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Mum and the Sothsegger

Hough the coroune moste be kepte fro covetous peuple
Al hoole in his hande and at his heeste eke,
That every knotte of the coroune close with other,
And not departid for prayer ne profit of grete,
Leste uncunnyng come yn and caste up the halter
And crie on your cunseil for coigne that ye lacke,
For thay shal smaicche of the smoke and smerte thereafter
Whenne collectours comen to caicche what thay habben. 1
And though your tresorier be trewe and tymbre not to high, 2
Hit wil be nere the worse atte wyke-is ende,
For two yere a tresorier twenty wyntre aftre
May lyve a lordis life, as leued men tellen.
Now your chanchellier that chief is to chaste the peuple
With conscience of your cunseil that the coroune kepith,
And alle the scribes and clercz that to the court longen,
Bothe justice and juges yjoyned and other,
Sergeantz that serven for soulde atte barre,
And the prentys of court, prisist of alle,
Loke ye reeche not of the riche and rewe on the poure 3
That for faute of your fees fallen in thaire pleyntes.
Have pitie on the penylees and thaire pleynte harkeneth,
And hire thaym as hertly as though ye hure had, 4
For the love of Hym that your life weldeth;
And graunteth thaym for Godis sake and with a good chiere
The writing of writtz and the waxe eke;
And thay wil love you for the lawe as liege men aughte,
More thenne for mayntenance that any man useth,
Or for any frounting for faute of the coigne.
Now ye have yherde of the haselle names
Of officiers withynne and withoute eke,
But yit of alle the burnes the beste is behinde
Forto serve a souvrayn in somer and in wintre,
And most nedeful at eve and at morowe eke,
And a profitable page for princes or for ducz
Or for any lay lord, lettrid or elles,
That litel is ytake fourth or his tale lyeved.
And yf ye willeth to wite what the wight hatte, 5
Hit is a Sothesigger that seilde is yseye
To be cherisshid of chief in chambre or in halle,
But for his rathe reasons is rebukid ofte,
And yf he fable to ferre, the foote he goeth undre. 6
There is no clerc with the king that clothid hym ones,
But clothid hym at Cristmasse and al the yere after. 7
"Saunder the serviselees" shuld be his name,
For he abideth in no houshold half a yere to th'ende
But the lord and the lady been loeth of his wordes,
And the meyny and he mowe not accorde,
But al to-teereth his toppe for his trewe tales.
He can not speke in termes ne in tyme nother,
But bablith fourth bustusely as barn un-ylerid; 8
But ever he hitteth on the heed of the nayle-is ende,
That the pure poynt pricketh on the sothe
Til the foule flessh vomy for attre.
Thenne is this freeke afrountid for his feithful tale,
And yfulled undre foote while falsenes goeth aboute
With cautelle and with coigne forto caste deceiptz 9
Hough trouthe might be traverssid and tournid of the weye. 10   
Thenne fareth fals fourth and flatereth atte beste,
And lightly is ylyved withoute long tale,
And every gome of hym glad, so glorieusely he loketh
Thorough the peynture of the preynte that in the palme hongeth. 11   
Right as the cockil cometh fourth ere the corne ripe,
With a cleer colour, as cristal hit semeth,
Among the grayne that is grene and not ful growe,
Right so fareth falsnesse that so freysh loketh
Thorough the colour of the crosse that many men incumbreth.
But whenne trouthe aftre tornement hath tyme forto kerne
And to growe fro the grounde anone to th'ende,
Thenne fadeth the flour of the fals cockil.
That lykne I to lyers, for atte the long goyng,
Of every segge-is sawe the sothe wol be knowe. 12   
Yit is hit not my cunseil to clatre what me knoweth
In sclaundre ne scathe ne scorne of thy brother,
For though thy tale be trewe, thyn tente might be noyous,
For whiche thou mighte be harmed and have that thou serves. 13   
For go to the Gospel, that ground is of lore,
And there shal thou see thyself, yf thou can rede,
Whethir I wisse thee wel wisely or elles.
He seith that thou shuldes the synne of thy brother
Telle hym by tyme and til hymsilf oon,
Yn ful wil to amende hym of his myssedeedes.
   Si peccauerit in te frater tuus corrige etc. 14   
And yf he chargeth not thy charité but chideth thee agaynes,
Yit leve hym not so lightly though he loure oones,
But funde hym to freyne efte of the newe,
And have wittenes thee with that thou wel knowes,
And spare not to speke, spede yf thou mowe,
And he that moost is of might thy mede shal quite
For suche soeth sawes that sounen into good,
And of a reasonable man rewarde to have.
For whenne thy tente and thy tale been temprid in oone,
And menys no malice to man that thou spekys,
But forto mende hym mukely of his missedeedes,
Sory for his synne and his shrewed taicches,
And the burne be yblessid and balys cunne eschewe
And thrifty and towarde, thou shal thanke gete.
Were I a lord of a lande that lawe aughte gouverne,
Suche a siker servant shuld have robes,
Though he seide ever sothe and servyd of noon other.
But now wolde I wite of a wise burne,
What kynnes creature that me couthe telle
Where to finde this freek, yf the king wolde
Have hym in housholde, as holsum were.
"By Crist," cothe a clerc that conceipte he had,
"There is no wiseman, I wene, wolde be yweddid
To suche a simple service, asay where the liketh, 15   
For no maniere mede that thereto belongeth,
Ne ferthryng ne frendship while flatryng helpeth.
For alle the greet clercz that with the king lendith
Knoweth this as kindely as clerc doeth his bokes:
Hit is no siker service but for a somer saison,
But yf hit were for a fool that wold not be ferthred.
He might sey sothe sum while among thaym
And shuld be holde fooly though hit feul after."
But muche now I mervaille, and so mowen other,
That oure corouned king is kepte fro tho ludes -
   Et nunc reges intelligite erudimini qui iudicate terram, etc. David 16   
Forto saye hym the sothe sum while among
Hough he shuld grece the griefz er the woundz gunne festre
And so to leede his life in love of the royaulme.
For the poure peuple hath prece of thaym many
Forto telle thaym thaire toyes twyes a woke;
And any neighebourgh be nigh on eve or a morowe,
Hit wold not long be lefte, my life durste I wedde;
And that is grace and thaire good happe to gouverne thaym better
And in welthe to be ware, ere that woo falle.
But the king ne his cunseil cunne not mete with thaym,
But cleerly the cause I knowe not for sothe,
But dreede of the deeth dryveth thaym thens,
Or elles looste of thaire likerous life uppon erthe.
Thus is the court accumbrid and knoweth not thaire happes
Ne God neither goodman ne thaymself nothir,
Til fortune for foolie falle atte laste,
And al the world wondre on thaire wilde deedes.
But yf the king might knowe that the comune talketh
Hough grotz been ygadrid and no grief amendid
And hough the lawe is ylad whenne poure men pleyne,
I bilieve loyally oure liege lord wolde
Have pitie on his peuple for his owen profit
And amende that were amysse into more ease.
But the cause why the king knoweth not the mischief
Is for faute of a fabuler that I bifore tolde of,
Forto telle hym the texte, and touche not the glose,
How the worde walketh with oon and with other.
But whenne oure comely king came furst to londe,
Tho was eche burne bolde to bable what hym aylid
And to fable ferther of fautz and of wrongz,
And romansid of the missereule that in the royaulme groved, 17   
And were behote high helpe, I herde hit myself
Ycried at the crosse, and was the kingis wille
Of custume and of coylaige the comunes shuld be easid.
But how the covenant is ykepte I can not discryve,
For with the kingis cunseil I come but silde.
But piez with a papegeay parlid of oones,
And were yplumed and ypullid and put into a caige.
Sith the briddes were ybete the beke is undre whinge,
But yf thay parle privyly to thaire owen peeris.
But the king ne his cunseil may hit not knowe
What is the comune clamour ne the crye nother,
For there is no man of the meeyné, more nother lasse, 18   
That wol wisse thaym any worde but yf his witte faille,
Ne telle thaym the trouthe ne the texte nothir,
But shony forto shewe what the shire meneth,
And beguile thaym with glose, so me God helpe,
And speke of thaire owen spede and spie no ferther,
But ever kepe thaym cloos for caicching of wordes.
And yf a burne bolde hym to bable the sothe
And mynde hym of mischief that missereule asketh,
He may lose his life and laugh here no more,
Or yputte into prisone or ypyned to deeth
Or yblent or yshent or sum sorowe have,
That fro scorne other scathe scape shal he nevre.
Thus is trouthe doune ytroode and tenyd ful ofte,
Ybete and ybounde in bourghes and in shires,
And principaly of princes ypyned thenne of other,
Yhaulid and yhuntid and yhoote trusse,
That he shoneth to be seye forto shewe his harmes,
But ever hideth his heede fro the haylstones,
And is overwoxe with wrong and wickid wedes,
And tenyd with tares and al amisse temprid.
Yit wole he growe fro greve and his grayne bere,
And after sowe his seede whenne he seeth tyme.
For alle the gomes undre God, goyng uppon erthe,
Were never so slygh yit forto sle trouthe:
Though thay batre hym with battz and bete on hym ever,
Trouthe is so tough and loeth forto teere
And so pryvy with the prince that paradis made
That he hath graunt of his lyfe while God is in hevene;
For though men brenne the borough there the burne loiggeth, 19   
Or elles hewe of the heede there he a hows had,
Or do hym al the disease that men devise cunne,
Yit wol he quyke agayne and quite alle his foes
And treede over the tares that over his toppe groued,
And al wickid wede into waste tourne.
And therefore my cunseil - though the king knowe hit
And alle the lordz of this londe, right lite is my charge -
Ys to be at oone with trouthe and tarre hym nomore,
Leste he tucke at your tabart ere two yere been endid,
But ye suffre his servant to be seye oones
Among you in a moneth (but yf ye more wil)
Forto saye you the sothe, though ye shame thenke.
For hit wol savere your mouthe swetely withynne short after
Whenne fortune you fleeth and falleth elleswhere;
And yf ye savere on his sawe and serve thereafter
And eke wirche by his worde, the whele wol tourne
And eke chaunge his cours of care and of sorowe,
And tourne into tidewel, terme of your lifes. 20   
   Here bigynneth the disputacion bitwyne Mum and the Sothsigger
Now is Henryis hous holsumly ymade
And a meritable meyny of the moste greet,
And next I have ynamed as nygh as I couthe,
And the condicions declarid of alle,
Rehershing no rascaille ne riders aboute.
But he hymsilf is souvrayn, and so mote he longe,
And the graciousist guyer goyng uppon erthe,
Witti and wise, worthy of deedes,
Ykidde and yknowe and cunnyng of werre, 21   
Feers forto fighte, the felde ever kepith,
And trusteth on the Trinité that trouthe shal hym helpe;
A doughtful doer in deedes of armes
And a comely knight ycome of the grettist,
Ful of al vertue that to a king longeth,
Of age and of al thing as hym best semeth.
But hit be wel in his dayes we mowe dreede aftre
Lest feerelees falle withynne fewe yeres.
But God of His goodnes that gouvernith alle thingz
Hym graunte of His grace to guye wel the peuple
And to reule this royaume in pees and in reste,
And stable hit to stonde stille for oure dayes.
But I dreed me sore, so me God helpe,
Leste covetise of cunseil that knoweth not hymself
(Of sum and of certayn, I seye not of alle)
That of profitable pourpos putteth the king ofte,
There his witte and his wil wolde wirche to the beste -
"Nomore of this matiere," cothe Mum thenne,
"For I mervaille of thy momeling more thenne thou wenys.
Saides not thou thyself, and sothe as me thoughte,
That thees sothesiggers serven noon thankes?"
And thou knowes this by clergie, how cans thou thee excuse
That thou ne art nycier than a nunne nyne-folde tyme,
Forto wite that thy wil thy witte shal passe?"
I blussid for his bablyng and abode stille
And knytte there a knotte and construed no ferther;
But yit I thoughte ere he wente, and he wold abide,
To have a disputeson with hym and spie what he hatte.
"I am Mum thy maister," cothe he, "in alle maniere places
That sittith with souverayns and servyd with greete.
Thaire wille ne thaire wordes I withseye never,
But folowe thaym in thaire folie and fare muche the bettre,
Easily for oyle, sire, and elles were I nyce.
Thus leede I my life in luste of my herte,
And for my wisedame and witte wone I with the beste,
While sergeantz the sechith to saise by the lappe
For thy wilde wordes that maken wretthe ofte. 22   
Thow were better folowe me foure score wynter
Thenne be a soethsigger, so me God helpe,
Oon myle and nomore waye, I Mum wol avowe.
And therefore I rede, yf thou reste wilnest,
Cumpaignye with no contra yn no kynnes wise, 23   
But parle for thy profit and plaise more hereaftre.
For there nys lord of this londe ne lady, I wene,
Prince nether prelat ne peer of the royaulme,
Bachillier ne bourgoys ne no barne elles
That yf thay wite what thou arte, that wil thee desire
Or coveite to his cumpaignie while contra thee foloweth."
"Now to this altercacion," cothe I, "an answere behoveth,
For I fele by thy fabelyng thou art felle of werkes 24   
And right worldly wise of wordes and deedes,
And ever kepis thee cloos for casting bihinde. 25   
Thou wol not putte thee in prees but profit be the more 26   
To thy propre persone; thou passes not the bondes
Forto gete any grucche for glaunsyng of boltes.
Thus me semeth that thou serves thyself and no man elles,
And has housholde and hire to holde up thy oyles,
And eke bouche of court for colte and for cnave.
And yit thou suffris thy souvrayn to shame hymself
There thou mightes amende hym many tyme and ofte.
   ffacientis culpam habet qui quod potest corrigere negligit
   emendare in secretis etc. 27   
Now suche anothir servant, the same and noon other,
Mote dwelle with the deveil, til Do Bette hym helpe."
Thus after talkyng we twynned asundre,
Bothe Mum and I, and oure mote endid;
But muche mervailled I, whenne Mum was passid,
Of his opinion that he heulde ever,
And provyd hit by profitable poyntz ynowe
That better was a burne to abide stille
Thanne the soeth to seye that sitteth in his herte,
Forto warne the wy that he with dwellith,
Or mynne hym of mischief that misserewle askith.
And ever he concludid with colorable wordes
That whoso mellid muche more than hit nedeth
Shuld rather wynne weping watre thenne robes.
And cleerly Caton construeth the same,
And seyth soethly, I saw hit in youthe,
That of "bable" cometh blame and of "be stille" never -
   Nam nulli tacuisse nocet, nocet esse locutum - 28   
And a wise worldly worde, as me thenketh,
Of the whiche I was hevy and highly abawyd,
And for the double doute as dul as an asse,
And troublid for the travers, and amisse temprid,
That I wente in a wyre a grete while after.
For woo I ne wiste who had the better
Of Mum and of me, and musid faste,
Rehershyng the reasons of bothe two sides,
The pro and the contra as clergie askith.
But for witte that I wanne I wolde that he knewe
I was never the nyre, but as newe to begynne
As clerc is to construe that can not reede.
Thenne thoughte I on Sidrac and Salomonis termes,
And Seneca the sage I soughte for the nones,
That whilom were the wisest wies uppon erthe
Forto wise any wighte, whatso hym grieved.
I bablid on thoo bokes that thoo barnes made,
And waitid on thaire wordes aswel as I couthe,
But of the matiere of Mum might I nought finde,
Ne no maniere nyceté of the newe jette,
But al homely usage of the olde date,
How that good gouvernance gracieusely endith.
But glymsyng on the glose, a general reule
Of al maniere mischief I merkid and radde:
That whoso were in wire and wold be y-easid
Moste shewe the sore there the salve were.
Thenne was I wel ware what he wolde meene,
That I shulde cunne of clergie to knowe the sothe,
Forto deme the doute that me so dul made.
I was wilful of wil and wandrid aboute,
Til I came to Cambrigge couthe I not stynte,
To Oxenford and Orleance and many other places
There the congregacion of clercz in scole
Were stablid to stonde in strengthe of bilieve.
I moeved my matiere of Mum, as ye knowe,
And of the Soethsigger in fewe shorte wordes.
To alle the vij sciences I shewed as I couthe,
And how we dwellid in dome, for doute of the better.
Sire Grumbald the grammier tho glowed for anger
That he couthe not congruly knytte thaym togedre.
Music and Mum mighte not accorde,
For thay been contrary of kynde, whoso canne spie.
Phisic diffied al the bothe sides,
Bothe Mum and me and the Soethsiggre;
He was accumbrid of oure cumpaignye, by Crist that me bought,
And as fayn of oure voiding as foul of his make.
Astronomyis argumentz were alle of the skyes,
He-is touche no twynte of terrene thinges.
Rethoricis reasons me luste not reherce,
For he conceyved not the caas, I knewe by his wordes;
But a subtile shophister with many sharpe wordes
Sette the Soethsigger as shorte as he couthe. 29   
But he wolde melle with Mum ner more ner lasse,
So chiding and chatering as choghe was ever.
Jeometrie the joynour jablid faste,
And caste many cumpas, as the crafte askith, 30   
And laide level and lyne along by the squyre.
But I was not the wiser by a Walsh note
Of the matiere of Mum that marrid me ofte,
And stoode al astonyed and starid for angre
That clergie couthe not my cares amende,
And was in pourpoos to passe fourth right in pure wreth.
But a semely sage that satte al abouve,
Ychose to the chaire forto chaste fooles, 31   
Whom alle the seven sciences servyd at wille,
Bothe in werke and in worde weren at his heste,
And more bunne at his bede than boy til his maister, 32   
He satte as a souvrayn on a high siege.
A doctour of doutz, by dere God he semyd,
For he had loked al that lay to the .vij. artz;
He was as ful of philosophie and vertues bothe
As man uppon molde mighte perceyve.
This comely clerc me called agaynes,
And cunseillid me so cleerly that I caughte ease,
And seide, "Soon, seest thou this semblé of clercz,
How thay bisien thaym on thaire bokes and beten thaire wittz,
And how thay loken on the levis the letter to knowe?
For whenne thay knowen the scripture thay construen no ferther
Forto soutille ne to siche no side-wayes. 33   
But as long as I have lerned and lokid in bokes,
And alle the seven sciences ysoughte to th'ende,
Yit knewe I never suche a caas, ne no clerc here,
As thou has ymoeved among us alle.
Hit is sum noyous nyceté of the newe jette, 34   
For the texte truly telleth us nomore
But how that goode gouvernance graciousely endith.
But and thou woldes be wise and wirche as I telle,
I wolde wisse thee to wite where that thou shuldest
Have knowlaiche of thy caas cleere to thyn intent,
And thy cumberouse question quycly be assoiled.
Now harke and holde and hye to th'ende.
Sum of this semblé that thou sees here,
Whenne thay have loked the lettre and the lyfez over
Of alle the seven sciences, or sum as thaym liketh,
Thay walken fourth in the worlde and wonen with lordes,
And with a covetous croke Saynt Nicholas thay throwen,
And travaillen nomore on the texte, but tournen to the glose,
And putten thaym to practike and plaisance of wordes.
But thay cunne deme thy doute, by dere God in hevene,
I can not knowe of thy caas who couthe elles."
Thenne ferkid I to freres, alle the foure ordres,
There the fundament of feith and felnesse of workes
Hath ydwellid many day, no doute, as thay telle.
I frayned thaym faire to fele of thaire wittes,
And moevyd my matiere of Mum, as ye knowe,
And of the Soethsigger in fewe shorte wordes.
To every couple I construed my caas for the nones,
Til the cloistre and the quyre were so accorded
To geve Mum the maistrie withoute mo wordes,
And shewid me exemples, the sothest uppon erthe,
N'ad Mum be a more frende to making of thaire houses
Thenne the Sothesigger, so God shuld thaym helpe,
Hit had be unhelid half a yere after.
Now ne were thre skiles and scantly the ferthe,
I wolde love as litel thaire life and thaire deedes
As man uppon molde, til Amendes me prayed.
The furst is a faire poynt forto wynne hevene,
Whenne thay stirid a statute in strengthe of bilieve
That no preste shuld preche save seely poure freres. 35   
But this deede dide thay not, I do you to wite,
For no maniere mede that mighte thaym befalle.
Ne forto gete the more good, God wote the sothe,
But for good herte that thay have to hele manis soules.
The secund is a pryvy poynt, I pray hit be helid:
Thay cunne not reede redelles aright, as me thenketh;
For furst folowid freres Lollardz manieres,
And sith hath be shewed the same on thaymself,
That thaire lesingz have lad thaym to lolle by the necke;
At Tibourne for traison ytwyght up thay were.
   Patere legem quam ipse tuleris - 36   
For as hit is yseide by eldryn dawes -
"That the churle gafe a dome whiche came by hym aftre." 37   
The thrid is no lesing ne no long tale:
Thees good grey freres that mouche love geten
For keping of thaire conscience clenner than other,
Thay goon al bare abouve the foote and bynethe double
With smale semyd sockes and of softe wolle,
For the love of oure Lord harde life induren.
Thay mellen with no monaye more nother lasse,
But stiren hit with a sticke and staren on hit ofte,
And doon thaire bisynes therewith by obedience of th'ordre;
But in the herte ne in the hande ne may hit not come,
For thenne thay shuld bee shent of the subpriour.
The fourthe poynt is fructuous and fundid al in love:
Whenne freres goon to chapitre for charite-is sake,
They casten there the cuntrey and coostz aboute,
And parten the provynce in parcelle-mele.
And maken limitacions in lengthe and in breede,
Til eche hous have his owen as hym aughte.
Thenne hath the limitour leve to lerne where he cometh 38   
To lye and to licke or elles lose his office.
But sum been so courtoys and kinde of thaire deedes
That with thaire charité thay chaungen a knyfe for a peyre,
But he wol pille ere he passe a parcelle of whete
And choise of the chese the chief and the beste.
He is so cunnyng in the crafte that whereso he cometh
He leveth the lasse for the more deele. 39   
Thus with thaire charité and with thaire fayre chere
Thees good Godis men gadren al to thaym 40   
And kepen hit to thaire owen croppe clene fro other.
For though a frere be fatt and have a ful coffre
Of gold and of good, thou getys but a lite
Forto bete thy bale, though thou begge ever.
But that is no mervail, by Marie of hevene,
For to begge of a begger what bote is hit
But who wolde balle his heede to breke harde stones?
Thus thaire conscience is yknowe and thaire crafte eeke,
That hath be kepte cunseil and cloos many dayes,
Til al the world wote what thay wolde meene;
And that is this treuly, tende whoso wil,
Thorough crafte of confession to knowe men intentz:
Of lordz and ladies that lustes desiren,
And with thaire wyly wittz wirchen on ever
And mulden up the matiere to make thaym fatte,
And gouvernen the grete and guilen the poure.
Now take my tale as my intent demeth,
And ye shal wel wite I wil thaym no mischief
By my worde ne by my wille as wissely forsothe 41   
As God that is oure gouvernour me gye at my nede.
   Honora dominum de tua substancia. Propheta. 42   
For whenne thay come to your cote to crave that thaym nedeth, 43   
Gyfe thaym, for Godis sake and with a good wille,
Mete or monaye as ye mowe indure,
And gefe thaym sauce therewith of the Sothesigger
Forto preche the peuple the peril of synne,
How symonie shendith al hooly churche,
And not forbere bisshop ne baron that lyveth
That thay teche treuly the texte as hit standeth,
And abide thereby with a bolde herte,
And spare for no spicerie ne no speche elles,
But telle oute the trouthe and tourne not aside
How Covetise hath caste the knyght on the grene,
And woneth at Westmynstre to wynne newe spores,
And cannot crepe thens while the crosse walketh.
He multiplieth monaye in the mote-halle
More for his mayntenance and manasshing of wordes
Thenne with draughte of his swerde or deedes of armes.
And telle the frere a toquen, that trouthe wote the sothe
Why men mervaillen more on thaym thanne on othir -
That suche a cumpaignye of confessours cunne not yelde
Oon martir among thaym in seven score wynter.
Thay prechen alle of penanche as though thay parfite were,
But thay prove hit in no poynt there thaire peril shuld arise.
Thaire clothing is of conscience, and of Caym thaire werkes,
That fadre was and fundre of alle the foure ordres,
Of deedes thay doon deceipuyng the peuple,
As Armacanes argumentz, that thaire actes knewe,
Provyn hit apertly in a poysie-wise;
For of Caym alle came, as this clerc tolde.
For who writeth wel this worde and withoute titil,
Shal finde of the figures but evene foure lettres:
C. for hit is crokid, thees Carmes thou mos take, 44   
A. for thees Augustines that amoreux been ever,
I. for thees Iacobynes that been of Iudas kynne,
M. for thees Menours that monsyd been thaire werkes. 45   
I seye of thaym that suche been and cesse agaynes other,
But wel I wote that wilful and worldly thay been sum,
And eeke spracke and spitous, and spices wel thay loven,
For Symonis sermons thay setten al to taske,
And feele other fautz fourtene hunthrid
Thay lepen over lightly, and lyen woundre thicke. 46   
I cannot deme deuely of what degré thay bee;
Thay been not weddid, wel I wote, though thay wifes have;
But knightz yit of conscience I couthe of thaym make,
For thay have joygned in justes agayns Jhesus werkes; 47   
And forto prove thaym prestes thees poyntz been agayne thaym.
I cannot reede redily of what reule thay been,
For hooly churche ne hevene hath not thaym in mynde,
Save in oon place thaire office and ordre is declarid:
I sawe hit in a ympne and is a sentence trewe,
And elleswhere in hooly writte I herde thaym ynempnyd.
   Auferte gentem perfidam. Credentium de finibus;
   Deleantur de libro vivencium, et cum iustis non scribantur. 48   
But of the matiere of Mum ne of the Sothesigger,
This is not to pourpoos the pare of oon pere,
And therfore my wil is to walke more at large
Forto fynde sum freeke that of feith were
Not double, but indifferent to deme the sothe,
Whether Mum is more better or Melle-sumtyme
Forto amende that were amysse into more ease.
And for the fikelle freres were fully witholde
And alied to Mum in many maniere wises,
And eeke ful partie, as provyd by thaire wordes,
I lyeved wel the lasse thaire lore and thaire deedes,
And forto eschewe chiding I chalanged thaym alle,
And lepte lightly fro thaym, leste I laught were;
For thaire curtesie is crokid there thay caste ille,
And that witen thay wel that han wrastlid with thaym.
Thenne passid I to priories and personages many,
To abbeys of Augustyn and many hooly places,
There prestz and prelatz were parfitely yclosid
To singe and to reede for alle Cristen soules.
But for I was a meen man I might not entre;
For though the place were ypighte for poure men sake
And eeke funded therefore, yit faillen thay ofte
That thay doon not eche day do beste of alle.
For the fundacions of the fundours ment
Was groundid for Godis men, though hit grete serve.
   Mutauerunt caritatem in cupiditatem. Sapientia 49   
Thay koveiten no comers but yf thay cunne helpe
Forto amende thaire mynstre and to maynteyne thaire rente, 50   
Or in worke or in worde waite thaire profit,
Or elles entreth he not til thay have ysopid.
Thus thaire portier for my povreté putt me thens,
And grauntid me of his goodnesse to go where me luste
And to wandry where I wolde withoute the gates.
Thenne raughte I fro religion, redelees of wittes,
And caried to closes and cathedralle churches
There that pluralité was prisely ystablid. 51   
I queyntid me with the quyre for my questions sake,
And moevid of Mum more thenne thaym liked.
I was as wise whenne I wente as whenne I came to thaym,
Thay wolde not intremitte of ner nother side,
But ever kepte thaym cloos to cracche and to mangier, 52   
And fedde so the foule flesh that the velle ne might
Unethe kepe the caroigne but yf hit cleve shuld; 53   
And n'ad the gutte groned there thay gurde were, 54   
Thay had bee sike of swete mete, so me God helpe,
For piking of provendre passing th'assise; 55   
And n'adde thay partid with the poure as prestz doon thaire offryng,
That putten alle thaire masse penyes in thaire purses,
Thay had be blamyd of Belial for thaire bolde riding
Yn gurdellz of good gold or gilte atte leste.
   Nolite possidere aurum neque argentum in zonis vestris. 56   
Thenne woxe I wondre wery of wandring aboute
Thorough the wilde weyes that I wente had,
Ful woo for I ne wiste what was my beste
Reed - forto reste or rome more at large,
Til I wiste wittrely who shulde have
The maistrie, Mum or the Sothesigger.
And every man that I mette mad for my wordes
Wende that I were, wisten thay non other. 57   
And as I stoode staring, stonyd of this matiere,
Mum with his myter manachid me ever,
And cunseilled me to cusky and care for myself,
And leste I soughte sorowe, cesse by tyme. 58   
I doutid of his deedes, for his delectacion
Was more in his mynde thenne the masse-bokes,
And boode til a baron, blessid be he ever -
His name is ynempnyd among the seven ordres -
Sente a saufconduyt so that I wolde
Maynteyne no matiere to amende myself,
Ne caicche no colour that came of my wittes,
But showe for a souvrayn to shewe hit forth after. 59   
This boldid me to bisynes to bringe hit to ende
Thorough grace of this good lord that gouverneth al thing.
Thenne sought I forth sevenyght and slepte ful silde,
And cessid on a Saterday til sunne roose amorowe,
And burnys and belles ballid togedre,
Momeling on thaire matyns and to the masse after.
I satte in a siege my service to hire,
Til the prest in a pulpite began forto preche
The peuple to pees and the peril of synne,
And also t'offre as ofte as thaym likid.
He taughte thaym by tyme thaire tithing to bringe
Of al manier grene that groweth uppon erthe
Of fructe and of floxe in felde and in homes,
Of polaille and of peris, of apples and of plummes,
Of grapes and of garlik, of gees and of pigges,
Of chibollz and of chiries and of thaire chese eeke,
Herbaige and oygnons and alle suche thinges
That growen in thaire gardynes, lete God his parte have,
Of hony in your hyves and of your honycombes,
Of malte and of monaye and of al that multiplieth,
Of wolle and of wexe and what-so yow increceth
Or newith yow, the nine partie nymeth to your self,
And trewly the tithing taketh hooly churche.
And ever I waitid whenne he wolde sum worde moeve
How hooly churche goodes shuld be yspendid.
And declare the deedes what thay do shulde
To have suche a harveste and helpe not to erie.
But sorowe on the sillable he shewed of that matiere, 60   
For Mum was a meen and made hym to leve.
And as wery as I was, yit was I wrothe eeke
With Mum, for he made the moppe so lewed
To leve men to lerne the lawe sith he knewe hit.
Thenne ferkid I forth as faste as I mighte
Sevene yere Sunnedayes and solempne festes, 61   
Yf prest or prelat or prechour wolde
Sey sothe of hymself and serve thereafter
And teche how the tithinge shuld trewly be departid.
But as wide as I wente, was noon of thaym alle
Wolde moeve of that matiere more nother lasse.
And why that thay wolde not wol ye gladly wite,
Thay have a memoire of Mum among alle other,
Ys more in thaire mynde thenne martires of hevene
That token the deeth for trouthe of tirantz handes.
But here a querele or a question quyk mighte thou make:
Martires had more might and more mynde eeke,
And couthe more on clergie thenne cunne now a thousand.
But thereto I answere as I am lerid:
Thou, lewed laudate, litel witte has.
Hit was for no cunnyng ne clergie nother
That thay chosid the deeth, but for derve love
And kindenes to oure Creatour that creed us alle,
And for pure trouthe that thay taught ever.
   Propter veritatem dimittam omnes familiaritatem etc. 62   
This made thaym martires more thanne ought elles,
For clercz were not knowe by thaire clothing that tyme,
Ne by royal raye ne riding aboute,
Ne by service of souverayns, so me God helpe,
Ne by revel ne riot ne by rente nothir,
Ne by thaire double dees, ne thaire deupe hoodes,
Ne by drynkyng of dollid wyne ne by datz at eve,
Ne by worldly workes of writtes ne seelyng,
Ne by no maniere niceté that thay now usen,
But by the deedes that thay dide, I do you to wite.
For I am but lewed and lettrid ful lite,
And yit me semeth the sentence that I shewe couthe
And teche how the tithing shuld trewly be departid,
For in thre lynes hit lith and not oon lettre more.
Now hendely hireth how I begynne:
That ye clepe Godis parte, lete Godis men have hit, 63   
Reservyng for yourself sustenance for your foode,
And the overplus over that for ornementz of the churche.
Though this be shortly yseide, yit so me God helpe,
Whoso had cunnyng and a clerc were,
Might make a long sermon of thees fewe wordes;
And though he toke to his theme "the tresour is among thaym
And the revyllé of the royaulme and the richesse bothe,"
He shuld not wende of the waye two whete cornes.
For thay have tollid so the tithing thay han the two dooles,
And been so usid to ease erly and late
That thay cunne no crafte save kepe thaym warme.
Thay bisien more for benefices thenne Bibles to reede,
And been as worldly wise and wynners eeke
As man uppon molde, and as muche loven
Mum and the monaye, by Marie of hevene,
For mayntenance and mede been thaire two mates.
"Yit wil thou melle more," cothe Mum, "thenne hit nedeth.
Be stille lest thou stumble, for thou stondes ful slidre,
And thou moeve any more suche maniere wordes.
Thay been not holsum for thy heed ne for thy herte nother,
For thou mos holde with thee mo yf thou thy helthe willes; 64   
And so I have ytolde thee twyes and oones.
Thou art mad of thy mynde, and amysse levis
That Mum hath a maister there men been of goode;
For Mum maketh mo men at a moneth ende
Thanne the Sothesigger in sevene score winter;
For he is privy with the pruttist and there the price caicchet, 65   
As is ydrawe to the deys with deyntées yservyd
Whenne the Sothsigger dar not be seye.
For and a matier be moeved at mete or at eve
Or in pryvy places there peeris assemblen,
Mum musith thereon and maketh many cautelles
With a locke on his lippe and loketh aboute.
He spendith no speche but spices hit make,
Til he wite whitherward that wil doo drawe. 66   
But thenne he knittith a knotte and cometh al at ones
And getith hym a greet thanke to go among the beste.
Fle fooly therefore, and frendes thee make,
And arete, I thee rede, and rome no ferther
For thou walkis of the weye forto wynne silver.
And carpe no more of clergie but yf thou cunne leepe,
For and thou come on thaire clouche, thou crepis not thens 67   
Til thou wite right wel with whom that thou mellys."
"Iwis I wil not," cothe I, "til I wite more.
For prestz been not perillous but pacient of thaire werkes,
And eeke the plantz of pees and ful of pitie ever,
And chief of al charité ychose afore other.
Forto fighte ne to flite hit falleth not to thaire ordre,
Ne to prece to no place there peril shuld be ynne.
That proveth wel by parlement, for prelatz shuld be voidid
Whenne any dome of deeth shal be do there,
Al for cause thaire conscience to kepe unywemmyd.
A man may saye thaym the sothe sonest of alle,
Withoute grucche other groyn, but gete many thankes.
Thay moste bowe for the beste, God forbede hit elles,
To shewe us exemple of suffrance ever."
   Sic luceat lux vestra coram hominibus vt videant opera vestra bona etc. 68   
"Yee, yit be ware of wiles and waite wel aboute,
For me semeth that thy sight is sumdele a-dasid
And al myndelees," cothe Mum, "and al amysse demys;
For though thou shuldes thysilf be a sothesigger,
Thou has no cleere conceypt to knowe alle thaire werkes.
And that I pryved by a poynt thou perceipues never,
Al a-twart thy intent and thy tale eeke,
For Pilat in the Passion among al the peuple
Wilned aftre watre to waisshe with his handes. 69   
To shewe hym, by that signe, of the bloode-sheding
Of Crist that us creed and on the Crosse deyed,
His conscience was clensid as clene as his handes.
Yit was he ground of the grame and moste guilty eeke,
For every man that mynde hath may wel wite
That prelatz aughten have pité when princz bee moeved,
And reede thaym so that rancune roote not in hert,
And ere the grame growe ferre, the ground so to wede
And amende that were mysse ere any moore caicche
Of manslaughter or mourdre, as hath many dayes.
For who hath knowlache of a cloude by cours of abouve,
And wil stande stille til the storme falle,
And wende not of the waye, the wite is his owen.
Though hit heelde on his heede, who is to blame?
For who hath sight of a showre that sharpely ariseth,
And wil not caste hym to kepe with covryng abouve
Til hit droppe al adoune and dung-wete hym make,
And eeke falle on his frende, in feith as me thenketh,
He is auctor of al the harme and th'ache
And so pryvy to the peynes that peeres induren.
And also in cuntrey hit is a comune speche
And is ywrite in Latyne, lerne hit whoso wil:
The reason is "qui tacet consentire videtur."
And whoso hath insight of silde-couthe thingz,
Of synne or of shame or of shonde outher,
And luste not to lette hit, but leteth hit forth passe
As clercz doon construe that knowen alle bokes,
He shal be demyd doer of the same deede.
And eeke in londis lawe I lernyd by anothir:
Yf a freeke for felonye is frayned atte barre
For traison or for trespas, and he a tunge have
And wil not answere to the deede he is of indited,
But stont stille as a stoone and no worde stire,
But he be deef or dum, to deeth shal he wende,
As atteynt for the trespas, and is a trewe lawe.
This cursid custume hath cumbrid us alle;
The grucching of grete that shuld us gouverne
Han yshourid sharpely thorough suffrance of clercz,
That lightly with labour ylettid thay mighte,
The conseil of clergie yf thay had caste for hit.
For there the heede aketh alle the lymes after
Pynen, whenne the principal is put to unease -
   Dum caput infirmum cetera membra dolent - 70   
(Of sum and certayn, I saye not of alle,
But of the same seurely that suche maniere usen)."
"Now treuly," cothe I, "thy talking me pleasith,
For thou has saide as sothe, so me God helpe,
As ever sage saide sith Crist was in erthe;
For thou has rubbid on the rote of the rede galle
And eeke yserchid the sore and sought alle the woundz.
And yf thou woldes do wel, wende to thaym alle
And telle the same tale that thou has tolde here;
Thou might be man made and mensshid for ever."
"Nay, there I leve thee, Lucas, go loke for an othir,
For I wil wende no waie but wit go bifore, 71   
Ne telle no tales for teryng of hodes,
So taughte me the trusty techer on erthe,
My maister and maker, Mum, that I serve.
Go walke where thy wil is and waite wel aboute,
For thou has sought al aside sith thou begunne
With clercz of Cambrigge and cathedralle churches.
Fare forth therefore to finde that thou sechis,
And come not with clergie leste thou a-croke walke,
But tourne now to tounes and temporal lordz,
There prece is of peuple, and pray thaym to telle
Yf any sothesigger serve thaym long."
Thenne ferkid I to fre men and frankeleyns mony,
To bondemen and bourgois and many other barnes,
To knightz and to comunes and craftzmen eeke,
To citezeyns and souvrayns and to many grete sires,
To bachilliers, to banerettz, to barons and erles,
To princes and peris and alle maniere estatz;
But in every court there I came or cumpaigny outhir
I fonde mo mummers atte moneth-ende
Than of sothesiggerz by sevene score thousand.
For alle the knyghtz of the court that with the king dwellen,
For the more partie - yee, mo than an hunthrid -
Heulden Mum for a maister, and more do mighte
With king and his cunseil and al the court aftre.
And every toune that I trade twelfe moneth togedre,
Mum was a maister and with the maire ever,
And al of oon lyvraye and looke so togedre
That a poure manis prayer departe thaym ne mighte.
There was no maner man the maire had levir
Bydde of the burnes in benche there he satte
As Mum to the mete among al the rewe;
For he couthe lye and laugh and leepe over the balkes
There any grucche or groyne or grame shuld arise. 72   
He was ful couchant and coy and curtoys of speche,
And parlid for the partie and the playnte lefte. 73   
The maire preisid hym apert for his plaisant wordes;
He was a blessid barne and beste couthe suffre
Whenne souvrayns were assemblid to saye what thaym liked.
He toke no manere travers tenne yere togedre,
Among the comun conseil lest he caste were,
But ever shewid his seel to sitte among other.
But whoso mummeth a mayre to maynteyne his rente,
Maniere were that the mayre shuld mumme hym agaynes
And yelde hym with a yere-is gifte ere the yere passed.
Mum with the mayre to the mete wente,
And ever I after, al unaspied,
For to knowe of my caas couthe I not stynte.
There shuldrid sergeantz to serve atte mete
For a male ful of missedeedz that Mum had in keping.
I stoode stille as a stoone and starid aboute
And lokid lightly along by the bordes,
Yf any sothesigger were sette in the halle.
But sorowe on the shyne I sawe of hym there,
But yf he were a soleyn and servyd aloon,
For alle was huyst in the halle sauf "holde up the oyles."
And forto saye sothe and shone long tale,
The sunne and the sergeantz my sight so dasid
That I might not eche messe merke as me luste.
I askid of a eldryn man as I beste couthe
Yf any sothesigger sate in the halle,
And he answerid sharply that "the Sothesigger
Dyneth this day with Dreede in a chambre,
And hath ydrunke dum-seede, and dar not be seye
Sith Mum and the mayer were made suche frendes."
Thenne waxe I woundre wrothe, as I wel might,
And drowe me to the doreward and dwelled no lenger, 74   
But romed forth reedelees, remembring ofte
That Mum was suche a maister among men of good.
And as I lokid the loigges along by the streetz,
I sawe a sothesigger, in sothe as me thought,
Sitte in a shoppe and salwyn his woundes.
   Beati qui persecucionem paciuntur propter iusticiam. Euaungelium. 75   
Thenne was I ful-come and knewe wel the sothe
That Mum uppon molde myrier life had
Thenne the Sothesigger, asay whoso wol;
But the better barne to abide stille
And to lyve with a lord to his life-is ende
Ys the Sothesigger, asay whoso wol.
Yit was I not the wiser for waye that I wente;
This made me al madde as I most nede,
And wel fleuble and faynt, and feulle to the grounde,
And lay doune on a lynche to lithe my boones,
Rolling in remembrance my rennyng aboute
And alle the perillous patthes that I passid had,
As priories and personagz and pluralités,
Abbayes of Augustyn and other hooly places,
To knightes courtz and crafty men many,
To mayers and maisters, men of high wittes,
And to the felle freris, alle the foure ordres,
And other hobbes a heepe, as ye herde have -
And nought the neer by a note, this noyed me ofte
That thorough construyng of clercz that knewe alle bokes
That Mum shuld be maister moste uppon erthe.
And ere I were ware, a wynke me assailled,
That I slepte sadly sevene houres large.
Thenne mette I mervailles mo thanne me luste
To telle or to talke of, til I se tyme;
But sum of the silde-couthes I wol shewe hereafter,
For dreme is no dwele by Danyelis wordes,
Though Caton of the contrarye carpe in his bokes.
Me thought I was in wildernesse walking aloon,
There bestes were and briddes and no barne elles,
Yn a cumbe cressing on a creste wise,
Al gras grene that gladid my herte,
By a cliffe unyknowe of Cristis owen makyng.
I lepte forth lightly along by the heigges
And movid forth myrily to maistrie the hilles,
For til I came to the coppe couthe I not stynte
Of the highest hille by halfe alle other.
I tournyd me twyes and totid aboute,
Beholding heigges and holtz so grene,
The mansions and medues mowen al newe,
For suche was the saison of the same yere.
I lifte up my eyeledes and lokid ferther
And sawe many swete sightz, so me God helpe,
The wodes and the waters and the welle-springes
And trees ytraylid fro toppe to th'erthe,
Coriously ycovrid with curtelle of grene,
The flours on feeldes flavryng swete,
The corne on the croftes ycroppid ful faire,
The rennyng rivyere russhing faste,
Ful of fyssh and of frie of felefold kinde,
The breris with thaire beries bent over the wayes,
As honysoucles hongyng uppon eche half,
Chesteynes and chiries that children desiren
Were loigged undre leves ful lusty to seen.
The hauthorne so holsum I beheulde eeke,
And hough the benes blowid and the brome floures;
Peris and plummes and pesecoddes grene,
That ladies lusty loken muche after,
Were gadrid for gomes ere thay gunne ripe.
The grapes grouid agrete in gardyns aboute,
And other fruytz felefold in feldes and closes;
To nempne alle the names hit nedith not here.
The conyngz fro covert covrid the bankes
And raughte oute a raundon and retournyd agaynes,
Pleyed forth on the playne, and to the pitte after,
But any hound hente thaym, or the hay-nettes.
The hare hied hym faste and the houndes after;
For kisshing of his croupe acauntwise he wente,
For n'ad he tournyd twies his tail had be licked,
So ernestly Ector ycchid hym after.
The shepe fro the sunne shadued thaymself,
While the lambes laikid along by the heigges.
The cow with hire calfe and coltes ful faire
And high hors in haras hurtelid togedre,
And preisid the pasture that prime-saute thaym made.
The dere on the dale drowe to thaire dennes,
Ferkid forth to the ferne and feulle doune amyddes.
Hertz and hyndes, a hunthrid togedre,
With rayndeer and roobuc runne to the wodes,
For the kenettz on the cleere were unycouplid;
And buckes ful burnysshid that baren good grece,
Foure hunthrid on a herde yheedid ful faire,
Layen lowe in a launde along by the pale,
A swete sight for souvrayns, so me God helpe.
I moved doune fro the mote to the midwardz
And so adoune to the dale, dwelled I no longer,
But suche a noise of nestlingz ne so swete notz
I herde not this halfe yere, ne so hevenely
As I dide on that dale adoune among the heigges,
For in every bussh was a brid that in his beste wise
Bablid with his bile, that blisse was to hire.
So cheerly thay chirmed and chaunged thaire notes,
That what for flavour of the fruyte and of the somer floures,
The smellyng smote as spices, me thought,
That of my travail treuly toke I no kepe,
For al was vanesshid me fro thorough the fresshe sightes.
Thenne lepte I forth lightly and lokid aboute,
And I beheulde a faire hous with halles and chambres,
A frankeleynis freholde al fresshe newe.
I bente me aboute and bode atte dore
Of the gladdest gardyn that gome ever had.
I have no tyme treuly to telle alle the names
Of ympes and herbes and other feele thinges
That growed on that gardyn, the grounde was so noble.
I passid ynne pryvely and pulled of the fruytes
And romed th'aleys rounde al aboute;
But so semely a sage as I sawe there
I sawe not sothely sith I was bore:
An olde auncyen man of a hunthrid wintre,
Ywedid in white clothe and wisely ymade,
With hore heres on his heede more thanne half white,
A faire visaige and a vresse and vertuous to sene.
His eyen were al ernest, eggid to noon ille,
With a broode besmet berde, ballid a lite, 76   
As comely a creature as ever kinde wrought.
He was sad of his semblant, softe of his speche,
Proporcioned at alle poyntes and pithy in his tyme, 77   
And by his stature right stronge, and stalworth on his dayes.
He hoved over a hyve, the hony forto kepe
Fro dranes that destrued hit and dide not elles;
He thraste thaym with his thumbe as thicke as thay come,
He lafte noon alive for thaire lither taicches.
I wondrid on his workes, as I wel might,
And ever I neyed hym nere as ney as me ought, 78   
And halsid hym hendily as I had lernyd;
And he me grete agayne right in a goode wise,
And askid what I wolde, and anone I tolde
My wil was to wite what man he were.
"I am gardyner of this garth," cothe he, "the grounde is myn owen,
Forto digge and to delve and to do suche deedes
As longeth to this leyghttone, the lawe wol I doo,
And wrote up the wedes that wyrwen my plantes;
And wormes that worchen not but wasten my herbes,
I daisshe thaym to deeth and delve oute thaire dennes.
But the dranes doon worste, deye mote thay alle;
Thay haunten the hyve for hony that is ynne,
And lurken and licken the liquor that is swete,
And travelyn no twynte, but taken of the beste
Of that the bees bryngen fro blossomes and floures.
   Qui non laborat non manducet. Bernardus. 79   
For of alle the bestes that breden uppon erthe
For qualité ne quantité, ne question, I trowe
The bee in his bisynes beste is allowed,
And provyd in his proprieté passing alle other,
And pretiest in his wirching to profite of the peuple."
"Swete sire," sayde I, in slepe as me thoughte,
"The proprieté of bees I pray that ye wolde
Declare with thaire deedes, and of the drane eeke."
"Blethely, burne, thy beede shal bee doo 80   
Yf thou wil tende treuly my tale to th'ende
The bee of alle bestz beste is ygouverned
Yn lowlynes and labour and in lawe eeke.
Thay have a king by kinde that the coroune bereth,
Whom thay doo sue and serve as souvrayn to thaym alle,
And obeyen to his biddyng, or elles the boke lieth.
The highest hoole in the hyve, he holdeth hit hymself,
For there thay setten hym in his see by hymself oone,
And maken mansions bynethe, that mervail hit is to knowe
The bilding of the boures that the bees maken.
For the curiousiste carpintier undre cope of hevene
Couthe not caste thaire coples ne cuntrefete thare workes. 81   
Thaire tymbre and thaire tile stones and al that to thaym longeth,
Thay feycchen hit of floures in feldes and in croftes.
Thayr dwellingz been dyvyded, I do hit on thaire combes, 82   
And many a queynt cave been cumpassid wythynne.
And eche a place hath a principal that peesith al his quarter, 83   
That reuleth thaym to reste and rise whenne hit nedith,
And alle the principallz to the prince ful prest thay been at nede, 84   
To rere thaire retenue to righte alle the fautes;
For thay knowen as kindely as clerc doeth his bokes
Wastours that wyrchen not but wombes forto fille.
Thaire workes been right wondreful, wite thou for sothe,
For sum, as thou sees, thay shape thaym to the feldes
To souke oute the swettenes of the somer floures,
And sum abiden at home to bigge up the loigges,
And helpen to make hony of that thay home bringen,
And doon other deedes thorough dome that is among thaym;
And sum waiten the wedre, the wynde and the skyes,
Yf hit be temperate tyme to travaylle or to leve.
Thay eten alle at oones, and never oon by hymsilf,
Thorough warnyng of thaire wauthour, leste waste were among thaym.
The bomelyng of the bees, as Bartholomew us telleth,
Thair noyse and thaire notz at eve and eeke at morowe,
Lyve hit wel, thair lydene the leste of thaym hit knoweth. 85   
The moste merciful among thaym and meukest of his deedes
Ys king of bees comunely, as clergie us telleth,
And sperelees, and in wil to spare that been hym under,
Or yf he have oon, he harmeth ne hurteth noon in sothe.
For venym doeth not folowe hym, but vertue in alle workes,
To reule thaym by reason and by rightful domes,
Thorough contente of the cumpaignie that closeth alle in oone.
And yf the king coveite the colours to beholde
Of the fressh floures that on the feldes growen
Evermore amyddes as maister of thaym alle
His place is yproperid for peril that mighte falle;
And yf he fleuble or feynte or funder douneward,
The bees wollen bere hym til he be better amended.
But of the drane is al the doute, the deveil hym quelle,
For in thaire wide wombes thay wol hide more
Thenne twenty bees, and travaillen not no tyme of the day -
But gaderyn al to the gutte and growen grete and fatte
And fillen thaire bagges bredeful of that the bees wyrchen.
   Quorum deus venter est et gloria in confusione. paulus - 86   
But hire hough thay ende with al thaire hole cropping: 87   
Whenne thay have soope the swete, the soure cometh aftre,
For whenne the bee-is bisynes is bribed fro the hyve
Thorough dranes that deceipuen thaym and doon no thing elles,
Thenne seen the bees thair subtilité and serven thaym thereafter
As Bartholomew the Bestiary bablith on his bokes,
And of other pryvy poyntz, but I wol passe over."
"By this skile," cothe I, "there shuld scant hony
Yf every hyve hurle thus and have suche a ende."
"Be certayne," he seide, "that is a sothe tale
But yf the gardyner have grace and gouverne hym the bettre
And wisely awaite whenne dranes furste entren,
And nape thaym on the nolle ere thay thaire neste caicche;
For been they oones ynned, his eyen shal be dasid
Fro al kinde knowlache, so covert thaym helpeth."
"Yit wolde I wite," cothe I, "yf your wil be,
Hough to knowe kindely, thorough craft of your scole,
The drane that devoureth that deue is to other,
By colour or by cursidnesse or crie that he maketh.
Kenneth me the cunnyng, that I may knowe after."
"Thay been long and lene," cothe he, "and of a lither hue,
And as bare as a bord, and bringen nought with thaym;
But have thay hauntid the hyve half yere to th'ende,
Thay growen under gurdel greeter than other,
And noon so sharpe to stinge ne so sterne nother."
   Nichil asperius paupero cum surget in altum. Gregorius. 88   
"Yit I mervaille," cothe I, "and so mowen other,
Why the bees wollen not wirwe thaym by tyme,
And falle on thaym fersly furst whanne thay entre,
For so shuld thay save thaymsilf and thaire goodes."
"The bees been so bisi," cothe he, "aboute comune profit,
And tendeth al to travail while the tyme dureth
Of the somer saison and of the swete floures;
Thayr wittes been in wirching and in no wile elles
Forto waite any waste til winter approche,
That licour thaym lacke thair lyfe to susteyne.
But as sone as thay see thaire swynke is ystole
Thenne flocken thay to fighte, thair fautes to amende,
And quellen the dranes quicly and quiten alle thaire wrongz."
"Now wol mote ye worthe," cothe I, "for your wise tale,
For hit hath muche menyng, whoso muse couthe,
But hit is to mistike for me, by Marie of hevene,
So wol I leve lightly withoute long tale.
But and ye dwelle, as I dar, derve I you preye
Oone question to construe that I come fore:
For I have soughte sevene yere and sum dele more,
And mette I never man yit that me wise couthe
Cleere to my knowing, clerc nother lewed,
Of the matiere of Mum that moste me angrith,
That he shuld have maisters mor than oon hunthrid,
Whenne the Sothesigger shuld siche his mete.
I have travailled tenne yere to temporal estatz,
And spied of spirituel and sparid for no wreth 89   
Forto wite witterly who shuld have
The maistry, Mum or the Sothesigger.
For alle the foure ordres agayne thaire fundacion
Provyd hit ofte by prechement, for peril that myght falle,
That Mum shuld be maister and maynteyne th'ordre;
And alle other estatz every after other
Heulden muche more with Mum thenne with the Sothesigger.
And yf ye deme as thay doon, by dere God in hevene,
By no witte that I wote I wol go no ferther
Forto seke shadue there no sunne apperith."
"Swete soon, thy seching," seide the freke thenne,
"And thy travail for thy trouthe shal tourne thee to profit,
For I wol go as nygh the grounde as Gospel us techeth
Forto wise thee wisely to thy waie-is ende.
For of al the mischief and myssereule that in the royaulme groweth
Mum hath be maker alle thees many yeres,
And eek more and moulde, I may wel advowe;
And principally by parlement to prove hit I thenke,
When knightz for the comune been come for that deede,
And semblid forto shewe the sores of the royaulme
And spare no speche though thay spille shuld,
But berste oute alle the boicches and blaynes of the hert
And lete the rancune renne oute arusshe al at oones,
Leste the fals felon festre withynne;
For as I herde have, thay helen wel the rather
Whanne th'anger and th'attre is al oute yrenne,
For better were to breste oute there bote might falle
Thenne rise agayne regalie and the royaulme trouble.
The voiding of this vertue doeth venym forto growe
And sores to be salvelees in many sundry places,
Sith souvrayns and the shire-men the sothe have eschewed
Yn place that is proprid to parle for the royaulme
And fable of thoo fautes and founde thaym to amende.
For alle the perillous poyntz of prelatz and of other,
As peres that have pouaire to pulle and to leve, 90   
Thay wollen not parle of thoo poyntz for peril that might falle,
But hiden alle the hevynes and halten echone
And maken Mum thaire messaigier thaire mote to determyne,
And bringen home a bagge ful of boicches un-ycurid,
That nedis most by nature ennoye thaym thereafter.
   Qui potest contradicere peccato & non contradicit actor est peccati. Sidrac 91   
And in al the kingis court there coiphes been and other
Mum is maister there more thenne men wenen,
For sum of tho segges wolle siche sidewayes,
Whenne thay witen wel ynow where the hare walketh.
Thay leden men the long waye and love-dayes breken 92   
And maken moppes wel myry with thaire madde tales,
Forto sowe silver seede, and solve ere thay singe, 93   
To have ynne thaire harveste while the hete dureth.
   ffauor & premium timor & odium peruertunt verum iudicium. Canon. 94   
Now feithfully, my ful frende, I wol not feyne to thee:
There is no wronge on this world wrought, as I wene -
Treason nother trespas ne trouble that falleth,
Felonye ne falshede ne no faute elles,
Rancune ne riotte ne revyng of peuple,
Courshidnes ne cumbrance ne no caste of guile - 95   
That Mum n'ys the maker and moste cause eeke.
And that shal I shewe thee by exemples ynowe;
For Lucifer the lyer that lurketh aboute
Forto gete hym a grounde that he may graffe on
And to sowe of his seede suche as he usith,
That groweth al to grevance and gurdyng of heedes,
He leyeth his lynes along that luste may be clepid 96   
Of oure foule flessh that foundrith ful ofte,
And of gloire of this grounde his griefz been ymade,
That who be hent in his hoke he shal be holde faste
Til he be caste with covetise or sum croke elles.
   Seminator zizannie & agricola diaboli.
Thenne fareth he forth felaship to gete,
To holde his opinion over alle thingz.
Whenne he is laught on the lyne he can not lepe thens,
So the cursid covetise cleveth on his herte,
Or elles dreede forto do wel dulleth his wittz.
But seche what he seche wol and asaye eeke,
There is no sothesigger that wol assent to hym,
But conseilleth hym the contrary and construeth the doutes
And poynteth hym the perillz and pleynely telleth
As a sicour servant, and sheweth hym the happes.
He shoneth for no salaire ne soulde that he fangeth, 97   
Ne for no likerous lyvelode ne loising of his office,
That he ne telleth the tirant how hit tourne wol
Hamward by his hows, and harme most hymself.
Thenne fleeth he fro his frend and to his foo tourneth,
For til he mete with Mum may he never reste.
He wol abide with no burne that botene hym wolde
Ne arayne hym arere with reasonis bridel,
So loveth he go large to lepe where hym liketh,
And kiketh faste as a colte that casteth downe hymsilf,
And fondeth forto finde this freeke I have nempnyd,
That fayne is to folowe hym for fees and robes.
Thenne meteth he with Mum and his matiere sheweth,
That shortly assentith as a shrewed hyne,
And spareth for no spurnyng, but spedith the matiere,
And wircheth up with wiles a walle of deceiptes,
Til the fals fundement falle atte laste,
That thay stumblen after stroutyng and stappen no ferther,
But lyen doune on the diche, as wel nygh ydolven,
Bothe the maister and his man ymurid at oones.
Suche maniere medes Mum can deserve
Forto mende his maister for meete and for hure
But by the feith that I finge atte vantstone
Shal no Mum be my man and I may aspie,
And namely nygh me, but next shal he never.
And therefore I fende thee, by feith that thou awes,
That thou lieve in no lore of suche lewed gomes
That fikelly fablen and fals been withynne,
But sue the Sothesigger and seche thou no ferther.
And though hit tene for a tyme, hit tideth wel after,
And He that made the molde and man with His handes
Shal quite thee with a quitance whenne querellz been up
Of this newe novellerie that noyeth men ofte.
Hit is the holsemyst hyne for halle and for chambre
To bringe boldely abedde the best of the royaulme
And arise with the renke, rehershing agaynes
Salomon and Seneca and Sidrac the noble.
Hit is a sicour servant forto serve lordes,
And to knightz of the cuntré his conseil availleth;
And thow he dwelle with a duc and dide not elles
But forto seye hym the sothe in seasonable tymes,
He might serve sum day sevene yeres wages."
"Grand mercy, gardiner," cothe I, "and God thee foryelde, 98   
For thou has demed deuely the doute I was ynne;
But yit wote I not in sothe, ne am not infourmed,
How to come to the court there the kempe dwellith."
"His dwellyng to discryve," cothe he, "I do hit on alle clercz
That I shal teche thee treuly the tournyng to his place.
Yn manis herte his housing is, as hooly writte techet,
And mynde is his mansion that made alle th'estres.
   In corde fidelis est habitacio veritatis.
There feoffed hym his Fadre freely forto dwelle,
And put him in possession in paradise terrestre
Yn Adam oure auncetre and al his issue after.
He spirith hym with His spirite that sprange of Hymself
To holde that habitacion and hevene afterwardes,
To serve Hym in sothenes and no souvrayn eschewe
For dreede of deyeng ne no disease elles.
As wold God that eche gome that gre hath take in scoles 99   
Wolde holde that opinion and overlepe hit never,
For hit was never so nedeful as now sith Noe-is dayes.
But Mum wol be no martir while mytres been in sale
And but the Sothesigger sey the same wordes
Whenne thou comys to his court, kutte of myn eres.
   Qui non intrat per ostium in ouile sed aliunde / fur est et latro. / Euangelium. 100   
Now I have ywised thee the weye to his place,
Hye thee hens to his hows and hippe evene amyddes; 101   
For though his loigge be lite, hit is unloke ever,
That thou mays intre eche day bothe erly and late,
Forto walke where thou wolt wythynne and withoute
And to moeve of his mote in mesurable tyme
And have concours to Criste and come yn agaynes.
For thay been brethern by baptesme, as the boke telleth,
And he is ysibbe to the Sire abouve the sevene sterres,
For trouthe and the Trinité been two nygh frendes.
Yf thou wol folowe this fode, thou mos be faire of speche
And soft of thy sawys, but souvrayneté hit helpe;
For poverté hath a pressonere whenne he doeth passe bondes. 102   
And be wel ware of wiles, the world is ful of mases;
And loke wel a-leehalf lest thou be beguilid,
For Mum hath a man there, and is a muche shrewe,
Antecristis angel that eche day us ennoyeth.
He dwellith faste by the dore and droppeth many wiles
Yf he might wynne over the walle with a wronge entré.
He debateth eche day with Do-welle withynne,
And the maistrie among and the mote wynneth,
And shoveth the Sothesigger into a syde-herne,
And taketh Covetise the keye to come ynne when hym liketh.
Thenne Dreede with a dore-barre dryveth oute the beste, 103   
And maketh the Sothesigger seche a newe place,
And to walke where he wol withoute on the grene
Til sorowe for his synnes seese hym agaynes
And the tenaunt atourne to treuthe al his life.
Though thou slepe now, my soon, yit whenne thou seis tyme,
Loke thou write wisely my wordes echone;
Hit wol be exemple to sum men sevene yere hereafter.
And loke thou seye ever sothe, but shame not thy brother,
For yf thou telle hym trouthe in tirantis wise,
He wol rather wexe wrother thenne forto wirche after. 104   
But in a muke maniere thou mos hym asaye,
And not eche day to egge hym, but in a deue tyme.
Do thus, my dere soon, for I may dwelle no longer,
But fare to my good frend that I fro come.
I have infourmed thee faire, loke thou folowe after
And make up thy matiere, thou mays do no better.
Hit may amende many men of thaire misdeedes.
Sith thou felys the fressh, lete no feynt herte
Abate thy blessid bisynes of thy boke-making
Til hit be complete to clapsyng, caste aweye doutes
And lete the sentence be sothe, and sue to th'ende;
And furst feoffe thou therewith the freyst of the royaulme,
For yf thy lord liege allone hit begynne,
Care thou not though knyghtz copie hit echone,
And do write eche word, and wirche thereafter."
Thenne soudaynly of swevene and slepe I abrayed
And woke of my wynke and waitid aboute,
Wondring on my wittz, as I wel aughte,
Where the gome and the gardyn and the gaye sportz
And alle the sightz that I sawe were so sone voidid.
Hit ferde as a fairye, but feithfully the wordes
Were ful wise of the wye in the white clothes,
And eeke nedeful and notable for this newe world,
And eeke plaisant to my pay, for thay putten me to reste
Of my long labour and loitryng aboute.
For he provid by profitable poyntz and fele
That the Sothesigger shuld have the better
Of Mum, and the maistrie, malgré his chekes.
He made Mum a man-sleer and amys thewed
And likenyd hym to a lorel atte long goyng.
And shortly hit sheweth right so by thayr werkes
To clercz of conceipte that construen thaire workes.
He chargid me cleerly to change not myn intent
Til the matire of Mum were made to th'ende,
And that I shuld seye sothe and sette no dreede
Of no creature of clay, for Criste so hym taughte.
And though sum men of swevenes savery but lite,
Yit the lore of the lude shal like me ever,
For Daniel in his dayes declarid ful ofte
Dreemes, and undide thaym, as deede provid after;
And Joseph the gentil, Genesis thou saye
(The Bible bereth witnesse, a boke of bilieve),
He mette that the mone and elleven sterres
With the shynant sunne soudaynely at oones
Abowid to his bidding bonairely, hym thought,
And dide hym worship therewith, that wroth made after
His brethern that bisied thaym to bringe hym of dawe.
Hit semyd by his swevene thay sayden tho among thaym
Shuld falle that thayr fadre and thay been fayne eeke
To mete hym with thayre modre in a muke wise,
And pray hym in his pouaire pité forto have
Of thaym, and thaym helpe fro hungre and elles.
And so it feulle sothely, thay sought hym therafter
Ernestly in Egipte, or elles the boke lieth,
For hunger that thay hadde, and helpe couthe thay none
But lowely to loute, his lordship to sike,
Forto graunt of his grayn what hym good likid
That for faute of thayr fode famyne long durid.
And so hit semeth in certayne, that sum bee right trewe
And sothe of thees swevenes of sobre men wittes,
And proven ofte to the poynt of pourpoos in deede.
And therefore my doute and dreede is the lasse
To do that the burne bade that the bees kepte
Forto saye sumwhat of suth er I passe
How the greete of this ground been ygouverned.
Thenne softe I the soores to serche thaym withynne,
And seurely to salve thaym, and with a newe salve
That the Sothesigger hath sought many yeres
And mighte not mete therewith for Mum and his ferys
That bare aweye the bagges and many a boxe eeke.
Now forto conseille the king unknytte I a bagge
Where many a pryvé poyse is preyntid withynne
Yn bokes unbredid in balade-wise made,
Of vice and of vertue fulle to the margyn,
That was not y-openyd this other half wintre.
There is a quayer of quitances of quethyn goodes,
That bisshoppz han begged to binde al newe,
And a penyworth of papir of penys that thay fongen
For lemmans and lotebies in thees late dayes,
And lien on the lettrure, for lawe was hit never.
   Ve illis qui vendunt peccatum propter pecuniam. Lincolniensis. 105   
There is a volume of visitacion of viftene leves 106   
How persones and prestes been ypassid over
Thorough favour of fangyng and no faute amendid,
But liggen at London in lorden courtz
And pleyen lille for lalle with many leude kitte.
Thay lusten for to lerne of lettrure no ferther
Thenne to the lesson of laudate al thaire life-dayes,
Forto preche thaire parroisshe how Pernelle is arayed
And with the tolle of the tithing fetisly atired.
Thay been losers of the lawe, and lewde men maken
The bolder for thaire badnes and breke the Tenne Hestes.
There is a rolle of religion, how thay thaire rentz hadde
Forto parte with the poure a parcelle otherwhile,
But thay been rotid in a rewe to refresshe greete, 107   
To maynteyne thayre manhode, and matieres thay have to doo
For pleding and for pourchas, to pasture thaym the swetter,
So poure thay been and penylees sith the pestilence tyme.
Yit is there a paire of pamphilettz of prelatz of the royaulme
Yn the bottume of the bagge, how boldely thay ride,
Thees persones and thees prebendiers pluralité that haven, 108   
Poperyng on thaire palefrays fro oone place to another,
And lernen to lede ladies, and lewed men envien
To do al thing as thay do, as by thaire deedes proveth.
Thay autorisen with argumentz, and allegen for thaym
That of oon kinde alle came, there can no man seye other.
Thus leden thay thaire lyves in lustes and in sportes,
And spenden on thaire speciales that thay spare shuld
For pouraile of thaire parroishens, and present to be among thaym
Forto salve thaire shepe whenne thay sike were. 109   
But how shuld a surgean serve wel his hyre
That cometh not in sevene yere to se the sore oones -
   Ve pastoribus -
That thay shal not se oon shyne how soutelly thay wirchen.
I say not but of sum that suche manieres usen,
For every wyman that is wise, she wircheth to the beste,
And conseilleth al to conscience, leste there come happes.
Yit is there a copie for comunes of culmes foure and twenty
How sum tellen tidingz at home uppon thaire benches,
Or elles at eve after souper, or erely atte nale,
And lyen on the lordz - lorelles and noon other.
Thaire tales been so troublé that tournen men thoughtz
The more that men musen on thaym, the madder thay been after.
I mervail but thay mette so, how hit might be
That thay finde fables and been so ferre fro thens
That though thou ride rennyng, and reste but a lite -
Fro London forth the long waye to the landis ende,
And comes right fro the kingis courte and his cunseil bothe,
Fro prelatz unto peris in pryveté or elles -
Yit shal tidingz bee ytolde tenne dayes ere thou come,
That never was of worde spoke ne wroughte, as thou shal hire.
Lesingz been so light of fote, thay lepen by the skyes,
And as swifte as a swalue sheutyng oute at oones
As falsly forgid as though a frere had made thaym.
   Rumores fuge ne incipias nouus auctor haberi. 110   
That harde happes mote thay have that Henry so appeiren, 111   
Or any lord of this lande that loveth pees and reste,
Though the burne my brother were, I bid hit with my herte.
Yit wol thay carpe of the coroune as thay of cunseil were,
And ordeyne more in oon houre than other half wintre
Al the kingis cunseil couthe wel bringe aboute.
Thus mellen thay with matieres to moustre thaire wittes,
And grucchen whenne the gadryng is that goeth for us alle. 112   
I seye yf hit be sette so and in suche thinges, 113   
Ful ille couthe thay corde with Changwys-is deedes,
That conquerid many a cuntré as king withynne hymself;
And how he came to his coroune I shal you kenne sone.
The greete God of goodnes that gouverneth alle thingz,
He nempned furst his name to the sevene nacions
That were wel nygh destrued and disware of thaire lives
And in disease and desperat thorough thaire double intentz.
   Omne regnum in se diuisum desolabitur. 114   
Thaire division dide thaym harme (and so hit doeth elleswhere),
That thay were sette in servitute by souvrayns of the marches 115   
That had ywonne and ywastid wel nygh alle the landz.
The principalz of this peuple pryvyly by nightz
A voice thaym folowed in vision in fourthering of thaymself,
And bade thaym coroune Changwys king of al thaire peuple,
A eildren man of aunsetrie that aged was a lite.
And so the deede was ydo when day and tyme came after,
And when this Changwys was ycorouned, as cronicle of hym telleth,
And sette in his se with sceptre on his handes,
He stablid two statutz, as storie of hym writeth,
I herde never harder, and yit thay holde were: 116   
The furst that he funded to fele trewe hertz
And his principal peuple to prove and asaye
Was that the souvrayns of the sevene nacions
Shuld sle thayre soones, th'eldest and thaire hoires;
The secund that thay shuld eeke sese hym in hire lande,
And yelde hit up in erniste, and geve hit hym for ever,
To have and to holde in his high grace.
And as the king commandid accordid thay were,
Consentyng to his covetise with crie alle at oones.
Thay sparid not to spille blode that spronge of thaymself, 117   
Ne to lose thayre lordship and lande at his wille.
Now forto telle trouthe, I trowe hit be no lesing,
Who wolde have griefed for a grote, he wold have grucched there. 118   
Thus proved this prince his peuple and thaire hertz,
And to feil of thaire fiance ful felly he wroughte.
And whenne he wiste that his wil was not encountrid,
But that he had thaire hertz al hoole at his wil,
He forgafe thaym thaire graunt and goodely thaym thanked.
Thenne clepid he to cunseil knightz and other,
And wroughte alle with oon wil as wise men shuld,
And wanne wisely agen withynne a while after
The lande and the lordship that thay loste had,
And conquerid cuntrées, as Cathayis lande,
That is the richeste royaulme that reyne over hoveth.
   Ecce quam bonum & quam iocundum habitare fratres in vnum. 119   
Now by Crist that me creed, I cannot bethenke
A kindely cause why the comun shuld
Contre the kingis wil ne construe his werkes.
I carpe not of knightz that cometh for the shires,
That the king clepith to cunseil with other;
But hit longeth to no laborier the lawe is agayne thaym.
And yit hit is y-usid with unwise peuple
And availleth not a ferthing, but vireth the hertz;
And tournen with thaire tales the tente of the lordes,
That thay leven the labour the londe to defende,
To bisye thaym on the bordures to bete oute oure foes,
And maynteyne the marches fro myschief and elles.
Thus clappeth the comun and knocketh thaymself,
For the tayl of thaire talking teneth thaym ofte.
Thou mays lerne that lesson in the nexte lyne,
For and thy heede be hurte, thy hond wol apeire;
And whoso hewe over heede, though his hoode be on,
The spones wol springe oute and spare not the eye.
Thay finde many fautes and faillen moste thaymself
Of deedes of deueté that thay do shuld.
Thay shulde love loyally the lordz aboute,
That thay mighte lerne a lesson of thaire lowe hertz
To reule thaym by reason and by right lawe.
Thay shuld be reedy to ride and renne at thayre heste
For soulde and for silver as thay might aserve,
And obeye to thayre bidding and bable no ferther -
   Potencioribus pares esse non possumus. Sapiencia - 120   
For suche lewed labbing the lande doeth apeire.
But God of His goodnes graunt thaym to amende,
To knowe what thaire kinde is and commenche bityme
The cunseille of Changwys and construe no ferther,
But love so oure liege al oure life-dayes
That he may leede us with love as hymself liketh.
There is a scrowe for squyers that asquare walken
Whenne a tale is ytolde, yf hit touche greete 121   
That piled han poure men of penys and of goodes.
Thay wol neghen no neer but yf thay noye thenke 122   
And alleigge for the lord and lawe doune bere,
Leste soulde and thaire service cesse al at ones,
Thus poure men pleyntz been pledid ful ofte,
For reasonis retenue moste reste nedis
There robes rehercyn the rightz of the parties.
There is a writte of high wil ywrite al newe,
Yknytte in a cornier of the bagge-ende,
And is a courssid couraige and costeful bothe
That serveth al for souvrayns of semblable pouaire;
For ever egalité errith and stryveth
More thanne the mene man with his more heigher.
For whenne a matiere is ymoeved among men of goode,
Though there happe no harme save hertz aggreiggid, 123   
Thay stele into strivyng and strien thaymself
And stiren so that stuffure and store doon apeire, 124   
And eeke losen thaire good loos with thaire lewed pride,
And annoyen thaire neighborowes nyne myle aboute.
For every feithful frend wol funde to helpe
And leve there he loveth, for lothe or elles;
Suche wilfulnes and wisedame wonen asunder.
Thou mays baathe on a brooke to the breggurdelle,
But passe not the polle forther for peril that foloweth.
   Ira odium generat concordia nutrit amorem. 125   
"Thus" - seyeth that oon side - "shule I obeye
Or make amendes or mukyn myself?
Nay, are I worke suche a worke, but my witte faille,
Hit shuld stande right straite with stoone of my houses,
For lever thenne to lowe me while my life dureth
I wol do a deede that I dide never:
Sille for silver my sherte and my clothes,
Or borowe til I begge thenne bowe oones.
And I were caste in my cuntré and hit knowe were
I shuld be eschewid and oversette ofte.
Ney, I wol maynteyne my manhoode, maulgré that gruccheth, 126   
And spare swete spices and spende on my foes."
That other side seyeth right so and the same wordes,
As wilde and as wode and as wrothe eeke,
And braggeth and bosteth and wol brenne watiers
And rather renne in rede blode thenne arere oones.
   Ira requiescit / non in sanitas mentis / ac corporis / Salomon. 127   
Thus thay blowe as a bore til bothe repente.
Hit is no witte, as I wene, to waste so silver
For a woode wil and wretthe in thy herte,
And no harme on thy heede in hande ne in goodes,
But yhurte on the hert with a high pride.
For suche maniere medling al to many tymes,
Though hit gaine in the bigynnyng, hit groweth so aftre
That lymes been yloste and lyfes ful ofte.
   Superbia generat omnem maliciam vsque ad mortem. Salomon. 128   
And eeke hit is no worldly witte, as me thenketh,
To toille there no trespas is do to acountz. 129   
But hit semeth to a souvrayn that ynnesight lacketh,
Whenne his mynde is ymoevid to medle in his ire,
That though his grounde be not goode and he gaste were
Or feynte forto folowe but fersse to th'ende, 130   
Hit shuld be aretted for reprouf whenne hit were rehercyd,
And he ysette the shorter at shire and aboute. 131   
Suche cursid construyng accombreth the peuple.
For cuntrey that conceipt I can make a reason,
And a trewe, as I trowe, whoso taketh hede:
Whenne rancune thee redeth to reere debatz,
Or angre at attre arteth thy herte
Forto commenche a cause not cleere in the winde, 132   
Bowe ere thou breste whenne thou arte bette yfourmyd,
And reule thee by reason and renne not to faste,
But gife hit up with good wille whenne thy grounde failleth,
And falle of with fayrenes leste fors thee assaille. 133   
For yf thou leve are thou ligge thenne wol thy loos springe, 134   
But yf thy tale be trewe, to toylle thou hatis.
So wol the worde walke with oon and with other
And cumforte thy cuntré in cumpas aboute
To be nere at thy nede another tyme after,
And bilieve loyally, in lawe yf thou were,
Or medlist with a matiere, thy mote were trewe,
Elles woldes thou not worche on hit longe.
There is a raggeman rolle that Ragenelle hymself
Hath made of mayntennance and motyng of the peuple,
Hough thay sheve at sises and sessions aboute,
And halen so the hockerope, oon halfe agayne other,
Til the strong steriers and styvest on the heedes
Strifen so and streicchen streight adoune the poure.
Gold and good thaym glewith so, thay wol not go asundre, 135   
Til thay have haled the houslord oute atte halle-dore
And drawen hym clene fro his dees; he dysneth there nomore.
This same cursid custume the coroune doeth apeyre
And bringeth a bitter byworde abrode among the peuple,
And is in every cuntré but a comune tale
That yf the pouer playne, though he plede ever
And hurleth with his higher, hit happeth ofte-tyme
That he wircheth al in waste and wynneth but a lite.
Thus laboreth the loos among the comune peuple
That the wacker in the writte wol have the wors ende;
Hit wol not gayne a goky a grete man forto plede,
For lawe lieth muche in lordship sith loyauté was exiled,
And poure men pleyntes penylees abateth.
But David demed not so, I do hit on his bokes.
   Munera super innocentem non accipies.
Yit is there a forelle that I forgate that frayed is a lite,
How the fleuble fareth that folowed bee in shires
Whenne thay griefen greete, though the guilte be lite.
And he have any hors or elles hedid bestes,
He shal be hourled so in high courte and holde so agogge
That hym were bettre lose his lande thenne long so be toylid; 136   
Suche crokes been ycovrid and coloured under lawe,
To strue a man with strength the statutz been so made.
For though men pleede and poursuye and in thaire playntz falle
And newe thaym aftre nonsuytes nynetene hunthred,
Withoute grounde or guilte, but forto gete a bribe,
Yit shal thay have no harme though thay hurle ever.
But shuld thay picche and paye at eche pleynte-is ende
And compte alle the costz of men of court and elles,
And taske al the trespas, as trouthe wolde and reason,
Thay wolde cesse sum tyme for sheding of thaire silver.
I seye as wel of simple men that suen agenst grete,
And of the poure proute that peyren ofte thaire better,
That causelees accusen thaym to king and to the lordz,
As I doo of ducz that suche deedes usen;
For lordz and laborers been not like in costes.
Hit wold pese the peuple and many pleyntes bate
And chaunge al the chauncellerie and chevallerie amende
And ease be to every man that been of evene states,
And solas be to souvrayns and to thaire servantz alle,
And a miracle to meen men that mote lite cunne, 137   
Were this oon yere y-usid as I have declarid -
That of every writte withoute wronge there were amendes made,
And paye for alle the costes at every pleynte-is ende,
And tolle for the trespas as trouthe wolde and reason -
The lawe wold like us wel, and ever the lenger the bettre.
But pouaire of prerogatife that poynt hath reservyd
That every fode have fredome to folowe unypunysshid.
But Civile seith us not so, that serveth for al peuple
That habiteth undre hevene, hethen men and other.
And Cristis lawe is ycanonized Canon, yf thou loke,
And eeke the glorious Gospelle, grounde of alle lawes,
Techeth us a trewe texte that toucheth this ilke matiere.
For in my conscience ne in my credo yit couthe I never vele
But that oure lawe leneth there a lite, as me thenketh.
There is a librarie of lordes that losen ofte thaymself
Thorough lickyng of the lordship that to the coroune longeth,
And weneth hit be wel ydo; but wors dide thay never
Thenne sith thay gunne that game, I grounde me on reason.
For every wighte wote wel, but yf his witte faille,
That hit is holsum forto have a heede of us alle,
That is a king ycorouned to kepe us under lawe,
To put us into prisone whenne we passe boundes.
For but we had a souvrayn to sette us into reste,
Thees rechelees renkes wolde renne on eche other.
Thenne of fyne fors hit foloweth, as me thenketh,
That a certayne substance shuld be ordeynid
To susteyne this souvrayn that shuld us governe.
And so I wote wel hit was atte furst tyme,
But now hit is bynome hym th'olde and the newe,
Notwithstanding statutz ful strattely ymade
To stable many statutz and strong lawes make.
But execucion falle, what may hit availle 138   
Ne more thenne the mose may or the Maij floures
To breke doune bastiles that beste is ymade?
Hit is as dede as a dore nayle, though the dome come after,
Withoute execucion thees wise men hit knoweth.
Thees knightz of the conseil that nygh the king dwellen,
And eeke lordz ylettred of oone lawe and other,
Forto kepe his coroune fro covetous peuple,
Han pulled thaymself the peres right to the pere stalke,
And lickid so the leves he hath the leste dele,
For thay holden of his honour halfendele and more.
This was grounde and bigynnyng of gurdyng of heedes,
And eeke more, and mourdre, and manyfolde wronges
That han yfalle for foly withynne thees fourty wintre.
For th'egre envye that eche had to other
Dide thaym preece to be pryvy and put aweye the beste,
But muche more for the mede to make thaymself riche
Thenne to cunseille the king of the comune wele,
Or for any deue dome or defence of the royaulme
This same cursid custume oure coroune hath apeyred,
And cause is most that comunes collectours haten,
For nedis moste oure liege lord like his estat
Have for his houshold and for his haynous werres
To maynteyne his manhoode, there may no man seye other,
But of his owen were the beste, whoso couthe hit bringge;
To lyve uppon his laboriers, hit may not long indure.
Whenne hit is haled al awey, thenne is wo the nexte
To you that shullen silver to solve thenne were tyme.
For trusteth right treuly, talke what men liketh,
And wendith and trendith twys in oon wike,
And clepith to your cunseil copes and other,
And pleyne atte parlement, but yf the deede prouve
That the coroune in his kinde come ynne agaynes,
Clene in his cumpas with croppes and braunches,
Lite and a lite, right as the lawe asketh,
Wel mowe we wilne and wisshe what us liketh
And eeke waite after welthe but as my witte demeth,
Oure wynnyng and worship wol be the lasse
With knight and with comune til the king have
Alle hoole in his hande that he have oughte.
There is a copie of covetise, how conscience is reuled
Whenne he hath gadrid a greete bagge and good at his wil,
And wrongfully ywonne hit thorough wiles of his hert,
And is yrunne in riches thorough ryfling of the peuple,
He maketh maisons deu therewith whenne he may live no lenger;
But while he had power of the penyes, the poure had but lite.
Hit is a high holynes and grete helth to the soule
A man to lyve in lustes alle his life-dayes
And have no pitie on the poure, ne parte with thaym nother,
But holde hit ever in his hande til the herte breke.
But thenne he shapeth for the soule whenne the sunne is doune, 139   
But while the day durid he delte but a lite;
Now muche moste his merite be that mendeth so the poure,
That gifeth his goode for Godis sake whenne his goste is passed. 140   
There is a lite of a testament that I tolde never,
How pryvyly thay been provid and yput aside,
For so the silver be ysolvid for the seel of th'office
And the feis alle yfunge, thay folden thaym togedre
And casten thaym in a coffre leste thay copied were,
And sith thay seure thaym by thaymself and seyen thees wordes:
"Hit is no wisedame forto wake Warrok while he slepeth."
For though a quynzieme were yquethe, oon quitance shal be geven 141   
Though executours afterwarde execute hit never,
Ne do noght for the dede, as I do whenne I slepe.
And yit thay seyen for thaymsilf right a subtile reason:
"Why shuld we dele for the dede? He dide not while he mighte.
He made us in his mynde among alle his frendes
To be his trewe attourneys and treete for his debtes,
For so that thay have halfendele, thay mowe thaym holde content. 142   
Yit wol not the good go so ferre, so mote we grounde oure tale,
For I wol seye for myself, seye thou whenne thee liketh,
Yf we do as he dude, may no man deme us yvel,
Ne rightfully by reason reprove us hereafter.
He was bothe ware and wise while he was on live,
And me lust not be lewed leste I fare the wors.
His custume was to kepe his good, so lete us kepe hit eeke,
And thenne after oure deeth day lete dele for us alle,
For oure executours aftre us shal have the same charge."
Thus thay chiden with charité and chacheth eche other,
That til the Day of Dome the dele is not parfourmid.
Yit is there a poynt of prophecie how the peuple construeth
And museth on the mervailles that Merlyn dide devyse,
And redith as right as the Ram is hornyd, 143   
And helpe me the high God, I holde thaym halfe amasid.
For there nys wight in this world that wote bifore eve
How the winde and the wedre wol wirche on the morowe,
Ne noon so cunnyng a clerc that construe wel couthe
Ere Sunneday a sevenyght what shal falle. 144   
Thus thay muse on the mase on mone and on sterres
Til heedes been hewe of and hoppe on the grene,
And al the wide world wondre on thaire workes.
Yit sawe I there a cedule soutelly indited
With tuly silke intachid right atte rolle-is ende,
Ywrite ful of wordes of woundres that han falle,
And fele-folde ferlees wythynne thees fewe yeris,
By cause that the clergie and knighthoode togedre
Been not knytte in conscience as Crist dide thaym stable.
For who so loketh on the lawe may lerne, yf hym like,
Thayre ordre and office and how thay ought wyrche.
For thay folowe no foote of thaire forne-fadres,
I do hit on thaire deeth-day, and deme no ferther,
For seurly sumtyme I sawe hit not late
Yn cronicle of clercz and kingz lygnées
How prelatz of provinces pride moste hatid
For the theme that thay taughte was tachid on thaire hertz.
Thay preched the peuple and provyd hit thaymself
And were lanternes to lewed men to lyve thaym after.
Thay pourchachid no prelacies with prince nother elles 145   
Thorough preyer ne poundes but thorough proufe of thayre workes.
How; crown must; (see note)
whole; command also
ornament; interlock
distributed; the nobility; (see note)
ignorant folk; cast off restraint; (see note)
demand; funds; (see note)
taste; have pain; (see note)
(see note)
It; never; at the week's
(see note)
lord's; as common folk say
chancellor; discipline
knowledge; guards
clerks; are attached
appointed and otherwise
serve; money at the bar; (see note)
junior barrister, best; (see note)
(see note)
lack; fail; legal pleas
complaint listen to
God's; will; (see note)
legal writs; wax seals also; (see note)
than; maintenance (see note)
insulting; lack of money
heard about; retainers'; (see note)
outside [of court] also
men; yet to come
lord; summer
court official; dukes
educated or not
furthered; believed
Soothsayer; seldom; seen; (see note)
honored above all
blunt assertions
(see note)
(see note)
"Alexander without livery"
the end [of the year]
do not like
household; do not agree
[the household] tears out its hair
formally; appropriately
i.e., hits the nail on the head
truth; (see note)
vomit; poison
bold man impugned
stomped; roams abroad
blithely; believed
(see note)
cockleseed; ripens
grain; green; fully grown
Just; fresh
ensnares; (see note)
reversal; grow seed
full height
counsel; chatter
slander; injury
intent; harmful
basis; teaching; (see note)
for yourself
direct you; or not
quickly; to; alone
(see note)
credit; berates you
abandon; glower once
strive to question him again in a new way
hold your purpose with what
succeed; may
reward; bestow; (see note)
truthful speech; contribute to; (see note)
brought into accord
you intend; speak
correct; meekly
wretched vices
troubles can shun
profitable; promising
law should govern
sort of
said; clerk; understanding
manner reward comes with [the post](see note)
Nor for promotion
naturally; books
secure; that lasts only
speak; for a while
foolish; proved true later; (see note)
might others; (see note)
crowned; those men
(see note)
(see note)
How; salve; began to
a multitude
trifles twice a week; (see note)
misfortune befall (them); (see note)
can not meet
fear of death; away
gratification; lavish
disturbed; fortunes
groats; gathered; (see note)
construed; complain
a better situation
lack; soothsayer
commentary (see note)
landed (see note)
what troubled him
speak; failings
Proclaimed; king's; (see note)
customs; taxation; relieved; (see note)
agreement; say
magpies; parrot disputed; (see note)
feathered; plucked; cage
Since; beaten; beak; wing
Unless; speak; peers
outcry neither
exact words
shun; shire folk are saying
concerns; discern
vigilant; overhearing
is so bold as to blurt out
remind; causes; (see note)
be put; tortured
blinded; ruined; (see note)
injury escape; never
downtrodden; harmed
Beaten; enslaved; towns
tortured; by others
Cried after; sent packing
shuns; seen; injuries
head; hailstones (see note)
overgrown; weeds
choked; wholly discordant
grief; (see note)
(see note)
people; alive; (see note)
canny; slay
batter; clubs; beat
loath; tear
chop off; house
cause; trouble
revive; pay back
tread; head grew
weeds; turn
limited; responsibility
one; afflict
pull; tabard; (see note)
allow; seen
think it
relish his speech
work according to; wheel

away from distress
(see note)
Henry's house fittingly
meritorious company; noblest
Rehearsing no riffraff
[be for] long
most gracious leader
Fierce; battlefield; dominating
fearsome participant
manly qualities; belongs
stabilize it; remain peaceful
itself; (see note)
certain people
purpose hinders
mumbling; think
Did you yourself not say; (see note)
receive no thanks
excuse yourself
more foolish
know; will; surpass; (see note)
blushed; words; waited quietly
paused; pondered; (see note)
see; was called
(see note)
flattery; or; foolish; (see note)
at my own pleasure
wisdom; discretion dwell
You would do better
For twenty minutes (see note); testify
advise; wish to rest
(see note)
speak; please
is not; think
Bachelor-knight nor burgess; man
(see note)
is required
(see note)
yourself; bounds
reproach; shooting of arrows; (see note)
it seems to me
reward; flattery
food allowance; servant; (see note)
allow; (see note)
While you could
(see note)
Do Better (see note)
parted company
had left
(see note)
person to remain quiet
warn; misrule arouses
spoke; was required
gain tears
Cato explains; (see note)
"idle chatter"; "be quiet"
(see note)
sad; addled
very great doubt
legal denial; out of sorts
learning requires
awareness; acquired
Sydrac (see note)
at that time; (see note)
formerly; men
edify; creature
read aloud from
studied; as best
kind of subtlety; style; (see note)
ends favorably; (see note)
glancing at
noted; read
perplexity; comforted
consult learned men
resolve; doubt
(see note)
stop; (see note)
Oxford; Orleans
gathering; school
seven arts (Liberal Arts); (see note)
judgment; uncertainty; (see note)
grammarian then glowered; (see note)
by nature; discern
defied both sides; (see note)
glad; leaving; bird; mate; (see note)
His conversation; no jot; earthly
Rhetoric's arguments I do not care to
grasped; situation
sophister (Logic); (see note)
(see note)
speak; neither; nor
chough (see note)
Geometry; joiner; gabbled
astonished; stared in
the academic clerisy
seemly; (see note)
seven Liberal Arts
expert in logical difficulties
studied; pertained
called me to him
took comfort
Son; assembly
scan; pages; meaning; (see note)
looked into books
investigated to the end
situation; (see note)
brought forward
Than how; beneficially
advise; know
troublesome; quickly be resolved
listen; continue
crook; leave (see note)
labor; turn; gloss
Unless; resolve
else could
went; friars; (see note)
foundation; plenitude
questioned; politely; sound out
(see note)
pair (see note)
choir; agreed; (see note)
If Mum had not been
It (their houses); unroofed
logical reasons; fourth
fitting; gain heaven
urged; (see note)
tell you; (see note)
[worldly] goods
subtle; kept hidden
interpret riddles
ways; (see note)
lies; swing
Tyburn hill; strung
(see note)
from the old days
third; falsehood
Franciscans; much
double layers beneath; (see note)
seamed; wool
deal; money
stir; (see note)
business; (see note)
punished by
profitable; based
chapter-house; love's
divide; district; regions; (see note)
divide up; piecemeal
begging districts; breadth
monastic house
(see note)
lie; flatter [for money]
exchange; trifle
steal; portion
choose; cheese
gracious demeanor
store separate from
(see note)
material goods; little
ease; suffering
wonder; Mary; (see note)
strike; head; break; (see note)
secret; private
pay attention
men's inner thoughts; (see note)
shape things
control; powerful; hoodwink
wish; harm
(see note)
(see note)
Food; can afford
"sauce" (see note)
simony; ruins; (see note)
the [literal] text
hold to it
thrown down; greensward; (see note)
spurs (conquests); (see note)
[venerated] cross (see note)
council chamber
menacing words; (see note)
token; (see note)
gang; produce
One martyr; (see note)
penance; perfect; (see note)
(see note)
Cain (see note)
founder (see note)
FitzRalph's (see note)
Prove; patently; poetry
abbreviation mark (see note)
acrostic shapes; only; (see note)
are ever amorous
Jacobins (Dominicans); Judas' kin
cease to criticize; (see note)
some (of them)
zealous; spiteful
Simony's; take up earnestly
many other faults; hundred
truly; rank
(see note)
read; rule
hymn; true statement
heard; named
(see note)
purpose the paring of a pear
duplicitious; impartial
wrong; something better
fickle; supported
wholly biased
believed; less; teachings
avoid; challenged
contrive wickedness
wrestled; (see note)
monasteries; parsonages; (see note)
houses of Austin canons
meanly dressed
intended; (see note)
(see note)
welcome no visitors unless
dined; (see note)
porter; drove me away
I pleased
wander; outside
went away; at my wits' end
traveled; precincts
(see note)
acquainted myself; choir
intervene on either
(see note)
sick; sweetmeats
shared; (see note)
mass pennies; (see note)
i.e., the devil
belts; gilt
(see note)
grew; wondrously weary
had gone through
Woeful; did not know
Advice; roam
knew certainly
mastery (upper hand)
amazed by
miter; menaced
seize on any figment; (see note)
(see note)
week; seldom
men; bells beat; (see note)
seat; hear
to give money
green produce
fruit; flax
poultry; pears; (see note)
(see note)
chives; cherries
Herbs; onions
honey; hives
wool; wax; increases; (see note)
is renewed; ninth part take for
intermediary; break off
allow; (see note)
(see note)
[Which] is; martyrs
suffered death; tyrants'
objection; quickly
knew; about; know
have been taught
foolish dimwit; (see note)
bold; (see note)
affinity; created
(see note)
known; at that time
array; (see note)
dais; deep; (see note)
warmed; dates in the evening
writs; sealing wax
engage in
cause; know
lies; (see note)
kindly hear
sermon theme
go; wheatgrains
taxed; both portions; (see note)
busy themselves
thuggery; reward
speak; is required
at great peril
If; words of that kind
twice and again
insane; wrongly believe
men are wealthy
in a month
drawn; dais; dainties; (see note)
dare; seen
at supper or in the evening
private; peers
ponders; deceits
(see note)
pauses a moment; comes on
receives; reward; (see note)
Flee folly; make friends
stop; advise; roam
stray out of the way; gain
speak; leap
chosen before others
dispute; belongs
crowd into any
dismissed; (see note)
sentence; enacted
grousing or complaint
patient endurance
(see note)
somewhat dazed
proved; perceive; (see note)
contrary to; (see note)
created; died
cleansed; clean
source; damage
ought to; angered
advise; anger
damage; far; weed
take root
its movements
moves not to shelter; blame
to protect himself; shelter
dripping wet
author; discomfort
party to; pains; comrades
"he who is silent is seen to consent"; (see note)
disgrace either
prevent; allows; happen
land's law
interrogated; bar; (see note)
indicted for
stands; offers
quarreling; nobility who
showered; tolerance
easily; prevented; (see note)
head aches; limbs
certainly; use
root; red gall
leave you, Luke (see note)
tearing of hoods (i.e., for quarreling)
most trustworthy
in the wrong places
what you seek
Where there are crowds
free; landowners
bondsmen; burgesses
bachelor-knights (see note)
peers; classes of persons
mum folk
(see note)
(see note)
livery; (see note)
poor man's; separate
would rather
food; row
lie; overleap hurdles
humble; courteous
openly; pleasant
offered no contradiction
seal on a document
silences; income
reward; year's gift; (see note)
case; stop
shouldered; (see note)
casually; tables
[To see] if
not a glimpse
solitary person; alone
hushed; flattery
avoid (shun) a
meal course mark
(see note)
"silence drink"; seen
became; angry
roamed around confused
putting salve on
(see note)
fully informed
world merrier
man to remain constant
weak; fell
furrow; relieve
chaps a heap (see note)
nearer; at all; vexed
aware; sleep
soberly; long
[appropriate] time
illusion; Daniel's
Cato; speaks; (see note)
beasts; birds
valley broadening; crest shape
merrily; master
turned around twice; looked
houses; meadows newly mown
season that very year
eyelids; looked
covered; kirtle
wheat; fields cut
running river
spawn of diverse sorts
briars; berries; paths
Chestnuts; cherries
situated; leaves
beans blossomed; broom
Pears; plums; peascods
spirited greatly desire
men; ripened
grew abundantly
rabbits from shelter covered
dashed; quickly
seized; animal traps
nipping; rump zigzag
Hector (hound) ran
sheep; sun shaded
played; hedges
stallions in corral
deer; went
bracken; fell
Harts; hinds
roebuck ran
hunting dogs; clearing; unleashed
burnished (see note); fat
clearing; edge of the forest
hill; middle slopes
on down
young birds; notes
(see note)
Chirped; bill
sang; (see note)
fragrance; summer
vanished from me
freehold (see note)
turned aside; stopped
saplings; many other
the lanes
(see note)
hoary hairs
fresh; (see note)
inclined; wickedness
nature made
grave; appearance
tended; hive; honey
drones; nothing else
wicked vices
greeted; politely
know who he was
garden; (see note)
pertains; garden; (see note)
dig; destroy
slugs; plants
dash; dig
may they all die; (see note)
frequent; within it
toil not a bit
(see note)
proved; disposition
(see note)
most skillful; vault; (see note)
gather; pastures
curious room; enclosed; (see note)
raise up; faults
build; chambers
a law
watch; weather
the right time; work; stop
(see note)
(see note)
without a stinger
consent; agree
in the middle
appointed; arise
grows weak; sinks
support; improved
peril; kill; (see note)
stomachs; (see note)
(see note)
sipped; sour
bees'; lured
(see note)
reason; be little
strike; head; reach
inside; dazed; (see note)
instruction; school
what is due
lean; evil
been present in
abdomen; fatter
eager; fierce
no other scheme
look out for
their labor has been stolen
losses to make up
kill; revenge
can ponder it
too mystical (i.e., obscure); (see note)
dare, boldly
explain to me
So I could understand; untutored
Whereas; seek; food
know with certainty
against; founding principles
shadow; appears
son; searching; man
To instruct you wisely; way's end
(see note)
has been the maker
avow; (see note)
(see note)
assembled; ills
should die [for it]
boils; blisters
spite run
heal; sooner
venom; drained
rise up [in rebellion]; royalty
absence; causes
without balm
knights of the shire
appointed; speak
talk; strive
dangerous arguments
speak; happen
seriousness; hesitate each one
envoy; suit to judge
uncured boils
must needs; vex
(see note)
coifs (lawyers)
men; seek crooked ways
i.e., what is what
fools; merry
(see note)
heat lasts
other crime
Wrath; plundering
foundation; graft on to
(see note)
grievance; beheadings
glory; earth; ills
caught; hook; (see note)
cast down; crook
Sower of weeds and the devil's farmer; (see note)
caught; leap
cleaves to
seek; appraise
(see note)
points out
faithful; adversities
pleasant food; losing
Homeward; house; (see note)
rein; backwards; reason's
freely to roam (i.e., do)
person; named
wicked servant
i.e., obstacle
strutting; step
received at font-stone
if I may be on guard
near; next [to me]; never be
forbid; owe
troubles; turns out
reward; quittance (see note)
novelty; annoys
is helpful
though; duke; (see note)
(see note)
the way to; (see note)
dwelling; teaches
Truth's dwelling is in the faithful heart; (see note)
granted; (see note)
earthly paradise
never transgress it
Noah's; (see note)
for sale; (see note)
(see note)
house; always unlocked
may enter
advance; case in due
kin; i.e., God; stars; (see note)
speech; authority
to leeward
great scoundrel
get; wrongful
seizes; again
Be sure to
meek; examine
urge; due
you properly
feel vigorous
Slacken; activity; book-making
follow through
act accordingly
suddenly; dream; awoke
sleep; looked
i.e., in spite of him
man-slayer; ill-natured
rascal finally
(see note)
have no fear
i.e., no human
little appreciate dreams; (see note)
man; please
dreamed; moon; stars
Bowed down; graciously
to slay him
befall truly
humbly to bow; seek
what he pleased [to spare]
lack; food
some [dreams]
truth; conclude; (see note)
powerful; earth
soften; wounds
opened; (see note)
secret verse is printed
quire; receipts; bequeathed
paper; receive
sweethearts; whores
lie; learning

(see note)
parsons; overlooked; (see note)
lie around
tit for tat; i.e., minxes; (see note)
Lauds (first lesson)
parish; dressed; (see note)
tax; elegantly clothed
rollbook; incomes
share; poor; portion sometimes
dignity; lawsuits
feed; sweeter
"poor"; Great Plague
Gallivanting; palfreys; (see note)
escort; (see note)
authorize; claim
a single nature; (see note)
mistresses; retain
surgeon; profession

Woe to the pastors (see note)
glimpse; subtly
news (rumors)
early; ale
tell lies about; scoundrels
confused; [they] turn men's
far; thence
peers; private
Lies; i.e., insubstantial
swallow shouting
(see note)
talk about
interfere; show off
accord; Genghis's; (see note)
destroyed in despair
(see note)
(see note)
(see note)
elderly; noble lineage
established to investigate loyal
leaders; test
cede their lands to him; (see note)
(the lords) were agreed
a shout
(see note)
allegiance; direly
knew; thwarted; (see note)
won back
rain hovers over
borders; beat back
chatters; harms
conclusion; oppresses; (see note)
hand will be harmed; (see note)
cut; overhead
payment; deserve
(see note)
chattering; injure; (see note)
begin soon
liege lord
scroll; aloof
have robbed
give evidence; bear down
must needs rest
When justices; sum up
cursed irritant; costly
similar power
equality errs; contends
humble; superior; (see note)
property; (see note)
(see note)
steal; contention; destroy
believe; harm
wisdom dwell apart from one another
bathe; waist; (see note)
(see note)
(see note)
rather; abase myself
defeated; region; (see note)
shunned; disgraced; (see note)
the same
(see note)
burn waters
(see note)
bluster; boar
mad; anger
(see note)
grows to such an extent
limbs; lives
(see note)
[legal] cause; if; fearful
set down; reproach; (see note)
(see note)
against; notion; argument
mount debates
bitterness constrains
Yield; burst; informed
(see note)
case; just; contend; hate
case; (see note)
legal document; i.e., the Devil; (see note)
shove; courts of assizes
pull; hock-rope (see note)
inciters; i.e., most bull-headed; (see note)
Contend; pull down
dragged; house-lord
dais; dines
proverb; abroad
poor man
litigate; superior
in vain
spreads the report
benefit a poor man; (see note)
complaints conclude penniless
prove it by
Do not take bribes against the innocent; (see note)

book cover; (see note)
weak; prosecuted
vex the powerful
horses; beasts with horns
assaulted; in expectation
tricks; covered; cloaked
destroy; statutes; (see note)
prosecute; withdraw; (see note)
re-open; failures (see note)
pay ready money
tax; violations
the same; sue
proud folk; injure
without cause
dukes; employ
i.e., what they can spend
pacify; ease
equal estates
serve; longer
power; prerogative
man; prosecute
Civil Law; (see note)
live; heathen
Canon Law; (see note)
concerns; same; (see note)
feel; (see note)
is biased
a whole history; (see note)
infringing upon
one head
irresponsible men
amount of revenue
taken away from him (see note)
strictly; (see note)
firm up
dead; doornail
(see note)
i.e., civil and canon law
(see note)
sampled; (the king) has; least part
i.e., more than half
murder; crimes
bitter envy
urge; secret
(see note)
appropriate judgment
commons hate tax collectors
(see note)
heinous wars; (see note)
dignity; otherwise; (see note)
bring about
owe; time [to pay up] (see note)
(see note)
And twist and turn twice in one week
i.e., clerics and others
Little by little
gains; praise; less
the commons
writing on greed; ruled
(see note)
hospitals; (see note)
it breaks one's heart
gave [to charity]
section; will; (see note)
surreptitiously; probated
paid; seal [on the will]
fees; received
assure; (see note)
i.e., a ferocious dog
(see note)
nothing; (see note)
(the testator) did; badly
censure according to law
guarded; alive
Judgment; dole; distributed
(see note)
weather; behave
in confusion on moon; (see note)
chopped off
schedule; subtly written
red; attached
Written; wonders
many different marvels
(see note)
footstep; forefathers
(see note)
i.e., examples for