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The Palyce of Honour













The Prologue
Quhen pale Aurora with face lamentable
Hir russat mantill, borderit all with sable,
Lappit about be hevinlye circumstance
The tender bed and arres honorable
Of Flora, quene till flouris amyable
In May I rays to do my observance
And entrit in a garding of plesance
With sole depaint, as paradys amyable,
And blisfull bewes with blomed wariance,
So craftely dame Flora had over fret
Hir hevinly bed, powderit with mony a set
Of ruby, topas, perle and emerant,
With balmy dewe bathit and kyndly wet,
Quhil vapours hote, right fresche and wele ybet,
Dulce of odour, of flewour most fragrant,
The silver droppis on dayseis distillant,
Quhilk verdour branches over the alars yet,1
With smoky sence the mystis reflectant.
The fragrant flouris, blomand in their seis,
Overspred the leves of Naturis tapestreis,
Above the quhilk with hevinly armoneis,
The birdes sat on twistis and on greis,
Melodiously makand thair kyndly gleis,
Quhois schill notis fordinned al the skyis.
Of reparcust ayr the eccon cryis
Amang the branchis of the blomed treis,
And on the laurers silver droppis lyis.

Quhyll that I rowmed in that paradice
Replennessed and full of all delice,
Out of the sea Eous alift his heid —
I meyne the hors quhilk drawis at device
The assiltré and goldin chaire of pryce
Of Tytan, quhilk at morowe semis reid.
The new colowr that all the night lay deid
Is restored; the baith fowlis, flowris and ryce
Reconfort was throw Phebus gudlyheid.
The dasy and the maryguld onlappit
Quhilkis all the nicht lay with thair levis happit
Thaim to preserve fra rewmes pungitive.
The umbrate treis that Tytan about wappit
War portrait and on the erth yschappit
Be goldin bemes vivificative
Quhois amene hete is most restorative.
The gershoppers amangis the vergers gnappit
And beis wrocht materiall for thair hyve.
Richt halsom was the sessoun of the yeir.
Phebus furth yet depured bemes cleir
Maist nutrityve tyll all thynges vigitant.
God Eolus of wynd list nocht appeir,
Nor ald Saturne with his mortall speir
And bad aspect contrar til every plant.
Neptunus nolde within that palace hant.
The beriall stremes rynnyng men micht heir
By bonkis grene with glancis variant.
For till beholde that hevinly place complete —
The purgit ayr with new engendrit hete,
The soyl enbroude with colowr, ure and stone,
The tender grene, the balmy droppes swete —
So rejoyst and confort wes my sprete
I not wes it a vision or fanton.
Amyd the buskys rowmyng myn alone
Within that garth of all plesans replete,
A voce I hard, preclare as Phebus schone
Syngand, “O May, thow myrrour of soles,
Maternall moneth, lady and maistres,
Tyl every thing adoun respirature,
Thyn hevinly werk and worthy craftines
The small herbis constrenis tyl encres.
O verray ground tyl werking of nature,
Quhois hie curage and assucuryt cure
Causis the erth his frutis tyll expres,
Dyffundant grace on every creature,
“Thy godly lore, cunnyng incomparabyl,
Dantis the savage bestis maist unstabyl
And expellis all that nature infestis.
The knoppit syonys with levys agreabyl
For tyl revert and burgione ar maid abyll.
Thy myrth refreschis birdis in thair nestis,
Quhilkis thee to pryse and Nature never restis,
Confessand you maist potent and lovabyll
Amang the brownys of the olyve twystes.
“In thee is rute and augment of curage,
In thee enforcis Martis vassalage.
In thee is amorus luf and armony
With incrementis fresche in lusty age.
Quha that constrenit ar in luffis rage,
Addressand thaim with observans ayrly
Weil auchtys thee tyl glore and magnify.”
And with that word I rasyt my vissage
Sore effrayit, half in a frenisye.
“O Nature quene and O ye lusty May,”
Quod I tho, “Quhow lang sall I thus forvay
Quhilk yow and Venus in this garth deservis?
Reconsell me out of this gret affray
That I maye synge yow laudis day be day.
Ye that al mundane creaturis preservis,
Confort your man that in this fanton stervis
With sprete arrasyt and every wit away,
Quakyng for fere, baith puncys, vane, and nervis.”
My fatal werd, my febyl wit I wary,
My dasyt heid, quham lake of brane gart vary
And not sustene so amyabyll a soun!
With ery curage, febyl strenthis sary,
Bownand me hame — and list no langer tary —
Out of the ayr come ane impressioun
Throw quhois lycht in extasy or swoun,
Amyd the virgultis all in tyl a fary
As femynine so feblyt fell I doun.
And with that gleme so dasyt wes my mycht
Quhill thair remanit nothir voce nor sycht,
Breth, motione, nor hetis naturale;
Saw nevir man so faynt a levand wycht —
And na ferly, for over excelland lycht
Corruppis the wit and garrys the blud availe
On tyl the hart that it no danger ale.
Quhen it is smorit, membris wyrkes not richt;
The dredfull terrour sua did me assaile.
Yyt at the last, I not quhou long a space,
A lytell hete aperyt in my face
Quhilk had to fore beyn pale and voyde of blud.
Tho in my sweven I met a ferly cace.
I thought me set within a desert place
Amyd a forest, by a hydous flud
With grysly fysche; and, shortly tyl conclud,
I shall descryve, as God wil geve me grace,
Myn avision in rurell termes rude.

The First Part
Thow barrant wyt overset with fantasyis,
Schaw now the craft that in thy memor lyis,
Schaw now thy shame, schaw now thy bad nystee,
Schaw thyn endyt, repruf of rethoryis,
Schaw now thy beggit termis mare than thryis,
Schaw now thy ranys and thyn harlottree,
Schaw now thy dull, exhaust inanytee,
Schaw furth thy cure and wryte thir frenesyis
Quhilkis of thy sempyll cunnyng nakyt thee.
My ravyst sprete in that deserte terrybill
Approchit nere that ugly flude horrybill,
Lyk tyll Cochyte the ryver infernall,
Wyth vyle wattyr quhilk maid a hydduus trubbyll,
Rynnand overhed, blud red, and impossybyll
That it had byn a ryver naturall.
With brayis bare, raif rochis, lyke to fall,
Quhare on na gers nor herbys wer visibyll,
Bot skauppis brynt with blastis boryall.
Thys laythly flude, rumland as thondyr, routyt,
In quham the fysche, yelland as elvys, schoutyt.
Thair yelpis wylde my hering all fordevyt.
Tha grym monsturis my spretis abhorryt and doutyt.
Not throu the soyl bot muskan treis sproutyt
Combust, barrant, unblomyt and unlevyt;
Ald rottyn runtis quhairin no sap was levyt,
Moch, all wast, widdrit, with granis moutyt —
A ganand den quhair morthurars men revyt.

Quhairfore my selvyn was richt sore agast.
This wyldernes abhomynable and wast,
In quhom na thing wes Nature confortand,
Was dyrk as royk the quhilk the see upcast.
The quhislyng wynd blew mony byttir blast.
Runtis ratlit and uneth myght I stand.
Out throu the wode I crap on fut and hand.
The ryvar stank. The treis clattryt fast.
The soil was not bot marres, slyik, and sand.
And not but caus my spretis were abaysit
All solitare in that desert arrasyt.
“Allas,” I said, “is non other remede?
Cruel Fortoun, quhy hes thow me betrasyt,
Quhy hes thou thus my fatall end compasyt?
Allas, allas, sall I thus sone be dede
In this desert and wait non uther rede
Bot be devoryt wyth sum best ravanus?
I wepe, I wale, I plene, I cry, I plede,
Inconstant warld and quheil contrarius.
“Thy transitory plesans quhat avaylys?
Now thare, now heir, now hie, and now devalys,
Now to, now fro, now law, now magnifyis,
Now hote, now cald, now lauchys, now bewalys,
Now seik, now hail, now wery, now not alys,
Now gud, now evyll, now wetis and now dryis —
Now thow promittis and rycht now thou denyis —
Now wo, now weill, now ferm, now frevilus,
Now gam, now gram, now lovys, now defyis —
Inconstant warld and quheil contrarius.
“Ha! quha suld haif affyans in thy blys?
Ha! quha suld haif fyrm esperans in this
Quhilk is allace sa freuch and variant!
Certis none. Sum hes. No wicht. Suythly, yys.
Than hes my self bene gylty? Ya, iwys.
Thairfore allace sall danger thus me dant?
Quhyddyr is bycum sa sone this duyly hant
And veyr translat in wyntyr furyus?
Thus I bewale my faitis repugnant,
Inconstant warld and quheil contrarius.”
Bydand the deid thus in myn extasy,
A dyn I hard approchyng fast me by
Quhilk movit fra the plage septentrionall
As heyrd of bestis stampyng with loud cry.
Bot than God wate how afferyt wes I,
Traistand tyl be stranglyt with bestiall.
Amyd a stok richt prevaly I stall
Quhare, lukand out, anone I dyd espy
Ane lusty rout of bestis rationall —
Of ladyis fair and gudly men arrayit
In constant weid — that weil my spretis payit.
Wyth degest mynd quhairin all wyt aboundyt,
Full sobyrly thair haknais thay assait
Eftyr the feitis auld and not forvayt.
Thair hie prudence schew furth and nothyng roundit,
With gude effere quhare at the wod resoundyt.
In stedfast ordour, to vysy onaffrayit,
Thay rydyng furth, with stabylnes ygroundyt,
Amyddys quham, borne in ane goldyn chare
Ovyrfret with perle and stonys maist preclare
That drawin wes by haiknays four, mylk quhyt,
Was set a quene, as lylly swete of sware,
In purpur robe hemmid with gold ilk gare
Quhilk jemmyt claspes closyd all parfyte,
A Diademe maist pleasandly polyte
Set on the tressys of her gyltyn hare,
And in her hand a sceptre of delyte.
Syne next her, rayed in granyt violate,
Twelve Damysylles, ilk ane in theyr estate
Quhilkis semyt of hyr consell most secré,
And nixt thaym wes a lusty rout, God wate:
Lordis, ladyis, and mony fair prelate,
Baith borne of hie estate and law degré.
Furth with thair quene thay al by passit me.
Ane esy pase thay rydyng furth the gate,
And I abaid alone within the tre.
And as the rout wes passyt one and one
And I remanand in the tre alone,
Out throw the wode come rydand cativis twane,
Ane on ane asse, a wedy about his mone,
The tothir raid ane hiddows hors apone.
I passyt furth and fast at thaym did frane
Quhat men thay wer. Thay answeryt me agane,
“Our namys ben Achitefel and Synone
That by our suttell menys feil hes slane.”
“Wait ye,” quod I, “quhat signifyis yon rout?”
Synon sayd “Ya,” and gave ane hyddows schout,
“We wrechys bene abject thairfra, iwys.
Yone is the Quene of Sapience, but dout,
Lady Minerve, and yone twelve hir about
Ar the prudent Sibillais ful of blys,
Cassandra, eik Delbora and Circis,
The Fatale Systeris twynand our weirdes out,
Judith, Jael, and mony a prophetis,
“Quhilkis groundyt ar in fyrm intelligens.
And thair is als in to yone court gone hens
Clerkis divine, with problewmys curius,
As Salomon the well of sapiens
And Arestotyl, fulfyllet of prudens,
Salust, Senek, and Titus Livius,
Picthagoras, Porphure, Permenydus,
Melysses with his sawis but defence,
Sidrag, Secundus and Solenyus,
“Ptholomeus, Ipocras, Socrates,
Empedocles, Neptennebus, Hermes,
Galien, Averroes, and Plato,
Enoth, Lameth, Job, and Diogenes,
The eloquent and prudent Ulisses,
Wyse Josephus and facund Cicero,
Melchisedech, with othyr mony mo.
Thair viage lyis throw out this wildernes;
To the Palice of Honour all thay go,
Is situat from hens liggis ten hundyr.
Our horsys oft, or we be thair, wyll fundyr.
Adew, we may no langer heir remane.”
“Or that ye passe,” quod I, “tell me this wondyr,
How that ye wrechyt cativis thus at undyr
Ar sociat with this court soverane?”
Achitefell maid this answer agane,
“Knawis thou not? Haill, erd quake, and thundyr
Ar oft in May, with mony schour of rane.
“Rycht so we bene in tyll this company.
Our wyt aboundit, and usyt wes lewdly.
My wysdome ay fulfyllyt my desyre,
As thou may in the Bybyl weil aspy
How Davidis prayer put my counsell by.
I gart his sonne aganys hym conspyre,
The quhilk wes slane, quhairfore up be the swyre
My self I hangit, frustrat sa fowlily.
This Synon wes a Greik that rasyt fyre
“First in to Troy, as Virgyll dois report —
Sa tratourlyk maid him be draw overwhort
Quhill in he brocht the hors with men of armys
Quhairthrow the towne distroit wes at schort.”
Quod I, “Is this your destany and sort?
Cursit be he that sorowis for your harmys,
For ye bene schrewis baith, be Goddis armys.
Ye will optene nane entres at yone port
Bot gif it be throw sorcery or charmys.”
“Ingres tyll have,” quod thay, “we not presume.
It sufficis us tyl se the Palice blume
And stand on rowme quhare bettyr folk bene charrit.2
For tyll remane, adew, we have na tume.
This ilk way cummis the courtis, be our dume,
Of Diane and Venus that feil hes marryt.”
With that thay raid away as thay war skarryt,
And I agayne, maist lyk ane elrych grume,
Crap in the muskane akyn stok mysharrit.
Thus wrechitly I maid my resydence
Imagynand feil syse for sum defence
In contrar savage bestis maist cruell,
For na remeid bot deid be violence
Sum tyme asswagis febill indegence.
Thus in a part I reconfort my sell
Bot that so lityll wes, I dar nocht tell.
The stychlyng of a mows out of presence
Had bene to me mare ugsum than the hell.
Yit glaid I wes that I with thaym had spokkyn.
Had not bene that, certis my hart had brokkyn
For megirnes and pusillamytee.
Remanand thus within the tre al lokkyn,
Dissyrand fast sum signys or sum tokkyn
Of Lady Venus and of hir companee,
A hart transformyt ran fast by the tree,
With houndis rent, on quham Dian wes wrokkyn;
Tharby I understude that sche wes nee.
Thay had tofore declarit hir cummyng.
Mare perfytly, forthy, I knew the syng;
Wes Action quhilk Diane nakyt watyt
Bathyng in a well, and eik hir madynnys yyng.
The goddes wes commovyt at this thing
And hym in forme hes of a hart translatit.
I saw, allace, his houndis at him slatit.
Bakwert he blent to gyf thaym knawlegyng
Tha raif thair lord, mysknew hym at thaym batit.
Syne ladyis come with lusty giltyn tressys
In habit wild maist lyke till fostaressys,
Amyddys quham, heich on ane eliphant
In syng that sche in chastité incressys,
Raid Diane, that ladyis hartis dressys
Tyl be stabil and na way inconstant.
God wait that nane of thaym is variant;
All chast and trew virginité professys.
I not, bot few I saw with Diane hant.
In til that court I saw anone present
Jeptyis douchtir, a lusty lady gent
Offeryt tyl God in hir virginité.
Pollixena I wys wes not absent.
Panthessilé with mannys hardyment,
Effygyn and Virgenius douchter fre,
With uthyr flouris of feminyté
Baith of the New and the Ald Testament,
All on thay raid and left me in the tre.
In that desert dispers, in sondyr skattryt,
Wer bewis bare quham rane and wynde on battryt.
The water stank, the feild was odious
Quhar dragonys, lessertis, askis, edders swattryt
With mouthis gapand, forkyt tayles tattryt,
With mony a stang and spoutis vennomous
Corruppyng ayr be rewme contagious.
Maist gros and vyle enposonyt cloudis clatteryt,
Rekand lyk hellys smoke sulfuryus.
My dasyt hed, fordullit dissyly,
I rasyt up, half in a letergy,
As dois a catyve ydronken in slep
And so opperyt tyl my fantasy
A schynand lycht out of the northest sky.
Proportion soundis dulcest hard I pepe
The quhilk with cure till heir I did tak kepe.
In musyk nowmer full of harmony
Distant on far wes caryit be the depe.
Farther by wattyr folk may soundis here
Than by the erth, the quhilk with poris sere
Up drynkis ayr that movit is by sound,
Quhilk in compact wattir of ane rivere
May nocht entre bot rynnys thare and here
Quhil it at last be caryit on the ground —
And thocht throw dyn, be experience is found,
The fysch ar causyt within the rivere stere,
Inoth the wattyr the nois dois not abound.
Violent dyn the ayr brekkis and deris,
Syne gret motion of ayr the watyr steris.
The wattyr steryt, fischis for ferdnes fleis;
Bot, out of dout, no fysch in wattyr heris,
For, as we se, rycht few of thaym has eris —
And eik forsuyth, bot gyf wyse clerkis leis,
Thair is nane ayr inoth watters nor seis,
But quhilk na thing may heir, as wyse men leiris,
Lyik as but lycht thair is na thyng that seis.
Anewch of this, I not quhat it may mene.
I wyll returne till declare all bedene
My dreidfull dreme with grysly fantasyis.
I schew tofore quhat I had hard and sene,
Perticularly sum of my paynfull tene.
But now God wate quhat ferdnes on me lyis.
Lang ere I said — and now this tyme is twyis —
A sound I hard, of angellys as it had bene,
With armony fordynnand all the skyis,
So dulce, so swete, and so melodius
That every wycht thair with mycht be joyous
Bot I and cativis dullit in dispare;
For quhen a man is wreth or furius,
Malancolyk for wo or tedius,
Than is al plesance till hym maist contrare;
And semblably than, so did wyth me fare.
This melody intonyt hevinly thus
For profund wo constrenyt me mak care;
And murnand thus as ane maist wofull wicht,
Of the maist plesand court I had a sycht
In warld adoun sen Adam wes create.
Quhat sang? Quhat joy? Quhat armony? Quhat lycht?
Quhat myrthfull solace, plesance all at ryght?
Quhat fresch bewté? Quhat excelland estate?
Quhat swete vocis? Quhat wordis suggurate?
Quhat fair debatis? Quhat lufsum ladyis bricht?
Quhat lusty gallandis did on thair servyce wate?
Quhat gudly pastance, and quhat menstraly?
Quhat game thay maid? In faith, not tell can I,
Thocht I had profund wit angelicall.
The hevinly soundis of thair armony
Has dymmyt so my drery fantasy,
Baith wit and reason, half is lost of all.
Yit as I knaw, als lychtly say I sall:
That angellyk and godly company
Tyll se me thocht a thyng celestiall.
Procedand furth wes draw ane chariote
Be cursuris twelf trappit in gren velvote.
Of fyne gold wer juncturis and harnasyngis.
The lymnuris wer of byrnyst gold, God wote.
Baith extré and quhelis of gold, I hote.
Of goldyn cord wer lyamys, and the stryngis
Festnyt conjunct in massy goldyn ryngis;
Evyr hamys convenient for sic note;
And raw silk brechamys ovyr thair halsys hyngis.
The body of the cart of evir bone
With crysolytis and mony pretious stone
Wes all ovirfret in dew proportioun
Lyke sternys in the firmament quhilkis schone.
Reperalit wes that godlyk plesand wone,
Tyldyt abone and to the erth adoun
In rychest claith of gold of purpur broun;
But fas or othyr frenyeis had it none
Save plate of gold anamallyt all fassioun,
Quhairfra dependant hang thair megyr bellys,
Sum round, sum thraw, in sound the quhilkis excellis.
All wer of gold of Araby maist fyne,
Quhilkis with the wynd concordandly so knellys
That to be glad thair sound al wycht compellys.
The armony wes so melodius fyne
In mannys voce and instrument divine,
Quhare so thay went, it semyt nothyng ellys
Bot jerarchyes of angellys ordours nyne.
Amyd the chare, fulfillyt of plesance,
A lady sat, at quhais obeysance
Wes all that rout; and wondyr is till here
Of hir excelland lusty countenance.
Hir hie bewté, quhilk mayst is til avance,
Precellys all — thair may be na compere —
For lyk Phebus in hiest of his spere
Hir bewtye schane, castand so gret a glance
All farehed it opprest, baith far and nere.
Scho wes peirles of schap and portrature.
In hir had Nature fynesyt hir cure.
As for gud havyngis, thair wes nane bot sche.
And hir array wes so fyne and so pure
That quhair of wes hir rob, I am not sure,
For nocht bot perle and stonys mycht I se,
Of quham, the brychtnes of hir hie bewté
For till behald my sycht myght not endure
Mair than the brycht sonne may the bakkis e.
Hir hair as gold or topasis wes hewyt.
Quha hir beheld, hir bewtie ay renewyt.
On heid sche had a creste of dyamantis.
Thair wes na wycht that gat a sycht eschewyt,
Wer he nevir sa constant nor weil thewyt,
Na he was woundit and him hir servant grantis.
That hevinly wycht, hir cristall eyn so dantis,
For blenkis swete, nane passit unpersewyt,
Bot gyf he wer preservit as thir sanctis.
I wondryt sore and in mynd did stare
Quhat creature that mycht be wes so fare,
Of sa peirles excelent womanheid.
And, farlyand thus, I saw within the chare
Quhare that a man wes set with lymmes square,
His body weil entalyeit every steid.
He bare a bow with dartis haw as leid,
His clethyng wes als grene as ane hountare
Bot he forsuyth had none eyn in his hed.
I understude by signis persavabill
That wes Cupyd, the god maist dissavabill;
The lady, Venus his mother, a goddes.
I knew that wes the court so variabill
Of erdly luf, quhilk sendill standis stabill.
Bot yit thayr myrth and solace, nevertheles —
In musik, tone, and menstraly expres
So craftely with corage aggreabill —
Hard never wicht sik melody, I ges.
Accumpanyit lusty yonkers with all.
Fresche ladyis sang in voce virgineall
Concordes swete, divers entoned reportis,
Proportionis fyne with sound celestiall:
Duplat, triplat, diatesseriall,
Sesque altra and decupla resortis;
Diapason of mony syndry sortis
War songin and plait be seir cunnyng menstrall
On luf ballattis with mony fair disportis.
In modulatioun hard I play and syng
Faburdoun, priksang, discant, conturyng,
Cant organe, figuration, and gemmell,
On crowd, lute, harp, with mony gudly spring,
Schalmis, clarionis, portativis hard I ring,
Monycord, orgain, tympane, and symbell,
Sytholl, psaltery, and vocis swete as bell,
Soft releschyngis in dulce delyveryng;
Fractyonis divide, at rest, or clos compell.
Not Pan of Archaid so plesandly plays
Nor King David, quhais playng, as men sayis,
Conjurit the spreit the quhilk Kyng Saul confoundit,
Nor Amphion with mony subtile layis
Quhilk Thebes wallit with harpyng in his dayis,
Nor he that first the subtile craftis foundit,
Was not in musik half so weil igroundit
Nor knew thair mesure tent dele be no wayes.
At thair resort baith hevyn and erd resoundit.
Na mare I understude thir noumeris fyne,
Be God, than dois a gekgo or a swyne,
Save that me think swete soundis gude to heir.
Na mair heiron my labour will I tyne.
Na mair I wyl thir verbillys swete diffyne,
How that thair musik tones war mair cleir
And dulcer than the movyng of the speir
Or Orpheus harp of Trace with sound divyne;
Glaskeryane maid na noyes compeir.
Thay condescend sa weil in ane accord
That by na juynt thair soundis bene discord,
In every key thay werren sa expert.
Of thair array gyf I suld mak record,
Lusty spryngaldis and mony gudly lord,
Tendyr yonglyngis with pietuous virgin hart,
Eldar ladyis knew mair of lustis art,
Divers utheris quhilkis me not list remord,
Quhais lakkest weid was silkis, or brounvert.
In vesturis quent of mony syndry gyse,
I saw all claith of gold men mycht devise,
Purpur coulour, punyk and skarlot hewis,
Velvot robbis maid with the grand assyse,
Dames, satyn, begaryit mony wyse,
Cramessy satin, velvos enbroude in divers rewis,
Satyn figuris champit with flouris and bewis —
Damesflure tere pyle, quhare on thair lyis
Perle orphany, quhilk every state renewis.
Thare ryche entire, maist peirles to behald,
My wyt can not discrive, howbe it I wald.
Mony entrappit stede with sylkis sere,
Mony pattrell nervyt with gold I tald,
Full mony new gylt harnasyng not ald,
On mony palfray, lusum ladyis clere;
And nyxt the chare I saw formest appere
Upon a bardyt cursere stout and bald,
Mars, god of stryf, enarmyt in byrnist gere.
Every invasybill wapyn on hym he bare.
His luke was grym, his body large and square,
His lymmys weil entailyeit til be strang,
His nek wes gret, a span lenth weil, or mare,
His vissage braid, with crisp, broun, curland hare,
Of statur not ovyr gret nor yit ovyr lang.
Behaldand Venus, “O ye my luif,” he sang,
And scho agane with dalyans sa fare
Hir knycht hym clepis quare so he ryde or gang.
Thair wes Arsyte and Palemon alswa
Accumpanyit with fare Emylya,
The quene Dido with hir fals luf Enee,
Trew Troylus, unfaythfull Cressida,
The fair Paris and plesand Helena,
Constant Lucres and traist Penolype,
Kynd Pirramus and wobegone Thysbe,
Dolorus Progne, triest Philomena,
King Davidis luif thare saw I, Barsabe.
Thare wes Ceix with the kynd Alcyon,
And Achilles wroth with Agamemnon
For Bryssida his lady fra hym tane;
Wofull Phillys with hir luf Demophon,
Subtel Medea and hir knycht Jasone;
Of France I saw thair Paris and Veane;
Thare wes Phedra, Thesyus, and Adriane,
The secrete, wyse, hardy Ipomedon,
Asswere, Hester, irraprevabill Susane.
Thare wes the fals unhappy Dalida,
Cruel, wikkyt and curst Dyonera,
Wareit Bibles and the fair Absolon,
Ysyphele, abhomynabil Sylla,
Trastram, Yside, Helcana and Anna,
Cleopatra and worthy Mark Anthon,
Iole, Hercules, Alcest, Ixion,
The onely pacient wyfe Gressillida,
Nersissus that his hed brak on a ston.
Thare wes Jacob with fair Rachel his make,
The quhilk become til Laban for hir sake
Fourteen yere boynd with fyrm hart immutabill.
Thair bene bot few sic now, I undertake.
Thir fair ladyis in silk and claith of lake
Thus lang sall not all foundyn be so stabyll.
This Venus court quhilk wes in luif maist abil
For till discrive my cunning is to wake.
A multitude thay wer, innumerabill,
Of gudly folk in every kynd and age;
With blenkis swete, fresch lusty grene curage,
And dalyans thay rydyng furth in fere.
Sum leivys in hope and sum in great thyrlage,
Sum in dispare, sum findis his panys swage.
Garlandis of flouris and rois chaplettis sere
Thay bare on hede and samyn sang so clere,
Quhil that thair myrth commovit my curage
Till syng this lay, quhilk folowand ye may here:
“Constrenyt hart, bylappit in distres,
Groundit in wo and full of hevynes,
Complene thy paynfull caris infinyte,
Bewale this warldis frele unstedfastnes,
Havand regrait, sen gone is thy glaidnes,
And all thy solace returnyt in dispyte.
O cative thrall, involupit in syte,
Confesse thy fatale, wofull wrechitnes;
Divide in twane and furth diffound all tyte
Aggrevance gret in miserabill endyte.

“My crewell fait, subjectit to penance,
Predestinat sa void of all plesance,
Has every greif amyd myn hart ingrave.
The slyd, inconstant destany or chance
Unequaly doith hyng in thair ballance
My demeritis and gret dolour I have.
This purgatory redowblys all the lave.
Ilk wycht has sum weilfare at obeysance,
Save me, bysnyng, that may na grace ressave.
Dede, thee addresse and do me to my grave.
“Wo worth sik strang mysforton anoyus
Quhilk has opprest my spretis maist joyus,
Wo worth this worldis freuch felicité,
Wo worth my fervent diseis dolorus,
Wo worth the wycht that is not pietuus
Quhare the trespassor penitent thay se,
Wo worth this dede that dayly dois me de,
Wo worth Cupid and wo worth fals Venus,
Wo worth thaym bayth, ay waryit mot thay be,
Wo worth thair court and cursyt destané.”
Loude as I mocht, in dolour al distrenyeit,
This lay I sayng and not a lettir fenyeit.
Tho saw I Venus on hir lyp did byte,
And all the court in hast thair horsys renyeit,
Proclamand loude, “Quhare is yone poid that plenyeit
Quhilk deth diservis committand sik dispite?”
Fra tre to tre, thay serchyng but respyte,
Quhill ane me fand, quhilk said in greif, disdenyeit,
“Avant, velane, thou reclus imperfyte.”
All in ane fevyr out of my muskan bowr
On knees I crap and law for feare did lowr.
Than all the court on me thayr hedis schuke,
Sum glowmand grym, sum grinand with vissage sowr,
Sum in the nek gave me feil dyntis dowr,
“Pluk at the craw,” thay cryit, “deplome the ruke!”
Pulland my hare, with blek my face they bruke.
Skrymmory fery gaif me mony a clowr.
For Chyppynuty full oft my chaftis quuke.
With payne torment, thus in thayr teynfull play,
Till Venus bund they led me furth the way,
Quhilk than wes set amyd a golden chare;
And so confoundit into that fell affray
As that I micht consydyr thair array.
Me thocht the feild — ovirspred with carpetis fare,
Quhilk wes tofore brint, barrant, vile, and bare —
Wox maist plesand, bot all, the suyth to say,
Micht not amese my grewous pane full sare.
Entronit sat Mars, Cupyd and Venus.
Tho rais a clerk wes clepit Varius
Me tyl accusyng as of a dedly cryme;
And he begouth and red a dittay thus,
“Thou wikkyt catyve, wod and furious,
Presumptuusly now at this present tyme
My lady here blasphemed in thy ryme;
Hir sonne, hir self, and hir court amorus
For till betrais, awatit here sen prime.”
Now God Thow wate, me thocht my fortune fey.
Wyth quakand voce and hart cald as a key
On kneys I knelyt and mercy culd implore,
Submyttand me, but ony langer pley,
Venus mandate and plesour till obey.
Grace wes denyit and my travel forlore
For scho gaif chargis till procede as before.
Than Varius spak rycht stoutly me till fley,
Injonand silence tyll ask grace ony more.
He demandit myn answere, quhat I sayd,
Than as I mocht, with curage all mysmaid,
Fra tyme I undirstude na mare supplé,
Sore abasyt, belive I thus out braid,
“Set of thir pointis of cryme now on me laid
I may me quyte giltles in verité,
Yit fyrst, agane the juge quhilk here I se,
This inordenat court, and proces quaid,
I wyll object for causys twa or thre.”
Inclynand law, quod I with pietuus face,
“I me defend, Madame plesyt your grace.”
“Say on,” quod sche. Than said I thus but mare,
“Madame, ye may not syt in till this cace,
For ladyis may be jugis in na place;
And mare attour, I am na seculare;
A spirituall man (thocht I be void of lare)
Clepyt I am, and aucht my lyvys space
To be remyt till my juge ordinare.
“I yow beseik, Madame, with byssy cure,
Till gyf ane gracius interlocuture
On thir exceptionys now proponyt late.”
Than suddanly Venus, I yow assure,
Deliverit sone and with a voce so sture
Answeryt thus: “Thow subtyle smy, God wait!
Quhat wenys thou? Till degraid myne hie estate?
Me till declyne as juge, curst creature,
It beis not so. The game gois othir gate.
“As we thee fynd, thow sall thoill jugement.
Not of a clerk we se the represent
Save onely falsehed and dissaitfull talys.
Fyrst quhen thow come, with hart and hail entent
Thow thee submyttit till my commaundement.
Now now, thairof me think to sone thow falys!
I weyn nathyng bot foly that thee alys.
Ye clerkis bene in subtyle wordis quent
And in the deid als scharpe as ony snalys.
“Ye bene the men bewrays my commandis.
Ye bene the men distrublys my servandis.
Ye bene the men with wikkyt wordis fele
Quhilk blasphemys fresch, lusty, yong gallandis
That in my servyce and retenew standis.
Ye bene the men that clepys yow so lele,
With fals behest quhill ye your purpose stele,
Syne ye forswere baith body, treuth and handis.
Ye bene sa fals — ye can no word consele.
“Have doyn,” quod sche, “syr Varius. Alswyith
Do writ the sentence. Lat this cative kyith3
Gyf our power may demyng his mysdeid.”
Than God Thow wait gyf that my spreit wes blyith.
The feverus hew in till my face dyd myith
All my male eys, for swa the horribill dreid
Hail me ovyrset, I mycht not say my Creid.
For feir and wo, within my skyn I wryith.
I mycht not pray, forsuyth, thocht I had neid.
Yit of my deth I set not half a fle —
For gret effere, me thocht na pane to de —
But sore I dred me for sum othyr jape
That Venus suld throw hir subtillyté
In till sum bysnyng best transfigurit me,
As in a bere, a bair, ane oule, ane ape.
I traistit so for till have bene myschaip
That oft I wald my hand behald to se
Gyf it alteryt, and oft my vissage grape.
Tho I revolvit in my mynd anone
Quhow that Diane transformyt Acteone,
And Juno eik as for a kow gert kepe
The fare Yo that lang wes wo begone —
Argos hir yymmyt that eyn had mony one,
Quhom at the last Mercurius gert slepe
And hir delyverit of that danger depe.
I remembrit also quhow in a stone
The wyfe of Loth ichangit sore did wepe.
I umbethocht quhow Jove and ald Saturn
In tyll a wolf thay did Lycaon turn,
And quhow the mychty Nabugodonosore
In bestly forme did on the feild sudjourn
And for his gilt wes maid to wepe and murn.
Thir feirfull wondris gart me dreid ful sore,
For by exemplys oft I herd tofore
He suld bewar that seys his fallow spurn.
Myschans of ane suld be ane otheris lore.
And rolland thus in divers fantasyis,
Terribil thochtis oft my hert did gryis
For all remeid wes alterit in dispare.
Thare wes na hope of mercy till devyis.
Thare wes na wycht my frend be na kyn wyis.
Alhalely the court wes me contrare.
Than wes all maist wryttyn the sentence sare.
My febyll mynd, seand this gret suppris,
Wes than of wit and every blys full bare.
The Seconde Parte
Lo thus amyd this hard perplexité,
Awaytand ever quhat moment I suld de
Or than sum new transfiguration,
He quhilk that is eternall verité,
The glorious Lord ryngand in personis thre,
Providit has for my salvation
Be sum gude spretis revelation,
Quhilk intercessioun maid, I traist, for me;
I foryet all imagination.
All hail my dreid I tho foryet in hy
And all my wo, bot yit I wyst not quhy,
Save that I had sum hope till be relevyt.
I rasyt than my vissage hastely
And with a blenk anone I did espy
A lusty sycht quhilk nocht my hart engrevit.
A hevinly rout out throw the wod eschevyt
Of quhame the bonty, gyf I not deny,
Uneth may be in till ane scripture brevit.
With lawrere crownyt in robbis syd all new,
Of a fassoun, and all of stedfast hew,
Arrayit weil, a court I saw cum nere
Of wyse, degest, eloquent fathers trew
And plesand ladyis quhilkis fresch bewtie schew,
Syngand softly, full swete, on thair manere,
On poete wyse, all divers versis sere,4
Historyis gret in Latyne toung and Grew
With fresche endyt and soundis gude till here;
And sum of thaym ad lyram playit and sang
So plesand vers quhill all the rochys rang,
Metyr Saphik and also elygee.
Thair instrumentis all maist wer fydlys lang
Bot with a string quhilk nevyr ane wreist yeid wrang.
Sum had ane harpe and sum a fair psaltree;
On lutis sum thair accentis subtellé
Devydyt weil and held the mesure lang
In soundis swete of plesand melodie.
The ladyis sang in vocis dulcorate
Facund epistillis quhilkis quhilum Ovid wrate
As Phillys quene send till duke Demophon,
And of Pennolepe the gret regrate
Send till hir lord, sche dowtyng his estate,
That he at Troy suld losyt be or tone.
Quhow Acontus till Cedippa anone
Wrate his complaint, thair hard I weil, God wate,
With othir lusty myssyvis mony one.
I had gret wondir of thair layis sere
Quhilkis in that arte mycht have na way compere
Of castis quent, rethorik colouris fyne
So poete lyk in subtyle fair manere
And elaquent, fyrme cadens regulere.
Thair vayage furth contenand rycht as lyne
With sang and play, as sayd is, so dyvine,
Thay fast approchyng to the place well nere
Quhare I wes torment in my gastly pyne;
And as the hevynly sort now nomynate
Removyt furth on gudly wyse the gate
Towert the court quhilk wes tofore expremit,
My curage grew — for quhat cause I not wate,
Save that I held me payit of thayr estate;
And thay wer folk of knawlage, as it semit.
Als in til Venus court full fast thay demit,
Sayand, "Yone lusty rout wyll stop our mate
Till justefy thys bisning quhilk blasphemit.
"Yone is," quod they, "the court rethoricall
Of polit termys, sang poeticall,
And constand ground of famus historyis swete.
Yone is the facund well celestiall.
Yone is the fontayn and origynall
Quharefra the well of Hylicon dois flete.
Yone ar the folkis that comfortes every sprete
Be fyne delyte and dyte angelicall,
Causand gros lede all of maist gudnes glete.
"Yone is the court of plesand stedfastnes,
Yone is the court of constant merynes,
Yone is the court of joyus disciplyne
Quhilk causys folk thair purpos till expres
In ornat wyse, provocand with gladnes
All gentyll hartis to thare lare inclyne.
Every famus poet men may devyne
Is in yone rout. Lo yondir, thair prynces,
Thespis, the mothyr of the Musis Nyne;
"And nixt hir syne, hir douchter fyrst byget,
Lady Cleo, quhilk craftely dois set
Historiis ald lyk as thay wer present.
Euterpe eik, quhilk dayly dois hir det
In dulce blastis of pipis swete, but let.
The thyrd systir, Thalia diligent,
In wanton wryt and cronikillis doith imprent.
The ferd endityth oft with chekis wet
Sare tragedyis, Melphomyne the gent.
"Tarpsychore the fyft with humyll soun
Makis on psaltreis modolatioun.
The sext Erato, lyk thir luffirs wylde,
Will syng, play, dans, and leip baith up and doune.
Polimnya, the sevynt Muse of renoun,
Ditis thir swete rethorik cullouris mylde
Quhilkis ar so plesand baith to man and chylde.
Uranya, the aucht and sistir schene,
Wrytis the hevyn and sternys all bedene.
"The nynt, quham till nane othir is compere,
Caliopé, that lusty lady clere,
Of quham the bewtye and the worthynes
The vertuys gret, schynis baith far and nere,
For sche of nobillis fatis hes the stere
Till wryt thair worschyp, victory, and prowes
In kyngly style, quhilk dois thair fame encres,
Clepyt in Latyne heroicus but were,
Cheif of al wryt lyk as scho is maistres.
"Thir Musis nyne, lo yondir, may ye se
With fresch Nymphis of watir and of see
And Phanee, ladyis of thir templis ald,
Pyerides, Dryades, Saturee,
Neriedes, Aones, Napee,
Of quham the bontyis nedis not be tald."
Thus dempt the court of Venus monyfald,
Quhilk speche refreschyt my perplexité,
Rejosand weil my sprete afore wes cald.
The suddand sycht of that fyrme court foresaid
Recomfort weil my hew tofore wes faid.
Amyd my brest the joyus heit redoundyt,
Behaldand quhow the lusty Musys raid,
And al thair court quhilk wes so blyith and glaid,
Quhois merynes all hevynes confoundyt.
Thair saw I, weil in poetry ygroundyt,
The gret Homere, quhilk in Grew langage said
Maist eloquently, in quham all wyt aboundyt.
Thare wes the gret Latyn Virgillyus,
The famus fathir poet Ovidius,
Ditis, Daris, and eik the trew Lucane,
Thare wes Plautus, Pogius, Parsius,
Thare wes Terens, Donat and Servius,
Francys Petrark, Flakcus Valeriane,
Thare wes Ysop, Caton, and Alane,
Thare wes Galterus and Boetius,
Thare wes also the gret Quintilliane.
Thare wes the satyr poete Juvinale,
Thare wes the mixt and subtell Marciale,
Of Thebes bruyt thare wes the poete Stace.
Thare wes Faustus and Laurence of the Vale,
Pomponeus, quhais fame of late, sans fale,
Is blawin wyd throw every realme and place.
Thare wes the morale, wyse poete Orace;
With mony other clerkis of gret avayle,
Thare wes Brunell, Claudyus and Bocace.
So gret a pres of pepill drew us nere,
The hunder part thare namys is not here.
Yit thare I saw, of Brutus Albion,
Goffryd Chaucere as A per se, sance pere
In his wulgare, and morell John Gowere.
Lydgat the monk raid musand him allone.
Of this natioun I knew also anone
Gret Kennedy and Dunbar, yit undede,
And Quyntyne with ane huttok on his hede.
Howbeit I couth declare and weil endyte,
The bonteis of that court dewlye to wryt
Wer ovir prolyxt, transcendyng myne engyne
Twychand the proces of my panefull syte.
Belive I saw thir lusty Musys quhyte
With all thair route towart Venus declyne
Quhare Cupyd sat with hir in trone divyne,
I standand bundyn in a sory plyte
Bydand thair grace or than the dedly pyne.
Straucht til the quene sammyn thir Musis raid,
Maist eloquently thare salutationys maid.
Venus agane yald thaym thair salusyng
Rycht reverently and on hir fete upbraid,
Besekand thaym to lycht. "Nay, nay," thay said,
"We may as here make na lang tarying."
Caliopé, maist facund and bening,
Inquyryt Venus what wicht had hir mismaid
Or wes the cause thair of hir sudjournyng.
"Syster," sayd scho, "behald that bysnyng schrew.
A subtyle smye — considyr weil his hew —
Standis thair bond," and bykkynit hir to me.
"Yone cative hes blasphemyt me of new
For tyl degraid and do my fame adew;
A laithly ryme dispitefull subtellé
Compelit hes, rehersand loud on hie
Sclander, dispite, sorow and wallaway
To me, my sonne, and eike my court for ay.
"He hes deservit deth, he salbe dede,
And we remane forsuith in to this stede
Till justefy that rebell renygate."
Quod Caliopé, "Sister, away all fede.
Quhy suld he de? Quhy suld he leis his hede?
To sla him for sa small a cryme, God wate,
Greter degradyng wer to your estate
All out than wes his sclander or sich plede.
Quhow may a fule your hie renoun chakmate?

"Quhat of his lak? Your fame so wyd is blaw,
Your excellens maist peirles is so knaw,
Na wrichis word ay depare your hie name.
Gyf me his lyfe and modefy the law,
For, on my hed he standis now sic aw
That he sall eft disserve nevir mare blame.
Not of his dede ye may report but schame.
In recompence of this mysyttand saw
He sall your hest in every part proclame."
Than Lord quhow glad becam my febil gost!
My curage grew, the quhilk afore wes lost,
Seand I had so gret ane advocate
That expertly, but prayer, pryce, or cost,
Opteynit had my frewel accion all most
Quhilk wes afore perist and desolate.
This quhyil Venus stude, in ane study strate,
Bot fynally scho schew till all the ost
Scho wald do grace and be not obstinate.
"I wyll," said sche, "have mercy and pyeté,
Do slake my wreth and lat all rancour be.
Quhare is mare vice than till be ovir cruel,
And specially in wemen sic as me?
A lady, fy, that usis tirranné
No woman is, rather a serpent fell.
A vennamus dragon or a devill of hell
Is na compare to the inequyté
Of bald wemen, as thir wyse clerkis tell.
"Gret God diffend I suld be ane of tho
Quhilk of thare fede and malyce nevir ho!
Out on sik gram, I wyll serve na repreif.
Caliope, sistir," said til Venus tho,
"At your request this wreche sall frely go.
Heir I remyt his trespas, and all greif
Salbe foryet, swa he wil say sum breif
Or schort ballat in contrare pane and wo,
Tuychand my laud and his plesand releif.

"And secundly the nixt resonabil command
Quhilk I him charge, se that he not ganestand.
On thir conditions, sister, at your requeist,
He sall go fre." Quod Caliope, inclynand,
"Grant mercy, sister. I oblys by my hand
He sall observe in al poyntis your beheist."
Than Venus bad do slake sone my arreist.
Belyve I wes releschit of every band,
Uprais the court and all the perlour ceist.
Tho sat I doun lawly upon my kne
At command of prudent Caliopé,
Yeildand Venus thankis a thousand sith
For sa hie frendschip and mercyfull pieté,
Excelland grace and gret humanyté,
The quhilk to me, trespassour, did scho kyth.
"I thee forgeve," quod sche. Than wes I blyth.
Doun on a stok I set me suddanlye
At hir command and wrate this lay als swyth:
"Unwemmyt wit, deliverit of dangear,
Maist happely preservit fra the snare,
Releschit fre of servyce and bondage,
Expell dolour, expell diseyses sare,
Avoyd displesour, womentyng and care,
Ressave plesans and do thy sorowe swage,
Behald thy glaid, fresche, lusty, grene curage,
Rejois amyd thir lovers lait and air,
Provyde a place till plant thy tendir age
Quhair thou in joy and plesour may repair.
"Quha is in welth? quha is weill fortunat?
Quha is in peace, dissoverit from debbat?
Quha levys in hop? quha levys in esperance?
Quha standis in grace? quha standis in ferme estat?
Quha is content, rejosyt air and lat,
Or quha is he that fortune doith avance
Bot thow, that is replenyst with plesance?
Thow hes comfort, all weilfare dilligat;
Thow hes gladnes, thow hes the happy chance,
Thow hes thy wyll; now be not dissolat.
"Incres in myrthfull consolatioun,
In joyus, swete ymaginatioun;
Habond in luif of purifyit amouris
With diligent trew deliberatioun;
Rendir lovyngis for thy salvatioun
Till Venus; and, ondir hir gard all houris,
Rest at all ease, but sair or sytful schouris.
Abyde in quyet, maist constant weilfare.
Be glaid and lycht now in thy lusty flouris,
Unwemmyt wyt, delyverit of dangare."
This lay wes red in oppyn audience
Of the Musis and in Venus presence.
"I stand content thow art obedient,"
Quod Caliopé, my campion and defence.
Venus sayid eik, it wes sum recompence
For my trespas I wes so penytent,
And with that word all sodanly sche went.
In ane instant scho and hir court wes hence,
Yit still abayd thir Musis on the bent.
Inclynand than, I sayd, "Caliopé
My protector, my help, and my supplé,
My soverane lady, my redemptioun,
My mediatour quhen I wes dampnyt to de,
I sall beseik the Godly Majesté
Infynyt thankis, laud, and benysoun
Yow till acquyte, accordyng your renoun.
It langyth not my possibillité
Till recompence ten part of this gwardoun.
"Glore, honour, laude, and reverence condyng
Quha may foryeild yow of so hie a thyng?
And in that part your mercy I implore,
Submyttand me my lyftyme induring
Your plesour and mandate till obeysyng."
"Silence," said scho, "I have eneuch heirfore.
I will thow passe and vissy wondris more."
Than scho me hes betaucht in kepyng
Of a swete Nymphe, maist faythfull and decore.
Ane hors I gat, maist rychely besene,
Was harnyst all with wodbynd levis grene.
On the same sute the trappuris law doun hang.
Ovir hym I straid at command of the quene.
Tho sammyn furth we rydyng all bedene
Als swyft as thocht with mony a mery sang.
My Nymphe alwayis convoyt me of thrang,
Amyd the Musys till se quhat thay wald mene,
Quhilkis sang and playt bot nevir a wrest yeid wrang.
Throw cuntreis seir, holtis, and rochys hie,
Ovir valys, planys, woddis, wally se,
Ovir fludis fare and mony strate montane
We wer caryit in twynklyng of ane e.
Our horssis flaw and raid nocht, as thocht me,
Now out of France tursyt in Tuskane,
Now out of Flandris heich up in Almane,
Now in till Egypt, now in Ytalie,
Now in the realme of Trace, and now in Spane.
The montayns we passit of all Garmanie,
Ovir Appenynus devydand Ytalie,
Ovir Ryne, the Pow and Tirber fludis fare,
Ovir Alpheus, by Pyes the ryche citie,
Undir the erth that entres in the see;
Ovir Ron, ovir Sane, ovir France and eik ovir Lare
And ovir Tagus the goldin sandyt ryvare.
In Thessaly we passit the mont Oethé
And Hercules in sepulture fand there.
Thare went we ovir the ryver Peneyus.
In Secil eik we passyt the mont Tmolus,
Plenyst with saphron, huny, and with wyne;
The twa toppyt famus Pernasus;
In Trais we went out ovir the mont Emus
Quhare Orphius lerit his armony maist fyne,
Ovir Carmelus, quhare twa prophetis devyne
Remanyt, Helyas and Heliseus,
Fra quhom the ordur of Carmelitis come syne;
And nixt untill the land of Amyson
In hast we past the flude Termodyon,
And ovir the huge hill that hecht Mynas.
We raid the hill of Bachus Citheron
And Olympus, the mont of Massidon,
Quhilk semys heich up in the hevyn to pas.
In that countré we raid the flude Melas
Quhais watter makith quhite scheip blak anon;
In Europe eik we raid the flud Thanas;
We raid the swyft revere Sparthiades,
The flud of Surry Achicorontes,
The hill so full of wellis clepit Yda,
Armany hillis and flude Eufrates,
The fluid of Nyle, the pretius flude Ganges,
The hyl of Secyle ay byrnand Ethna,
And ovir the mont of Frygy, Dindama,
Hallowit in honour of the Modir Goddes;
Cauld Cacasus we passit, in Sythia;
We passyt the fludis of Tygris and Phison,
Of Trace the riveris Hebrun and Strymon,
The mont of Modyn and the flud Jordane,
The facund well and hill of Elicon,
The mont Erix, the well of Acheron,
Baith didicat to Venus en certane.
We past the hill and desert of Lybane,
Ovir mont Cinthus quhare God Appollo schone,
Straucht to the Musis Caballyne fontane.
Besyde that cristall strand swete and degest,
Them till repois, thayr hors refresch and rest,
Alychtit doun thir Musis clere of hew.
The cumpany all halely, lest and best,
Thrang to the well tyl drink, quhilk ran southwest
Throw out a meid quhare alkyn flouris grew.
Amang the layf, ful fast I did persew
Tyll drynk, bot sa the gret pres me opprest
That of the watir I micht never tast a drew.
Our hors pasturyt in a plesand plane,
Law at the fute of a fare grene mountane,
Amyd a meid schadowed with cedir treys;
Save fra al heit, thare micht we weil remane.
All kynd of herbis, flouris, frute, and grane
With every growand tre, thair men micht cheis.
The byrriall stremys rynnand ovyr sterny greis
Maid sobir noys; the schaw dynnyt agane
For byrdys sang and soundyng of the beis.
The ladyis fare on divers instrumentys
Went playand, syngand, dansand ovir the bentis.
Ful angelyk and hevynly wes thair soun.
Quhat creatour amid his hart imprentis
The fresche bewty, the gudly representis,
The mery spech, fare havinges, hie renoun —
Of thaym wald set a wyse man halfe in swoun.
Thair womanlynes writhyt the elementis,
Stonyst the hevyn and all the erth adoun.
The warld may not consydyr nor discryve
The hevynly joy, the blys I saw belyve,
So ineffabill, abone my wyt so hie,
I wyll na mare thairon my forhed ryve,
But breifly furth my febill proces dryve.
Law in the meid a palyeon pycht I se,
Maist gudlyest and rychest that myght be.
My governour ofter than timys fyve
Untill that halde to pas commandit me,
Swa fynally strycht to that rial steid
In fallowschip with my leder I yeid.
We entryt sone, the portar wes not thra,
Thare wes na stoppyng, lang demand nor pleid.
I knelyt law and onheldit my heid,
And tho I saw our Musis twa and twa
Sittand on deace, famylliaris to and fra
Servand thaym fast with Epocres and meid,
Dilligate meatis, daynteis sere alswa.
Grete wes the preis the feist ryall to sene.
At ease thay eit with interludyis betwene,
Gave problemys sere and mony fare demandis
Inquirand quha best in thair tymys had bene,
Quha traist lovers in lusty yeris grene;
Sum said this way and sum thairto ganstandis.
Than Caliope Ovid till appere commaundis:
"My clerk," quod scho, "of regestere, bedene
Declare quha wer maist worthy of thair handis."
With lawrere crownyt at hir commaundment
Up stude this poet degest and eloquent
And schew the fetis of Hercules the strang,
Quhow he the grysly hellis houndis out rent,
Slew lyonys, monstreis, and mony fell serpent,
And to the deth feil mychty giantis dang.
Of Thesyus eik he tald the weris lang
Agane the quene Ypollita the swete,
And quhow he slew the Mynotaure in Crete.
Of Persyus he tald the knychtly dedis
Quhilk vincussyt, as men in Ovid redis,
Crewell tyrrantis and monsturis mony one;
Of Dianis bore in Callydon the dredis,5
Quhow throw a ladyis schot his sydis bledis,
The bretheris deith, and syne the systeris mone.
He schew quhow Kyng Priamusis sonne Ysacon
Efter his dede, body and all his wedis
In till a skarth transformyt wes anon.
He schew at Troy quhat wyis the Grekis landis,
Quhow fers Achylles stranglyt wyth his handis
The valyeant Cignus, Neptunus sonne maist dere,
Quhilk at Grekis aryvale on the strandis
A thousand slew that day apon the sandis,
Faucht with Achill and blontit al his spere —
Na wapyn wes that micht him wond nor dere —
Quhill Achylles bryst off his helm the bandis
And wyrryit hym be fors for all his fere.
He schew full mony transmutationis
And wondirfull new figurationis
Be hondris mo than I have here expremyt.
He tald of lovys meditacionis,
The craft of love and the salvationis,
Quhow that the furie lustis suld be flemyt.
Of divers other materis als he demyt,
And, be his prudent scharpe relationys,
He wes expart in all thyng, as it semyt.
Up rais the gret Virgilius anone
And playd the sportis of Daphnis and Coridon.
Syne Therens come and playit the commedy
Of Permeno, Thrason and wyse Gnaton.
Juvynale lik a mower hym allone
Stud skornand every man as thay yeid by.
Marcyall was cuyk till rost, seith, fars or fry,
And Pogyus stude with mony gyrn and grone,
On Laurence Valla spyttand and cryand fy.
With myrthys thus and meatis diligate,
Thir ladyis, festit accordyng thair estate,
Uprais at last, commandand till tranoynt.
Retret wes blawyn lowd, and than, God wate,
Men micht have sene swyft horssys halden hate,
Schynand for swete as thay had bene anoynt.
Of all that rout wes never a pryk disjoynt
For all our tary, and I furth with my mate,
Montyt on hors, raid sammyn in gude poynt.
Ovir many gudly plane we raid bedene,
The Vail of Ebron, the Campe Damascene,
Throw Josaphat and throw the lusty vail,
Ovir watres wan, thorow worthi woddis grene,
And swa at last, in lyftyng up our eyne,
We se the fynall end of our travail,
Amyd ane plane a plesand roch till wail.
And every wycht fra we that sycht had sene,
Thankand gret God, thare hedis law devail.
With syngyng, lauchyng, merines and play.
On till that roch we rydyng furth the way.
Now mare till writ, for fere trymlys my pen.
The hart may not thynk nor manis toung say,
The eyr not here nor yet the e se may,
It may not be ymagyned with men,
The hevynly blys, the perfyte joy to ken
Quhilk now I saw; the hundreth part all day
I micht not schaw, thocht I had tonges ten.
Thocht al my membris tongis were on raw,
I wer not abill the thousand fald to schaw,
Quhairfore I fere ocht forthirmare to wryte;
For quhiddir I this in saule or body saw,
That wait I not, bot he that all doth knaw,
The gret God wait, in every thyng perfyt.
Eik gyf I wald this avyssyon endyte,
Janglaris suld it bakbyt and stand nane aw,
Cry "Out on dremes quhilkis ar not worth a myte."
Sen thys til me all verité be kend,
I reput bettir thus till mak ane end
Than ocht til say that suld herars engreve.
On othir syd thocht thay me vilepend,
I considdir prudent folk will commend
The vereté and sic janglyng rapreve.
With quhais correction, support, and releve
Furth till proceid this proces I pretend,
Traistand in God my purpose till escheve.
Quhowbeit I may not every circumstance
Reduce perfytly in rememorance,
Myn ignorance yit sum part sal devyse
Twychand this sycht of hevynly swete plesance.
Now empty pen, wryt furth thy lusty chance,
Schaw wondris fele, suppose thow be not wyse6
Be dilligent and rypely thee avyse,
Be qwyke and scharpe, voydit of variance,
Be suete, and cause not jentill hartis gryse.
The Thyrd Parte
Ye Musis nyne, be in myne adjutory,
That maid me se this blys and perfyte glory.
Teche me your facund castis eloquent.
Len me a recent, scharp, fresch memory
And caus me dewly til indyt this story.
Sum gratius swetnes in my brest imprent
Till make the heraris bousum and attent,
Redand my wryt illumynyt with your lore;
Infynyt thankis rendrand yow thairfore.
Now breifly to my purpose for til gone,
About the hyll lay ways mony one
And to the hycht bot a passage ingrave,
Hewyn in the roch of slyde, hard merbyll stone.
Aganne the sonne, lyk as the glas it schone.
Ascens wes hie and strait for till consave,
Yit than thir Musis, gudly and suave,
Alychtyt doun and clam the roch in hy
With all the route, outtane my Nynphe and I.
Styl at the hillys fute we twa abaid,
Than suddandly my keper to me said,
"Ascend, galand!" Tho for fere I quuke.
"Be not effrayit," scho said. "Be not mismaid,"
And with that word up the strait rod abraid.
I followit fast; scho be the hand me tuke;
Yit durst I nevir for dreid behynde me luke.
With mekill pane thus clam we nere the hycht,
Quhare suddandly I saw ane grysly sycht.
As we approchit nere the hillis heid,
A terrible sewch — birnand in flawmys reid,
Abhominable and hol as heill to se,
All full of bryntstane, pyk, and bulnyng leid,
Quhair mony wrechit creatour lay deid
And miserable catywis yeland loude one hie —
I saw, quhilk den mycht wele comparit be
Till Xantus,the fluid of Troy so schill
Byrnand at Venus' hest contrar Achill.
Amyd our passage lay this wgly sicht,
Not brayd, but so horrible till eviry wicht
That all the warld to pas it suld have dreid.
Wele I considerit nene upparmar I mycht,
And to discend, sa hiddous wes the hicht,
I durst not aventur for this erth on breid.
Trymland I stud with teith chatterand gud speid.
My Nymphe beheld my cheir and said "Lat be,
Thow sall not aill, and lo the caus," quod sche.
"To me thou art commyt. I sall the keip.
Thir pieteous pepill amyd theis laithly deip
War wrechis quhilkis in lusty yeris fair
Pretendit thaym till hie honour to creip;
Bot suddandly thay fell on sleuthfull sleip
Followand plesance, drynt in this loch of cair."
And with that word, sche hynt me by the hair,
Caryit me to the hillis hed anone
As Abacuk wes brocht in Babilone.
As we bene on the hie hill sittuate,
"Luke doun," quod scho, "Consave in quhat estat
Thy wrechyt warld thou may considdir now.'
At hir command with mekill dreid, God wate,
Out ovir the hill sa hiddous, hie, and strate
I blent adoun and feld my body grow.
This brukkill erth, sa littyl to allow,
Me thocht I saw byrn in a fyry rage
Of stormy see, quhilk mycht na maner swage.
That terribbill tempest, hiddous wallys huge,
Wer maist grysly for till behald or juge,
Quhare nothyr rest nor quyet mycht appere.
Thare wes a peralus palyce, folk to luge.
Thare wes na help, support, nor yet refuge.
Innowmerabill folk I saw flottrand in fere
Quhilk peryst on the weltrand wallys were;
And secondly I saw a lusty barge
Ovirset with seyes and mony stormy charge.
This gudly carvel — taiklyt traist on raw
With blanschyt sail, mylk quhyte as ony snaw,
Rycht sover tycht, and wondir strangly beildyt —
Wes on the boldyn wallys quyte ovirthraw.
Contrariusly the bustuus wynd did blaw
In bubbys thik, that na schip sail mycht weld it.
Now sank scho law, now hie tyl hevyn upheldyt.
At every part the see and wyndis drave,
Quhill on a sand the schip tobryst and clave.
It wes a pietuus thyng, allake allake,
Till here the duylfull cry quhen that scho strake,
Maist lamentabill the peryst folk till se
Sa famyst, drokyt, mait, forwrocht and wake,
Sum on a plank of firre and sum of ake,
Sum hang apon takill, sum on a tre,
Sum fra thair gryp sone weschyne with the se.
Part drynt, and part to the rolke flet or swam.
On rapis or burdis syne up the hill thay clam.
Tho at my Nynphe breifly I did inquere
Quhat sygnyfyit tha feirfull wondris sere.
"Yone multitude," said scho, "of pepill drint
Ar faythles folk, quhilkis quhyle thay ar here
Mysknawys God and followys thare plesere,
Quhairfore thay sall in endles fyre be brynt.
Yone lusty schip thow seyst peryst and tynt,
In quhame yone pepill maid ane parralus race,
Scho heycht the Carvell of the State of Grace.
"Ye bene all borne the sonnys of ire, I ges,
Syne throw baptyme gettis grace and faythfulnes,
Than in yone carvell suyrly ye remane,
Oft stormstad with this warldis brukkyllnes,
Quhill that ye fall in synne and wrachitnes;
Than schipbrokyn, sall ye droun in endles pane
Except bye fayth ye fynd the plank agane,
Bye Chryst, vorkyng gud vorkys, I onderstand.
Remane thair with, thir sall you bryng to land.
"This may suffice," said scho, "twychand this part.
Returne thy hed, behald this othir art,
Considdir wondris and be vigyllant
That thow may bettir endytyng eftirwart
Thyngis quhilkis I sall thee schaw or we depart.
Thow sall have fouth of sentence and not skant.
Thare is no welth nor welfare thow sall want.
The gret palyce of Honour salt thou se.
Lift up thy hed, behald that sicht," quod sche.

At hir commaund I rasit hie on hycht
My vissage till behald that hevenly sycht.
Bot tyl discryve this matter in effek
Impossibill wer till ony erdly wicht;
It transcendes sa far abone my micht
That I with ynk may do bot paper blek.
I man draw furth; the yok lyis in my nek,
As of the place to say my lewd avyse,
Plenyst with plesance, lyke to parradyce.
I saw a plane of peirles pulcritude
Quharevin abondyt every thingis gude:
Spyce, wyne, corn, ule; tre, frute, flour, herbis grene,
All foulys, bestis, byrdys and alkynde fude,
All maner fyschis, bayth of see and flude,
Wer kepit in pondis of polist silver schene
With purifyit wattir as of the cristall clene.
Till noy the small the grete bestis had na will,
Nor ravanus fowlys the littil volatill.
Styll in the season all thyng remanyt thare;
Perpetually, but othir noy or sare,
Ay rypyt were bayth herbys, frute, and flouris.
Of every thyng the namys till declare
Until my febill wyt impossybill ware.
Amyd the med replete of swete odouris,
A palyce stude with mony riall touris
Quhare kernellys quent, feil turretis men mycht fynd
And goldyn fanys wavand with the wynd.
Pynnakillis, fyellis, tournpikes mony one,
Gylt, byrnyst torris, quhilk lyk til Phebus schone,
Skarsement, repryse, corbell, and battelyngis,
Fulyery, borduris of mony pretius stone,
Suttyl muldry wrocht mony day agone
On buttres, jalmys, pilleris and plesand spryngis.7
Quyke ymagry with mony lusty syngis
Thare mycht be sene, and mony worthy wychtis
Tofore the yet arrayit all at rychtis.
Furth past my Nymphe; I followyt subsequent.
Straucht throw the plane to the first ward we went
Of the palyce and entryt at that port.
Thare saw we mony statelie tornament,
Lancis brokyn, knychtis layd on the bent.
Plesand pastance and mony lusty sport
Thair saw we als, and sum tyme battel mort.
"All thir," quod scho, "on Venus service vakis
In dedis of armys for thayr ladyis sakis."
Vissyand I stude the principal place but pere,
That hevynly Palyce, all of crystall clere,
Wrocht, as me thocht, of polyst beriall stone.
Bosiliall nor Oliab, but were,
Quhilk Sancta Sanctorum maid, maist ryche and dere,
Nor he that wrocht the tempill of Salomon,
Nor he that beild the riall Ylyon,
Nor he that forgete Darius sepulture
Couth not performe sa craftely a cure.
Studiand here on, my Nimphe on to me spak,
"Thus in a stare quhy standis thou stupefak,
Govand all day and na thyng hes vissyte.
Thow art prolixt. In haist retourn thy bak.
Go efter me, and gud attendence tak.
Quhat thow seyst, luke eftirwartis thow write.
Thow sall behald all Venus blys perfyte."
Thair with sche till ane garth did me convoy
Quhare that I saw eneuche of perfyte joy.
Amyd a trone with stonys ryche ovirfret
And claith of gold, Lady Venus wes set.
By hir, hir sonne Cupyd quhilk nathing seys.
Quhare Mars entrit, na knawlege mycht I get,
Bot straucht afore Venus vissage but let
Twelf amarant stagis stude, twelf grene precius greis,
Quhare on thare grew thre curius goldyn treis
Sustenttand weil the goddis face aforne
A fair myrrour, be thaym quently upborn.
Quhare of it makyt wes, I have na feil —
Of beriall, cristall, glas, or byrnyst steil,
Of diamant or of the carbunkill jem —
Quhat thing it wes diffyne may I not weil,
Bot all the bordure circulare, every deill,
Wes plate of gold — cais, stok and uthir hem —
With vertuus stanis picht that blud wald stem.
For quha that wound wes in the tornament
Wox hale fra he apon the myrrour blent.
This riall rillik, so ryche and radius,
Sa pollyst, plesand, purifyed, precius,
Quhoys bontyis half to wryt I not presume,
Thairon tyll se wes sa dellicius
And sa excelland schadois gratius,
Surmontyng far in brichtnes, to my dome,
The costly, subtil, quent spectacle of Rome
Or yet the myrrour send to Canycé
Quhairin men micht ful many wondrys se.
In that myrrour I mycht se at a sycht
The dedes and fetes of every erdly wycht,
All thinges gone lyk as they wer present,
All the creacion of the angellys brycht,
Of Lucifer the fall for all his mycht,
Adam fyrst maid and in the erth ysent.
And Noys flude thair saw I subsequent,
Babilon beild, that toure of sic renoun,
Of Sodomus the fele subversyoun.
Abram, Ysak, Jacob, Josoph I saw,
Hornyt Moyses with his ald Ebrew law,
Twelf plagis in Egypt sent for thair trespas,
In the Reid See with al hys court on raw
Kyng Pharo drynt that God wald nevir knaw —
I saw quhat wyse the see devydyt was
And all the Ebrewes dry fut ovir it pas —
Syne in desert I saw thaym fourty yeris.
Of Josuy I saw the worthy weris.
In Judicum, the batellis strang anone
I saw of Jepty and of Gedione,
Of Ameleth the cruel homosyd,
The wonderful werkis of douchty duke Sampsone,
Quhilk slew a thousand with ane assys bone,
Rent templis doun and yettis in his pryde,
Of quhais strenth mervalys this warld so wyde.
I saw duke Sangor there with many a knok
Sax hundreth men slew with a plewchis sok.
The praphet Samuell saw I in that glas
Anoynt Kyng Saule, quhais sonne Jonathas
I saw wyncus ane gret ost hym allane;
Yong David sla the grysly Golyas
Quhais speirheid wecht thre hundreth uncis was,
Jesbedonab the giant mekill of mane
Lay be the handis of douchty Davyd slane,
With fyngris sax on athir hand, but weir.
David I saw sla baith lyon and beir.
This David, eik, at ane onset astond,
Aucht hundreth men I saw hym bryng to grond.
With hym I saw Bananyas the strang
Quhilk twa lyonys of Moab did confond
And gave the stalwart Ethiop dedis wond
With his awyn spere that of his hand he thrang.
Onabysytly this champion saw I gang
In a deip sistern and thare a lyon slewch
Quhilk in a storme of snaw did harm eneuch.
Of Salomon the wysdom and estate
Thare saw I, and his ryche tempill, God wate;
His sonne Roboam, quhilk throw his hely pride
Tynt all his ligis hartis be his fate.
He wes to thaym sa outragius ingrate,
Of twelf tribis, ten did fra hym devyd.
I saw the angell sla be nychtis tyd
Four score thousandis of Synachorybis ost
Quhilkis come to weir on Jowry with gret bost.
I saw the lyfe of the Kyng Esachy
Prolongit fifteen yere, and the prophet Hely
Amyd a fyry chare to Paradyce went.
The stories of Esdras and of Neamy
And Danyell in the lyonys cave saw I
For he the dragon slew, Bell brak and schent;
The chyldir thre amyd the fornace sent;
I saw the transmygracion in Babillon
And baith the bukis of Paralipomenon.
I saw the haly archangell Raphell
Mary Sara the dochter of Raguell
On Thobyas for his just fatheris sake,
And bynd the crewell devyll that wes sa fel
Quhilk slew hir sevin first husbandis, as tha tel;
And quhow Judyth Olyfarnus heid of strake
Be nychtis tyd and fred hir town fra wrake;
Jonas in the quhalys wame dais thre
And schot furth syne, I saw, at Ninive.
Of Job I saw the patyence maist degest;
Of Alexander I saw the gret conquest,
Quhilk in twelf yeris wan nere the warld on breid;
And of Anthiacus the gret onrest,
Quhow tyrrand lyk all Jowrye he opprest;
Of Macabeus, full mony knychtly deid
That gart all Grece and Egypt stand in dreid,
In quyet brocht his realm throw his prowes;
I saw his brethir Symon and Jonathas,

Quhilkis wer maist worthy quhil thair dayis rang.
Of Tebes eik I saw the weris lang,
Quhare Thedeus allone slew fyfty knychtis;
Quhow fynaly of Grece the campyonys strang,
All hail the floure of knychtheid, in that thrang8
Wes distroyit, quhill Thesyus with his mychtis
The toun and Creon wan for all his slychtis.
Thare saw I quhow, as Stacius dois tell,
Amphiorax the bischop sank to Hel.
The faithfull ladyis of Grece I mycht considdir
In clathis blak all barfute pas togyddir
Till Thebes sege, fra thair lordis wer slane.
Behald, ye men that callys ladyis liddir
And lycht of latis, quhat kyndnes brocht thaym thidder,
Quhat treuth and luif did in thair brestis remane.
I traist ye sall reid in na wryt agane
In a realme sa mony of sic constance.
Persave thairby wemen ar til avance.
Of duke Pyrrotheus the spousage in that tyd
Quhare the Centauris reft away the bryd
Thare saw I and thair battell huge till se,
And Hercules, quhais renoun walkis wyd,
For Exiona law by Troyis syd
Fecht and ovircome a monsture of the se,
For quhilk, quhen his reward denyit wes, he
Maid the first sege and the distructioun
Of mychty Troy, quhylum the rial town.
To wyn the fleys of gold, tho saw I sent
Of Grece the nobillis with Jason consequent,
Hail that conquest and all Medeas slychtis,
Quhow for Jason Ysiphile wes schent,
And quhow to Troy, as thay to Colchos went,
Grekis tholyt of Kyng Lamedon gret onrychtis,
Quhairfore Troy distroyt wes be thair mychtis,
Exiona ravyst and Lamedon slane,
Bot Priamus restoryt the town agane.

The jugement of Parys saw I syne
That gave the appil, as poetis can diffyne,
Till Venus as goddes maist gudlye,
And quhow in Grece he revest quene Helyne,
Quharefore the Grekis with thair gret navyne,
Full mony thosand knychtis, hastely
Thaym till revenge, salyt towart Troy in hye.
I saw quhow be Ulixes with gret joy
Quhat wyse Achil wes fond and brocht to Troy.
The crewel battellys and the dyntis strang,
The gret debate and eik the weris lang
At Troy sege, the myrrour to me schew,
Sustenit ten yeris, Grekis Troianys amang.
And athir party set ful oft in thrang,
Quhare that Hector did douchty dedis enew
Quhilk fears Achil — baith hym and Troylus — slew.
The gret hors maid, I saw, and Troy syn tynt,
And fair Ylion al in flambys brynt.
Syne out of Troy I saw the fugityvys,
Quhow that Eneas, as Virgill weil discrivis,
In countries seir wes by the seis rage
Bewavyt oft, and quhow that he arryvys
With all his flote, but danger of theyr lyvys,
And quhow thay wer reset, baith man and page,
Be quene Dido, remanand in Cartage,
And quhow Eneas syne, as that they tell,
Went for to seik his father doun in Hell.
Ovir Stix the flude I saw Eneas fair,
Quhare Carone wes the bustuus feryair.
The fludis four of Hell thair mycht I se,
The folk in pane, the wayis circulair,
The weltrand stone wirk Sisipho mych cair
And all the plesance of the Camp Elysee,
Quhare ald Anchyses did common with Enee
And schew be lyne all his successyon.
This ilk Eneas, maist famus of renoun,

I saw to goddis make the sacrifice,
(Quhairof the ordour and maner to devyse
Wer ovir prolext) and quhow Eneas syne
Went to the schyp; and eik I saw quhat wyse
All his navy gret hunger did suppryse;
Quhow he in Italie fynalie, with huge pyne
Arrivit at the strandis of Lavyne,
And quhow he faucht weil baith on land and seys
And Tarnus slew, the kyng of Rutuleis.
Rome saw I beildit fyrst be Romulus,
And eik quhow lang, as wryttis Levius,
The Romane kyngis abone the pepill rang;
And how the wickit proud Terquinius,
With wyfe and barnis, be Brutus Junius
Wer exilit Rome for thair insufferabil wrang,
Bot al the proces for to schaw wer lang
Quhow chast Lucres, the gudliest and best,
Be Sextus Terquine wes cruelly opprest.
The Punik batalis in that mirrour cleir
Atwene Cartage and Romanis mony yeir
I saw, becaus Eneas pietuus
Fled fra Dido be admonicionis seir.
Atwene thair pepil rais ane langsum weir.
I saw quhow worthy Marcus Regulus,
Maist valiant, prudent, and victorius,
Howbeit he micht at liberty gone fre,
For common profyt chesyt for till de.
Tullus Servilius, dowchty in his daw,
And Curtyus eik in the myrrour I saw,
Quhilk throw his stowtenes in the fyry gap
For common profyt of Rome him self did thraw
Richt onabasitly, havand na dreid nor aw,
Montit on hors, onarmyt, thairin lap;
And Hannyball I saw by fatell hap
Wyn contrare Romanys mony fair victory
Quhyll Scipio eclypsyt all hys glory.

This worthy Scipio clepyt Affrycane
I saw vincus thys Hannyball in plane
And Cartage bryng untyll fynall rewyn,
And to Rome conquerit all the realme of Spane.
Quhow Kyng Jugurtha hes his brethir slane
Thare saw I eik, and of his were the fyne.
Rycht weil I saw the batellis intestyne
Of Catulyna and of Lentulus,
And atwine Pompey and Cesar Julyus;
And breifly, every famus douchty deid
That men in story may se, or cornakyll reid.
I mycht behald in that myrrour expres
The miserie, the crewelté, the dreid,
Pane, sorow, wo, baith wretchitnes and neid,
The gret envy, covatus, dowbilnes
Twychand warldly onfaithful brukkylnes.
I saw the Fend fast folk to vicis tist
And al the cumming of the Antecrist.
Plesand debaitmentis, quha sa rycht reportis,
Thare mycht be sene, and al maner disportys:
The falkonnis for the revere at thair gate
Newand the fowlys in periculo mortis,
Layand thaym in be companeis and sortis;
And at the plunge, part saw I handlyt hate.
The wery huntare, byssy ayr and late
Wyth questyng hundis, syrchand to and fra
To hunt the hart, the bare, the da, the ra.
I saw Raf Coilyear with his thrawin brow,
Craibit Johne the Reif and auld Cowkewyis sow
And how the wran come out of Ailssay,
And Peirs Plewman that maid his workmen fow,
Gret Gowmakmorne and Fyn Makcoull and how
Thay suld be goddis in Ireland as thay say.
Thair saw I Maitland upon auld Beird Gray,
Robene Hude and Gilbert with the quhite hand,
How Hay of Nauchtoun flew in Madin land.
The nigramansy thair saw I eik anone
Of Bonitas, Bongo, and frere Bacon,
With mony subtell poynt of juglory:
Of Flandris peys, maid mony precius stone,
A gret lade sadil of a sychyng bone,
Of a nutmog, thay mayid a monk in hy,
A parys kirk of a small penny py,
And Bonytas of a mussil made ane ape,
With mony othir subtell mow and jape.
And schortly, til declare the veryté,
All plesand pastance and gemmys that micht be,
In that myrrour wer present to my sycht.
And as I wondryt on that grete ferlye,
Venus at last in turning of hir e
Knew weil my face and said, "Be Goddis micht,
Ye bene welcum, my presoner, to this hycht.
Quhow passit thou," quod scho, "that hidduus depe?"
"Madame," quod I, "I not more than a schepe."
"Na fors thairof," said scho, "Sen thow art here,
Quhow plesys thee our pastance and effere?"
"Glaidly," quod I, "Madame, be God of hevyn."
"Remembris thow," said scho, "withouten were
On thy promyt quhen of thy gret dangere
I thee deliverit — as now is not to newyn?"
Than answerit I agane with sober stevyn,
"Madame, your precept, quhat so be your wyll,
Here I remane ay reddy till fulfill."
"Weil, weil," said scho, "thy wyll is suffycyent.
Of thy bousoum answere I stand content."
Than suddandly in hand a buke scho hynt
The quhilk to me betaucht scho or I went,
Commandand me to be obedient
And put in ryme that proces, than quyt tynt.
I promised hir, forsuyth, or scho wald stynt,
The buke ressavand, thairon my cure to preve.
Inclynand syne lawly, I tuke my leve.
Twychand this buke, peraventur ye sall here
Sumtyme efter quhen I have mare lasere.
My Nymphe in hast tho hynt me by the hand
And as we sammyn walkyt furth in fere
"I thee declare," sayd scho, "yone myrrour clere,
The quhilk thow saw afore dame Venus stand
Signifyes nothing ellis till understand
Bot the gret bewty of thir ladyis facis,
Quhairin lovers thinkis thay behald all gracis."
Scho me convoyit, finally to tell,
With gret plesance straucht to the ryche castell,
Quhare mony saw I pres til get ingres.
Thare saw I Synon and Achittefell
Pressand til clym the wallis and how thay fell.
Lucyus Catalyn saw I thare expres,
In at a wyndow pres til have entres,
Bot suddandly Tullius come with a buke
And strake hym doun quhill all his chaftis quuke.
Fast clymmand up thay lusty wallys of stone
I saw Jugurtha and tressonabill Tryphon,
Bot thay na grippis thair mycht hald for slyddir.
Preissand to clym stude thousandis many one,
And into the ground thay fallen, every one.
Than on the wall a garatour I considdir,
Proclamand lowd, that did thayr hartis swiddir,
"Out on falshed, the mother of everye vyce,
Away invy and brynnand covetyce."
The garatour, my Nymphe tho to me tald,
Wes clepyt Lawté, kepar of the hald
Of hie Honour, and thay pepyll out schete,
Swa presand thaym to clym, quilum wer bald,
Rycht vertuus young, but fra tyme thay woux ald,
Fra honour hail one vice thair mindis sete.
"Now sall thow go," quod sche, "straucht to the yete
Of this palyce and entre but offence,
For the portar is clyped Pacience.
"The mychty prynce, the gretest Empriour
Of yone Palyce," quod scho, "hecht hie Honour,
Quham to disservys mony traist officiare.
For Charité, of gudlynes the flour,
Is Maister Houshald in yone cristall tour,
Ferme Constance is the kyngis Secritare,
And Liberalité heicht his Thesaurar.
Innocens and Devocyon as efferis
Bene clerkis of closet and cubeculeris.
"His Comptrowere is clepyt Discretioun.
Humanyté and Trew Relatioun
Bene yscherris of his chalmer morow and eve.
Peace, Quyet, Rest, oft wakis up and doun
In till his hall as marchellis of renoun.
Temperance is cuke, his mete to tast and preve.
Humylyté karvar, that na wycht lyst to greve.
His maister sewer hecht Vertuus Discipline.
Mercy is copper and mixis weil his wyne.
"His Chanceller is clepyt Conscyence
Quhilk for na meid will pronounce fals sentence.
With him are assessouris four of one ascent,
Science, Prudence, Justice, Sapience,
Quhilkis to na wycht lyst committing offence.
The chekker rollys and the kyngis rent
As auditouris thay ovirseis quhat is spent.
Labourus Diligens, Gud Werkis, Clene Livyng
Bene out stewartis and catouris to yone kyng.
"Gud Hope remanys ever amang yone sort,
A fyne menstral with mony mow and sport;
And Pieté is the kyngis almoseir;
Syne Fortitude, the rycht quha lyst report,
Is lieutenand, al wrachys to comfort.
The kyngis mynyeon roundand in his eyr
Heicht Verité, did nevir leyl man deir,
And schortly, every vertew and plesance
Is subject to yone kyngis obbeysance.
"Come on," sayd sche, "this ordenance to vysyte."
Than past we to that cristall Palyce quhyte,
Quhare I abayd the entré til behald.
I bad na mare of plesance nor delyte,
Of lusty sycht, of joy and blys perfyte,
Nor mare weilfare til have abone the mold
Than for til se that yet of byrnyst gold,
Quhare on thair was maist curiusly ingrave
All naturall thyng men may in erd consave.
Thare wes the erth enveronyt wyth the see
Quhare on the schyppes saland mycht I se,
The ayr, the fyre — all the four elymentis —
The Speris Sevyn and primum mobile,
The sygnis twelf perfytly every gre,
The zodiak, hale as bukis represents,
The Poil Antertik that ever himselfe absentis,
The Poil Artik, and eik the Ursis twane,
The Sevyn Sterris, Pheton, and the Charle wane.
Thare wes ingraf quhow that Ganamedis
Wes reft till hevyn, as men in Ovyd redis,
And on till Jupiter made his cheif butlare.
The douchters, fare in to thayr lusty wedis,
Of Dorida, amyd the see, but dredis,
Swymmand, and part wer figurit thare
Apon a crag, dryand thair yalow hare,
With facis not onlyk, for quha thaym seyng
Mycht weil consyddir that thay al sisteris beyng.
Of the planetis all the conjunctionys,
Thare episciclis and oppositionis
Wer porturyt thair, and quhow thair coursis swagis;
Thare naturale and dayly motionis,
Eclipse, aspectis, and degressyonys.
Thare saw I mony gudly personagis
Quhilkis semyt all lusty quyk ymagis,
The werkmanschip excedyng mony fold
The precyus mater, thocht it wes fynest gold.
Wondrand here on, agane my wyll, but lete,
My Nymphe in grif schot me in at the yet.
"Quhat Devyl!" said scho, "Hes thou not ellis ado
Bot all thy wyt and fantasy to set
On sic dotyng?" and tho for fere I swet
Of her langage; bot than anone said scho,
"List thou se farlyes, behald thaym yondir, lo,
Yit study not ovir mekil, a dreid thow vary
For I persave the halflyngis in a fary."
Within that Palyce sone I gat a sycht
Quhare walkand went ful mony worthy wicht
Amyd the close with all myrthys to wale;
For lyk Phebus with fyry bemys brycht
The wallys schane, castand sa gret a lycht
It semyt lyk the hevyn imperiall,
And as the cedir surmontyth the rammale
In perfyt hycht, sa of that court a glance
Excedis far all erdly vane plesance.
For lois of sycht, considdir micht I nocht
Quhow perfytly the ryche wallys wer wrocht.
Swa the reflex of cristall stanys schone,
For brychtnes skarsly blenk thairon I mocht.
The purifyit silver soithlie as me thocht,
In steid of syment wes ovir all that wone,
Yet round about ful mony a beriall stone
And thaym conjunctly jonyt fast and quemyt.
The close wes paithit with silver, as it semyt.
The durris and the wyndois all wer breddyt
With massy gold, quhare of the fynes scheddit.
With byrnyst evyr baith palyce and touris
Wer thekyt weil, maist craftely that cled it:
For so the quhitly blanchit bone ovirspred it,
Mydlyt with gold, anamalyt all colouris,
Inporturat of byrdis and swete flouris,
Curius knottis, and mony sle devyse,
Quhilkis to behald wes perfyt paradice.
And to proceid, my Nymphe and I furth went
Straucht to the hall, throw out the Palyce jent,
And ten stagis of thopas did ascend.
Schit wes the dure. In at a boir I blent,
Quhare I beheld the gladdest represent
That evir in erth a wrachit catyve kend.
Breifly theis proces til conclude and end,
Me thocht the flure wes al of amatist,
Bot quhare of war the wallis I ne wist.

The multitud of prectius stonis sere
Thair on swa schane, my febill sycht, but were,
Mycht not behald thair vertuus gudlynes.
For all the ruf, as did to me appere,
Hang full of plesand lowpyt saphyrs clere.
Of dyamantis and rubys, as I ges,
Wer all the burdis, maid of mast riches.
Of sardanus, of jaspe, and smaragdane,
Trestis, formys and benkis wer, pollist plane.
Baith to and fro amyd the hall they went,
Rial Princis in plate and armouris quent,
Of byrnist gold, cuchit with precyus stonys.
Intronyt sat a god armypotent,
On quhais gloryus vissage as I blent,
In extasy, be his brychtnes, atonys,
He smate me doun and byrsyt all my bonys.
Thare lay I still in swoun with cullour blaucht,
Quhil at the last my Nymphe up hes me kaucht.
Syne wyth gret pane, with womentyng and care,
In hir armys scho bare me doun the stare
And in the clois full softly laid me doun,
Held up my hede to tak the hailsum ayre,
For of my lyfe scho stude in gret dispare.
Me till awalk ay wes that lady boun,
Quhill finally out of my dedly swoun
I swyth ovircome and up my eyne did cast.
"Be myrry, man," quod scho, "the werst is past.
"Get up," scho said, "for schame, be na cowart.
My hede in wed, thow hes a wyfis hart
That for a plesand sycht is so mysmaid!"
Than all in anger, apon my fete I start,
And for hir wordis wer so apyrsmart,
On to the Nymphe I maid a bustuus braid.
"Carlyng," quod I, "quhat wes yone at thow said?"
"Soft yow," said sche, "thay ar not wyse that stryvys,
For kyrkmen wer ay jentill to ther wyvys.
"I am rycht glaid thou art wordyn so wycht.
Lang ere, me thocht thow had nothir fors ne mycht,9
Curage nor wyll, for till have grevyt a fla.
Quhat alyt thee to fall?" Quod I, "The sycht
Of yone goddes grym, fyry vissage brycht
Ovirset my wyt and all my spretis swa,
I mycht not stand." "Bot wes that suyth?" "Ya, ya."
Than said the Nymphe rycht merylie and leuch,
"Now I considdir thy malt hart weil eneuch.
"I wyl," quod scho, "na mare thee thus assay
With sic plesance quhilk may thy sprete effray.
Yit sall thow se suythly, sen thou art here,
My lydyis court in thair gudly array.
For till behald thair myrth, cum on thy way."
Than hand in hand swyth went we furth in fere
At a postrum towart the fair herbere.
In that passage full fast at hir I franyt,
Quhat folk thay wer, within the hall remanyt?
"Yone wer," said scho, "quha sa the richt discrivys,
Maist vailyeand folk and vertuus in thair lyvys.
Now in the court of Honour thay remane
Victoriusly, and in all plesance thryvys,
For thay with spere, with swerdys, and wyth knyvys
In just battell wer fundyn maist of mane.
In thair promyttis thay stude evir fyrm and plane.
In thaym aboundit worschyp and lawté,
Illumynyt with liberalité.
"Honour," quod scho "to this hevinly ryng
Differris richt far from warldly honoring,
Quhilk is but pompe of erdly dignyté
Gyvyn for estate or blude, micht, or sic thyng;
And, in this countré, prynce, prelate, or kyng
Alanerly sall for vertu honoryt be;
For erdly glore is not bot vanyté
That, as we se, sa suddandly will wend;
Bot vertuus honour nevir mare sall end.
"Behald," said scho "and se this warldly glore
Maist inconstant, maist slyd and transitore.
Prosperite in erd is bot a dreme
Or lyk as man wer steppand ovir a score.
Now is he law that wes so hie to fore,
And he quhilum wes borne pure of his deme,
Now his estate schynys lyke the sonne beme.
Baith up and doun, baith to and fro, we se,
This warld weltrys as dois the wally see.
"To papis, bischoppis, prelatis, and primatis,10
Empriouris, kinges, princes, potestatis,
Deth settis the terme and end of all thair hycht.
Fra thay be gan, late se quha on thaym watys.
Na thyng remanis bot fame of thair estatis,
And not ellis bot vertuus werkis richt
Sall with thaym wend — nother thair pompe nor mycht.
Ay vertu ryngis in lestand honour clere;
Remembir than that vertu hes no pere.
"For vertu is a thing sa precyous
Quhare of the end is sa delycious
The warld ma not consyddir quhat it is.
It makis folk perfyte and glorious,
It makis sanctis of pepill vicious.
It causis folk ay leve in lestand blys,
It is the way til hie honour, iwys.
It dantis deth and every vice thorow mycht.
Without vertu, fy on all erdly wycht.
"Vertu is eik the perfyte sikkyr way,
And not ellis, til honour lestand ay.
For mony hes sene vitious pepil upheit,
And eftir sone thair glory vanys away,
Quhar of exemplis we se this every day.
His erdly pompe is gone quhen that he deyt;
Than is he with no erdly frend suppleit,
Savand Vertu. Weill is him hes sic a fere.
Now wil I schaw," quod sche, " quhat folk bene here.
"The strangest Sampson is in to yone hald,
The forsy, pyssand Hercules so bald,
The feirs Achill and all the Nobillis Nyne,
Scipio Affricane, Pompeyus the ald,
Uthir mony quhais namys afore are tald,
With thousandis ma than I may here diffine,
And lusty ladyis amyd thay lordis syne,
Semiramis, Thamar, Ypolytha,
Pantyssalé, Medus, Cenobia.
"Of thy regyon yondir bene honorit part,
The kyngis Gregor, Kened, and Kyng Robert,
With otheris mo that beis not here rehersyt.
Varyit," quod scho, "ay be thy megyr hart!
Thow suld have sene, had thou biddin in yon art,
Quhat wyse yone hevynly company conversyt.
Wa worth thy febyll brane, sa sone wes persit!
Thow mycht have sene, remanand quhare thow was,
A huge pepyl punyst for thair trespas,
"Quhilkis be wilfull, manyfest arrogance,
Invyus pryd, pretendit ignorance,
Fowle dowbilnes, and dissate unamendit
Enforcis thaym thair selvyn til avance
Be sle falsheid, but lawté or constance,
Wyth subtelnes and slychtys now commendit,
Betraisand folk that nevir to them offendit,
And upheis thaim self throw frawdful lippis,
Thocht God cause oft thare erdly glore eclippis.
"And nobillis cumyn of honorabill ancestry
Thair vertuus nobilité settis nocht by
For dishonest, unlefull, warldly ways
And throw corruppit, covatus invy.
Bot he that can be dowbill, nane is set by,
Dissate is wisdum; lawté, honour away is.
Rycht few or nane takis tent thairto thir days,
And thair gret wrangis till reforme but let
In judgement yone god wes yondir set.
"Remanand yondir, thow mycht have herd belyve
Pronouncit the gret sentence diffinytive
Twichand this actioun, and the dreidful pane
Execute on trespassouris yit on lyve,
Swa that thair malyce sall na mare prescryve."
"Madame," quod I, "for Goddis saik, turn agane,
My spreit desyris to se thair torment fane."
Quod scho, "Richt now thare sall thow be rejosyt
Quhen thow hes tane the ayr and bettir apposyt.

"Bot first thow sal considdir commoditeis
Of our gardyng, lo, full of lusty trees,
All hie cypres, of flewer maist fragrant.
Our ladyis yonder, bissy as the beis,
The swete florist colouris of rethoreis
Gaddris full fast, mony grene tendir plant,
For with all plesance plenist is yone hant
Quhare precious stanys on treis doyth abound —
In sted of frute, chargyt with peirlis round."
On till that gudly garth thus we proceid,
Quhilk with a large fowsy, fare on breid
Inveronyt wes, quhare fysches wer enew.
All wattir foulis wer swomand thair gud speid.
Als out of growand treis thair saw I breid
Foulys that hyngand by thair nebbis grew.
Out ovir the stank of mony divers hew
Wes laid a tre ovir quhilk behovyt we pas,
Bot I can not declare quhare of it wes.
My Nymphe went ovir, chargeand me folow fast.
Hir till obbey my spretis woux agast,
Swa peralus wes the passagis till aspy.
Away sche went, and fra tyme sche wes past
Apon the bryg I entrit at the last;
Bot swa my harnys trymlyt bissyly
Quhyl I fell ovir, and baith my fete slaid by,
Out ovir the hede, into the stank adoun,
Quhare, as me thocht, I wes in point to droun.
Quhat throw the byrdis sang and this affray,
Out of my swoun I wallkynnyt quhare I lay
In the gardyn quhare I fyrst doun fell.
About I blent, for richt clere was the day,
Bot all thys lusty plesance wes away.
Me thocht that fare herbere maist lyk to hel
In till compare of this ye herd me tell.
Allace, allace, I thocht me than in pane
And langyt sare for till have swounyt agane.
The byrdis sang nor yit the mery flouris
Mycht not ameys my grevows gret dolouris.
All erdly thyng me thocht barrant and vyle.
Thus I remanyt into the garth twa houris,
Cursand the feildis with all the fare coullouris,
That I awolk, oft wariand the quhyle.
Always my mynd wes on the lusty yle
In purpose evir till have dwelt in that art
Of rethorik cullouris til have fund sum parte.
And maist of all my curage wes aggrevit
Becaus sa sone I of my dreme eschevyt,
Nocht seand quhow thay wrechis wer torment
That honour mankyt and honesté myschevyt.
Glaidly I wald amyd thys wryt have brevyt,
Had I it sene, quhow thay were slane or schent.
Bot fra I saw all thys weilfare wes went,
Till mak ane end, sittand under a tre,
In laude of Honour I wrait thir versis thre:
"O hie Honour, swete hevynly flour degest,
Gem vertuus, maist precius, gudlyest
For hie renoun, thow art guerdoun condyng,
Of worschyp kend the glorius end and rest,
But quham, in rycht, na worthy wicht may lest.
Thy gret puissance may maist avance all thyng
And poverale to myche avale sone bryng.
I thee requere, sen thow, but pere, art best,
That eftir this in thy hie blys we ryng.
"Of grace thy face in every place so schynys,
That swete all spreit baith heid and feit inclynis
Thy glore afore, for til implore remeid.
He docht rycht nocht quhilk out of thocht thee tynis.11
Thy name but blame, and riall fame, dyvine is,
Thow port, at schort, of our comfort and reid
Tyll bryng all thyng tyll gladyng eftir deid.
All wycht but sycht of thy gret mycht ay crinis.
O Schene, I mene, nane may sustene thy feid.
"Hail rois maist chois til clois thy foys gret mycht.
Hail stone quhilk schone apon the trone of lycht,
Vertew, quhais trew swet dew overthrew all vyce,
Was ay ilk day, gar say, the way of lycht,
Amend offend and send our end ay richt,
Thow stant ordant as sant of grant maist wyse
Til be supplé and the hie gre of pryce.
Delyte thee tite me quyte of syte to dycht,
For I apply schortly to thy devyse."
The auctor direkit his buke to the rycht
nobill Prynce James the Ferd, Kyng
of Scottis.
Tryumphus laud with palm of victory,
The laurere crown of infynyte glory,
Maist gracius prince, our soverane James the Ferd,
Thy majesty mot have eternally,
Suppreme honour, renoun of chevalry,
Felycité perdurand in this erd,
With etern blys in the hevyn by fatal werd.
Resave this rusty, rurall rebaldry
Lakand cunnyng, fra thye puyr lege onlerd,
Quhilk in the sycht of thy magnificence,
Confydand in so gret benevolence,
Proponis thus my wulgare ignorance,
Maist humely wyth dew obedyence,
Besekand oft thy mychty excellence
Be grace til pardon all sic variance
With sum benyng respect of ferme constance,
Remyttand my pretendit negligence,
Throw quhais mycht may humyll thyng avance.
Breif, burall quair, of eloquence all quyte,
With russet weid and sentence imperfyte,
Til cum in plane se thow thow not pretend tha.
Thy barrant termis and thy vyle endyte
Sall not be min, I wyll not have the wyte,
For, as for me, I quytcleme that I kend tha.
Thow art bot stouth — thyft lovys lycht but lyte.12
Not worth a myte, pray ilk man till amend tha.
Fare on with syte, and on this wyse I end tha.
   (see note); (t-note)
When; sorrowful face; (see note)
mantle bordered; (see note)
Wrapped around with; elaborateness; (see note); (t-note)
kindly queen of [the] flowers
arose; perform my customary service; (see note)
entered into an enclosed garden; (see note)
ground painted; (see note); (t-note)
boughs; floriated changeability

skilfully; had adorned; (see note)
sprinkled; (see note)
Bathed with gentle dew; naturally
While warm vapors; well-mixed
Sweet; scent
on daisies [were] distilling; (see note)
(see note)
   incense; reflecting; (see note)
blooming; places; (see note)
tapestries; (see note)
which; harmonies; (see note); (t-note)
twigs; levels; (see note)

making melodies
Whose high; filled with noise
From impacted air; echo resounds; (see note); (t-note)

laurels; lie

Imbued; delight; (t-note)
raised his head; (see note)
mean; pulls according to plan
axle-tree; great worth; (see note)
Apollo; in the morning appears red
both; thickets; (t-note)
Revived; through Apollo's generosity; (t-note)
opened out
That; wrapped up
from stinging damp; (t-note)
shady; wrapped; (see note)
portrayed; fashioned; (see note)
By; enlivening; (see note)
pleasant; (see note)
gardens munched
bees constructed; (see note)
healthful; season
poured forth purified
Most nutritious for all growing things; (t-note)
Aeolus; chose not to be present; (see note)
deadly influence; (see note)
malevolent look unfavorable to
would not; walled garden stay
sparkling streams flowing; (see note)
banks; varying flashes (of light); (see note)
to see that entire heavenly place
cleansed; newly generated
embroidered; ore; (see note); (t-note)

comforted; mood
   do not know [if] it was; delusion
bushes; by myself; (see note)
garden full of all delight
heard; [as] clear; shone; (see note)
utmost example (acme) of happiness
month; (see note)
To; on earth [the] reviver
compels to grow
truly the basis for the
Whose noble spirit; constant care; (see note)
to bring forth
Tames; unpredictable
   everything that assails nature
budding shoots; pleasant leaves
to sprout again and swell; able
Which; praise
brown hues; branches; (see note)
origin; increase of vitality
Mars' valor intensifies; (see note)

new increases; vigorous time of life
Whoever; constrained; love's passion
   Preparing themselves; early
incumbent on you; (t-note)
raised; (see note)
Acutely alarmed; frenzy
Said I then; shall go astray
That; serves
Restore; great fear; (see note)
praises; by
earthly created beings
Comfort; delusion perishes; (t-note)
spirit downcast; all mental faculties
fear, both arteries, veins; (t-note)
fated destiny; curse; (see note)
   dazed head which lack; made wander; (t-note)
endure; sound
fearful spirit, feeble paltry faculties
   Betaking myself home; wanted; tarry
came a flash; (see note)
light; trance; swoon
shrubbery; utterly into a stupor
As enfeebled as a feminine being
flash; dazed; strength; (t-note)
Until; remained neither
natural warmth; (t-note)
Never did [any] man see; living being
no wonder; overly intense light (see note)
Corrupts; mind; causes; descend; (t-note)
Into; so that no danger affects it
(the blood) is congested, parts of the body
thus beset me
But; know not how; time; (t-note)
warmth; appeared
before been
dream I dreamed a weird occurrence; (see note)
imagined myself put; deserted
hideous river
fish; to
rough rustic words; (t-note)

sterile; overwhelmed; (see note)
Show; skill; memory
deplorable silliness; (see note)
writing; scandal to rhetoric
scrounged; more; thrice; (see note)
rigmaroles; thy ribaldry; (t-note)
empty inanity
diligence; these frenzies; (t-note)
Which; paltry skill exposed
abducted spirit; (see note); (see note)
Cocytus; (see note)
commotion; (see note); (t-note)
Rushing headlong

   As if it
bare banks; crags split; about
Upon which no grass or plants
   Only knolls scorched by north winds; (see note); (t-note)

loathsome; rumbling; roared
which; yelling; elves shouted; (see note)
deafened my hearing
shrank from and dreaded; (t-note)
Nothing; decayed trees; (see note)
Burnt, sterile, unblossomed; leafless
stumps in which; left
Soggy; withered; branches broken
The sort of ravine; murderers; robbed

[I] myself; afraid
   which in no way; comforting
dark; fog; (t-note)
whistling; fierce gust
Tree stumps creaked, and hardly could
crept; (see note)
   rattled continuously
nothing but marsh, mud
not without; dismayed; (see note)
is there no other solution?; (see note); (t-note)
why; betrayed

shall; so soon; dead
expect no other recourse
by some ravenous beast
wail; lament; plead
contrary wheel
pleasure is of what advantage?
sinks; (see note)
humble; gains status
laughs; bewails
sick; healthy; weary; not troubled

you promise; you refuse
woeful; fortunate; firm; flighty
fun; distress; extols; renounces

who; trust
Certainly; Nobody. Surely yes; (see note); (t-note)
Yes, indeed

risk of harm intimidate me thus?
From whence; come; fast; dismal spot; (t-note)
spring turned into raging winter
unpleasant prospects
loud noise; heard come close by me
northern quadrant
As from a herd
then; knows how frightened I was; (t-note)
Expecting to; trampled by livestock
hollow tree-stump; stealthily; crept; (see note); (see note)
Where, looking; straightaway
fine herd; intelligent animals; (see note); (t-note)

(see note)
matching clothing; contented
serious manner; wisdom abounded
maneuvered their saddle-horses; (see note)
   traditional practices; did not err
   and cut no corners
   fine ceremoniousness at which
unafraid to look about
ride forth, seated with assurance
Amongst whom, carried; chariot
Adorned; lustrous
lovely as a lily; neck; (see note)
purple; edged; each gore (decorative pleat); (see note)
bejeweled clasps all fastened exactly
attractively polished
gilded hair
   Then; arrayed in cloth thoroughly dyed violet; (see note)
each according to their rank; (t-note)
   seemed; her council; confidential
fine throng; knows
ecclesiastical leader; (see note)
Both; high and low rank
passed by me
gentle pace; ride along the path

two wretches
donkey, a noose around his head; (see note)
on a hideous horse; (t-note)
came out; eagerly; ask
   What sort of men; in reply
(see note)
sly tricks have killed many
Do you know

expelled from there, indeed
without doubt
   around her; (t-note)
Sybils; (see note)
Circe; (see note)
spinning; destinies
prophetess; (see note); (t-note)

Who are grounded; knowledge
also within
Scholars; skilled with hard questions
source of wisdom
replete with knowledge; (t-note)
Seneca; (see note)

Pythagoras, Porphyry, Parmenides; (see note)
sayings without refutation; (see note)
Sidrak; Solinus; (see note)
Ptolemy, Hippocrates
Nectanabus; (see note)
(see note)
Enoch, Lamech; (see note)
eloquent; (see note)
(see note)
journey; across
[It] is located; leagues; hundred
often, before; stumble
   Goodbye; stay here
in subjection
earthquake; (see note)
shower of rain
   We are just like that among
intelligence; wickedly
always satisfied; (t-note)
certainly discover
adverted my advice; (see note)
made; against
killed, for which reason; neck
foiled so shamefully
started fire
(see note)
traitorously; to be taken across; (t-note)
   So that he brought in; [Trojan] Horse; (t-note)
By which; was rapidly destroyed
grieves; misfortunes
are both villains; (t-note)
get no access to that entrance; (t-note)
Unless; through; spells; (see note)
Entry to
suffices for us to see; flourish
   (see note)
adieu; leisure
very; opinion
who has ruined many
as if; scared
elvish man; (see note)
Crept; decayed ruined oak stump
Taking thought often about; (t-note)
remedy but death by
overcomes weak insufficiency
heartened myself
   could no say [for sure]
rustling; mouse; sight; (t-note)

inadequacy; timidity
tightly ensconced
Desiring keenly; token
transformed deer; close; (see note)
Lacerated by dogs; whom; avenged
   previously announced her arrival; (t-note)
accurately, therefore; understood; sign
Actæon who; watched
also; young
has turned into the form of a hart
incited against him
Backward he glanced; understanding
tore at; that baited them; (see note)
Then; golden; (see note)
And clothing; female forest-dwellers
high; (see note)
As a sign; grows in chastity
Rode; who prepares women's hearts
   To be loyal
knows; changeable; (see note)
[are] chaste and profess true virginity
do not know; associate with Diana
Jephthah's daughter; fine noble lady; (see note)
   Offered; virginity
Polyxena indeed; (see note)
Penthesilea; fortitude; (see note)
Iphigenia; Virginius' noble daughter; (see note); (t-note)

   They all rode past; tree
dispersed, scattered asunder
boughs; battered upon
lizards, asps, adders wallowed
fang; venomous squirts
Polluting; by toxic vapor
Very massive; poisonous; rumbled
dazed head, stupefied dizzily
wretch intoxicated
appeared to my mind's eye
shining; north-east; (see note)
I heard sweetest sounds pipe melody; (t-note); (t-note)
   attentiveness to hear; pay heed
intervals full; (see note)
afar, was carried by the deep water; (t-note)
can hear sounds; (see note)
various pores
   Soaks up air; is disturbed
Cannot enter; moves here and there
is conveyed over
though because of noise [as] by
to stir
Within; (t-note)
breaks and disturbs the air
Then; stirs
fear escape
beyond doubt; hears
also indeed, unless; scholars tell lies
no air within; seas; (t-note)
Without which; teach
Just as without light; sees
Enough; do not know what
to; completely
showed before; (t-note)

Long before; twice; (t-note)
heard, as if from angels it had come
   making all the skies resound

everyone might be delighted by it
Except; dulled by despair
angry; insane; (t-note)
Depressed; weary

apparently then, so happened with me

compelled me to express grief

   the world below since

in due proportion; (t-note)
beauty; fine mode of existence
honeyed words
courtiers; wait
pastime; [musical] performance
Even if; intelligence
gloomy understanding; (t-note)
as readily shall I say
angelic and divine
   To see seemed to me; heavenly
Proceeding; was pulled; (see note)
twelve stallions caparisoned; velvet; (t-note)
links; trappings
carriage-shafts; burnished; knew
axle-tree; wheels; avow; (see note)
thongs; reins
Fastened together
Ivory collar-frames; such [a] purpose; (see note)
collars hang over their necks
chariot of ivory
chrysolites; (see note)
encrusted; due; (see note)
stars; shone
Furnished; divine; abode
dark brown
tassel; fringes; (see note)
enameled [in] every pattern; (t-note)
these tiny bells
   finest gold from Arabia
rings so harmoniously
compels every person
Wherever; else
hierarchies; nine orders of angels; (see note); (t-note)

abounding in delight
whose bidding; (t-note)
to hear
is most to be praised
Surpasses; could be no equal
at the zenith of his orbit
shone, casting; intense a reflection
prettiness; overwhelmed both
peerless of figure; looks
used up her skill
manners; no one like her
of what material was her robe; (see note)
nothing but; could I see
Because of which
[Any] more; sun can; bat's eye(sight); could not; (see note)
topazes; hued
Whoever saw her; always revived
   [her] head; (see note)
no one escaped who got a sight
However loyal or virtuous he might be
But; avows himself [to be] her servant
   eyes so overcome
sweet glances; none; un-pursued
Unless; like the saints
wondered greatly; obsess; (t-note)
[who] was so beautiful
seated; powerful limbs
well built all over; (t-note)
carried; blue-gray as lead; (see note)
eyes; (see note)
evident signs
which seldom remains constant
   But even so their; (t-note)
Sound, and actual performance
skilfully gratifying to the vital spirits
No one ever heard such, I suppose
Fine young men played along besides
pure voice; (t-note)
Sweet harmonies; melodic responses
Fine musical intervals
Seconds, thirds, fourths; (see note)
Eleventh and tenth converge; (t-note)
Melodic range[s]; different
played by many skilled musicians; (t-note)
In; pastimes
music-making; heard
   Fauxbourdon; counter-melodies; (see note)
Chant, ornament; gemel; (see note)
bowed lyre; dance; (see note); (see note)
Shawms; portatives I heard resound; (see note)
Monochord; tympani; cymbal; (see note)
Citole; psaltery; (see note)
ornamentations; performance; (see note)
Rhythms subdividing; converging; (see note)
Arcadia; (see note)
whose playing; (see note)
Exorcized; overcame King Saul; (t-note)
well-made songs; (see note)
Who built the walls of Thebes
invented the refined techniques; (see note)
well schooled; (t-note)
system a tenth part as much at all
their concord
these musical proportions; (see note)
cuckoo; (t-note)
   Except; sweet sounds seem to me
describe their sweet warblings; (see note)

heavenly spheres; (see note)
the harp of Orpheus of Thrace
Glascurion; no sound equal [to them]; (see note)
agree; chord
at no juncture; discordant
young men
youths; merciful
ladies [who] knew more about lust's
others; do not interest me to consider
poorest garment; gold and dark green; (see note); (t-note)

elegant clothes; different fashions; (see note)
might imagine
Purple; red-purple; bright red hues; (see note)
made; ample cut; (see note)
Damask; striped variously
Crimson; velvet embroidered; rows; (see note); (t-note)
overlaid; branches

Foundation damask of triple thickness; (see note)
Gilt embroidery with pearls
attire; peerless; (see note)
however much I wished
caparisoned steed; profuse silks
breastplate ribbed; noticed; (see note); (t-note)

many [a] fine riding horse; lovely; (see note); (t-note)
foremost; (t-note)

armored warhorse big and bold
burnished equipment
offensive weapon; carried
limbs; built; strong
width of an outstretched hand easily
broad, with wavy; curling hair
too burly; too tall
(see note)
calls wherever; or walk; (see note)
Arcite; (see note); (see note); (see note)
by fair Emily; (t-note)
Aeneas; (see note)

attractive; pleasing; (see note)
Faithful; loyal; (see note)
(see note)
Procne; sorrowful Philomela; (see note)
David's love; Bathsheba; (see note)
 (see note)
angry; (see note)
Briseida; taken
Phyllis; (see note); (t-note)
Artful; (see note)

Vienne; (see note); (t-note)
Phaedra; Ariadne; (see note)

 (see note)
Ahasuerus, Esther, unimpeachable; (see note)
ill-omened Delilah; (see note)
accursed Deianeira; (see note)
Accursed Byblis; (see note)
Hypsipyle; Scylla; (see note)
Tristram, Iseult, Elkanah; (see note)
(see note)
Hesione; (see note)
Griselda; (see note)
broke his head; (see note)
spouse; (see note)
Who became
indentured; firm, unchanging heart; (t-note)
such nowadays; dare say; (see note)
fine linen cloth
Up till now; found to be so dependable
describe; too weak
sweet glances; young vitality
dalliance; ride forth together
Some live; servitude; (see note)
sufferings alleviated
many rose chaplets
wore; together
Until; stirred my energy
To sing this song; hear; (see note)
Constrained; enwrapped; (see note); (t-note)

   Lament; grievous woes
Feeling regret; since
repaid in hatred
enveloped; sorrow; (see note); (t-note)

two; pour forth all at once; (see note)
Great grievance; writing

made subject to; (t-note)
Destined [to be] so empty
engraved into my heart
hang in their weighig scales
   misdeeds; [the] great sorrow
well-being after submission
wretch; can; receive; (see note)
Death, prepare thyself; send
A curse upon such; grievous; (see note)

severe, grevious distress; (t-note)

makes me die

accursed may

could, utterly constrained by misery
sang; did not make up a syllable
   Then; (see note)
[for] committing such [an] offence
they search ceaselessly
one found me; anger, disgusted; (see note); (t-note)
Come out, churl

decayed bower
crept and low; cower
(see note)
frowning; snarling
many heavy blows
crow; de-plume the rook; (see note)
Pulling; boot-blacking; stain; (see note)
[the] lively gave; hit; (see note)
jaws trembled; (see note)
Tortured with injuries; spiteful
Who; seated in; chariot
overcome in that terrible encounter; (see note)
The field seemed to me overspred; (t-note)
formerly scorched, barren
Grew; truth
soothe my grievous pain most sore
Enthroned; (see note)
Then arose an attorney named; (see note); (t-note)
To accuse me; capital crime; (see note)
; (t-note)
began; read an indictment

insane and raging
betray, lay in wait since sunrise
know, my fate seemed to me sealed
quavering; cold; (see note)
did beg for mercy
myself, without any further plea
To obey Venus' command and wish
Mercy; withheld; effort wasted
   gave orders to proceed
fiercely to scare me
   Imposing silence [not] to
spirit utterly downcast; (see note)
Once; help; (t-note)
dismayed, at once I blurted out
Though; these; imputed to me
exonerate myself
against; whom I see here
improper; irregular proceedings
Bowing low; pitiful; (see note)
legally represent myself; may it please
without more [delay]; (t-note)

are nowhere allowed to be judges
furthermore; no lay-person
lacking in learning; (see note)
I am called; duration; (t-note)
referred; ecclesiastical judge
beseech; relentless earnestness
favorable judgment
pleas; put forward just now
Decided swiftly; harsh
What do you intend; debase; (t-note)
to reject
shall not be so; direction
adjudge you; undergo
Nothing about a clergyman; uphold
firm intent; (see note)
   submitted thyself to
it seems to me you fail too soon
; ails you
skilled with cunning words; (see note); (t-note)
deed; keen; snails

You are; [who] disclose
many wicked words
call yourselves; loyal
vow; get your way by fraud
Then; renounce; faith; (see note)
"Stop," she said; Immediately

authority can deliver sentence on
know whether; blithe
feverish hue; show; (see note)
distress; dread; (see note)
Completely overwhelmed me; Creed
I didn't give half a fly; (see note)
fear; die; (t-note)
monstrous beast transform; (see note); (t-note)
bear; a boar; an owl

expected; deformed

If it had changed; touch my face
   (see note)
also; made to keep; (see note)
Io who was miserable for a long time
Argus guarded her; eyes; (see note)
Mercury put to sleep
And rescued her from
how into
Lot transformed [note]; (see note)
called to mind; (see note)

mighty Nebuchadnezzar; (see note)
form of a beast; dwell
fearful wonders made
   (see note)
sees his neighbor stumble
One's mishap; another's lesson
reflecting; imaginings
horrify my heart
changed into
to consider
no one; no way at all
Unanimously; against me
almost; dire
seeing; mishap
Awaiting constantly; die

(see note)
reigning; (see note); (t-note)

By; spirit's communication
made, I believe
forgot; fanciful notion[s]
wholly; then; at once
I did not know why
did not grieve my heart; (t-note)
throng out from; emerged
goodness, if I do not disagree
Hardly can be recorded in a text
laurel; long gowns; (see note)
one design; hue
dignified; honorable
whose youthful beauty was evident
in their way

style; to hear
accompanied by the lyre; (see note)
Such; until; cliffs
Sapphic meter; elegiac; (see note)
mostly; long fiddles; (see note)
With only one; peg went wrong
timbres skillfully; (see note); (t-note)
Articulated; sustained the full note value; (t-note)
sweet voices; (see note)
Eloquent letters; previously; wrote; (see note)
not knowing his state
killed; captured; (see note)
Acontius to Cedippe promptly
their diverse lays
no peer at all; (t-note)
ingenious expressions; (see note)
steady, regular meter
voyage; maintaining straight
rapidly approach
   tormented; horrible suffering
group just named
Traveled; the route; (t-note)
I knew not; (see note)
felt myself [to be] gladdened by
But; criticized
That fine throng; companion; (see note); (t-note)
administer justice to this monster; (see note)

polished words, lyric song; (t-note)
firm foundation; (t-note)
From which Helicon flows
who comfort; mood
rough language; all gleam with

   (see note)

elaborate style, enticing
adapt to their teaching
think of
(see note)
after; first-born; (see note)
Clio, who skilfully puts in writing
Ancient histories just as [if]; (t-note)
also; duty
sounds; without cease

fix in the mind; (t-note)
fourth composes; tear-stained cheeks; (t-note)
Distressing; noble
fifth; gentle sound; (t-note)
Makes melody on psalteries; (see note)
these wild lovers
dance, and leap; (t-note)
Polyhymnia; (see note)
Composes these; colors of rhetoric
eighth; fair; (t-note)
Chronicles; stars all fully; (t-note)
to whom; equal

great virtues shine
nobles' fates; control; (t-note)

heroic; (see note); without doubt; (see note)
   Highest; writing just as she is mistress

river[s]; sea[s]
Fanae; these ancient temles; (see note); (t-note)
Pierides, Wood-nymphs, Satyrs

Nereids, Aonians, Napaeae
good qualities need not be listed
judged; diversely; (t-note)
[that] previously was cold; (see note); (t-note)

   unexpected; stable; named previously; (t-note)
[that] previously was pale; (t-note)
In; the welcome warmth returned; (t-note)
rode; (t-note)
overcame all dejectedness
well-versed in poetry
Greek; spoke; (t-note)
   knowledge; (see note)
Virgil; (t-note)

Dictys, Darius; truthful; (see note)
Poggio, Persius; (see note)
Terence, Donatus; (see note)
Valerius Flaccus; (see note)
Aesop, Cato, and Alan; (see note)
Boethius; (see note)
 (see note)
satiric; (see note)
versatile; Martial; (see note)
fame; Statius; (see note)
Lorenzo Valla; (see note); (t-note)
Pomponazzi; doubtless; (see note)

Horace; (see note)
writers; great; (t-note)
Brunellus; Claudian; Boccaccio; (see note)
crowd; came near us
hundredth; [of] their names; (t-note)
of the English nation; (see note); (t-note)
paragon, unequaled; (see note)
; (t-note)

pondering by himself; (see note); (t-note)
nation [of Scotland]; immediately; (see note)

not yet dead
little hat; (see note)
Even if I could put in words
virtues; sufficiently; (t-note)
abundant, exceeding my thinking
Concerning; narrative; grief; (t-note)
At once
turn their course

tied up; plight
Awaiting; or else; (t-note)
Directly; together; rode; (t-note)
in return gave; greeting
Very ceremoniously; arose
while here; (t-note)
eloquent; gracious
Asked; person; upset
making a halt; (t-note)
monstrous villain; (t-note)
rascal; take good notice of his hue; (t-note)
directed her attention
just now
make my reputation vanish
hateful, spiteful rhyme craftily; (t-note)
Has composed, reciting loud and clear; (t-note)
Slander, scorn; lamentation; (t-note)
also; forever; (t-note)
shall be
adjudge; renegade; (t-note)
lose; (t-note)
debasement; noble rank
Utterly; before such controversy; (t-note)
fool; checkmate; (see note); (t-note)

So what for his slander; blown (spread); (see note); (t-note)
peerless; well-known

wretch's; impair
   Give; tone down; (see note)
by my judgment; is so afraid
never afterward merit further; (t-note)
Nothing; death can you; except
offending speech; (t-note)
proclaim your bidding everywhere
spirits revived; before; (t-note)
without; bribe; (see note)
Won; frivolous lawsuit; (t-note)
demolished; abandoned
Meanwhile; in strict contemplation
signified; assemblage
show mercy; (t-note)
Reduce; set aside all rancor
fierce; (see note); (t-note)

not equal; injustice; (t-note)
fierce; these
prohibit; (t-note)
hostility; cease
trouble; deserve no reproof; (t-note)
Venus said then to [Calliope]

forgive; injury
Shall be forgotten if; recite; letter
ballade; in opposition to
Concerning; praise

show resistance
bowing; (t-note)
Great thanks; guarantee
ordered my arrest be dropped
released from every restraint; (t-note)
discussion ceased; (see note); (t-note)

Then; humbly
Giving; times
great amity; pity
tree stump; seated myself; (see note)
promptly wrote this song
Unblemished; rescued from; (see note); (t-note)
fortunately; (t-note)

Released free from; (t-note)
grievous distresses
Expel; lamenting
Accept; make; alleviate
youthful spirit
late and early [always]; (t-note)
Prepare; youthful stage of life
visit; (t-note)
Who; well-being; (see note)
kept apart from strife; (t-note)
lives; hope [both times]
assured status
glad early and late; (t-note)
causes to advance; (t-note)
well provided; (t-note)
luxurious well-being
cheerless; (t-note)
Abound; love; (t-note)
protection; (t-note)
without suffering or grievous pains
youth; (see note); (t-note)
rescued from (the lady's) disdain; (t-note)

   read in public hearing
   remain satisfied; (see note)
advocate and legal representative; (t-note)
said also; atonement
(see note)
   were gone; (t-note)
remained; field; (see note); (t-note)

condemned to die
ask Lord God; (see note)
   praise; blessing
to repay, befitting; renown
is not within my capacity
To repay a tenth part of this reward
praise, and suitable respect; (see note)
requite; for so high
to obey
enough on this account
decree; go to see more marvels; (t-note)
has entrusted me
comely; (see note)
got; richly decked out
harnessed; woodbine leaves; (see note)
In; fashion; trappings; low; (t-note)
together; rode; together
thought; (see note)
guided me out of the crowd
see what they intended
tuning-peg went awry
many countries; woods; cliffs; (see note); (see note)
valleys, plains; wave-tossed sea
fine rivers; impassable; (t-note)
flew rather than ran; it seemed to me; (see note)
carried into Tuscany
high; southern Germany; (see note)
Appenines dividing
Rhine; the Po; Tiber; (see note)
Pisa; (see note)
That flows underground into the sea
Rhône; Seine; Loire; (see note)
(see note)
Oeta; (see note)
Cilicia; (see note)
Well stocked
Thrace; Haemus
 (see note)
Continued living, Elijah and Elisha
came afterwards
the Amazons
Thermodon; (see note)
crossed; Citheraon; (see note)

(see note)
white sheep; immediately; (t-note)
also; Don
river; Syria Orontes; (see note)
Armenian; (see note)
holy; (see note)

Sicily; ever-burning
Phrygia, Dindyma; (see note)
Cold Caucasus; Scythia
 (see note)
Thrace; Hebrus
 (see note)
 (see note)
dedicated; doubtless
Libya; (see note)
Cynthus; shone
Straight; Hippocrene; (see note)
shining brook; calm; (t-note)
repose; horses
Alighted; complexion
together, of lowest status
meadow; all sorts of flowers
others; hasten
throng crowded me
drop; (see note)
   pleasant open space; (t-note)
shaded; cedar trees
Safe; heat
sparkling; flowing over glittering steps; (see note); (t-note)
Made (a) gentle sound; wood resounded back

dancing over the fields
Whatever being
   Of these things [it]
transformed; (see note)
Astonished; below
imagine; describe; (see note)
rack my brains
forward; direct my feeble course
pavilion pitched
more often
abode; go
straight; royal place
guide; went
gate-keeper; stubborn; (t-note)
Sitting; dais, familiar servants; (t-note)
spiced wine and mead
Tasty; many delicacies also; (see note)
ate; interludes between [courses]; (see note)
Posed various problems; questions; (see note)
Asking; had been best in their times
Who [were] faithful; youthful years
commands to come forward; (see note)
official recorder, fully
Crowned with laurel; (t-note)
feats; (see note); (see note)
dragged out
many; struck; (t-note)
narrated the long wars; (see note); (t-note)

 (see note)
Who vanquished
 (see note); (t-note)

brothers' death; then; sister's lament
son of King Priam, Aesacus; (see note)
clothes; (t-note)
how the Greeks come ashore
   fierce; (see note)
Cycnus, Neptune's dearest son
Who during; arrival, beaches
Fought; completely dulled his spear
wound; injure
Until; tore the straps off his helmet
strangled; by force despite; mightiness
metamorphoses; (see note)
hundreds more; identified; (t-note)
expounded on discourses of love
art; remedies
frenzy [of] lusts; expelled
topics; expressed opinions
considering his; witty discourses
   appeared; (see note)
Virgil the great promptly stood up; (see note); (t-note)
performed; pastimes

Parmeno, Thraso; Gnatho; (see note)
mocker by himself; (see note)
ridiculing; went
cook to roast; boil, stuff; (see note)
snarl and groan; (see note)
spitting; fie
On entertainments; tasty dishes
[having] feasted befitting their rank
giving the order to decamp
Retreat; signaled; (see note)
kept at top speed
Shining; sweat; anointed; (see note); (t-note)
jot out of place

sojourn; companion
together in fine style
at once
Vale of Hebron; Field; (see note)
fine valley
dark, through fine
   ultimate destination; travel
flat expense; crag; descry
bow their heads low
rock; ride; (t-note)
fear my pen trembles; (see note)
heart; man's tongue; (see note)
hear; can the eye see
   to realize
(see note)
could not show, even if
Though; body parts were tongues in a row; (see note)
the thousands of times; show
anything more
whether; (see note)
knew; (t-note)
   perfect in every way
Also if; vision
   Fault-finders; deride; feel no dread
Away with; penny; (see note)
Since; is known to me to be all truth
consider; to end here
to say anything; upset listeners
On the opposing side; they mock me

truth; censure such fault-finding
help, and aid
continue this discourse; propose
Trusting; to achieve my purpose
Even though; detail
Capture; memory; (t-note)
shall describe
onward; fine opportunity

maturely bethink thyself
lively and witty, purged of inconsistency
to shudder
at my aid; (t-note)

ample; eloquent techniques; (see note)
Lend; undiminished, keen, vivid
appropriately to compose
grace-endowed delightfulness; embed
listeners compliant and attentive; (see note)
Reading; enlightened; teaching

to proceed concisely to my main point
Around; hill; paths
only one pathway carved out up to the summit
Hewn; slippery; (see note)
In the sunlight
difficult to plan out; (t-note)
Still; base; two lingered
fine gentleman! Then; fear; trembled
upset; (t-note)
rushed up the narrow path
great difficulty; climbed towards; peak; (t-note)
ditch; burning
deep as hell; (t-note)
brimstone, pitch, and boiling lead; (t-note)
wretches; yelling in [a] high [voice]
   a ravine that could well be compared
Xanthus; cold; (see note)
Burning; command against
ugly sight

thought I could [go] no further up; (t-note)

   attempt; for this wide world
Trembling; [at] high speed; (t-note)
noticed my face; Enough; (t-note)
suffer; here [is] the reason
entrusted; take care of you
pitiful; this helpful chasm
Were wretches who in vigorous years
Put themselves forward to; creep; (t-note)
drowned; lake of sorrow; (t-note)
summit; (see note)
Habakkuk; brought into Babylon
Once; positioned
Determine in what condition
   estimate now [to be]
great fear
looked down; felt; tremble
crumbling; little to be commended; (see note); (see note)
   It seemed to me; burn
which could in no way relent
to house; (see note); (t-note)

Innumerable; floundering together
   were sunk in the tossing waves
fine boat
Beset by seas; surge
rigged secure in order; (see note)
bleached; snow
securely watertight; built
swollen waves utterly capsized; (t-note)
In opposition; rough; blow; (t-note)
heavy squalls, so; could navigate; (t-note)
she; raised
sandbar; broke apart; split; (t-note)
hear; sorrowful; ran aground
   famished, wet, defeated, tired; weak
oak; (t-note)
rigging; mast; (t-note)
[dislodged] from; washed away
Some drowned; crag floated; (t-note)
ropes or planks then; climbed

many fearsome portents; (t-note)
drowned people; (see note); (t-note)
Fail to acknowledge God

wrecked and lost
She is called
guess; (see note)
baptism; (t-note)
beset by storms; uncertainty
Until; wretchedness
(see note)
working; works
Stay with that, these shall bring you
concerning this direction
Turn back; district

write afterwards; (t-note)
abundance of language; scant
happiness; lack

raised up high

in fact
for any earthly being; (see note)
can only make paper blackened; (see note)
must pull onward; the yoke lies upon; (see note)
offer my ignorant opinion
Filled with delight; (see note)
plain; peerless beauty
In which abounded all
olive oil; timber
fowls; every [sort of] foodstuff
salt and fresh water
polished, shiny silver

hurt the small animals; (see note)
birds of prey; little birds
Always in season everything; (see note); (t-note)
without either hurt or harm; (t-note)

Always ripened

To; would be impossible; (t-note)
meadow abounding with; (t-note)
stood; magnificent towers; (see note)
ingenious crenels; many
banners; (t-note)
Turrets, finials, spiral staircases
Gilded, polished knobs
   Ledges, recesses; battlements; (see note)
Sculpted foliage; borders; precious
moldings; ago
 (see note)
Lifelike motifs
gate; in every way
On went
yard; precinct
gate; (t-note)

knocked to the ground
also; mortal combat
spend time in service of Venus
I stood inspecting; without peer

 (see note)
Bezaleel; Aholiab, without doubt; (see note)
The Ark of the Covenant
 (see note)
built; Ilion; (see note); (t-note)
constructed; (see note)

carry out a project so skilfully
While [I was] gazing at this
in a state of wonderment; stupefied; (see note)
Gaping; viewed; (see note)
tiresome; Quickly turn thy back
pay close attention
take care; (see note); (t-note)

garden; convey
adorned with costly jewels
cloth; seated
who sees nothing
entered; information could
right in front of; directly
emerald tiers; steps; (t-note)
Carrying; before the goddess' face; (t-note)
ingeniously supported by them
Of what substance it was made; sense
beryl; steel
carbuncle stone
I cannot adequately describe
circular frame; detail
frame, base and edging
powerful jewels set; bleeding; stop; (see note)
whoever was wounded
Became healed once; looked
treasure; radiant
Half of whose powers; I cannot; (t-note)
[with] such very lovely reflections
Exceeding; by my opinion
ingenious, elegant mirror

(see note)
deeds and feats; eathly being


banished into the world; (see note)
Babel built; such
massive overthrow; (see note); (t-note)

Isaac; (t-note)
Horned; (see note)
plagues; (t-note)
Red Sea; one after another; (see note)
drowned; would never acknowledge; (t-note)
walked dry-shod across it
Joshua; honorable wars; (see note)
Judges; fierce battles straightaway; (t-note)
Jepthah; Gideon
Abimelech; homicide[s]; (see note)
brave; (see note)
a donkey's [jaw]-bone

Shamgar; (see note)
mirror; (see note)
whose; (t-note)
vanquish; army by himself

[I saw] Young David saly; Goliath
Whose spear-head['s] weight; ounces
of great might; (see note)
Lay dead at the hands of brave David; (t-note)
six fingers; each; without doubt
also; surprised at an ambush

 (see note)
two; defeat
a fatal wound
he forced out of his hand
Boldly; go; (t-note)
cistern; slew
snow did plenty of harm

Rehoboam; overweening; (see note)
Lost; lieges' loyalty; action
grossly ungrateful
ten separated from him
at night; (see note)
Sennacherib's army; (t-note)
wage war; Judea; much threatening
Hezekiah; (see note)
Elijah; (see note)
In a blazing chariot
Ezra; Nehemiah; (see note)
(see note)
broke and destroyed Bel
three youths into; (see note)
exile into
; (see note)
Raphael; (see note)
Marry; daughter of Raguel
To Tobias
cruel; fierce

cut off Holophernes' head; (see note)
At night time; freed her; destruction
whale's belly three days; (see note)
vomited forth afterwards; Nineveh
most calm
(see note)
conquered almost the whole world
Antiochus; turmoil
tyrannically; Judea; oppressed; (t-note)
Judas Maccabeus; deed; (see note); (t-note)
made; hold back; fear

To peace brought
 (see note)

during their lifetimes
I saw the protracted wars of Thebes; (see note)
mighty champions of Greece

until; forces; (t-note)
conquered despite; tricks
Statius; (see note)
could perceive; (see note)
   black clothes; barefoot walk together; (t-note)
To the seige of Thebes, after
indecisive; (see note)
flightly of behavior; generosity
expect [that]; in no text elsewhere
Recognize; to be praised
wedding; time; (see note)
carried off the bride
   to see
is widespread; (see note)
Hesione down; shore

was disallowed
fleece; then; (see note)
nobles along with Jason
Medea's wiles
Hypsipyle was ruined; (see note)
(see note)
suffered from; injustices
was destroyed by; forces
Hesione abducted

then; (see note)
apple; poets recount
the most beautiful goddess
abducted; (t-note)
navy; (t-note)
sailed; with speed
by; (see note)
By what means; discovered; brought
mighty blows
quarrel; lengthy hostilities
siege; showed me
Protracted; amid [the] Trojans; (see note)
placed; melée
courageous deeds aplenty
Whom fierce; (see note)
horse built; then destroyed
all burnt up in flames
(see note)

many lands was; sea's
Swept repeatedly
fleet, without
sheltered, both; child
By; abiding
Charon; rough-mannered ferryman
four rivers; could I see; (see note)
circular paths
rolling; cause; much grief; (see note)
Elysian Fields; (see note)
converse; Aeneas; (see note)
by descent; lineage

Of which; sequence; itemize
Would be too lengthy
also I saw in what manner
Great hunger afflicted his entire navy; (see note)
great difficulty; (see note); (t-note)

slew Turnus; Rutulians; (see note)
first built by; (see note)
Livy writes
ruled over the people
 (see note)
children, by; (t-note)
   exiled [from]; unendurable
narrative; show would be
most beautiful and virtuous
Punic Wars; (see note)
Between; (t-note)
for the reason that pious Aeneas
because of many warnings
Between their nations; protracted war; (t-note)
(see note); (t-note)

Even though
public benefit chose to die
Servius Tullius valiant in his lifetime; (see note)
Curtius; also; (see note); (t-note)
Who because of his courage; abyss; (t-note)

fearlessly; hesitation
Mounted; without weapons; leapt
destined advantage; (see note)
Until; eclipsed

named Africanus
defeat; on the battlefield
to ultimate destruction
   subjected; (t-note)
has killed his brothers; (see note)
also, and the outcome of his war
civil wars; (see note)

between; (see note); (t-note)

in short; mighty exploit; (see note)
read [in] chronicle[s]
   both misery and indigence
covetousness; treachery
   Concerning worldly false instability
Devil ceaselessly; lure into vices
(see note)
recreations, whoever; tells
all kinds [of] entertainments; (see note)
falcons on their way to the river
  Chasing; danger of death; (see note); (t-note)
Bringing them in by flocks; species

   during the dive, some; treated roughly
weary; busy early
searching; (t-note)
boar; doe; roe-deer
Ralph the Collier; frowning; (see note); (see note); (t-note)
Irritable; Reeve; Colkelbie's; (see note)

wren; Ailsa Craig; (see note)
well-fed; (see note)
Goll mac Morna; Finn mac Cumhaill; (see note)
used to be
 (see note)
 (see note)
Fairyland; (see note)
magic; (t-note)
Bonatti, Bungay; friar; (see note); (t-note)
feat of conjuring; (see note)

pack-saddle; sighing; (see note)
nutmeg; made; in haste
parish church; pie; (see note); (t-note)

cunning jest; trick
briefly to state the truth
pastime and games; could
her gaze
summit; (see note)
do not know any more; sheep; (see note)
No matter about that; Since
pleases; entertainment and ceremony
without doubt
promise; peril
liberated; which; need not be specified
in a serious tone of voice
command, whatever
she took a book; (see note)
she entrusted to me before
narrative; then utterly lost; (see note)
even before she was finished
Receiving the book; to try my skill
made my exit
Concerning; perhaps; hear; (t-note)
leisure; (see note)
took; (t-note)
walked onward together side by side
(see note)
see all special favors
brought me
much delight straight
try to get entry; (t-note)

Pushing forward to climb the walls
Catiline; indeed; (see note)
push to gain entry
Cicero came
struck; until; jaws trembled
those fine stone walls
(see note)
   grip could hold there; slipperiness
Thronging; many thousands
   they fall
tower watchman; (t-note)
made their hearts quake
Away with falsehood
burning covetousness
then; (t-note)
named Loyalty, guard; stronghold; (t-note)
   exerting themselves; once; bold
grew old; (see note)
entirely on; fixed; (t-note)
gatekeeper; named; (t-note)
(see note); (t-note)
is called high

Who is served by; loyal; (t-note)
the paragon of virtue; (t-note)
that shining tower
Constancy; Secretary
Treasurer; (see note)
as is fitting
chapel clerks; grooms of the chamber; (see note)
Comptroller; named; (t-note)
Truthful Report
ushers; chamber; morning; (t-note)
cook; taste and test
carver; who wishes to grieve no one; (see note); (t-note)
butler; (t-note)

 (see note)
bribe; (t-note)
assessors; one mind

wish to commit; (t-note)
exchequer rolls
auditors; oversee; (see note); (t-note)

estate officers; purchasers; (see note)
resides always
minstrel; jest
almoner; (see note); (t-note)
whoever wants to report accurately

deputy; unfortunate people
familiar servant whispering; (see note)
   [who] never harmed a loyal man
in brief
survey this edifice

paused to view the gateway
wanted nothing more
well-being; in this life
gate; burnished; (see note)
On which; inticately engraved; (t-note)
phenomena; consider in the world
surrounded by the sea; (see note)
On which I could see the ships sailing

Spheres; (see note)
twelve [astrological] signs; degree; (see note); (t-note)
just as books expound

Pole; keeps himself out of sight; (see note)
two Bears; (see note)
   Pleiades; Phaethon; Ursa Major
engraved; (see note)
abducted to
   made chief butler to Jupiter
attractive in their fine clothes; (see note)
Doris; without doubt
depicted there
drying their blonde hair
unlike; whoever sees them
understand; are all sisters
conjunctions (see note)
epicycles; (see note); (t-note)
subside; (see note)
; (t-note)

positions; deviations; (see note)
fine lifelike depictions
many times; (see note)

Puzzling over this; without pause
annoyance shoved; gate; (see note)
What the devil; else to do; (see note)
to lavish
foolishness; sweat; (see note)
Because of
[If it] please you to see marvels
   overmuch, out of fear you will rave
halfway; daze
had a view
courtyard; delights to enjoy
empyrean sphere; (see note)
cedar surpasses the shrub; (see note); (t-note)

   earthly vain delight
were constructed
reflection from; shone; (t-note)
   scarcely look upon; could
truly as it seemed to me; (t-note)
Instead; cement; habitation
Poured; beryl
joined together and fitted
courtyard was paved; (t-note)
doors; paneled; (see note)
   fineness glowed
polished ivory; (see note)
shingled well; skilfully; covered
palely bleached
Intermixed; enameled
Depicted with
Ornamental knots; intricate pattern; (see note); (t-note)

fine palace
steps of topaz; (see note)
Shut; peephole I looked; (see note); (t-note)
appearance; (see note)
miserable wretch beheld
floor; amethyst; (see note)
what substance; walls were; not know; (t-note)
abundant precious stones
without doubt
Could; powerful beauty
wreathed sapphires; (see note)
tables; greatest costliness
sardonyx; jasper; smaragd (emerald); (see note)
plated and well-wrought armor
Enthroned; warlike god; (see note); (t-note)
looked; (see note)
knocked; bruised
ashen complexion; (t-note)
Until; has picked me up
lamenting; sorrow
carried; stairs
health-giving air; (t-note)
she was in great doubt
to awake; busy
death-like swoon; (t-note)
suddenly awoke; eyes; open
I'd bet my head
undone; (t-note)
Then; leapt
because; biting
threatening gesture
Old woman; was it that thou; (see note); (t-note)
Easy, you; quarrel
always courteous with their wives; (see note); (t-note)
you have become so strong
annoyed a flea
What troubled you (that made you) fall
   that god's

could not remain standing; true; Yes
understand; tender heart; (see note); (t-note)

test; (t-note)
ladies'; (see note)
indeed; together
side door; flower-garden
eagerly; asked; (t-note)
[who] stayed; (t-note)
whoever describes the truth
courageous (valiant)

greatest of strength; (t-note)
honor and loyalty
Illumined with generosity
realm; (t-note)
only displays of earthly
rank or lineage, power, or such things
Shall be honored for virtue only
nothing but; (see note)
will depart

   (see note); (t-note)
slippery and transitory; (t-note)

on earth
low; before; (t-note)
formerly; poor; mother
sunbeam; (see note)
tosses; stormy sea

   Once; let [us] see who waits on them
except the glory of their positions
nothing else except; rightly; (see note)
go; neither
Forever; reigns; enduring; bright
delightful; (t-note)
saints [out] of wicked people
live; lasting
defeats; through
nothing else, to everlasting honor; (t-note)
wicked people exalted
soon after; vanishes; (t-note)
Examples of which; see
has died
supplied with no earthly friend
Except; It goes well for; comrade

Samson the strongest; inside; dwelling
strong, mighty; bold
fierce; Nine Worthies; (see note); (t-note)
elder; (see note)

are already mentioned; (t-note)
more; describe
among those; too
Tamar; Hippolyta; (see note)
Penthesilea, Medusa, Zenobia; (see note)

(see note)
shall not be listed here; (t-note)
Cursed; forever; puny
remained; that place
way; conversed; (t-note)
Sorrow fall upon; impaired
   remaining where
numerous; punished; crime; (see note)
 (see note)
treachery; uncorrected deceit; (t-note)
Exert; to advance themselves; (t-note)
sly; without loyalty or dependability
deceit and tricks now praised
promote themselves; lying mouths
their earthly glory to dim
descended; (see note); (t-note)
give no respect to


Except; false; no one is esteemed
Wisdom is banished
pays heed; these
without delay; (see note)
heard promptly
great, definitive judgment
Concerning; legal case; punishment
Carried out; alive
no longer prevail
eagerly; (see note)
benefits; (see note)

tall cypress; scent most
busy; bees; (see note)
flowery; rhetoric; (see note); (t-note)

filled; that abode; (t-note)
stones do abound on trees; (t-note)
laden; pearls

ditch far around
Was set about; aplenty
swimming there briskly
Also; sprouting; breed; (see note)
hanging; beaks
water; assorted colors; (t-note)
over which we had to go; (see note)
of what kind it was
commanding; follow; (t-note)
grew afraid
the route to identify
brains trembled ceaselessly; (t-note)
slipped away; (see note)
head; down
about to drown
What with; shock
awakened; (t-note)
I looked about
   pleasant place had disappeared
flower-garden; hell; (t-note)
In comparison with; heard; (t-note)
   considered myself
wished very much; (t-note)
(see note)
soothe my grievous; woes
seemed to me barren

   Cursing; lovely
awoke; reviling meanwhile
place; (t-note)
colors of rhetoric; (see note)
mood was distressed; (see note)
departed from my dream
Not seeing how those
Who; impaired; damaged
into this text; recorded
If I had seen it; destroyed
after; good fortune had vanished away
sitting; (see note)
sweet, dignified, heavenly flower; (see note); (see note); (see note); (t-note)
Powerful gem; worthiest

you are [the] fitting reward; (t-note)
renown known [to be]; goal
   Without which, indeed; last
power; benefit
poor people; much good soon; (see note); (t-note)
request, since; without peer

continue; (see note)
(see note)
   courteously every being; lowers
before; remedy
without; is divine
gateway, in brief; guidance
happiness; death
without; always dwindles
Beautiful (one); endure; hostility
choicest rose; stop; foes'; (see note)
gem that shone; throne
sweet dew; (see note)
each; cause to say
misdeed; always justly
remain dedicated; saint; favor; (see note)
[a] support; platform; worthiness; (see note)
   Please; quickly; free of misery; make
commit [myself]; plan



May your kingship
Happiness enduring
destined decree
crude, rustic discourse
Lacking; poor untaught subject (liege man)

Depending on such
Proffers; vulgar
humbly; due; (t-note)
By; to; such imperfection; (see note)
kindly consideration; firm stability
Presenting; acknowledged; (see note)
Through whose; humble; find favor
rustic book; divested; (see note); (t-note)
coarse clothing

   into the open; assert thyself; (see note); (t-note)
fruitless words; writing; (see note); (see note)
mine; blame
renounce; knew you; (see note); (t-note); (t-note)
 (see note)
penny; correct thee; (see note)
Journey on with sorrow
