![]() |
Sowth Caro (Flesh) Skafold |
This is the watyr abowte the place, if any dyche may be mad ther it schal be pleyed, or ellys that it be strongely barryd al abowt, and lete nowth ovyrmany stytelerys (marshalls) be wythinne the plase. |
This is the castel of perseveraunse that stondyth in the myddys of the place, but lete no men sytte ther, for lettynge (blocking) of syt (sight), for ther schal be the best of all. |
Est Deus (God) Skafold |
Coveytyse (Greed’s) copbord be the beddys feet / schal be at the ende of the castel. |
West Mundus (World) Skaffold |
Mankynde is bed schal be undyr the castel and ther schal the sowle lye undyr the bed tyl he schal ryse and pleye. |
Northe est Coveytyse (Greed) Skaffold |
Northe Belyal (Devil) Skaffold |
And he that schal pley Belyal loke that he have gunnepowdyr brennynge in pypys in hys handys and in hys erys and in hys ars whanne he gothe to batayl. |
The iiij dowterys schul be clad in mentelys, Mercy in wyth, Rythwysnesse1 in red altogedyr, Trewthe in sad (somber) grene, and Pes al in blake, and thei schul pleye in the place altogedyr tyl they brynge up the sowle. |
The Castle of Perseverance
Hec sunt nomina ludentium.
In primis ij vexillatores.
Mundus et cum eo Voluptas, Stulticia, et Garcio.
Belyal et cum eo Superbia, Ira, et Invidia.
Caro et cum eo Gula, Luxuria, et Accidia.
Humanum Genus et cum eo Bonus Angelus et Malus Angelus.
Auaricia, Detraccio.
Confessio, Penitencia.
Humilitas, Paciencia, Caritas, Abstinencia, Castitas, Solicitudo, et Largitas.
Misericordia, Veritas, Justicia, et Pax.
Pater sedens in trono.
Summa xxxvj ludentium.
[These are the names of the players.
First, two standard-bearers.
World and with him Pleasure, Folly, and the Boy.
Devil and with him Pride, Anger, and Envy.
Flesh and with him Gluttony, Lechery, and Sloth.
Mankind and with him Good Angel and Bad Angel.
Greed, Backbiter.
Confession, Penance.
Meekness, Patience, Charity, Abstinence, Chastity, Industry, and Generosity.
The Soul.
Mercy, Truth, Justice, and Peace.
The Father sitting in his throne.
In total 36 players.]
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 205 210 215 220 225 230 235 240 245 250 255 260 265 270 275 280 285 290 295 300 305 310 315 320 325 330 335 340 345 350 355 360 365 370 375 380 385 390 395 400 405 410 415 420 425 430 435 440 445 450 455 460 465 470 475 480 485 490 495 500 505 510 515 520 525 530 535 540 545 550 555 560 565 570 |
THE BANNS PRIMUS VEXILLATOR Glorious God, in all degres lord most of myth,2 That Hevene and erthe made of nowth, bothe se and lond, The aungelys in Hevene hym to serve bryth And mankynde in mydylerd he made wyth hys hond, And our lofly Lady, that lanterne is of lyth, Save oure lege lord the kynge, the leder of this londe, And all the ryall of this rewme and rede hem the ryth,3 And all the goode comowns of this towne that beforn us stonde In this place. We mustyr you wyth menschepe, And freyne you of frely frenchepe.4 Cryst safe you all fro schenchepe That knowyn wyl our case. SECUNDUS VEXILLATOR The case of oure comynge you to declare, Every man in hymself for sothe he it may fynde: Whou Mankynde into this werld born is ful bare And bare schal beryed be at hys last ende. God hym gevyth to aungelys ful yep and ful yare, The Goode Aungel and the Badde to hym for to lende. The Goode techyth hym goodnesse, the Badde synne and sare. Whanne the ton hath the victory, the tothyr goth behende Be skyll. The Goode Aungel coveytyth evermore Mans salvacion And the Badde bysytyth hym evere to hys dampnacion. And God hathe govyn Man fre arbritracion Whethyr he wyl hymself save or hys soule spyll. PRIMUS VEXILLATOR Spylt is Man spetously whanne he to synne asent.5 The Bad Aungel thanne bryngyth hym thre enmys so stout: The Werlde, the Fende, the fowl Flesche so joly and jent; Thei ledyn hym ful lustyly wyth synnys al abowt. Pyth wyth Pride and Coveytyse, to the Werld is he went, To meynten hys manhod all men to hym lout. Aftyr Ire and Envye the Fend hath to hym lent, Bakbytynge and endytynge wyth all men for to route,6 Ful evyn. But the fowle Flesch, homlyest of all, Slawth, Lust and Leccherye gun to hym call, Glotony and othyr synnys bothe grete and small. Thus Mans soule is soylyd wyth synnys moo thanne sevyn. SECUNDUS VEXILLATOR Whanne Mans sowle is soylyd wyth synne and wyth sore, Thanne the Goode Aungyl makyth mykyl mornynge That the lofty lyknesse of God schulde be lore Thorwe the Badde Aungellys fals entysynge. He sendyth to hym Concyens, pryckyd ful pore, And clere Confescyon wyth Penauns-doynge. Thei mevyn Man to mendement that he mysdyd before. Thus thei callyn hym to clennesse and to good levynge, Wythoutyn dystaunce. Mekenesse, Pacyense, and Charyté, Sobyrnesse, Besynesse, and Chastyté, And Largyté, vertuys of good degré, Man callyth to the Castel of Good Perseveraunce. PRIMUS VEXILLATOR The Castel of Perseverauns wanne Mankynde hath tan,7 Wel armyd wyth vertus and ovyrcome all vycys, There the Good Aungyl makyth ful mery thanne That Mankynde hath ovyrcome hys gostly enmiis. The Badde Aungyl mornyth that he hath myssyd Man. He callyth the Werld, the Fende, and the foule Flesch, iwys, And all the sevene synnys to do that they canne To brynge Mankynd ageyn to bale out of blys, With wronge. Pride asayleth Meknesse wyth all hys myth, Ire ageyns Paciensse ful fast ganne he fyth, Envye ageyn Charyté stryvyth ful ryth, But Covytyse ageyns Largyté fytyth ovyrlonge. SECUNDUS VEXILLATOR Coveytyse Mankynd evere coveytyth for to qwell. He gaderyth to hym Glotony ageyns Sobyrnesse, Leccherye wyth Chastyté fyteth ful fell And Slawthe in Goddys servyse ageyns Besynesse. Thus vycys ageyns vertues fytyn ful snelle. Every buskyth to brynge Man to dystresse. But Penaunce and Confescion wyth Mankynd wyl melle, The vycys arn ful lyckely the vertues to opresse, Saun dowte. Thus in the Castel of Good Perseverance Mankynd is maskeryd wyth mekyl varyaunce. The Good Aungyl and the Badde be evere at dystaunce; The Goode holdyth hym inne, the Badde wold brynge hym owte. PRIMUS VEXILLATOR Owt of Good Perseveraunce whanne Mankynde wyl not come, Yyt the Badde Aungyl wyth Coveytyse hym gan asayle, Fyndende hym in poverté and penaunce so benome, And bryngyth hym in beleve in defaute for to fayle.8 Thanne he profyrth hym good and gold so gret a sowme, That if he wyl come ageyn and wyth the Werld dayle, The Badde Aungyl to the Werld tollyth hym downe The Castel of Perseveraunce to fle fro the vayle And blysse. Thanne the Werld begynnyth hym to restore. Have he nevere so mykyl, yyt he wold have more; Thus the Badde Aungyl leryth hym hys lore. The more a man agyth, the harder he is. SECUNDUS VEXILLATOR Hard a man is in age and covetouse be kynde. Whanne all othyr synnys Man hath forsake, Evere the more that he hath the more is in hys mynde To gadyr and to gete good wyth woo and wyth wrake. Thus the Goode Aungyl caste is behynde And the Badde Aungyl Man to hym takyth, That wryngyth hym wrenchys to hys laste ende Tyl Deth comyth ful dolfully and loggyth hym in a lake Ful lowe. Thanne is Man on molde maskeryd in mynde. He sendyth afftyr hys sekkatours, ful fekyl to fynde, And hys eyr aftyrward comyth evere behynde, I-Wot-Not-Who is hys name, for he hym nowt knowe. PRIMUS VEXILLATOR Man knowe not who schal be hys eyr and governe hys good. He caryth more for hys catel thanne for hys cursyd synne. To putte hys good in governaunce he mengyth hys mod,9 He wolde that it were scyfftyd amongys hys ny kynne. But ther schal com a lythyr ladde wyth a torne hod, I-Wot-Nevere-Who schal be hys name, hys clothis be ful thynne, Schal eryth the erytage that nevere was of hys blod, Whanne al hys lyfe is lytyd upon a lytyl pynne At the laste. On lyve whanne he may no lenger lende, Mercy he callyth at hys laste ende: “Mercy, God! Be now myn frende!” Wyth that Mans spyryt is paste. SECUNDUS VEXILLATOR Whanne Manys spyryt is past, the Badde Aungyl ful fell Cleymyth that for covetyse Mans sowle schuld ben hys And for to bere it ful boystowsly wyth hym into Hell. The Good Aungyl seyth nay, the spyryt schal to blys For at hys laste ende of mercy he gan spell And therfore of mercy schal he nowth mysse, And oure lofly Ladi if sche wyl for hym mell, Be mercy and be menys in Purgatory he is, In ful byttyr place. Thus mowthys confession And hys hertys contricion Schal save Man fro dampnacion Be Goddys mercy and grace. PRIMUS VEXILLATOR Grace if God wyl graunte us of hys mykyl myth These parcellys in propyrtés we purpose us to playe10 This day sevenenyt before you in syth At ______ on the grene in ryal aray. Ye, haste you thanne thedyrward, syrys, hendly in hyth, All goode neyborys ful specyaly we you pray, And loke that ye be there betyme, luffely and lyth, For we schul be onward be underne of the day, Dere frendys. We thanke you of all good dalyaunce And of all youre specyal sportaunce And preye you of good contynuaunce To oure lyvys endys. SECUNDUS VEXILLATOR Os oure lyvys we love you, thus takande oure leve. Ye manly men of _______, ther Crist save you all! He maynten youre myrthys and kepe you fro greve That born was of Mary myld in an ox stall. Now mery be all _______, and wel mote ye cheve, All oure feythful frendys, ther fayre mote ye fall! Ya, and welcum be ye, whanne ye com prys for to preve And worthi to be worchepyd in bowre and in hall And in every place. Farewel, fayre frendys, That lofly wyl lystyn and lendys. Cryste kepe you fro fendys! Trumpe up and lete us pace. [Scene i] MUNDUS Worthy wytys in al this werld wyde, Be wylde wode wonys and every weye-went, Precyous prinse, prekyd in pride, Thorwe this propyr pleyn place in pes be ye bent! Buske you, bolde bachelerys, undyr my baner to abyde Where bryth basnetys be bateryd and backys ar schent. Ye, syrys semly, all same syttyth on syde, For bothe be see and be londe my sondys I have sent, Al the world myn name is ment. Al abowtyn my bane is blowe, In every cost I am knowe, I do men rawyn on ryche rowe Tyl thei be dyth to dethys dent. Assarye, Acaye, and Almayne, Cavadoyse, Capadoyse, and Cananee, Babyloyne, Brabon, Burgoyne, and Bretayne, Grece, Galys, and to the Gryckysch See, I meve also Masadoyne in my mykyl mayne, Frauns, Flaundrys, and Freslonde, and also Normandé, Pyncecras, Parys, and longe Pygmayne,11 And every toun in Trage, evyn to the Dreye Tre, Rodys and ryche Rome. All these londys at myn avyse Arn castyn to my werldly wyse. My tresorer, Syr Covetyse, Hath sesyd hem holy to me. Therfor my game and my gle growe ful glad. Ther is no wythe in this werld that my wytte wyl me warne. Every ryche rengne rapyth hym ful rad In lustys and in lykyngys my lawys to lerne. Wyth fayre folke in the felde freschly I am fadde. I dawnse doun as a doo be dalys ful derne. What boy bedyth batayl or debatyth wyth blad, Hym were betyr to ben hangyn hye in Hell herne Or brent on lyth levene. Whoso spekyth ageyn the Werld In a presun he schal be sperd. Myn hest is holdyn and herd Into hyye Hevene. [Scene ii] BELYAL Now I sytte, Satanas, in my sad synne, As devyl dowty, in draf as a drake. I champe and I chafe, I chocke on my chynne, I am boystous and bold, as Belyal the blake. What folk that I grope thei gapyn and grenne, Iwys, fro Carlylle into Kent my carpynge thei take,12 Bothe the bak and the buttoke brestyth al on brenne, Wyth werkys of wreche I werke hem mykyl wrake. In woo is al my wenne. In care I am cloyed And fowle I am anoyed But Mankynde be stroyed Be dykys and be denne. Pryde is my prince in perlys ipyth; Wretthe, this wrecche, wyth me schal wawe; Envye into werre wyth me schal walkyn wyth; Wyth these faytourys I am fedde, in feyth I am fawe. As a dyngne devyl in my dene I am dyth. Pryde, Wretthe, and Envye, I sey in my sawe, Kyngys, kayserys, and kempys, and many a kene knyth,13 These lovely lordys han lernyd hem my lawe. To my dene thei wyl drawe. Al holy Mankynne To Helle but I wynne, In bale is my bynne And schent undyr schawe. On Mankynde is my trost, in contré iknowe, Wyth my tyre and wyth my tayl tytly to tene. Thorwe Flaundris and Freslonde faste I gan flowe, Fele folke on a flokke to flappyn and to flene. Where I graspe on the grounde, grym ther schal growe. Gadyr you togedyr, ye boyis, on this grene! In this brode bugyl a blast wanne I blowe, Al this werld schal be wood, iwys, as I wene And to my byddynge bende. Wythly on syde On benche wyl I byde To tene, this tyde, Al holy Mankende. [Scene iii] CARO I byde as a brod brustun-gutte abovyn on these tourys. Every body is the betyr that to myn byddynge is bent. I am Mankyndys fayre Flesch, florchyd in flowrys. My lyfe is wyth lustys and lykynge ilent. Wyth tapytys of tafata I tymbyr my towrys. In myrthe and in melodye my mende is iment. Thou I be clay and clad, clappyd undir clowrys, Yyt wolde I that my wyll in the werld went, Ful trew I you behyth. I love wel myn ese, In lustys me to plese; Thou synne my sowle sese I geve not a myth. In Glotony gracyous now am I growe; Therfore he syttyth semly here be my syde. In Lechery and Lykynge lent am I lowe And Slawth, my swete sone, is bent to abyde. These three are nobyl, trewly I trowe, Mankynde to tenyn and trecchyn a tyde. Wyth many berdys in bowre my blastys are blowe, Be weys and be wodys, thorwe this werld wyde, The sothe for to seyne. But if mans Flesch fare wel Bothe at mete and at mele, Dyth I am in gret del And browt into peyne. And aftyr good fare in feyth thou I fell, Thou I dryve to dust, in drosse for to drepe, Thow my sely sowle were haryed to Hell, Woso wyl do these werkys, iwys he schal wepe Evyr wythowtyn ende. Behold the Werld, the Devyl, and me! Wyth all oure mythis we kyngys three Nyth and day besy we be For to distroy Mankende If that we may. Therfor on hylle Syttyth all stylle And seth wyth good wylle Oure ryche aray. [Scene iv] HUMANUS GENUS Aftyr oure forme-faderys kende This nyth I was of my modyr born. Fro my modyr I walke, I wende, Ful feynt and febyl I fare you beforn. I am nakyd of lym and lende As Mankynde is schapyn and schorn. I not wedyr to gon ne to lende To helpe myself mydday nyn morn. For schame I stonde and schende. I was born this nyth in blody ble And nakyd I am, as ye may se. A, Lord God in Trinité, Whow Mankende is unthende! Whereto I was to this werld browth I ne wot, but to woo and wepynge I am born and have ryth nowth To helpe myself in no doynge. I stonde and stodye al ful of thowth. Bare and pore is my clothynge. A sely crysme myn hed hath cawth That I tok at myn crystenynge. Certys I have no more. Of erthe I cam, I wot ryth wele, And as erthe I stande this sele. Of Mankende it is gret dele. Lord God, I crye thyne ore! To aungels bene asynyd to me: The ton techyth me to goode; On my ryth syde ye may hym se; He cam fro Criste that deyed on Rode. Anothyr is ordeynyd here to be That is my foo, be fen and flode; He is about in every degré To drawe me to tho devylys wode That in Helle be thycke. Swyche to hath every man on lyve To rewlyn hym and hys wyttys fyve. Whanne man doth evyl, the ton wolde schryve, The tothyr drawyth to wycke. But syn these aungelys be to me falle, Lord Jhesu, to you I bydde a bone That I may folwe, be strete and stalle, The aungyl that cam fro Hevene trone. Now, Lord Jhesu in Hevene halle, Here whane I make my mone. Coryows Criste, to you I calle. As a grysly gost I grucche and grone, I wene, ryth ful of thowth. A, Lord Jhesu, wedyr may I goo? A crysyme I have and no moo. Alas, men may be wondyr woo Whanne thei be fyrst forth browth. BONUS ANGELUS Ya forsothe, and that is wel sene, Of woful wo man may synge! For iche creature helpyth hymself bedene Save only man at hys comynge. Nevyrthelesse turne thee fro tene And serve Jhesu, Hevene kynge, And thou shalt, be grevys grene, Fare wel in all thynge. That Lord thi lyfe hath lante. Have hym alwey in thi mynde That deyed on Rode for mankynde And serve hym to thi lyfes ende And sertys thou schalt not wante. MALUS ANGELUS Pes, aungel, thi wordys are not wyse. Thou counselyst hym not aryth! He schal hym drawyn to the Werldys servyse To dwelle wyth caysere, kynge, and knyth, That in londe be hym non lyche. Cum on wyth me, stylle as ston. Thou and I to the Werld schul goon And thanne thou schalt sen anon Whow sone thou schalt be ryche. BONUS ANGELUS A, pes, aungel, thou spekyst folye. Why schuld he coveyt werldys goode, Syn Criste in erthe and hys meynye All in povert here thei stode? Werldys wele, be strete and stye, Faylyth and fadyth as fysch in flode, But Heveneryche is good and trye, Ther Criste syttyth bryth as blode, Wythoutyn any dystresse. To the World wolde he not flyt But forsok it every whytt. Example I fynde in holy wryt, He wyl bere me wytnesse. Divicias et paupertates ne dederis michi, Domine.14 MALUS ANGELUS Ya, ya, man, leve hym nowth, But cum wyth me, be stye and strete. Have thou a gobet of the werld cawth, Thou schalt fynde it good and swete. A fayre lady thee schal be tawth That in bowre thi bale schal bete. Wyth ryche rentys thou schalt be frawth, Wyth sylke sendel to syttyn in sete. I rede, late bedys be. If thou wylt have wel thyn hele And faryn wel at mete and mele, Wyth Goddys servyse may thou not dele But cum and folwe me. HUMANUM GENUS Whom to folwe wetyn I ne may. I stonde and stodye and gynne to rave. I wolde be ryche in gret aray And fayn I wolde my sowle save. As wynde in watyr I wave. Thou woldyst to the Werld I me toke, And he wolde that I it forsoke. Now so God me helpe and the holy boke I not wyche I may have. MALUS ANGELUS Cum on, man, whereof hast thou care? Go we to the Werld, I rede thee, blyve, For ther thou schalt mow ryth wel fare, In case if thou thynke for to thryve, No lord schal be thee lyche. Take the Werld to thine entent And late thi love be theron lent. Wyth gold and sylvyr and ryche rent Anone thou schalt be ryche. HUMANUM GENUS Now syn thou hast behetyn me so, I wyl go wyth thee and asay. I ne lette, for frende ner fo, But wyth the Werld I wyl go play, Certys a lytyl throwe. In this World is al my trust To lyvyn in lykyng and in lust. Have he and I onys cust, We schal not part, I trowe. BONUS ANGELUS A, nay, man, for Cristys blod, Cum agayn be strete and style. The Werld is wyckyd and ful wod And thou shalt levyn but a whyle. What coveytyst thou to wynne? Man, thynke on thyn endynge day Whanne thou schalt be closyd undyr clay, And if thou thenke of that aray, Certys thou schalt not synne. Homo, memento finis et in eternum non peccabis.15 MALUS ANGELUS Ya, on thi sowle thou schalt thynke al betyme. Cum forth, man, and take non hede, Cum on, and thou schalt holdyn hym inne. Thi flesch thou schalt foster and fede Wyth lofly lyvys fode. Wyth the Werld thou mayst be bold Tyl thou be sexty wyntyr hold. Wanne thi nose waxit cold, Thanne mayst thou drawe to goode. HUMANUM GENUS I vow to God, and so I may Make mery a ful gret throwe. I may levyn many a day; I am but yonge, as I trowe, For to do that I schulde. Myth I ryde be sompe and syke And be ryche and lordlyke, Certys thanne schulde I be fryke And a mery man on molde. MALUS ANGELUS Yys, be my feyth, thou schalt be a lord, And ellys hange me be the hals! But thou must be at myn acord. Othyrwhyle thou muste be fals Amonge kythe and kynne. Now go we forth swythe anon, To the Werld us must gon, And bere thee manly evere among Whanne thou comyst out or inne. HUMANUM GENUS Yys, and ellys have thou my necke, But I be manly be downe and dyche; And thou I be fals, I ne recke, Wyth so that I be lordlyche. I folwe thee as I can. Thou schalt be my bote of bale, For were I ryche of holt and hale Thanne wolde I geve nevere tale Of God ne of good man. BONUS ANGELUS I weyle and wrynge and make mone. This man wyth woo schal be pylt. I sye sore and grysly grone For hys folye schal make hym spylt. I not wedyr to gone. Mankynde hath forsakyn me. Alas, man, for love of thee! Ya, for this gamyn and this gle Thou schalt grocchyn and grone. Pipe up musyk [Scene v] MUNDUS Now I sytte in my semly sale; I trotte and tremle in my trew trone; As a hawke I hoppe in my hende hale; Kyng, knyth, and kayser to me makyn mone. Of God ne of good man gyf I nevere tale. As a lykynge lord I leyke here alone. Woso brawle any boste, be downe or be dale, Tho gadlyngys schal be gastyd and gryslych grone Iwys. Lust, Foly, and Veynglory, All these arn in myn memory. Thus begynnyth the nobyl story Of this werldys blys. Lust-Lykyng and Foly, Comly knytys of renoun, Belyve thorwe this londe do crye Al abowtyn in toure and toun. If any man be fer or nye That to my servyse wyl buske hym boun, If he wyl be trost and trye He schal be kyng and were the croun Wyth rycchest robys in res. Woso to the Werld wyl drawe Of God ne of good man gevyt he not a hawe, Syche a man, be londys lawe, Schal syttyn on my dees. VOLUPTAS Lo, me here redy, lord, to faryn and to fle, To sekyn thee a servaunt dynge and dere. Whoso wyl wyth foly rewlyd be He is worthy to be a servaunt here That drawyth to synnys sevene. Whoso wyl be fals and covetouse Wyth this werld he schal have lond and house. This werldys wysdom gevyth not a louse Of God nyn of hye Hevene. Tunc descendit in placeam pariter.16 Pes, pepyl, of pes we you pray. Syth and sethe wel to my sawe. Whoso wyl be ryche and in gret aray Toward the Werld he schal drawe. Whoso wyl be fals al that he may, Of God hymself he hath non awe, And lyvyn in lustys nyth and day The Werld of hym wyl be ryth fawe Do dwelle in his howse. Whoso wyl wyth the Werld have hys dwellynge And ben a lord of hys clothynge He muste nedys, ovyr al thynge, Everemore be covetowse. Non est in mundo dives qui dicit, “habundo.”17 STULTICIA Ya, covetouse he must be And me, Foly, muste have in mende, For whoso wyl alwey foly fle In this werld schal ben unthende. Thorwe werldys wysdom of gret degré Schal nevere man in werld moun wende But he have help of me That am Foly, fer and hende. He muste hangyn on my hoke. Werldly wyt was nevere nout But wyth foly it were frawt. Thus the wysman hath tawt Abotyn in his boke. Sapiencia penes Domini.18 VOLUPTAS Now all the men that in this werld wold thryve, For to rydyn on hors ful hye, Cum speke wyth Lust-and-Lykynge belyve And hys felaw, yonge Foly. Late se whoso wyl us knowe. Whoso wyl drawe to Lykynge-and-Luste And as a fole in Foly ruste, On us to he may truste And levyn lovely, I trowe. MALUS ANGELUS How, Lust-Lykyng, and Folye, Take to me good entent! I have browth, be downys drye, To the Werld a gret present. I have gylyd hym ful qweyntly, For syn he was born I have hym blent. He schal be servaunt good and try, Amonge you his wyl is lent, To the Werld he wyl hym take. For syn he cowde wyt, I undirstonde, I have hym tysyd in every londe. Hys Good Aungel, be strete and stronde, I have don hym forsake. Therfor, Lust, my trewe fere, Thou art redy alwey iwys Of worldly lawys thou hym lere That he were browth in werldly blys. Loke he be ryche, the sothe to tell. Help hym, fast he gunne to thryve, And whanne he wenyth best to lyve Thanne schal he deye and not be schryve And goo wyth us to Hell. VOLUPTAS Be Satan, thou art a nobyl knave To techyn men fyrst fro goode. Lust-and-Lykynge he schal have, Lechery schal ben hys fode, Metys and drynkys he schal have trye. Wyth a lykynge lady of lofte He schal syttyn in sendel softe To cachen hym to Helle crofte That day that he schal deye. STULTICIA Wyth ryche rentys I schal hym blynde Wyth the Werld tyl he be pytte, And thanne schal I, longe or hys ende, Make that caytyfe to be knytte On the Werld whanne he is set sore. Cum on, man, thou schalt not rewe For thou wylt be to us trewe. Thou schalt be clad in clothys newe And be ryche everemore. HUMANUM GENUS Mary, felaw, gramercy! I wolde be ryche and of gret renoun. Of God I geve no tale trewly So that I be lord of toure and toun, Be buskys and bankys broun. Syn that thou wylt make me Bothe ryche of gold and fee, Goo forthe, for I wyl folow thee Be dale and every towne. |
(t-note) nought; sea bright on earth; (t-note) Lady full of love; light; (t-note) liege; leader common people summon; honor save; harm theme Second Standard-bearer; (t-note) as a truth How; naked buried; (t-note) two; alert; quick; (see note); (t-note) with him; dwell misery one; other goes behind; (t-note) According to [one’s] desire (choice) yearns for besets (harasses) given; free will destroy (t-note) enemies; strong; (t-note) Devil; comely; elegant; (see note) lead Furnished; gone maintain his reputation; bow; (t-note) Anger; Devil Completely most familiar Sloth; begin more misery much lost; (t-note) (t-note) dressed very poorly; (see note) move; reform that which disagreement Abstinence, Industry Generosity spiritual enemies mourns; lost Devil; truly; (t-note) harm might Wrath; fight against; strives fiercely; (t-note) fights desires to destroy Abstinence fights cruelly Sloth; Industry fight; vigorously Each one strives Unless; intervene likely Without confused; much contention in opposition attack; (t-note) Finding; numbed offers him goods; sum dally entices flee; benefit much teaches; lesson ages; more miserly; (see note) by nature; (t-note) gather; harm deceives him with tricks lodges; (see note); (t-note) on earth confused executors, untrustworthy heir I-Don’t-Know-Who; not at all heir possessions divided; near kin rascal; hood I-Know-Never-Who inherit; heritage; in his family reduced to Alive; remain; (t-note) departed very cruel Claims; greed violently Because; he spoke not Lady full of love; intercede; (see note); (t-note) Through; mediation very oral heart’s great power (t-note) a week from tonight; sight royal; (t-note) Yes; very graciously early, willingly and ready ready by midmorning (ca. 9 a.m.); (see note) pleasant company entertainment continuing [of your favor] As; taking; (t-note) [May] he; pleasures; from grief may you thrive may good luck befall you to test our worth honored; chamber; hall graciously; give ear; (see note) Blow the trumpet; pass THE WORLD; persons forest dwellings; pathway adorned with; (t-note) fine open; silence; submissive Prepare yourselves; young men; (see note) bright helmets; broken all [who] sit together sea; messengers [Through] all; spoken summons is announced land; known I make men act madly in a rich procession put to death’s blow Assyria, Achaia (Greece); Germany; (see note) Calvados, Cappadocia; Canaan Brabant, Burgundy; Brittany Galicia (Spain); Aegean Sea control; Macedonia; great power Friesland Thrace(?); Dry Tree Rhodes direction placed in; manner treasurer given; entirely; (see note) sport; pleasure creature; wisdom; refuse; (t-note) powerful kingdom hastens quickly desires; pleasures gaily; fed doe; valleys very dark offers; contends; sword a corner of Hell burned with bright lightning (t-note) prison; confined command is obeyed and heard As far as steadfast brave; filth; dragon gnash my teeth; thrust out violent; black grasp; gape; gnash teeth (see note) burst; burning; (see note) vengeance; do them much harm pleasure sorrow; burdened foully; offended Unless; destroyed ditches; valleys (i.e., everywhere) decorated Wrath; go war; walk nimbly deceivers; fed; happy worthy; den; placed speech (t-note) have taught them den; come Entirely unless; entice torment; bin (confinement) confounded; forest (grove, thicket) expectation; known attire; quickly to harm Friesland quickly; move Many; beat; flay Wherever I touch; strife; (see note) mad; think obey Quickly harm; time Entirely FLESH; dwell; bursting gut; (see note) obedient adorned with pleasure set tapestries; decorate; (see note) thought is disposed clod, thrust under ground desire promise Although; possess mite grown handsomely Pleasure; placed Sloth; inclined believe harm; trick at times maidens in bowers; blown truth Unless; succeed food; (t-note) Put; sorrow meal; though I die Although; turn; dirt; drop; (t-note) Although; miserable; harrowed Whoso; truly powers Night (t-note) (see note) Sit see display MANKIND; forefather’s nature night go feeble; go before you loin shaped and fashioned I do not know where; stay nor am confounded night; condition How; feeble Why; brought don’t know, except nothing at all anything I do am confused; anxiety little chrisom; caught; (see note) know right well at this time pity beg your grace Two; assigned; (t-note) The one urges me toward right Cross by fen and stream (everywhere) constantly those fierce devils; (t-note) Such two; alive rule one will absolve him; (t-note) other entices; wickedness since; are alloted to me ask a boon street; dwelling (i.e., everywhere) Heaven’s throne Hear [me] when; complaint Caring frightful spirit; complain think; anxiety where chrisom; (see note) very woeful brought GOOD ANGEL; truly; appropriate fends for himself immediately Except; birth harm groves Succeed lent died; Cross certainly BAD ANGEL; Peace properly take himself emperor; knight So that there will be no one like him in the world (see note) go; (t-note) see How soon peace followers poverty; lived wealth; path (i.e., everywhere) stream kingdom of Heaven; worthy; (t-note) bright; (t-note) run completely (see note) believe; not path (i.e., everywhere) [Once] you have a taste; caught given chamber your sorrow will be remedied; (t-note) income; furnished clothing; seat advise, let prayer beads alone health fare; meal be concerned I do not know am confused; begin fine clothes gladly; (t-note) waver; (t-note) myself do not know advise; quickly be able to fare very well equal purpose (desire) let; fixed revenues Soon since; promised try it will not stop; nor Certainly; while indulgence; pleasure once kissed believe stile (i.e., every way) mad live (see note) condition (plight) Nonsense; soon enough heed restrain him (the disruptive Good Angel) delicious food of life old When; becomes turn time live I can; by swamps and streams (i.e., everywhere) Certainly; eager (hearty) earth Or; neck in agreement with me Sometimes very quickly always Unless; hill and ditch (i.e., everywhere) I do not care As long as remedy for sorrow woods; hall pay no heed wail; moan distressed sigh; groan destroyed do not know where to go sport; pleasure complain; groan (see note) WORLD; fine hall move about; thrill with pleasure; throne splendid hall knight; emperor; petition I pay no attention pleasure-loving; play [would] brag; hill; valley (i.e., everywhere) Those rascals; frightened; pitiably Truly Pleasure knights Quickly; make a proclamation tower and town (everywhere) distant or near make himself ready steadfast; true wear very soon hawthorn berry (trifle); (see note) the law of the land dais Pleasure; go; run worthy and dear ruled Who betakes himself to greedy; (t-note) nor; high Peace (Silence) Sit; pay attention; speech fine clothes take himself can lives in pleasure night very happy To have [him] livery covetous (greedy) FOLLY mind flee from unsuccessful be able to succeed Unless fair; handsome hook never amounted to anything Unless; combined taught About; (see note) (see note) PLEASURE ride; high quickly; (see note) Let see fool; waste away; (t-note) two live splendidly, I believe Pleasure; Folly Pay devoted attention to me brought; barren hills tricked; craftily since; blinded true fixed betake himself since he could comprehend enticed shore (i.e., everywhere) made him Pleasure; companion truly teach him So that; brought See to it; truth quickly he’ll begin thinks; (t-note) die; absolved By guide; away from Pleasure sustenance rich pleasure-loving; high degree; (t-note) silk trap; Hell’s prison die revenues fixed (entrapped) before rascal; bound To; sorely beset regret many thanks pay no attention; (t-note) As long as; tower bushes (i.e., everywhere) income valley (i.e., everywhere) |
Trumpe up. Tunc ibunt Voluptas et Stulticia, Malus Angelus et Humanum Genus ad Mundum, et dicet:19 |
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VOLUPTAS How, lord, loke owt! for we have browth A servant of nobyl fame. Of worldly good is al hys thouth, Of lust and folye he hath no schame. He wolde be gret of name. He wolde be at gret honour For to rewle town and toure. He wolde have to hys paramoure Sum lovely dynge dame. MUNDUS Welcum, syr, semly in syth! Thou art welcum to worthy wede. For thou wylt be my servaunt day and nyth, Wyth my servyse I schal thee foster and fede. Thi bak schal be betyn wyth besawntys bryth, Thou shalt have byggyngys be bankys brede, To thi cors schal knele kayser and knyth Where that thou walke, be sty or be strete, And ladys lovely on lere. But Goddys servyse thou must forsake And holy to the Werld thee take And thanne a man I schal thee make That non schal be thi pere. HUMANUM GENUS Yys, Werld, and therto here myn honde To forsake God and hys servyse. To medys thou geve me howse and londe That I regne rychely at myn enprise. So that I fare wel be strete and stronde Whyl I dwelle here in werldly wyse, I recke nevere of Hevene wonde Nor of Jhesu, that jentyl justyse. Of my sowle I have non rewthe. What schulde I recknen of Domysday So that I be ryche and of gret aray? I schal make mery whyl I may, And therto here my trewthe. MUNDUS Now sertys, syr, thou seyst wel. I holde thee trewe fro top to the too. But thou were ryche it were gret del And all men that wyl fare soo. Cum up, my servaunt trew as stel. Tunc ascendet Humanum Genus ad Mundum. Thou schalt be ryche, whereso thou goo. Men schul servyn thee at mel Wyth mynstralsye and bemys blo, Wyth metys and drynkys trye. Lust-and-Lykynge schal be thin ese. Lovely ladys thee schal plese. Whoso do thee any disesse He schal ben hangyn hye. Lykynge, belyve Late clothe hym swythe In robys ryve Wyth ryche aray. Folye, thou fonde, Be strete and stronde, Serve hym at honde Bothe nyth and day. VOLUPTAS Trostyly, Lord, redy, Je vous pry, Syr, I say. In lyckynge and lust He schal rust Tyl dethys dust Do hym to day. STULTICIA And I, Folye, Schal hyen hym hye Tyl sum enmye Hym ovyrgoo. In worldys wyt That in Foly syt I thynke yyt Hys sowle to sloo. [Scene vi] Trumpe up. DETRACCIO All thyngys I crye agayn the pes To knyt and knave, this is my kende. Ya, dyngne dukys on her des In byttyr balys I hem bynde. Cryinge and care, chydynge and ches And sad sorwe to hem I sende, Ya, lowde lesyngys lacchyd in les, Of talys untrewe is al my mende. Mannys bane abowtyn I bere. I wyl that ye wetyn, all tho that ben here, For I am knowyn fer and nere: I am the Werldys messengere, My name is Bacbytere. Wyth every wyth I walke and wende And every man now lovyth me wele. Wyth lowde lesyngys undyr lende To dethys dynt I dresse and dele. To speke fayre beforn and fowle behynde Amongys men at mete and mele Trewly, lordys, this is my kynde, Thus I renne upon a whele, I am feller thanne a fox. Fleterynge and flaterynge is my lessun, Wyth lesyngys I tene bothe tour and town, Wyth letterys of defamacyoun I bere here in my box. I am lyth of lopys thorwe every londe, Myn holy happys may not ben hyd. To may not togedyr stonde But I, Bakbyter, be the thyrde. I schape yone boyis to schame and schonde, All that wyl bowyn whanne I hem bydde. To lawe of londe in feyth I fonde. Whanne talys untrewe arn betydde Bakbytere is wyde spronge. Thorwe the werld, be downe and dalys, All abowtyn I brewe balys. Every man tellyth talys Aftyr my fals tunge. Therfore I am mad massenger To lepyn ovyr londys leye Thorwe all the world, fer and ner, Unsayd sawys for to seye. In this holte I hunte here For to spye a prevy pley, For whanne Mankynde is clothyd clere, Thanne schal I techyn hym the wey To the dedly synnys sevene. Here I schal abydyn wyth my pese The wronge to do hym for to chese, For I thynke that he schal lese The lyth of hey Hevene. [Scene vii] VOLUPTAS Worthy World, in welthys wonde, Here is Mankynde ful fayr in folde. In bryth besauntys he is bownde And bon to bowe to you so bolde. He levyth in lustys every stounde; Holy to you he hathe hym yolde. For to makyn hym gay on grounde, Worthy World, thou art beholde. This werld is wel at ese! For to God I make a vow Mankynde had lever now Greve God wyth synys row Thanne the World to dysplese. STULTICIA Dysplese thee he wyl for no man. On me, Foly, is al hys thowth. Trewly Mankynde nowth nen can Thynke on God that hathe hym bowth. Worthy World, wyth as swan, In thi love lely is he lawth. Sythyn he cowde and fyrste began Thee forsakyn wolde he nowth, But geve hym to Folye. And sythyn he hathe to thee be trewe, I rede thee forsakyn hym for no newe. Lete us plesyn hym tyl that he rewe In Hell to hangyn hye. MUNDUS Now, Foly, fayre thee befall, And Luste, blyssyd be thou ay! Ye han browth Mankynde to myn hall Sertys in a nobyl aray. Wyth werldys welthys wythinne these wall I schal hym feffe if that I may. Welcum, Mankynde! To thee I call, Clenner clothyd thanne any clay, Be downe, dale, and dyche. Mankynde, I rede that thou reste Wyth me, the Werld, as it is beste. Loke thou holde myn hende heste And evere thou schalt be ryche. HUMANUM GENUS Whou schul I but I thi hestys helde? Thou werkyst wyth me holy my wyll. Thou feffyst me wyth fen and felde And hye hall, be holtys and hyll. In werldly wele my wytte I welde, In joye I jette wyth juelys jentyll, On blysful banke my bowre is bylde, In veynglorye I stonde styll. I am kene as a knyt. Whoso ageyn the Werld wyl speke Mankynde schal on hym be wreke, In stronge presun I schal hym steke, Be it wronge or ryth. MUNDUS A, Mankynde, wel thee betyde That thi love on me is sette! In my bowrys thou schalt abyde And yyt fare mekyl the bette. I feffe thee in all my wonys wyde In dale of dros tyl thou be deth. I make thee lord of mekyl pryde, Syr, at thyn owyn mowthis mette. I fynde in thee no tresun. In all this worlde, be se and sonde, Parkys, placys, lawnde and londe, Here I gyfe thee wyth myn honde, Syr, an opyn sesun. Go to my tresorer, Syr Covetouse. Loke thou tell hym as I seye. Bydde hym make thee maystyr in hys house Wyth penys and powndys for to pleye. Loke thou geve not a lous Of the day that thou schalt deye. Messenger, do now thyne use; Bakbytere, teche hym the weye! Thou art swetter thanne mede. Mankynde, take wyth thee Bakbytynge. Lefe hym for no maner thynge. Flepergebet wyth hys flaterynge Standyth Mankynde in stede. DETRACCIO Bakbytynge and Detracion Schal goo wyth thee fro toun to toun. Have don, Mankynde, and cum doun. I am thyne owyn page. I schal bere thee wyttnesse wyth my myth Whanne my lord the Werlde it behyth. Lo, where Syr Coveytyse sytt And bydith us in his stage. HUMANUM GENUS Syr Worlde, I wende, In Covetyse to chasyn my kende. MUNDUS Have hym in mende, And iwys thanne schalt thou be ryth thende. BONUS ANGELUS Alas, Jhesu, jentyl justyce, Whedyr may mans Good Aungyl wende? Now schal careful Coveytyse Mankende trewly al schende. Hys sely goste may sore agryse; Bakbytynge bryngyth hym in byttyr bonde. Worldly wyttys, ye are not wyse, Your lovely lyfe amys ye spende And that schal ye sore smert. Parkys, ponndys, and many pens Thei semyn to you swetter thanne sens, But Goddys servyse nyn hys commaundementys Stondyth you not at hert. MALUS ANGELUS Ya, whanne the fox prechyth, kepe wel yore gees! He spekyth as it were a holy pope. Goo, felaw, and pyke off tho lys That crepe ther upon thi cope! Thi part is pleyed al at the dys That thou schalt have here, as I hope. Tyl Mankynde fallyth to podys prys, Coveytyse schal hym grype and grope Tyl sum schame hym schende. Tyl man be dyth in dethys dow He seyth nevere he hath inow. Therfore, goode boy, cum blow At my nether ende! [Scene viii] DETRACCIO Syr Covetyse, God thee save, Thi pens and thi poundys all! I, Bakbyter, thyn owyn knave, Have browt Mankynde unto thine hall. The Werlde bad thou schuldyst hym have And feffen hym, whatso befall. In grene gres tyl he be grave Putte hym in thi precyous pall, Coveytyse, it were ell rewthe. Whyl he walkyth in worldly wolde I, Bakbyter, am wyth hym holde. Lust and Folye, tho barouns bolde, To hem he hath plyth hys trewthe. AVARICIA Ow, Mankynde, blyssyd mote thou be! I have lovyd thee derworthly many a day, And so I wot wel that thou dost me. Cum up and se my ryche aray. It were a gret poynte of pyté But Coveytyse were to thi pay. Sit up ryth here in this se. I schal thee lere of werldys lay That fadyth as a flode. Wyth good inow I schal thee store, And yyt oure game is but lore But thou coveyth mekyl more Thanne evere schal do thee goode. Thou muste gyfe thee to symonye, Extorsion, and false asyse. Helpe no man but thou have why. Pay not thi servauntys here servyse. Thi neyborys loke thou dystroye. Tythe not on non wyse. Here no begger thou he crye; And thanne schalt thou ful sone ryse. And whanne thou usyste marchaundyse Loke that thou be sotel of sleytys, And also swere al be deseytys, Bye and sell be fals weytys, For that is kynde coveytyse. Be not agaste of the grete curse. This lofly lyf may longe leste. Be the peny on thi purs, Lete hem cursyn and don here beste. What, devyl of Hell, art thou the wers Thow thow brekyste Goddys heste? Do aftyr me, I am thi nors. Alwey gadyr and have non reste. In wynnynge be al thi werke. To pore men take none entent, For that thou haste longe tyme hent In lytyl tyme it may be spent; Thus seyth Caton, the gret clerke. Labitur exiguo quod partum tempore longo.20 HUMANUM GENUS A, Avaryce, wel thou spede! Of werldly wytte thou canst iwys. Thou woldyst not I hadde nede And schuldyst be wrothe if I ferd amys. I schal nevere begger bede Mete nyn drynke, be Hevene blys; Rather, or I schulde hym clothe or fede He schulde sterve and stynke, iwys. Coveytyse, as thou wylt I wyl do. Whereso that I fare, be fenne or flod, I make a vow be Goddys blod Of Mankynde getyth no man no good But if he synge “Si dedero.”21 AVARICIA Mankynd, that was wel songe. Sertys now thou canst sum skyll. Blyssyd be thi trewe tonge! In this bowre thou schalt byde and byll. Moo synnys I wolde thou undyrfonge: Wyth coveytyse thee feffe I wyll; And thanne sum pryde I wolde spronge, Hyye in thi hert to holdyn and hyll And abydyn in thi body. Here I feffe thee in myn hevene endow; Wyth gold and sylvyr lyth as levene. The dedly synnys, all sevene, I schal do comyn in hy. Pryde, Wrathe, and Envye, Com forthe, the Develys chyldryn thre! Lecchery, Slawth, and Glotonye, To mans Flesch ye are fendys fre. Dryvyth downne ovyr dalys drye, Beth now blythe as any be, Ovyr hyll and holtys ye you hyye To com to Mankynde and to me Fro youre dowty dennys. As dukys dowty ye you dresse. Whanne ye sex be comne, I gesse, Thanne be we sevene and no lesse Of the dedly synnys. [Scene ix] SUPERBIA Wondyr hyye howtys on hyll herd I houte; Koveytyse kryeth, hys karpynge I kenne. Summe lord or summe lordeyn lely schal loute To be pyth wyth perlys of my proude penne. Bon I am to braggyn and buskyn abowt, Rapely and redyly on rowte for to renne. Be doun, dalys, nor dennys no duke I dowt, Also fast for to fogge, be flodys and be fenne. I rore whanne I ryse. Syr Belyal, bryth of ble, To you I recomaunde me. Have good day, my fadyr fre, For I goo to Coveytyse. IRA Whanne Coveytyse cried and carpyd of care, Thanne must I, wod wreche, walkyn and wend Hyye ovyr holtys, as hound aftyr hare. If I lette and were the last, he schuld me sore schend. I buske my bold baston, be bankys ful bare. Sum boy schal be betyn and browth undyr bonde. Wrath schal hym wrekyn and weyin hys ware. Forlorn schal al be for lusti laykys in londe22 As a lythyr page. Syr Belyal, blak and blo, Have good day, now I goo For to fell thi foo Wyth wyckyd wage. INVIDIA Whanne Wrath gynnyth walke in ony wyde wonys, Envye flet as a fox and folwyth on faste. Whanne thou steryste or staryste or stumble upon stonys, I lepe as a lyon; me is loth to be laste. Ya, I breyde byttyr balys in body and in bonys, I frete myn herte and in kare I me kast. Goo we to Coveytyse, all thre at onys, Wyth oure grysly gere a grome for to gast. This day schal he deye. Belsabubbe, now have good day, For we wyl wendyn in good aray, Al thre in fere, as I thee say, Pride, Wrath, and Envye. BELIAL Farewel now, chyldryn fayre to fynde! Do now wel youre olde owse. Whanne ye com to Mankynde Make hym wroth and envyous. Levyth not lytly undyr lynde; To his sowle brewyth a byttyr jous. Whanne he is ded I schal hym bynde In Hell, as catte dothe the mows. Now buske you forthe on brede. I may be blythe as any be, For Mankynde in every cuntré Is rewlyd be my chyldyr thre, Envye, Wrathe, and Pryde. [Scene x] GULA A grom gan gredyn gayly on grounde. Of me, gay Glotoun, gan al hys gale. I stampe and I styrte and stynt upon stounde, To a staunche deth I stakyr and stale. What boyes wyth her belys in my bondys ben bownd, Bothe her bak and her blod I brewe al to bale. I fese folke to fyth tyl her flesch fond. Whanne summe han dronkyn a drawth thei drepyn in a dale; In me is her mynde. Mans florchynge Flesch, Fayre, frele, and fresch, I rape to rewle in a rese To kloye in my kynde.23 LUXURIA In mans kyth I cast me a castel to kepe. I, Lechery, wyth lykynge, am lovyd in iche a lond. Wyth my sokelys of swettnesse I sytte and I slepe. Many berdys I brynge to my byttyr bonde. In wo and in wrake wyckyd wytys schal wepe That in my wonys wylde wyl not out wende. Whanne Mankynde is castyn undyr clourys to crepe, Thanne tho ledrouns for her lykynge I schal al to-schende,24 Trewly to tell. Syr Flesch, now I wende, Wyth lust in my lende, To cachyn Mankynde To the Devyl of Hell. ACCIDIA Ya, what seyst thou of Syr Slawth, wyth my soure syth? Mankynde lovyth me wel, iwys, as I wene. Men of relygyon I rewle in my ryth; I lette Goddys servyse, the sothe may be sene. In bedde I brede brothel wyth my berdys bryth; Lordys, ladys, and lederounnys to my lore leene. Mekyl of Mankynd in my clokys schal be knyth Tyl deth dryvyth hem down in dalys bedene. We may non lenger abyde. Syr Flesch, comly kynge, In thee is al oure bredynge. Geve us now thi blyssynge, For Coveytyse hath cryde. CARO Glotony and Slawth, farewel in fere, Lovely in londe is now your lesse; And Lecherye, my dowtyr so dere, Dapyrly ye dresse you so dyngne on desse. All thre my blessynge ye schal have here. Goth now forth and gyve ye no fors. It is no nede you for to lere To cachyn Mankynd to a careful clos Fro the bryth blysse of Hevene. The Werld, the Flesch, and the Devyl are knowe Grete lordys, as we wel owe, And thorwe Mankynd we settyn and sowe The dedly synnys sevene. |
brought thought in; (t-note) rule lover noble lady handsome in sight clothes night feed adorned; bright bezants (coins) buildings along the bank’s breadth body; emperor; knight path (i.e., everywhere) face entirely So that; peer hand In return So that; will I care not; Heaven’s punishment concern care at Judgment Day So long as; fine clothes pledge indeed toes Unless; pity will do so steel Then Mankind ascends the World’s platform meals blowing of trumpets rich Pleasure; ease harm high Pleasure, quickly Have him clothed speedily ample; (t-note) decor fool close by night Faithfully; (t-note) I beg you [come this way] pleasure waste away (deteriorate) Causes him to die (t-note) lift; high enemy overcome wisdom That [one] who sits intend yet kill BACKBITER; shout against peace knight; nature worthy; dais torment; bind them conflict and strife them falsehoods bound in a leash mind Man’s ruin; carry know; those; (see note) (see note) person; go lies stored up death’s blow; prepare and give in front banquet; feast nature (Fortune’s) wheel craftier; (t-note) Flitting about lies; harm meals blowing of trumpet (see note) light; leaps great successes Two Unless yonder youths; disgrace bow; order them offer temptation (sedition) stories; widespread widespread hills; valleys stir up trouble lies With the aid of made leap over untilled land Through Unspoken speeches; speak woods hidden trick; (see note) splendidly with my peace (quietly) make him choose lose light of high wrapped in wealth handsome on earth bright bezants (coins); adorned ready lives; pleasures; moment Entirely; given himself on the earth obliged would prefer To grieve; rough (grievous) thought; (t-note) is unable to bought white; (see note) truly; caught Since; had understanding not gave himself since; been advise; new [follower] regret [it] high may good luck come to you Pleasure; always brought Certainly walls endow; (see note) More splendidly (i.e., everywhere) advise; stay obey my pleasant orders How; unless, obey your orders entirely endow; fen and field high; woods joy; wield strut; elegant jewelry delightful; dwelling is built pride; continually brave; knight avenged; (t-note) prison; put right; (see note) may good luck come to you bowers much the better endow; widespread dwellings valley of death; placed great in accord with your own desire expressed by mouth sea; shore glade clear possession; (see note) Greed pennies louse (trifle) office show sweeter; mead Leave; on no account Flibbertigibbet (Backbiter); (see note) in [good] stead Finish up servant might promises it Greed waits for us on his scaffold intend; (t-note) Greed; follow my own nature mind; (t-note) truly; very successful judge Where; go dangerous Greed destroy foolish spirit; be very afraid wrongly sorely pain ponds; pennies seem; sweeter; incense nor in preaches; guard; (see note) as if he were those lice; (t-note) (see note) dice think a frog’s worth Greed; grasp; pull destroy put in death’s pit will say; enough pennies brought commanded endow; whatever grass; buried cloak a pity otherwise ground bound to him Pleasure; those pledged Greed; Ah; may dearly know fine clothes very unfortunate Unless; liking right; seat teach; law passes; river enough goods lost Unless; covet much more Than you actually need selling church offices; (see note) measures unless; cause their wages Pay no tithes in any manner Hear; although soon become wealthy handle subtle; tricks by deceits Buy; weights the nature of greed afraid of excommunication last If there be a penny in them; their the worse off Although; commandment nurse (teacher) gather [wealth] effort pay no attention that [which]; got Cato; (see note) Greed; prosper wisdom; are truly knowledgeable angry; fared amiss offer before die (starve) and rot, truly Greed; wish Wherever; go by (see note) sung Certainly; know bower; abide and dwell More; wish you to undertake greed; endow set up High; hold and cherish haven bright; lightning cause to come in haste noble fiends Hurry bee woods; hasten yourself worthy dwellings noble; prepare yourselves six have come PRIDE; loud cries; shouted; (see note) Greed; speech I recognize rascal truly; agree adorned; plume Ready; brag; bustle Quickly; in a crowd to run hills; fear run rise up bright of countenance commend myself noble WRATH; spoke mad creature; go High; woods delay; scold prepare; club brought into bondage avenge; measure; goods useless servant blue payment [of blows] ENVY; any far-ranging places runs like move; stare; (t-note) I am loath breed; torments gnaw at; throw myself weapons; lad; terrify die (see note) go; order together know; (t-note) custom (use) angry Stay; carelessly; lime tree For; brew; juice hasten; abroad bee controlled GLUTTONY; lad; shouted; earth was all his song leap; stop suddenly certain; stagger; stand Whatever; their bellies their; torment incite; fight; fails draught; droop On; their flourishing frail hasten; in haste Lechery; loins; prepare pleasure; each flowers ladies torment; creatures dwellings; go thrown; sod pleasure; loins drive Sloth; appearance (sight); (t-note) truly; think; (t-note) control; right hinder; truth; seen breed lechers; fair ladies rascals; wisdom incline Much; held fast valleys together ancestry called [us] Flesh; together comfort (prosperity) Splendidly; place yourself; nobly; dais care to teach you drive; terrible prison From; bright acknowledged ought [to be] throughout; plant |
Tunc ibunt Superbia, Ira, Individia, Gula, Luxuria, et Accidia ad Avariciam et dicet Superbia:25 |
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[Scene xi] SUPERBIA What is thi wyll, Syr Coveytyse? Why hast thou afftyr us sent? Whanne thou creydyst we ganne agryse And come to thee now par asent. Oure love is on thee lent. I, Pryde, Wrath, and Envye, Gloton, Slawth, and Lecherye, We arn cum all sex for thi crye To be at thi commaundement. AVARICIA Welcum be ye, bretheryn all, And my systyr, swete Lecherye! Wytte ye why I gan to call? For ye must me helpe and that in hy. Mankynde is now com to myn hall Wyth me to dwell, be downys dry. Therfore ye must, whatso befall, Feffyn hym wyth youre foly, And ell ye don hym wronge. For whanne Mankynd is kendly koveytous He is proud, wrathful, and envyous; Glotons, slaw, and lecherous Thei arn othyrwhyle amonge. Thus every synne tyllyth in othyr And makyth Mankynde to ben a foole. We sevene fallyn on a fodyr Mankynd to chase to pynyngys stole. Therfore, Pryde, good brothyr, And brethyryn all, take ye your tol. Late iche of us take at othyr26 And set Mankynd on a stomlynge stol Whyl he is here on lyve. Lete us lullyn hym in oure lust Tyl he be drevyn to dampnynge dust. Colde care schal ben hys crust To deth whanne he schal dryve. SUPERBIA In gle and game I growe glad. Mankynd, take good hed And do as Coveytyse thee bad, Take me in thyn hert, precyous Pride. Loke thou be not ovyrlad, Late no bacheler thee mysbede, Do thee to be dowtyd and drad, Bete boyes tyl they blede, Kast hem in careful kettys. Frende, fadyr and modyr dere, Bowe hem not in non manere, And hold no maner man thi pere, And use these new jettys. Loke thou blowe mekyl bost Wyth longe crakows on thi schos. Jagge thi clothis in every cost, And ell men schul lete thee but a goos. It is thus, man, wel thou wost, Therfore do as no man dos And every man sette at a thost And of thiself make gret ros. Now se thiself on every syde. Every man thou schalt schende and schelfe And holde no man betyr thanne thiselfe. Tyl dethys dynt thi body delfe Put holy thyn hert in Pride. HUMANUM GENUS Pryde, be Jhesu, thou seyst wel. Whoso suffyr is ovyrled al day. Whyl I reste on my rennynge whel I schal not suffre, if that I may. Myche myrthe at mete and mel I love ryth wel, and ryche aray. Trewly I thynke, in every sel, On grounde to be graythyd gay And of myselfe to take good gard. Mykyl myrthe thou wylt me make, Lordlyche to leve, be londe and lake. Myn hert holy to thee I take Into thyne owyn award. SUPERBIA In thi bowre to abyde I com to dwelle be thi syde. [Pride ascends to Covetousness’ scaffold] HUMANUM GENUS Mankynde and Pride Schal dwell togedyr every tyde. IRA Be also wroth as thou were wode. Make thee be dred, be dalys derne. Whoso thee wrethe, be fen or flode, Loke thou be avengyd yerne. Be redy to spylle mans blod. Loke thou hem fere, be feldys ferne. Alway, man, be ful of mod. My lothly lawys loke thou lerne, I rede, for any thynge. Anon take venjaunce, man, I rede, And thanne schal no man thee ovyrlede, But of thee they schul have drede And bowe to thi byddynge. HUMANUM GENUS Wrethe, for thi councel hende, Have thou Goddys blyssynge and myn. What caytyf of al my kende Wyl not bowe, he schal abyn. Wyth myn venjaunce I schal hym schende And wrekyn me, be Goddys yne. Rathyr or I schulde bowe or bende I schuld be stekyd as a swyne Wyth a lothly launce. Be it erly or late, Whoso make wyth me debate I schal hym hyttyn on the pate And takyn anon venjaunce. IRA Wyth my rewly rothyr I com to thee, Mankynde, my brothyr. [Wrath ascends to Covetousness’ scaffold] HUMANUM GENUS Wrethe, thi fayr fothyr Makyth iche man to be vengyd on othyr. INVIDIA Envye wyth Wrathe muste dryve To haunte Mankynde also. Whanne any of thy neyborys wyl thryve Loke thou have Envye therto. On the hey name I charge thee belyve Bakbyte hym, whowso thou do. Kyll hym anon wythowtyn knyve And speke hym sum schame were thou go, Be dale or downys drye. Speke thi neybour mekyl schame, Pot on hem sum fals fame, Loke thou undo hys nobyl name Wyth me, that am Envye. HUMANUM GENUS Envye, thou art bothe good and hende And schalt be of my counsel chefe. Thi counsel is knowyn thorwe mankynde, For ilke man callyth othyr “hore” and “thefe.” Envye, thou art rote and rynde, Thorwe this werld, of mykyl myschefe. In byttyr balys I schal hem bynde That to thee puttyth any reprefe. Cum up to me above. For more envye thanne is now reynynge Was nevere syth Cryst was kynge. Cum up, Envye, my dere derlynge. Thou hast Mankyndys love. INVIDIA I clymbe fro this crofte Wyth Mankynde to syttyn on lofte. [Envy ascends to Covetousness’ scaffold] HUMANUM GENUS Cum, syt here softe, For in abbeys thou dwellyst ful ofte. GULA In gay Glotony a game thou begynne, Ordeyn thee mete and drynkys goode. Loke that no tresour thou part atwynne But thee feffe and fede wyth al kynnys fode. Wyth fastynge schal man nevere Hevene wynne, These grete fasterys I holde hem wode. Thou thou ete and drynke, it is no synne. Fast no day, I rede, be the Rode, Thou chyde these fastyng cherlys. Loke thou have spycys of goode odoure To feffe and fede thy fleschly floure And thanne mayst thou bultyn in thi boure And serdyn gay gerlys. HUMANUM GENUS A, Glotony, wel I thee grete! Soth and sad it is, thy sawe. I am no day wel, be sty nor strete, Tyl I have wel fyllyd my mawe. Fastynge is fellyd undyr fete, Thou I nevere faste, I ne rekke an hawe, He servyth of nowth, be the Rode, I lete, But to do a mans guttys to gnawe. To faste I wyl not fonde. I schal not spare, so have I reste, To have a mossel of the beste. The lenger schal my lyfe mow leste Wyth gret lykynge in londe. GULA Be bankys on brede, Othyrwhyle to spew thee spede! [Gluttony ascends to Covetousness’ scaffold] HUMANUM GENUS Whyl I lyf lede Wyth fayre fode my flesche schal I fede. LUXURIA Ya, whanne thi flesche is fayre fed, Thanne schal I, lovely Lecherye, Be bobbyd wyth thee in bed; Hereof serve mete and drynkys trye. In love thi lyf schal be led; Be a lechour tyl thou dye. Thi nedys schal be the better sped If thou gyf thee to fleschly folye Tyl deth thee down drepe. Lechery syn the werld began Hath avauncyd many a man. Therfore, Mankynd, my leve lemman, In my cunte thou schalt crepe. HUMANUM GENUS A, Lechery, wel thee be. Mans sed in thee is sowe. Fewe men wyl forsake thee In any cuntré that I knowe. Spousebreche is a frend ryth fre, Men use that mo thanne inowe. Lechery, cum syt be me. Thi banys be ful wyd iknowe, Lykynge is in thi lende. On nor othyr, I se no wythte That wyl forsake thee day ner nyth. Therfore cum up, my berd bryth, And reste thee wyth Mankynde. LUXURIA I may soth synge “Mankynde is kawt in my slynge.” [Lechery ascends to Covetousness’ scaffold] HUMANUM GENUS For ony erthyly thynge, To bedde thou muste me brynge. ACCIDIA Ya, whanne ye be in bedde bothe, Wappyd wel in worthy wede, Thanne I, Slawthe, wyl be wrothe But two brothelys I may brede. Whanne the messe-belle goth Lye stylle, man, and take non hede. Lappe thyne hed thanne in a cloth And take a swet, I thee rede, Chyrche-goynge thou forsake. Losengerys in londe I lyfte And dyth men to mekyl unthryfte. Penaunce enjoynyd men in schryfte Is undone, and that I make. HUMANUM GENUS Owe, Slawthe, thou seyst me skylle. Men use thee mekyl, God it wot. Men lofe wel now to lye stylle In bedde to take a morowe swot. To chyrcheward is not her wylle; Her beddys thei thynkyn goode and hot. Herry, Jofferey, Jone, and Gylle Arn leyd and logyd in a lot Wyth thyne unthende charmys. Al mankynde, be the holy Rode, Are now slawe in werkys goode. Com nere therfore, myn fayre foode, And lulle me in thyne armys. ACCIDIA I make men, I trowe, In Goddys servyse to be ryth slowe. HUMANUM GENUS Com up this throwe. Swyche men thou schalt fynden inowe. [Sloth ascends to Covetousness’ scaffold] HUMANUM GENUS “Mankynde” I am callyd be kynde, Wyth curssydnesse in costys knet. In sowre swettenesse my syth I sende, Wyth sevene synnys sadde beset. Mekyl myrthe I move in mynde, Wyth melody at my mowthis met. My prowd power schal I not pende Tyl I be putte in peynys pyt, To Helle hent fro hens. In dale of dole tyl we are downe We schul be clad in a gray gowne. I se no man but they use somme Of these sevene dedly synnys. For comounly it is seldom seyne, Whoso now be lecherows, But of othyr men he schal have dysdeyne And ben prowde or covetous. In synne iche man is founde. Ther is pore nor ryche, be londe ne lake, That alle these sevene wyl forsake, But wyth on or othyr he schal be take And in her byttyr bondys bownde. BONUS ANGELUS So mekyl the werse, weleawoo, That evere good aungyl was ordeynyd thee. Thou art rewlyd aftyr the fende that is thi foo And nothynge certys aftyr me. Weleaway, wedyr may I goo? Man doth me bleykyn blody ble. Hys swete sowle he wyl now slo. He schal wepe al hys game and gle At on dayes tyme. Ye se wel all sothly in syth I am abowte bothe day and nyth To brynge hys sowle into blis bryth, And hymself wyl it brynge to pyne. MALUS ANGELUS No, Good Aungyl, thou art not in sesun, Fewe men in thee feyth they fynde. For thou hast schewyd a ballyd resun, Goode syre, cum blowe myn hol behynde. Trewly man hath non chesun On thi God to grede and grynde, For, that schuld cunne Cristis lessoun, In penaunce hys body he muste bynde And forsake the Worldys mende. Men arn loth on thee to crye Or don penaunce for her folye. Therfore have I now maystrye Welny ovyr al mankynde. BONUS ANGELUS Alas, Mankynde Is bobbyd and blent as the blynde. In feyth, I fynde, To Crist he can nowt be kynde. Alas, Mankynne Is soylyd and saggyd in synne. He wyl not blynne Tyl body and sowle parte atwynne. Alas, he is blendyd, Amys mans lyf is ispendyd, Wyth fendys fendyd. Mercy, God, that man were amendyd! CONFESCIO What, mans Aungel, good and trewe, Why syest thou and sobbyst sore? Sertys, sore it schal me rewe If I se thee make mornynge more. May any bote thi bale brewe Or any thynge thi stat astore? For all felechepys olde and newe Why makyst thou grochynge undyr gore Wyth pynynge poyntys pale? Why was al this gretynge gunne Wyth sore syinge undyr sunne? Tell me and I schal, if I cunne, Brewe thee bote of bale. BONUS ANGELUS Of byttyr balys thou mayste me bete, Swete Schryfte, if that thou wylt. For Mankynde it is that I grete; He is in poynt to be spylt. He is set in sevene synnys sete And wyl, certys, tyl he be kylt. Wyth me he thynkyth nevere more to mete, He hath me forsake, and I have no gylt. No man wyl hym amende. Therfore, Schryfte, so God me spede, But if thou helpe at this nede Mankynde getyth nevere othyr mede But peyne wythowtyn ende. CONFESCIO What, Aungel, be of counfort stronge, For thi lordys love that deyed on Tre. On me, Schryfte, it schal not be longe And that thou schalt the sothe se. If he wyl be aknowe hys wronge And nothynge hele, but telle it me, And don penaunce sone amonge, I schal hym stere to gamyn and gle In joye that evere schal last. Whoso schryve hym of hys synnys alle I behete hym Hevene halle. Therfor go we hens, whatso befalle, To Mankynde fast. Tunc ibunt ad Humanum Genus et dicet: CONFESCIO What, Mankynde, whou goth this? What dost thou wyth these develys sevene? Alas, alas, man, al amys! Blysse in the name of God in Hevene, I rede, so have I rest. These lotly lordeynys awey thou lyfte And cum doun and speke wyth Schryfte And drawe thee yerne to sum thryfte. Trewly it is the best. HUMANUM GENUS A, Schryfte, thou art wel be note Here to Slawthe that syttyth here-inne. He seyth thou mytyst a com to mannys cote On Palme Sunday al betyme; Thou art com al to sone. Therfore, Schryfte, be thi fay, Goo forthe tyl on Good Fryday. Tente to thee thanne wel I may; I have now ellys to done. CONFESCIO Ow, that harlot is now bold! In bale he byndyth Mankynd belyve. Sey Slawthe I preyd hym that he wold Fynd a charter of thi lyve. Man, thou mayst ben undyr mold Longe or that tyme, kyllyd wyth a knyve, Wyth podys and froskys manyfold. Therfore schape thee now to schryve If thou wylt com to blys. Thou synnyste, or sorwe thee ensense. Behold thynne hert, thi prevé spense, And thynne owyn consyense, Or sertys thou dost amys. HUMANUM GENUS Ya, Petyr, so do mo! We have etyn garlek everychone. Thou I schulde to Helle go, I wot wel I schal not gon alone, Trewly I tell thee. I dyd nevere so evyl trewly That othyr han don as evyl as I. Therfore, syre, lete be thy cry And go hens fro me. PENITENCIA Wyth poynt of penaunce I schal hym prene Mans pride for to felle. Wyth this launce I schal hym lene, Iwys, a drope of mercy welle. Sorwe of hert is that I mene; Trewly ther may no tunge telle What waschyth sowlys more clene Fro the foul fend of Helle Thanne swete sorwe of hert. God, that syttyth in Hevene on hye, Askyth no more or that thou dye But sorwe of hert wyth wepynge eye For all thi synnys smert. Thei that syh in synnynge, In sadde sorwe for her synne, Whanne thei schal make her endynge, Al here joye is to begynne. Thanne medelyth no mornynge But joye is joynyd wyth jentyl gynne. Therfore, Mankynde, in this tokenynge, Wyth spete of spere to thee I spynne, Goddys lawys to thee I lerne. Wyth my spud of sorwe swote I reche to thyne hert rote. Al thi bale schal torne thee to bote. Mankynde, go schryve thee yerne. HUMANUS GENUS A sete of sorwe in me is set; Sertys for synne I syhe sore. Mone of mercy in me is met; For werldys myrthe I morne more. In wepynge wo my wele is wet. Mercy, thou muste myn stat astore. Fro oure Lordys lyth thou hast me let, Sory synne, thou grysly gore, Owte on thee, dedly synne! Synne, thou haste Mankynde schent. In dedly synne my lyfe is spent. Mercy, God omnipotent! In youre grace I begynne. For, thou Mankynde have don amys, And he wyl falle in repentaunce, Crist schal hym bryngyn to bowre of blys If sorwe of hert lache hym wyth launce. Lordyngys, ye se wel alle thys, Mankynde hathe ben in gret bobaunce. I now forsake my synne iwys And take me holy to Penaunce. On Crist I crye and calle. A, mercy, Schryfte! I wyl no more. For dedly synne myn herte is sore. Stuffe Mankynde wyth thyne store And have hym to thyne halle. CONFESCIO Schryffte may no man forsake. Whanne Mankynde cryeth I am redy. Whanne sorwe of hert thee hathe take Schryfte profytyth veryly. Whoso for synne wyl sorwe make Crist hym heryth whanne he wyl criye. Now, man, lete sorwe thyn synne slake And torne not ageyn to thi folye, For that makyth dystaunce. And if it happe thee turne ageyn to synne, For Goddys love lye not longe therinne. He that dothe alwey evyl and wyl not blynne, That askyth gret venjaunce. HUMANUM GENUS Nay, sertys, that schal I not do, Schryfte, thou schalte the sothe se; For thow Mankynde be wonte therto I wyl now al amende me. Tunc descendit ad Confessionem. I com to thee, Schryfte, alholy, lo! I forsake you, synnys, and fro you fle. Ye schapyn to man a sory scho; Whanne he is begylyd in this degré Ye bleykyn al hys ble. Synne, thou art a sory store. Thou makyst Mankynd to synke sore. Therfore of you wyl I no more. I aske schryfte, for charyté. CONFESCIO If thou wylt be aknowe here Only al thi trespas, I schal thee schelde fro Helle fere And putte thee fro peyne unto precyouse place. If thou wylt not make thynne sowle clere But kepe hem in thyne hert cas, Anothyr day they schul be rawe and rere And synke thi sowle to Satanas In gastful glowynge glede. Therfore, man, in mody monys, If thou wylt wende to worthi wonys, Schryve thee now, al at onys, Holy of thi mysdede. HUMANUM GENUS A, yys, Schryfte, trewly I trowe, I schal not spare, for odde nor even, That I schal rekne, al on a rowe, To lache me up to lyvys levene. To my Lord God I am aknowe That syttyth aboven in hey Hevene That I have synnyd many a throwe In the dedly synnys sevene, Bothe in home and halle. Pride, Wrathe, and Envye, Coveytyse and Lecherye, Slawth and also Glotonye, I have hem usyd alle. The ten comaundementys brokyn I have And my fyve wyttys spent hem amys. I was thanne wood and gan to rave. Mercy, God, forgeve me thys! Whanne any pore man gan to me crave I gafe hym nowt, and that forthynkyth me, iwys. Now, Seynt Saveour, ye me save And brynge me to your boure of blys! I can not alle say, But to the erthe I knele adown, Bothe wyth bede and orison, And aske myn absolucion, Syr Schryfte, I you pray. CONFESCIO Now Jhesu Cryste, God holy, And all the seyntys of Hevene hende, Petyr and Powle, apostoly, To whom God gafe powere to lese and bynde, He forgeve thee thi foly That thou hast synnyd wyth hert and mynde. And I, up my powere, thee asoly That thou hast ben to God unkynde Quantum peccasti. In Pride, Ire, and Envye, Slawthe, Glotony, and Lecherye, And Coveytyse continuandelye Vitam male continuasti. I thee asoyle wyth goode entent Of alle the synnys that thou hast wrowth In brekynge of Goddys commaundement In worde, werke, wyl, and thowth. I restore to thee the sacrament Of penauns weche thou nevere rowt; Thi fyve wyttys mysdyspent In synne the weche thou schuldyst nowt, Quicquid gesisti, Wyth eyne sen, herys herynge, Nose smellyd, mowthe spekynge, And al thi bodys bad werkynge, Vicium quodcumque fecisti. I thee asoyle wyth mylde mod Of al that thou hast ben ful madde In forsakynge of thyn aungyl good, And thi fowle Flesche that thou hast fadde, The Werld, the Devyl that is so woode, And folwyd thyne aungyl that is so badde. To Jhesu Crist that deyed on Rode I restore thee ageyn ful sadde. Noli peccare! And all the goode dedys that thou haste don And all thi tribulacyon Stonde thee in remyssion. Posius noli viciare. HUMANUM GENUS Now, Syr Schryfte, where may I dwelle To kepe me fro synne and woo? A comly counseyl ye me spelle To fende me now fro my foo. If these sevene synnys here telle That I am thus fro hem goo, The Werld, the Flesche, and the Devyl of Hell Schul sekyn my soule for to sloo Into balys bowre. Therfore I pray you putte me Into sum place of sureté That thei may not harmyn me Wyth no synnys sowre. CONFESCIO To swyche a place I schal thee kenne Ther thou mayst dwelle wythoutyn dystaunsce And alwey kepe thee fro synne, Into the Castel of Perseveraunce. If thou wylt to Hevene wynne And kepe thee fro werldly dystaunce, Goo to yone castel and kepe thee therinne, For it is strenger thanne any in Fraunce. To yone castel I thee seende. That castel is a precyous place, Ful of vertu and of grace; Whoso levyth there hys lyvys space No synne schal hym schende. HUMANUM GENUS A, Schryfte, blyssyd mote thou be! This castel is here but at honde. Thedyr rapely wyl I tee, Sekyr ovyr this sad sonde. Good perseveraunce God sende me Whyle I leve here in this londe. Fro fowle fylthe now I fle, Forthe to faryn now I fonde To yone precyous port. Lord, what man is in mery lyve Whanne he is of hys synnys schreve! Al my dol adoun is dreve. Criste is myn counfort. MALUS ANGELUS Ey, what devyl, man, wedyr schat? Woldyst drawe now to holynesse? Goo, felaw, thi goode gate, Thou art forty wyntyr olde, as I gesse. Goo ageyn, the develys mat, And pleye thee a whyle wyth Sare and Sysse. Sche wolde not ellys, yone olde trat, But putte thee to penaunce and to stresse, Yone foule feterel fyle. Late men that arn on the pyttys brynke Forberyn bothe mete and drynke And do penaunce as hem good thynke, And cum and pley thee a whyle. BONUS ANGELUS Ya, Mankynde, wende forthe thi way And do nothynge aftyr hys red. He wolde thee lede ovyr londys lay In dale of dros tyl thou were ded. Of cursydnesse he kepyth the key To bakyn thee a byttyr bred. In dale of dol tyl thou schuldyst dey He wolde drawe thee to cursydhed, In synne to have myschaunce. Therfor spede now thy pace Pertly to yone precyouse place That is al growyn ful of grace, The Castel of Perseveraunce. HUMANUM GENUS Goode Aungyl, I wyl do as thou wylt, In londe whyl my lyfe may leste, For I fynde wel in holy wryt Thou counseylyste evere for the beste. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [Scene xii] CARITAS To Charyté, man, have an eye In al thynge, man, I rede. Al thi doynge as dros is drye But in Charyté thou dyth thi dede. I dystroye alwey Envye; So dyd thi God whanne he gan blede; For synne he was hangyn hye And yyt synnyd he nevere in dede, That mylde mercy welle. Poule in hys pystyl puttyth the prefe, “But charyté be wyth thee chefe.”27 Therfore, Mankynde, be now lefe In Charyté for to dwelle. ABSTINENCIA In abstinens lede thi lyf, Take but skylful refeccyon; For Gloton kyllyth wythoutyn knyf And dystroyeth thi complexion. Whoso ete or drynke ovyrblyve It gaderyth to corrupcion. This synne browt us alle in stryve Whanne Adam fel in synne down Fro precyous Paradys. Mankynd, lere now of oure lore. Whoso ete or drynke more Thanne skylfully hys state astore, I holde hym nothynge wys. CASTITAS Mankynd, take kepe of Chastyté And move thee to maydyn Marye. Fleschly foly loke thou fle, At the reverense of Oure Ladye. Quia qui in carne vivunt Domino placere non possunt.28 That curteys qwene, what dyd sche? Kepte hyre clene and stedfastly, And in her was trussyd the Trinité; Thorwe gostly grace sche was worthy, And al for sche was chaste. Whoso kepyt hym chast and wyl not synne, Whanne he is beryed in bankys brymme Al hys joye is to begynne. Therfore to me take taste. SOLICITUDO In Besynesse, man loke thou be, Wyth worthi werkys goode and thykke. To Slawthe if thou cast thee It schal thee drawe to thowtys wyckke. Otiositas parit omne malum. It puttyth a man to poverté And pullyth hym to peynyns prycke. Do sumwhat alwey for love of me, Thou thou schuldyst but thwyte a stycke. Wyth bedys sumtyme thee blys Sumtyme rede and sumtyme wryte And sumtyme pleye at thi delyte. The devyl thee waytyth wyth dyspyte Whanne thou art in idylnesse. LARGITAS In Largyté, man, ley thi love. Spende thi good, as God it sent. In worchep of hym that syt above Loke thi goodys be dyspent. In dale of dros whanne thou schalt drove Lytyl love is on thee lent; The sekatourys schul seyn it is her behove To make us mery, “For he is went That al this good gan owle.” Ley thi tresour and thy trust In place where no ruggynge rust May it dystroy to dros ne dust29 But al to helpe of sowle. HUMANUM GENUS Ladys in londe, lovely and lyt, Lykynge lelys, ye be my leche. I wyl bowe to your byddynge bryth; Trewe tokenynge ye me teche. Dame Meknes, in your myth I wyl me wryen fro wyckyd wreche. Al my purpos I have pyt, Paciens to don, as ye me preche; Fro Wrathe ye schal me kepe. Charyté, ye wyl to me entende. Fro fowle Envye ye me defende. Manns mende ye may amende, Whethyr he wake or slepe. Abstynens, to you I tryst; Fro Glotony ye schal me drawe. In Chastyté to levyn me lyst, That is Oure Ladys lawe. Besynes, we schul be cyste; Slawthe, I forsake thi sleper sawe. Largyté, to you I tryst, Coveytyse to don of dawe. This is a curteys cumpany. What schuld I more monys make? The sevene synnys I forsake And to these sevene vertuis I me take. Maydyn Meknes, now mercy! HUMILITAS Mercy may mende al thi mone. Cum in here at thynne owyn wylle. We schul thee fende fro thi fon If thou kepe thee in this castel stylle. Cum sancto sanctus eris, et cetera. Tunc intrabit.30 Stonde hereinne as stylle as ston; Thanne schal no dedly synne thee spylle. Whethyr that synnys cumme or gon, Thou schalt wyth us thi bowrys bylle, Wyth vertuse we schul thee vaunce. This castel is of so qweynt a gynne That whoso evere holde hym therinne He schal nevere fallyn in dedly synne; It is the Castel of Perseveranse. Qui perseveraverit usque in finem, hic salvus erit. Tunc cantabunt “Eterne Rex altissime,” et dicet:31 HUMILITAS Now blyssyd be Oure Lady, of Hevene Emperes! Now is Mankynde fro foly falle And is in the Castel of Goodnesse. He hauntyth now Hevene halle That schal bryngyn hym to Hevene. Crist that dyed wyth dyen dos Kepe Mankynd in this castel clos And put alwey in hys purpos To fle the synnys sevene! MALUS ANGELUS Nay, be Belyals bryth bonys, Ther schal he no whyle dwelle. He schal be wonne fro these wonys Wyth the Werld, the Flesch, and the Devyl of Hell! Thei schul my wyl awreke. The synnys sevene, tho kyngys thre, To Mankynd have enmyté. Scharpely thei schul helpyn me This castel for to breke. Howe, Flypyrgebet, Bakbytere! Yerne oure message loke thou make. Blythe about loke thou bere. Sey Mankynde hys synnys hath forsake. Wyth yene wenchys he wyl hym were, Al to holynesse he hath hym take. In myn hert it doth me dere, The bost that tho moderys crake; My galle gynnyth to grynde. Flepyrgebet, ronne upon a rasche. Byd the Werld, the Fend, and the Flesche That they com to fytyn fresche To wynne ageyn Mankynde. DETRACCIO I go, I go, on grounde glad, Swyftyr thanne schyp wyth rodyr. I make men masyd and mad And every man to kyllyn odyr Wyth a sory chere. I am glad, be Seynt Jamys of Galys, Of schrewdnes to tellyn talys Bothyn in Ingelond and in Walys, And feyth I have many a fere. Tunc ibit ad Belial. [Scene xiii] Heyl, set in thyn selle! Heyl, dynge Devyl in thi delle! Heyl, lowe in Helle! I cum to thee talys to telle BELYAL Bakbyter, boy, Alwey be holtys and hothe, Sey now, I sey, What tydyngys? Telle me the sothe! DETRACCIO Teneful talys I may thee sey, To thee no good, as I gesse: Mankynd is gon now awey Into the Castel of Goodnesse. Ther he wyl bothe lyvyn and deye In dale of dros tyl deth hym dresse; Hathe thee forsakyn, forsothe I sey, And all thi werkys more and lesse; To yone castel he gan to crepe. Yone modyr Meknes, sothe to sayn, And all yene maydnys on yone playn For to fytyn thei be ful fayn Mankynd for to kepe. Tunc vocabit Superbiam, Indiviam, et Iram. SUPERBIA Syr kynge, what wytte? We be redy throtys to kytte. BELYAL Sey, gadelyngys — have ye harde grace And evyl deth mote ye deye! — Why lete ye Mankynd fro you pase Into yene castel fro us aweye? Wyth tene I schal you tey. Harlotys, at onys Fro this wonys! Be Belyals bonys, Ye schul abeye. Et verberabit eos super terram. DETRACCIO Ya, for God, this was wel goo, Thus to werke wyth bakbytynge. I werke bothe wrake and woo And make iche man othyr to dynge. I schal goo abowte and makyn moo Rappys for to route and rynge. Ye bakbyterys, loke that ye do so. Make debate abowtyn to sprynge Betwene systyr and brothyr. If any bakbyter here be lafte, He may lere of me hys crafte. Of Goddys grace he schal be rafte And every man to kyllyn othyr. Ad Carnem. [Scene xiv] Heyl, kynge, I calle! Heyl, prinse, proude prekyd in palle! Heyl, hende in halle! Heyl, syr kynge, fayre thee befalle! CARO Boy Bakbytynge, Ful redy in robys to rynge, Ful glad tydynge, Be Belyalys bonys, I trow thow brynge. DETRACCIO Ya, for God, “owt” I crye On thi too sonys and thi dowtyr yynge: Glotoun, Slawthe, and Lechery Hath put me in gret mornynge. They let Mankynd gon up hye Into yene castel at hys lykynge, Therin for to leve and dye, Wyth tho ladys to make endynge, Tho flourys fayre and fresche. He is in the Castel of Perseverauns And put hys body to penauns. Of hard happe is now thi chauns, Syre kynge, Mankyndys Flesche. Tunc Caro clamabit ad Gulam, Accidiam, et Luxuriam.32 LUXURIA Sey now thi wylle, Syr Flesch, why cryest thou so schylle? CARO A, Lechery, thou skallyd mare! And thou Gloton, God geve thee wo! And vyle Slawth, evyl mote thou fare! Why lete ye Mankynd fro you go In yone castel so hye? Evele grace com on thi snowte! Now I am dressyd in gret dowte. Why ne had ye lokyd betyr abowte? Be Belyalys bonys, ye schul abye. Tunc verberabit eos in placeam. DETRACCIO Now, be God, this is good game! I, Bakbyter, now bere me wel. If I had lost my name, I vow to God it were gret del. I schape these schrewys to mekyl schame; Iche rappyth on othyr wyth rowtynge rele. I, Bakbyter, wyth fals fame Do brekyn and brestyn hodys of stele. Thorwe this cuntré I am knowe. Now wyl I gynne forth to goo And make Coveytyse have a knoke or too, And thanne iwys I have doo My dever, as I trowe. Ad Mundum. [Scene xv] Heyl, styf in stounde! Heyl, gayly gyrt upon grounde! Heyl, fayre flowr ifounde! Heyl, Syr Werld, worthi in wedys wonde! MUNDUS Bakbyter in rowte, Thou tellyst talys of dowte, So styf and so stowte. What tydyngys bryngyst thou abowte? DETRACCIO Nothynge goode, that schalt thou wete. Mankynd, Syr Werld, hath thee forsake. Wyth Schryfte and Penauns he is smete And to yene castel he hath hym take Amonge yene ladys whyt as lake. Lo, Syr Werld, ye moun agryse That ye be servyd on this wyse. Go pley you wyth Syr Coveytyse Tyl hys crowne crake. Tunc buccinabit cornu ad Avariciam.33 AVARICIA Syr bolnynge bowde, Tell me why blowe ye so lowde? MUNDUS Lewde losel, the Devel thee brenne! I prey God geve thee a fowl hap! Sey, why letyst thou Mankynd Into yene castel for to skape? I trowe thou gynnyst to rave. Now, for Mankynd is went, Al oure game is schent. Therfore a sore dryvynge dent, Harlot, thou schalt have. Tunc verberabit eum. AVARICIA Mercy, mercy! I wyl no more. Thou hast me rappyd wyth rewly rowtys. I snowre, I sobbe, I sye sore. Myn hed is clateryd al to clowtys. In al youre state I schal you store If ye abate youre dyntys dowtys. Mankynd, that ye have forlore, I schal do com owt fro yone skowtys To youre hende hall. If ye wyl no more betyn me, I schal do Mankynd com out fre. He schal forsake, as thou schalt se, The fayre vertus all. MUNDUS Have do thanne, the Devyl thee tere! Thou schalt ben hangyn in Hell herne. Bylyve my baner up thou bere And besege we the castel yerne Mankynd for to stele. Whanne Mankynd growyth good, I, the Werld, am wyld and wod. Tho bycchys schul bleryn in her blood Wyth flappys felle and fele. Yerne lete flapyr up my fane And schape we schame and schonde. I schal brynge wyth me tho bycchys bane; Ther schal no vertus dwellyn in my londe. Mekenes is that modyr that I mene, To hyre I brewe a byttyr bonde. Sche schal dey upon this grene If that sche com al in myn honde, Yene rappokys wyth her rumpys. I am the Werld! It is my wyll The Castel of Vertu for to spyll. Howtyth hye upon yene hyll, Ye traytours, in youre trumpys. |
shouted; shudder by agreement set (t-note) (t-note) Do you know; began quickly hills whatever happens Endow Or else naturally Gluttonous, slothful also sometimes there (see note) cultivates the other in a group to the seat of punishment; (see note) weapons stumbling stool alive to our pleasure breadcrust (food) sport; play; (t-note) bullied young man use you badly Make yourself feared and dreaded Beat Chop them into hunks of meat Obey them kind of; equal styles shout great boasts pointed toes; shoes; (see note) Slash (serrate) with dags; manner; (see note) Or else; think know turd’s value boast look at; opportunity insult; push (t-note) stroke; pierce completely permits [it]; oppressed wheel [of Fortune]; (see note) permit [it] banquet; meal very; clothing time dressed care Much To live like a lord entirely keeping bower; (t-note) (see note) (t-note) forever angry; mad feared; hidden valleys (i.e., everywhere) angers quickly frighten; distant fields anger; (t-note) terrible advise, before oppress submit Wrath; gracious Whatever rascal; [human] race obey; suffer destroy avenge myself; eyes before stuck; pig (see note); (t-note) fights with me head fierce guidance; (t-note) company; (t-note) Envy; hurry accompany concerning that In God’s name; quickly; (see note) Slander; however (t-note) wherever much Put; him gracious chief throughout whore root and rind (beginning and end) Throughout; great great torment offer any reproof (see note) since from; enclosure; (t-note) aloft (t-note) With Order you part with Unless it provide; all kinds of (see note) fasters; think them mad Although advise; by the Cross Although complain; churls provide; fleshly growth fornicate; chamber copulate with; girls; (t-note) True; serious; speech never; path (i.e., anywhere) mouth kicked Although; care; hawthorn berry; (t-note) It [fasting] is of no use, by the Cross, I think cause attempt morsel be able to last; (t-note) pleasure on earth By broad banks; (t-note) Sometimes; vomit; succeed (t-note) food LECHERY bounced For this; rich (t-note) satisfied (t-note) strike profited dear lover seed; sown Adultery; very gracious more than enough proclamations; widely known Pleasure; loins One; person nor night; (t-note) bright lady truly; (t-note) noose (trap, vagina) any; (t-note) (t-note) Wrapped; bedclothes angry Unless; lechers; breed rings pay no attention Wrap; then sweat; advise; (see note) Flatterers; raise up drive; great decadence given to; confession I cause that Oh; good advice much; knows love morning sweat their Their laid; lodged in turn unprofitable by; Cross slow to do companion believe; (t-note) very at this time; (t-note) enough (see note) nature; (t-note) Joined with wickedness in my habits bitter; sight; use sorely Much; stir at my mouth’s commandment limit the pit of pain taken valley of pain; put (t-note) see (t-note) seen Whoever (t-note) each (t-note) one or another; taken much the worse, alas for you ruled; fiend clearly not at all by me where cause [my] rosy complexion to become pale slay for all his sport and play one truly; sight night bright pain fashion bare (pointless) arsehole cause beg; gnash [his teeth] he who would know intent their control Almost over all (t-note) mocked; misled sunk cease separate blinded spent surrounded (?) CONFESSION; (t-note) sigh Certainly; grieve see remedy ease your sorrow situation restore fellowships; (t-note) complaint; gown (in your heart) By tormenting pricks [made] weeping begun sighing can Create a remedy for your torment torment; cure Confession weep about to be destroyed; (t-note) seat surely; killed guilt Unless reward (t-note) died; Cross It will not take me, Shrift, long If; truth see acknowledge hide also sport and play Whoever will absolve promise whatever happens Then they go to Mankind and he (Confession) says how; (t-note) advise, as I hope for salvation loathsome rascals; drive quickly; [spiritual] prosperity Confession; known Sloth might have come; dwelling soon enough too soon; (see note) faith Pay attention other things to do Oh; villain torment; quickly Say to pardon for earth before; knife many toads and frogs prepare yourself; confess before; consume storeroom by St. Peter; many others each one; (see note) Although (t-note) others; (t-note) cease PENANCE; pierce; (t-note) bring down give; (see note) the well (fountain) of mercy that [which]; (see note) tongue fiend high before severe sigh their their their; about to begin mixes no sorrow skill tokening of this point; move rapidly teach dagger; sweet strike; root torment; comfort confess; quickly seed sigh; (t-note) Moan; lamentation; come Because of joy is wet [with tears] condition; restore light; restricted wretched filth Fie injured although bower prick vanity truly; (t-note) entirely Confession Fill; store [of wisdom] Confession taken possession of lamentation hears lessen strife cease; (t-note) asks for truly truth see although; accustomed Then he descends to Confession entirely from make for man an ill-fitting shoe deceived to this extent make pale; countenance treasure (t-note) absolution will acknowledge Entirely fire torment; safe clean them [the sins]; your heart’s box; (t-note) will be unatoned and unconfessed As a ghastly glowing coal sorrowful laments go; dwellings [Heaven] Confess; at once Entirely believe; (see note) for anything give an account, in order raise; the light of life acknowledged high; (t-note) times them mad; began to beg of me I truly regret bower any more beads; prayer gracious apostles; (see note) loose [May] he forgive through; pardon However much you have sinned Covetousness continually You have led your life evilly pardon done thought (t-note) which; heeded misspent; (t-note) which; not Whatsoever you have committed Seen with eyes, heard [with] ears Whatsoever sins you have committed pardon fed mad died; Cross solemnly Do not sin deeds Sin no more suitable; tell defend from; foes hear; (t-note) from them gone seek; slay place of torment safety So that bitter such; direct strife from; strife; (t-note) (t-note) stronger; (t-note) lives; his lifetime injure may close by Thither quickly; go Safely; solid land live go; undertake a blissful life pardoned sorrow is overthrown where are you going turn your way mate Sarah and Cecily hag Except deceitful wretch brink of the grave; (t-note) Avoid seems good to them according to his advice fallow land valley of dust bread valley of sorrow; die wickedness ill fortune hurry Quickly last scripture (see note); (t-note) Charity advise dust Unless; perform; deeds (t-note) began to bleed high well of mercy St. Paul; epistle gives the proof Unless; foremost glad moderate food Gluttony excessively leads to strife; (see note) From learn; wisdom his estate can reasonably maintain not at all wise Chastity; heed address; virgin Mary; (t-note) Out of respect for (t-note) courteous queen herself chaste enclosed Through spiritual; (t-note) because buried; brim (edge) take heed of me INDUSTRY frequent wicked thoughts; (t-note) Idleness begets all evil the torment of pain something Although; whittle; (t-note) beads; bless yourself read waits for; malice Generosity; place spent dust; be forced; (t-note) placed executors; their duty; (see note) gone wealth accumulated destroying dirt bright Kindly lilies; physician; (see note) beautiful advice; (t-note) meaning Meekness; power turn away; wretchedness set do pay attention mind; change trust From I wish to live Industry; kiss each other slippery speech trust Greed; put to death courteous moans virtues; (t-note) Meekness Meekness; change; lamentation defend; from, foes continually harm make your home virtues; lift up such ingenious construction keep (see note); (t-note) Empress fallen away from folly; (t-note) occupies; halls of Heaven with a deadly potion; (see note) keep; mind bright bones won from; dwellings By carry out those Fiercely Ho, Flibbertigibbet, Backbiter Quickly; proclaim Quickly; go yon; take refuge harm those bitches brag; (see note) guts begin quickly Devil fight vigorously BACKBITER rudder confused others evil attitude (see note) To spread tales of malice England; Wales; (see note) truly; companion Then he goes to Belial (the Devil) on; seat; (t-note) worthy; pit deep (t-note) woods; cleared land (everywhere) Tell me now truth Distressing; tell dust; place Into bitch Meekness, truth those fight; glad Then he will call Pride, Envy, and Wrath what is on your mind; (t-note) throats to cut rascals; bad luck may from; escape yon; from pain; bind Rascals, [go] at once place By pay [for it] And he will beat them on the ground by; done; (see note) vengeance; injury to strike others more Blows; roar and yell strife learn bereft others [He goes] to [the scaffold of] Flesh (t-note) proudly dressed in rich robes gracious good luck FLESH; (t-note) shout By; bones; believe shame two; young lamentation high yon; pleasure those bad luck; fortune Say; (t-note) shrilly scurvy mare may from high Bad luck; nose put kept closer watch; (t-note) By; pay [for it] Then he will beat them in the place; (t-note) enjoy myself pity direct; rascals; great Each beats [the] other in riotous tumult; (see note) report break; burst helmets known begin Greed; blow or two truly; done duty; believe [He goes] to [the scaffold of] the World steadfast in a fight; (t-note) dressed splendid clothes with [your] retinue deception steadfast; strong know; (t-note) struck yon linen; (see note) should be upset dealt with in this manner Greed head crack swollen dung beetle; (t-note) Base rascal; burn; (t-note) bad luck yon; escape think; begin to go mad gone sport is ruined strong blow; (t-note) Rascal Then he will beat him; (t-note) struck; severe blows scowl; sigh shattered; pieces To; rank; restore stop; terrible blows whom; completely lost; (see note) make come out; sluts gracious beat make; voluntarily virtues Do it then; tear [apart] a corner of Hell Quickly besiege; quickly becomes crazy; mad bitches; wail (stream at the eyes) in their; (see note) many cruel blows Quickly; flutter; banner let us create; disgrace those bitches’ ruin virtues; (t-note) Meekness; bitch For; bondage die into my power Yon rascals; their rumps destroy Shout loudly; yon with your trumpets |
Tunc Mundus, Cupiditas, et Stulticia ibunt ad castellum cum vexillo et dicet Demon:34 |
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[Scene xvi] BELYAL I here trumpys trebelen al of tene. The worthi Werld walkyth to werre For to clyvyn yone castel clene, Tho maydnys meyndys for to merre. Sprede my penon upon a prene And stryke we forthe now undyr sterre. Schapyth now youre scheldys schene Yene skallyd skoutys for to skerre Upon yone grene grese. Buske you now, boyes, belyve. For evere I stonde in mekyl stryve; Whyl Mankynd is in clene lyve I am nevere wel at ese. Make you redy, all three, Bolde batayl for to bede. To yone feld let us fle And bere my baner forth on brede. To yone castel wyl I te; Tho mamerynge modrys schul have her mede. But thei yeld up to me, Wyth byttyr balys thei schul blede, Of her reste I schal hem reve. In woful watyrs I schal hem wasche. Have don, felaws, and take youre trasche And wende we thedyr on a rasche That castel for to cleve. SUPERBIA Now, now, now, go now! On hye hyllus lete us howte For in pride is al my prow Thi bold baner to bere abowte. To Golyas I make a vow For to schetyn yone iche skowte. On hyr ars, raggyd and row, I schal bothe clatyr and clowte And geve Meknesse myschanse. Belyal bryth, it is thyn hest That I, Pride, goo thee nest And bere thi baner beforn my brest Wyth a comly contenaunce. [Scene xvii] CARO I here an hydowse whwtynge on hyt. Belyve, byd my baner forth for to blase. Whanne I syt in my sadyl it is a selkowth syt; I gape as a gogmagog whanne I gynne to gase. This worthy wylde werld I wagge wyth a wyt; Yone rappokys I ruble and al to-rase Bothe wyth schot and wyth slynge I caste wyth a sleyt Wyth care to yone castel to crachen and to crase In flode. I am mans Flesch; where I go I am mans most fo; Iwys, I am evere wo Whane he drawyth to goode. Therfore, ye bolde boyes, buske you abowte. Scharply on scheldys your schaftys ye schevere. And Lechery ledron, schete thou a skoute. Help we Mankynd fro yone castel to kevere. Helpe we moun hym wynne. Schete we all at a schote Wyth gere that we cunne best note To cache Mankynd fro yene cote Into dedly synne. GULA Lo, Syr Flesch, whow I fare to the felde, Wyth a faget on myn hond for to settyn on a fyre. Wyth a wrethe of the wode wel I can me welde; Wyth a longe launce tho loselys I schal lere. Go we wyth oure gere. Tho bycchys schul bleykyn and blodyr; I schal makyn swyche a powdyr, Bothe wyth smoke and wyth smodyr, Thei schul schytyn for fere. Tunc descendent in placeam. [Scene xviii] MALUS ANGELUS Dicet ad Belyal: As armys! As an herawd hey now I howte! Devyl, dyth thee as a duke to do tho damyselys dote.35 Belyal, as a bolde boy thi brodde I bere abowte; Helpe to cache Mankynd fro caytyfys cote. Pryd, put out thi penon of raggys and of rowte. Do this modyr Mekenes meltyn to mote. Wrethe, prefe Paciens, the skallyd skowte. Envye, to Charyté schape thou a schote Ful yare. Wyth Pryde, Wrethe, and Envye, These develys, be downys drye, As comly kynge I dyscrye Mankynd to kachyn to care. Ad Carnem: Flesche, frele and fresche, frely fed, Wyth Gloton, Slawthe, and Lechery mans sowle thou slo. As a duke dowty do thee to be dred. Gere thee wyth gerys fro toppe to the too. Kyth this day thou art a kynge frely fedde. Gloton, sle thou Abstynensce wyth wyckyd woo. Wyth Chastyté, thou Lechour, be not ovyrledde. Slawthe, bete thou Besynes on buttokys bloo. Do now thi crafte, in coste to be knowe. Ad Mundum: Worthy, wytty, and wys, wondyn in wede, Lete Coveytyse karpyn, cryen, and grede. Here ben bolde bacheleris batyl to bede, Mankynd to tene, as I trowe. HUMANUM GENUS That dynge duke that deyed on Rode This day my sowle kepe and safe! Whanne Mankynd drawyth to goode Beholde what enmys he schal have! The Werld, the Devyl, the Flesche arn wode; To men thei casten a careful kave; Byttyr balys thei brewyn on brode Mankynd in wo to weltyr and wave, Lordyngys, sothe to sey. Therfore iche man be war of this, For whyl Mankynd clene is Hys enmys schul temptyn hym to don amys If thei mown be any wey. Omne gaudium existimate cum variis temptacionibus insideritis.36 Therfore, lordys, beth now glad Wyth elmesdede and orysoun For to don as Oure Lord bad, Styfly wythstonde youre temptacyoun. Wyth this foul fende I am ner mad. To batayle thei buskyn hem bown. Certys I schuld ben ovyrlad, But that I am in this castel town, Wyth synnys sore and smerte. Whoso wyl levyn oute of dystresse And ledyn hys lyf in clennesse In this Castel of Vertu and of Goodnesse Hym muste have holé hys hert. Delectare in Domino et dabit tibi peticiones cordis tui.37 BONUS ANGELUS A, Mekenesse, Charyté, and Pacyens, Prymrose pleyeth parlasent. Chastyté, Besynes, and Abstynens, Myn hope, ladys, in you is lent. Socoure, paramourys, swetter thanne sens, Rode as rose on rys irent. This day ye dyth a good defens. Whyl Mankynd is in good entent His thoutys arn unhende. Mankynd is browt into this walle In freelté to fadyn and falle. Therfore, ladys, I pray you alle, Helpe this day Mankynde. HUMILITAS God, that syttyth in Hevene on hy, Save al Mankynd be se and sonde! Lete hym dwellyn here and ben us by And we schul puttyn to hym helpynge honde. Yyt forsothe nevere I sy That any fawte in us he fonde But that we savyd hym fro synne sly If he wolde be us styfly stonde In this castel of ston. Therfore drede thee not, mans aungel dere. If he wyl dwellyn wyth us here Fro sevene synnys we schul hym were And his enmys ichon. Now my sevene systerys swete, This day fallyth on us the lot Mankynd for to schylde and schete Fro dedly synne and schamely schot. Hys enmys strayen in the strete To spylle man wyth spetows spot. Therfor oure flourys lete now flete And kepe we hym, as we have het, Among us in this halle. Therfor, sevene systerys swote, Lete oure vertus reyne on rote. This day we wyl be mans bote Ageyns these develys alle. BELYAL This day the vaward wyl I holde. Avaunt my baner, precyous Pride, Mankynd to cache to karys colde. Bold batayl now wyl I byde. Buske you, boyes, on brede. Alle men that be wyth me wytholde, Bothe the yonge and the olde, Envye, Wrathe, ye boyes bolde, To rounde rappys ye rape, I rede. SUPERBIA As armys, Mekenes! I brynge thi bane, Al wyth pride peyntyd and pyth. What seyst thou, faytour? Be myn fayr fane, Wyth robys rounde rayed ful ryth, Grete gounse, I schal thee gane. To marre thee, Mekenes, wyth my myth, No werldly wyttys here ar wane. Lo, thi castel is al beset! Moderys, whow schul ye do? Mekenes, yelde thee to me, I rede. Myn name in londe is precyous Prede. Myn bolde baner to thee I bede. Modyr, what seyste therto? HUMILITAS Ageyns thi baner of pride and bost A baner of meknes and mercy I putte ageyns pride, wel thou wost, That schal schende thi careful cry. This meke kynge is knowyn in every cost That was croysyd on Calvary. Whanne he cam doun fro Hevene ost And lytyd wyth mekenes in Mary, This lord thus lytyd lowe. Whanne he cam fro the Trynyté Into a mayden lyted he, And al was for to dystroye thee, Pride, this schalt thou knowe. Deposuit potentes de sede, et cetera.38 For whanne Lucyfer to Helle fyl, Pride, therof thou were chesun, And thou, Devyl, wyth wyckyd wyl In Paradys trappyd us wyth tresun. So thou us bond in balys ille, This may I preve be ryth resun, Tyl this duke that dyed on hylle In Hevene man myth nevere han sesun; The gospel thus declaryt. For whoso lowe hym schal ben hy, Therfore thou schalt not comen us ny, And thou thou be nevere so sly, I schal felle al thi fare. Qui se exaltat humiliabitur, et cetera.39 IRA Dame Pacyens, what seyst thou to Wrathe and Ire? Putte Mankynd fro thi castel clere, Or I schal tappyn at thi tyre Wyth styffe stonys that I have here. I schal slynge at thee many a vyre And ben avengyd hastely here. Thus Belsabub, oure gret syre, Bad me brenne thee wyth wyld fere, Thou bycche, blak as kole. Therfor fast, fowle skowte, Putte Mankynd to us owte, Or of me thou schalt have dowte, Thou modyr, thou motyhole! PACIENCIA Fro thi dowte Crist me schelde This iche day, and al mankynde! Thou wrecchyd Wrethe, wood and wylde, Pacyens schal thee schende. Quia ira viri justiciam Dei non operatur.40 For Marys sone, meke and mylde, Rent thee up, rote and rynde, Whanne he stod meker thanne a chylde And lete boyes hym betyn and bynde, Therfor, wrecche, be stylle. For tho pelourys that gan hym pose, He myth a drevyn hem to dros, And yyt, to casten hym on the Cros, He sufferyd al her wylle. Thowsentys of aungellys he myth han had To a wrokyn hym ther ful yerne, And yyt to deyen he was glad Us pacyens to techyn and lerne. Therfor, boy, wyth thi boystous blad, Fare awey be feldys ferne. For I wyl do as Jhesu bad, Wrecchys fro my wonys werne Wyth a dyngne defens. If thou fonde to comyn alofte I schal thee cacche fro this crofte Wyth these rosys swete and softe, Peyntyd wyth pacyens. INVIDIA Out, myn herte gynnyth to breke, For Charyté that stondyth so stowte. Alas, myn herte gynnyth to wreke. Yelde up this castel, thou hore clowte, It is myn offyce fowle to speke, Fals sklaundrys to bere abowte. Charyté, the Devyl mote thee cheke But I thee rappe wyth rewly rowte, Thi targe for to tere. Let Mankynde cum to us doun Or I schal schetyn to this castel town A ful fowle defamacyoun. Therfore this bowe I bere. CARITAS Thou thou speke wycke and fals fame, The wers schal I nevere do my dede. Whoso peyryth falsly anothyr mans name, Crystys curs he schal have to mede. Vae homini illi per quem scandalum venit.41 Whoso wyl not hys tunge tame, Take it sothe as mes-crede, Wo, wo to hym and mekyl schame! In holy wrytte this I rede. For evere thou art a schrewe. Thou thou speke evyl, I ne geve a gres; I schal do nevere the wers. At the last the sothe vers Certys Hymself schal schewe. Oure lovely Lord wythowtyn lak Gaf example to charyté, Whanne he was betyn blo and blak For trespas that nevere dyd he. In sory synne had he no tak And yyt for synne he bled blody ble. He toke hys Cros upon hys bak, Synful man, and al for thee. Thus he mad defens. Envye, wyth thi slaundrys thycke, I am putte at my Lordys prycke; I wyl do good ageyns the wycke And kepe in sylens BELYAL What, for Belyalys bonys, Whereabowtyn chyde ye? Have don, ye boyes, al at onys. Lasche don these moderys, all three. Werke wrake to this wonys. The vaunward is grauntyd me. Do these moderys to makyn monys. Youre dowty dedys now lete se. Dasche hem al to daggys. Have do, boyes, blo and blake Wirke these wenchys wo and wrake. Claryouns, cryeth up at a krake, And blowe your brode baggys! Tunc pugnabunt diu. SUPERBIA Out, my proude bak is bent! Mekenes hath me al forbete. Pride wyth Mekenes is forschent. I weyle and wepe wyth wondys wete; I am betyn in the hed. My prowde pride adoun is drevyn; So scharpely Mekenes hath me schrevyn That I may no lengyr levyn, My lyf is me berevyd. INVIDIA Al myn enmyté is not worth a fart; I schyte and schake al in my schete. Charyté, that sowre swart, Wyth fayre rosys myn hed gan breke. I brede the malaundyr. Wyth worthi wordys and flourys swete Charyté makyth me so meke I dare neythyr crye nore crepe, Not a schote of sklaundyr. IRA I, Wrethe, may syngyn “Weleawo.” Pacyens me gaf a sory dynt. I am al betyn blak and blo Wyth a rose that on Rode was rent. My speche is almost spent. Hyr rosys fel on me so scharpe That myn hed hangyth as an harpe. I dar neythyr crye nor carpe, Sche is so pacyent. MALUS ANGELUS Go hens, ye do not worthe a tord. Foule falle you, alle foure! Yerne, yerne, let fall on bord, Syr Flesch, wyth thyn eyn soure. For care I cukke and koure. Syr Flesch, wyth thyn company, Yerne, yerne, make a cry. Helpe! we have no velony That this day may be oure. CARO War, war, late mans Flesche go to! I com wyth a company. Have do, my chyldryn, now have do, Glotoun, Slawth, and Lechery. Iche of you wynnyth a scho. Lete not Mankynde wynne maystry. Lete slynge hem in a fowl slo And fonde to feffe hym wyth foly. Dothe now wel youre dede. Yerne lete se whow ye schul gynne Mankynde to temptyn to dedly synne. If ye muste this castelle wynne Hell schal be your mede. GULA War, Syr Gloton schal makyn a smeke Ageyns this castel, I vowe. Abstynens, thou thou bleyke, I loke on thee wyth byttyr browe. I have a faget in myn necke To settyn Mankynd on a lowe. My foul leye schalt thou not let, I vow to God, as I trowe. Therfor putte hym out here. In meselynge Glotonye, Wyth goode metys and drynkys trye, I norche my systyr Lecherye Tyl man rennyth on fere. ABSTINENCIA Thi metys and drynkys arn unthende Whanne thei are out of mesure take. Thei makyn men mad and out of mende And werkyn hem bothe wo and wrake. That for thi fere thou thou here kyndyl, Certys I schal thi wele aslake Wyth bred that browth us out of Hell And on the Croys sufferyd wrake: I mene the sacrament. That iche blysful bred That hounge on hyl tyl he was ded Schal tempere so myn maydynhed That thi purpos schal be spent. In abstynens this bred was browth, Certys, Mankynde, and al for thee. Of fourty dayes ete he nowth And thanne was naylyd to a tre. Cum jejunasset quadraginta diebus, et cetera.42 Example us was betawth, In sobyrnesse he bad us be. Therfor Mankynd schal not be cawth, Glotony, wyth thy degré The sothe thou schalt se. To norysch fayre thou thou be fawe, Abstynens it schal wythdrawe Tyl thou be schet undyr schawe And fayn for to fle. LUXURIA Lo, Chastyté, thou fowle skowte! This ilke day here thou schalt deye. I make a fer in mans towte That launcyth up as any leye. These cursyd colys I bere abowte Mankynde in tene for to teye. Men and wommen hathe no dowte Wyth pyssynge pokys for to pleye. I bynde hem in my bondys. I have no reste, so I rowe, Wyth men and wommen, as I trowe, Tyl I, Lechery, be set on a lowe In al Mankyndys londys. CASTITAS I, Chastyté, have power in this place Thee, Lechery, to bynd and bete. Maydyn Marye, well of grace, Schal quenche that fowle hete. Mater et Virgo, extingue carnales concupiscentias! Oure Lord God mad thee no space Whanne his blod strayed in the strete. Fro this castel he dyd thee chase Whanne he was crounyd wyth thornys grete And grene. To drery deth whanne he was dyth And boyes dyd hym gret dyspyth, In lechery had he no delyth, And that was ryth wel sene. At Oure Lady I lere my lessun To have chaste lyf tyl I be ded. Sche is qwene and beryth the croun, And al was for hyr maydynhed. Therfor go fro this castel toun, Lechery, now I thee rede, For Mankynd getyst thou nowth doun To soloyen hym wyth synful sede. In care thou woldys hym cast. And if thou com up to me, Trewly thou schalt betyn be Wyth the yerde of Chastyté Whyl my lyf may last. ACCIDIA Ware, war, I delve wyth a spade. Men calle me the lord Syr Slowe. Gostly grace I spylle and schade; Fro the watyr of grace this dyche I fowe. Ye schulyn com ryth inowe Be this dyche drye, be bankys brede. Thyrti thousende that I wel knowe In my lyf lovely I lede That hed levere syttyn at the ale Thre mens songys to syngyn lowde Thanne toward the chyrche for to crowde. Thou, Besynesse, thou bolnyd bowde, I brewe to thee thyne bale. SOLICITUDO A, good men, be war now all Of Slugge and Slawthe, this fowl thefe! To the sowle he is byttyrer thanne gall; Rote he is of mekyl myschefe. Goddys servyse, that ledyth us to Hevene hall, This lordeyn for to lettyn us is lefe. Whoso wyl schryvyn hym of hys synnys all, He puttyth this brethel to mykyl myschefe, Mankynde he that myskaryed. Men moun don no penauns for hym this, Nere schryve hem whanne they don amys, But evyr he wold in synne, iwys, That Mankynd were taryed. Therfor he makyth this dyke drye To puttyn Mankynde to dystresse. He makyth dedly synne a redy weye Into the Castel of Goodnesse. But wyth tene I schal hym teye, Thorwe the helpe of Hevene emperesse. Wyth my bedys he schal abeye, And othyr ocupacyons more and lesse I schal schape hym to schonde, For whoso wyle Slawth putte doun Wyth bedys and wyth orysoun Or sum oneste ocupacyoun, As, boke to have in honde. Nunc lege, nunc ora, nunc disce, nuncque labora.43 CARO Ey, for Belyalys bonys, the kynge, Whereabowte stonde ye al-day? Caytyvys, lete be your kakelynge And rappe at rowtys of aray. Glotony, thou fowle gadlynge, Sle Abstynens, if thou may. Lechery, wyth thi werkynge, To Chastyté make a wyckyd aray A lytyl throwe. And whyl we fyth For owre ryth, In bemys bryth Late blastys blowe. Tunc pugnabunt diu. GULA Out, Glotoun, adown I dryve. Abstynens hathe lost my myrth. Syr Flesch, I schal nevere thryve; I do not worthe the develys dyrt; I may not levyn longe. I am al betyn, toppe and tayl; Wyth Abstynens wyl I no more dayl; I wyl gon cowche qwayl At hom in your gonge. LUXURIA Out on Chastyté, be the Rode! Sche hathe me dayschyd and so drenchyd. Yyt have sche the curs of God For al my fere the qwene hath qwenchyd. For ferd I fall and feynt. In harde ropys mote sche ryde! Here dare I not longe abyde. Sumwhere myn hed I wolde hyde As an irchoun that were schent. ACCIDIA Out, I deye! Ley on watyr! I swone, I swete, I feynt, I drulle! Yene qwene wyth hyr pytyr-patyr Hath al to-dayschyd my skallyd skulle. It is as softe as wulle. Or I have here more skathe, I schal lepe awey, be lurkynge lathe, There I may my ballokys bathe And leykyn at the fulle. MALUS ANGELUS Ya, the Devyl spede you, al the packe! For sorwe I morne on the mowle, I carpe, I crye, I coure, I kacke, I frete, I fart, I fesyl fowle. I loke lyke an howle. Ad Mundum: Now, Syr World, whatso it cost, Helpe now, or this we have lost; Al oure fare is not worth a thost; That makyth me to mowle. MUNDUS How, Coveytyse! Banyour avaunt! Here comyth a batayl nobyl and newe; For syth thou were a lytyl faunt, Coveytyse, thou hast ben trewe. Have do that damysel, do hyr dawnt. Byttyr balys thou hyr brewe. The medys, boy, I thee graunt, The galows of Canwyke to hangyn on newe, That wolde thee wel befalle. Have don, Syr Coveytyse. Wyrke on the best wyse. Do Mankynde com and aryse Fro yone vertuse all. AVARICIA How, Mankynde! I am atenyde For thou art there so in that holde. Cum and speke wyth thi best frende, Syr Coveytyse, thou knowyst me of olde. What devyl schalt thou ther lenger lende Wyth grete penaunce in that castel colde? Into the werld if thou wylt wende, Amonge men to bere thee bolde, I rede, be Seynt Gyle. How, Mankynde! I thee sey. Com to Coveytyse, I thee prey. We to schul togedyr pley, If thou wylt, a whyle. LARGITAS A, God helpe! I am dysmayed, I curse thee, Coveytyse, as I can; For certys, treytour, thou hast betrayed Nerhand now iche erthely man. So myche were men nevere afrayed Wyth Coveytyse, syn the werld began. God almythy is not payed. Syn thou, fende, bare the Werldys bane, Ful wyde thou gynnyst wende. Now arn men waxyn ner woode; They wolde gon to Helle for werldys goode. That Lord that restyd on the Rode Is maker of an ende. Maledicti sunt avariciosi hujus temporis. Ther is no dysese nor debate Thorwe this wyde werld so rounde, Tyde nor tyme, erly nor late, But that Coveytyse is the grounde. Thou norchyst pride, envye, and hate, Thou Coveytyse, thou cursyd hounde. Criste thee schelde fro oure gate And kepe us fro thee saf and sounde That thou no good here wynne! Swete Jhesu, jentyl justyce, Kepe Mankynde fro Coveytyse, For iwys he is, in al wyse, Rote of sorwe and synne. AVARICIA What eylyth thee, Lady Largyté, Damysel dyngne upon thi des? And I spak ryth not to thee, Therfore I prey thee holde thi pes. How, Mankynde! cum speke wyth me, Cum ley thi love here in my les. Coveytyse is a frend ryth fre, Thi sorwe, man, to slake and ses. Coveytyse hathe many a gyfte. Mankynd, thyne hande hedyr thou reche. Coveytyse schal be thi leche. The ryth wey I schal thee teche To thedom and to thryfte. HUMANUM GENUS Coveytyse, whedyr schuld I wende? What wey woldyst that I sulde holde? To what place woldyst thou me sende? I gynne to waxyn hory and olde. My bake gynnyth to bowe and bende, I crulle and crepe and wax al colde. Age makyth man ful unthende, Body and bonys and al unwolde; My bonys are febyl and sore. I am arayed in a sloppe, As a yonge man I may not hoppe, My nose is colde and gynnyth to droppe, Myn her waxit al hore. AVARICIA Petyr! thou hast the more nede To have sum good in thyn age; Markys, poundys, londys and lede, Howsys and homys, castell and cage. Therfor do as I thee rede; To Coveytyse cast thi parage. Cum, and I schal thyne erdyn bede; The worthi Werld schal geve thee wage, Certys not a lyth. Com on, olde man, it is no reprefe That Coveytyse be thee lefe. If thou deye at any myschefe It is thiselfe to wyth. HUMANUM GENUS Nay, nay, these ladys of goodnesse Wyl not lete me fare amys, And thou I be a whyle in dystresse, Whanne I deye I schal to blysse. It is but foly, as I gesse, Al this werldys wele iwys. These lovely ladys, more and lesse, In wyse wordys thei telle me thys. Thus seyth the Bok of Kendys. I wyl not do these ladys dyspyt To forsakyn hem for so lyt. To dwellyn here is my delyt; Here arn my best frendys. AVARICIA Ya, up and don thou take the wey Thorwe this werld to walkyn and wende And thou schalt fynde, soth to sey, Thi purs schal be thi best frende. Thou thou syt al-day and prey, No man schal com to thee nor sende, But if thou have a peny to pey, Men schul to thee thanne lystyn and lende And kelyn al thi care. Therfore to me thou hange and helde And be coveytous whylys thou may thee welde. If thou be pore and nedy in elde Thou schalt oftyn evyl fare. HUMANUM GENUS Coveytyse, thou seyst a good skyl. So grete God me avaunce, Al thi byddynge don I wyl. I forsake the Castel of Perseveraunce. In Coveytyse I wyl me hyle For to gete sum sustynaunce. Aforn mele men mete schul tyle; It is good for al chaunce Sum good owhere to hyde. Certys this ye wel knowe, It is good, whouso the wynde blowe, A man to have sumwhat of hys owe, What happe so-evere betyde. BONUS ANGELUS A, ladyse, I prey you of grace, Helpyth to kepe here Mankynne. He wyl forsake this precyous place And drawe ageyn to dedly synne. Helpe, ladys, lovely in lace. He goth fro this worthi wonnynge. Covetyse awey ye chace And schyttyth Mankynd sumwhere here-inne, In youre worthi wyse. Ow, wrechyd man, thou schalt be wroth, That synne schal be thee ful loth. A, swete ladys, helpe, he goth Awey wyth Coveytyse. Tunc descendit ad Avariciam. HUMILITAS Good Aungyl, what may I do therto? Hymselfe may hys sowle spylle. Mankynd to don what he wyl do, God hath govyn hym a fre wylle. Thou he drenche and hys sowle slo, Certys we may not do theretylle. Syn he cam this castel to, We dyd to hym that us befelle And now he hath us refusyd. As longe as he was wythinne this castel walle, We kepte hym fro synne, ye sawe wel alle; And now he wyl ageyn to synne falle, I preye you holde us excusyd. PACIENCIA Resun wyl excusyn us alle. He helde the ex be the helve. Thou he wyl to foly falle, It is to wytyn but hymselve. Whyl he held hym in this halle, Fro dedly synne we dyd hym schelve. He brewyth hymselfe a byttyr galle; In dethys dynt whanne he schal delve This game he schal begrete. He is endewyd wyth wyttys fyve For to rewlyn hym in hys lyve. We vertuse wyl not wyth hym stryve: Avyse hym and hys dede. CARITAS Of hys dede have we nowt to done; He wyl no lenger wyth us be lad. Whanne he askyd out, we herd hys bone, And of hys presens we were ryth glad. But, as thou seste, he hath forsakyn us sone; He wyl not don as Crist hym bad. Mary, thi Sone abovyn the mone As make Mankynd trewe and sad, In grace for to gon. For if he wyl to foly flyt, We may hym not wythsyt. He is of age and can hys wyt, Ye knowe wel everychon. ABSTINENCIA Ichon ye knowyn he is a fole, In Coveytyse to dyth hys dede. Werldys wele is lyke a thre-fotyd stole, It faylyt a man at hys most nede. Mundus transit et concupiscencia ejus.44 Whanne he is dyth in dedys dole, The ryth regystre I schal hym rede; He schal be tore wyth teneful tole; Whanne he schal brenne on glemys glede He schal lere a new lawe. Be he nevere so ryche of werldys wone, Hys seketouris schul makyn her mone: “Make us mery and lete hym gone! He was a good felawe.” CASTITAS Whanne he is ded her sorwe is lest. The ton sekatour seyth to the tothyr: “Make we mery and a ryche fest And lete hym lyn in dedys fodyr.” Et sic relinquent alienis divicias suas.45 So hys part schal be the lest; The systyr servyt thus the brothyr. I lete a man no betyr thanne a best, For no man can be war be othyr Tyl he hathe al ful spunne. Thou schalt se that day, man, that a bede Schal stonde thee more in stede Thanne al the good that thou mytyst gete, Certys, undyr sunne. SOLICITUDO Mankynde, of on thynge have I wondyr: That thou takyst not into thyn mende, Whanne body and sowle schul partyn on sundyr No werldys good schal wyth thee wende. Non descendet cum illo gloria ejus.46 Whanne thou art ded and in the erthe leyd undyr Mysgotyn good thee schal schende; It schal thee weyen as peys in pundyr Thi sely sowle to bryngyn in bende And make it ful unthende. And yyt Mankynd, as it is sene, Wyth Coveytyse goth on this grene. The treytor doth us al this tene Aftyr hys lyvys ende. LARGITAS Out, I crye, and nothynge lowe, On Coveytyse, as I wel may. Mankynd seyth he hath nevere inowe Tyl hys mowthe be ful of clay. Avarus numquam replebitur pecunia.47 Whanne he is closyd in dethis dow What helpyt ryches or gret aray? It flyet awey as any snow Anon aftyr thye endynge day, To wylde werldys wyse. Now good men alle that here be, Have my systerys excusyd and me, Thou Mankynde fro this castel fle. Wyte it Coveytyse. MALUS ANGELUS Ya, go forthe and lete the qwenys cakle! Ther wymmen arn, are many wordys. Lete hem gon hoppyn wyth her hakle! Ther ges syttyn are many tordys. Wyth Coveytyse thou renne on rakle And hange thyne hert upon hys hordys. Thou schalt be schakyn in myn schakle; Unbynde thi baggys on hys bordys, On hys benchys above. Pardé, thou gost owt of Mankynde But Coveytyse be in thi mende. If evere thou thynke to be thende, On hym thou ley thi love. HUMANUM GENUS Nedys my love muste on hym lende, Wyth Coveytyse to waltyr and wave. I knowe non of al my kynde That he ne coveytyth for to have. Penyman is mekyl in mynde; My love in hym I leye and lave. Where that evere I walke or wende In wele and woo he wyl me have; He is gret of grace. Whereso I walke in londe or lede Penyman best may spede; He is a duke to don a dede Now in every place. BONUS ANGELUS Alas, that evere Mankynde was born! On Coveytyse is al hys lust. Nyth and day, mydnyth and morn, In Penyman is al hys trust. Coveytyse schal makyn hym lorn Whanne he is dolven al to dust; To mekyl schame he schal be schorn, Wyth foule fendys to roten and rust. Alas, what schal I do? Alas, alas, so may I say. Man goth wyth Coveytyse away. Have me excusyd, for I ne may Trewly not do therto. MUNDUS A, a, this game goth as I wolde. Mankynde wyl nevere the Werld forsake. Tyl he be ded and undyr molde Holy to me he wyl hym take. To Coveytyse he hath hym yolde; Wyth my wele he wyl awake; For a thousende pounde I nolde But Coveytyse were Mans make, Certys on every wyse. All these gamys he schal bewayle, For I, the Werld, am of this entayle, In hys moste nede I schal hym fayle, And al for Coveytyse. [Scene xix] AVARICIA Now, Mankynd, be war of this: Thou art a-party wele in age. I wolde not thou ferdyst amys; Go we now knowe my castel cage. In this bowre I schal thee blys; Worldly wele schal be thi wage; More mucke thanne is thyne, iwys, Take thou in this trost terage And loke that thou do wronge. Coveytyse, it is no sore, He wyl thee feffen ful of store, And alwey, alwey sey “More and more,” And that schal be thi songe. HUMANUM GENUS A, Coveytyse, have thou good grace! Certys thou beryst a trewe tonge. “More and more,” in many a place, Certys that songe is oftyn songe. I wyste nevere man, be bankys bace, So seyn, in cley tyl he were clonge: “Inow, inow” hadde nevere space, That ful songe was nevere songe, Nor I wyl not begynne. Goode Coveytyse, I thee prey That I myth wyth thee pley. Geve me good inow, or that I dey, To wonne in werldys wynne. AVARICIA Have here, Mankynd, a thousend marke. I, Coveytyse, have thee this gote. Thou mayst purchase therwyth bothe ponde and parke And do therwyth mekyl note. Lene no man hereof, for no karke, Thou he schulde hange be the throte, Monke nor frere, prest nor clerke, Ne helpe therwyth chyrche nor cote, Tyl deth thi body delve. Thou he schuld sterve in a cave, Lete no pore man therof have. In grene gres tyl thou be grave Kepe sumwhat fore thiselve. HUMANUM GENUS I vow to God, it is gret husbondry. Of thee I take these noblys rownde. I schal me rapyn, and that in hye, To hyde this gold undyr the grownde. Ther schal it ly tyl that I dye, It may be kepte ther save and sownde. Thou my neybore schuld be hangyn hye, Therof getyth he neythyr peny nor pownde. Yyt am I not wel at ese. Now wolde I have castel wallys, Stronge stedys and styf in stallys. Wyth hey holtys and hey hallys, Coveytyse, thou muste me sese. AVARICIA Al schalt thou have al redy, lo, At thyn owyn dysposycyoun. Al this good take thee to, Clyffe and cost, toure and toun. Thus hast thou gotyn in synful slo Of thyne neyborys be extorcyoun. “More and more” sey yyt, have do, Tyl thou be ded and drepyn dounn; Werke on wyth werldys wrenchys. “More and more” sey yyt, I rede, To more thanne inow thou hast nede. Al this werld, bothe lenthe and brede, Thi coveytyse may not qwenche. HUMANUM GENUS Qwenche nevere no man may; Me thynkyth nevere I have inow. Ther ne is werldys wele, nyth nor day, But that me thynkyth it is too slow. “More and more” yit I say And schal evere whyl I may blow; On Coveytyse is al my lay And schal tyl deth me ovyrthrow. “More and more,” this is my stevene. If I myth alwey dwellyn in prosperyté, Lord God, thane wel were me. I wolde, the medys, forsake thee And nevere to comyn in Hevene. [Scene xx] MORS Ow, now it is tyme hye To castyn Mankynd to Dethys dynt. In all hys werkys he is unslye; Mekyl of hys lyf he hath myspent. To Mankynd I ney ny, Wyth rewly rappys he schal be rent. Whanne I com iche man drede forthi, But yyt is ther no geyn-went, Hey hyl, holte, nyn hethe. Ye schul me drede everychone; Whanne I come ye schul grone; My name in londe is lefte alone: I hatte drery Dethe. Drery is my deth-drawth; Ageyns me may no man stonde. I durke and downbrynge to nowth Lordys and ladys in every londe. Whomso I have a lessun tawth, Onethys sythen schal he mowe stonde; In my carful clothys he schal be cawth, Ryche, pore, fre and bonde; Whanne I come thei goo no more. Whereso I wende in any lede, Every man of me hat drede. Lette I wyl for no mede To smyte sadde and sore. Dyngne dukys arn adred Whanne my blastys arn on hem blowe. Lordys in londe arn ovyrled; Wyth this launce I leye hem lowe. Kyngys kene and knytys kyd, I do hem delvyn in a throwe, In banke I buske hem a bed, Sad sorwe to hem I sowe, I tene hem, as I trowe. As kene koltys thow they kynse, Ageyns me is no defens. In the grete pestelens Thanne was I wel knowe. But now almost I am forgete; Men of Deth holde no tale In coveytyse her good they gete; The grete fyschys ete the smale. But whanne I dele my derne dette Tho prowde men I schal avale. Hem schal helpyn nothyr mel or Tyl they be drewyn to dethys dale; My lawe thei schul lerne. Ther ne is peny nor pownde That any of you schal save sownde. Tyl ye be gravyn undyr grownde Ther may no man me werne. To Mankynde now wyl I reche; He hathe holé hys hert on Coveytyse. A newe lessun I wyl hym teche That he schal bothe grwcchyn and gryse. No lyf in londe schal ben hys leche; I schal hym prove of myn empryse; Wyth this poynt I schal hym broche And wappyn hym in a woful wyse. Nobody schal ben hys bote. I schal thee schapyn a schenful schappe. Now I kylle thee wyth myn knappe! I reche to thee, Mankynd, a rappe To thyne herte rote. HUMANUM GENUS A, Deth, Deth! Drye is thi dryfte. Ded is my desteny. Myn hed is clevyn al in a clyfte; For clappe of care now I crye; Myn eyeledys may I not lyfte; Myn braynys waxyn al emptye; I may not onys myn hod up schyfte; Wyth Dethys dynt now I dey! Syr Werld, I am hent. Werld, Werld, have me in mende! Goode Syr Werld, helpe now Mankend! But thou me helpe, Deth schal me schende. He hath dyth to me a dynt. Werld, my wyt waxyt wronge; I chaunge bothe hyde and hewe; Myn eyeledys waxyn al outewronge; But thou me helpe, sore it schal me rewe. Now holde that thou haste behete me longe, For all felachepys olde and newe, Lesse me of my peynys stronge. Sum bote of bale thou me brewe That I may of thee yelpe. Werld, for olde aqweyntawns, Helpe me fro this sory chawns. Dethe hathe lacchyd me wyth hys launce. I deye but thou me helpe. MUNDUS Owe, Mankynd, hathe Dethe wyth thee spoke? Ageyns hym helpyth no wage. I wolde thou were in the erthe beloke And anothyr hadde thyne erytage. Oure bonde of love schal sone be broke; In colde clay schal be thy cage; Now schal the Werld on thee be wroke For thou hast don so gret outrage. Thi good thou schalt forgoo. Werldys good thou hast forgon And wyth tottys thou schalt be torn. Thus have I servyd here-beforn A hundryd thousend moo. HUMANUM GENUS Ow, Werld, Werld, evere worthe wo! And thou, synful Coveytyse! Whanne that a man schal fro you go Ye werke wyth hym on a wondyr wyse. The wytte of this werld is sorwe and wo. Be ware, good men, of this gyse! Thus hathe he servyd many on mo. In sorwe slakyth al hys asyse; He beryth a tenynge tungge. Whyl I leyd wyth hym my lott Ye seyn whow fayre he me behott; And now he wolde I were a clott In colde cley for to clynge. MUNDUS How, boy, aryse! now thou muste wende On myn erdyn, be steppe and stalle. Go brewe Mankynd a byttyr bende And putte hym oute of hys halle. Lete hym therinne no lenger lende. Forbrostyn, I trowe, be hys galle For thou art not of hys kende. All hys erytage wyl thee wele befalle. Thus faryth myn fayre feres. Oftyn tyme I have you told, Tho men that ye arn to lest behold Comynly schal youre wonnynge wold And ben youre next eyrys. GARCIO Werld worthy, in wedys wounde, I thanke thee for thi grete gyfte. I go glad upon this grounde To put Mankynde out of hys thryfte. I trowe he stynkyth this ilke stounde. Into a lake I schal hym lyfte. Hys parkys, placys, and penys rounde, Wyth me schul dryven in this dryfte In baggys as thei ben bownde. For I thynke for to dele, I vow to God, neythyr corn nore mele. If he have a schete he beryth hym wele Whereinne he may be wounde. Tunc iet ad Humanum Genus. Whou faryst, Mankynde? Art thou ded? Be Goddys body, so I wene. He is hevyer thanne any led. I wold he were gravyn undyr grene. HUMANUM GENUS Abyde, I breyd uppe wyth myn hed. What art thou? What woldyst thou mene? Wheydyr comyst thou for good or qwed? Wyth peynys prycke thou dost me tene, The sothe for to sey. Telle me now, so God thee save, Fro whom comyst thou, good knave? What dost thou here? what woldyst thou have? Telle me or I deye. GARCIO I am com to have al that thou hast, Ponndys, parkys, and every place. Al that thou hast gotyn fyrst and last, The Werld hathe grauntyd it me of hys grace For I have ben hys page. He wot wel thou schalt be ded, Nevermore to ete bred; Therfore he hath for thee red Who schal have thyne erytage. HUMANUM GENUS What devyl! Thou art not of my kyn! Thou dedyst me nevere no maner good. I hadde lever sum nyfte or sum cosyn Or sum man hadde it of my blod. In sum stede I wold it stod. Now schal I in a dale be delve And have no good therof myselve. Be God and be hys apostelys twelve, I trowe the Weerld be wod. GARCIO Ya, ya, thi parte schal be the leste. Deye on, for I am maystyr here. I schal thee makyn a nobyl feste And thanne have I do myn devere. The Werld bad me this gold areste, Holt and hallys and castell clere. The Werldys joye and hys jentyl jeste Is now thyne, now myn, bothe fere and nere. Go hens, for this is myne. Syn thou art ded and browth of dawe, Of thi deth, syr, I am ryth fawe. Thou thou knowe not the Werldys lawe, He hath gove me al that was thyne. HUMANUM GENUS I preye thee now, syn thou this good schalt gete, Telle thi name or that I goo. GARCIO Loke that thou it not forgete: My name is I-Wot-Nevere-Whoo. HUMANUM GENUS I-Wot-Nevere-Who! so welaway! Now am I sory of my lyf. I have purchasyd many a day Londys and rentys wyth mekyl stryf. I have purchasyd holt and hay, Parkys and ponndys and bowrys blyfe, Goode gardeynys wyth gryffys gay, To myne chyldyr and to myn wyfe In dethe whanne I were dyth. Of my purchas I may be wo, For, as I thout, it is not so, But a gedelynge I-Wot-Nevere-Who Hath al that the Werld me behyth. Now, alas, my lyf is lak. Bittyr balys I gynne to brewe. Certis, a vers that David spak In the sawter I fynde it trewe: Thesaurizat, et ignorat cui congregabit ea.48 Tresor, tresor, it hathe no tak; It is othyr mens, olde and newe. Ow, ow, my good gothe al to wrak! Sore may Mankynd rewe. God kepe me fro dyspayr! Al my good, wythout fayle, I have gadryd wyth gret travayle, The Werld hathe ordeynyd of hys entayle I-Wot-Nevere-Who to be myn eyr. Now, good men, takythe example at me. Do for youreself whyl ye han spase. For many men thus servyd be Thorwe the werld in dyverse place. I bolne and bleyke in blody ble And as a flour fadyth my face. To Helle I schal bothe fare and fle But God me graunte of hys grace. I deye certeynly. Now my lyfe I have lore. Myn hert brekyth, I syhe sore. A word may I speke, no more. I putte me in Goddys mercy. [Scene xxi] ANIMA “Mercy,” this was my last tale That evere my body was abowth. But Mercy helpe me in this vale, Of dampnynge drynke sore I me doute. Body, thou dedyst brew a byttyr bale To thi lustys whanne gannyst loute. Thi sely sowle schal ben akale; I beye thi dedys wyth rewly rowte, And al it is for gyle. Evere thou hast be coveytows Falsly to getyn londe and hows. To me thou hast browyn a byttyr jows. So welaway the whyle! Now, swet aungel, what is thi red? The ryth red thou me reche. Now my body is dressyd to ded Helpe now me and be my leche. Dyth thou me fro develys drede. Thy worthy weye thou me teche. I hope that God wyl helpyn and be myn hed For “mercy” was my laste speche; Thus made my body hys ende. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - [MALUS ANGELUS] Wyttnesse of all that ben abowte, Syr Coveytyse he had hym owte. Therfor he schal, wythoutyn dowte, Wyth me to Helle pytt. BONUS ANGELUS Ye, alas, and welawo! Ageyns Coveytyse can I not telle. Resun wyl I fro thee goo, For, wrechyd Sowle, thou muste to Helle. Coveytyse, he was thi fo; He hathe thee schapyn a schameful schelle; Thus hathe he servyd many on mo Tyl thei be dyth to dethys delle, To byttyr balys bowre. Thou muste to peyne, be ryth resun, Wyth Coveytyse, for he is chesun. Thou art trappyd ful of tresun But Mercy be thi socowre. For ryth wel this founde I have Ageyns Rythwysnesse may I not holde. Thou muste wyth hym to careful cave For grete skyllys that he hathe tolde. Fro thee awey I wandyr and wave; For thee I clynge in carys colde. Alone now I thee lave Whylyst thou fallyst in fendys folde, In Helle to hyde and hylle. Rytwysnesse wyl that thou wende Forthe awey wyth the fende. But Mercy wyl to thee sende, Of thee I can no skylle. ANIMA Alas, Mercy, thou art too longe! Of sadde sorwe now may I synge. Holy wryt it is ful wronge But Mercy pase alle thynge. I am ordeynyd to peynys stronge, In wo is dressyd myn wonnynge, In Helle on hokys I schal honge, But mercy fro a welle sprynge. This devyl wyl have me away. Weleaway! I was ful wod That I forsoke myn Aungyl Good And wyth Coveytyse stod Tyl that day that I schuld dey. MALUS ANGELUS Ya, why woldyst thou be coveytous And drawe thee agayn to synne? I schal thee brewe a byttyr jous; In bolnynnge bondys thou schalt brenne. In hye Helle schal be thyn hous, In pycke and ter to grone and grenne; Thou schalt lye drenkelyd as a mous; Ther may no man therfro thee werne For that ilke wyll. That day the ladys thou forsoke And to my counsel thou thee toke, Thou were betyr anhangyn on hoke Upon a jebet hyll. Farter fowle, thou schalt be frayed Tyl thou be frettyd and al forbled. Foule mote thou be dysmayed That thou schalt thus ben ovyrled. For Coveytyse thou hast asayed In byttyr balys thou schalt be bred. Al mankynd may be wel payed Whou Coveytyse makyth thee adred. Wyth rappys I thee rynge. We schul to Hell, bothe to, And bey in Inferno. Nulla est redempcio. For no kynnys thynge. Now dagge we hens a dogge trot. In my dongion I schal thee dere. On thee is many a synful spot; Therfore this schame I schal thee schere Whanne thou comyst to my neste. Why woldyst thou, schrewe schalt nevere thé, But in thi lyve don aftyr me? And thi Good Aungyl tawth thee Alwey to the beste, Ya, but thou woldyst hym not leve. To Coveytyse alwey thou drow. Therfore schalt thou evyl preve; That foul synne thi soule slow. I schal fonde thee to greve And putte thee in peynys plow. Have this, and evyl mote thou scheve, For thou seydyst nevere “inow, inow.” Thus lacche I thee thus lowe. Thow thou kewe as a kat, For thi coveytyse have thou that! I schal thee bunche wyth my bat And rouge thee on a rowe. Lo, synful tydynge, Boy, on thi bak I brynge. Spedely thou sprynge. Thi “Placebo” I schal synge. To devylys delle I schal thee bere to Helle. I wyl not dwelle. Have good day! I goo to Helle. [Scene xxii] MISERICORDIA A mone I herd of mercy meve And to me, Mercy, gan crye and call; But if it have mercy, sore it schal me greve, For ell it schal to Hell fall. Rythwysnes, my systyr cheve, Thys ye herde; so dyde we all. For we were mad frendys leve Whanne the Jewys proferyd Criste eysyl and gall On the Good Fryday. God grauntyd that remission, Mercy, and absolicion, Thorwe vertu of hys passion, To no man schuld be seyd nay. Therfore, my systyr Rytwysnes, Pes, and Trewth, to you I tell, Whanne man crieth mercy, and wyl not ses, Mercy schal be hys waschynge-well: Wytnesse of Holy Kyrke. For the leste drope of blode That God bledde on the Rode It hadde ben satysfaccion goode For al Mankyndys werke. JUSTICIA Systyr, ye sey me a good skyl, That mercy pasyt mannys mysdede. But take mercy whoso wyl He muste it aske wyth love and drede; And everyman that wyl fulfyll The dedly synnys and folw mysdede, To graunte hem mercy me thynkyth it no skyl; And therfore, systyr, you I rede Lete hym abye hys mysdede. For thou he lye in Hell and stynke, It schal me nevere ovyrthynke. As he hath browyn, lete hym drynke; The Devyl schal quyte hym hys mede. Unusquisque suum honus portabit. Trowe ye that whanne a man schal deye, Thanne thow that he mercy crave, That anon he schal have mercye? Nay, nay, so Crist me save! Non omne qui dicit “Domine, Domine” intrabit regnum celorum.49 For schuld no man do no good All the dayes of hys lyve But hope of mercy be the Rode Schulde make bothe werre and stryve And torne to gret grewaunse. Whoso in hope dothe any dedly synne To hys lyvys ende, and wyl not blynne, Rytfully thanne schal he wynne Crystis gret vengaunse. VERITAS Rytwysnes, my systyr fre, Your jugement is good and trewe. In good feyth so thynkyth me; Late hym hys owyn dedys rewe. I am Veritas and trew wyl be In word and werke to olde and newe. Was nevere man in fawte of me Dampnyd nor savyd, but it were dew. I am evere at mans ende. Whanne body and sowle partyn atwynne, Thanne wey I hys goode dedys and hys synne, And weydyr of hem be more or mynne He schal it ryth sone fynde. For I am Trewthe and trewthe wyl bere, As grete God hymself us byd. Ther schal nothynge the sowle dere But synne that the body dyd. Syth that he deyed in that coveytous synne, I, Trewthe, wyl that he goo to pyne. Of that synne cowde he not blynne; Therfore he schal hys sowle tyne To the pytte of Hell. Ellys schuld we, bothe Trewthe and Rytwysnes, Be put to ovyrmekyl dystresse And every man schul be the wers That therof myth here tell. PAX Pes, my systyr Verité! I preye you, Rytwysnes, be stylle! Lete no man be you dampnyd be Nor deme ye no man to Helle. He is on kyn tyl us thre, Thow he have now not al hys wylle. For hys love that deyed on Tre, Late save Mankynd fro al peryle And schelde hym fro myschaunsse If ye tweyne putte hym to dystresse It schuld make gret hevynesse Betwene us tweyne, Mercy and Pes, And that were gret grevaunce. Rytwysnes and Trewthe, do be my red, And Mercy, go we to yone hey place. We schal enforme the hey Godhed And pray hym to deme this case. Ye schal tell hym youre entent Of Trewthe and of Rytwysnesse, And we schal pray that hys jugement May pase be us, Mercy and Pes. All foure, now go we hens Wytly to the Trinité And ther schal we sone se What that hys jugement schal be, Wythoutyn any deffens. Tunc ascendent ad Patrem omnes pariter et dicet Veritas:50 [Scene xxiii] VERITAS Heyl, God almyth! We cum, thi dowterys in syth, Trewth, Mercy, and Ryth, And Pes, pesyble in fyth. MISERICORDIA We cum to preve If Man, that was thee ful leve, If he schal cheve To Hell or Hevene, be thi leve. JUSTICIA I, Rytwysnes, Thi dowtyr as I ges, Late me, neverthelesse, At thi dom putte me in pres. PAX Pesyble kynge, I, Pes, thi dowtyr yynge, Here my preyinge Whanne I pray thee, Lord, of a thynge. DEUS Welcum in fere, Bryther thanne blossum on brere! My dowterys dere, Cum forth and stand ye me nere. VERITAS Lord, as thou art Kyng of kyngys, crownyd wyth crowne, As thou lovyste me, Trewthe, thi dowtyr dere, Lete nevere me, Trewthe, to fall adowne, My feythful Fadyr, saunz pere! Quoniam veritatem dilexisti. For in all trewthe standyth thi renowne, Thi feyth, thi hope, and thi powere, Lete it be sene, Lord, now at thi dome, That I may have my trewe prayere To do trewthe to Mankynd. For if Mankynd be dempte be ryth And not be mercy, most of myth, Her my trewthe, Lord, I thee plyth, In presun man schal be pynyd. Lord, whow schuld Mankynd be savyd, Syn he dyed in dedly synne And all thi comaundementys he depravyd And of fals covetyse he wolde nevere blynne? Aurum sitisti, aurum bibisti. The more he hadde, the more he cravyd, Whyl the lyf lefte hym wythinne. But he be dampnyd I am abavyd That Trewthe schuld com of Rytwys kynne, And I am thi dowtyr Trewthe. Thou he cried mercy, moriendo, Nimis tarde penitendo, Talem mortem reprehendo.51 Lete hym drynke as he brewyth! Late repentaunce if man save scholde, Wheythyr he wrouth wel or wyckydnesse, Thanne every man wold be bolde To trespas in trost of forgevenesse. For synne in hope is dampnyd, I holde; Forgevyn is nevere hys trespase. He synnyth in the Holy Gost manyfolde. That synne, Lord, thou wylt not reles In this werld nor in the tothyr. Quia veritas manet in eternum, Tendit homo ad infernum, Nunquam venit ad supernum,52 Thou he were my brothyr. For man on molde halt welthe and wele, Lust-and-lykynge in al hys lyfe, Techynge, prechynge, in every sele, But he forgetyth the Lord belyve. Hye of hert, happe and hele, Gold and sylvyr, chyld and wyf, Denteth drynke at mete and mele, Unnethe thee to thanke he can not kyth In any maner thynge. Whanne mans welthe gynnyth awake Ful sone, Lord, thou art forsake. As he hathe browne and bake, Trewthe wyl that he drynke. For if Man have mercy and grace Thanne I, thi dowtyr Sothfastnesse, At thi dom schal have no place But be putte abak be wronge dures. Lord, lete me nevere fle thi fayr face To make my power any lesse! I pray thee, Lord, as I have space, Late Mankynd have dew dystresse In Helle fere to be brent. In peyne loke he be stylle, Lord, if it be thi wylle, Or ell I have no skylle Be thi trew jugement. |
hear trumpets proclaim; wrath goes; war split; entirely Those; intentions; destroy banner; spike stars Prepare; shining shields Yon scurvy sluts to scare grass Prepare yourselves; quickly great anxiety a virtuous life offer far and wide go chattering women; reward Unless torments; bleed their; despoil (t-note) Go to it; course go; quickly split high; shout profit Goliath; (see note) shoot each of yon sluts In her; rough clatter; strike Meekness bad luck bright; command next to you gracious hear a hideous hooting of loud voices Quickly, shine splendid sight; (t-note) giant; begin to stare; (see note) move; weight rascals; crush; demolish skillfully sorrow; crack; shatter Into the river greatest foe Truly; woeful turns get ready shields; spears; break rogue, shoot; slut escape must regain him Shoot we together equipment; can best use chase; yon dwelling; (t-note) how; go faggot twist; acquit myself well rascals I shall teach [a lesson] equipment bitches; turn pale; blubber dust fumes shit out of fear Then they descend into the place Says to the Devil To; Like a herald loudly; shout; (t-note) (t-note) banner chase; the villains’ dwelling banner; rags; riot Make; bitch Meekness melt to a speck take on; scurvy slut on; prepare an attack Quickly barren hills noble; see [we will] drive; (t-note) [He speaks] to Flesh frail; lavishly slay brave make yourself feared Equip yourself; toe Show; lavishly By; oppressed Industry; blue skill, its value known [He speaks] to the World dressed in garments Greed shout, yell; call are; soldiers; offer injure; believe worthy man; Cross save turns enemies angry prepare; terrible cavern; (t-note) torments; brew far and wide to roll and toss truth each; wary virtuous enemies; amiss are able; means be almsdeeds; prayer do; bade Steadfastly almost make themselves ready Certainly; defeated Were I not painful live virtue entirely Meekness (see note) Industry placed Help, ladies; incense Red; torn from a branch prepare Although; has good intentions thoughts; unstable frailty; decline MEEKNESS; high sea; shore (i.e., everywhere) be with us give him have seen defect; found crafty by us steadfastly defend each of his enemies destiny shield; guard shameful attack enemies wander destroy; cruel disgrace flowers; float down; (see note) promised sweet; (t-note) rain down; roots man’s remedy vanguard Forward drive; cares offer Prepare; widely that follow me strong blows; rush; advise Pride; To; ruin decorated deceiver; banner on all sides arrayed lavishly gowns; overcome destroy; might missing surrounded Bitches; how yield yourself; advise present Bitch MEEKNESS; boasting know destroy; grievous meek; everywhere crucified host alighted settled humbly alighted fell cause bound; terrible torments prove; proper reason nobleman (i.e., Jesus); hill (Golgatha) might; have a place humbles himself; high near although; crafty destroy; attempts out of; virtuous strike; attire heavy crossbow bolt; (t-note) burn; wild fire; (see note) bitch slut fear bitch; filthy cunt; (see note) fear of you; protect Today mad destroy son Ripped; root; bark meeker despoilers; push might have forced; dust crucify their might have To have avenged; quickly die patience fierce blade into distant fields turn from my dwellings worthy attempt chase from (see note) begins steadfast begins to seek vengeance; (t-note) gray rag function foully slanders may the Devil choke you Unless; strike; terrible blow shield; break shoot at Charity; Although; wickedness worse damages as a reward (t-note) control; (t-note) true; the Creed much scripture; read villain Although; blade of grass worse true teaching demonstrate flaw of blue spot; (t-note) a bloody countenance prolific placed in; torment wicked remain bones What are you jabbering about all together Strike down; bitches; (t-note) Make destruction; dwelling vanguard Cause; bitches; moans brave deeds pieces Go to it; blue vengeance Trumpets; loudly bagpipes; (see note) Then they will fight for a long time; (see note) severely beaten by; destroyed wail; bloody wounds (t-note) humbled live taken away hatred underwear swarthy person I’m covered with scabs; (see note) noble creep shot terrible blow blue was torn from the Cross hangs [in strings] complain are not; turd Bad luck to you Quickly; attack again; (t-note) eyes sorrow; shit and cower Quickly disgrace By which let; go to [work] Let’s go Each; gain fame; (see note) mastery; (t-note) Let them be thrown; ditch try to endow Do Quickly; how; begin are able to reward Beware; smoke although you turn pale torch on my shoulder on fire flame; hinder believe; (t-note) disease-ridden rich nourish on fire ABSTINENCE; unhealthy mind cause them; injury fire although diminish your prosperity bread; brought Cross; injury mean; (see note) same blessed assist wasted bread; brought nothing taught caught condition truth nourish pleasantly although; eager (t-note) shut up; earth eager Lechery; slut same fire; genitals leaps; flame coals; (t-note) pain; tie up fear private parts hope for repose believe on fire loins heat Mother and Virgin, quench carnal lusts; (see note); (t-note) made no room for you flowed crowned put ruffians; harm very From; have learned; lesson wears advise not sully; seed (semen); (t-note) would beaten rod SLOTH; Beware; dig Spiritual; pour out; shed ditch; empty; (see note) meet soon enough With; ditch; broad (t-note) I’m well acquainted with would prefer; alehouse (see note); (t-note) Than Industry; swollen dung beetle for you; ruin INDUSTRY Sluggishness Root rascal; hinder; glad confess rascal; great distress led astray should do; this fellow Nor absolve them truly remained ditch for deadly sin an easy path torment; bind beads; pay [for it] great and small plan to shame him Sloth beads; prayer honest Such as a Bible; hand bones; (t-note) Why Rascals; jabbering strike at crowds in [military] array rascal Slay; if you can deeds display For a little while fight right With bright trumpets Let Then they will fight for a long time fall destroyed; (see note) am not; turd live beaten, head deal go crouch like a quail; (see note) privy Cross beaten; drowned; (t-note) let her have fire; (see note) fear be hanged urchin (child); disgraced die; Pour swoon; stagger(?) Yon; jabbering smashed; scabbed wool Before; injury by a secret path testicles; (see note) rest (play; lick?) entirely help ground complain; cower; shit fizzle (break wind) foully glare; owl [He goes] to the World whatever this [battle] turd whimper Greed; Banner forward since; infant Finish off; tame her torments; for her rewards; (t-note) Canwick; again; (see note) be appropriate manner Make virtues Greed; troubled Since; stronghold stay; (t-note) go carry yourself boldly advise; (see note) two GENEROSITY Almost; each mortal much; tormented By; (see note) almighty; pleased Since; gave birth to; ruin widely; begin to spread; (t-note) become almost mad because of; wealth Cross Will make Cursed are the avaricious from this time forth trouble; strife At any time Except; cause; (t-note) nourish keep from from gain from truly; in every way Root ails; Generosity worthy; dais (platform) not at all place; control very generous abate; put an end to stretch out physician proper prosperity; wealth go take become; (see note); (t-note) crawl; become feeble weak loose gown; (see note) drip hair becomes; gray [By St.] Peter servants; (see note) prisons advise give your allegiance present your petition little disgrace dear because of your own fault do ill although go to wealth truly Book of Nature; (see note) insult little delight down wander truth Although; pray Unless pay attention cool cling; hold tight manage yourself needy; age; (t-note) advice help shelter myself Before a meal; get; (see note) contingencies wealth somewhere however something; own occasion; happen; (t-note) turn fine clothes dwelling shut up appropriate manner loathsome Then he (Mankind) goes down to Covetousness MEEKNESS; about that destroy whatever given Although; drown; slay do [anything] about that; (t-note) what was appropriate to us consider us Reason axe; haft There is no one to blame kept himself protect By death’s blow; be buried regret endowed control virtues; fight Let him think of himself; deed (choice) nothing to do led asked for anything; request very see; quickly; (t-note) moon; (see note) Make; steadfast fly prevent knows his mind each one Each of you perform; deeds stool; (t-note) fails placed; death’s torment true account; read torn; painful tools burn; bright coals learn wealth executors; complaint go their; very little one executor; other; (t-note) lie; death’s company (t-note) least deals with consider; beast be prudent about another experienced everything himself bead [prayer] avail more for you wealth; are able to on the earth Industry; one mind separate go Ill-gotten wealth; destroy weigh down; weight; scales foolish; bondage feeble injury life’s Generosity; not softly enough enclosed in the grave fine clothes flies As is the fashion of the fickle world (see note) Although Blame it on Greed whores; (t-note) Wherever; (see note) their feathers Wherever geese; turds run quickly hoards [of money] placed; shackles Untie; moneybags; tables Certainly, you are no part of Unless; mind prosperous place Necessarily; be placed float; toss kind (species) Money [personified]; much; (see note) on; place; put Wherever; go; (t-note) good and bad times; maintain lavish Wherever; in crowds prosper good man to get something done pleasure Night; midnight lost buried much shame; reduced rot and deteriorate Consider do [anything] about it goes earth Entirely given himself wealth; be excited would wish nothing; (t-note) Except; companion Certainly regret disposition because of Greed somewhat advanced fared ill to become acquainted with; (see note) bower; make happy wealth wealth; truly of this full possession sorrow endow; goods Truly; sung knew; low banks (i.e., everywhere) Say that; clay until; buried Enough; opportunity sung am able; to play enough, before; die live; joy (comfort) (see note) got this for you many great things Lend; injury cottage bury Although; starve grass; buried thrift (see note) hurry; in haste (see note) Although; (see note); (t-note) comfortable horses; powerful tall woods endow these goods by evil means by; (t-note) go ahead struck down Proceed; deceits advise enough length; breadth satisfy Satisfy enough wealth, night it seems to me; (t-note) breathe About; song petition (vow) may I would be happy as a reward Death; high time stroke foolish Much come close terrible blows; torn each; is fearful of it no road back High; nor heath everyone lament remains alone on earth am called dreadful Dreadful; death-potion lurk; nought To whom; taught Scarcely afterwards; be able to stand clothes of care; caught bondsman go; crowd has Stop; reward forcibly; sorely Worthy; afraid blown at them; (t-note) overcome bold; famous knights bury in a moment On a hill I prepare for them injure; believe spirited colts although; shy away known; (see note) forgotten pay no attention their goods fish; (see note) give; stealthy blow Those; bring down Shall help them; banquet nor feast mete; (see note) driven to death’s valley There is neither buried avoid me proceed entirely [set] complain; tremble No person; physician show him my power pierce strike; manner help make for you; shameful appearance blow give; blow root Hard; power Death split; gash blow; sorrow become once; head; lift Death’s stroke; die taken (seized) mind Unless; destroy dealt me a [mortal] blow; (t-note) becomes twisted complexion; color wrung out [with tears] Unless; regret keep that [which]; promised; for a long time Release; pains remedy for torment praise you miserable fortune struck unless Oh payment locked up heritage broken prison avenged Because; crimes; (see note) goods; lose goods; lost; (t-note) by devils previously more woe to you forever from deal; in a strange manner wisdom trick many others ends; fashion harmful tongue placed; destiny; (t-note) how fairly; made promises; (t-note) clod waste away go errand; stable bondage remain Shattered; let be; gall bladder; (see note) Because; kinship heritage; fall properly to you dear companions Those; to whom you owe the least Often; rule your dwelling heirs Boy; dressed in [fine] clothes estate believe; very moment pit; throw pennies be taken by force share grain sheet (shroud); does well (t-note) Then he goes to Mankind How are you think buried; grass lift do you intend Do you come; evil torment of pain; hurt truth (t-note) From (t-note) before; die servant knows decided estate kind of would prefer; nephew of my family I wish it were of some use buried in a valley benefit from it By think; mad You don’t have anything to say about this Go ahead and die done my duty seize Woods game far and near brought to death very pleased Although given wealth; (t-note) I-Don’t-Know-Who much woods; fields pleasant bowers groves For; children should be put; (t-note) woeful thought; (see note); (t-note) rascal promised poor torment Certainly In the Psalms (see note) endurance Oh; wealth; ruin regret (see note) goods gathered; effort determined testamentary disposition heir by Provide; time Throughout swell; grow pale; countenance flower go Unless lost sigh (see note) Soul; word; (see note) concerned with Unless; valley [see Psalm 23:6] damning; sorely; fear sorrow; (see note) pleasures when you yielded wretched; cold pay for; terrible blows deceit greedy brewed; potion advice right way; direct for death physician Put me; from proper guide (see note); (t-note) (see note) the pit of Hell argue Reason determines; from foe prepared; dwelling many others; (t-note) put in death’s pit bower of sorrow by just reason [the] cause Unless Justice; argue cave of sorrow good reasons; explained turn and toss waste leave [the] devil’s enclosure take shelter Justice determines; go Unless I have no power to help you; (t-note) too long [coming]; (t-note) Scripture Unless; surpass; (see note) condemned to terrible pains prepared; dwelling hooks Unless; fountain mad greedy turn potion swelling; burn; (t-note) In the depths of Hell pitch; tar; gnash your teeth drowned defend Because of; same desire hanged on a hook; (t-note) gallows foul; bruised gnawed; bloody Foully may overpowered tried torments; roasted satisfied How; afraid blows; surround two suffer; Hell; (see note) There is no redemption manner of jog; hence dungeon; injure (see note) cut off rascal [who] will never prosper Only; follow after taught believe turned thrive in anguish; (t-note) killed make you grieve harness you to pain’s plow Take this [blow]; may you thrive evilly; (see note) enough; (see note) strike; down Although; mew (i.e., he strikes another blow) strike rough you up in order story (see note) jump “I will please”; (see note) In; pit delay; (t-note) MERCY; moan; spoken Unless; grieve otherwise Justice; chief made; dear; (see note) vinegar Through virtue Justice cease fountain of purification As Holy Church testifies least; (see note) Cross would be deeds good argument is greater than receive; whoever fear practice sin no good reason advise pay for although bother brewed pay; reward Everyone shall bear his own burden (Galatians 6:5) Do you believe Then although; beg by; Cross war; strife turn; injury cease gain TRUTH; Justice; noble it seems to me Let; deeds regret deed default deserved death separate weigh; (t-note) which of them; less very quickly bear [witness] commanded injure torment could; cease lose Otherwise; Justice too much worse might hear tell [of it] PEACE; Peace; Truth by condemn related to; (see note) Although died on the Cross Let Mankind be saved; peril defend; disaster two injury; (see note); (t-note) advice high explain to; high judge argument be rendered by Quickly appeal (t-note) (t-note) sight (presence) Justice peaceably in discussion decide; (t-note) very dear to you attain permission (t-note) believe Let judgment exert myself Peaceful; (t-note) young Hear concerning something GOD; together; (t-note) Brighter; briar without equal For you have loved truth; (see note) Let; judgment damned justly might promise prison; tormented how broke greed; cease You thirsted for gold, you have drunk gold remained Unless; amazed Justice’s If late repentance did sin; expectation committed in hope of redemption; argue many times remit other [world] (t-note) Although earth holds; goods Pleasure season quickly Proud; happy; healthy Dainty Scarcely; show begins to grow brewed; baked wishes Truth judgment set aside; force flee from opportunity appropriate punishment fire; burnt See to it that he be in perpetual pain else; ability By |
MISERICORDIA O Pater misericordiarum et Deus tocius consolacionis, qui consolatur nos in omni tribulacione nostra! 53 (see note) |
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O thou Fadyr, of mytys moste, Mercyful God in Trinité! I am thi dowtyr, wel thou woste, And mercy fro Hevene thou browtyst fre. Schew me thi grace in every coste! In this cas my conforte be! Lete me, Lord, nevere be loste At thi jugement, whowso it be, Of Mankynd. Ne had mans synne nevere cum in cas I, Mercy, schuld nevere in erthe had plas. Therfore graunte me, Lord, thi grace, That Mankynd may me fynd. And mercy, Lord, have on this man Aftyr thi mercy, that mekyl is, Unto thi grace that he be tan, Of thi mercy that he not mys! As thou descendyst fro thi trone And lyth in a maydyns wombe iwys, Incarnat was in blod and bone, Lat Mankynd cum to thi blys, As thou art Kynge of Hevene! For werldly veynglory He hathe ben ful sory, Punchyd in purgatory For all the synnys sevene. Si pro peccato vetus Adam non cecidisset, Mater pro nato numquam gravidata fuisset.54 Ne had Adam synnyd here-before And thi hestys in Paradys had offent, Nevere of thi modyr thou schuldyst a be bore, Fro Hevene to erthe to have be sent. But thyrti wyntyr here and more, Bowndyn and betyn and al to-schent, Scornyd and scourgyd sadde and sore, And on the Rode rewly rent, Passus sub Pilato Poncio. As thou henge on the Croys On hye thou madyste a voys, Mans helthe, the gospel seys, Whanne thou seydyst “Scitio.” Scilicet, salutem animarum. Thane the Jewes that were unquert Dressyd thee drynke, eysyl and galle. It to taste thou myth nowth styrt But seyd “Consummatum est” was alle. A knyt wyth a spere so smert, Whanne thou forgafe thi fomen thrall He stonge thee, Lord, unto the hert. Thanne watyr and blod gan oute wall, Aqua baptismatis et sanguis redempcionis. The watyr of Baptomm, The blod of redempcioun That fro thin herte ran doun Est causa salvacionis. Lord, thou that man hathe don more mysse thanne good If he dey in very contricioun, Lord, the lest drope of thi blod For hys synne makyth satysfaccioun. As thou deydyst, Lord, on the Rode, Graunt me my peticioun! Lete me, Mercy, be hys fode, And graunte hym thi salvacion, Quia dixisti “Misericordia servabo.”55 “Mercy” schal I synge and say And “Miserere” schal I pray For Mankynd evere and ay. Misericordias Domini in eternum cantabo.56 JUSTICIA Rythwys Kynge, Lorde God almyth, I am thi dowtyr Rythwysnesse. Thou hast lovyd me evere, day and nyth, As wel as othyr, as I gesse. Justicias Dominus justicia dilexit. If thou mans kynde fro peyne aquite, Thou dost ageyns thyne owyn processe, Lete hym in preson to be pyth For hys synne and wyckydnesse, Of a bone I thee pray. Ful oftyn he hath thee, Lord, forsake And to the Devyl he hathe hym take. Lete hym lyn in Hell lake, Dampnyd for evere and ay. Quia Deum, quia se genuit, dereliquit. For whanne Man to the werld was bornn He was browth to Holy Kyrke, Feythly followd in the funte-ston And wesch fro orygynal synne so dyrke. Satanas he forsok as hys fone, All hys pompe and al hys werke, And hyth to serve thee alone; To kepe thi commandementys he schuld not irke, Sicut justi tui. But whanne he was com to mans astate All hys behestys he thanne forgate. He is worthi be dampnyd for that, Qui oblitus est Domini creatoris sui. For he hathe forgetyn thee that hym wrout And formydiste hym lyke thyne owyn face And wyth thi precyous blod hym bowth And in this world thou geve hym space. All thi benefetys he set at nowth But toke hym to the Develys trase, The Flesch, the World, was most in his thowth And purpose to plese hem in every plase, So grymly on grounde. I pray thee, Lord lovely, Of man have no mercy, But, dere Lord, lete hym ly, In Hell lete hym be bounde! Man hathe forsake the Kynge of Hevene And hys Good Aungels governaunce And solwyd hys soule wyth synnys sevene Be hys Badde Aungels comberaunce. Vertuis he putte ful evyn away Whanne Coveytyse gan hym avaunce. He wende that he schulde a levyd ay, Tyl Deth trypte hym on hys daunce, He loste hys wyttys fyve. Ovyrlate he callyd Confescion; Ovyrlyt was hys contricioun; He made nevere satisfaccioun. Dampne hym to Helle belyve! For if thou take Mans sowle to thee Ageyns thi Rythwysnesse, Thou dost wronge, Lorde, to Trewth and me And puttys us fro oure dewnesse. Lord, lete us nevere fro thee fle, Ner streyne us nevere in stresse, But late thi dom be by us thre Mankynde in Hell to presse, Lord, I thee beseche! For Rytwysnes dwellys evere sure To deme Man aftyr hys deserviture, For to be dampnyd it is hys ure, On Man I crie wreche. Letabitur justus cum viderit vindictam.57 MISERICORDIA Mercy, my systyr Rythwysnes! Thou schape Mankynde no schonde. Leve systyr, lete be thi dresse. To save Man lete us fonde. For if Man be dampnyd to Hell dyrknes, Thanne myth I wryngyn myn honde That evere my state schulde be les, My fredam to make bonde. Mankynd is of oure kyn. For I, Mercy, pase al thynge That God made at the begynnynge And I am hys dowtyr yynge, Dere systyr, lete be thi dyn! Et misericordia ejus super omnia opera ejus.58 Of Mankynde aske thou nevere wreche Be day ner be nyth, For God hymself hath ben hys leche, Of hys mercyful myth. To me he gan hym beteche, Besyde al hys ryth. For hym wyl I prey and preche To gete hym fre respyth, And my systyr Pese. For hys mercy is wythout begynnynge And schal be wythoutyn endynge, As David seyth, that worthy kynge; In scriptur is no les. Et misericordia ejus a progenie in progenies, et cetera.59 VERITAS Mercy is Mankynde non worthy, David thou thou recorde and rede, For he wolde nevere the hungry Neythyr clothe nor fede, Ner drynke gyf to the thrysty, Nyn pore men helpe at nede. For if he dyd non of these, forthy In Hevene he getyth no mede. So seyth the gospel. For he hathe ben unkynde To lame and to blynde In Helle he schal be pynde. So is resun and skyl. PAX Pesible Kyng in majeste, I, Pes thi dowtyr, aske thee a boun Of Man, whouso it be. Lord, graunte me myn askynge soun, That I may evermore dwelle wyth thee As I have evere yyt doun, And lat me nevere fro thee fle, Specialy at thi dome Of Man, thi creature. Thou my systyr Ryth and Trewthe Of Mankynd have non rewthe, Mercy and I ful sore us mewythe To cacche hym to our cure. For whanne thou madyst erthe and Hevyn, Ten orderys of aungelys to ben in blys, Lucyfer, lyter thanne the levyn Tyl whanne he synnyd, he fel iwys. To restore that place ful evyn Thou madyst Mankynd wyth thys To fylle that place that I dyd nevene. If thy wyl be resun it is, In pes and rest, Amonge thyne aungels bryth To worchep thee in syth, Graunt, Lord God almyth! And so I holde it best. For thou Truthe, that is my systyr dere, Arguyth that Man schuld dwell in wo And Rytwysnes wyth hyr powere Wolde fayn and fast that it were so, But Mercy and I, Pes, bothe in fere, Schal nevere in feyth acorde therto. Thanne schuld we evere dyscorde here And stande at bate for frend or foo And evere at dystaunce. Therfore my counseyl is Lete us foure systerys kys And restore Man to blys, As was Godys ordenaunce. Misericordia et Veritas obviauerunt sibi, Justicia et Pax osculate sunt.60 For if ye, Ryth and Truthe, schuld have your wylle, I, Pes, and Mercy schuld evere have travest. Thanne us betwene had bene a gret perylle That oure joyes in Hevene schuld a ben lest. Therfore, gentyl systerys, consentyth me tyll, Ellys betwene oureself schuld nevere be rest. Where schuld be luf and charité, late ther cum non ille. Loke oure joyes be perfyth, and that I holde the best, In Heveneryche blys. For ther is pes wythowtyn were, There is rest wythowtyn fere, Ther is charité wythowtyn dere. Our Fadyris wyll so is. Hic pax, hic bonitas, hic laus, hic semper honestas.61 Therfore, jentyl systerys, at on word, Truth, Ryth, and Mercy hende, Lete us stonde at on acord, At pes wythowtyn ende. Late love and charyté be at oure bord, Alle venjauns awey wende, To Hevene that Man may be restoryd, Lete us all be hys frende Before oure Fadyrs face. We schal devoutly pray At dredful Domysday And I schal for us say That Mankynd schal have grace. |
mights know from; brought willingly way however it be [settled] into question have been needed great taken be deprived alighted; truly pride Punished commandments; broken have been born; (see note) been years; (t-note) Bound; seriously injured; (t-note) severely Cross grievously torn He suffered under Pontius Pilate hung; Cross Aloud [For] man’s salvation I thirst That is, for the salvation of souls wicked Prepared for you; vinegar could not avoid It is finished soldier; sharp foe’s servants pierced pour The water of baptism and the blood of redemption Baptism It is the cause of salvation although; ill die; true least; (see note) died; Cross sustenance have mercy for ever and ever Righteous; almighty Justice night the others; believe The just Lord had loved justice nature; release; (t-note) judicial procedure prison; placed; (t-note) request taken; (t-note) lie; Hell’s pit for ever and ever For he has forsaken God, who created him brought Devoutly christened; font washed of; dark Satan; foe display promised grow weary According to your laws estate promises; forgot For he has forgotten God his creator; (t-note) made made himself bought a place; (t-note) nought path thought; (t-note) intended; place cruelly on the earth lie sullied temptation; (t-note) Virtues; entirely; (t-note) assist thought; have lived forever tripped; in; (see note) Too late Too little quickly; (t-note) rights restrain; by force judgment; (see note) thrust (t-note) judge; deserving destiny vengeance make for; shame Dear; severity attempt must condition; inferior [to yours] put in restraint surpass young shouting vengeance nor; night physician power entrusted him Against; laws respite Peace (t-note) there are no lies not worthy of although; recite; read feed Nor; give Nor therefore reward Because tormented reason PEACE; Peaceful favor however soon because of your judgment sisters Justice pity strongly exert ourselves take; care; (t-note) be; (t-note) brighter; lightning Until; truly completely for this reason name by peace bright sight almighty eagerly; resolutely together argument agree argue in conflict in opposition Justice opposition danger have been lost to my proposal love perfect Heaven’s bliss war fear injury with one word gracious in agreement Let; table go (t-note) (t-note) fearful Judgment Day |
Et tuam, Deus, deposcimus pietatem ut ei tribuere digneris lucidas et quietas mansiones.62; (see note); (t-note) |
3550 3555 3560 3565 3570 3575 3580 3585 3590 3595 3600 3605 3610 |
Lord, for thi pyté and that pes Thou sufferyst in thi pascioun, Boundyn and betyn, wythout les, Fro the fote to the croun, Tanquam ovis ductus es Whanne gutte sanguis ran adoun, Yyt the Jwes wolde not ses But on thyn hed thei thryst a croun And on the Cros thee naylyd. As petously as thou were pynyd, Have mercy of Mankynd, So that he may fynde Oure preyer may hym avayle. PATER [Sedens in trono: Ego cogito cogitaciones pacis, non affliccionis.63 Fayre falle thee, Pes, my dowtyr dere! On thee I thynke and on Mercy. Syn ye acordyd beth all in fere, My jugement I wyl geve you by Not aftyr deservynge to do reddere, To dampne Mankynde to turmentry, But brynge hym to my blysse ful clere In Hevene to dwelle endelesly, At your prayere forthi. To make my blysse perfyth I menge wyth my most myth Alle pes, sum treuthe, and sum ryth, And most of my mercy. Misericordia Domini plena est terra.64 Amen! Dicet filiabus: My dowters hende, Lufly and lusti to lende, Goo to yone fende And fro hym take Mankynd. Brynge hym to me And set hym here be my kne, In Hevene to be, In blysse wyth gamyn and gle. VERITAS We schal fulfylle Thin hestys, as resun and skylle, Fro yone gost grylle Mankynde to bryng thee tylle. Tunc ascendent ad Malum Angelum omnes pariter et dicet:65 PAX A, thou foule wyth, Lete go that soule so tyth! In Hevene lyth Mankynde sone schal be pyth. JUSTICIA Go thou to Helle, Thou devyl bold as a belle, Therin to dwelle, In bras and brimston to welle! Tunc ascendent ad tronum. MISERICORDIA Lo here Mankynd, Lyter thanne lef is on lynde, That hath ben pynyd. Thi mercy, Lord, lete hym fynde! PATER [Sedens in judicio: Sicut scintilla in medio maris.66 My mercy, Mankynd, geve I thee. Cum syt at my ryth honde. Ful wel have I lovyd thee, Unkynd thow I thee fonde. As a sparke of fyre in the se My mercy is synne-quenchand. Thou hast cause to love me Abovyn al thynge in land, And kepe my comaundment. If thou me love and drede Hevene schal be thi mede; My face thee schal fede: This is myn jugement. |
peace passion beaten; lying Like a sheep you were led drops of blood Jews; cease thrust piteously; tormented aid Sitting on a throne May good fortune come to you are in agreement together according to your proposal according to punishment torments perfect According to perfect mingle; might peace; justice He says to his daughters: gracious; (t-note) joyful to consent devil by joy and mirth (t-note) commands; as is reasonable fierce spirit to you creature; (t-note) immediately the light of Heaven placed (t-note) (see note) brass (fetters?); boil Then they go up to the throne (t-note) Brighter; leaf; linden tree tormented THE FATHER; Sitting in judgment (see note); (t-note) right though; found sea sin-quenching reward feed |
Ego occidam et vivificabo, percuciam et sanabo, et nemo est qui de manu mea possit eruere.67 |
3615 3620 3625 3630 3635 |
Kyng, kayser, knyt, and kampyoun, Pope, patriark, prest, and prelat in pes, Duke dowtyest in dede, be dale and be doun, Lytyl and mekyl, the more and the les, All the statys of the werld is at myn renoun; To me schal thei geve acompt at my dygne des. Whanne Myhel hys horn blowyth at my dred dom The count of here conscience schal putten hem in pres And yeld a reknynge Of her space whou they han spent, And of her trew talent, At my gret jugement An answere schal me brynge. Ecce, requiram gregem meum de manu pastoris.68 And I schal inquire of my flok and of her pasture Whou they have levyd and led her peple sojet. The goode on the ryth syd schul stond ful sure; The badde on the lyfte syd ther schal I set. The sevene dedys of mercy whoso hadde ure To fylle, the hungry for to geve mete, Or drynke to thrysty, the nakyd, vesture, The pore or the pylgrym hom for to fette, Thi neybour that hath nede; Whoso doth mercy to hys myth To the seke, or in presun pyth, He doth to me; I schal hym quyth; Hevene blys schal be hys mede. |
knight; champion bravest; valley; hill estates; under my control account; worthy throne Michael; terrible judgment account; difficulties yield time [on earth] how; have; (see note) their real good deeds to me their pastors How; the people in their care right use; (see note); (t-note) food clothing bring according to his ability sick; [those] put in prison requite reward |
Et qui bona egerunt ibunt in vitam eternam; qui vero mala, in ignem eternum.69; (see note) |
3640 3645 |
And thei that wel do in this werld, her welthe schal awake; In Hevene thei schal be heynyd in bounté and blys; And thei that evyl do, thei schul to Helle lake In byttyr balys to be brent: my jugement it is. My vertus in Hevene thanne schal thei qwake. Ther is no wyth in this werld that may skape this. All men example here-at may take To mayntein the goode and mendyn her mys. Thus endyth oure gamys. To save you fro synnynge Evyr at the begynnynge Thynke on youre last endynge! Te Deum laudamus! |
grow; (see note) exalted; (t-note) the pit of Hell torment; burnt virtues; tremble creature; escape amend their sins We praise you, O God; (see note) |