte, and loke adon. Thu schalt see her an hydous demon. That pytte is ay darke as nyght And ever schall be withowttyn lyght. Bothe fendys and sowlys, that therin is, Thu schalt see bothe more and lesse. And Satanas, that lythe bound in Helle grond, Thu schalt hym see in a lytull stond. But they schall soo ywrekyd bee That non of hem schall see thee." Tundale than to the pytte wentt Throw the angyll commandmentte. He lokyd don with grett aw. Sathanas at the grond he saw. So ugly was that loghtly wyght Nevur ar was seyn so hydous a syght. And so orybly he fard, And such dull he saw ther and hard, That yeffe a mon had varely An hundryd hedys on won body And as mony mowthus withall, As to yche hed schuld falle, And yche a mowthe above the chyn Had an hundryd tongys within, And ylke a tong cowthe all the wytte That all men have that lyvythe yette, All wer not ynow to tell The peyn that he saw in the pytte of Hell. But Tundale toke full gud kepe On Satanas, that lay soo depe, And avysede hym of that syght On what maner he myght dyscrivyn hit aryght. He cowthe not wetton, he was so grym, In what maner he myght dyscryvyn hym. Hym thoght he was as grett to know As any best that ever he saw. His body was bothe brood and thykke, And as blakke as ever was pykke. So blakk was non, as hym semyd than. Hym thoght he had the schappe of a mon. He was bothe grett and strong And of an hundryt cubytes long. Twenty cubytes was he brad, And ten of thyknes was he mad. And when he gaput, or when he gonus, A thowsand sowlys he swoluwys attonus. Byfor and behynd hym was kende On his body a thowsand hande. And on ylke a honde was ther seyn Twenty fyngrys with nayles keyn, And ylke a fyngur semud than The leynthe of an hundryt sponne And ten sponne abowt of thyknes; Ylke a fyngur was no les. Hys nayles semyd of yron strong. Full scharpe they wer and full long, Lengur than evur was spere of werre, That armyd men wer wont to berre. Mony teght he had that was so wondur. With hom he gnew sowlys insondur. He had a muche long snowt, That was ful large and brod abowt. And hys mowthe was full wyde With hongyng lyppus on eyther syde. Hys tayle was greyt and of gret lenthe, And in hit had he full gret strynthe. With scharpe hokys that in is tayle stykythe The sowlys therwith sore he prekydthe. Apon a gredyron full hot glowand That fowle fende was ay lyggand. Brennand colys lay ay undur, But they wer dym, and that was wondur, Many fendys as gloand folus, With balys blowyng ay at tho colys. So many a sowle abowt hym flow, In myddys the fyr and in the low, That Tundale had full gret farly How the world myght bryng forthe so many. Satanas, that is soo grym, Lay ther bondon yche a lym. With yron cheynus gret and strong On that gredyron that was so long. As Tundale thoght, the cheynus was Lappud abowt with walland bras And the sowlys that he hent With hys hondes wer all torent. He thrast hom insondur, as men dos Grapbys, thrastyng owt the wos. When he had grond hom alle Into the fyr he lette hom falle. And yeyt they kevered all ageyn, And ever putte to new peyn. Tundale hard and saw allsoo How Satanas gronod for woo, Forwhy that he was bond so fast. At ylke a sykyng he con owt cast A thowsand sowlys; from hym they flow Owt at his mowthe into the low. They wer sone scateryd wyde Abowt hym ther on ylke a syde. But that peyn was not ynow. When he ageyn his ande drow, Alle the sowlys he cast owt, That wer yscateryd rond abowt, He swalowyd hom ageyn ychon With smoke of pycche and of brymston. The sowlys that passyd owt of hys hond Fellon into the fyr and brand. When thei ageyn keveryd wor, With his tayle he smot hom sore. Thus peynyd he tho sowlys and dud hom woo And hymselfe was peynyd allsoo. The more peyn that he thare wroght To tho sowlys that thydur were broght, The more peyn his owne was, And fro that peyn may he not passe. The angyll seyd to Tundale, "Here may thu see muche bale. Satanas," he seyd, "this ugly wyght That semyth soo muche unto thy syght, He was the furst creature That God made aftur His fygure. Fro Hevon throw pryd he fell adon Hydour into this depe donjon. Here ys he bounde, as thu may see, And schall tyll Domusday bee. For yeffe they faylyd, that hym schuld hold, Heyvon and erthe trobull he wold. Of tho that thu mayst see with hym, Sum they ar of Adames kyn And odur angells, as Y thee telle, That owt of Hevon with hym felle. Ther ys neydur sowle ne fend, But they ar dampnyd withowttyn ende. And mony mo hydur schulle come Or that hyt bee the Day of Dome, That forsakyth Goddus law And Hys warkys wyll not know, Bothe lewyd men and clarkys, That lovyth synne and cursyd warkys. Thesse sowlys, that thu hast here yseyn, In all the peynus they have beyn. Now ar they cast on this manere To Satanas to thole peyne here. And whosoo is broght to thys kare Schall dwelle therin forevermare. Men that ar of muche myght, That don to pore men wrong and unryght, And woll algate fulfylle hor wyll, Whedur hyt be gud or ylle, And streyn the pore, that ar lesse, Thei aron prynces of wykydnes. In strong turment schull thei bee With fendys, that have of hom posté." Tundale seyd to the angyll sone, "Syr, Goddus wylle behovys to be don, But o thyng wolld Y fayne lere. Why gevyth not God suche power Too all they that aron hold gud men, That throw ryght wollyn odur ken, As He dothe wykkyd men tylle That evermore wykkydnes wyll fullefyll?" The angyll seyd that, "Sumtyme lettus The wykkydnes of suggettus That wolle not be reulyd welle, Therfor gret peynus behovus hom to fele, And for sumtyme God wolle noght That the gud men of this world wer broght To over muche worldys guddus havyng, Lest here tyme of gudnes thei wold lesyng. Thes fowle kaytyf, for all his myght, His not callyd prynse of ryght, But hys men mey hym calle Cheffe of markenes and pryncypalle All theys peynus that thu hast sene, To reckyn hom all bedene, That ordeynyd ben for monnus mysse, Ar but lytyll to the regard of thys." "Sartus," quod Tundale, "ye say well. Y have more dred now as Y fele, Of this syght and more awe Then of all the peyn that evur Y sawe. Therfore, Y pray yow that ye me lede Fro this syght and fro thys drede. Sum felows have Y here ysee That sumtyme with me prevey have bee. Now is hor wonnyng here full depe; Y cleyn forsake hor felyschepe. And to that had Y ben worthy Ner that Jesu on me had mercy; To that same peyn schuld Y have goo And dwellyd therin forevur and oo." This worde the angyll hard, that ther stood, And spake to hym with myld mod, "A blessyd sowle Y may thee calle, For thu art passyd thy peynus all. And all the syghttus that thee have deyred, Therof now thar thee never be aferd. Thu hast now seyn in sorow and stryffe Men that wer of wykyd lyffe. And now schalt thu see that blysse That God hathe holy choson for Hys, And therfor glad may thu be. Cum now forthe and folow me." Primum Gaudium Tundale dyd hys commandment And with the angyll forthe he went. Sone wax hit bryght as the day, And the darkenes was sone away, And the drede that Tundale hadde Was awey; than was he glad. Sone he thonkyd God of Hys grace And folowyd forthe the angylls trace. By that they hadon gon a lytull stonde. They saw a walle was feyr and rounde. Full hye hit was, as Tundale thoght; But sone within the angyll hym broght. Men and wemen saw he thare That semud full of sorow and care, For they had bothe hongur and thurst And grett travell withowttyn rest. Gret cold they hadon alsoo, That dudde hom sorow and made hom woo. Hem wantedyn clothys and foode; As dowmpe bestys, nakyd they yode. Her penanse was hard to see, But lyght they had grett plenté. "Thys folke," quod the angyll, "aryn all save, But penance yett behovys hom to have. All leved they well in honesté, Yette grevyd they God in sum parté. Honestely and well wold they leve, But ovur lytull gud wold they geve, Nowdur to clothe nor to fede The powre men that had gret nede. Therfor wolle God sumtyme that they had peyn, Thoro wykyd stormus of wynd and reyn, And throw greyt hongur and thurst But aftur He woll that they com to rest." The angyll wold noo more say, But went forght fast upon his way, And Tundale folowd aftur fast. They come to a gate at the last. That gate was openyd hom ageyn, And in they went. Tundale was fayn. A feld was ther of feyr flowrys And hewyd aftur all kyn colowrys. Of how com a swete smylle, Swettur than any tong may telle. That plase was soo clere and soo bryght Tundale was joyfull of that syght; Full clerly ther schon the sonne That well was hym that ther myght wonne. Mony feyr treus in that place stood With all kynnus fruyt that was gud. That Tundale hard ther ay amonge Full swet noyse of fowlys song. Full mekyl folke ther was seen That of all kynne syn wer mad clene And delyvered owt of all kyn peyn. They wer joyfull and full feyn. In myddys that plase was a welle, The feyryst that any mon might of telle. From that ran mony stremus sere Of watur, that was both feyre and clere. Tundale thoght ther joy ynooghe. He spake to the angyll and looghe. "Lord," he seyd, "here is greyt solace. Leyt us never wynde from this place." The angyll seyd, "Hit beys not soo. Furdurmore behovus hus to goo. The sowlys that thu syst here within Han ben in peyn for hor syn, But they ar clansyd throw Goddus grace And dwellon here now in this place. But yett hennus may they noghyt To the blysse of Hevon to be broght. Thawye they ben clansyn of all ylle, Here mot thei abydon Goddus wylle. The well that thu hast seyn here, With the watur that spryngus soo clere, Ys callyd be scylle the well of lyfe. The name of that welle is full ryfe. Whosoo drynkyth of hit ryght weyll, Hongur schall he never yfeyll. Ne thrust schall he neyvermare, But lykyng have withowttyn care. Yeffe he wer old, withowttyn peyn Hyt wold make hym yong ageyn." II Gaudium Yett fordurmore the angyll yede, And Tundale folowyd with gud spede. Sone then aftur, as they went, He beheld and toke gud tent Tyll a plas wer they schuld passe, Wer mony a lewde mon wasse. Tundale hade seyn sum of hom are And knew full weyll what thei ware. Among hom too kynggus saw hee, That wer sumtyme of greyt posté. Tho whyle they lewyd on bon and blod, Bothe they wer men of truthe full gudd. The ton of hom Cantaber hyght; That todur was callyd Donatus ryght. Then Tundale spake to the angyll free, "Lord," he seyd, "what may thys bee? These too kynggus, that Y see here, They wer men of greyt powere. They wer bothe stowt and kene. In hom was lytull mercy aseen. Aydur of hem hatyd odur, As cursyd Caym and his brodur. Sertus, syr, me thenkyth ferly, How they myght be so worthyly To come to thys joyfull stedde. Me thynkyght they wer worthy to be dedde." The angyll thoght hyt gret nede To bryng hym owt of that drede And seyd, "Thu schald wytte why That God of hom hathe marcy. Byfor hor deythe ther fylle suche schanse That they had verey repentanse. For Cantaber, when he felle seke, To God con he hys hart meke. He made a vow with delfull cry To yeld hymselfe to God allmyghtty And all hys lyffe in penans to bee When he wore hole and had posté. Donatus was in a preson strong; Beefor hys dethe ther was he long. All hys guddus gaffe he away To pore men for hym to pray. In grett pevertté was he withstadde, And in preson hys lyffe he ladde. Yeffe all they wer kynggys of myghtt, Yette they dyodon in povertté dyghtt. Therfor God wold not hom forsake, But to Hys blysse He wold hom take. Of all hor synnus they con hom scryve, Therfor marcy behovus hom have." Full mekyll joy saw Tundale thare, But yett went they bothe furdurmare. They saw an halle was rychely dyght; Tundale saw never so feyr a syght. The wallys semyd gold of that hows Full well ysett with stonus full precyous. The rofe semyd of carbunkyll ston. Dorrus nor wyndows was ther non, But mony entrys and thei wer wyde, That stodon ay opon on every syde, For all tho that wold in passe Was non lattyd that ther was. Hyt semyd as bryght, bothe far and ner, As evur was sonne that schon here, Large and round were the wonys. The flore was paved with precyous stonus. The halle was withowtton post. Hyt semyd an hows of gret cost. Hyt schon within and withowtte. Tundale lokyd over all abowtte. He saw a seyt ryche aparalyt, Of red gold fynly ennamelyd Clothus of gold and sylke gret plenté Saw he ysprad apon that seytté. He saw sytte on that seytt Kyng Cormake, that was full greytt. Hys clothyng was of ryche hew. Tundale full well that kyng knew. Meche pepull to hym soghtt, And ryche gefftus they hym broghtt. Befor hym stodde they full gladde, And muche joy of hym thei made. Tundale stood ner and toke gud kepe, And byheld that grett worchepe Tho men to Kyng Cormake thus dydde, That sumtyme was hys lord kydde. For he was sumtyme with hym of meyné, Therfore farly of that syght had hee. Prestus and deykenus come ther mony; Befor hym a greyt company All revescyd, as they schuld syng Mas With ryche clothus of holynes. That halle was seytte, within and withowtte, With greytt rychesse all abowtte, With cowpus and chalys rychely dyghtt, With sensowrys of selver and gold bryghtt, With basseynus of gold fayr and seemly, And with tabyllys peyntyd rychely. Tundale thoght, yeffe he had no mare But that joy, thatt he saw thare, He had of joy greytt plentté, So greyt murthe and joy ther saw hee. They knelyd befor that kyng alle, Tho folke that comyn into the halle, And seyd, "Weyll is thee on yche a syde, And weyll thee mott evur betyde. For tho warkys of thi hondys free We have now presented here to thee." Then spake Tundale to the angyll bryght, For he was amerveld of that syght, And seyd, "Of all tho that Y here see, Non hym servyd in lege posté, Therfor grett farly have Y here That they hym worscheppe on this manere." Then answerd the angyll curtesly And seyd to hym, "Well wott Y That of all tho that thu may see Was nevur non of hys meyné, But sum wer pore pylgrimus kyd Too whom oft hys charyté he dyd, And sum wer men of Holy Chyrche, To hold hom was he nevur yrke. Therfor wold God, full of myght, That hyt be yold throw hor hondus ryght."1 "Syr," quod Tundale, "haght he no turment Sothen that he owt of the world went?" Then answerd the angyll ageyn And seyd, "He sufforyd mony a peyn, And in more turment schall he bee. Thu schalt abyde and the sothe ysee." Anon the hows wax darke as nyght, That before was clere and bryght. And all the men that therin wer, They laft hor servyse and dyd no more. The kyng turnyd then from hys seyt. He grevde, he gowlyd, hys dull was gret. Tundale folowyd aftur sone To wytte wat schuld be with hym ydone. He saw mony men sytte kneland, With hor hondys up to God prayand, And seyd, "Gud lord, and Thi wyll hit bee, Have mercy on hym and pyté." Then saw he hym in gret bareyt And in a fyr to the navylle yseytt And above from the navyll upward Clothed with an hayre scharpe and hard. "This peyn," quod the angyll, "behovyth hym to have Yche a day onus, as God vochesave, Forwhy he kept hym not clene Fro that tyme that he weddyd had bene, And also he breke hys othe That he had made to wedlocke bothe. Yche day by ryght he brent schall bee, Sette unto the navyll, as thu myght see, And forwhy that he commandyd to sloo An erle that he hatyd as his foo, That was slayn for hatered Besyde Seynt Patrycke in that sted. Therfor he tholuth, as thu wottus wele, This hayre that is full hard to fele, That grevys hym wher the knottus lyes And dothe hym full grett angwys. Of all odur peyn is he qwytte Save of these too, as thu mayst wytte." Then seyd Tundale anon ryght thus, "How longe schall he suffor thys?" The angyll seyd, "Ilke a day owrys three This grett peyn sufferyn schall hee, And the space of won and twenty owrys He schall have joy and gret honowrys." And with that the angyll went furdurmore Too odur blyssys that was thore. III Gaudium Sone they saw thro syght of yye A wall that was wondur hye, All of bryght sylver all to see, But hit had no yatys nor entré. Within that wall they wer sone togedur, But he west not how they com thydur. Ther they fwond a full delyttabull place That was fulle of murthe and solace. Tundale lokyd abowtte hym thanne And saw mony a mon and woman Synggand ay so muryly And makand joy and melody. Ther they honowryd God allweldand And pleydon and song to not cessand, "Blysse be to God of myghttus most, Fadur and Son and Holy Gost." Hor clothus wer precyows and new, As whytte as snow that ever dyd snew. They wer joyfull and blythe ynogh And song and made myrthe and logh. They lovyd God in Trynité, Nott cessand of that solemnyté, And ay as they wer syngand Her vocys was ever acordant, As melodyes of musyk clere, That full delectabull was to here. Ther was gret swetnes and lykyng And joy and murthe withowttyn sesynge, Honesté, beawtté, and clennes, And helthe withowttyn sekenes. They weron all off wylle free In parfyte love and charyté. The swette savour that ther was All the swetnes of eyrthe dud it passe. "This joy," quod the angyll bryght, "Hathe God ordeynyd for weddyd men ryght That levon in cleyne maryage And keputhe hor bodys from owttrage, And for hom that hor guddys gevyn Too the pore that in myscheff levyn, And for hom that techon dylygenly Hor sogettus to lovyn God allmyghty And chastyn hom aftur hor myght When they don wrong and lyffe not right, And for hom that Holy Chyrche honowrys And mayntenyth hom and sockors. For thoo that don wylle schall at gret Dom here The voys of God that woll say, 'Com neer My Fadur, blessyd chyldyr free, And receyve My kyndam with Mee Ordeynyd and dyght for man Seythyn the tyme that the word began.'" Tundale prayd with gud wylle The angell that he myght dwell stylle. The angell gaff hym noo onswer, For he wold not doo hys prayer. IV Gaudium Furdurmore yett then went thay, Withowttyn travayll or peyn, her way, And ylkon, as they went abowte, Come to Tundale and to hym dyd lowtte And haylsyd hym and callyd hym ryght By hys name, as he hyght. They made gret joy at is metyng, For they wer fayn of his commyng And thonkyd God allmyghtty, That hym delyvered thoro Hys mercy, And seydon. "Honour and lovyng myght bee To the Lord of blys and pyté, That wold not the deythe of synfull men, But that they turne and leve ageyn; And throw Is mercy wold ordeyn Too delyver this sowle from Helle peyn And wold bryng hym thus gracyously Among this holy company." V Gaudium The angell and Tundale yett furdur went, And Tundale lokyd and toke gud tent. They saw a walle, as they schuld passe, Well herre than that todur wasse; That wall semyd to Tundale syghtt As hyt wer all of gold bryght, That was schynand and more clere Than ever was gold in this world here. Tundale thoght more joy of that walle To behold, that bryght metalle, Then hym thoght of the solemnyté And of the joy that he had see. Within that wall come they sone, As they hadon erward done. Tundale beheld that place thare. So fayr a plas saw he never are, Ne he, ne noo eyrthely mon, As that was, that he saw anon. Therin saw he, as hym thoght Mony a trone all of gold wroght And of precyous stonus seer, That wer sette ther on dyverse manere. With ryche clothus wer they kevered ychon, So ryche was ther, eyr never see he non. Holy men and wemen bothe Saten in hom, clad in ryche clothe. He saw abowt hom in that tyde Fayr honourmentys on yche a syde. All that he saw wer full bryghtt. Tundale saw never suche a syght. Ne noo hert myght thynke of eyrthely man Soo fayr a syghtte, as saw he than. Tho greytt bryghtnes of Goddus face Schon among hom in that place. That bryghtnes schon more cleer Then ever schon any sonne here. Allwey hit was fayr and schyre And semyd as hyt had ben gold wyr. Crownus on hor heddus they had ychon Of gold with mony a prescyous ston, Of grett vertu and dyvers colowrys. They semyd all kyngys and emperowrys. Soo feyr crownus, as ther was seen, In this world weron kyng ne qwene. Lectornes he saw befor hem stande Of gold, and bokys on hem lyggande, And all the lettornes that he saw thare Wer made of gold, bothe lasse and mare. They song all ther with myld chere, "Aleluya" with vocys soo clere. Hym thoght they song so swete and clene Hyt passyd all the joyes that he had seen, And soo mykyll joy had he of that That all odur joyes he forgatte. "These men," quod the angell bryght. "Ar holy men that God loyvyd ryght, That for Goddus love wer buxum In eyrthe to thole martyrdum, And that waschyd hor stolys in the blod Of the lombe wyt myld mod, And had laft the world all holely For to sarve God allmyghty And to kepe hor boddys ay fre Fro lechery to chastyté. And they lovyd soburnes ay And wold not lye, but sothe to say. Therfor they ar to God full dere, As hys darlyngys that bee thus here." Among all that joy and solas Tundale lokyd and saw a plas Full of pavelons schynand; Soo fayr wer never non seyn in land. They wer keveryd with purpull and grys, That wer full ryche and grett of pryse, The whylk was oversette and dyght With besantes of gold and selver bryght, And all odur thyngus of beawté That hart myght thynke or eyne myght see. The cordys therof wer bryght and new. They wer of sylke and of rych hew. They wer all with sylver twynud And freyt with gold, that bryght scheynod. On tho cordys wer instrumentus seer Of musykys that hadon swette sond and clere, Orgons, symbals, and tympanys, And harpus that ronge all at onys; They geve a full delectabull sond, Bothe trebull and meyne and burdown, And odur instrumentus full mony That madon a full swette melody. All maner of musyk was ther hard thanne. Soo muche in eyrthe hard never no manne, Not by an hundrythe thowsand part, As this was to any monnus regarde. Within the ryche pavelons, whyte schynande, Ay mekyll folke wer syngande Full swetly with a mery stevon, With all maner of musyk accordant eyvon. So muche myrthe as thei made within, No wordlyche wytte may ymagyn. Tundale thoght that all the blys That evur he had seyn was not to thys. Then spake the angyll with myld chere Unto that sowle on thys manere. "These folke," he seyd, "that murthe makyth thus, They wer gud relygyous, As frerus, monkys, nonnus, and channonus, That welle heldon hor proffessyonnus. The wyche to God wer beysy ay, Too serve hym bothe nyght and dey, Bothe blythelyche and with gud wyll Hys commandementys to fullfylle, And lovyd ay God in hor lyfe here And to Hym ever obeydyand were, And putte hom with clene conscyons Undur the rewle of obeedyons, And to chast lyfe hom toke And all hor fleschely wyll forsoke. Thei hyldon sylens withowtton jangelyng And best lovyd God over all thyng." "Syr," seyd Tundale, "Y pray thee Lett hus goo nerre, that Y may see The swete semland and feyr chere Of the mury songus so schyll and clere." Then seyd the angell so feyr and bright, "Hereof thu schalt have a syght Of hem, as thu hast mee besoghtte, Butt entré to hom getust thu noght. The syghtt," he seyd, "of the Trinyté Schall not be schewyd unto thee. But this Y wolle thee schewe, that Y have hight. Thu schalt be unknowyn of that syght. For all they in worlde here, That have bee borne and children were, That throw Godus grace have ben gud in levyng, Ar now ordeynyd suche lykyng That here they schulle dwell ever for sothe With all halows and with angells bothe; That in hor lyffe ay chast have bene And levyd wylle, as vergynes clene, Thei schall ever thus joyfull bee, For they seen ever God in Hys see." VI Gaudium They went then forthe and fordurmore By a fayr way that they in wore. Full greyt plenté then saw thay Of men and wemmen by that way That semyd all as angells bryght; Soo feyr they semyd to hor syght. Ther was soo swete savour and smyll, That noo hart myght thenke, ne tong telle, And swete voyse and melody Was among that company That made Tundale forgette clene All odur joyes that he had seyn. For all maner instrumentys seer Of musyk that wer swete and clere Gaffe ther sown and wer ryngand Withhowttyn towchyng of monnus hand. And the vocys of spyrytus thare Passyd all joyes that ther ware And made joy and wer gladde And non of hom travell hadde Hor lyppus wer not mevand, Ne made no contynanse with hand. The instrumentys rong ther full schryll, And noo travaylle was don thertyll. All maner of sownd was therin, That hart myght thynke or ymagyn. Fro tho fyrmament above hor hedde Com mony bryght beymus into that sted, Fro the wyche hyng chynus of dyvers fold Schynand full bryght of fyn gold. They hongyd full thycke on ylke a party And annamelyd wondur rychely. All wer they joynyd and fastenyd ryght In yardys of selver full gayly dyght, That hongud up full hye in the eyre. Ther was noo eyrthely lyght never soo feyre. Among them hong greyt plenté Of ryche jowellys and of greyt beawtté, Fyollys and cowpus of greytt prysse, Symbals of sylver and flowre delyce With bellys of gold that mery rong, And angellys flewyn ay among With whyngus of gold schynand bryght. Noo eyrthely mon saw ever seche syght As the angels that flewyn in the eyre Among the beymus that wer soo feyre. Ther was suche joy melody and ryngyng, And suche murthe and such syngyng And suche a syghtt of rychesse, That all this world might hit not gesse, Nor all the wyttus that ever wer sey Cowthe hyt never halfe dyscry. Tundale ever grett delyte had Of that myrthe and joye that was soo glad, That he wold never have gon away, But ther have ydwellyd forever and ay. Then spake the angell with myld mod Unto Tundale ther he stode. "Cum now," he seyd, "hedur to mee." Anon he come and saw a tree, That wonderly mykyll was and hye. Suche on saw he never with yye. Grett and hye that tre was, And brod and round all of compas, Chargytt on yche a syde full evon With all kyn frytte that mon myght nemon, That full delycyous was to fele, With all kyn flowres that savoryd wele, Of dyverse kynd and seer hew: Sum wyte, sum reede, sum yolow, sum blew. And all maner erbys of vartu And of every spyce of valew, That feyr was and swette smylland, Growyd ther and wer floryschand. Mony fowlys of dyverse colowrys Seyt among tho fruyt and the flowrys On the branchus syngant so meryly And madon dyverse melody, Ylkeon of hom on hys best manere. That song was joyfull for to here. Tundale lystenyd fast and logh And thoght that was joy ynoghe. He saw undur that ylke tree, Wonand in cellys, gret plenté Of men and wemen schynand bryght As gold, with all ryches dyght. They loved God with gret talent Of the gyftus that He had hem sent. Ychon had on hys hed a crowne Off gold that was of semyly faschyon, All sett abowtte on seyrwyse With precyous stonus of full gret prise, And septurus in ther hand they had. With gold they wer full rychely clad, With bryght clothus of ryche hew, As they wer kyngys crownyd new. So rychely as they wer dyght Was never eyrthely mon of myght. Than spake the angell as swythe To Tundale, that was bothe glad and blythe, And seyd, "Thys tree, that thu myght see, To all Holy Chyrche may lykkynyd bee. And tho folke, that thu seyste here dwelle Undur tho tree in her scelle, Tho ar men that throw devocyon Made howssus of relygyon And susteynyd well Goddus servyse And fowndyd chyrchys and chantryse And mayntened the state of clargy And feffud Holy Chyrche rychely, Bothe in londys and in rentys, With feyr and worchepfull honowrmentys As they that the world forsoke And to clene relygyon hom toke; Therfor they ar, as thu myght see, All reynyng in won fraternyté And ay schull have rest and pes. And joy and blys that never schall ses." VII Gaudium Noo lengur ther they stoode, But furdurmore yett thei yood. They saw anodur feyr wall stand Of greyt heyght, full bryght schynand. Passe that todur wer feyr ther they had ben, But non so feyr as that was seen. Tundale beehyld hyt and abadde And avysud hym wharof hyt was made. Hee saw this wall, as hym thoght, All of precyous stonus wroght. Hit semyd that the stonus brand, So wer they of red-gold schynand. The stonus wer full whyte and clere; What stonus they wor ye schall here: Crystall that was white and clere, Berell, cresolyte, and saphere, Emeraudus, dyamondus that men desyres, Iacyntus, smaragdynes, and rubyes, Emastyce and charbokull allsoo, Omacles and tapaces and odur moo. Strong stonus of dyverse hew, Suche saw he never, ne knew. Thcn spake the angell so feyr and free, "Tundale," he seyd, "cum up and see." They clombon bothe up on that wall And lokyd don and seyyn over all. The greyt joy that they saw thare Semyd a thowsand fold mare Then all the joy that they had seyn Ther, as they befour had beyn. For noo wytte myght tell of monnus mowthe, Passe he all the wytte of the world cowthe, Ne hart myght thynke, ne eyr yhere, Ne ee see wer hee never soo clere, The joy that ther was and the blysse, That God had ordeynyd for all Hysse. They saw ther, as the story doghthe tell, The nyne ordyrs of angell. They schon as bryght as the sonne, And holy spyrytus among hom wonne. Prevey wordys they hard than, That fallyth to be schewyd to no man. Then seyd the angell on this manere, "Tundale, opon thyn eyrus and here, And that thu herust, thu not foryete, For in thi mynd loke thu hyt sett: God, that ys withowttyn ende, Wolle turne to thee and be thi frend. Now see that here ys joy and blys, That they that here aron schull never mysse." Over that yett sew they moore Among the angelles that ther wore. They seen the Holy Trynyté, God syttyng in Hys majesté. They beheld fast His swette face, That schon so bryght over all that place. All the angells that ther were Renne to behold Hys face so clere, For the bryghtnes and the bewté, That they in Hys face myght see, Was seyvon sythus bryghttur to syght Then ever schon sonne, that was soo lyght; The whyche syght is foode to angelles And lyffe to spyrytus that ther dwelles. In the styd wher they stode, They saw all, bothe evyll and gud, All the joy and the peyn beneythen That they had beforon yseyyene. They saw allsoo all the world brad And all the creaturys that God had mad. Ther saw they the ordur, here as wee wonne, In a bryght bem of the sonne. Ther may nothyng in this world bee Soo sotyll, nor so prevé, But that he may see a party That hathe seyn God allmyghtty. Tho eene that have seen Hym Mow never be made blynd nor dym. Bot they had suche power and myght, Ther they stodon on the walle bryght, That they myght see at a syght clere All thyng that was bothe far and nere. Alle that was behynd hom at that tyde, Byfor hom and on ylke a syde, All at onus, in that bryght place Was schewyd ther befor her face. Of thyngys that Tundale had knowyng thare Hyt was myster to have noo mare. He knew wat thyng that he wold Withowttyn any boke to be told. As Tundale stod, he saw com thanne Won that hyght Renodan That made joy and glad chere And grett hym on fayr manere And toke hym in hys armus lovely And schewyd hym love and curtesy. And seyd as they stod togedur, "Son, blessyd be thi comyng hydur. Fro this tyme forward thu may have lykyng In the world to have gud endyng. Y was sumtyme thy patron free Too whom thu schulldust boxum bee. Thu art holdyn, as thu wost welle, Too me namly on kneus to knele." And when he had seyd thes wordys thare, Hee lafft hys speche and spake noo mare. Tundale loked with blythe chere On ylke a syde, bothe farre and nere. He saw Seynt Patryk of Yrland Commyng in a bryght tyre schynand And mony a byschop nobely dyghtt, Then had he grett joy of that syght. They wer full of joy and lykyng Withowttyn dele or any sykyng. Among that blessydfull company He saw ther fowre byschopus namly That he knew be syght of semland, Whan he was in tho world dwelland. They wer gud men and lyved with ryght, And won of hom Celestyen hyght, That was archebyschop of Armake And muche gud dedde for Goddus sake. And anodur hyght Malachye, That come aftur hym full gracyouslye, That Pwope Celestyen of hys grace Mad archebyschop of that place. In hys lyfe he gaffe with hart glad Too pore men all that he had. He mad colagys and chyrchys mony, That nomburd wer to fowre and fowrty, Namely for men of relygyon Too sarve God with devocyon. He feffyd hem and ynoogh hem gaffe All that was nedfull hom to hafe, Save that aght to hymselfe only, Hee laft hym noght to lyve by. The thrydde of hom that he knew than Hyght Crystyne, that was an holy man, That was sumtyme byschop of Lyons And lord of mony possessyons, But hee was ay meke in hert, Symplyst of wyll and povert. He was Malachynus owne brodur; Aydur of hom loved well oodur. The fowrte of hom, that he ther knew, Hyght Neomon, that was full trew And ryghtwyse whyle he levyd bodyly, That sumtyme was byschop of Clemy And passud all the todur thre Of wytte and wysdam in his degré. Tundale saw besyde hom stand A sege, that was full bryght schynand, But hyt was voyde wen he saw hyt, For he saw non therin sytte. He beheld fast that sege soo bryght And askyd for whom hyt was ydyght. Then spak Malachye and seyd "Thys sege is ordeynud and purveyd For won of owre bredur dere, Wen he commthe schall sytton here, The whyche is yette in the world levand. Ay tyll he com hyt schall voyde stand." Tundale had delyte greytt Of the syghtt of that fayr seytt, And as he stod joyfull and blythe Then com the angell to hym full swythe And spake to hym with blythe chere, "Tundale," he seyd, "how lykuth thee here? Thu hast mony a feyre syght seyn. In dyverse places ther thu hast beyn." "That have Y lord," he seyd, "and loogh, Y have seyn joy ynoogh. Dere lord, Y pray thee of thy grace Leyt me not owt of thys place. For Y wold never owt of this place wende, But dwell here withowttyn ende." "Thu spekyst," quod the angell, "all in veyn. Thu schalt turne to the body ageyn. That thu hast seyyn, hold in thy thoght; And thatt thu hast hard, foryete hyt noght." When he had seyd on thys manere, Then wept Tundale and made sory chere And seyd, "Lord, what have Y done That Y schall turne ageyn so sone To my body full of wrechydnes And leyve all this joy, that here is?" The angell onswerd on thys manere And seyd that, "Ther may non dwelle here, But holy vyrgyns that have bene Chast and kept hor bodys clene, And for the love of God allmyghty Have forsake the world all holely, And to God ar gevyn fro all ylle With all her thoghttus and all her wyll. But suche a thoghtte and wyll was no in thee When thu wast in thi nowne posté. To God wold thu not the bowe, Ne my conseyle wold thu not know. To dwelle here art thu not worthy. But turne agayn to thy body, And of fylthe make thee clene, And fro syn henforward thu thee absteyne. My helpe thu schalt have and my consell, So that thu schalt not of Hevyn fayll." When the angell had seyd thys, Tundale turnyd from all that blysse. Reversio Anime As hys sowle wox all hevy And feld hyt chargyd with hys body, He oponyd hys eene then and saw And hys lymes to hym con draw. And or he spake anythyng, He lyfte up a greyt sykyng. They that hym saw and stodon by Wer astoneyd and had farly. And tho that lovyd hym wer full fayn That he was turnyd to the lyfe ageyn. He dressyd hym up all sykande And weptt and made hevy semlande And seyde thus with a grette crye, "Lord Jesu Cryst, Thy marcé! Worse than Y am," quod he than, "Was never noo boron of woman. But now wylys that Y have space, Y wolle amend with help and grace Off God, that for us tholyd pyne; Y hoope He wolle not my sowle tyne." He spake to hymselfe and seyd, "Kaytyff, Why hast thu levyd so wykd lyff? Hy have ben," he seyd, "a wyckyd man." Full sore hym tenyd at hymselfe than. He bethoght hym of all the tyme, Of the greyt syghttus that he had syen. Therfor hyt semyd be hys contynance That for hys synne he had repentance. All had they ferly that by hym stode That he soo well had turnyd hys mood, For that he was sumtyme soo fell, As ye before have hard me tell, Won of hom, that stod hym next, Askyd hym yf he wold have a preste, For to schryve hym of all the foly And to hosull hym with Goddus body. Then answerd he ageyn. "Yee," he seyd, "Y wold full feyn That the prest come to me To here my schryft in prevyté And to howsull me; then wer Y saffe. Y pray yow do me a prest to haffe, And Goddus body that Y may take, For all my synnus Y woll forsake." The prest come sone, for he was soght, And Goddus body with hym he broght. When Tundale was schrevon and made redy, He receyvyd the ost full mekely. Then spake Tundale with hert free, "Lord," he seyd, "lovyd mot Thu bee, For Thy marcy and Thi gudnes Passus all mennys wykkydnes. Passe hyt be muche and grevus soore, Thy grace and Thi mercy is meche more." Mony a mon and also wemen Wer geydoryd abowt hym then. He told hom wer he had yben, And wat he hard had and seyn; And wat he had feld was in his thoght, He held in mynde and forgeet hit noght; And he warnyd ylke a man that peyn wold drede Too amend hom here, or that they yeede. He cownseld hom to bee holy And bad hom leyve hor greyt foly And turne hom to God allmyghtty, Servyng Hym evermore devowtly. He prechyd the wordys of God thare, That never was prechyd among hem are, And hom that synfull wer he told He repreved hem as Goddus lawe wold; And comfordud gud men, that wer clene, Throw the joy that he had seyn. And whyles he levyd synnus he fledde And all hys lyffe in holynes ledde. He made to the world noo countynance, But he levyd ever in peynanse. He gaffe all hys gud away Too pore men for hym to pray. Noo worldys gud more wold he have, But levyd as long as God vochedsave. And at the last wen he schuld hennus pas, When that Goddus swete wylle was, The sowle departyt from the body And yoode to God allmyghty, In Hevon evermore to dwell. Ther more joy is than tong may tell. Too that joy He hus bring That made Hevyn, eyrthe and all thyng. Ylkon of yow that have hard mee Seythe "Amen" for charytee. Explicit Tundale, quod Hyheg. Be it trwe, or be it fals, Hyt is as the coopy was. |
greatest power Father; Ghost them listen till my conclusion a while abide; (t-note) example heart; greatly fearful sins; fear cleanse him here; misdeeds; (t-note) Ireland; occurred once upon a time; (see note) After; died; death arose hundred years; (t-note) nine winters is written in the; (see note) happened then his proper; (t-note) wicked reputation enough always; treachery; (see note) anger; (t-note) gluttony; always covetousness (avarice) slothful; God's service No works; work (perform); (see note) loved; nor Holy Church charity; (see note) man without pity (compassion) deceivers (entertainers); liars abetted always miscreants always dissension; strife considered would not; his soul harm; (t-note) it bought (redeemed); Hell's pain; (see note) mercy surpassed severe; (see note) trance (unconsciousness) many a huge pain Before it came (see note) could severe fit will hear; understand friends very many treachery behavior many had dread evil usury; silver lend; (see note) nine shillings delaying would; usury give [to the poor] merchandise always dearer; proper price allow days for his own benefit; (t-note) dearer; delay man; demand three horses pence (money); unpaid requested a delay For a certain time; debt; repay offered him security; oath At once he grumbled and became angry exactly the payment threatened him vigorously; great uproar; (t-note) clever; wise set the horses at a very high price Because; payment in hand The man gave him his bond in writing man spoke; courteously And brought him out of his anger; (see note) calmed; heart; great invited; stay to dinner; (t-note) seated and served A great illness he began to feel first morsel while sitting could; lift; hand cried loud; changed expression As if; felt death near wife; house; called Dear lady; for charity Find; battle ax wherever it is I brought hence away I expect to die severely; illness; taken strength; feel I none heart; feeble; I feel I am surely dead, I know full well know I; other Just as he was about to rise from that place Instantly on; floor; down dead Those who were; friends; kinship Heard; experience; befell him They came; heart sad lying dead bells rung; (see note) sung; (see note) clothes; taken stone left somewhat; median vein; (see note); (t-note) believed him not fully dead Therefore; moved; place; (t-note) midday; Wednesday Until; Saturday; noon; (see note) then knew have heard hear; his soul fared When; down suddenly spirit parted immediately; (see note) The soul; dark place wretchedly; it stood alone It wept sorely; lamented greatly thought [himself] to have been damned forever; (see note); (t-note) to come; the sins neither; concealed; hidden; (t-note) rather; than all the world; (see note) To have been [alive] again; frightened saw many a hideous pain; (t-note) Before; again some [souls]; less the; bears witness spirit stood; great confusion; (see note); (t-note) terrifying rabble; (see note) foul fiends ever baring their teeth wolves; leaping would have fled knew; whither These foul fiends came soul; fear; woeful countenance little wonder thought [himself] to have been ripped open They were; horrible to look at He thought; earth; shook Their terribly began they; howl eyes; wide; burning; fire they; anger; ire (wrath) mouths; wide; gaped open fire out; mouths lips hung beneath their chins Their teeth; the throats Their tongues hung out at great length feet; hands; great nails; (t-note) great horns; poisonous tails Their nails; sharp; ground steel Sharper; man feel From them came; (see note) earthly man their nails; place each one scratched They fought each; other; brawled each other; tore to pieces It; wondrously gruesome they were; shaped the world; man; (t-note) could so gruesome a sight describe most fiercely; stared at once; cried; roared Let us go to yonder wicked spirit Who has always done our counsel most death done according to our advice surrounded; about cried; made; great shout; (t-note) You; wretched creature place; prepared companion death's daughter dear without friend foe is your fellowship; caitiff (wretch) chose; life shall; go been; false; fickle said; slander great loved strife; (t-note) loved always much much; committed adultery covetousness (greed) Gluttony; other vice would; leave; treachery lived; mighty Where is; vanity; (see note) great power Where; strength armor; fancily fashioned; (t-note) treasure property; possessions thought; fail avail loved No works; would work (perform) good; the earth matins; masses pain wicked; breast; (t-note) Would; make known; priest Wretch; there did not call traveled soon; star; full bright intently; star Very well comforted; felt Through the power; creator hoped; get some comfort remedy his misery guardian [angel]; (see note) soon; met graciously; greeted gentle manner what do heard shining glad Sweet father misdeeds the fire; would; lead answered the; (see note) frightened creature call earlier I; guardian evening and morning Since; mother born would; pay attention none of mine; assent (be guided) sighed sorely hear you loud or quiet knew I; will power Chased one; foul creature seemed; ugly; (t-note) did know Following him; always worked trusted you not at all God's Although; deserve want greatly; understand must do later severely afflicted pains great them could report; each pain again out of there; drew it seemed to him; dread enough When they; the fiends cruel; (t-note) them roar slandered true unjust said; should; straightaway Each man according to; (see note) ours; reason served us lived lose; us roared and cried; grieved go; from Each fought; other did struggle their nails; cheeks; tear foul a smell; gave off Felt; earthly closely sighed very sadly will see doomed These; will; snatch lead; them; pain get dread may no way; lead many; it seems to you, appear are; more; near While; both us harm consult to defend yourself prophecy; David; (see note) on; left time appearing them eyes; them see, before we two part pains befall; various Through; entry; led deep dale very dark troubled shuddered violently doleful; there deep; intently foul stench; sensed ground; visible coals burning coals; iron; (t-note) glowing it seemed always Four cubits thick it; (see note) The heat; fire; go beyond broad; (t-note) made heat; iron fire; there always alike burning more strongly (t-note) Than; before he came there Upon; set (determined); (see note) Fiends; souls burn; (t-note) melted; cauldron; (t-note) ran through fire; (t-note) As if it; through; (t-note) re-formed (gathered); melted from great woe assigned; (t-note) father; mother; slain; (t-note) other; advice acquiesced; man's death get; release cease other pain; (t-note) Than; here feel; (see note) Unless (t-note) great mountain large; high heard; doleful that one side; seeming [to be] burning dim; (t-note) pitch; brimstone; (see note) that other side frost winds other storms; follow immediately many evil fiends heard them angrily roar had forks; tongs skewers; glowing With which; pulled; pushed were began them drag pushed them; (t-note) afterwards put them; other pain Their; turned (alternated) many times thieves designed; (t-note) robbery commits against men's will their goods take falsehood; beguiles win men's goods; wiles seen Further on still always; ahead proceeded; (t-note) because of; afraid held always forward valley deep; dark troubled deeper bottom groaning; them they heard doleful din pit; sensed coming stinking pitch; brimstone souls burned, many a one seeming pains; before found pit stood between; mountains bridge; (see note) From the one to the other lie steps; count scarcely; one foot; breadth quaking (shaking); bridge Learned; unlearned, maiden; wife Except; perfect life down Off priest; pilgrim palm; hand pilgrim's cloak Just before I do not know [how] to pass over them (i.e., the steps) sorely fearful; was here escape other pain; feel ordained; grievous boasters by the hand firmly led; happy Still; forth knew; whither By; way; darkness bears witness huge (fearsome) beast; larger (lit., more to know) eyes seemed; larger broader than; valleys were armed [men] tusks Two great giants; hung head of the one hung downward the other his head the middle; stood; each Two pillars apart; (see note) three parts gates; open stood flames; went tongue; heart heard; doleful din Howling; lamentation; heard their Loud they heard Their cruel hastened; might and main Those rods; beat; (see note) drove beast spirits; cruel sorrowfully heard; hideous means; hideous answered beast; Acheron; (see note) must (it is fitting for); go entirely pure; life perfect huge beast; teach Is; swallow covetous came to be; hard believed; enough always coveted their souls repent prophecy; written swallow; (see note) great thirst waters east stanch prepared; (t-note) thought; enough felt satisfied with What must say always; have to themselves giants; see with [your] eyes tusks so high acknowledge to their own the names That one is named; that other; (see note) Whither; thence You feel For; such; been went before against vanished though good speed (quickly) bound; tightly beast; began to cast him must beaten by; cruel savage lions; gnawed dragons; pulled apart adders; snakes; venom torn to pieces each limb burning ice; intensely freezing tears; eyes; (t-note) burned sensed of brimstone pains many a one nails cheeks; began to tear to bits each; did reproached; none hidden despair; always thought knew; glad perplexity outside a while as [if] he were dead place raised up; sitting in front of touched gave; strength; well tears; moaning torment further on those two took hideous noise waves rose as high his eyes see huge; cruel did cry eyes; burned; (t-note) burning lamps do waited; (t-note) swallow; (t-note) lie narrow bridge; (see note) Two miles; length; seeming breadth spikes; steel grievous Without their; hurt sorely nearer; their prey off; down; (t-note) always ready growling together their food welled falling boiling one grain; his back; (see note) Moaning; doleful bewailed; piteously spikes; feet pricked dreaded; much more ready If; off means ordained robbed; their goods; theirs Unlearned; learned; Church work (do) have; less; (see note) All according to their sins care not what; injure refrain from destroying a church fickle; unfaithful rob; steal belongs Sacrilege; call; (see note) villainy place of sanctuary; (see note) place of religion destruction; (t-note) tormented; (t-note) see sheaves; moaning them stole tithes counted up; (see note) pays; dearly deed; has here travel lead; cow Be careful to lead; warily (t-note) when You must (it behooves you); her friend's; stole dreary mood Even though; against as it turned out so keep away punished; according to likes not Neither ill deed ill liking Despite everything; must; (t-note) (t-note) did grabbed took good care of her further go their prey nearly; [at] that time that other afraid went passed middle Some times; other times They both; enough bore; grain Where; lost neither dared; the world afraid spikes; went their; bleed [at] that time either Certainly wept; distress neither; other pass comfort; (t-note) showed led truth to say touched quickly; healed know; (t-note) waits for us place to there now [it] behooves you [to go] Against forth wilderness; (see note) house in front of him Like; oven wide; broad fire burst fire dangerous reached outside; burn to nothing thither sorrowful place behold; gates of death know (expect) place (t-note) yonder house [it] behooves you to go fire; destroy butcher tools; their hands sickles; knives; (see note) pickaxes; broad axes; augers Coulters (plowshares), scythes, sharp withall Pitchforks loathsome swords; hooks; (t-note) their hands honed (t-note) smote; apart off; thighs arms; legs; knees chunks (gobbets) recovered before will be [it] behooves you also awe more hound afraid besought; (t-note) sneak noise tools; equipment bear took hewed whole great master; was named (see note) heard while Howling; lamentation; great grief fire Destroyed hunger satisfy private parts gnawed; their thighs Many vermin; (t-note) bite knew; glad place cauldron of dread; (t-note) sign; (see note); (t-note) misleads; (t-note) Although Justice requires forgives righteousness suffered kneel created Why; give heed forgive needed known penance vengeance repentance (see note) Goods; assigned pains lessen possessions (are taken) thank; ill When sooner I believe Not even born; died Though eager escape comfort grieve established; (t-note) miss pilgrim reward throne (t-note) awe cruel wings either feet feel slender eyes wide-lipped nose; tipped; (see note) extinguished frozen ice anguish cruel; greedy swallowed pained Till; wasted cast recovered grew; blue; (t-note) bearing complained (bewailed) (see note) wild adders; (t-note) snakes times dole nearly; (t-note) heard fared their; [they are] obliged adders; creep private each limb feet began to glide creeping found crept; at once neither flesh; bones heads glowing sticking picks; (t-note) shepherds' crooks; points holes; open held; crooked chewed; gnawed bowel stuck; heads get out back pulled Scratching, eating, flaying Heaven; heard fared anguish lamented; sins (follies) delivered renewed kept; their vows monks, canons, priests; clerks; (t-note) delight order requires; (see note) lead their lives (t-note) (see note); (t-note) suffer (t-note) beset Afterwards; cast swollen; burst harm game (pleasure) troubled straight; longlasting found Forward scarcely they might not pass steps down deep valley; (see note); (t-note) sensed; air despair sighed at that time has courteous lies leads great of breadth; (see note) assay; (t-note) Well I know impurity By forth valley forges blacksmiths; went hammers tongs forges; terrifying; (t-note) forges proceeded to throw them then; hammers laid on forge Vulcan; (see note) his devising death tortured; place feel suffer forge tormenters; running pokers; tongs seized alone forge (t-note) bellows melted flaccid at once piteously laid on; crazy beat temper undergo; (t-note) tormenters counsel work tired (t-note) blacksmiths forge You have had; enjoyment Cast; assay leapt blacksmiths proceeded to seize them; (t-note) glowing hot tongs held in their hands beaten enough; (t-note) pulled nearly gruesome blacksmith's the other; left recovered In what way deserve from (t-note) Followed could suffering waits for escape you are obliged to feel some Their; them damned Pass; safely whole; felt control quaked shook grieved; (t-note) numbed stir joint; limb Dole anxiety deep pit great pit; coming endure ditch pillar; nearly reached fire; circumference sparks; through wind's ashes (t-note) recovered rather back; (t-note) enfeebled; (t-note) nearly mad (t-note) advice pillar; fire heard; yowling greeted; group Wretch; surrounded meet whence cool customs; teach cooling place must; way; (see note) (t-note) lies advice hither Too late certain groans threatened; menaced hard thrust Their eyes; burning; broad lamps Their teeth scorpions crooks; (t-note) anchor hooks steel (t-note) bat's wings snarled; stuck out their eyes (t-note) frightened son son safe glad know forth; quickly greatest enemy entices went fill up; (t-note) (see note) (t-note) while compelled loathsome; (see note) before horribly dole; heard if; truly belong each; knew; learning enough paid close attention considered describe tell horrible pitch shape cubits gapes; opens his mouth wide at once seen sharp finger seemed span; (see note) war teeth gnawed nose hanging lips (t-note) pricked gridiron lying coals fiery imps; (see note); (t-note) bellows flame wonder bound chains Surrounded; boiling brass seized torn to pieces; (t-note) Grapes, pressing; juice recovered groaned Because flame scattered breath; (t-note) (t-note) recovered were (t-note) first; (see note) likeness dungeon Doomsday (Judgment Day) trouble (t-note) Judgment Day works clerks (t-note) endure grief (see note) always distress are over them power must like to learn; (t-note) through good others will learn allows subjects ruled (t-note) lose This foul wretch Chief; darkness; principal; (t-note) together man's sin with regard to Surely close dwelling Unless always suffered; (t-note) (see note) grew fair; (see note) travail They lacked dumb; went lived rain forth glad; (t-note) field; fair; (see note) hued; kind of colors smell live trees types of (t-note) birds' many folk kind of sin (see note) streams various enough laughed depart It may not be so us see; (see note) hence Though await (t-note) by reason well-known thirst pleasure went paid attention ordinary man; (see note) before two kings power lived in bone and blood The one of them; was called; (see note) The other; (see note) staunch; brave them Each; hated the other (see note); (t-note) Certainly; a wonder (see note) chance true repentance he was able to make his heart receptive (t-note) healthy; power prison goods gave (see note) poverty; placed Even though died; set confess mercy; (t-note) decorated stones; precious roof; carbuncle; (see note) Doors entries prevented; (t-note) rooms; (t-note) column seat richly adorned finely decorated spread; seat (see note); (t-note) gifts paid attention known company wonder Priests; deacons; (see note) vested; Mass cups; chalices; (see note) censers; silver; (see note) basins tables amazed as a vassal; (t-note) wonder company known (t-note) (t-note) support; unwilling had Since (see note); (t-note) grew wailed; dole (sorrow) know kneeling praying distress navel hairshirt; (see note); (t-note) once; grants Because; pure broke; oath (t-note) because; to be killed earl place; (see note) suffers; understand hairshirt; (t-note) two (t-note) hours there; (t-note) eye found; delightful (see note) Singing making all-ruling played; ceasing snowed happy laughed ceasing; celebration always voices; harmonious ceasing beauty; purity sickness savor pure keep; outrage distress teach subjects chastise succors well; Judgment (see note) children kingdom travail bow greeted bliss and pity (compassion) does not want Unless; live His higher celebration before; (see note) before Neither he, nor any earthly man throne various covered ornaments shining; (t-note) wire value; various colors (t-note) Lecterns books; lying lecterns ready suffer martyrdom washed their robes lamb sobriety truth pavilions seen (see note) which; covered; decorated; (t-note) coins; (see note) (t-note) binding cords entwined fretted; shone instruments various; (t-note) music; sound Organs, cymbals; drums harps; once treble; mean; bass; (see note) pavilions many folk sound harmonious (t-note) worldly (see note) vows busy happily obedient conscience obedience kept silence; chattering nearer resonant them promised; (t-note) ignorant pleasure saints virgins seat smell diverse (t-note) sound spirits travail lips; moving gesture clearly beams chains; (t-note) each part decorated rods air jewels Bowls; cups; price Chimes (Cymbals); fleur-de-lis; (see note) wings joyous wits describe a one Laden kinds of fruit; name (t-note) various herbs (plants); power value smelling birds Each one attentively; laughed Living; cells arrayed desire; (t-note) For the gifts; (t-note) in various ways; (see note) scepters arrayed earnestly pleased cells houses founded; chantries; (see note) clergy endowed; (see note) valuable ornaments reigning; one cease went Passing that other; (t-note) hesitated considered; how crystal; (see note) Beryl, chrysolite; sapphire; (see note) Emeralds, diamonds Zircons, emeralds; rubies; (see note); (t-note) Bloodstones; carbuncle; (see note) Onyx; topaz Surpass ear; (see note) eye (see note) lived Secret; (see note) open; ears; hear; (see note) what you hear; forget (t-note) (t-note) Ran; (t-note) beauty seven times (t-note) (t-note) beneath seen in which we live beam (t-note) subtle; secret part May (t-note) needful One; (see note) greeted (t-note) comfort courteous bound knees to kneel (t-note) happy (see note) attire dressed sadness; sighing bishops; (t-note) appearance (see note) Armagh (see note) Pope; (see note) gave colleges; (see note) numbered donated; enough; gave; (see note) have Except what was necessary to himself only (t-note) (see note) (t-note) (t-note) poor (see note) (see note) just (see note) (see note) seat void (empty) seat prepared seat; ordained; prepared brothers living happy quickly go in vain what (t-note) delivered your own power (t-note) grew; heavy burdened eyes raised; sighing astonished; wonder lifted heavy appearance mercy; (t-note) while suffered pain harm Wretch I accused countenance wonder cruel One shrive; sin (folly) give the Eucharist confession; privacy safe shriven [Communion] host gathered heard before; died (went) reproved; (t-note) permitted went Here ends; says Heeg; (see note); (t-note) true copy |