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[Prologue] In Tyberyus tyme, the trewe emperour, Sire Sesar hymsulf, seysed in Rome, Whyle Pylat was provost undere that prince riche And Jewen justice also in Judeus londis.1 Herodes, undere his emperie, as heritage wolde, Kyng of Galilé was y-called whan that Crist deyed; They Sesar sakles were, that oft synne hatide, Throw Pylat pyned He was and put on the Rode.2 A pyler pyght was doun upon the playn erthe,3 His body bonden therto, and beten with scourgis. Whyppes of quyrboyle by-wente His white sides Til He al on rede blode ran, as rayn in the strete.4 Suth stoked Hym on a stole with styf mannes hondis, Blyndfelled Hym as a be and boffetis Hym raghte:5 "Gif thou be prophete of pris, prophecie!" they sayde, "Whiche berne here aboute bolled Thee laste?" A thrange thornen croune was thraste on His hed, Umbecasten Hym with a cry and on a Croys slowen.6 For al the harme that He hadde, hasted He noght On hem the vyleny to venge that His veynys brosten,7 Bot ay taried on the tyme gif they tourne wolde, Gaf hem space that Hym spilide, they hit spedde lyte.8 Fourty wynter, as Y fynde, and no fewere yyrys, Or princes presed in hem that Hym to pyne wroght,9 Til hit tydde on a tyme that Tytus of Rome That alle Gascoyne gate and Gyan the noble [. . . .] [. . . .] Whyle noye noyet hym in Neroes tyme, He hadde a malady unmeke inmyddis the face:10 The lyppe lyth on a lumpe, lyvered on the cheke; So a canker unclene hit cloched togedres.11 Also his fadere of flesche is ferly bytide: A bikere of waspen bees bredde in his nose, Hyved upon his hed; he hadde hem of youthe And Waspasian was caled the waspene bees after. Was never syknes sorere than this sire tholed, For in a liter he lay, laser at Rome; Out of Galace was gon to glade hym a stounde, For in that cuthe he was kyng they he car tholede.12 Nas ther no leche upon lyve this lordes couth helpe, Ne no grace growyng to gayne here grym sores.13 [. . . .] [. . . .] Now was ther on Nathan, Neymes sone, of Grece, That sought oft over the se fram cyté to other, Knewe contreys fele, kyngdomes manye, And was a marener myche and a marchaunt bothe.14 Sensteus out of Surye sent hym to Rome To the athel Emperour - an eraunde fram the Jewes - Caled Nero by name that hym to noye wroght, Of his tribute to telle, that they withtake wolde. Nathan toward Nero nome on his way Over the Grekys grounde myd the grym ythes, An heye setteth the sayl over the salt water, And with a dromound on the deep dryveth on swythe.15 The wolcon wanned anon and the water skeweth, Cloudes clateren on loude as they cleve wolde.16 The racke myd a rede wynde roos on the myddel And sone sette on the se out of the south syde. Hit blewe on the brode se, bolned up harde; Nathannys nave anon on the north dryveth, So the wedour and the wynd on the water metyn That alle hurtled on an hepe that the helm gemyd.17 Nathan flatte for ferde and ful under hacchys, Lete the wedour and the wynde worche as hem lyked; The schip scher upon schore, schot froward Rome Toward uncouth costes, kayrande on the ythes,18 Rapis unradly umbe ragged tourres. The brode sail at o brayd to-bresteth a-twynne:19 That on ende of the sschip was ay toward heven, That other doun in the deep, as alle drenche wolde. Over wilde wawes he wende, as alle walte scholde,20 Stroke stremes throw yn stormes and wyndes; With mychel langour atte laste, as our Lord wolde, Alle was born at a byr to Burdewes havene.21 By that were bernes atte banke; barouns and knyghtes And citezeins of the syght selcouth hem thoght That ever barge other bot or berne upon lyve Unpersched passed hadde: the peryles were so many. They token hym to Titus, for he the tonge couthe; And he fraynes how fer the flode hadde hym y-ferked. "Sire, out of Surré," he seide, "Y am come, To Nero, sondisman sent, the seignour of Rome, "Fram Sensteus, his serjant, with certayn leteres, That is justise and juge of the Jewen lawe. Me were lever at that londe - lord, lene that Y were - Than alle the gold other good that ever God made."22 The kyng into conseyl calleth hym sone And saide: "Canste thou any cure or craft upon erthe To softe the grete sore that sitteth on my cheke? And Y schal thee redly rewarde and to Rome sende."23 Nathan nyckes hym with nay, sayde he non couthe: "Bot were thou, kyng, in that kuththé ther that Crist deyed,24 Ther is a worldlich wif, a womman ful clene, That hath softyng and salve for eche sore out." "Telle me tyt," quod Titus, "and thee schal tyde better, What medecyn is most that that may useth, Whether gommes other graces, or any goode drenches,25 Other chauntementes or charmes? Y charge thee to say." "Nay, non of tho," quod Nathan, "bot now wole Y telle: Ther was a lede in our londe, while He lif hadde, Preved for a prophete throw preysed dedes And born in Bethleem one by, of a burde schene, "And ho a mayde unmarred that never man touched, As clene as clef ther cristalle of sprynges.26 Without hosebondes helpe save the Holy Goste, A kyng and a knave child ho conceyved at ere; "A taknyng of the Trinyté touched hire hadde, Thre persones in o place preved togedres: Eche grayn is o God and o God bot alle, And alle thre ben bot one as eldres us tellen. "The first is the Fadere that fourmed was never, The secunde is the Sone of His sede growyn, The thridde in Heven myd Hem is the Holy Goste, Nether merked ne made bot mene fram Hem passyth. "Alle ben they endeles, and even of o myght And weren inwardly endeles or the erthe bygan. As sone was the Sone as the self Fadere, The heye Holy Goste with Hem hadde They ever. "The secunde persone, the Sone, sent was to erthe To take careynes kynde of a clene mayde; And so unknowen He came caytifes to helpe, And wroght wondres ynowe ay tille He wo driede.27 "Wyne He wroght of water at o word ene, Ten lasares at a logge He leched at enys, Pyned myd the palsy He putte hem to hele,28 And ded men fro the deth ever ilke day rered. "Croked and cancred He kevered hem alle, Both the dombe and the deve, myd His dere wordes, Dide myracles many mo than Y in mynde have; Nis no clerk with countours couthe aluendel rekene.29 "Fyf thousand of folke, is ferly to here, With two fisches He fedde and fif berly loves, That eche freke hadde his fulle, and yit ferre leved Of battes and of broken mete bascketes twelve. "Ther suwed Hym of a sorte seventy and twey To do what He dempte, disciples were hoten. Hem to citees He sende His sawes to preche, Ay by two and by two til hy were a-twynne. "Hym suwed of another sorte semeliche twelve, Pore men and noght prute, aposteles were hoten, That of kaytefes He ches His Churche to encresche, The outwale of this worlde, and this were her names: "Peter, James, and Jon, and Jacob the ferthe, And the fifthe of His felawys Phelip was hoten; The sixte Symond was caled, and the seveth eke Bertholomewe, that his bone never breke nolde; "The eyght man was Mathu, that is myche y-loved; Taddé and Tomas - here ben ten even - And Andreu the elleveth, that auntred hym myche Byfor princes to preche, was Petrus brother. "The laste man was unlele and luther of his dedis: Judas, that Jhesu Crist to the Jewes solde. Suth hymsulf he slowe for sorow of that dede; His body on a balwe-tree to-breste on the myddel. "Whan Crist hadde heried Helle and was to Heven passed, For that mansed man Mathie they chossyn. Yit unbaptized were bothe Barnabé and Poule, And noght knewen of Crist, bot comen sone after.30 "The princes and the prelates, agen the Paske tyme, Alle thei hadde Hym in hate for His holy werkes. Hit was a doylful dede whan they His deth caste; Throw Pilat pyned He was, the provost of Rome. "And that worliche wif that arst was y-nempned Hath His visage in hire veil - Veronyk ho hatte - Peynted prively and playn that no poynt wanteth; For love He left hit hire til hire lyves ende. "Ther is no gome on this grounde that is grym wounded, Meselry ne meschef ne man upon erthe, That kneleth doun to that cloth and on Crist leveth, Bot alle hapneth to helle in an hand-whyle."31 "A, Rome renayed!" quod the kyng. "The riche emperour, "Cesar, synful wrecche, that sent hym fram Rome, Why nadde thy lycam be leyd low under erthe32 Whan Pilat provost was made suche a prince to jugge?" And or this wordes were wonne to the ende,33 The cankere that the kyng hadde clenly was heled, Without faute the face of flesche and of hyde, As newe as the nebbe that never was wemmyd. "A, corteys Crist!" seide the kyng than. "Was never worke that Y wroght worthy Thee to telle, Ne dede that Y have don, bot Thy deth mened; Ne never sey Thee in sight, Goddis Sone dere. "Bot now bayne me my bone, blessed Lord, To stire Nero with noye and newen his sorowe, And Y schal buske me boun hem bale forto wyrche:34 To do the develes of dawe and Thy deth venge! [Passus 1] "Telle me tit," quod Titus, "what tokne He lafte To hem that knew Hym for Crist and His crafte leved?" "Nempne the Trinyté by name," quod Nathan, "at thries, And thermyd baptemed be in blessed water!" Forth they fetten a font and foulled hym ther, Made hym Cristen kyng that for Crist werred. Corrours into eche coste than the cours nomen35 And alle his baronage broght to Burdewes haven. Suth with the sondes-man he sought unto Rome, The ferly and the faire cure his fadere to schewe; And he, gronnand glad, grete God thanked And, loude criande on Crist, carped and saide: "Worthy, wemlese God, in whom Y byleve, As Thou in Bethleem was born of a bryght mayde, Sende me hele of my hurt, and heyly Y afowe To be ded for Thy deth, bot hit be dere yolden." That tyme Peter was pope and preched in Rome The lawe and the lore that our byleve asketh. Folowed fele of the folke and to the fayth tourned, And Crist wroght for that wye wondres ynow. Therof Waspasian was ware, that the waspys hadde, Sone sendeth hym to and he the sothe tolde36 Of Crist and the kerchef that kevered the sike, As Nathan, Neymes sone, seide that to Nero come.37 Than to consayl was called the knyghtes of Rome And assenteden sone to sende messageres: Twenti knyghtes were cud the kerchef to fecche And asked trewes of the empererour that erand to done. [. . . .] Ac, without tribute or trewes, by tenfulle wayes38 The knyghtes with the kerchef comen ful blyve; The pope gaf pardoun to hem and passed theragens39 With processioun and pres of princes and dukes. And whan the womman was ware that the wede owede Of Seint Peter the pope, ho platte to the grounde, Umbefelde his fete and to the freke saide: "Of this kerchef and my cors the kepyng Y thee take."40 Than bygan the burne biterly to wepe For the doylful deth of his dere mayster, And longe stode in the stede or he stynte myght, Whan he unclosed the clothe that Cristes body touched. The wede fram the womman he warp atte laste, Receyved hit myd reverence and rennande teris. To the palace myd pres they passed on swythe And ay held hit on hey that alle byhold myght. Than twelf barouns bolde the emperour bade wende, And the pope departe fram the pople faste; Veronyk and the vail Waspasian they broght, And Seint Peter the pope presented bothe. Bot a ferly byfelle forthmyd hem alle; In her temple bytidde tenful thynges: The mahound and the mametes to-mortled to peces And al to-crased as the cloth throgh the kirke passed.41 Into the palice with the prente than the pope yede; Knyghtes kepten the clothe and on knees fallen. A flavour flambeth therfro; they felleden hit alle: Was never odour ne eyr upon erthe swetter.42 The kerchef clansed hitself and so clere wexed Myght no lede on hit loke for light that hit schewed. As hit aproched to the prince, he put up his hed; For comfort of the cloth he cried wel loude: "Lo, lordlynges, here: the lyknesse of Crist, Of whom my botnyng Y bidde for His bitter woundis." Than was wepyng and wo and wryngyng of hondis With loude dyn and dit for doil of Hym one. The pope availed the vaile, and his visage touched,43 The body suth al aboute, blessed hit thrye. The waspys wenten away and alle the wo after: That er was laser-liche, lyghtter was nevere.44 Than was pypyng and play, departying of stryf; They yelden grace to God, this two grete lordes. The kerchef carieth fram alle and in the eyr hangyth, That the symple pople myght hit se into soper-tyme.45 The Vernycle after Veronyk Waspasian hit called, Garde hit gayly agysen in gold and in selvere. Yit is the visage in the vail, as Veronyk hym broght; The Romaynes hit holdeth at Rome, and for a relyk hit holden. This whyle Nero hadde noye and non nyghtes reste, For his tribute was withholde, as Nathan told hadde. He commaundith knyghtes to come consail to holde, Erles and alle men the emperour aboute. Assembled the senatours sone, upon haste, To jugge who jewes myght best upon the Jewys take; And alle demeden by dome tho dukes to wende That were cured throw Crist, that they on Croys slowen.46 That on Waspasian was of the wyes twey That the travail undertoke, and Titus another, A bold burne on a blonke and of his body comyn: No ferther sib to hymself bot his sone dere:47 Crouned kynges bothe and mychel Crist loved, That hadde hem geven of His grace and here grem stroyed.48 Moste thei hadde hit in hert here hestes to kepe And here forwardis to fulfille that thei byfor made. Than was rotlyng in Rome, robbyng of brynnyis, Schewyng of scharpe, scheldes y-dressed. Laughte leve at that lord, leften his sygne, A grete dragoun of gold, and alle the gyng folwed.49 By that schippis were schred, yschot on the depe, Takled and atired on talterande ythes:50 Fresch water and wyn wounden yn faste, And stof of alle maner store that hem strengthe scholde.51 Ther were floynes aflot, farcostes many, Cogges and crayers, y-casteled alle;52 Galees of grete streyngthe with golden fanes, Brayd on the brod se aboute foure myle. They tyghten up tal-sail whan the tide asked, Hadde byr at the bake and the bonke lefte, Soughte over the se with soudeours manye, And joyned up at port Jaf in Judeis londys. Suree, Cesaris londe, thou may seken ever; Ful mychel wo moun be wroghte in thy wlonk tounnes.53 Cytees under Syone, now is your sorow uppe: The deth of the dereworth Crist dere schal be yolden. Now is, Bethleem, thy bost y-broght to an ende; Jerusalem and Jerico, for-juggyd wrecchys, Schal never kyng of your kynde with croune be ynoyntid, Ne Jewe, for Jhesu sake, jouke in you more. [Passus 2] They setten upon eche side Surrie withyn, Brente ay at the bak and ful bare laften; Was noght bot roryng and rich in alle the riche tounnes And red laschyng lye alle the londe overe; Token toun and tour, teldes ful fele, Brosten gates of brass and many borwe wonnen, Holy the hethen here hewyn to grounde, Both in bent and in borwe, that abide wolde. The Jewes to Jerusalem, ther Josophus dwelde, Flowen as the foule doth that faucoun wolde strike. A cité undere Syon sett was ful noble With many toret and toure that toun to defende. Princes and prelates and poreil of the londe, Clerkes and comens of contrees aboute Were schacked to that cité sacrifice to make At Paske-tyme, as preched hem prestes of the lawe.54 Many swykel at the sweng to the swerd yede; or penyes passed non, thogh he pay wolde, Bot diden alle to the dethe and drowen hem after With engynes to Jerusalem there Jewes were thykke. They sette sadly a sege the cité alle aboute, Pighten pavelouns doun of pallen webbes, With ropis of riche silk raysen up swythe Grete tentis as a toun of torkeys clothys. Choppyn over the cheventayns, with charboklis foure,55 A gay egle of gold on a gilde appul With grete dragouns grym alle in gold wroghte, And lyk to lyouns also lyande ther undere. Paled and paynted the paveloun was umbe, Stoked ful of storijs, stayned myd armys56 Of quaynte coloures to know, kerneld alofte, An hundred stondyng on stage in that stede one.57 Toured with torettes was the tente thanne, Suth britaged aboute, bright to byholde. Er alle the sege was sette yit of the cité comyn Messengeres, were made fram maistres of the lawe. To the chef cheventayn they chosen here wey, Deden mekly by mouthe here message attonys, Sayen: "The cité hath us sent to serchen your wille, To here the cause of your comyng, and what ye coveyte wolde." Waspasian no word to the wyes schewed Bot sendeth sondismen agen, twelve sikere knyghtes,58 Gaf hem charge to go and the gomes telle That alle the cause of her come was Crist forto venge: "Sayth, Y bidde hem be boun, bischopes and other, Tomorow or mydday, moder-naked alle, Up here gates to yelde, with yerdes an hande,59 Eche whight in a white scherte and no wede ellys, "Jewyse for Jhesu Crist by juggement to take, And brynge Cayphas, that Crist throgh conseil bytrayede. Or Y to the walles schal wende and walten alle overe; Schal no ston upon ston stonde by Y passe." This sondismen sadly to the cité yede Ther the lordes of the londe lent weren alle, Tit tolden here tale and wondere towe made Of Crist and of Cayphas and how they come scholde. And when the knyghtes of Crist carpyn bygonn, The Jewes token alle twelf without tale more, Here hondis bounden at here bak with borden stavys And of flocken here fax, and here faire berdis, Made hem naked as a nedel to the nether hove, Here visage blecken with bleche, and al the body after, Suth knyt with a corde to eche knyghtes swere A chese, and charged hem here chyventayn to bere: "Sayth, unbuxum we beth his biddyng to yete, Ne noght dreden his dom: his deth have we atled. He schal us fynde in the felde, ne no ferre seke, Tomorowe pryme or hit passe, and so your prince tellith." The burnes busken out of burwe, bounden alle twelf, Agen message to make fram the maister Jewes. Was never Waspasian so wrothe as whan the wyes come That were scorned and schende upon schame wyse.60 This knyghtes byfor the kyng upon knees fallen And tolden the tale as hit tid hadde: "Of thy manace ne thy myght they maken bot lyte: Thus ben we tourned of our tyre in tokne of the sothe61 "And bounden for our bolde speche; the batail they willeth Tomorowe prime or hit passe. They put hit no ferre. Hit schal be satled on thyself the same that thou atlest; Thus han they certifiet thee and sende thee this cheses." Wode wedande wroth Waspasian was thanne, Layde wecche to the walle and warned in haste That alle maner of men in the morowe scholde Be sone after the sonne assembled in the felde. He streyght up a standard in a stoure wyse, Bild as a belfray bretful of wepne; Whan oght fauted in the folke that to the feld longed, Atte the belfray to be botnyng to fynde.62 A dragoun was dressed, drawyn alofte, Wyde-gapande, of gold, gomes to swelwe, With arwes armed in the mouthe, and also he hadde A fauchyn under his feet with foure kene bladdys. Therof the poyntes were pight in partyis foure Of this wlonfulle worlde ther thei werre fondyn; In forbesyn to the folke this fauchoun thay hengede That they hadde wonnen with swerd al the world riche.63 A bal of brennande gold the beste was on sette, His taille trayled theraboute that tourne scholde he nevere Whan he was lifte upon lofte ther the lord werred, Bot ay lokande on the londe tille that al laughte were. Therby the cité myght se no setlyng wolde rise Ne no treté of no trewes bot the toun yelde, Or ride on the Romayns, for they han her rede take Ther britned to be or the burwe wynne. His wynges brad were abrode boun forto flee, With belles bordored aboute al of bright selvere, Redy, whan oughte runnen to ryngen ful loude With eche a wap of the wynde that to the wynges sprongyn. I-brytaged bigly aboute the belfray was thanne64 With a tenful toure that over the toun gawged. The batail by the brightnesse burnes myght knowe Foure myle therfro, so the feldes schonen. And on eche pomel were pyght penseles hyghe65 Of selke and sendel with selvere y-betyn: Hit glitered as gled fure, ful of gold riche, Over al the cité to se, as the sonne bemys. Byfor the foure gates he formes to lenge Sixti thousand by somme while the sege lasteth; Sette ward on the walles that noght awey scaped, Sixe thousand in sercle the cité alle aboute. Was noght while the nyght laste bot nehyng of stedis, Strogelyng in stele wede, and stuffyng of helmes, Armyng of olyfauntes and other arwe bestes Agen the Cristen to come with castels on bake. Waspasian in stele wede and his wyes alle Weren dight forth by day and drowen to the vale Of Josophat, ther Jhesu Crist schal juggen alle thinges, Bigly batayled hym ther to biden this other. The fanward Titus toke, to telle upon ferste, With sixtene thousand soudiours assyned for the nones; And as mony in the myd-ward were merked to lenge66 Ther Waspasian was with princes and dukes. And sixtene thousand in the thridde with a thryvande knyght, Sire Sabyn of Surrie, a siker man of armes, That prince was of Provynce and michel peple ladde, Fourty hundred in helmes and harnays to schewe. And ten thousand atte tail at the tentis lafte, Hors and harnays fram harmyng to kepe. By that bemys on the burwe blowen ful loude, And baners beden hem forth. Now blesse us our Lorde! [Passus 3] The Jewes assembled were sone and of the cité come An hundred thousand on hors with hamberkes atired, Without folke upon fot at the foure gates That preset to the place with pauyes on hande. Fyf and twenti olyfauntes, defensable bestes, With brode castels on bak out of burwe come; And on eche olyfaunte armed men manye, Ay an hundred an hey, an hundred withyn.67 Tho drowen dromedarius doun develich thicke, An hundred and y-heled with harnays of mayle, Eche beste with a big tour ther bold men were ynne, Twenty, told by tale, in eche tour evene. Cameles closed in stele comen out thanne Faste toward the feld; a ferlich nonbre Busked to batail, and on bak hadde Ech on a toret of tre with ten men of armes. Chares ful of chosen, charged with wepne A wondere nonbre ther was, whoso wite lyste. Many doughti that day, that was adradde nevere, Were fond fey in the feld er that fight endid. An olyfaunt y-armed came out at the laste, Kevered myd a castel, was craftily y-wroght, A tabernacle in the tour atyred was riche, Pight as a paveloun on pileres of selvere. A which of white selvere was sett therynne On foure goions of gold that hit fram grounde bare; A chosen chayre therby on charbokeles twelfe, Betyn al with bright gold with brennande sergis. The chekes of the chayre were charbokles fyne, Covered myd a riche clothe, ther Cayphas was sette. A plate of pulsched gold was pight on his breste With many preciose perle and pured stones. Lered men of the lawe that loude couthe synge With sawters seten hym by and the psalmys tolde Of doughty David the kyng and other dere storijs: Of Josue, the noble Jewe, and Judas the knyght. Cayphas of the kyst kyppid a rolle And radde how the folke ran throgh the rede water Whan Pharao and his ferde were in the floode drouned; And myche of Moyses lawe he mynned that tyme. Whan this faithles folke to the feld comen And batayled after the bent with many burne kene, For baneres that blased and bestes y-armed Myght no man se throw the sonne ne uneth the cité knowe. Waspasian dyvyseth the vale alle aboute, That was with baneres overbrad to the borwe wallis, To barouns and bold men that hym aboute were Seith: "Lordlynges a londe, lestenyth my speche: "Here nys king nother knyght comen to this place, Baroun ne bachelere ne burne that me folweth, That the cause of his come nys Crist forto venge Upon the faithles folke that Hym fayntly slowen. "Byholdeth the hethyng and the harde woundes, The byndyng and the betyng, that He on body hadde: Lat never this lawles ledis laugh at His harmys That bought us fram bale with blod of His herte. "Y quycke-clayme the querels of alle quyk burnes And clayme of evereche kyng - save of Crist one - That this peple to pyne, no pité ne hadde: That preveth His Passioun, whoso the Paas redeth.68 "Hit nedith noght at this note of Nero to mynde, Ne to trete of no trewe for tribute that he asketh: That querel Y quik-cleyme whether he wilneth Of this rebel to Rome bot resoun to have.69 "Bot more thing in our mynde myneth us today: That by resoun to Rome the realté fallyth, Bothe the myght and the mayn, maistre or ellys, And lordschip of eche londe that lithe under Heven. "Lat never this faithles folke with fight of us wynne Hors ne harnays, bot they hit hard byen, Plate, ne pesan, ne pendauntes ende,70 While any lyme may laste, or we the lif have. "For thei ben feynt at the fight, fals of byleve, And wel wenen at a wap alle they wold quelle.71 Nother grounded on God ne on no grace tristen, Bot alle in storijs of stoure and in strength one. "And we ben dight today Drighten to serve: Hey Heven kyng hede to His owne!" The ledes louten hym alle and aloude sayde: "Today, that flethe any fote, the Fende have his soule!"72 Bemes blowen anon, blonkes to neye, Stedis stampen in the felde undere stele wedes. Stithe men in stiropys striden alofte; Knyghtes croysen hemself, cacchen here helmys,73 With loude clarioun cry and alle kyn pypys, Tymbris and tabourris tonelande loude, Geven a schillande schout. Schrynken the Jewes, As womman wepith and waylith whan hire the water neyeth.74 Lacchen launces anon, lepyn togedris, As fure out of flynt-ston ferde hem bytwene. Doust drof upon lofte, dymedyn alle aboute As thonder and thicke rayn throbolande in skyes. Beren burnes throw, brosten here launces;75 Knyghtes crosschen doun to the cold erthe; Fought faste in the felde, and ay the fals undere76 Doun swowande to swelt without swar more. Tytus tourneth hym to, tolles of the beste, For-justes the jolieste with joynyng of werre. Suth with a bright bronde he betith on harde Tille the brayn and the blod on the bent ornen. Sought throgh another side with a sore wepne, Bet on the broun stele while the bladde laste, An hey breydeth the brond and as a bore loketh,77 How hetterly doun, hente whoso wolde! Alle brightned the bent as bemys of sonne Of the gilden gere and the goode stones; For schyveryng of scheldes and schynyng of helmes Hit ferde, as alle the firmament upon fure were. Waspasian in the vale the fanward byholdeth, How the hethyn here heldith to grounde; Cam with a fair ferde the fals forto mete. As greved griffouns girden in samen. Spakly here speres on sprotes they yeden, Scheldes as schidwod on scholdres to-cleven, Schoken out of schethes that scharpe was y-grounde, And mallen metel throgh unmylt hertes.78 Hewen on the hethen, hurtlen togedre, For-schorne gild schroud, schedered burnee. Baches woxen ablode aboute in the vale, And goutes fram gold wede as goteres they runne.79 Sire Sabyn setteth hym up whan hit so yede, Rideth myd the rereward and alle the route folweth, Kenely the castels came to assayle That the bestes on here bake out of burwe ladden. Atles on the olyfauntes that orible were, Girdith out the guttes with grounden speres: Rappis rispen forth that rydders an hundred Scholde be busy to burie that on a bent lafte.80 Castels clateren doun, cameles brosten, Dromedaries to the deth drowen ful swythe; The blode fomed hem fro in flasches aboute That kne-depe in the dale dascheden stedes. The burnes in the bretages that above were For the doust and the dyn - as alle doun yede Al for-stoppette in stele - starke-blynde wexen Whan hurdighs and hard erthe hurtled togedre, And under dromedaries dyed in that stounde. Was non left upon lyve that alofte standeth - Save an anlepy olyfaunt at the grete gate Ther as Cayphas the clerke in a castel rideth. He say the wrake on hem wende and away tourneth With twelf maystres made of Moyses lawe. An hundred helmed men hien hem after, Er they of castel myght come, caughten hem alle, Bounden the bischup on a bycchyd wyse That the blode out barst ilka band undere, And broghten to the berfray, and alle the bew-clerkes Ther the standard stode, and stadded hem ther. The beste and the britage and alle the bright gere - Chaire and chaundelers and charbokel stones, The rolles that they redde on, and alle the riche bokes - They broghte myd the bischup, thou hym bale thoughte.81 Anon the feythles folke fayleden herte, Tourned toward the toun and Tytus hem after: Fele of the fals ferde in the felde lefte, An hundred in here helmes myd his honde one. The fals Jewes in the felde fallen so thicke As hail froward Heven, hepe over other; So was the bent over-brad, blody by-runne, With ded bodies aboute alle the brod vale. Myght no stede doun stap bot on stele wede, Or on burne, other on beste, or on bright scheldes; So myche was the multitude that on the molde lafte Ther so many were mart; merevail were ellis. Yit were the Romayns as rest as they fram Rome come, Unriven eche a renk and noght a ryng brosten; Was no poynt perschid of alle here pris armure: So Crist His knyghtes gan kepe tille complyn tyme. An hundred thousand helmes of the hethen syde Were fey fallen in the felde or the fight ended, Save seven thousand of the somme, that to the cité flowen, And wynnen with mychel wo the walles withynne.82 Ledes lepen to anon, louken the gates, Barren hem bigly with boltes of yren, Brayden up brigges with brouden chaynes And portecolis with pile picchen to grounde. Thei wynnen up whyghtly the walles to kepe, Frasche, unfounded folke, and grete defence made; Tyeth into tourres tonnes ful manye83 With grete stones of gret and of gray marble. Kepten kenly with caste the kernels alofte,84 Quarten out querels with quarters attonys. That other folke at the fote freschly assayled85 Tille eche dale with dewe was donked aboute. Withdrowen hem fro the diche, dukes and other - The caste was so kene that come fram the walles - Comen forthe with the kyng clene as they yede, Wanted noght o wye, ne non that wem hadde. Princes to here pavelouns passen on swythe, Unarmen hem as tyt and alle the nyght resten86 With wacche umbe the walles to many wyes sorowe; They wolle noght the hethen here thus harmeles be lafte. [Passus 4] As rathe as the rede day ros yn the schye, Bemes blowen on brode burnes to ryse. The kyng comaundeth a-cry that comsed was sone,87 The ded bodies on the bonke bare forto make: To spoyle the spilt folke, spare scholde none, Geten girdeles and gere, gold and goode stones, Byes, broches bryght, besauntes riche, Helmes hewen of gold, hamberkes manye. Kesten ded upon ded, was deil to byholde, Made wayes full wide and to the walles comen; Assembleden at the cité saut to bygynne, Folke ferlich thycke at the foure gates. They broghten toures of tre that they taken hadde88 Agen evereche gate, garken hem hey; Bygonnen at the grettist a garrite to rere, Groded up fro the grounde on twelf grete postes. Hit was wonderlich wide, wroght upon hyghte, Fyve hundred in frounte to fighten at the walles. Hardy men upon hyghte hyen at the grecys And bygonnen with bir the borow to assayle. Quarels, flambande of fure, flowen out harde, And arwes unarwely, with attyr envenymyd, Taysen at the toures, tachen on the Jewes; Throgh kernels cacchen here deth many kene burnes.89 Brenten and beten doun beldes full thycke, Brosten the britages and the brode toures. By that was many bold burne the burwe to assayle.90 The hole batail boun, aboute the brode walles That were byg and brode and bycchet to wynne, Wondere heye to byholde with holwe diches undere, Heye-bonked above upon bothe halves, Right wicked to wynne, bot yif wyles helpe. Bowmen atte bonke benden here gere, Schoten up scharply to the schene walles With arwes and arblastes and alle that harme myght, To affray the folke that defence made. The Jewes werien the walles with wyles ynowe, Hote playande picche amonge the peple yeten: Brennande leed and brynston, many barels fulle, Schoten schynande doun right as schyre water. Waspasian wendeth fram the walles wariande hem alle; Other busked were boun, benden engynes,91 Kesten at the kernels and clustred toures, And monye der daies worke dongen to grounde. By that wrightes han wroght a wonder stronge pale Alle aboute the burwe, with bastiles manye, That no freke myght unfonge withouten fele harmes, Ne no segge undere sonne myght fram the cité passe. Suth dommyn the diches with the ded corses, Crammen hit myd karayn the kirnels alle under, That the stynk of the stewe myght strike over the walles To cothe the corsed folke that hem kepe scholde.92 The cors of the condit that comen to toun Stoppen, evereche a streem, ther any strande yede, With stockes and stones and stynkande bestes, That they no water myght wynne that weren enclosed. Waspasian tourneth to his tente with Titus and other, Commaundeth consail anon on Cayphas to sitte, What deth by dome that he dey scholde With the lettered ledes that they laughte hadde. Domesmen upon deyes demeden swythe That ech freke were quyk-fleyn, the felles of clene: Firste to be on a bent with blonkes to-drawe, And suth honget on an hep upon heye galwes,93 The feet to the firmament, alle folke to byholden, With hony upon ech half the hydeles anoynted; Corres and cattes with claures ful scharpe Foure kagged and knyt to Cayphases theyes; Twey apys at his armes to angren hym more, That renten the rawe flesche upon rede peces. So was he pyned fram prime with persched sides Tille the sonne doun sett in the someretyme. The lered men of the lawe a litel bynythe Weren tourmented on a tre, topsailes walten, Knyt to everech clerke kene corres twey, That alle the cité myght se the sorow that they dryven. The Jewes walten over the walles for wo at that tyme, Seven hundred slow hemself for sorow of here clerkes, Somme hent here heere and fram the hed pulled, And somme doun for deil daschen to grounde. The kyng lete drawen hem adoun whan they dede were, Bade: "A bole-fure betyn to brennen the corses, Kesten Cayphas theryn and his clerkes alle, And brennen evereche bon into browne askes. Suth wende to the walle on the wynde syde, And alle abrod on the burwe blowen the powdere: 'Ther is doust for your drynke!' adoun to hem crieth, And bidde hem bible of that broth for the bischop soule." Thus ended coursed Cayphas and his clerkes twelf, Al to-brused myd bestes, brent at the laste, In tokne of tresoun and trey that they wroght, Whan Crist throw here conseil was cacched to deth. By that was the day don: dymmed the skyes, Merked montayns and mores aboute, Foules fallen to fote and here fethres rysten, The nyght-wacche to the walle and waytes to blowe.94 Bryght fures aboute betyn abrode in the oste; The kyng and his consail carpen togedre, Chosen chyventayns out and chiden no more, Bot charged the chek-wecche and to chambre wenten, Kynges and knyghtes, to cacchen hem reste. Waspasian lyth in his logge, litel he slepith, Bot walwyth and wyndith and waltreth aboute, Ofte tourneth for tene and on the toun thynketh. Whan schadewes and schire day scheden attwynne, Leverockes upon lofte lyfteth here stevenes; Burnes busken hem out of bedde with bemes full loude Bothe blowyng on bent and on the burwe walles.95 Waspasian bounys of bedde, busked hym fayre Fram the face to the fourche in fyne gold clothes. Suth putteth the prince over his pallen wedes A brynye, browded thicke, with a brestplate: The grate of gray steel and of gold riche. Therover he casteth a cote, colour of his armys; A grete girdel of gold without gere othere Layth umbe his lendis with lacchetes ynow. A bryght burnesched swerd he belteth alofte, Of pure polisched gold the pomel and the hulte. A brod schynande scheld on scholdire he hongith, Bocklyd myd bright gold, above at the necke. The glowes of gray steel, that were with gold hemmyd, Hanleth harnays and his hors asketh.96 The gold-hewen helme haspeth he blyve, With viser and avental devysed for the nones. A croune of clene gold was closed upon lofte, Rybaunde umbe the rounde helm, ful of riche stones, Pyght prudely with perles into the pure corners, And so with saphyres sett the sydes aboute. He strideth on a stif stede and striketh over the bente Light as a lyoun were loused out of cheyne. His segges sewen hym alle, and echon sayth to other: "This is a comlich kyng knyghtes to lede!" He boweth to the barres, or he bide wolde, And bet on with the brond that all the bras rynges: "Cometh, caytifes, forth, ye that Crist slowen, Knoweth Hym for your kyng, or ye cacche more. "Wayteth doun fro the walle, what wo his on hande: May ye fecche you no fode thogh ye fey worthe! And thogh ye waterles wede, wynne ye hit never, O droppe thogh ye dey scholde daies in your lyve!97 "The pale that I pight have, passe hit who myght, That is so byg on the bonke and hath the burowe closed, Fourty to defenden agens fyve hundred - Thogh ye were etnes ech on in scholde ye tourne! "And more manschyp were hit mercy to byseche Than metles marre there no myght helpys." Was non that warpith a word, bot waytes here poyntes Gif any stertis on stray with stones hem to kylle.98 Than, wroth as a wode bore, he wendeth his bridul: "Gif ye as dogges wol dey, the devel have that recche! And or I wende fro this walle, ye schul wordes schewe; And efte spakloker speke or Y your speche owene!"99 By that a Jewe, Josophus, the gentyl clerke, Hadde wroght a wondere wyle whan hem water fayled: Made wedes of wolle in wete forto plunge,100 Water-waschen as they were, and on the walle hengen. The wedes dropeden doun, and dryen yerne. Rich rises hem fro; the Romayns byholden, Wenden wel here wedes hadde wasschyng so ryve That no wye in the wone water schold fayle. Bot Waspasian the wile wel ynow knewe, Loude lawghthe therat and lordlynges byddis: "No burne abasched be, thogh they this bost make; Hit beth bot wyles of werre, for water hem fayleth." Than was nothyng bot note newe to bygynne, Assaylen on eche a side the cité by halves, Merken myd manglouns ful unmete dyntes. And myche of masouns note they marden that tyme.101 Therof was Josophus ware, that myche of werre couthe, And sette on the walle side sakkes myd chaf, Agens the streyngthe of the stroke ther the stones hytte, That alle dered noght a dyghs bot grete dyt made. The Romayns runne to anon and on roddes knytte Sithes for the sackes, that selly were kene, Raghten to the ropis, rent hem in sondere, That alle dasschande doun into the diche flatten. Bot Josophus the gynful here engynes alle Brente with brennande oyle and myche bale wroght. Waspasian wounded was ther wonderlich sore Throw the hard of the hele with an hande-darte That boot throw the bote and the bone nayled Of the frytted fote in the folis syde.102 Sone assembled hym to many sadde hundred That wolden wrecken the wounde, other wo habiden. They braydyn to the barres, bekered yerne, Fought right felly, foyned with speres, Jokken Jewes throgh. Engynes by thanne Were manye bent at the bonke and to the burwe threwen. Ther were selcouthes sen, as segges mowe here: A burne with a balwe ston was the brayn clove, The gretter pese of the panne the pyble forth striketh, That hit flow into the feld, a forlong or more;103 A womman, bounden with a barn, was on the bely hytte With a ston of a stayre, as the storyj telleth, That the barn out brayde fram the body clene And was born up as a bal over the burwe walles; Burnes were brayned and brosed to deth; Wymmen wide open walte undere stones; Frosletes fro the ferst to the flor thrylled; And many toret doun tilte the Temple aboute. The cité had ben seised myd saut at that tyme Nad the folke be so fers that the Fende served,104 That kilden on the Cristen, and kepten the walles With arwes and arblastes and archelers manye, With speres and spryngoldes sponnen out hard, Dryven dartes adoun, geven depe woundes, That manye renke out of Rome by restyng of sonne Was mychel levere a leche than layke myd his toles.105 Waspasian stynteth of the stoure, steweth his burnes That were forbeten and bled undere bryght yren; Tyen to here tentis myd tene that they hadde, Al wery of that werk and wounded ful sore. Helmes and hamberkes hadden of sone, Leches by torchelight loken here hurtes, Waschen woundes with wyn and with wolle stoppen, With oyle and orisoun, ordeyned in charme. Suth evereche a segge to the soper yede; Thogh they wounded were was no wo nempned Bot daunsyng and no deil with dynnyng of pipis And the nakerer noyse alle the nyght-tyme. Whan the derk was doun and the day sprongen, Sone after the sonne sembled the grete, Comen forth with the kyng conseil to here, Alle the knyghthod clene that for Crist werred. Waspasian waiteth a-wide, his wyes byholdeth That were freschere to fight than at the furst tyme, Prayeth princes on ernest and alle the peple after That eche wye of that werre schold his wille specke: "For or this toun be tak, and this toures heye, Michel torfere and tene us tides on hande."106 They tourned alle to Titus and hym the tale graunten Of the cité and the sege to seyn for hem alle. Than Titus tourneth hem to and talkyng bygynneth: "Thus to layke with this lese folke us lympis the worse,107 For they ben fele of defence, ferce men and noble, And this toured toun is tenful to wynne. "The worst wrecche in the wone may on walle lygge, Strike doun with a ston and stuny many knyghtes, Whan we schul hone and byholde and litel harme wirche, And ay the lothe of the layk light on usselve.108 "Now mowe they ferke no ferre here fode forto wynne; Wolde we stynt of our strif, whyle they here store marden?109 We scholde with hunger hem honte, to hoke out of toun, Without weme or wounde or any wo elles. "For ther as fayleth the fode ther is feynt strengthe, And ther as hunger is hote, hertes ben feble." Alle assenteden to the sawe that to the sege longed, Apaied as the prince and the peple wolde. To the kyng were called constables thanne, Marchals and masers, men that he tristith; He chargeth hem chefly for chaunce that may falle, With wacche of waled men the walles to kepe: "For we wol hunten at the hart this hethes aboute, And hure racches renne amonge this rowe bonkes,110 Ride to the rever and rere up the foules, Se faucouns fle, fele of the beste." Ech segge to the solas that hymself lyked, Princes out of pavelouns presen on stedes, Torneien, trifflyn and on the toun wayten. This lyf they ledde longe: oure Lord gyve us grace! [Passus 5] In Rome Nero hath now mychel noye wroght: To deth pyned the pope and mychel peple quelled,111 Petre, apostlen prince, and Seint Poule bothe, Senek and the senatours; and alle the cité fured; His modire and his mylde wif murdred to dethe; Combred Cristen fele, that on Crist leved. The Romayns resen anon, whan they this rewthe seyen, To quelle the emperour quyk that hem unquemed hadde.112 They pressed to his paleys, porayle and other, To brytten the bold kyng in his burwe riche; The cité and the senatours, assented hem bothe, Non other dede was to doun: they han his dome yolden. Than flowe that freke, frendles, alone, Out at a privé posterne, and alle the peple folwed. With a tronchoun of tre, toke he no more Of alle the glowande gold that he on grounde hadde. On that tronchoun with his teth he toggeth and byteth, Tille hit was piked at the poynt as a prikkes ende. Than abideth that burne and biterlych speketh To alle the wyes that ther were wordes aloude: "Tourneth, traytours, agen! Schal never the tale rise Of no karl by the coppe, how he his kyng quelde." Hymself he stryketh myd that staf, streght to the hert, That the colke to-clef, and the kyng deyed. Six monthe after, and no more, this myschef bytydde, That Waspasian was went to werry on the Jewes; Foure mettyn myle out of Rome to mynden forevere, That erst was emperour of alle thus ended in sorow. The grete togedres gan, geten hem another, On Gabba, a gome that mychel grem hadde Throgh Othis Lucyus, a lord that hym longe hated. And at the last that lord out of lyf hym broght: Amydde the market of Rome they metten togedres; Othis fallith hym fey, gaf hym fale woundes That foure monthes and more hadde mayntened the croune; And tho deyed the duke and diademe lefte. And whan that Gabba was gon and to grounde broght, Othis entrith on ernest and emperour was made; That man in his majesté was monthes bot thre, Than he yeldeth Sathanas the soule and hymself quelled.113 The Romayns raisen a renk Rome forto kepe, A knyght that Vitel was calde, and hym the croune raughte . . .114 [. . . .] Bot for Sire Sabyn's sake, a segge that was noble, Waspasian brother of blode, that he brytned hadde . . . [. . . .] Waspasian upon Vitel to vengen his brother Sent out of Surrie segges to Rome . . . [. . . .] That as naked as an nedul the newe emperour, For Sire Sabyns sake, alle the cité drowe; Suth gored the gome that his guttes alle As a boweled beste into his breche felle. Doun yermande he yede and yeldeth the soule, And they kayght the cors and kast into Tybre. Seven monthes this segge hadde septre on hande, And thus loste he the lyf for his luther dedes. Another segge was to seke that septre schold have, For alle this grete ben gon and never agayn tournen. Now of the cité and of the sege wolle Y sey more, How this comelich kyng, that for Crist werreth, Hath holden yn the hethen men this other half wynter, That never burne of the burwe so bold was to passe. As he to dyner on a day with dukes was sette, Comen renkes fram Rome, rapande swythe,115 In bruneys and in bryght wede and with bodeworde newe, Louten alle to the lord, and lettres hym raughten; Sayn: "Comelich kyng! The knyghthod of Rome, Throgh the senatours assent and alle the cité ellis, Han chosen thee for chyventayn, here chef lord to worthe,116 And riche emperour of Rome. Thus redeth this lettres." The lord unlappeth the lef, this lettres byholdeth, Overloketh ech a lyne to the last ende. Bordes born were doun, and the burne riseth, Calleth consail anon and kytheth this speche: "Ye ben burnes of my blod, that Y best wolde, My sone is next to myself, and other sib manye: Sire Sabyn of Surrie, a segge that Y triste, And other frendes fele that me fayth owen. "Now is me bodeword broght of blys froward Rome, To be lord over that lond as this lettres speketh. Sire Sabyn of Surrie, sey thee byhovyth How Y myght savy myself and I so wroght; "For Y have heylych heyght here forto lenge Tille I this toured toun have taken at my wille And me the gates ben get and golden the keyes, And suth houshed on hem that this hold kepyn, "Brosten and betyn doun this britages heye That never ston in that stede stond upon othere. Kythe thy consail, sire knyght," this kyng to hym sayde, "For Y wol worche by thy witt gif worschip may folowe!" Than seith Sire Sabyn anon: "Semelich lord, We ben wyes thee with, thy worschup to further, Of longe tyme bylafte, and ledes thyn owen; That we doun is thy dede, may no man demen elles. "The dom demed was ther: who doth by another Schal be soferayn hymself, sein in the werke.117 For as fers is the freke atte ferre ende, That of fleis the fel as he that foot holdeth. "Bytake Tytus, thy sone, this toun forto kepe, And to the doughti duke Domyssian, his brother. Here I holde up myn honde myd hem forto lenge With alle the here that I have while my herte lasteth. "And thou schalt ride to Rome and receyve the croune, In honour emperour to be as thyn eure schapith. So may the covenaunt be kept that thou to Crist made: Thyself dest, that thy soudiours by thyn assent worchen."118 Than with a liouns lote he lifte up his eyen, To Titus tourneth anon, and hym the tale schewed. And as Sire Sabyn hadde seid, he hym sone granteth, With his brother and the burnes, as he hym blesse wolde:119 "I wol tarie at this toun til I hit taken have, Made weys throw the walles for wenes and cartes, Oure bothere heste to holde, gif me hap tydith,120 Or here be to-hewen, or I hennes passe." A boke on a brode scheld was broght on to swere: Alle burnes boden to the honde and barouns hit kyssen, To be leel to that lord that hem lede scholde, Sire Titus, the trewe kyng, tille they the toun hadde. Fayn as the foul of day was the freke thanne, Kysseth knyghtes anon with carful wordes: "My wele and my worschup ye weldeth to kepe, For the tresour of my treuth upon this toun hengyth: "I nold this toun were untake, ne this toures heye,121 For alle the glowande golde upon grounde riche, Ne no ston in the stede stondande alofte, Bot alle overtourned and tilt, Temple and other." Thus laccheth he leeve at his ledes alle, Wende wepande away and on the walles loketh, Praieth God, as he gooth, hem grace forto sende To hold that they byhot han and never here hertis chaunge.122 Now is Waspasian went over the wale stremys Even entred into Rome and emperour maked. And Titus for the tydyng hath take so mychel joye That in his synwys soudeynly a syknesse is fallen. The freke for the fayndom of the fadere blysse, With a cramp and a colde caught was so hard That the fyngres and feet, fustes and joyntes Was lythy as a leke and lost han here strengthe. He croked agens kynde and as a crepel woxen,123 And whan they sey hym so, many segge wepyth; They sente to the cité and soughten a leche That couthe kevere the kyng, and condit delyveryn. Whan they the cyté hadde sought with seggys aboute, Fynde couthe they no freke that on the feet couthe, Save the self Josophus that surgyan was noble, And he graunteth to go with a goode wylle. Whan he was comen to the kyng and the cause wyste How the segge so sodeynly in syknesse is fallen, Tille he have complet his cure condit he asketh For what burne of the burwe that he brynge wolde. The kyng was glad alle to graunte that the gome wylned, And he ferkith hym forth, fettes ful blyve A man to the mody kyng that he moste hated, And yn bryngeth the burne to his beddes syde. Whan Tytus saw that segge sodeynly with eyen, His herte in an hote yre so hetterly riseth That the blode bygan with the hete to brede in the vaynes, And the synwes resorte in here self kynde.124 Feet and alle the fetoures as they byfore were, Comyn in here owen kynd, and the kyng ryseth, Thonketh God of His grace and the goode leche Of alle save that his enemy was yn on hym broght. Than sayth Josophus: "This segge hath thee holpyn, And here hath be thy bote, thogh thou hym bale wolde; Therfor graunte hym thy grace agen his goode dede, And be frende with thy foman that frendschup hath served!" The kyng saghtles with the segge that hym saved hadde, And ther graunted hym grace to go where he wolde. With Josophus he made joye and jewels hym raughte: Besauntes, byes of gold, broches and ryngys. Bot alle forsaketh the segge and to the cité yede With condit as he come; he kepith no more. And Tytus segyth the toun ther tene is on hande For hard hunger and hote that hem is bylompyn. Now of the tene in the toun were tore forto telle What moryne and meschef for mete is byfalle; For fourty dayes byfor they no fode hadde: Nother fisch ne flesch freke on to byte, Bred, browet ne brothe, ne beste upon lyve, Wyn ne water to drynke bot wope of hemself. Olde scheldes and schone scharply they eten; That liflode for ladies was luther to chewe. Fellen doun for defaute flatte to the grounde, Ded as a dore-nayl, eche day many hundred. Wo wakned thycke: as wolves they ferde; The wyght waried on the woke alle his wombe-fille.125 On Marie, a myld wyf, for meschef of foode, Hire owen barn that ho bare ho brad on the gledis,126 Rostyth rigge and rib with rewful wordes, Sayth, "Sone, upon eche side our sorow is alofte: "Batail aboute the borwe our bodies to quelle, Withyn hunger so hote that negh our herte brestyth. Therfor yeld that I thee gaf, and agen tourne And entre ther thou cam out," and etyth a schouldere. The smel roos of the rost right into the strete, That fele fastyng folke felden the savere; Doun thei daschen the dore: dey scholde the berde127 That mete yn this meschef hadde from men layned. Than saith that worthi wif, in a wode hunger, "Myn owen barn have I brad and the bones gnawen; Yit have I saved you som," and forth a side feccheth Of the barn that ho bare - and alle hire blode chaungeth. Away they went for wo, wepyng ech one And sayn: "Alas! In this lif how longe schul we dwelle? Yit beter were at o brayde in batail to deye Than thus in langur to lyve and lengthen our fyne." Than they demeden a dom that deil was to hure: To voiden alle by vile deth that vitelys destruyed - Wymmen and weyke folke that weren of olde age, That myght noght stonde in stede bot her stor mardyn -128 After to touche of trewe, to trete with the lord. Bot Titus graunteth noght for gile that the gomes thenke, For he is wise that is war or hym wo hape, And with falsede afere is fairest to dele.129 To worchyn undere the wal wayes they casten, Whan Tytus nold no trewe to the toun graunte; With mynours and masouns myne they bygonne, Grobben faste on the grounde, and God gyve us joye! [Passus 6] As Tytus after a tyme umbe the toun redeth Wyth sixty speres of the sege, segges a fewe, Alle outwith the ost, out of a kave Up a buschment brake, alle of bright hedis, Fyf hundred fightyng men, and fellen hem aboute In jepouns and jambers. Jewes they were, Hadde wroght hem a wey and the wal myned. And Titus tourneth hem to without tale more. Schaftes schedred were sone and scheldes y-threlled, And many schalke throw-schot with the scharpe ende, Brunyes and bright wede blody by-runne; And many segge at that saute soughte to the grounde, Hacchen upon hard steel with an hetter wylle, That the fure out flewe as of flynt-stonys: Of the helm and the hed hewen at-tonys, The stompe undere stede feet in the steel leveth. The yong duk Domycian of the dyn herde And issed out of the ost with eghte hundred speres, Fel on the fals folke, umbe-feldes hem sone, As bestes bretnes hem alle and hath his brother holpen. Than Titus toward his tentis tourneth hym sone, Maketh mynours and men the myne forto stoppe; After profreth pes for pyté that he hadde Whan he wist of here wo that were withyn stoken. Bot Jon the jenfulle, that the Jewes ladde, An other Symond, of his assent, forsoken the profre, Sayn lever in that lif lengen hem were, Than any renke out of Rome rejoyced here sorowe.130 Sale in the cité was cesed by thanne; Was noght for besauntes to bye that men bite myght: For a ferthyng-worth of fode floryns an hundred Princes profren in the toun to pay in the fuste. Bot alle was boteles bale, for whoso bred hadde Nold a gobet have gyven for goode upon erthe.131 Wymmen falwed faste and here face chaungen, Feynte and fallen doun that so faire were, Swounen, swallen as swyn, and som swart wexen, Som lene on to loke as lanterne-hornes.132 The morayne was so myche that no man couthe telle Where to burie in the burwe the bodies that were ded, Bot wenten with hem to the walle and walten hem overe; Into the depe of the diche the ded doun fallen. Whan Titus told was the tale, to trewe God he vouched That he propfred hem pes and grete pité hadde. Tho praied he Josophus to preche, the peple to enforme Forto save hemself and the cité yelde. Bot Jon forsoke the sawe so forto wyrche, With Symond, that other segge that the cyté ladde. Myche peple for the prechyng at the posterne gatis Tyen out of the toun and Tytus bysecheth To forgyve hem the gult that they to God wroght; And he graunteth hem grace and gaylers bytaught. Bot whan they metten with mete, unmyghty they were Any fode to defye, so faynt was here strengthe. Ful the gottes of gold ilka gome hadde: Lest fomen fongen hem schold, here floreyns they eten.133 Whan hit was broght up abrode and the bourd aspyed, Withouten leve of that lord, ledes hem slowen, Goren evereche a gome and the gold taken, Fayner of the floreyns than of the frekes alle. Ay were the gates unget tille two yeres ende, So longe they sought hit by sege or they the cité hadde; Eleven hundred thousand Jewes in the menewhyle Swalten while the sweng last by swerd and by hunger. Now Titus conseil hath take the toun to assayle, To wynne hit on eche wyse of warwolves handes, Never pyté ne pees profre hem more, Ne gome that he gete may to no grace taken; Armen hem as-tyt alle for the werre, Tyen even to the toun with trompis and pypys, With nakerers and grete noyce neghen the walles Ther many styf man and stoure stondith alofte. Sire Sabyn of Surrye on a syde yede; The yong duke Domycian drow to another. Fiftene thousand fyghtyng men ilka freke hadde, With many maner of engyne and mynours ynowe. Tytus at the toun gate, with ten thousand helmes, Merketh mynours at the wal where they myne scholde, On ech side for the assaute setteth engynes And bold brenyed men in belfrayes heye. Was noght bot dyn and dyt as alle deye scholde, So eche lyvande lyf layeth on other; At eche kernel was cry and quasschyng of wepne, And many burne atte brayd brayned to deth. Sire Sabyn of Surrye, whyle the saute laste, Leyth a ladder to the wal and alofte clymyth, Wendeth wyghtly theron - thogh hym wo happned - And up stondith for ston or for steel-ware.134 Syx he slow on the wal, Sire Sabyn alone; The seveth hitteth on hym an unhende dynte That the brayn out brast at both nosethrylles. And Sabyn, ded of the dynt, into the diche falleth. Than Tytus wepyth for wo and warieth the tyme, Syth he the lede hath lost that he love scholde: "For now is a duke ded the doughtiest Y trowe That ever stede bystrode or any steel wered." Than Tytus on the same side setteth an engyne, A sowe wroght for the werre, and to the wal dryveth That alle overwalte ther hit went, and wyes an hundred Were ded of that dynt and in the diche lyghten.135 Than Tytus heveth up the honde and Heven Kyng thonketh,136 That they the dukes deth han so dere boughte; The Jewes preien the pees - this was the Paske-evene - And to the comelich kyng the keyes out raughten.137 "Nay, traytours," quod Tytus, "now take hem yourselfen, For schal no ward on the wal us the way lette: We han geten us a gate agenes your wille; That schal ben satled soure on youre sory kynde!" Or the gates were yete - al the yeres tyme -138 Over the cyté were seyn selcouthe thynges. A bryght brennyng swerd over the burwe henged Without hond other helpe save of Heven one. Armed men in the ayere upon ost-wyse, Over the cyté were seyn sundrede tymes. A calf agen kynde calved in the Temple And eued an ewe-lombe at the offryng-tyme. A wye on the wal cried wondere heye: "Voys fram est, voys fram west, voys fram the foure wyndis," And sayd: "Wo, wo, wo worth on you bothe, Jerusalem, the Jewen toun, and the joly Temple!" The same tyme the toun was taken and wonnen Yit sayth the wye on the walle another word more: "Wo to this worldly wone and wo to myselve!" And deyd, whan he don hadde, throw dynt of a slynge. And than the vilayns devysed hem and vengaunce hit helde, And wyten her wo the wronge that they wroghte Whan they brutned in the burwe the byschup, Seint Jame; Noght wolde acounte hit for Crist, the care that they hadde.139 Bot up yeden here gates, and yelden hem alle Without brunee and bright wede, in here bare chertes; Fram none tille the merke nyght never ne cesed, Bot evere man after man mercy bysought. Tytus into the toun taketh his wey: Myght no man stande on the stret for stynke of ded corses. The peple in the pavyment was pité to byholde That were enfamyned and defeted whan hem fode wanted. Was noght on ladies lafte bot the lene bones That were fleschy byfore and fayre on to loke; Burges with balies as barels or that tyme No gretter than a grehounde to grype on the medil.140 Tytus tarieth noght for that, bot to the Temple wendith That was rayled the roof with rebies grete; With perles and peritotes alle the place ferde As glowande gled-fure that on gold flikreth. The dores ful of dyemauntes dryven were thicke And made merveylous lye with margeri-perles; Derst no candel be kende whan clerkes scholde rise - So were they lemaunde lyght and as a lampe schonen. The Romayns wayten on the werke, warien the tyme That ever so precious a place scholde perische for synne. Out the tresour to take Tytus commaundyth: "Doun bete the bilde, brenne hit into grounde." Ther was plenté in the place of precious stonys: Grete gaddes of gold whoso grype lyste, Platis, pecis of peys, pulisched vessel, Bassynes of brend gold and other bryght gere; Pelours, masly made of metalles fele, In copper craftly cast and in clene selvere; Peynted with pure gold alle the place over. The Romayns renten hem doun and to Rome ledyn. Whan they the cyté han sought upon the same wyse, Telle couthe no tonge the tresours that they founden: Jewels for joly men and jemewes riche; Floreyns of fyne gold ther no freke wanted; Riche peloure and pane princes to were; Besantes, bies of gold, broches, and rynges, Clene clothes of selke many carte-fulle - Wele wanteth no wye, bot wale what hym lyketh. Now masouns and mynours han the molde soughte, With pykeyse and ponsone persched the walles: Hewen throw hard ston, hurled hem to grounde That alle derkned the diche for doust of the poudere. So they wroughten at the wal alle the woke tyme, Tille the cyté was serched and sought al aboute, Maden wast at a wappe ther the walle stode, Bothe in Temple and in tour alle the toun over. Nas no ston in the stede stondande alofte, Morter ne mude-walle bot alle to mulle fallen: Nother tymbre ne tre, Temple ne other, Bot doun betyn and brent into blake erthe. And whan the Temple was overtilt, Tytus commaundys In plowes to putte and alle the place erye; Suth they sow hit with salt, and seiden this wordes: "Now is this stalwourthe stede distroied forevere." Tytus suth sett hym on a sete riche, Alle the Jewes to jugge as justise hymself. Criours callen hem forth as hy that Crist slowen, And beden Pilat apere, that provost was thanne. Pilat proffrith hym forth, apered at the barre, And he frayneth the freke alle with faire wordis, Whan Crist of dawe was don and to the deth yede, Of the hethyng that He hadde and the hard woundis. Than melys the man and the matere tolde, How alle the ded was don whan He deth tholed; For thritty penyes in a poke His postel Hym solde: So was He bargayned and bought, and as a beste quelled. "Now corsed be he," quod the kyng, "that the acate made; He wexe marchaunte amys, that the money fenged To sille so precyous a prince for penyes so fewe They eche a ferthyng had fourmed floryns an hundred. "Bot I schal marchaundise make in mynde of that other, That schal be hethyng to hem or I hennes passe: Alle that here bodyes wol by or bargaynes make,141 By lowere pris forto passe, than they the Prophete solde." He made in the myddis of the ost a market to crye, Alle that cheffare wolde chepe chepis to have;142 Ay for a peny of pris, whoso pay wolde, Thrytty Jewes in a throm throngen in ropis. So were they bargayned and bought and broght out of londe, Never suth on that syde cam segge of hem after; Ne non that leved in here lawe scholde in that londe dwelle, That tormented trewe God. Thus Titus commaundyth. Josophus, the gentile clerke, ajorned was to Rome: Ther of this mater and mo he made fayre bokes. And Pilat to prisoun was put to pynen forevere, At Vienne, ther venjaunce and vile deth he tholed. The wye that hym warded wente on a tyme Hymself fedyng with frut and feffyt hym with a pere. And forto paren his pere, he praieth hym yerne Of a knyf, and the kempe kest hym a trenchour. And with the same he schef hymself to the herte, And so the kaytif, as his kynde, corsedlich deied.143 [. . . .] [. . . .] Whan alle was demed and don they drowen up tentis, Trossen here tresour and trompen up the sege, Wenten syngyng away and han here wille forthred, And hom riden to Rome. Now rede ous oure Lord! Hic terminatur bellum Judaicum apud Jerusalem.144 |
(see note); (t-note) (see note) (t-note) (see note); (t-note) (t-note) (see note) (see note) bound; beaten; (t-note) pliable leather beset; (t-note) (see note); (t-note) (t-note) (see note); (t-note) If; prophet of worth; (see note) man; struck You; (t-note) (t-note) (t-note) (see note) I find; years; (t-note) (t-note) Until it befell; Titus; (see note); (t-note) Who; Gascony ruled; Guienne; (see note); (t-note) (t-note) trouble harassed; Nero's; (t-note) (t-note) lip lay; clotted; cheek father; is marvelously afflicted; (t-note) hive of wasp-bees bred; (t-note) Hived; them since youth; (t-note) [he] was called Vespasian; (see note) sickness; this man suffered litter; diseased (t-note) (t-note) (see note); (t-note) (t-note) Cestius; Syria; (see note); (t-note) noble; errand came to trouble they would hold back; (see note) went amid the fierce waves On high set the sail; (t-note) (see note); (t-note) sky waned; grew dark; (t-note) (see note); (t-note) storm; red wind rose; (see note); (t-note) soon set upon the sea swelled; (t-note) Nathan's ship soon; (t-note) (see note) (see note); (t-note) (t-note) (t-note) (t-note) one end; [the] heavens as [if] all would drown; (t-note) Struck through streams; (t-note) great wretchedness (t-note) men at the shore thought [it a] marvel; (t-note) [a] barge or boat or man alive Unperished; perils could speak the language asks; far; carried; (t-note) Syria [as a] messenger; leader; (t-note) Cestius, his officer judge of the Jewish law; (t-note) (t-note) called him (i.e., Nathan); (see note) (see note) (t-note) worldly wife; very pure; (t-note) healing and salve quickly; you will do greatest enchantments those; (t-note) man in our land; was alive; (see note) Proved [to be] a prophet Bethlehem; fair maiden she; (i.e., a virgin); (see note) (see note); (t-note) a male child she; ear; (see note) token; had touched her; (see note); (t-note) one; acknowledged together part is one God as [our] elders tell us third; with Them appointed; conjointly; (see note) endless (i.e., immortal); equally; (see note); (t-note) before; (t-note) quickly high; (t-note) (t-note) (t-note) with one word alone; (see note); (t-note) lepers; lodge; leeched (healed) at once; (see note) (see note); (t-note) dead; death; raised; (see note); (t-note) Crook-backed and cancered; cured; (see note) mute; deaf; with; (see note) more miracles; I know of; (t-note) (see note) Five; [it] is wondrous to hear; (see note); (t-note) barley loaves; (t-note) each man; yet lived long; (see note) pieces [of bread]; meat; (t-note) sowed; one group seventy-two; (see note); (t-note) He deemed; were called; (t-note) He sent them; teachings Always; until they were apart; (t-note) twelve goodly [men]; (see note); (t-note) not proud; were called caitiffs; chose; increase; (see note); (t-note) outcasts; these; their; (t-note) fourth fifth of His fellowship; (t-note) sixth; seventh; (t-note) whose bones would never; (t-note) eighth; much-loved here are [an] even ten eleventh; adventured; (t-note) Before; [and who] was; (t-note) disloyal; wicked in his deeds (see note); (t-note) slew; deed; (see note) gallows-tree burst in; (see note) harrowed; (see note); (t-note) To replace that accursed; chose; (see note) (see note) at the time of Passover (t-note) woeful deed; plotted Through Pilate tortured honorable; first was named; (see note); (t-note) face on; she's called; (see note) Painted; missing no detail; (t-note) it [to] her until her life's man on this earth; (t-note) [By] illness or mischief or man's [work] Who kneels; believes (t-note) Ah; traitorous; (t-note) him (i.e., Pilate) judge (t-note) cancer; was fully healed Without scarring face; blemished Ah, courteous; (t-note) to tell You; (t-note) deed; death lamented; (t-note) see; God's dear Son promote my petition; (t-note) stir; trouble; renew (t-note) To slay these devils quick; token He left believed Name; at once therewith be baptized fetched a font-stone; followed who fought for Christ; (see note) Bordeaux's messenger (i.e., Nathan); went; (t-note) marvel; show (i.e., Vespasian), groaning gladly crying; shouted unblemished pure woman; (t-note) wholly I avow; (see note); (t-note) unless; requited (avenged) [At] that time; (see note) our faith preaches Many folk followed [him]; (t-note) man wonders enough aware; wasps (t-note) cloth that cured the sick (t-note) Then to council were [they] quickly agreed appointed; fetch; (see note); (t-note) permission; do; (t-note) (t-note) returned very quickly (t-note) and [a] crowd; (t-note) aware who; owned she fell flat; (t-note) Embraced his feet; man Then began the man doleful death; dear teacher place before he might stop unwrapped; (t-note) cloth; took at last; (t-note) running tears with [the] crowd; quickly; (t-note) always; high ordered to go people [to] Vespasian; (t-note) marvel happened before them all their temple difficult things occurred (see note) palace; veil then; went worshiped (t-note) purified; grew so bright man; showed (i.e., Vespasian); head lords, hear healing I ask hands; (see note) noise; clamor; grief then; thrice (t-note) (t-note) piping (music); (t-note) gave thanks; these; (t-note) hangs in the air; (t-note) (see note); (t-note) Vernicle; (see note); (t-note) Had it arrayed beautifully Still [today]; face; veil relic; (t-note) Meanwhile; trouble withheld; (t-note) council; (t-note) Earls quickly, in haste judge; [the] judgment; (see note) one; two men Who the work (see note) Crowned; much their words to keep; (see note) their promises; (t-note) rattling; rubbing of mailcoats; (see note); (t-note) Showing of swords, shields [They] took leave of; lifting insignia; (see note) gathering followed; (t-note) By then; rigged, issued wine hoisted in quickly (see note) (see note) Galleys; pennants Scattered; broad sea; four miles; (t-note) the top sail; (see note); (t-note) wind at their backs; bank soldiers Jaffa in Judaea's lands; (see note); (t-note) Syria, Caesar's land; seek (t-note) Mt. Zion; here; (t-note) dearly shall be avenged; (t-note) boast condemned wretches lineage; anointed Nor; rest; again; (t-note) beset; [trapping] Syria Burned always; left everything bare; (t-note) roaring and smoke; (see note); (t-note) red rushing (i.e., fire) that spread Took; very many houses Broke [down]; towns won Utterly; hewn field; town, whoever would stay where; (see note); (t-note) as do the fowl that the falcon; (see note) city turrets and towers; (see note) poor people commoners of countries; (t-note) Had flocked; (t-note) (see note) crafty; went pennies (ransom) drew them [siege] engines; thick resolutely set a siege Set pavilions; [made] of pall cloth; (see note) raised up quickly [made] of turkish cloth; (t-note) (see note); (t-note) gilded apple; (see note) (t-note) lying underneath them; (t-note) Palisaded; about (t-note) crenelated; (t-note) (t-note) Towered with turrets Then barricaded Before; siege masters of law chief chieftain; made their way their message at once; (see note) Said; (t-note) hear; (t-note) men showed Gave them; men; (t-note) their coming; avenge; (t-note) be ready before; stark-naked; (see note); (t-note) (see note) man; no other clothes; (t-note) Jews; (t-note) betrayed; (t-note) go and throw [them] stand by [the time] I leave These messengers resolutely; went Where; were all dwelling Quickly; made a great row Caiaphas; (the Jews); (see note) began shouting took; more talk; (t-note) Their hands; wooden tore off their hair; beards; (t-note) lowest reaches; (see note); (t-note) blacken with blacking; (t-note) Then knit; knight's neck A [piece of] cheese; (see note) we are unwilling; to follow dread; judgment; planned field; farther seek prime (dawn) men hastened; bound Return; Jewish leaders angry; men came (t-note) These had happened (t-note) battle farther settled; planned have; certified [to]; (t-note) Raging mad [with] anger; (t-note) Put watches; advised morning soon; sun erected; headquarters; stern way; (see note) Built; full to the brim with weapons; (see note); (t-note) A dragon [banner] was prepared; (see note) Wide-gaping; [as if] men to swallow; (t-note) arrows falchion; keen blades; (see note) (t-note) (t-note) (t-note) burnished; beast; (t-note) tail lifted; where; warred ever looking; taken; (t-note) settlement; (t-note) treaty or no truce; yield Before; counsel taken; (t-note) to be slain or the town [to] win; (t-note) extended; ready; (t-note) Ready, if anyone ran away; (t-note) gust; (t-note) (see note); (t-note) troubling tower; gauged battlefield; men; (t-note) fields shone (t-note) silk and cendal; beaten glowing fire; (see note) sun beams Before; sets to remain; (see note) sum; siege; (t-note) watch; no one escaped; (t-note) circle neighing of steeds Struggling into steel armor; (t-note) elephants; slow beasts; (t-note) Against; castles on [their] backs all his men; (t-note) arrayed; came to the valley where; judge; (see note); (t-note) Strongly battled; (t-note) vanguard (see note); (t-note) (t-note) Where valiant trusty Who; many people led harnesses; (t-note) in the rear; tents (t-note) trumpets in the town banners bade them; (t-note) soon; (see note) halberks attired not counting men on foot pressed; with shields elephants; beasts; (see note) broad castles; town (t-note) dromedaries; devilishly covered; mailed harnesses; (t-note) beast; tower, where; in Camels enclosed in steel came [in] an amazing number Armed for battle Each one a wooden tower; (see note) Chariots; weapons number; desired [to] know brave men; who were afraid found dead; before (t-note) Covered; (t-note) was attired richly; (t-note) Set; pillars A chest; (see note); (t-note) pivots chair; carbuncles; (t-note) Beaten; burning candles; (t-note) sides; (t-note) where; sitting; (t-note) polished; set pearls and noble Learned; could sing; (see note) psalters sat beside him brave; dear stories; (see note) Joshua; Judas Maccabeus; (see note); (t-note) chest took a roll; (see note) read; (i.e., Red Sea); (t-note) army; drowned he related [at] that time came field; keen men blazed; (t-note) hardly; (t-note) observes; (see note); (t-note) overspread; town walls; (t-note) Lords of land, hear There is neither king nor; (see note); (t-note) bachelor (petty knight); man; (t-note) coming is not to avenge; (see note); (t-note) deceitfully Look [to] the scorning beating; (t-note) Let; these lawless men evil; heart I renounce; living men; (t-note) except; alone (see note); (t-note) (see note); (t-note) (t-note) [one] more; we remember; (t-note) supreme rule falls; (see note); (t-note) strength, master or not; (see note); (t-note) lord; lies; (t-note) (t-note) (see note) limb faint; belief; (t-note) (t-note) Neither; trusting stories of battle; (see note); (t-note) are called; [the] Lord High Heaven's; [takes] heed; (t-note) men bow Trumpets; horses [begin] to neigh Steeds; field; steel clothes; (t-note) Strong; striding up on high clarion; all kinds [of] pipes; (see note); (t-note) Timbrels and drums intoning; (see note) Gave a resounding; (t-note) (t-note) Took lances; leapt; (t-note) fire; [it] fared between them dust drove; dimmed jostling in the skies; (see note); (t-note) (t-note) crash swooning to die; word toils with the best; (t-note) Fights the strongest; (t-note) Then; sword; beats brain; field runs; (t-note) flank [of the army]; (t-note) Beat; blade lasts (see note) Hews fiercely; receive [it] field; beams; (see note) Off the golden gear shivering of shields; (t-note) went, as [if]; sky was on fire; (t-note) vanguard sees; (see note); (t-note) there were holding ground [He] came; strong force; (t-note) angered; [they] strike together; (t-note) (see note) (see note) (t-note) (t-note) (see note) went; (t-note) Rides; rout their backs; town led [He] takes aim; horrible Tears out the guts; (see note) (t-note) clatter; camels burst [open] are driven quickly foamed from them; pools; (t-note) dashed steeds; (t-note) men; wooden towers; (see note) dust; went Completely locked; grew; (t-note) hurdighs; (see note) died in that place; (t-note) alive, who stands upright; (see note) Except one single elephant; (t-note) (t-note) sees the destruction masters; (t-note) go after them Before Bound; in [such a] bitter way; (t-note) burst out under each bond; (t-note) fine clerks (scholars); (t-note) Where; placed them there wooden tower (see note) read from; (t-note) failed [in their] hearts Titus [came] after them Many; army; field [were] left; (t-note) helms with his hand alone fall from; heaping over each other field covered over; (see note) broad valley steed; step; steel clothing man, or on beast high; number; earth dead; (see note); (t-note) well-rested Unharmed; man; broken; (t-note) pierced; prize armor until compline time; (see note) helms (i.e., soldiers); (see note) dead; before; (t-note) (t-note) Men leap; lock; (see note) Bar them strongly; iron Raise up the drawbridges [the] portcullis with pins drops; (see note); (t-note) bravely; to defend [These] fresh, untried (t-note) grit; (see note) (see note) Hurling bolts; crossbows at once; (see note); (t-note) Until; made wet They withdrew; ditch [For] the casting; (t-note) Came; [as] unharmed; went Lacking; one man; injury; (t-note) their; quickly watch around; men's heathen; be left; (t-note) Soon; rose in the sky; (t-note) Trumpets blow aloud to wake the men; (t-note) field to make bare loot; dead (spilled); (t-note) Gathering belts Bracelets; byzants; (see note) hauberks; (t-note) [They] cast dead; grievous pathways; (t-note) to begin [the] assault marvelously thick (see note) Against every; placed them high Began; watchtower to raise; (see note) Built; (t-note) (t-note) hew at the stairs; (t-note) with [a] rush; city Bolts, flaming with fire arrows swiftly; poisoned; (see note); (t-note) Aiming; attacking [They] burnt; buildings; (t-note) Burst the galleries; broad whole battle raging difficult; (t-note) hollow trenches beneath High-banked; (t-note) without strategies at the bank bend their gear Shoot; fair walls; (see note) arrows and crossbows; (see note) terrify defend; wiles enough Hot boiling pitch; cast; (see note); (t-note) Burning lead and brimstone; (t-note) Shoot shining; bright cursing them all Cast; crenelations and clustered many dear days' work falls By then; palisade; (see note) around the town, with towers; (see note) encircle; many; (t-note) man under [the] sun; (t-note) (t-note) (t-note) course of the canal; (t-note) current went; (t-note) sticks; stinking [dead] beasts retires council; sit [in judgment] death by judgment; die; (t-note) the scribes; had captured (t-note) (t-note) to the sky (i.e., by the feet) honey; hideless; (t-note) Dogs and cats; claws caught and latched; thighs; (t-note) Two apiece; to torment rent; into red pieces pained from prime; pierced Until the sun set; (t-note) learned; beneath; (t-note) tormented; turned upside-down; (see note); (t-note) Tied; two keen dogs suffered hurl [themselves] slew themselves grabbed their hair; (t-note) sorrow dashed; (t-note) Build a bale-fire; burn; (t-note) Cast; (t-note) Burn every bone; ashes; (t-note) Then go; (t-note) across; town blow; soot; (t-note) powder; (t-note) imbibe; (see note); (t-note) cursed; (t-note) mangled by beasts, burned return for; trouble; (see note); (t-note) put to death; (t-note) (see note); (t-note) Darkened; moors; (t-note) (t-note) fires; army (host); (t-note) speak together Choose chieftains; quarrel; (see note) check-watch to get their rest lies in his lodging, he sleeps little wallows and turns and tosses turns for sadness (t-note) (t-note) (t-note) rises; hastened; (see note) fork (crotch); (t-note) clothes made of pall; (t-note) coat of mail, braided thick The lance-seat; (t-note) puts on a coat, [the] color; (t-note) wide belt; gear about his loins; lashes enough he belts above pure refined; hilt; (t-note) broad shining shield Buckled; (t-note) (see note) (t-note) helm he buckles quickly visor; aventail; (see note); (t-note) Ribboned about Set proudly strong steed; field loosed out of confinement men all saw him; (t-note) goodly barriers, before he would stop beat; sword so that; (see note); (t-note) wretches; slew before you get more [guilt] (t-note) (see note) (t-note) (t-note) palisade; set; (see note) bank; town; (t-note) against; (t-note) giants; you go [again]; (t-note) (t-note) (t-note) (see note) By that time; Josephus; (see note); (t-note) marvelous stratagem Water-soaked dripped; quickly; (t-note) Stink Know; their clothes; plentiful man; place can lack water trick; (t-note) laughs man be weak; boast It is only troubles; (t-note) [They] assail aware; war knew sacks of chaff strike where; hit harmed not a bit; noise; (t-note) on poles attached Scythes; were very sharp Cut at; (t-note) dashing; ditch flattened crafty Burned; burning; woe; (t-note) very badly heel That bit; boot avenge; or woe endure; (t-note) rushed; barriers, engaged quickly; (t-note) fiercely, thrust; (see note); (t-note) Battered; Siege engines by then; (t-note) bank; town pregnant; child; (t-note) stone from a siege-ladder; (see note); (t-note) child [was] flung out borne; town walls; (t-note) Men; brained and bruised thrown Fortifications; ground fell Who killed; kept arrows; crossbows; catapults; (see note); (t-note) missiles thrown; (see note) Drive; cause deep wounds; (see note) a man; setting of the sun; (t-note) (t-note) battle, stows; men wounded; iron Retire; their tents with sadness weary; very badly took off soon Physicians; looked [to] their hurts wool bandaged [them] prescribed charms Then every man; supper went woe named dancing; grief; dinning; (see note) drummers' noise; (see note) day dawned; (t-note) sun assembled the great [men]; (t-note) hear pure; warred looks all-around; men more ready; (see note) (t-note) man; war; (t-note) (t-note) opportunity grant; (t-note) siege; speak turns to them (t-note) are hard; fierce towered; difficult place; wait on the wall [And]; stun (t-note) hunt, to proceed; (t-note) injury or wound; (t-note) where food is short; (see note) strong; feeble; (see note) saying; siege; (t-note) Contented mace-bearers; trusted; (see note); (t-note) charged them chiefly; (t-note) a watch of chosen (see note) river and raise; birds; (see note); (t-note) See falcons fly; fall; (t-note) man [goes] to the solace; (t-note) press on horses Joust, loiter; (t-note) life; [for a] long [time]; (t-note) evil prince of the Apostles; (t-note) Seneca; burned; (see note) mother; mild; murdered; (see note); (t-note) Harassed many; believed rose; evil saw; (t-note) (see note) palace, poor people slay; rich burrow; (t-note) both [of] them assented have; doom given flew; man (i.e., Nero), friendless poor toilet; (t-note) staff of wood glowing teeth he tugged; bit; (see note) Until; sharpened; (t-note) man; bitterly people Turn; arise churl; cup; killed strikes; straight; (t-note) core was cleft; died happened war upon measured miles; (t-note) before great [men] (i.e., aristocracy); go; (t-note) Galba, a man; trouble; (see note) Otho; (see note); (t-note) lord (i.e., Otho); (t-note) Amid; came together; (t-note) felled him mortally; deadly Who [for]; (t-note) then died; crown left; (t-note) brought (i.e., buried); (t-note) entered [Rome]; (t-note) (t-note) (t-note) raised a man; (t-note) (see note); (t-note) Sabinus' sake, a man who; (see note); (t-note) had killed avenge; (t-note) Syria; men; (t-note) needle; (see note); (t-note) drew him (i.e., Vitellius); (t-note) Then gored the man; (see note); (t-note) breeches; (t-note) screaming he went; yields; (t-note) corpse; Tiber River; (t-note) man; scepter; (t-note) terrible deeds to [be] sought great [men] were gone city (i.e., Jerusalem); siege warred Has held in; (t-note) man of the town; (t-note) dinner garb; message; (t-note) Bowed; gave him letters; (t-note) Saying also (t-note) So read these letters leaf; beheld Carefully read each line Tables; man made this speech are men of my blood nearest; many other relations man; trust many, who owe me loyalty message; bliss from; (t-note) these; (t-note) you must say save; if I did this; (t-note) solemnly vowed; remain towered; (t-note) been given and yielded; (see note) then Burst; beaten; high fortifications; (t-note) place stand Pronounce; (t-note) work; wit, if honor Honored honor For a long time; your own men What we do; claim else; (t-note) judgment made; does; (see note); (t-note) (t-note) fierce; man at the far end; (see note) flays off the skin; (t-note) Commit brave; Domitian; (see note) with them to remain all the forces your fortune (destiny) promise; (t-note) (t-note) (t-note) remain; (t-note) paths; wagons; (see note); (t-note) (t-note) hewn, before I hence; (t-note) book; shield; swear men stretched toward; (t-note) loyal; them should lead until Glad; day-bird; man (Vespasian); (see note) prosperity; honor; you control troth; town hangs glowing; (t-note) stone in the place; (t-note) tilled, Temple and all he takes leave from his men; (t-note) Goes weeping; looked (t-note) (t-note) wild sea; (t-note) And so entered news; taken so much joy; (t-note) sinews; sickness man; joyousness fists Were weak as a leaf (t-note) saw him so [beset]; men wept; (t-note) physician; (t-note) could cure; safe conduct; (t-note) men could; who could walk; (t-note) Except; surgeon accepted; (t-note) case knew man Until; safe-conduct whichever man; town man desired goes forth, fetches very quickly moody; he (i.e., Titus); (see note) man to his bedside with [his] eyes; (see note) hot anger so quickly rose (t-note) (t-note) features proper nature Thanked; physician has helped you deliverer; harm for his good deed your enemy reconciles; (t-note) wherever he wanted; (t-note) gave Bezants, bracelets went he keeps nothing more besieges; where woe; (t-note) befallen hardship; difficult; (t-note) mortality; for [lack of] food (t-note) man; bite Bread, soup; beast alive but what they wept shields and shoes soon they ate food; hard Fell down from starvation; (t-note) door-nail; (see note) Woe stirred up thickly; became; (see note) (t-note) One; (see note) (t-note) Roasted side around the town; kill almost our hearts burst; (t-note) give back what I gave you enter where; eats; (t-note) rose; roast; (t-note) many starving folk smelled the savor; (t-note) meat; hidden; (t-note) crazed hunger; (see note) child; roasted [she] fetches; (t-note) she bore; their woe, weeping; (t-note) endure one blow in battle to die languish to live; end; (t-note) (see note) (t-note) (t-note) (t-note) (see note) (see note) mine; plot; (t-note) would not a truce miners; mine they began; (see note) Digging; (t-note) around; rides; (t-note) siege, and a few men away from the army; cave an ambush broke; helms fell about them; (t-note) tunics and greaves; (see note) themselves; undermined turns toward them broken; pierced men shot through; (t-note) Armor; gear run with blood; (t-note) men at that assault [They] hack; [such] a savage; (t-note) sparks fly about; (see note); (t-note) Off; head [are] hewn at once stump; horse hooves; remains noise heard issued; (t-note) Fell upon; surrounds them beasts slaughters; (t-note) turns quickly Orders; (t-note) Afterwards [he] offers peace knew of their woe; trapped crafty, who; led; (see note) Simon; forsook the offer; (see note); (t-note) (t-note) (t-note) Selling; ceased; (t-note) nothing; bezants to buy farthing's worth; florins; (see note) offer; pay in hand (fist) (t-note) (t-note) blanched; their faces Faint (t-note) (t-note) mortality; thick bury; town went; threw them; (t-note) (t-note) vowed offered them peace; (t-note) begged; (see note); (t-note) themselves; yield; (t-note) forsook the message man who led the city Many; secret gates Came guilt [to] jailers sent met; food, powerless digest guts; each person had; (t-note) it was discovered; trick men slay them; (t-note) Butcher each person; (t-note) Happier; (t-note) Always; un-gotten until; (see note) siege, before; (t-note) (see note) Died; fighting (t-note) nor peace [to] offer them again Nor quickly; battle; (t-note) trumpets and pipes drummers; noise come near Where many strong went each man had; (t-note) miners enough Orders; (t-note) assault he sets siege engines armored; high fortifications; (t-note) noise and blows living life lays corner; crashing of weapons; (see note) men in a moment [are] brained; (t-note) while the assault lasts Lays; climbs; (see note) (t-note) (t-note) Six he slew seventh hits; a hideous blow brain burst out; nostrils; (see note) dead from the blow weeps; curses the moment; (t-note) Since; man has lost bravest I believe rode a horse; armor wore sets; (t-note) siege engine; war; drives (t-note) have so dearly (see note) (t-note) guard from your wall; (t-note) have seized for ourselves a gate; (t-note) settled sorely; (t-note) (see note); (t-note) marvelous burning; hung; (t-note) hand or help; alone; (t-note) air like an army several against its nature; (see note) gave birth [to] a baby lamb; (t-note) man; cried loudly; (see note) A voice from east; (t-note) fall on you both; (see note) (t-note) Yet says the man; (t-note) place; (t-note) died; blow from; (t-note) (t-note) (see note) go; [they] yield themselves; (t-note) in their bare shirts; (see note) morning to dark; ceased sought mercy; (t-note) makes his way corpses; (t-note) street famished; (t-note) nothing; lean fair to look upon (see note) tarries; goes shingled chrysolites; looked glowing burning coals; flickers; (t-note) diamonds marvelously light; pearls Needed no; kindled; (t-note) brilliantly alight; shone; (t-note) search; dread perish for [its] sin; (t-note) treasure; (see note) Raze the building, burn bars; for whoever wanted to grab them pieces of weight, polished vessels; (t-note) Basins of burnished; (see note) Pillars, sturdily; (t-note) copper; silver; (t-note) (t-note) tore them down; took searched No tongue could tell; (t-note) rich double rings; (t-note) no man lacked; (t-note) fur and fabric; wear; (t-note) Bezants, bracelets silk Wealth; man; chooses; (t-note) have searched the earth; (see note) picks and punches pierced Hacked; (t-note) darkened; dust made; that week's time Until; (t-note) Made waste with one blow where; (t-note) tower Was no stone; place standing; (see note) mud-brick wall; earth; (see note); (t-note) Neither timber That wasn't razed and burned; (see note) overthrown; (t-note) plowed up Then they sowed; these; (t-note) strong place destroyed; (see note) then set himself; seat (t-note) Criers; they who Christ slew; (t-note) order Pilate [to] appear proffers; appeared at court; (see note) he (i.e., Titus) asks the man day was done; went Of the scorn; (t-note) remembers deed; suffered pennies; bag His apostle beast killed bargain made; (t-note) merchant amiss; took sell [Even if]; farthing; (see note); (t-note) memory price midst; host (army); (t-note) Ever in a crowd bound [that] land man of them; (t-note) lived under Who ordered; (see note); (t-note) matter; books was put to [be in] pain; (t-note) where; suffered; (see note); (t-note) man; guarded provided; pear peel; eagerly man cast [to] him stabs (t-note) (t-note) said and done; folded; (t-note) Pack; trumpet; siege have their will furthered ride home; guide us may; (see note) |