Aristorius, Christianus mercator
Jonathas, Judeus primus, magister
Jason, Judeus secundus
Jasdon, Judeus tertius
Masphat, Judeus quartus
Malchus, Judeus quintus
Magister phisicus
Coll, servus
Nine may play yt at ease.
1 VEXILLATOR Now the Father and the Sune and the Holy Goste,
That all this wyde worlde hat wrowght,
Save all thes semely, bothe leste and moste,
And brynge yow to the blysse that He hath yow to-bowght!
We be ful purposed with hart and with thowght
Of our mater to tell the entent,
Of the marvellys that wer wondursely wrowght
Of the holi and blyssed Sacrament.
2 VEXILLATOR Sovereyns, and yt lyke yow to here the purpoos of this play2
That ys representyd now in yower syght,
Whych in Aragon was doon, the sothe to saye,
In Eraclea, that famous cyté, aryght:
Therin wonneth a merchaunte of mekyll myght —
Syr Arystorye was called hys name —
Kend full fere with mani a wyght,
Full fer in the worlde sprong hys fame.
1 VEXILLATOR Anon to hym ther cam a Jewe,
With grete rychesse for the nonys,
And wonneth in the cyté of Surrey — this full trewe —
The wyche hade gret plenté of precyous stonys.
Of this Cristen merchaunte he freyned sore,
Wane he wolde have had hys entente.
Twenti pownd and merchaundyse mor
He proferyd for the Holy Sacrament.
2 VEXILLATOR But the Cristen marchaunte therof sed nay,
Because hys profer was of so lityll valewe:
An hundder pownd but he wolde pay
No lenger theron he shuld pursewe.
But mor of ther purpos they gunne speke,
The Holi Sacramente for to bey,
And all for they wolde be wreke,
A gret sume of gold begune down ley.
1 VEXILLATOR Thys Crysten merchante consentyd, the sothe to sey,
And in the nyght after made hym delyveraunce.
Thes Jewes all grete joye made they,
But of thys betyde a straunger chaunce:
They grevid our Lord gretly on grownd
And put Hym to a new passyoun,
With daggers goven Hym many a grevyos wound,
Nayled Hym to a pyller, with pynsons plukked Hym doune.
2 VEXILLATOR And sythe thay toke that blysed brede so sownde3
And in a cawdron they ded Hym boyle.
In a clothe full just they yt wounde,
And so they ded Hym sethe in oyle.
And than thay putt Hym to a new turmentry,
In an hoote ovyn speryd Hym fast.
There He appyred with woundys blody;
The ovyn rofe asondre and all to-brast.
1 VEXILLATOR Thus in our lawe they wer made stedfast:
The Holy Sacrement sheuyd them grette favour.
In contrycyon thyr hertys wer cast
And went and shewyd ther lyves to a confesour.
Thus be maracle of the Kyng of Hevyn,
And by myght and power govyn to the prestys mowthe,
In an howshold wer convertyd iwys elevyn.
At Rome this myracle ys knowen welle kowthe.
2 VEXILLATOR Thys marycle at Rome was presented, for sothe,
Yn the yere of our Lord a thowsand fowr hundder sixty and on,
That the Jewes with Holy Sacrament dyd woth
In the forest seyd of Aragon.
Loo, thus God at a tyme showyd Hym there
Thorwhe Hys mercy and Hys mekyll myght.
Unto the Jewes He gan appere,
That thei shuld nat lesse Hys hevenly lyght.
1 VEXILLATOR Therfor, frendys, with all your myght
Unto youer gostly father shewe your synne.
Beth in no wanhope daye nor nyght;
No maner of dowghtys that Lord put in.
For that the dowghtys the Jewys than in stode,
As ye shall se pleyd, both more and lesse,
Was yf the Sacrament were flesshe and blode.
Therfor they put yt to suche dystresse.
2 VEXILLATOR And yt place yow, thys gaderyng that here ys —
At Croxston on Monday yt shall be sen —
To see the conclusyon of this lytell processe,
Hertely welcum shall yow bene.
Now Jhesu yow sawe from trey and tene,
To send us Hys hyhe joyes of hevyne,
There myght ys withouton mynd to mene.4
Now mynstrell blow up with a mery stevyn!
[Hereafter foloweth the Play of the Conversyon of Ser
Jonathas the Jewe by Myracle of the Blyssed Sacrament.
ARISTORIUS Now Cryst that ys our Creatour from shame He cure us,5
He maynteyn us with myrth that meve upon the molde;6
Unto Hys endelesse joye myghtly He restore us,
All tho that in Hys name in peas well them hold;
For of a merchante most myght therof my tale ys told,
In Eraclea ys non suche, whoso wyll understond,
For of all Aragon I am most myghty of sylverys and of gold.
For and yt wer a countré to by now wold I nat wond.7
Syr Arystory ys my name,
A merchaunte myghty of a royall araye,
Ful wyde in this worlde spryngyth my fame,
Fere kend and knowen, the sothe for to saye.
In all maner of londys, without ony naye,
My merchaundyse renneth, the sothe for to telle,
In Gene and in Jenyse and in Genewaye,
In Surrey and in Saby and in Salern I sell.
In Antyoche and in Almayn moch ys my myght.
In Braban and in Brytayn I am full bold.
In Calabre and in Coleyn ther rynge I full ryght.
In Dordrede and in Denmark, be the clyffys cold,
In Alysander I have abundawnse in the wyde world.
In France and in Farre fresshe be my flowerys.
In Gyldre and in Galys have I bowght and sold.
In Hamborowhe and in Holond moch merchantdyse ys owrys.
In Jerusalem and in Jherico among the Jewes jentle,
Among the Caldeys and Cattlyngys, kend ys my komyng.8
In Raynes and in Rome to Seynt Petyrs temple,
I am knowen certenly for bying and sellyng.
In Mayn and in Melan full mery have I be.
Owt of Navern to Naples moch good ys that I bryng.
In Pondere and in Portyngale moche ys my gle.
In Spayne and in Spruce moche ys my spedyng.
In Lombardy and in Lachborn there ledde ys my lykyng;9
In Taryse and in Turkey there told ys my tale.
And in the dukedom of Oryon moche have I in weldyng,
And thus thorowght all this world sett ys my sale.
No man in thys world may weld more rychesse.
All I thank God of Hys grace for He that me sent,
And as a lordys pere thus lyve I in worthynesse.
My curat wayteth upon me to knowe myn entent,
And men at my weldyng, and all ys me lent
My well for to worke in thys world so wyde.
Me dare they not dysplese by no condescent,
And who so doth he ys nat able to abyde.
PRESBYTER No man shall you tary ne trowble thys tyde,10
But every man delygently shall do yow plesance,
And I unto my connyng to the best shall hem guyde
Unto Godys plesyng to serve yow to attrueaunce.
For ye be worthy and notable in substance of good;11
Of merchauntys of Aragon ye have no pere:
And therof thank God that dyed on the Roode,
That was your makere and hath yow dere.12
ARISTORIUS Forsoth, syr pryst, yower talkyng ys good,
And therfor after your talkyng I wyll atteyn
To wourshyppe my God that dyed on the Roode —
Never whyll that I lyve ageyn that wyll I seyn.
But, Petyr Powle, my clark, I praye thee goo wele pleyn
Thorowght all Eraclea that thow ne wonde,13
And wytte yf ony merchaunte be come to this reyn
Of Surrey or of Sabé or of Shelysdown.
CLERICUS At your wyll for to walke I wyl not say nay,
Smertly to go serche at the waterys syde;
Yf ony plesaunt bargyn be to your paye,
As swyftly as I can, I shall hym to yow guyde.
Now wyll I walke by thes pathes wyde
And seke the haven, both up and down,
To wette yf ony onkowth shyppes therin do ryde
Of Surrey or of Saby or of Shelysdown.
[Now shall the merchantys man withdrawe hym,
and the Jewe Jonathas shall make hys bost:
JONATHAS Now, almyghty Machomet, marke in thi magesté,14
Whose lawes tendrely I have to fulfyll,
After my dethe, bryng me to thy hyhe see,
My sowle for to save, yf yt be thy wyll,
For myn entent ys for to fulfyll,
As my gloryus God thee to honer.
To do agen thy entent, yt shall grue me yll,
Or agen thyn lawe for to reporte.
For I thanke thee hayly, that hast me sent
Gold, sylver, and presyous stonys,
And abunddaunce of spycys thou hast me lent,
As I shall reherse before yow onys:
I have amatystys ryche for the nonys,
And baryllys that be bryght of ble,
And saphyre semely I may show yow attonys,
And crystalys clere for to se.
I have dyamantys derewourthy to dresse,
And emerawdys ryche — I trow they be —
Onys and achatys, both more and lesse,
Tonpazyouns, smaragdys of grete degré,
Perlys precyous grete plenté;
Of rubés ryche I have grete renown,
Crepawdys and calcedonyes, semely to se,
And curyous carbunclys here ye fynd mown.
Spycys I hawe, both grete and smale,
In my shyppes, the sothe for to saye:
Gyngere, lycoresse, and cannyngalle,
And fygys fatte to plesere yow to paye;
Peper and saffyron and spycys smale,
And datys wole dulcett, forto dresse;
Almundys and rys, full every male,
And reysones, both more and lesse;
Clowys, greynis, and gynger grene,
Mace, mastyk, that myght ys,
Synymone, suger, as yow may sene,
Long peper and Indas lycorys;
Orengys and apples of grete apryce,
Pungarnetys and many other spycys.
To tell yow all I have now, iwyse,
And moche other merchandyse of sondry spycys.
Jew Jonathas ys my name.
Jazon and Jazdon, thei waytyn on my wyll;
Masfat and Malchus, they do the same,
As ye may knowe, yt ys bothe rycht and skyll.
I tell yow all, bi dal and by hylle,
In Eraclea ys noon so moche of myght:
Werfor ye owe tenderli to tende me tyll,15
For I am chefe merchaunte of Jewes, I tell yow, be ryght.
But Jazon and Jazdon, a mater wollde I mene,
Mervelously yt ys ment in mynde:
The beleve of thes Cristen men ys false, as I wene,
For they beleve on a cake — me thynk yt ys onkynd.
And all they seye how the prest dothe yt bynd,
And be the myght of hys word make yt flessh and blode.
And thus be a conceyte they wolde make us blynd,
And how that yt shuld be He that deyed upon the Rode.
JASON Yea, yea, master, a strawe for talis!
Tha ma not fale, in my beleve.
But myt we yt gete onys within our pales,
I trowe we shuld sone after putt yt in a preve.
JASDON Now be Machomete so myghty, that ye doon of meve,
I wold I wyste how that we myght yt gete.
I swer be my grete god, and ellys mote I nat cheve,
But wyghtly theron wold I be wreke.
MASPHAT Yea, I dare sey feythfulli that ther feyth ys false:
That was never He that on Calvery was kyld
Or in bred for to be blode: yt ys ontrewe als.
But yet with ther wyles thei wold we were wyld.
MALCHUS Yea, I am myghty Malchus that boldly am byld.
That brede for to bete byggly am I bent.
Onys out of ther handys and yt myght be exyled,
To helpe castyn yt in care wold I counsent.16
JONATHAS Well, syrse, than kype cunsel, I cummande yow all,
And no word of all thys be wyst.
But let us walke to see Arystories hall,
And afterwarde more counsell among us shall caste.
With hym to bey and to sel I am of powere prest.17
A bargyn with hym to make I wyll assaye:
For gold and sylver I am nothyng agast,
But that we shall get that cake to ower paye.
[Her shall Ser Ysodyr the prest speke onto Ser Arystori,
seyng on thys wyse to hym. And Jonatas goo don of his stage.
PRESBYTER Syr, be yowr leve I may no lengere dwell:
Yt ys fer paste none, yt ys tyme to go to cherche,
There to saye myn evynsong, forsothe as I yow tell,
And syth coume home ageyne, as I am wont to werche.
ARISTORIUS Sir Isydor, I praye yow: wallke at yowr wyll,
For to serfe God yt ys well doune,
And syt com agen, and ye shall suppe your fyll,
And walke than to your chamber, as ye are wont to doon.
[Her shall the marchant men mete with the Jewes.
JONATHAS A, Peter Pocole, good daye and wele imett!
Wer ys thy master, as I thee pray?
CLERICUS Long from hym have I not lett
Syt I cam from hym, the sothe for to saye.
Wat tidyng with yow, ser, I yow praye,
Affter my master that ye doo frayne?
Have ye ony bargen that wer to hys paye?
Let me have knowlech; I shall wete hym to seyn.
JONATHAS I have bargenes royall and rych,
For a marchaunt with to bye and sell.
In all thys lond is ther non lyke
Of aboundaunce of good, as I will tell.
[Her shall the Clerk goon to Sir Aristori, saluting him thus
CLERICUS All hayll, master, and wel mot yow be!
Now tydyngys can I yow tell:
The grettest marchante in all Surré
Ys come with yow to bey and sell.
This tal ryght wele he me told.
Sir Jonatas ys hys nam,
A marchant of ryght gret fame.
He wolld sell yow, without blame,
Plenté of clothe of golde.
ARISTORIUS Petre Powle, I can thee thanke.
I prey thee rychely araye myn hall
As owyth for a marchant of the banke;
Lete non defawte be fownd at all.
CLERICUS Sekyrly, master, no more ther shall.
Styffly about I thynke to stere,
Hasterli to hange your parlowr with pall,
As longeth for a lordis pere.
[Here shall the Jewe merchaunt and his men come to the Cristen merchaunte.
JONATHAS All haylle, Syr Aristorye, semelé to se,
The myghtyest merchaunte of Arigon!
Of yower welfare fayn wet wold we,
And to bargeyn with you this day am I boun.
ARISTORIUS Sir Jonathas, ye be wellcum unto myn hall!
I pray yow come up and sit bi me,
And tell me wat good ye have to sell,
And yf ony bargeny mad may be. made
JONATHAS I have clothe of gold, precyous stons, and spycys plenté:
Wyth yoll a bargen wold I make.
I wold bartre wyth yow in pryvyté
On lytell thyng, that ye wyll me yt take
Prevely in this stownd.
And I woll sure yow, be thys lyght,
Never dystren yow, daye nor nyght,
But be sworn to yow full ryght
And geve yow twenti pownd.
ARISTORIUS Sir Jonathas, sey me for my sake
What maner of marchandis ys that ye mene.
JONATHAS Yowr God that ys full mytheti in a cake,
And thys good anoon shall yow seen.
ARISTORIUS Nay, in feyth! That shall not bene!
I woll not for an hundder pownd
To stond in fere my Lord to tene,
And for so lytell a walew in conscyence to stond bownd.
JONATHAS Sir, the entent ys if I myght knowe or undertake
Yf that He were God allmyght,
Of all my mys I woll amende make
And doon Hym wourshepe, bothe day and nyght.
ARISTORIUS Jonathas, trowth I shall thee tell:
I stond in gret dowght to do that dede,
To yow that dere all for to sell18
I fere me that I shuld stond in drede,
For and I unto the chyrche yede,
And preste or clerke myght me aspye,
To the bysshope thei wolde go tell that dede
And apeche me of eresye!
JONATHAS Sir, as for that: good shyffte may ye make,
And, for a vaylle, to walkyn on a nyght
Wan prest and clerk to rest ben take:
Than shall ye be spyde of no wyght.
ARISTORIUS Now sey me, Jonathas, be this lyght:
Wat payment therfor wollde yow me make?
JONATHAS Forty pownd, and pay yt ful ryght,
Evyn for that Lorde sake.
ARISTORIUS Nay, nay, Jonathas, there-ageyn:
I wold not for an hundder pownd!
JONATHAS Sir, hir ys yowr askyng toolde pleyn:
I shall yt tell in this stownd,
Here is an hundder pownd, neyther mor nor lasse,
Of dokettys good, I dar well saye.
Tell yt ere yow from me passe;
Me thynketh yt a royall araye.
But fyrst I pray yow tell me thys:
Of thys thyng whan shall I hafe delyverance?
ARISTORIUS Tomorowe betymes, I shall not myse;
This nyght, therfor, I shall make purveaunce.
Syr Isodyr, he ys now at chyrch,
There seyng hys evynsong
As yt ys worshepe for to werche.
He shall sone cum home — he wyll nat be long —
Hys sopere for to eate.
And when he ys buskyd to hys bedde,
Ryght sonee hereafter he shal be spedd.
No speche among yow ther be spredd,
To kepe yowr toungys ye nott lett.
JONATHAS Syr, almyghty Machomyght be with yow,
And I shall cum agayn ryght sone!
ARISTORIUS Jonathas, ye wott what I have sayd, and how
I shall walke for that we have to doun.
[Here goeth the Jewys away and the preste commyth home.
PRESBYTER Syr, almyghty God mott be yowr gyde,
And glad yow wheresoo ye rest!
ARISTORIUS Syr, ye be welcom home thys tyde!
Now, Peter, gett us wyne of the best.
CLERICUS Syr, here ys a drawte of Romney red —
Ther ys no better in Aragon —
And a lofe of lyght bred:
Yt ys holesom, as sayeth the fesycyon.
ARISTORIUS Drynke of, Ser Isoder, and be of good chere!
Thys Romney ys good to goo with to reste:
Ther ys no precyouser fer nor nere,
For all wykkyd metys yt wyll degest.
PRESBYTER Syr, thys wyne ys good at a taste,
And therof have I drunke ryght well!
To bed to gone thus have I cast,
Evyn strayt after thys mery mele.
Now, ser, I pray to God send yow good rest,
For to my chambere now wyll I gonne.
ARISTORIUS Ser, with yow be God almyght
And sheld yow ever from yowr fone.
[Here shall Aristorius call hys Clarke to hys presens:
Howe, Peter, in thee ys all my trust,
In especyall to kepe my counsell,
For a lytyll waye walkyn I must.
I wyll not be long, trust as I thee tell.
Now prevely wyll I preve my pace,
My bargayn thys nyght for to fulfyll.
Ser Isoder shall nott know of thys case,
For he hath oftyn sacred, as yt ys skyll.
The chyrche key ys at my wyll;
Ther ys no thyng that me shall tary.
I wyll nott abyde by dale nor hyll
Tyll yt be wrowght, by Saynt Mary!
[Here shal he enter the chyrche and take the Hoost.
Ah, now have I all myn entent!
Unto Jonathas now wyll I fare;
To fullfyll my bargayn have I ment,
For that mony wyll amend my fare,
As thynkyth me.
But now wyll I passe by thes pathes playne;
To mete with Jonathas I wold fayne.
Ah, yonder he commytht in certayn:
Me thynkyth I hym see.
Welcom, Jonathas, gentyll and trew!
For well and trwly thou kepyst thyn howre.
Here ys the Host sacred newe:
Now wyll I home to halle and bowre.
JONATHAS And I shall kepe thys trusty treasure,
As I wold doo my gold and fee.
Now in thys clothe I shall thee covere,
That no wyght shall thee see.
[Here shall Arystory goo hys waye and Jonathas and
hys servauntys shall goo to the tabyll thus sayng:
JONATHAS Now, Jason and Jasdon, ye be Jewys jentyll;
Masfatt and Malchus, that myghty arn in mynd:
Thys merchant from the Crysten temple
Hathe gett us thys bred that make us thus blynd.
Now, Jason so jentyll as ever was the lynde,
Into the forsayd parlowr prevely take thy pase,
Sprede a clothe on the tabyll that ye shall ther fynd,
And we shall folow after to carpe of thys case.
[Here the Jewys goon and lay the Ost on the tabyll sayng:
JONATHAS Syrys, I praye yow all harkyn to my sawe.
Thes Crysten men carpyn of a mervelows case:
They say that this ys Jhesu that was attayntyd in owr lawe,
And that thys ys He that crwcyfyed was.
On thes wordys ther law growndyd hath He,
That He sayd on Shere Thursday at Hys sopere:
He brake the brede and sayd, “Accipite,”
And gave Hys dyscyplys them for to chere.
And more He sayd to them there,
Whyle they were all togethere and sum,
Syttyng at the table soo clere:
“Comedite corpus meum.”
And thys powre He gave Peter to proclame,
And how the same shuld be suffycyent to all prechors —
The bysshoppys and curatys saye the same —
And soo as I understond do all Hys progenytors.
JASON Yea, sum men in that law reherse another:
They say of a maydyn borne was Hee,
And how Joachyms dowghter shuld be Hys mother,
And how Gabrell apperyd and sayd, “Ave,”
And with that worde she shuld conceyvyd be,
And that in hyr shuld lyght the Holy Gost.
Ageyns owr law thys ys false heresy,
And yett they saye He ys of myghtys most.
JASON They saye that Jhesu to be owr kyng,
But I wene He bowght that full dere;19
But they make a royall aray of Hys uprysyng,
And that in every place ys prechyd farre and nere,
And how He to Hys dyscyples agayn dyd appere —
To Thomas and to Mary Mawdelen —
And syth how He styed by Hys own powre.
And thys ye know well ys heresy full playn.
MASPHAT Yea, and also they say He sent them wytt and wysdom
For to understond every langwage:
When the Holy Gost to them came,
They faryd as dronk men of pyments or vernage.20
And sythen how that He lykenyd Hymself a Lord of Parage:
On Hys Fatherys ryght hond He Hym sett.
They hold Hym wyser than ever was Syble sage
And strenger than Alexander that all the worlde ded gett!
MALCHUS Yea, yet they saye as fals, I dare laye my hedde,
How they that be ded shall com agayn to Judgement,
And owr dredfull Judge shal be thys same brede,
And how lyfe everlastyng them shuld be lent.
And thus they hold, all at on consent,
Because that Phylyppe sayd for a lytyll glosse —
To turne us from owr beleve ys ther entent —
For that he sayd, “Judecare vivos et mortuos.”
JONATHAS Now, serys, ye have rehersyd the substaunce of ther lawe.
But thys bred I wold myght be put in a prefe:21
Whether this be He that in Bosra of us had awe.
Ther staynyd were Hys clothys, this may we belefe;
Thys may we know, ther had He grefe,
For owr old bookys veryfy thus.
Theron He was jugett to be hangyd as a thefe,
Tinctis Bosra vestibus.
JASON Yf that thys be He that on Calvery was mad red,
Onto my mynd, I shall kenne yow a conceyt good:22
Surely with owr daggars we shall ses on thys bredde,
And so with clowtys we shall know yf He have eny blood.
JASDON Now by Machomyth so myghty that mevyth in my mode,
Thys ys masterly ment, thys matter thus to meve,23
And with owr strokys we shall fray Hym as He was on the Rood,
That He was ondon with grett repreve.
MASPHAT Yea, I pray yow smyte ye in the myddys of the cake,
And so shall we smyte theron woundys fyve.
We wyll not spare to wyrke yt wrake
To prove in thys brede yf ther be eny lyfe.
MALCHUS Yea, goowe to than, and take yowr space,
And looke owr daggarys be sharpe and kene,
And when eche man a stroke smytte hase
In the mydyll part therof owr master shall bene.
JONATHAS When ye have all smytyn, my stroke shal be sene:
With this same dagger that ys so styf and strong
In the myddys of thys prynt I thynke for to prene.
On lashe I shall Hym lende or yt be long.
[Here shall the fowr Jewys pryk ther daggerys in fowr
quarters thus sayng:
JASON Have at yt! Have at yt with all my myght!
Thys syde I hope for to sese.
JASDON And I shall with thys blade so bryght
Thys other syde freshely afeze!
MASPHAT And I yow plyght I shall Hym not please,
For with thys punche I shall Hym pryke!
MALCHUS And with thys augur I shall Hym not ease;
Another buffett shall He lykke!
JONATHAS Now am I bold with batayle Hym to bleyke,
The mydle part alle for to prene,
A stowte stroke also for to stryke!
In the myddys yt shal be sene!
[Here the Ost must blede
Ah, owt, owt, harrow! What devyll ys thys?
Of thys wyrk I am in were!
Yt bledyth as yt were woode, iwys!
But yf ye helpe, I shall dyspayre!
JASON A fyre, a fyre, and that in hast!
Anoon a cawdron full of oyle!
JASDON And I shalle helpe yt were in cast,
All the three howrys for to boyle.
MASPHAT Yea, here is a furneys stowte and strong,
And a cawdron therin dothe hong.
Malcus, wher art thow so long
To helpe thys dede were dyght?
MALCHUS Loo, here ys fowr galouns of oyle clere.
Have doon fast! Blowe up the fere!
Syr, bryng that ylke cake nere
Manly with all yowre mygthe.
JONATHAS And I shall bryng the ylke cak
And throwe yt in, I undertake.
Out, out! Yt werketh me wrake!
I may not awoyd yt owt of my hond!
I wylle goo drenche me in a lake,
And in woodnesse I gynne to wake:
I renne, I lepe over this lond!
[Her he renneth wood with the Ost in hys hond.
JASON Renne, felawes, renne, for Cokkys peyn,
Fast we had owr mayster ageyne!
Hold prestly on thys pleyn,
And faste bynd hyme to a poste.
JASDON Here is an hamer and naylys three, I seye.
Lyffte up hys armys, felawe, on hey
Whyll I dryve thes nayles, I yow praye,
With strong strokys fast.
MASPHAT Now set on, felouse, with mayne and myght,
And pluke hys armes awey in fyght.
Wat yfe he twycche, felouse, aryght!
Alas, balys breweth ryght badde.
[Here shall thay pluke the arme and the
hond shall hang styll with the Sacrament.
MALCHUS Alas, alas, what devyll ys thys?
Now hat he but oon hand, iwyse!
For sothe, mayster, ryght woo me is
That ye this harme hawe hadde.
JONATHAS Ther ys no more; I must enduer.
Now hastely to owr chamber lete us gon,
Tyll I may get me sum recuer.
And therfor charge yow, everychoon,
That yt be counsell that we have doon.
[Here shall the lechys man come into the place sayng:
COLLE Aha, here ys a fayer felawshyppe,
Thewh I be nat shapyn, I lyst to sleppe
I have a master I wolld he had the pyppe,
I tell yow in counsel.
He ys a man off all syence
But of thryffte, I may with yow dyspence:
He syttyth with sum tapstere in the spence —
Hys hoode there wyll he sell.
Mayster Brendyche of Braban —
I tell yow he ys that same man —
Called the most famous phesycyan
That ever sawe uryne!
He seeth as wele at noone as at nyght,
And sumtyme by a candelleyt
Can gyf a judgyment aryght
As he that hathe noon eyn.
He ys allso a boone-setter,
I knowe no man go the better.
In every taverne he ys detter:
That ys a good tokenyng!
But ever I wonder he ys so long.
I fere ther gooth sum thyng awrong,
For he hath dysarvyde to be hong:
God send never wurse tydyng.
He had a lady late in cure,
I wot be this she ys full sure:
There shall never Cristen creature
Here hyr tell no tale!
And I stode here tyll mydnyght,
I cowde not declare aryght
My masteris cunyng insyght
That he hat in good ale.
But what devyll ayleth hym, so long to taré?
A seek man myght soone myscary.
Now all the devyllys of Hell hym wari,
God gunte me my boon!
I trowe best we mak a crye:
Yf any man can hym aspye,
Led hym to the pylleri;
In fayth yt shall be don!
[Here shall he stond up and make proclamacion, seyng thys:
COLLE Yf ther be eyther man or woman
That sawe Master Brundyche of Braban,
Or owyht of hym tel can,
Shall wele be quit hys med.
He hath a cut berd and a flatte noose,
A therde-bare gowne, and a-rent hoose.
He spekyt never good matere nor purpoose.
To the pylleré ye hym led!
BRUNDYCHE What! Thu boye, what janglest here?
COLLE A! Master, master, but to your reverence,
I wend never to a seen yowr goodly chere,
Ye tared hens so long!
BRUNDYCHE What hast thow sayd in my absense?
COLLE Nothyng, master, but to yowr reverence
I have told all this audiense.
(And some lyes among!)
But, master, I pray yow: how dothe yowr pacyent
That ye had last under yowr medycament?
BRUNDYCHE I waraunt she never fele anoyment.
COLLE Why, ys she in hyr grave?
BRUNDYCHE I have gyven hyr a drynke made full well
Wyth scamoly and with oxennell,
Letwyce, sawge, and pympernelle.
COLLE Nay, than she ys full save!
For now ye ar cum, I dare well saye
Betuyn Dovyr and Calyce the ryght wey
Dwellth non so cunnyng, be my fey,
In my judgyment.
BRUNDYCHE Cunnyng, yea, yea! And with prattyffe
I have savid many a mannys lyfe.
COLLE On wydowes, maydese, and wyfe
Yowr connyng yow have nyh spent!
BRUNDYCHE Were ys my bowgett with drynk profytable?
COLLE Here, master, master! Ware how ye tugg:
The devyll I trowe within shrugge,
For yt gooth rebyll-rable.
BRUNDYCHE Here ys a grete congregacyon,
And all be not hole without negacyon.
I wold have certyfycacyon:
Stond up and make a proclamacion.
Have do faste, and make no pausacyon,
But wyghtly mak a declaracion
To all people that helpe wolde have.
[Hic interim proclamacionem faciet:
COLLE All manar of men that have any syknes,
To Master Brentberecly loke that yow redresse.
What dysease or syknesse that ever ye have,
He wyll never leve yow tyll ye be in yowr grave!
Who hat the canker, the collyke, or the laxe,
The tercyan, the quartan, or the brynnyng axs,
For wormys, for gnawyng, gryndyng in the wombe or in the boldyro,
All maner red eyn, bleryd eyn, and the myegrym also,
For hedache, bonache, and therto the tothache,
The colt-evyll and the brostyn men he wyll undertak.
All tho that have the poose, the sneke, or the tyseke,24
Thowh a man were ryght heyle, he cowd soone make hym sek.
Inquyre to the colkote, for ther ys hys loggyng,
A lytyll besyde Babwell Myll, yf ye wyll have understondyng.
BRUNDYCHE Now yf ther be ether man or woman
That nedeth helpe of a phesyscian —
COLLE Mary, master, that I tell can,
And ye wyll understond.
BRUNDYCHE Knoest any abut this plase?
COLLE Ye, that I do, mastre, so have I grase.
Here ys a Jewe, hyght Jonathas,
Hath lost hys ryght hond.
BRUNDYCHE Fast to hym I wold inquere.
COLLE For God, master, the gate ys hyre.
BRUNDYCHE Than to hym I wyll go nere.
My master, wele mot yow be!
JONATHAS What doost here, felawe? What woldest thu hanne?
BRUNDYCHE Syr, yf yow nede ony surgeon or physycyan,
Of yowr dysese help yow welle I cane,
What hurtys or hermes soever they be.
JONATHAS Syr, thu art ontawght to come in thus homly,
Or to pere in my presence thus malepertly.
Voydoth from my syght, and that wyghtly,
For ye be mysse-avysed.
COLLE Syr, the hurt of yowr hand ys knowen full ryfe,
And my master have savyd many a manes lyfe.
JONATHAS I trowe ye be cum to make sum stryfe.
Hens fast, lest that ye be chastysed!
COLLE Syr, ye know well yt can nott mysse:
Men that be masters of scyens be profytable.
In a pott, yf yt please yow to pysse,
He can tell yf yow be curable.
JONATHAS Avoyde, fealows! I love not yowr bable.
Brushe them hens bothe, and that anon;
Gyf them ther reward that they were gone!
[Here shall the fowr Jewys bett away the leche and hys man
JONATHAS Now have don, felawys, and that anon.
For dowte of drede what after befall,
I am nere masyd — my wytte ys gon!
Therfor of helpe, I pray yow all.
And take yowre pynsonys, that ar so sure,
And pluck owt the naylys, won and won.
Also in a clothe ye yt cure,
And throw yt in the cawdron, and that anon.
[Here shall Jason pluck owt the naylys and
shake the hond into the cawdron.
JASON And I shall rape me redely anon,
To plucke owt the naylys that stond so fast,
And beare thys bred, and also thys bone,
And into the cawdron I wyll yt cast.
JASDON And I shall, with thys dagger so stowte,
Putt yt down, that yt myght plawe,
And steare the clothe rounde abowte,
That no thyng therof shal be rawe.
MASPHAT And I shall manly, with all my myght,
Make the fyre to blase and brynne
And sett therunder suche a lyght,
That yt shall make yt ryght thynne.
[Here shall the cawdron byle, apperyng to be as blood.
MALCHUS Owt and harow! What devyll ys herein?
All thys oyle waxyth redde as blood,
And owt of the cawdron yt begynnyth to rin!
I am so aferd, I am nere woode!
[Here shall Jason and hys compeny goo to Ser Jonathas sayng:
JASON Ah, master, master! What chere ys with yow?
I can nott see owr werke wyll avayle.
I beseche yow avance yow now
Sumwhatt with yowr counsayle.
JONATHAS The best counsayle that I now wott,
That I can deme, farre and nere,
Ys to make an ovyn as redd hott
As ever yt can be made with fere,
And when ye see yt soo hott appere,
Then throw yt into the ovyn fast.
Sone shall he stanche hys bledyng chere;
When ye have donne, stoppe yt; be not agast.
JASDON Be my fayth, yt shal be wrowght,
And that anon, in gret hast.
Bryng on fyryng, serys, here ye nowght?
To hete thys ovyn be nott agast.
MASPHAT Here ys straw and thornys kene.
Com on, Malchas, and bryng on fere,
For that shall hete yt well, I wene
[Here thei kyndyll the fyre.
Blow on fast that done yt were.
MALCHUS Ah, how thys fyre gynnyth to brenne clere!
Thys ovyn ryght hotte I thynk to make.
Now, Jason, to the cawdron that ye stere,
And fast fetche hether that ylke cake.
[Here shall Jason goo to the cawdron and take owt the
Ost with hys pynsonys and cast yt into the ovyn.
JASON I shall with thes pynsonys, withowt dowt,
Shake thys cake owt of thys clothe,
And to the ovyn I shall yt rowte
And stoppe Hym there, thow He be loth.
The cake I have cawght here, in good sothe;
The hand ys soden, the fleshe from the bonys.
Now into the ovyn I wyll therwith.
Stoppe yt, Jasdon, for the nonys.
JASDON I stoppe thys ovyn, wythowtyn dowte,
With clay I clome yt uppe ryght fast,
That non heat shall cum owtte.
I trow there shall He hete and drye in hast.
[Here the owyn must ryve asunder and blede owt at the cranys
and an image appere owt, with woundys bledyng.
MASPHAT Owt, owt! Here ys a grete wondere:
Thys ovyn bledyth owt on every syde!
MALCHUS Yea, the ovyn on peacys gynnyth to ryve asundre;
Thys ys a mervelows case thys tyde!
[Here shall the image speke to the Juys, sayng thus:
JESUS O mirabiles Judei, attendite et videte
Si est dolor sicut dolor meus.25
Oh ye merveylows Jewys,
Why ar ye to yowr Kyng onkynd,
And I so bytterly bowt yow to my blysse?
Why fare ye thus fule with yowre frende?
Why peyne yow me and straytly me pynde,
And I yowr love so derely have bowght?
Why are ye so unstedfast in yor mynde?
Why wrath ye me? I greve yow nowght.
Why wyll ye nott beleve that I have tawght
And forsake yor fowle neclygence,
And kepe my commandementys in yowr thowght,
And unto my Godhed to take credence?
Why blaspheme yow me? Why do ye thus?
Why put yow me to a newe tormentry,
And I dyed for yow on the Crosse?
Why consyder not yow what I dyd crye?
Whyle that I was with yow, ye ded me velanye.
Why remember ye nott my bytter chaunce,
How yowr kynne dyd me awance
For claymyng of myn enherytaunce?
I shew yow the streytnesse of my grevaunce,
And all to meve yow to my mercy.
JONATHAS Tu es protector vite mee; a quo trepidabo?26
O Thu, Lord, whyche art my defendowr,
For dred of Thee I trymble and quake;
Of Thy gret mercy lett us receyve the showre,
And mekely I aske mercy, amendys to make.
[Here shall they knele down all on ther kneys, sayng:
JASON Ah, Lord, with sorow and care and grete wepyng,
All we felawys, lett us saye thus,
With condolent harte and grete sorowyng:
Lacrimis nostris conscienciam nostram baptizemus.27
JASON Oh Thow blyssyd lord of mykyll myght,
Of Thy gret mercy Thow hast shewyd us the path;
Lord, owt of grevous slepe and owt of dyrknes to lyght,
Ne gravis sompnus irruat.
MASPHAT Oh Lord, I was very cursyd, for I wold know Thi crede.
I can no mennys make but crye to Thee thus:
O gracyows Lorde, forgyfe me my mysdede;
With lamentable hart, miserere mei, Deus.
MALCHUS Lord, I have offendyd Thee in many a sundry vyse,
That styckyth at my hart as hard as a core.
Lord, by the water of contrycion lett me aryse:
Asparges me, Domine, ysopo et mundabor.28
JESUS All ye that desyryn my servauntys for to be
And to fullfyll the preceptys of my lawys,
The intent of my commandement knowe ye:
Ite et ostendite vos sacerdotibus meis.
To all yow that desyre in eny wyse
To aske mercy, to graunt yt redy I am.
Remember and lett yowr wyttys suffyce,
Et tunc non avertam a vobis faciem meam.
No, Jonathas, on thyn hand thow art but lame,
And ys thorow thyn own cruelnesse,
For thyn hurt thu mayest thiselfe blame:
Thow woldyst preve thy powre Me to oppresse.
But now I consydre thy necesse:
Thow wasshest thyn hart with grete contrycion.
Go to the cawdron — thi care shal be the lesse —
And towche thyn hand to thy salvacion.
[Here shall Ser Jonathas put hys hand into the cawdron,
and yt shal be hole agayn, and then say as folwyth:
JONATHAS Oh Thow, my Lord God and Savyowr, osanna!
Thow Kyng of Jewys and of Jerusalem!
O Thow myghty strong Lyon of Juda!
Blyssyd be the tyme that Thu were in Bedlem!
Oh Thu myghty, strong, gloryows, and gracyows oyle streme,
Thow myghty conquerrowr of infernall tene!
I am quyt of moche combrance thorowgh Thy meane,
That ever blyssyd mott Thou bene!
Alas that ever I dyd agaynst Thy wyll,
In my wytt to be soo wood
That I so ongoodly wyrk shuld soo gryll!
Agens my mysgovernaunce Thow gladdyst me with good:
I was soo prowde to preve Thee on the Roode,
And Thou haste sent me lyghtyng that late was lame;
To bete Thee and boyle Thee I was myghty in moode,
And now Thu hast put me from duresse and dysfame.
But Lord, I take my leve at Thy hygh presens,
And put me in Thy myghty mercy;
The bysshoppe wyll I goo fetche to se owr offens,
And onto hym shew owr lyfe, how that we be gylty.
[Here shall the master Jew goo to the byshopp, and hys men knele styll.
JONATHAS Hayle, father of grace! I knele upon my knee,
Hertely besechyng yow and interely,
A swemfull syght all for to see
In my howse apperyng, verely:
The Holy Sacrament, the whyche we have done tormentry,
And ther we have putt Hym to a newe passyon,
A Chyld apperyng with wondys blody!
A swemfull syght yt ys to looke upon.
EPISCOPUS Oh Jhesu, Lord full of goodnesse,
With Thee wyll I walke with all my myght!
Now, all my pepull, with me ye dresse
For to goo see that swymfull syght.
Now, all ye peple that here are,
I commande yow, every man,
On yowr feet for to goo bare,
In the devoutest wyse that ye can.
[Here shall the bysshope entere into the Jewys howse and say:
O Jhesu, fili Dei!
How thys paynfull passyon rancheth myn hart!
Lord, I crye to Thee, miserere mei,
From thys rufull syght Thou wylt reverte!29
Lord, we all with sorowys smert,
For thys unlefull work we lyve in langowr.
Now, good Lord, in Thy grace, let us be gert,
And of Thy soverreyn marcy send us thy socowr,
And for Thy holy grace forgyfe us owr errowr.
Now lett Thy peté spryng and sprede:
Thowgh we have be unryghtfull, forgyf us owr rygore,
And of owr lamentable hartys, good Lord, take hede.
[Here shall the image change agayn into brede.
EPISCOPUS Oh Thu largyfluent Lord, most of lyghtnesse,
Onto owr prayers Thow hast applyed!
Thu hast receyvyd them with grett swettnesse;
For all owr dredfull dedys Thu hast not us denyed.
Full mykyll owte Thy name for to be magnyfyed,
With mansuete myrth and gret swettnes,
And as our gracyows God for to be gloryfyed,
For Thu shewyst us gret gladnes.
Now wyll I take thys Holy Sacrament
With humble hart and gret devocion,
And all we wyll gon with on consent,
And beare yt to chyrche with solempne processyon.
Now folow me, all and summe,
And all tho that bene here, both more and lesse,
Thys holy song, O sacrum convivium,
Lett us syng all with grett swetnesse.
[Here shall the pryst, Ser Isoder, aske hys master what this menyth:
PRESBYTER Ser Arystory, I pray yow: what menyth all thys?
Sum myracle I hope ys wrowght be Goddys myght:
The bysshope commyth processyon with a gret meny of Jewys.
I hope sum myracle ys shewyd to hys syght.
To chyrche in hast wyll I runne full ryght,
For thether me thynk he begynnyth to take hys pace.
The Sacrament so semly ys borne in syght:
I hope that God hath shewyd of Hys grace.
ASTORIUS To tell yow the trowth I wyll nott lett —
Alas that ever thys dede was dyght!
An onlefull bargayn I began for to beat:
I sold yon same Jewys owr Lord full ryght,
For covytyse of good, assa cursyd wyght!
Woo the whyle that bargayn I dyd ever make!
But yow be my defensour in owr dyocesans syght,
For an heretyke I feare he wyll me take.
PRESBYTER For sothe, nothyng well-avysed was yor wytt!
Wondrely was yt wrowght of a man of dyscrescion
In suche perayle yor solle for to pytt!
But I wyll labor for yor absolucyon.
Lett us hye us fast, that we were hens,
And beseche hym of hys benygne grace,
That he wyll shew us hys benyvolens
To make a menys for yowr trespas.
[Here shall the merchant and hys prest go to the chyrche, and the bysshop
shall entre the chyrche and lay the ost on the auter, sayng thus:
EPISCOPUS Estote fortes in bello, et pugnate cum antico serpente,
Et accipite regnum eternum, et cetera.30
My chyldern, ye be strong in batayll gostly
For to fyght agayn the fell serpent,
That nyght and day ys ever besy:
To dystroy owr sollys ys hys intent!
Look ye be not slow nor neclygent
To arme yow in the vertues sevyn;
Of synnys forgotyn take good avysement,
And knowlege them to yowr confessor full evyn.
For that serpent, the devyll, ys full strong
Mervelows myschevos for man to mene,
But that the Passyon of Cryst ys meynt us among,
And that ys in dyspyte of hys infernall tene.
Beseche owr Lord and Savyowr so kene
To put doun that serpent, cumberer of man,
To withdraw hys furyous froward doctryn bydene,
Fulfyllyd of the fend callyd Levyathan.
Gyf lawrell to that Lord of myght,
That He may bryng us to the joyows fruycion,
From us to put the fend to flyght,
That never he dystroy us by hys temptacion.
PRESBYTER My father, under God I knele unto yowr kne,
In yowr myhty mysericord to tak us in remembrance,
As ye be materyall to owr degré.
We put us in yowr moderat ordynaunce,31
Yf yt lyke yowr hyghnes to here owr grevaunce:
We have offenddyd sorowfully in a syn mortall,
Wherfor we fere us owr Lord wyll take vengaunce
For owr synnes, both grete and small.
EPISCOPUS And in fatherhed that longyth to my dygnyté,32
Unto yowr grefe I wyll gyf credens.
Say what ye wyll, in the name of the Trynyté,
Agaynst God yf ye have wroght eny inconvenyens.
ARISTORIUS Holy father, I knele to yow under benedycuté;
I have offendyd in the syn of covytys:
I sold owr Lordys body for lucre of mony
And delyveryd to the wyckyd with cursyd advyce.
And for that presumpcion gretly I agryse.
That I presumed to go to the autere,
There to handyll the Holy Sacryfyce,
I were worthy to be putt in brennyng fere.
But, gracyous lord, I can no more
But put me to Goddys mercy and to yowr grace,
My cursyd werkys for to restore.
I aske penaunce now in thys place.
EPISCOPUS Now for thys offence that thu hast donne
Agens the Kyng of Hevyn and Emperowr of Hell,
Ever whyll thu lyvest good dedys for to done,
And nevermore for to bye nor sell.
Chastys thy body, as I shall thee tell,
With fastyng and prayng and other good wyrk,
To withstond the temtacyon of fendys of Hell.
And to call to God for grace looke thu never be irke.
Also thu, preste, for thy neclygens,
That thou were no wyser in thyn office,
Thou art worthy inpresunment for thyn offence:
But beware ever herafter and be more wyse.
And all yow creaturys and curatys that here be,
Of thys dede yow may take example,
How that yor pyxys lockyd ye shuld see,
And be ware of the key of Goddys temple.
JONATHAS And I aske Crystendom with great devocion,
With repentant hart in all degrees,
I aske for us all a generall absolucion,
[Here the Juys must knele al down.
For that we knele all upon owr knees,
For we have grevyd owr Lord on ground,
And put Hym to a new paynfull passioun,
With daggars styckyd Hym with grevos wounde,
New naylyd Hym to a post, and with pynsonys pluckyd Hym down.
JASON And syth we toke that blyssyd bred so sownd,
And in a cawdron we dyd Hym boyle,
In a clothe full just we Hym wounde,
And so dyd we seth Hym in oyle.
JASDON And for that we myght not overcom Hym with tormentry,
In an hott ovyn we speryd Hym fast.
There He apperyd with wondys all bloody.
The ovyn rave asunder and all to-brast.
MASPHAT In Hys law to make us stedfast,
There spake He to us woordys of grete favore;
In contrycyon owr hartys He cast,
And bad take us to a confessore.
MALCHUS And therfor all we with on consent
Knele onto yowr hygh sovereynté,
For to be crystenyd ys owr intent;
Now all owr dedys to yow shewyd have we.
[Here shall the bysshoppe crysten the Jewys with gret solempnyté.
EPISCOPUS Now the Holy Gost at thys tyme mot yow blysse,
As ye knele all now in Hys name,
And with the water of baptyme I shall yow blysse,
To save yow all from the fendys blame.
Now that fendys powre for to make lame,
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Gost,
To save yow from the devyllys flame,
I crysten yow all, both lest and most.
JONATHAS Now, owr father and byshoppe, that we well knaw.
We thank yow interly, both lest and most.
Now ar we bownd to kepe Crystys lawe
And to serve the Father, the Son, and the Holy Gost.
Now wyll we walke by contré and cost,
Owr wyckyd lyvyng for to restore,
And trust in God of myghtys most,
Never to offend as we have don befor.
Now we take owr leave at lesse and mare;
Forward on owr vyage we wyll us dresse.
God send yow all as good welfare
As hart can thynk or towng expresse!
ARISTORIUS Into my contré now wyll I fare,
For to amende myn wyckyd lyfe,
And to kep the people owt of care
I wyll teache thys lesson to man and wyfe.
Now take I my leave in thys place;
I wyll go walke my penaunce to fullfyll.
Now God, agens whom I have done thys trespas,
Graunt me forgyfnesse, yf yt be Thy wyll!
PRESBYTER For joy of thys me thynke my hart do wepe,
That yow have gyvyn yow all Crystys servauntys to be,
And Hym for to serve with hart full meke,
God full of pacyens and humylyté,
And the conversacion of all thes fayre men,
With hartys stedfastly knett in on,
Goddys lawys to kepe and Hym to serve bydene,
As faythfull Crystyanys evermore for to gone!
EPISCOPUS God omnypotent evermore looke ye serve
With devocion and prayre, whyll that ye may.
Dowt yt not He wyll yow preserve
For eche good prayer that ye sey to Hys pay.
And therfor in every dew tyme loke ye nat delay
For to serve the Holy Trynyté,
And also Mary, that swete may,
And kepe yow in perfyte love and charyté.
Crystys commandementys ten there bee:
Kepe well them; do as I yow tell.
Almyght God shall yow please in every degré,
And so shall ye save yowr sollys from Hell.
For there ys payn and sorow cruell,
And in Hevyn there ys both joy and blysse,
More then eny towng can tell;
There angellys syng with grett swetnesse.
To the whyche blysse He bryng us,
Whoys name ys callyd Jhesus,
And in wyrshyppe of thys name gloryows,
To syng to Hys honore: Te Deum laudamus!
Christian merchant
Priest (Isoder)
Clerk (Peter Paul)
first Jew, master
second Jew
third Jew
fourth Jew
fifth Jew
Master physician (Brundich)
Son; (see note); (t-note)
worthy people; (t-note)
redeemed; (t-note)
We fully intend; heart
subject; plan
miracles; miraculously; (t-note)
By; holy; blessed; (t-note)
(see note) (t-note)
your sight; (t-note)
truth; (see note)
Heraclea; city, indeed; (see note)
dwelled; great ability
Known far and wide by many a person
Soon; came; (t-note)
wealth, indeed
dwelled; Syria; (see note)
Who; abundance; gems; (t-note)
inquired insistently; (t-note)
When; would; desire
offer; worth; (see note)
hundred; unless; (t-note)
longer; pursue
began [to] speak
to buy; (t-note)
And because they would be avenged; (t-note)
sum; lay
befell an unexpected event
injured; severely; (see note)
subjected; suffering; (see note) (t-note)
gave; grievous; (t-note)
pillar; pincers
cauldron; did; (t-note)
hot oven locked Him up securely; (t-note)
appeared; bloody
split asunder; shattered
(i.e., Christian law)
given; priest’s mouth; (see note)
known very well; (see note) (t-note)
(see note)
one; (see note) (t-note)
injury; (t-note)
made Himself known; (t-note)
did appear; (t-note)
So that they; not lose; (see note)
friends; (t-note)
your spiritual father (i.e., priest); (see note)
Be; despair; (see note)
Do not subject the Lord to any doubts
then in stood
(see note)
If it pleases you; gathering; is
Croxton; seen; (see note)
Heartily; be
save; pain and suffering; (see note); (t-note)
high; (t-note)
minstrel; song; (see note)
Here ends [the banns]
Conversion; Sir
(see note); (t-note)
(see note) (t-note)
may He restore us; (t-note)
those who; peace; (t-note)
none; whoever; (t-note)
most wealthy in silver
possessing royal magnificence
known widely
Genoa; ?; Geneva?; (see note)
Syria; Saba (in Arabia); Salerno; (see note) (t-note)
Antioch; Alemannia; (t-note)
Brabant; Britain; (see note)
Calabria; Cologne; move about; (t-note)
Dordrecht; (t-note)
Alexandria; (t-note)
Faeroe Islands; (see note); (t-note)
Gelderland; Galicia
Hamburg; ours; (t-note)
Maine; Milan; been; (t-note)
Navarre; wealth
?; Portugal; delight; (see note)
Prussia; success
Tharsia; (see note)
Orléans?; control; (see note)
lord’s peer; honor; (see note)
curate (a priest); (t-note)
in no way
diligently; please you
to the best of my ability; them; (t-note)
God’s; for your edification
(see note)
died; Rood (Cross)
In truth, sir priest, your; (t-note)
in accord with your speech; act
against; speak
learn; any; has come; realm
Chalcedon; (see note)
Clerk (i.e., Peter Paul)
Swiftly; water’s
I shall guide him to you
To find out; unknown; (t-note)
(see note) (t-note)
attentively; (t-note)
throne; (see note)
(see note)
to speak
greatly, who
(see note) (t-note)
spices; (t-note)
at once; (t-note)
beryls; color
sapphire beautiful; immediately
diamonds precious; adorn; (t-note)
emeralds; trust
Onyx; agates; (t-note)
Topazes, emeralds; quality
Pearls; abundance
Toadstones; chalcedonies
exquisite carbuncles; may; (t-note)
Ginger, licorice; galingale; (see note)
very sweet
Almonds; rice, by the bagful; (t-note)
raisins; large; small
Cloves, grains [of paradise], and green ginger; (see note) (t-note)
Mace (the spice), mastic; strong
Cinnamon, sugar; (see note)
Indian licorice; (see note)
Oranges; value; (t-note)
(see note)
right and just
(see note)
(see note)
it is believed
belief; suspect
unnatural; (see note)(t-note)
make it subject; (t-note)
by the power; (see note)
trick; (t-note)
should; Cross
straw [i.e., something worthless]; tales
That may not happen; opinion
put it to the test; (t-note)
speak of
otherwise may I never prosper; (t-note)
vigorously; avenged; (t-note)
Calvary; (see note)
untrue also
wiles; wish; mad
made; (t-note)
bread; vigorously; inclined
sirs; keep
bargain; try
As long as; satisfaction; (see note) (t-note)
saying; way; down from
leave; longer; (t-note)
far; nones (3 p.m.); (t-note)
evensong (vespers), truly; (t-note)
afterwards; do
merchant’s men
well met; (see note)
Where; (t-note)
Far; parted; (t-note)
Since; (t-note)
What tidings
I shall know how to speak to him
may; (t-note)
tale; (t-note)
Plenty; (t-note)
Surely; (t-note)
Vehemently; intend; go
Quickly; fine cloth
is suitable; lord’s peer; (see note)
(see note)
gladly, know
ready; (t-note)
(see note) (t-note)
in private; (t-note)
[For] one; bring it to me; (t-note)
Secretly; place; (t-note)
promise; (t-note)
[to] constrain; (t-note)
(see note) (t-note)
fear; anger
value; (t-note)
learn; (see note) (t-note)
misdeeds; would
if; went
accuse; heresy; (see note) (t-note)
may you find good means
veil (i.e., a cover)
When; have gone
discovered; person
tell; by
What; (t-note)
immediately; (t-note)
Even; Lord’s
regarding that; (t-note)
here; demand counted out fully; (see note) (t-note)
count; place; (t-note)
ducats; (see note)
Count; before
It seems to me; display
early; fail
pious to do; (t-note)
his affairs will be done
do not fail; (t-note)
Muhammad; (see note)
that which; do
may almighty God be; guide
comfort; wheresoever
drink; Rumney (a Greek wine)
physician; (see note)
more valuable
sickening; digest
To go to bed; decided; (t-note)
Directly; meal
shield; foes
For I must walk a little way; (t-note)
secretly; test my step (i.e., go)
consecrated [the Host], as is
shall hinder me
done; [the Virgin] Mary
money; improve; condition; (see note)
It seems to me; (t-note)
meet; be glad; (see note)
I seem to see him; (t-note)
noble; faithful
faithfully; your [appointed] time
newly consecrated
[movable] property
cloth; you (i.e., the Host)(see note) (t-note)
table; (see note)
noble; (see note); (t-note)
intelligent are
(see note)
linden (tree)
secretly make your way
(see note)
discuss the situation
speech; (t-note)
boast; marvelous
Jesus who; condemned
Shrove (i.e., Holy) Thursday; (see note)
broke; “Take”; (see note)
to comfort them
one and all
beautiful; (t-note)
"Eat my body"
(see note)
curates (priests)
Joachim’s daughter (Mary)
Gabriel; "Hail"; (see note)
become pregnant
into; descend
(see note)
display; [the Resurrection]
Magdalene; (see note)
afterwards; ascended; (see note)
understanding; (see note)
High-rank; (see note)
sat; (see note)
Sibyl; (see note)
win; (see note) (t-note)
(see note)
terrifying; (see note)
should be given to them
maintain agreement
Philip; comment; (see note)
"To judge the living and the dead"
Bozrah from us; reverence; (see note)
stained (dyed); believe
With dyed garments from Bozrah
Calvary; made
daggers; seize
blows; any; (t-note)
works on my mind
undone (i.e., killed); shame; (see note)
(see note)
do; harm
test; any
be (i.e., our master’s stroke shall be)
impression; stab
I shall give Him a stroke before long
(see note)
boldly terrify
eel-spear; (t-note)
turn pale [with fear]
(see note); (t-note)
alas, alas, help; devil
fear (confusion)
enraged, truly
Unless; despair; (t-note)
haste; (see note)
Immediately [get] a cauldron
cast in
Fully three hours; (see note); (t-note)
hearth sturdy; (t-note)
why; (t-note)
Be done with it quickly! Blow up the fire!
that same
Boldly; (t-note)
does me injury; (t-note)
remove it from
drown myself
I begin to go mad
God’s suffering; (t-note)
Quickly to have; (t-note)
firmly; ground; (see note)
high; (t-note)
fellows; strength; (t-note)
So what; properly
evils come about;
misfortune have
swear; everyone
physician’s; (see note)
(see note) (t-note)
Though; inclined; wish; escape; (t-note)
secret; (t-note)
learning (science)
Except for wealth; grant dispensation
sits; barmaid; buttery; (t-note)
Brabant; (see note)
urine; (see note); (t-note)
diagnosis; (t-note)
eyes; (t-note)
sign; (t-note)
always; takes so long
deserved; hanged; (t-note)
news; (t-note)
recently in his care
I know by this she is fully taken care of; (t-note)
Hear; (t-note)
has; (t-note)
that he delays so long; (t-note)
sick man; die
request; (t-note)
think; proclamation
Lead; pillory
(see note)
paid; reward; (t-note)
beard; nose; (t-note)
pillory; (t-note)
do you chatter; (t-note)
only to your honor
thought; have seen; face
away from here; (t-note)
(see note) (t-note)
patient; (t-note)
medical treatment
guarantee; felt discomfort; (t-note)
scammony; oxymel; (see note) (t-note)
Lettuce, sage; pimpernel
cured; (t-note)
For now [that]; (t-note)
Between Dover; Calais; (see note)
practice; (t-note)
maids; (t-note)
Where; bag; healing; (t-note)
Beware; drink; (t-note)
moves about; (t-note)
crowd; (see note)
undeniably healthy
Do it; do not delay; (t-note)
immediately; (t-note)
Here for a while he will make a proclamation; (t-note)
manner; sickness
address [yourself]
Whoever; cancer, colic; diarrhea; (see note)
tertian, quartan, or burning fever; (see note) (t-note)
(see note) (t-note)
eyes, inflamed; migraine; (t-note)
in addition to
healthy; could; (t-note)
coal shed; lodging; (see note)
(see note) (t-note)
(see note)
Do you know; about; place
grace; (t-note)
[Who] has; (t-note)
Before; way; (see note)
harms; (t-note)
not well bred; intimately
appear; impudently
Withdraw; immediately
widely; (see note)
beneficial; (t-note)
Get out; (t-note)
so that; (t-note)
fear of
nearly confounded
one by one
it (i.e., Jonathas’ hand) cover; (see note)
hasten straightaway
Push; boil
(see note)
blaze; burn; (t-note)
is becoming
run; (t-note)
nearly mad
How are you
do any good
come forward
(see note) (t-note)
stop the appearance of bleeding
plug it [the oven]; frightened
By; done; (t-note)
firewood; hear; not
fire; (t-note)
begins; brightly
hither; same
shut Him up; unwilling; (see note)
Plug it
(see note)
split; crannies
pieces; begins
(see note)
cruel; (see note)
Although; redeemed you; (t-note)
behave; foully
torture; severely; constrain
do you anger
subject; torture; (see note)
acted wickedly toward me
seriousness of my injury
May grievous sleep not seize [us]
can make no complaint
sorrowful; have mercy on me, God; (see note)
(see note)
Go and show yourselves to my priests; (see note)
any way
And then I will not turn away my face from you; (see note)
hosanna; (see note)
(see note)
rid; trouble; mediation
For which; may
That I such a wicked deed should thus commit
In return for; sin; comfort
as to test
relief who recently
beat; arrogant
kept; suffering; reproach
(see note)
subjected; suffering/passion
wounds; (see note)
Bishop; (t-note)
prepare; (see note) (t-note)
(see note)
O Jesus, Son of God
tears; (t-note)
have mercy on me; (see note)
sinful; misery
clothed; (t-note)
sinful; cruelty; (t-note)
sorrowful; heed; (t-note)
generous; splendor
With; complied
Greatly ought
gentle joy;
(see note) (t-note)
those; more and less [important]
O holy feast; (see note) (t-note)
(see note)
comes in procession; (see note)
sinful (unlawful); strike; (t-note)
wealth; man; (see note) (t-note)
protector; bishop’s
(see note)
peril; soul; (t-note)
So that
intercede; (t-note)
altar; (t-note)
(see note) (t-note)
(see note)
take careful thought; (t-note)
acknowledge; exactly
mischiefs; intend
meant for us
his [the serpent’s] malice; (t-note)
immoderate; immediately
fiend; Leviathan; (see note)
laurel (i.e., Give honor)
So that
relevant; rank
please; distress; (t-note)
Your sorrow I will accept
(see note)
offense; (t-note)
monetary gain
shudder (with fear); (t-note)
(see note)
I can [do] no more
to make amends
(see note)
deserve imprisonment; (t-note)
curates; (see note) (t-note)
pyx; (see note) (t-note)
(see note)
on earth
very snugly; (t-note)
closed Him up
tore; shattered
(see note)
(see note)
in order to rectify
journey; advance
(see note)
dedicated yourselves
(see note)
in every respect; (t-note)
We praise you, God; (see note)
The End