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Lord Gode in Trynité, Geff home Hevene for to se That lovethe gamen and gle And gestys to fede.1 Ther folke sitis in fere Shullde men herken and here Off gode that before hem were That levede on arthede. And y schall karppe of a knyght That was both hardy and wyght; Sir Degrevaunt that hend hyght, That dowghty was of dede. Was never knyght that he fond, In Fraunce ne in Englond, Myght sette a schafft of hys hond On a stythe stede.2 With Kyng Arrtor, y wene, And wyth Gwennor the quene, He was known for kene, That comelych knyght, In hethenesse and in Spayne, In Fraunce and in Bryttayne, Wyth Persevall and Gawayne, For herdy and wyght. He was dowghty and der, And ther nevew full ner, Ther he of dedys myght yher By days or by nyght. Forthy they name hem that stounde A knyght of Tabull Round, As maked is in the mappemond In storye full ryght. He was fayre man and free And gretlech gaff hym to gle, To harp and to sautré And geterne full gay; Well to play on a rote, Of lewtyng, well y wote, And syngyng many seyt not He bare the pryes aey. Yet gamenes hade he mare: Grehondes for hert and hare, Both for bokes and the bare, Be nyght and be day. Fell faukons and fayr, Haukes of nobull eyre, Tyll his parke ganne repeyr, By sexxty, y dar say. He wold be upp or the day To honte and to revay. Gretly gaff hem to pley, Eche day to newe. To here hys Mas or he went Trewly in gode entaunt, And seththe to bowe into the bente There games ine grewe. Now to forest he founde, Both wyt horne and with hound; To breyng the deere to the grond Was hys most glew. Certus, wyff wold he non, Wench ne lemon, Bot as an anker in a ston He lyved ever trew. Ther was sesyd in hys hand A thousand poundus worth of land Of rentes, well settand, And muchell dell more: An houndered plows in demaynus, Fayer parkes inwyth haynus, Grett herdus in the playnus, Wyth muchell tame store, Casteles wyth heygh wallus, Chambors wyth noble hallus, Fayer stedes in the stallus, Lyard and soore. Wher he herd of anny cry Ever he was redy, He passede never forthby In lond wher they were. He lovede well almosdede, Powr men to cloth and fede Wyth menske and manhede; Of met he was fre, And also gestes to call, And mensteralus her in halle. He gaff hem robes of palle, Of gold and of fee. In ych place whaer he come, When he wente fram hem They hade halowed hys name Wyth gret nobullé. In ych lond wher he wentt, So many men he hadd schennt, In justus and on tornament, He whan ever the gre. Ther wonede an Eorl him besyd, Ye, a lord of mechell pryd, That hadd eight forestes ful wyd And bowres full brode. He hade a grete spyt of the knyght, 3 That was so hardy and wyght, And thought howe he best myght That dowghty to grade. He was sterne and stoute, And rode in a gay route, And brak hys parkes about, The best that he hade. Therinne he made a sory pley: The fattest he feld, in fey, By sexty on a day, Such maystries he made. He drowhe reveres with fysh And slogh hys forsteres ywys. The knyght wyste not of thys, For soth, y you say, For he was in the Holy Lond Dede of armes for to fond; The hethene men with hys hond He feld hem offten, in fey. Hys steward hadd a lettre ysent; A mesynger hath hyt hent And forth hys wey ys ywent As fast as ever he mey. When he tyll hys lord com The lettre in hys hand he nom. He sey all yoode to schom, And went on hys wey. Wyth the knytht was non abad; He buskyd hym forth and rade Fram the frount of the Garnad As faste as he myght. Son he pased the see, He and hys meney, And com into hys contré By the twelthe nyght. Tyll his maner he went: A feyr place he fond schent, Hys husbondus that gaf rent Was yheryyed dounryght. His tenantrie was all doun, The best in every toun; His fayr parkes wer comen And lothlych bydyght. He closed hys parkes agen. His husbondus they were fyen: He lent hem oxon and wayn Of his own store, And also sede for to sowe Wyght horse for to drow, And thought werke be lawe And wyth non other schore. Forthi a lettre has he dyght To this Eorl of gret myght. He preyd hem to do him ryght Ar tell hym wherfore. And wyth a sqwer he hit sent, Of an honderd pond of rent, And forth hys way ys he went To wytt hys answer. The sqwyere wold noghte habyd, Bot forthe faste gun he ryde Unto the palesse of pryde Thare the Erle wonnde. Sone so he of hym had syghte: Sir Sere of Cypirs he highte, Was buskede with many knyghte In the foreste to hunte. He was steryn and stowte, With many knyghtes hym abowte. The sqwyere thoght gret dowte To byde his firste brount. Therefore wold he noghte lett; Sone with hym als he mett Even to hym was he sett With his horse front. The squier nolde nat down lyght, Bot haylis this Eorl opon hyght, And sethens barown and kynyght With wordes full wise. He held the lettre by the nooke And to the Eorle he hit toke. And he theron gan loke And seyde his avys, And spake to the squiere: "Ne were thou a messengere Thou shuld abey ryght here Under this woderys. I wull, for thy lordes tene, Honte hys foresstus and grene And breke his parkes bydene, Proudeste of prys." Thanne the squier seyde sone: "Syre, that is nat well done. Ye have lefft hym bot whone, In herde is nat to hyde. He that seyth that hit is ryght - Be he squier other knyght - Here my glove on to fyght, What chaunce so betyde. Syr, yeff hit be your well, Thenkes that ye han don ylle. Y rede ye amend to schkyll, For wothes is ever wyde." The Eorl answeryd: "Ywyse, Y woll nat amend that mese; Y counte hym nat at a cres, 4 For all hys mechell pryd." Than the Eorl wax wroth And swor many a gret owth: He schold be messaggere lothe But he hys wey wente. He toke his leve withouten nay, And wendus forth on his way, As fast as ever he may, Over the brode bent. He com hom at the none And told how he hade done. The knyght asked him as sone What answer he sent. "Sir, and he may as he ment, His game woll he never stent. Thyself, and he may thee hent, I tell thee for yschent." Than Syr Degrevvaunt syght And byheld the heven upan hyght: "Jhesu, save me in my ryght, And Maré me spede! And y schall geff Gode a vow: Som of us schall hyt row. Hyt schall not be for his prow And y may right rede." Anon to armus they hom dyght, As fast as ever they myght, Both squier and kynyght, Wys under wede. Ther was yarmed on hye Ten score knythis redy, And thre hondred archerus by, Full goode at her nede. Anon to the forest they found. Ther they stotede a stound; They pyght pavelouns round, And loggede that nyght. The Eorle purveyede him an ost, And com in at an othur cost Wyth his brag and his bost, Wyth many a ferres knyght. He uncouplede his houndus Withinne the knyghtus boundus, Bothe the grene and the groundus; They halowede an hyght. Thus the forest they fray, Hertus bade at abey; On a launde by a ley These lordus doune lyght. Sexten hertus wase yslayn And wer brought to a pleyn, Byfore the cheff cheventen Yleyd wer yfere. Thane seys the Eorl on the land: "Wher ys now Sir Degrevvaund? Why wol not com this gyant To rescow his dere? Hys proud hertes of grese Bereth no chartur of pes. We schall have som ar we sese; Y wold he wer here. Trewely, ar he went He shuld the game repent, The proud lettre that he sent, By hys sqwer." Syr Degrevvaunt was so nere That he the wordes can her. He seyd: "Avaunt baner, And trompes apon hyght!" Hys archarus that wer thare, Both lase and the mar, As swythe wer they yare To shote wer they dyght. Thane the Eorle was payd; Sone his batell was reyde, He was nothyng afreyd Of that feris knyght. Now ar they met on a feld, Both with spere and sheld; Wyghtly wepenes they weld, And ferysly they fyght. And whan the batell enjoined With speres ferisly they foynede. Ther myght no sege be ensoynd That faught in the feld. Wyth bryght swerdus on the bent Rych hawberkes they rent; Gleves gleteryng glent Opon geldene scheldus. They styken stedus in stour, Knyghtus thorow her armere; Lordus of honor Opon the hethe heldus. They foughten so ferisly Ther weste non so myghty Who schold have the victory, Bot He that all weldus. The doughty knyght Sur Degrevaunt Leys the lordes on the laund Thorw jepun and jesseraund, And lames the ledes. Schyr scheldus they schrede, Many dowghty was dede, Ryche maylus wexen rede, So manye bolde dedus. Thus they fowghten on frythe, Kene kynghus inwith kyth, Wo wrekes thare wryth, These doughty on dede. Burnes he hadde yborn doun; Gomes wyth gambisoun Lyes opon bent broun, And sterff under stede. Sir Degrevaunt the gode knyght Bryttenes the basnettus bryght. Hys feris ferysly they fyght And felles hom to grond. The knyghtus of the Eorlus hous, That wer yhalden so chyvalerus, And in batell so bountyveus. They deyden all that stond. The Eorl hovede and beheld, Both with sper and with scheld, How they fayr in the feld, And syght unsound. The best men that he ledde, He hadd ylefft hom to wedde; With fyffty spers is he fledd And wodelech was ywounded. Syr Degrivvant and his men Feld hom faste in the fen, As the deer in the den, To dethe he tham denges. Wyth scharpe axus of stell He playtede her basnetus well. Many a knyght gart he knell In the mornyng. Sir Degrevvant was full thro, Departed her batell atwo. The Eorl fley and was wo, On a stede can he spryng. He laf slawe in a slak, Forty scor on a pak, Wyd open on her bake, Dede in the lyng. Syr Degrevuant gat a sted, That was gode in ilk a ned. Many a side grat he bled, Thorow dent of his spere. And schased the Eorl within a whyll Mor then enleve myle. Many bold gert he syle That byfore dud hym dere. He com schygynge agen, And of hys folk was fyen, And fond never on slayn, Ne worse be a pere. 5 He knelyde doun in that place And thankyd God of His grace. And all wend that there was Tyll his feyr manere. Bleve to soper they dyght, Both squier and knyght; They daunsed and revelide that nyght, In hert wer they blythe. And whan the Eorl com ham, He was wonded to scham. The lady ses he was lam, And swouned full swyth. Offte she cryed: "Alas! Have ye nat parkus and chas? What schuld ye do at is place, Swych costus to kythe?" "Dame," he seys, "y was thare, And me rews now full sar. Y take my leve for everemare Swych wornges to wrythe." On the morow Sir Degrevvant Dyght him at is avennaunt On a sted ferraunt, Yarmed at ryghtes. To the castell he rad With folkys that he had. At the barnekynch he abad And lordelych doun lyght. And axed yef ther eny were That wold hym delyver him ther Of thre cors of wer, Hym and twelf knythus. He prayd the porter For to ben his mesenger, And to wit an answer, And anon he him hytus. The porter went to the hall, And to the Eorl he can call: "Her is comen to thus wall, Yarmed apon a sted, Sir Degrevvant the gode knygt, With hey helmes bryght, Many bold men and wyght, Wyse under wede. He axit justes of were, And prays thee of answer. He mad me his mesager To walk on his ned." The Eorl answerd an hy: "Here is non redy." Hit semes as that dowghty Sir Degrevaunt drede. The Contase wendes to the wall, And hur doughter withall; Sche was jentell and small, And lovesom to seyght. She lokyd on that aunterous, And seyth: "Sire knyghte chevalerus, Thou art a man marvelus, My troth y thee plyght. Yeff Gode hath lent thee grace That thou hast vencoust thy foos, Ne sekes nat at our plece, Be day ne be nyght." The knyght spekes to that free: "Maydam, wytes nat me! Muchell mawgré have he That chalangeth unryght." He sais: "My parkes ar stroyed And reveres endreyde; Y gretly am anoyde, For south as y you say. Whyle y wared in Spayn He made my londes barreyn, My wodes and my warreyn; My wylde ys away. Y shall do you withowten dred: He that dede me that dede, Y shall quite hem his mede, Y tell you in fay. Yeff y dey in the pleyn, He shall award hom eyan That my fosteres hath slayn, As son as y may." Thanne spekes that wis inwith wan: "Ye have well good men yslayn; Y rede ye be at an, Or ther dey any moo." The knyght answeres an hy: "He schall that bargayn aby That dede me this vilany, As ever mote y goo. Madam, yef hit be your well, Y pray you, take hit not to ill, Y am holden thertyll To fyght on my foo. Y tell you trewly, Hyt leyves not so lyeghtly; Many dowghty schall dey Or hyt ende soo." The knyth hoves in the feld, Bothe weth ax and with sheld. The Eorlus doughder beheld That borlich and bolde. For he was armed so clen, With gold and azour ful schen, And with his troweloves bytwen, Was joy to behold. She was comlech yclade: To ryche banrettes hur lade; All the beuté sche hade. 6 That frely to folde, Wyth love she wondus the knyght; In hert trewly he hyeght That he shall love that swet wyght, Acheve how hit wold. How as ever hit cheve, The knyght takes his leve: "Madam, takes not agreve A thyng that y you say. Gret well the Eorl thy lord, And sey we shall not acord Tyll my thyng be restored That he hath don awey. Her afore myght he eyth Son have made me aseyth. Nowe schall he magré his tyeth, For all is grete arey. Trewly, y undertake, Wer hit not for your sake, Y schall hym wynly wake Or to-morrow it wer day. "Y lette, for my gentriese, To do swych roberyse, For seche fayr laydes Ther casteles to fray. Sen y mey do no mare Tyll his freth wyl y fare; Y woll no wyld best spare, For soth, all this day." Anon to forest they founde, Both with horn and with hound, To breng the dere to the grond, Alaund ther they lay. Thus this games he began; Rachis reyally ran. Sexti bockes, ar he blan, Hadde he felde, in fay. Sir Degreevant, ar he reste, Tenede the Eorl on the beste, And hontede his foreste Wyth bernus full bolde. His depe dychys he drowe, Hys whyght swannes he slow, Grete luces ynowe, He gat hom in wold. Now hym lykys no pley, To honte ne to revey, For Mayd Melidor the may His care wax all cold. As he honted in a chas, He told his squier his case, That he loved in a place, A frely to folde. "My love is leliche ylyeght On a worthly wyeght. Ther is no berell so bryght, Ne cristall so clere. She is ware and wyse, Rode ronne hit ys, As the rose in the ris, Wyth lylye in lere. She ys precious in pall, Fere feyrest of all, Y say hur ones on a wall, Y neyghed hur so nere. Y hade levere she were myn Than all the gold in the Reyn, Fausoned on floren. She is myn so der." His squier answered: "Ywyse, Lat me wyte what she is, And y wol syker thee this, In payn of my lyff, That y woll do that y mey, Both be nyght and be day, Yeff y can be any way Wyn hur to your wyf. And here y shall thee ensur Thi consell never descur Whyll my body may endur; Wyth swerd and wyth knyef That y shall faythly fyeght, Both in worng and in ryght, Or he be squier or knyght, Agenese thee woll streff." "Melydor ys hur naume, Whyeght as the seys fame. My bolde burnes wold me blam (What bot is that y ley?) That I shoulde wow in a stede, Ageyn alle mene rede. And bothe my lyff and my dede Ys loken in hur tye, For she is frely and fair, And the Eorlus owun eyer. I wolde nothing of their, Broche ne bye; I wolde aske tham na mare But hyr body all bare, And we frendes for evermar, What doel that I drye." That sqwyer seyde hys avyse: "Think that ye er enemys! Lat some wye that ys wys Walk on thus nede. For I dar saffly swere, Gyff he take thee in werre Alle Englond here Wold spek of thi dede, And say hyt ys a folly For to love thin enemy Gyf thou gett a vylony But maugré to mede. Other ladyes wolde say Myghthe no womman thee apay Bote Maiede Mylder the may, Vlonkest on wede." Then saide Syr Degrivaunt: "Thou shal not mak thin avaunt That I shall be recreaunt, For frende ne for foo. Thou woldest halde me ful made, For the Erle ful rade. Troust I be so made To leve my love so? At even arme thee well, Bothe in yren and in stel, And we shullen to the castel Bytwyx us owun two. Sertenly this ylke nyghht I wyll see hyr with syghth, And spek with that byrde bryghth, For wel or for wo." Tow ryche coursers thei hente, And forthe here weys thei wente Undir a lynd, or thei lente By a launde syde. Whyle hyt dawed lyghth day The Eorle buskede on hys way, Out at a posterne to play, With knyghth of pryde. Sir Degrivaunt helde hym styll Whyle the Eorle passyde the hyll, And seid hys squier hym tyll Pryvaly that tyde: "I rede we hye us ful yerne In at the yond posterne. And let us halde us in derne The burde tyll abyde." Syr Degrivaunt tok non hede, In at the posterne he yede. The porter hade bene in drede Hadd he ben thare. He that the gatt shulde kepe, He was go for to slepe. In at an orcherd thei lepe, Yarmede as thei ware. The knyght and the squiere Resten in a rosere Tyll the day wex clere, Undurne and mare. Whyle that hurde thei a bell Ryng in a chapell; To chyrche the gay dammisel Buskede hyr yare. Sche come in a vyolet With whyghth perl overfret, And saphyrus therinne isett, On everyche a syde. All of pallwork fyn, With nuche and nevyn, Anurled with ermyn, And overt for pryde. To tell hur botenus was toor, Anamelede with azour, With topyes the trechour Overtrasyd that tyde. Sche was recevyd aspanne Of any lyvand manne; Of rede golde the rybanne Glemyd hur gyde. Hyr herre was hyghthtyd on hold With a coronal of golde. Was never made upon mold A worthelychere wyghth. Sche was frely and fair, And well hyr semed hyr geyr, With ryche boses a payr, That derely were bydyghth, With a front endent With peyrl of Orient, Out of Syprus was sent, To that burd bryghth. Hur kerchevus was curyus, Hyr vyssag ful gracious. Sir Degrivaunt that amerus Had joye of that syghth. By that the Masse was iseid The halle was ryaly areyd The Eorlle hadd irevayd, And in hys yerd lyghthus. Trompers tromped to the mete. They weshen and went to sette; So duden all the grete, Ladyes and knyghttus. When the bordys were drawin Ladyes rysen - was not to leyn - And wentten to chaumbur ageyn, Anon thei hom dyghthus. Dame Mildore and hyr may Went to the orcherd to play; Ther Syr Degrivaunt lay, Thei com anonryghthus. Syr Degrivaunt withouten lett In an aley he hyr mete, And godlyche he hyr gret, That worthelych wyghth. And seyd: "Corteys lady and fre, Jhesu save thee, and see Thi servaunt wold I be, My troughth I thee plyghth. I wold spek (hadd I space) Prevely in a place. My lyff ys loken in thi grace, Thou worthilych wyghth." The byrd was gretely affraid, But natheles hoo was wel paid: He was so ryally arayd, That commolych knyghth. The byrd answerus on hyghth: "Whethur thou be squier or knyghth, Me thenkus thou not dost ryghth, Sothely to say, That thou comyst armid on werre To maydenus to afferre, That walkes in her erbere Prively to play. By God and by Sent Jame, Y know not thi name. Thou erte gretely to blame, I tell thee in fay." The knyght kneled hyr tyll: "Medame, yf hit be your wyll, I graunt I have done yll, I may not ageynsay. "As God save me of synne, I myghth with non other gynne Tyl your spech for to wynne, By day ne be nyghth. Fro I tell thee my name I am not for to blame. And yf hit turne me to grame I shal anonryghth. Hyt is I, Syr Degryvaunt. And hit wer your avenaunt I wold be your servaunt, As y am trew knyghth." Sho seyd: "Tratur, lat be thee! Be Hym that dyed on tre My lord hymself shal thee see Hanged on hyghth." Than Syr Degrivaunt lough, As he stod undur the bow: "Madame, ye wyteth me with wough, Gyf hyt be your wyll. I had never no gylt Of al that blod that was spylt. That wyll I prove as thou wylt Above the yondur hyll. Corteys lady and wyse, As thou arte pervenke of pryse I do me on thi gentryse. Why wolt thou me spyll? And I be slayn in this stede Thou shalt be cause of my dede. Yet wolt thou rew that rede And lyke hyt ful yll." Sche said: "Tratur, thou shalt bye! Why were thou so hardye To do me this vylanye, By day ar by nyghth. For oure folk that thou hast slayn Thou shalt be honged and drawyn. Therof my fadyr wol be fayn To see that with syghth." The knyght spak to this fre: "Seththe hyt may no bettur be, Go feche all hys many With me for to fyghth. And here my troughth: eer I be ton The geyest of hem shal gron, Gyf ther come fourty for on, My troughth I thee plyghth. "And her my troughth I thee plyghthe: Tho that lepeth now ful lyghth Shal be fay and we fyghth, For all her michel pryde." The stout man was astered; Hys squier raughth hym hys swerd. Thanne the borlych berde No lenger durst byde. Tyl hyr chaumbur sche went And swor the knyghth shulde be schent. The mayde hur hood of hoe hent And knelyd that tyde: "Meydame, oppon Yowlus nyghth My waryson ye me hyghth. Y ne axe thee bote yonde knyghth To slep by my syde." Blyve the burde gat a blame, Bot sche ne let for no schame That sche ne asked the same, 7 Sothly to say. "Damesel, go, do thi best. I pray thee, let me have my rest. Go and glad thi gest, In all the devyl way. For, as ever Gode me save, Haddest thou asked a knave, The symplust that I have, Hadd be more to my pay. I swer thee, by Godus grace, Come he ever in this place He passed never syche a pace, By nyghth ne by day." "Maydame," sche seid, "gramercy Of thi gret cortesy." Blyve a chaumbur therby Busked was yare. And in sche feches the knyghth, Privaly withouten syghth, As wymen conn mychel slyghth And ther wylles ware. Sche dyght to hys sopere The foules of the ryvere. Ther was no deyntethus to dere, Ne spyces to spare. The knyght sat at hys avenaunt In a gentyl jesseraunt; The mayd mad hym semblaunt And hys met schare. Of all the met that she schar The knyght ete never the mare. Whan he syghthe ful sare The mayden gan smyle. Sone aftyr he seys: "What useth the Eorl adayes? Hontes he ar revayes? 8 What does he this whyle?" The burd answerus agayn: "Seththe hys chyvalry was slayn He passed never out on the playn Halvendel a myle. Hys hurtus has hym so yderyd, He has byn gretely afferyd. The gatus has byn ay ysperyd For dred of thi gyle." "Or hys yatis be ysperyd I shal mak hym afferyd. I shal schak hym by the berd, The nexte tyme we mete. But I let for hur sake That I have chosen to my mak. Sche doys me unwynly to wak With wongus ful wete. I had levere sche was saughth Then all the golde in hys aughth, And I in armus hade ylaughth That commely and swete. Thann durste I saffly syng; Was never emporour ne kyng More at hys lykyng, An honde, I thee hete." The mayd answerus ageyn: "Me think thou travelus in vayn. Thou hast our kunred yslayn - How myght hit so be? I swer thee by Godus myghth, Com thou ever in hur syghth Thou bes honged on hyghth, Hyie on a tre. Hyr proferrys par amoure Both dukes and emperoure; Hyt were hyr disonowre For to taken thee. The Duke of Gerle for hir has sent That he wol have a tornament. Hyt ys my lordys assent Withynne for to be. Tho Duke comes of so gret arey To juste and to tornay, Thou comes nat at that play, By counsayl of me. Hyt is my lordys ensent, Come thou to that torniment Sertaynly thou be schent And all thi meynye." "Damesele, withouten drede, Thou hast warnyd me of this dede, Of this gret gentyl rede, God foryelde thee. And y swer be Sent Luke, I shal juste with that Duke Or I gete a rebuke, However that hyt be. And, damesel, for thi chere And for my god sopere Thou shalt have my squiere; Lok yf thee paye. Here I gyf yow be band An hundred pownd worth of land. Do tak hyr by the hond, And do as y thee saye." Whan here trouthus were plyghth Sone torches were ilyghth, And gaff hym ordyr of knyghth, For sothe as I say. "Recumaunde me, for Godys pyne, To my lady and thine, As thou wolt that I be thin To my dethus day. "Recumaund me pryvaly To that fayr lady, Or hur thenke lyghthely9 That I am pore. Ther shal be emporour ne kyng That shal hyr to bed bryng. That I shall make a lettyng, I sey thee tho sothe. Here my trouth I thee plyghth: Seyn fyrst I see hyr with syghth I sleped never o nyghth Halvendel an hour. Pray that corteys and hende That sche wold be my frend, And some socour me send For hyr mychel honowre." The maid seis: "I take on hand That I shal do thyn errand; Or I be flemyd out of lond Y lete for no dred. I shall teche thee a gyn Out of this castel to wyn, And how thou shal come in Thyn erond to spede. Ther ys a place in the wall, Bytwyne the chaumbur and the hal, Thor lyghth a mychel waturwal Of fourty feyt brede. Ther shalt thou come in a nyghth, Prevaly withouten syghth, And here thi chaumbur shal by dyght And I can ryghth rede." "Damesel, for Godus grace, Teche me to that ylke place!" The maid privaly apace Passes byfore, And ledes hym out at a gate, In at a waturgate, Ther men vytayled by bate That castel with cornes. "At ebbe of the see Thou shalt not wad to the kne." The knyght kyst that fre; Erly at the morow, Fayir thei passed that flode. To tho forest thei youd, And toke here stedus wher thei stod, Undur the hawthrone. Syr Degrivaunt ys whom went And aftyr hys retenu sent; To that gret tornament Thei busked hem yare. But leve we now that gentyl knyght, And spek we of that byrd bryght; How thei gestened that nyght Carp wyll we mare. Erly on the mowroun The lady lough hyr to scorn; Sche seys: "Thi maydynhed is lorn, God gyf thee care." "Maydame, gyff hyt so be, Hyt deres no man but me. I fouchesaff on that fre, And hyt so ware." Tho lady loughwes uppon hyght: "Damesele, for Godys myght, How peyis thee that knyght, As ever mote thou the?" "I dar make myn avaunt For my lord Syr Degrivaunt - Corteys and avenaunt, I know non so fre. Sertaynly, this ylke nyghth Hys squier ys mad knyghth. He and I ys troutheplyghth My housbond to be. And he hath gyf us by band An hundred pownd worth of land. Here the chartur in thi hand, Thiself may hyt see." Than that lady was glad By sche that chartur had rad. "Had thou Syr Degrivaunt had Then had thou wel igon." "Nay Meydame, so mot I thryve, Ther ys no lady on lyve That he wol wed to wyff But only thee allon. Y warne thee of o thing: Ther shall be emperour ne kyng That shal thee to bede bryng - I owttake non - That he nol mak a lettyng. He sendys thee syche a gretyng: Lo, here ys a rede gold ryng With a ryche ston." The lady loked on that ryng, Hyt was a gyfte for a kyng. "This ys a merveylous thing! Wenus thou I be wode, To do syche a foly, To love my lordys enemy? Thow he were to so dowghty, Nay, be the Rode! Y do thee wele for to wyte Y nel non housbond have yyte. Seye the knyghth, whan ye mete, I wol hym no gude. The Duk of Gerle hase ihyght That he wol soupe here this nyght, And gyf my chaumbur wer idyght Nothing foryeod." The Duk ys comen over the see With a ful grete meyné. The Eorl, cortays and fre, Fayr hym gan praye To dwel at hys costage At bouche of court and wage, With knyght, squier, and page, Tyl the tent day. A thousand hors and thre Of the Dukus meyné Ylke nyght tok lyveré Of cowrun and of hay. The ryche Duk, whan he eet With Mayd Myldore the swet, The Eorle hertely hym hete To have hyr for ay. The knyghthus of the Eorles house Held the Duk so chyvalrous, For he was gay and amorous And made hyt so tow. The Eorl told hym anon What armes he hadde tonn, And how hys chyvalré was slon Undir the wodbowe. "The baneret that wonnes hereby Wol asayl the cry. He wroghthe me this vylany And dud me this wough." The Duk answerus on hyghth: "Here my trouth I thee plyghth, Whedur he wol tornay or fyghth, He shal have inow." The Duk answerus on hyghth: "Whereby knowus thou the knyghth?" The Eorle taughth hym ful ryghth With wordys, I wene. "He beres a cheef of azour Engrelyd, with a satur, With doubule tressour, And trewelovus bytwene. Hys bagges is blake: For he wol no man forsake A lyoun tyed to an ake, Of gold and of grene. An helme ryche to behold He beres a dolfyn of gold, With trewelovus in the mold, Compasyd ful clene. He ys a lyoun in feld When he ys spred undur scheld. Hys helme shal be wel steled, That stond shal as stak. He ys so stalloworth in stoure, By Seynt Martyn of Toure, Couthe he love par amoure, I knew never hys mak. All the londes that I welde Wold I gyf in my yelde To se hym falde in the feld. Ho wold hyt undurtake?" The Duk lough hym to scorun, Hys oth heyly has isworun: "He shal abye tomowrun, Syre, for thi sake." And on morow the Duk hym dyghth, Also fast as he mighth, The Eorl, hardy and wyghth, Cruel and kene. The sonne schonne en clere; They uschen in with banere, Five hunderyd knyghtus in fere, Iarmed ful clene, And ther servitourus bysyde. All that contray so wyde Come thedur that tyde That solas to sene. Sire Egrivaunt out of the west Broughth out of the forest Thre hundred knyghttus of the best, Was greythed al on grene. Ther was non so hardy That durst asayl the cry; The held this Duk so doughty For hys mychel pryd. But when thei se Syr Degrivans Com armed up a ferauns, Thei thonked Gode of her shaunce, Al that other syde. Then thei drowe hym ful nere, Baneret and bachelere, To ben undur hys banere To tornay that tyde. With trompe and with naker And the scalmuse clere Folke frouschen in fere; In herd ys not to hyde. And when the renkus gan mete Fele was fouled undur fete, Knyghthus strewed in the strete, Stonyed with stedys. With swerdus smartely thei smyt, The temes sadelus ful tyte; Ther was no lengur delyte, These worthely in wedus. Baronus syttys on the bent With shuldrys shamly shent; Bryghthe browus and bent Brodelyche bledus. Manye harmus has thei hent; That was never at hor asent To come to that tornament To do suche dedus. Syre Degrivaunt, withouten les, Prykkus fast therow the pres; To the cheventayn he ches And raughth hym a strok. The Duk dotered to the ground, On erthe swyfftly he swouned. Syre Degrivaunt, within a stound, He wan hys sted blak. He was stalworth in stoure, For he loved par amoure The lady lay in the toure, That shuld be hys mak. Syre Degrivaunt, ar he blan (This sey many a man) Syxty stedus he wan, And broughth to stak. Syre Degrivaunt that very day, The sertayn soth for to say, Al the prys of the play Was put on that fre. Sone that doughty undur sheld Had yvenkessyd the feld. Many a man hym byheld, So hardy was he. Ladyes seyden al bydene, Bothe contasse and qwene: "Yond gentyl knyght on grene Hath deservyd the gre." Bryghth burdus in ther boure Loved that knyghth par amoure, Gret ladyes of honoure, And alle that hym seyen. The Duk was horsed agayn And prycked fast thorw the playn. The Eorl and he with a trayn To the castel gan fare. Thane an heroud gon crye And prayd al the chyvalrye To soupe at the maungerye, Gyff ther wyllus ware. The good knyght Syre Degrivaunce He had ymade repurveaunce For al hys retenaunce, Fourty days and mare, In the syde at a fel At a wel feyre castel, Whyle hym was lef for to dwel For to sle care. The sterne knyghthus and the stout, Whylk that tornayde without, Ryden away in hys rout, Thre hundred and mo. And hundred pound and a stede He send the mynstralus to mede (Of gyffte was he never gnede, For wele nor for wo). Tyl hys castel he rade; A ryal maungerye he made. Alle the bold ther abade, Ther scapyd non hym fro. At even seyd Syr Degrivauns: "I wol se the countenauns Of the chyvalrye of Frauns, As ever mote I go." Syr Egrivaunt at evynlyghthus Armed hym at al ryghthus, And callyd to hym tow knyghthus, That pryvest were ay. "Ha dyght yow on stedus In two damysel wedus, For I wol found in my nedus, As fast as I may. Tak ether of yow a spere, Bothe of pes and of were; Greyth myn hors on hor gere And lok that thei be gay, That thai be trapped aget, In topteler and in mauntolet, In a fyn vyolet, And makes non delay." And whan here hors wer held Thei toke ther sperus and there scheldus And prycked fast on the felde; No lengur wolde thei dwel. And syen thei ryden even west Thorw a fayr forest, With two trompess of the best That range as a bell. On an hull he gan hym rest. Thei gaf hym hys helm and hys crest; He was the sternest gest Fro Heven to Helle. Syr Degrivaunt withouten abad To the Eorlus castel he rade. He found the gat so brad, Swyche hap hym felle. And rydes up to the des, As thei were servid of her mes; To Mayd Myldor he ches And chalangys that fre. The Duk sterte up an hyght: "Here my trouthe y thee plyght, I shal delyver thee this bryght; Tomorow shalt thou se. Bytwene underun and prime, Loke at thou come at that tyme. Other swowne shal in sweme; The lady shal ise. And trewly, withouten les, Thou shalt be servid or I sess Bothe of werre and of pess, Of aythur cours thre." The knyghth was so dresse, Hytt was gret joye to se; So fayr an horsman as he Seye thei never are. Some loked on hys stede, And some on hys rych wede, And some the resoun gan rede What the knyghth bare. He loutes down to them alle, Bothe to the grete and to the smalle, And rydys out of the halle And buskys hym yare. Of all that loked on the knyght Was non that knew hym with syght, Bot Mayden Myldor the bryght, Of all that ther ware. Hammard he rydes ryghth And as fast as he myghth. On the mowro he hym dyghth, Ryghth as he dude are, And fyndys the Duk in the feld Bothe with spere and with scheld. The Eorl hoved and byheld, Brem as a bare. Than seid the Duke on the land: "Whare ys now this geand? He wol hald no covenand, For alle hys gret fare." But when he say Syr Degrivaunt Come armed up a feraunt, Hys hert wex recreaunt And syghth ful sare. The Duk send a squiere To wytt what hys wyll were: To juste o pesse or of were, So sore he hym dredus. The knyght answerd thertyll, Bothe with resoun and with skyll: "Hyt shal be at hys wyll, Tak what hap ledus." Then the doughthy hem dyghth As faste as thei myghth. Thei set helmus on hyghth, Thes doughty on dedus. To gret sperus of pese Bothe these lordes hem chese, And prikes fast thorw the prese Opon stout stedus. Ther stedes styrres hom faste, The knyghthes jusset or they cast, Ther good speres al tobrast, That weren gode at nede. Syr Degrivaunt, as he had ment, Gaf the Duk swych a dynt That bothe styroppus he tynt - An honde, I thee hete. The Duke rekyvered agayne. Hys frenchepys were fayn; The proford hym paynmayn, Vernage, and Crete. The Duk swore by gret God of Heven: "Wold my hors go evene Yet wold I sett all on seven, For Myldor the swet." Tow gret sperus ha they ton, And gerd there stedus whyll the gron; Wytt yow wel that many on Lokede on them two. The doughty knyghthus of pryde Thorw the renckus gon thei ryde. Bote they myssede at that tyde - Thorw hap hyt fell so. The good knyghth Syre Auntorus Come in at the thryd cours; For he loved par amours In hert that he was thro, And strykus the Duk thorw the scheld Wyd opon in the feld. The Eorl hoved and byheld, In hert he was wo. The damessel toke the stede And thorw the renkus gon hym lede And seys: "Have this for thi mede Tyl thou gete mo." Yet she spekys a word of pride: "On this stede wol I ryde By my lemmanus syde In lond whare I go." That knyght dressyd hym in hys gere; Hys felawe raughth hym a spere, A scharpe wepon of were, The Duk for to slo, And seis: "Syre Duke avenaunt, I pray thee, hold covenaunt! Yondur ys a knyghth erraunt, Why taryest thou hym so?" The Duk lay on the grownd, On erthe swyftely he swound; He was stonyed that stownd, Trewly, that tyde. And yit she cryes upon hyghth: "Yondur ys armed a knyghth, All redy and ydyghth, Thi comes for to abyde!" The Duk answerd thertyl, Bothe with reson and skyl: "I am yhurte ful yl, In herd is not to hyde. Pray hym tak hit nat agreff, He ses I am at myscheff. Y hope nat y may lyff, So sore ys my syde." Syre Degrivaunt toke his stede And gaff the mynstrelus to mede, And to forest thei spede, As faste as the may. The Duke that was this ydyght, He toke his leve that ylk nyght, Bothe with baroun and with knyght, And went on hys way. Sir Degrivaunt on the morwoun Come aye to the thorun Ther hys stede stod byforun, And lenges all that day. Privayly at the nyghth He come in with his knyghth To spek with Myldore the bryghth, Spede yf he may. The mayde wyst by a gynn That the knyghth was comen in. The lady of heye kynn Perseved the thoughth: "Damesele, so have I rest, Thou hast geton thee a gest Of wylde men of the west; Layne thou hom noughth. Prevayly, withouten syghth, Do me carp with that knyghth. Here my troughth y thee plyghth, He has dere yboughth." Thanne the mayden was glade; Sche dude as the lady bade And up at the grese hoe him lade, And to chaumbur hym broughth. The lady of honowre Metes the knyght in the doure, Knelyd doun in the floure, And fel hym to feet. Frek as fuyre in the flynt He in armes had hyr hynt, And thrytty sythes ar he stynt He kyst that swet. "Welcome, Syre Aunterous. Me thenkus thou art mervelous! Wyst my lord of this hous, With grame wolde thee gret." Swythe chayres was isete And quyschonus of vyolete. Thus this semely was isete With mouth for to mete. "Damesele, loke ther be A fuyre in the chymené, Fagattus of fyretré, That fecchyd was yare." Sche sett a bourd of yvore, Trestellus ordeyned therfor; Clothus keverede that ovur - Swyche seye thei never are. Towellus of Eylyssham, Whyghth as the see ys fame, Sanappus of the same, Thus servyd thei ware. With a gyld saler, Basyn and ewer, Watyr of everrose clere, They wesche ryghth thare. Paynemayn privayly Sche broughth fram the pantry, And served that semely, Same ther thei seet. Sche brought fram the kychene A scheld of a wylde swyne Hastelettus in galantyne, An hand y yow hete. Seththe sche brought hom in haste Ploverys poudryd in paste; Ther ware metus with the maste, I do yow to wytte. Fatt conyngus and newe, Fesauntus and corelewe; Ryche she tham drewe Vernage and Crete. To tell here metus was ter That was served at her soper; Ther was no dentethus to dere, Ne spyces to spare. And evere sche drow hom the wyn, Bothe the Roche and the Reyn And the good malvesyn, Felde sche hom yare. And evere Myldore sche sete, Harpyng notus ful swet, And otherwhyle sche et, Whan hur leveste ware. Songe yeddyngus above; Swyche murthus they move In the chaumbur of love - Thus thei sleye care. Ther was a ryal rooffe In the chaumbur of loffe. Hyt was buskyd above With besauntus ful bryghth; All of ruelbon, Whyghth ogee and parpon, Mony a derewrothe stone, Endentyd and dyghth. Ther men myghth se ho that wolde Arcangelus of rede golde, Fyfty mad of o molde, Lowynge ful lyghth. With the Pocalyps of Jon, The Powlus Pystolus everychon, The Parabolus of Salamon, Payntyd ful ryghth. And the foure gospellorus Syttyng on pyllorus, Hend, herkeneth and herus, Gyf hyt be youre wyll. Austyn and Gregorius, Jerome and Ambrosius, Thus the foure doctorus Lysten tham tylle. There was purtred in ston The fylesoferus everychon, The story of Absolon, That layked ful ylle. With an orrelegge on hyghth To rynge the ours at nyghth, To waken Myldore the bryghth With bellus to knylle. Square wyndowus of glas, The rechest that ever was; Tho moynelus was of bras, Made with menne handus. Alle the wallus of geete, With gaye gablettus and grete, Kynggus syttyng in ther sete, Out of sere londus. Grete Charles with the croune, Syre Godfray de Boyloune And Arthur le Bretoune, With here bryght brondus. The flour was paved overal With a clere crystal, And overkeveryd with a pal, Afflore where she stondes. Hur bede was of aszure, With testur and celure, With a bryght bordure Compasyd ful clene. And all a storye as hyt was Of Ydoyne and Amadas, Perreye in ylke a plas, And papageyes of grene. The scochenus of many knyght Of gold and cyprus was idyght, Brode besauntus and bryght, And trewelovus bytwene. Ther was at hur testere The kyngus owun banere; Was nevere bede rychere Of empryce ne qwene. Fayr schetus of sylk, Chalkwhyghth as the mylk, Quyltus poyned of that ylk, Touseled they ware; Coddys of sendal, Knoppus of crystal That was mad in Westfal With women of lare. Hyt was a mervelous thing To se the rydalus hyng With mony a rede gold ryng, That home upbare. The cordes that thei on ran The Duk Betyse hom wan; Mayd Medyore hom span Of meremaydenus hare. Ryght abought mydnyght Seyd Syre Degrivaunt the knyght: "When wolt thou, worthely wyght, Lysten me tyll? For love my hert wyl tobrest! When wylt thou bryng me to rest? Lady, wysse me the best, Gyf hyt be thi wyll." The burde answered full yare: "Nevene thou that eny mare Thou schalt rew hyt ful sare And lyke hyt ful ylle. Sertes, tho thou were a kyng, Thou touchest non swych thing Or thou wed me with a ryng, And maryage fulfylle. "Leff thou well, withouten lette, The ferste tyme y thee mette Myn hert on thee was sette, And my love on thee lyghth. I thoughthe never to have non, Lord nothur lemman, Bot onely thee allon; Caysere ne knyghth, Kyng ne non conquerour, Ne no lord of honour, And gyff hyt were the Emperour, Most proved of myghth. Forthy, syr, hald thee stylle Whyle thou get my fadyr wylle." Tho knyght sentus thertylle, And trouthus thei plyghth. And whan here trouthus was plyght, Than here hertus were lyghth; Was never faukon of flyght So fayn as thei ware. Thai lay doun in ther bede, In ryche clothus was spred. Wytte ye wel or thei wer wed Thei synnyd nat thare. Than spekus tho burd bryghth To Syre Degrivaunt the knyghth: "Swet syre, come ylke nyghth And loke how we fare." And the bold bachylere Toke the damysele clere. This han thei dured that yere, Thre quarterus, and mare. At missomere in a nyghth - The mone schone wondur bryght - Syr Degrivaunt and hys knyght Busked to wend. The doughty knyghthus so fre Lyghth doun by a tre. A prout foster gan tham se Alaund ther thei lende, And folewes hom thorw the wode, Alle the weyes that thei yode, And how thei passed the flode, The knyghthus so hende. So dud the weyt on the wall; The Eorlus owne mynstrall, Sey tham wende to the hall, And wyst nevere what hyt mende. The pypere haldus hys pays, Tyl no man he hyt says (Mynstralus shuld be cortays And skyl that thei ben). The foster tolde anoneryghthus To the Eorle and hys knyghthus How thei come armede anyghthus, As he hadde ysen. The styward was chyvalrous, Syre Eymur the kayous. With offycyrus of that hous, Cruel and kene, A gret buschement hadde he sette Ther the foster hom mette, And thoughth Syre Degrivaunt lette The wayes ful grene. The stywarde heyle hath swornne: "And he come be this thornne We bryng hys hed on the mornne And non othur mede." Dame Myldor wyst noughth What al this folkys hade thoughth; She wende no man that had bene wroughth Hade wyten of hor dede. And Syre Degrivaunt hadde yhighth, Ryghth as he was trew knyghth, To speke with Myldore that nyghth, And lette for no drede. God, as Ye ar muchel of myght, Save Syre Degrivaunt the knyght, And lene hym grace in that fyght Wel for to spede. Syre Degrivaunt at evenelyghth Armede hym and hys knyghth, And toke on privayly for syghth Two gownes of grene. Nothur schelde ne spere, Ne no wepen of werre, Bot twey swerdus thei berre Of Florence ful kene. Whan thei come to the slac The bolde buschement brac, Stoute opon stedus bac, Armede ful clene. Syre Degrivaunt, ys nat to layn, Blyve hys swerde had ydrayn. He that come formast was slayn In the schaw schene. Whan thei Syr Degrivaunt mett Sevene sperus on hym ysett, Evene in hys bassonett, Brasten a two; Some bare hym thorw the gown, Some brast on hys haberjown. Hys sqwyer was born down, Hys swerd cast hym fro. Then Syre Degrivaunt lyghth, And rescowede hys knyghth, And cryed to hym an hyghth: "Why wolt thou lyen so?" The beste stedes that thei hade By the scholders he them schrade. He was never so hard ystade, For wele ne for wo. The styward, Syre Eymere, Com a lytyl to nere: Hys hede by the coler He kerves away. The body syttys opon the hors, Hyt was uncomely to the cors. The stede stert over a fosse And strykys astray. Y wyst never how hyt ferde: He betus hom fast to the erthe; With hys twohonde swerde He made swych paye That syxty lay on the feld, Bothe with sper and with scheld, That never wepen myghth weld Sen that ylke day. The panter, the boteler, The Eorlus cheff sqwyer, Ther lyes slay yfer In the schawe schene. Than the remenaunt fles On the sort that thei sees, And some lorkus undur tres, In slowes unshene. Thonkede be Godes grace: He has venkest hys face And made a chyvalrous chace, That crewel and kene. Noughth fourty fot fram the wal He slowe the marchal of the hal, And other gode sqwyers withal, Mo then fyftene. By that hyt dawed ney day, By that he hade endyd this play, Some scaped away And many on was slayne. Than sayd Syre Degrivaunt the knyght: "Here my trouthe y thee plyght: I shal speke with Myldore tonyght, To dey in the payn." Thei set here stedus ther thei stode, And fayr passede the flode. To the Eorlus castel the yode, The gatus ful gayn. Than the lady so bryghth, Fayr sche welcomed the knyghth. She had nat hard hore fyghth Therof wer thei fayn. She had wondur in hyr wyt Why here clothus war toslyt, As thei in holtus had byn hyt, With dyntus of spere. Here gay gownus of grene Were ful schamely besene. "Leve syre, where have ye bene, Youre clothus to tere?" The knyghth sat semely And seide tyl hyr prively: "We sey never selly That shold us aughth dere. But as we passed by a thorn Thus wer our gownus totorn. We shalle have new tomorn; We cownte hyt not a payr." The knyghth had foughten as a bar, So that hym fersted ful sare. The mayde broughth hym ful yar The spyces and the wyn. Dyverse spices thei ete, And ofte with mowthus thei mete. Sche broughthe hem Vernage and Crete, And wyne of the Reyn. He toke his leve at the day At Mayde Myldore the may. Yet wyste ho note of the fray; That she harde seyne. The knyghth wendys on his way Ther the dede men lay, And seyde soufft on his play: "Yondur was stout hyne." Thei broughthe hom on bere, The stywarde Syr Eymer And other gode sqwyer, Of fryththus unfayn, And cryide out overall Both gret and small. The mayde wyndus to the hall Tythyngus to frayn. The Yorle spekus to that fre: "Y wytt Syr Degrivvant and thee The slaughthtur of my mené; This is yowr false treyn. By Hym that dyede on tre, This day shall thou dede be. I wat well hit is he That hase thee belayn." The mayde answerde agayn And seis: "Petur, I am fayn And that knyghth be not slayn; What bote is that I lye. Sene he was chosen my fyrst make Shall I hym never forsake. What dethe that I take, Or dool that I drye." Than the Yorle wax wode And swor: "Be bonus and blode, Mete ne drynk shall do me gode Ar I se thee dye!" The Contasse knelyd tho anon: "Gode schylde, syr, that he be slon. We hade never chyl but hyr on," And cryid ful hye. The Contasse cryed: "Alas! Ye have ben to longe foas. Wycked tonge hit mas; God gif them shame. I dar savely say The knyghth went on his way, Owre men bysett hym the way; He was not to blame. Was not his fosteres slayn While he werred in Spayn? Hys woddys and hys waryn, Ye made hem all tame. Y rede ye saughthle with the knyghth, That is so hardy and wyghth, And graunte hym Myldore the bryght, By hyr ryghth name." Than spekus Myldore the bryghth: "Ther was but he and a knyghth. I spake with hym this nyghth - Why shulde I spare? He is my love and my lorde, Myn hele and my counforde. Hyt is gode ye be acorde, And yowre wyllus ware. And giff ye holde us agret Shall I never ete mete." The Yorl for angur gan swet, And syghthe ful sar. "Damesele, ar thou be spylte, I forgiff thee the gylte. Hit is all as thou wylte, I can say na mar." Bylyve a lettur ho sent Thorw the Yorlus comandment; A messenger has hyt hent, With tythingus ful newe. She bad hym cum prively, With hys best chyvalry, As he was gode and doughty And holden for trewe. And hoe shuld make swych acord Bytwene hym and hur lorde, That shulde be a counforde Tyll all that hym ever knewe. Yet Syr Degrivvant hym drade; Syxty knyghthus he clade, Tyl the Yorlus castel he spede By the day dewe. The Yorle metus hym withoute With sterne knyghthus and stoute. Wonder low gan he loute And haylus that hende, And says: "Syr, by Goddys grace, Welcome to this place. We have ben to longe fase, Now wyl I be thi frende." Prively that no man wyste All wrongus was redressyde. The Yorle and he hade keste And to chaumbur thei wende. Withoutyn mor rehersyng Made was the saughthlyng, And grauntyd hym Myldor the ying Till hys lyves ende. Was never sych a purvyaunce, In Englond ne in Fraunce, As was at Sir Degrivvance And Myldor the schene. Ther com tyl hir weddyng An emperour and a kyng, Erchebyschopus with ryng Mo then fyftene. The mayster of Hospitall Come over with a cardinall, The gret kyng of Portyngall With knyghthus ful kene. All the lordys of that lond War holy at that offorand, And ladyes, y undyrstond, Emperyce and qwene. On the Trinité day, Thus in romance herd y say, He toke hyr in Godus lay Tyll hys lyvys ende. Solempnely a cardinal, Revestyd with a pontifical, Sang the Masse ryal And wedded that hend. And the ryche emperour Gaff hur at the kyrkedor, With worship and honour, As for hys owne frend; And sew gold in that stonde, Well a thowsand pounde, Lay glyteryng in the gronde By the way as thei wende. Than the semelede the sale, Kyng and cardynale And the emperour ryale, With barnus ful bolde. So dud ladies bydene, Both contasse and qwene, Bryghth burdys and schene, Was joye to beholde. Fro the mangery bygan Wyn in condyt ran, Redy tyll ylke man Take ho so wolde. Ther come in a daunse Nine Doseperus of Fraunce; Me thowghth syche a countynaunce Was joye to beholde. I knewe nevere man so wys That couth tell the servise Ne scrye the metys of prys Was servyd in that sale. Mynstrallus hade in halle Grete gyftys withalle, Ryche robus of palle With garnementus hale. Ylke day that fourtynyghth Justyng of seryd knyghthus; To revele he best myghth With wyn and with ale. And on the fyftenthe day, Thus in romaunce herd y say, They toke her leve and went her way, Thys worthely to wale. Al thei maketh ther avaunt Of the lord Syr Degrivvant, Cortays and avenaunt, Ladyes and knyghthus. He gaff stedus that stound Worth a thousand pound, Withouten haukus and hound And faukun of flyghthus. The Yorle dyede that same yer And the Contasse cler. Bothe hor beryelus yfer Was gayly bydyghth. Syr Degrivaunt bylefte ther eyr With brod londus and fair; Was never peres myghth hym peyr, By reson ne ryghth. Thrytty wyntur and mare Thei lyvede togydur without care, And seven chyldur she hym bare, That worthly in wede. And sene sche dyed, y undurstond, He seysed hys eyr with hys hond And went into the Holy Lond, Heven be hys mede. At Port Gaff was he slon, Forjustyd with a soudon. Thus to Gode is he gon, Thus doughty in dede. Lord Gode in Trinité, Gyff hem Heven for to see That loves gamen and gle, And gestus to fede. |
(t-note) (t-note) Where; sit together listen good [people]; them; (t-note) lived in days of old; (t-note) tell; (t-note) brave; courageous gentle [one] was called doughty; in deeds; (t-note) (t-note) (t-note) Arthur; think Guinevere as a fierce one handsome heathen lands Bretagne hardy; courageous valiant; (t-note) their; quite close; (see note) Where; deeds; hear; (t-note) day Therefore; appointed him at that time written; world fittingly handsome; noble greatly devoted himself; music psaltery cittern; joyful a [kind of] fiddle; (t-note) With playing the lute; know many a sweet note; (t-note){C} won; prize always pastimes hart roebucks; boar By Many falcons hawks; breed estate assembled; (see note); (t-note) sixty [all in all] before daybreak hunt; hawk; (see note); (t-note) [he] devoted himself; sport anew hear; Mass; (t-note) Truly with good will; (t-note) afterwards to head for the hunting field Where game (the hunted animals) lived hastened bring greatest joy Certainly Concubine; mistress hermit; cell honorably (i.e., he was given in property) [With its] incomes, well situated a great deal; (t-note) plowlands; possession inside enclosures herds; plains; (t-note) In addition to; livestock high stables Spotted (white and silvery gray); reddish-brown Whenever someone made an appeal to him; (t-note) Always never went past wherever they were almsgiving Poor people dignity; compassion food; generous [he loved] guests; invite minstrels hear gave them (i.e., the minstrels); fine cloth [Rewards] of gold; money; (t-note) every; where; came left them honored splendor each put to shame jousts won always the prize; (t-note) lived; beside him; (see note); (t-note)) great pride extensive; (see note) arbor; spacious; (see note) worthy one; ruin; (t-note) strong; bold glittering company broke into; everywhere (see note) grievous display downed, truly As many as shows of strength drew [nets in] rivers; (t-note) slew; foresters for certain knew truly; tell (see note) Feats of arms; undertake; (t-note) heathen; hands killed taken on his way; gone may before; came took saw all was ruined; (t-note) departed delay made haste; rode front line; Granada; (see note); (t-note) was able to Soon; sea following Epiphany; (see note) manor; (t-note) ruined tenants; paid Had been robbed exceedingly tenants' houses; torn down; (see note) [were made] open to all; (see note); (t-note) appallingly looked after fenced off pleased oxen; carts; (t-note) From seeds; (t-note) Strong; pull intended; (see note) threat Therefore; prepared; (see note) (t-note) justice; (see note) Or; why [not] squire; (t-note) For; reward on; gone find out not tarry; (t-note) off; he rode palace; ostentation Where; lived caught sight Cyprus; was called Had made ready; many a; (see note) strong; bold surrounding him danger await; stroke he did not want to delay As soon as; (see note) Straightaway; pulled up horse's would not dismount greets; aloud after that; (t-note) corner gave his opinion pay for it branch; (see note) will, despite your lord's anger grasslands break into; immediately The most excellent ones by reputation at once; (t-note) that would not be a good idea a few (i.e., that's the truth of it); (see note) right (just) [is]; to fight it out Whatever the outcome might be if you please Realize advise; according to reason danger; on the lookout Certainly wrong In spite of grew angry; (t-note) oath regret to have been a messenger Unless indeed field noon straightaway if; intends [little] game; cease if; capture hold; destroyed sighed on high confirm; rights assist make regret to his advantage If; guess At once they armed themselves armor; (see note) quickly; (t-note) Two hundred in addition Just what they needed went halted for a while put up pavilions lodged levied; army from; side arrogance; boast fierce unleashed boundaries; (see note) grassland; lands shouted loudly; (see note) raided stayed at bay open space; lake dismounted Sixteen deer had been killed chieftain Laid down together (t-note) (see note) fat harts agreement (letter); peace before we leave off; (t-note) (see note) heard Forward; (see note) blow the trumpet loudly All of them; (see note) Quickly; ready; (t-note) prepared pleased battalion; arrayed not at all fierce have met together Nimbly [they] engaged [in]; (t-note) thrust warrior be excused (permitted to delay) field swords; glanced golden pierce steeds; battle armor; (see note) sink; (t-note) (t-note) none knew, regardless of his might Except; governs Lays low tunic; chain mail maims; men Bright; cut [a] brave [man] coats of mail became deaths (deeds); (t-note) woodland Fierce in their own country Woe there avenges anger; (t-note) Warriors; borne down Men; [leather] tunic died; horse Cuts through; helmets; (t-note) companions strike down Who; considered; doughty valorous all that time waited got on (fared) sighed grievously was the leader of left; for safety's sake soldiers armed with spears severely Struck them down Like; hiding place smites axes; steel bent (pleated) their helmets forced on his knees; (t-note) (t-note) fierce; (t-note) Split their battle formation in two fled jumped left behind slain; hollow; (t-note) 800 (40 x 20); group Stretched out on their heather won a steed such an emergency caused to; (t-note) thrust chased eleven; (t-note) bold men caused he to fall Who before had harmed him; (t-note) trotting back; (t-note) about; happy one (see note) all returned who manor; (t-note) Quickly; went (t-note) reveled glad home to his shame sees; crippled instantly hunting grounds at his; (t-note) manners; show (t-note) regret; bitterly (see note); (t-note) wrongs; inflict; (t-note) The next morning; (t-note) Prepared himself as he thought fit gray Armed properly barbican he halted dismounted asked engage with In; jousts; (see note) (t-note) find out at once; ordered said in a loud voice at the wall high valiant (t-note) asks (t-note) do; errand loudly as if; doughty one (i.e., the Earl) feared Countess; (t-note) as well; (t-note) slender lovely in appearance daring one courteous; (t-note) astonishing On my word; (see note) vanquished seek out; (t-note) (t-note) noble person do not blame ill will unjustly lands; destroyed rivers (hunting grounds) dried up; (see note) To say the truth made war; (t-note) laid waste breeding grounds; (see note) game has gone do [the same to] you doubtless give him his just due I tell you the truth Even if pay compensation for them foresters; (t-note) wise one (i.e., the countess) in the house; (see note) advise; reconciled Before any more die in a loud voice pay dearly for such an agreement Who; (t-note) will It is my solemn duty stops; easily will have to Before lingers excellent splendidly bright; (t-note) truelove knots; (see note) splendidly dressed Two knight-bannerets attended her (t-note) lovely lady worthy of embrace wounds; (t-note) promised creature Achieve it however [he] might Whatever may come of it don't be upset [About] something Greet; (t-note) property destroyed easily redress shall he [make redress] in spite of his teeth Despite his great display [of military force] declare with pleasure Before desist; noble descent; (see note) plundering From such attack woodland; go went (t-note) In the country where Hounds magnificently before he blew [the end of the hunt] slain, truly Enraged; as best he could; (t-note) (t-note) men; (t-note) ditches; dragged with nets white; slew pikes aplenty got them into his possession; (t-note) no amusement pleases him Neither hunting nor hawking Because of; maiden indignation cooled down forest (hunting ground) a [certain] beautiful [lady] on earth truly settled; (see note) noble creature beryl Nor prudent Complexion suffused Like; branch cheek dress [of rich cloth]; (t-note) Companion saw approached; closely would prefer; (t-note) Rhine; (see note) Minted as florins; (see note) (t-note) Certainly know whosoever; (t-note) warrant you; (t-note) I will stake my life on it by any means assure secret; reveal last (t-note) Whether Against; contend; (t-note) White; sea's foam blame benefit; [if] I lie woo; place; (t-note) advice And [yet]; death locked; net (lit., noose) beautiful heir; (see note) from them ring And [that] we [may be] distress; suffer gave person Mediate dare make an oath captures action dishonor And ill will as a reward please Except Maid Melidor the maiden; (t-note) Most lovely in clothing boast coward (t-note) consider; mad afraid Do you think leave evening Just the two of us same with my eyes maiden For good or for worse warhorses; took; (t-note) tree; arrived Beside an open space dawned; (see note) hastened back door; sport honor suggest; hurry quickly over there hiding To await the maiden paid no attention went would have been afraid gate had gone leapt Remained; rosebush it was broad daylight Midmorning and later Meanwhile Hastened without delay violet [dress] white; embroidered work in rich cloth clasp; precious stone; (see note); (t-note) Bordered; (see note); (t-note) worn open to show off buttons; hard Enameled; azure topazes; ribbon [round the head]; (t-note) Covered with tracings (see note) By; living ribbon Caused to shine; dress hair; pinned up; (see note); (t-note) circlet on earth more distinguished being; (t-note) lovely suited; clothes ornaments; (see note) preciously; arrayed inlaid resplendent pearl Cyprus beautiful head-scarves; finely made face infatuated [one] splendidly prepared hunted dismounts sounded the trumpet; meal took their seats tables; cleared away; (see note) rose; lie (i.e., truly); (see note) made themselves ready relax Where; was straightaway delay path; (see note) courteously; greeted (t-note) [may you] see [that]; (see note) I give you my word of honor opportunity Secretly somewhere depends on lady she; pleased He was so royal in appearance; (see note) comely in a loud voice (t-note) as for war frighten Who; their garden To relax in private I don't even know truly before if that is what you think deny it May God protect me from sin means Manage to speak to you As soon as [Even] if; grief shall [tell it] immediately If; pleasure forget it; (t-note) By; (i.e., the Cross) will see to it that you are laughed branch blame me wrongfully most perfect of ladies commit myself to your clemency kill If death regret that decision dislike it greatly pay for it (t-note) pleased Since army here [is] my pledge: before; taken; (t-note) finest; groan [Even] if; against here Those; run; fast doomed if disturbed handed noble lady stay put to shame from her took; (see note) Christmas Eve reward; promised but that yonder At once; reproach make happy; guest By the devil servant pleasure Should he come; (t-note) [would] escape; strait I am grateful (t-note) Quickly; nearby Was made ready Secretly; being seen know; cunning tricks cover up prepared waterfowl delicacy too dear comfortably light tunic of mail acted hospitably meat cut nothing more sighed sorrowfully right now went Half wounds; afflicted afraid gates; always locked treachery Whether [or not] defer wife unhappily; wake cheeks reconciled possession taken In higher spirits My hand on it; assure; (t-note) make an effort relatives propose for her requested My lord has assented It will be held here with such a display of power cannot participate If you ask me intention destroyed company informed; event plan [May] God reward Even if I am put in my place in exchange for; hospitality [it/he] pleases; (see note) you (i.e., the squire); bond; (see note); (t-note) (see note) kindled [he, i.e., Sir Degrevant] dubbed him a knight Recommend; suffering; (t-note) If; (see note) (t-note) (see note) (t-note) I will prevent that (see note) Since; saw Half an hour gracious [one] comfort As an act of grace undertake Before; banished cease trick how to get mission to accomplish Where lies; moat; (see note) wide Secretly; being seen be prepared If; advise Show me; very quickly (t-note) provided with victuals; boat grain The water will not come up noble [maiden] in the morning Splendidly; water went (t-note) (t-note) home gone (t-note) made themselves ready lady were lodged; (see note) Speak; (t-note) laughed to scorn her (i.e., her maidservant) lost harms no person; myself would grant to If; were pleases How will you ever prosper?; (see note) speak in praise Of handsome generous same are engaged To be married bond By the time (t-note) been successful prosper (t-note) inform (t-note) who intends exclude will not obstruct; (t-note) something to marvel at Think; mad twice as; (t-note) by the Cross know don't want Tell intend [to show]; favor promised dine if; prepared would go wrong; (t-note) retinue Courteously; requested cost With an allowance of food and drink; money; (t-note) tenth provender grain ate; (see note) promised keep her forever (t-note) ever so had fought so fiercely (t-note) injuries he had taken (received); (t-note) (t-note) In the forest banneret; lives challenge; proclamation woe (see note) (t-note) recognize; (t-note) informed; correctly think chief (see note); (t-note) Engrailed; saltire tressure (cords) truelove knots badge; (see note); (t-note) Because oak [On] a on top Devised neatly (t-note) stretched out post; (see note) brave in battle (see note) If he could match; (see note); (t-note) own old age brought down [But] who laughed; scorn loudly; (t-note) suffer for it made ready As The Earl [too]; valiant brightly; (t-note) entered [the lists] as a group Armed splendidly pages Came there joyful event to see [Who] were dressed; in challenge They considered; ever so; (t-note) Because of; prowess; (see note) upon an iron-gray [horse] their good fortune came to him quite close Knight; squire; (see note) kettledrum shawm struck violently together There is no reason to hide it men met trampled scattered all over the place; (see note) Knocked out by bitterly; smote They emptied; quickly; (t-note) [Among] these worthy field disgracefully injured Fair and curved brows; (t-note) Profusely received with their consent without lying Rides; through; crowd leader; went dealt reeled moment gained battle; (see note) [who] was; (see note) wife before he stopped saw the boundary post same; (see note); (t-note) tournament noble man vanquished [Because] he was one after another countess prize ladies; bower (t-note) retinue went invited dinner; banquet purveyance retinue slope; hill he liked to stay; (t-note) set aside anxiety Who; outside; (t-note) company sent; as a reward sparing In good times or bad banquet stayed He let no one go face to face France may nightfall at all points two; (t-note) most discreet; always; (t-note) Get yourselves ready; (t-note) young men's clothes; (see note) see to Array; horses; harness furnished in style; (t-note) [ornamental] covering (for horses); caparison; (see note) violet [cloth] covered [with armor] stay then; straight horns; (t-note) (t-note) severest stranger; (see note) delay wide [open]; (t-note) luck dais; (see note) their meal rode demanded [as his prize] leapt up fair [one] see [her] early in the morning; (see note) See to it that One of us shall fall in a swoon; (t-note) watch lying desist Three courses of either dressed motto; interpret; (see note) bows the high and the low; (t-note) gets ready Except Homeward; straightaway morning; (t-note) did before (t-note) waited Fierce; boar giant In spite of; conduct on an iron-gray [horse]; (t-note) afraid [he] sighed (see note) reason as he chooses luck brings; (t-note) (t-note) Two; peace crowd move approached before; (t-note) shattered intended blow; (t-note) lost My hand on it, I assure you (t-note) friends; happy They gave; white bread (i.e., wines from Italy and Crete) (t-note) straight; (t-note) risk all Two; have; taken prepared; they groan; (t-note) lists; they went; (see note) Sir Daring (i.e., Sir Degrevant) In his heart he was persistent (t-note) waited lady; (see note) reward Also want to sweetheart's Into; (t-note) (see note) companion (i.e., Melidor) handed; (t-note) handsome; (see note) stick to the agreement wandering keep waiting passed out dazed; moment time; (t-note) prepared comings (i.e., that's the truth of it) not to take it hard; (t-note) in distress think; (t-note) reward; (see note) they had thus been dealt with same morning again; hawthorn; (see note) remains To see if he might further his case knew; device descent Apprehended; (see note) From Hide; them; (see note); (t-note) being seen Let me talk dearly bought [me]; (see note) stairs she at the door; (t-note) Promptly; fire from the flint seized times; stopped (see note) Knew [it] anger; greet Quickly; (t-note) cushions handsome [one] Face to face; (t-note) Faggots; fir tree; (t-note) readily table of ivory; (t-note) prepared covered before Aylsham; (see note) White; sea's foam; (t-note) Overcloths; (see note) saltcellar Washbasin; pitcher Rose water White bread storeroom (esp. for bread) handsome one Together; sat side; boar Pig's fry; [bread] sauce On my word of honor After that; them Plovers seasoned; pasty courses; in great quantities rabbits curlew Amply; (t-note) Italian and Cretan wine; (t-note) describe their food would be difficult dainties too costly; (t-note) Nor French and Rhenish wines; (t-note) malmsey (a sweet wine) Filled; readily (eagerly) (t-note) sometimes Whenever it pleased her most; (t-note) [She] sang songs as well pleasures; excite; (t-note) bower set aside magnificent; (see note) love adorned ivory White ogive; perpent (binding stone); (see note); (t-note) precious Inlaid Whoever one design Glowing Apocalypse St. Paul's Epistles The biblical book of Proverbs quite correctly evangelists pillars Gentle [people]; listen; (see note) If you please (see note); (t-note) (t-note) to them; (t-note) portrayed learned writers; (see note) (see note) exerted himself; (t-note) clock hours; (t-note) (t-note) ring (t-note) mullions; (see note) black marble nice little gables various; (t-note) Charlemagne; (see note) (t-note) swords floor covered over; rich cloth On the floor; (t-note) bed headboard; canopy; (see note) Devised; neatly (see note) Jeweled parrots coats of arms costly fabric; adorned ornamental besant patterns high headboard; (t-note) (t-note) Chalk-white Embroidered of the same (i.e., of silk) Tasseled Pillows of thin silk Knobs Westphalia; (see note) By skilled women curtains supported them (see note); (t-note) mermaids' creature; (see note); (t-note) burst When will you give me peace of mind?; (t-note) show; (t-note) lady; eagerly; (t-note) [If] you mention regret even if come to Believe; indeed descended one lover Emperor Even if Therefore Until; consent consents to that light falcon; (t-note) happy; were [Which] with make out squire; (see note) Accepted; pretty continued; (t-note) (t-note) midsummer one night; (t-note) (t-note) (t-note) Prepared to go; (t-note) (t-note) Dismounted; (t-note) forester saw them; (t-note) In the place where they stopped followed them went water watchman Saw realized; meant [bag]piper; peace To [it is] reasonable forester; immediately at night uncourtly (villainous); (see note) bold ambush; (t-note) block off loudly; (t-note) If; (t-note) (t-note) prize not at all; (t-note) (t-note) thought no living creature; (t-note) their; (t-note) promised; (t-note) (t-note) leave off give nightfall secretly against being seen sharp valley rushed upon them (t-note) (t-note) it is not to be concealed; (t-note) Quickly; drawn; (t-note) bright thicket at him threw Straight; helmet [Which] burst pierced coat of mail overthrown dismounted they; cut to pieces; (t-note) pressed neckpiece [of his armor] cut off inconvenient; body jumped; ditch; (t-note) ran went levied; toll (t-note) wield; (t-note) Since; very officers in charge of the bread and the drinks slain together bright thicket fate; see [ahead]; (t-note) hide dirty quagmires vanquished his foes pursuit merciless; bold [one] in addition By the time it dawned near [Even if] effort they went The most direct way glad mind cut As if; woods strokes (t-note) Were a shame to see; (t-note) Dear; (t-note) (t-note) becomingly saw [nothing] unusual; (t-note) harm; (t-note) (t-note) torn to pieces; (t-note) (t-note) We could not care less; (t-note) boar; (t-note) thirsted greatly; (t-note) quickly; (t-note) (t-note) (t-note) met sweet wine from Italy and Crete daybreak she; fight afterwards (t-note) sport company of followers bier From woods unhappy called in every direction goes News to ask Earl; (t-note) blame retinue deceit; (see note) (t-note) (t-note) lain with you; (t-note) (t-note) [By St.] Peter; (t-note) If that; (t-note) What good will it do if I lie; (t-note) spouse; (t-note) (t-note) Whatever grief; suffer By [Christ's] bones and blood then; (see note); (t-note) God prevent; she be killed alone loudly foes causes barred; (t-note) (t-note) (t-note) waged war; (t-note) breeding grounds put them under your control advise [that] you become reconciled Who; valiant (i.e., formally) refrain [from saying so] well-being; comfort If in sorrow food sorrowfully dead Quickly; she; (see note) order taken messages secretly considered to be respectable That [it] was afraid equipped hastened At daybreak outside Amazingly; bowed welcomes; noble [one] foes kissed preliminaries reconciliation young preparation at [the wedding of]; (t-note) beautiful (t-note) [the Knights] Hospitallers Were without exception; offering Empress Trinity Sunday; (see note) law Dressed; bishop's robe gracious [couple] noble; (t-note) Gave her away at church door; (t-note) dignity; (t-note) (t-note) [Sir Degrevant] strewed on that occasion; (t-note) (t-note) [Which] lay; on; (t-note) (t-note) they assembled [in] the hall; (t-note) men; (t-note) one after another Beautiful ladies; lovely From [the time] the banquet fountain for each whoever Douzepers; (see note) It seemed to me; display food Nor describe the splendid foods [That] were; hall indeed fine cloth whole garments (see note) [There was] jousting of contentious knights; (see note) revel whoever (t-note) (t-note) (t-note) worthy [ones] excellent; (t-note) spoke proudly well-favored on that occasion Not counting falcons for pursuit of game beautiful Countess as well funerals together splendidly arrayed remained behind as their heir nobles; cause damage; (t-note) after endowed; by oath; (see note) reward Jaffa Overcome by a sultan This doughty [one] pleasure; entertainment guests; feed; (t-note) |