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God graunt hem heven-blis to mede That herken to mi romaunce rede1 Al of a gentil knight; The best bodi he was at nede That ever might bistriden stede And freest founde in fight. The word of him ful wide it ran Over al this warld the priis he wan, As man most of might. Balder bern was non in bi, His name was hoten Sir Gii Of Warwike wise and wight. Wight he was for sothe to say And holden for priis in everi play As knight of gret boundé. Out of this lond he went his way Thurth mani divers cuntray That was biyond the see. Sethen he com into Inglond And Athelston the king he fond That was bothe hende and fre. For his love ich understond He slough a dragoun in Northhumberlond Ful fer in the north cuntré. He and Herhaud for sothe to say To Wallingforth toke the way That was his faders toun. Than was his fader sothe to say Ded and birid in the clay; His air was Sir Gioun. Alle that held of him lond or fe Deden him omage and feuté And com to his somoun. He tok alle his faders lond And gaf it hende Herhaud in hond Right to his warisoun. And alle that hadde in his servise be He gaf hem gold and riche fe Ful hendeliche on honde And sethen he went with his meyné To th'erl Rohaud that was so fre, At Warwike he him fond. Alle than were thai glad and blithe And thonked God a thousand sithe That Gii was comen to lond. Sethe on hunting thai gun ride With knightes fele and miche pride As ye may understond. On a day Sir Gii gan fond And feir Felice he tok bi hond And seyd to that bird so blithe "Ichave," he seyd, "thurth Godes sond Won the priis in mani lond Of knightes strong and stithe And me is boden gret anour, Kinges douhter and emperour, To have to mi wive. Ac swete Felice," he seyd than, "Y no schal never spouse wiman Whiles thou art olive." Than answerd that swete wight And seyd ogain to him ful right "Bi Him that schope mankinne, Icham desired day and night Of erl, baroun, and mani a knight; For nothing wil thai blinne. Ac Gii," sche seyd, "hende and fre, Al mi love is layd on thee, Our love schal never tuinne; And bot ich have thee to make Other lord nil Y non take For al this warld to winne."2 Anon to hir than answerd Gii, To fair Felice that sat him bi That semly was of sight, "Leman," he seyd, "gramerci." With joie and with melodi He kist that swete wight. Than was he bothe glad and blithe, His joie couthe he no man kithe For that bird so bright.3 He no was never therbiforn Half so blithe sethe he was born For nought that man him hight.4 On a day th'erl gan fond And fair Felice he tok bi hond And hir moder biside, "Douhter," he seyd, "now understond Why wiltow have non husbond That might thee spouse with pride? Thou has ben desired of mani man And yete no wostow never nan For nought that might bitide.5 Leve douhter hende and fre Telle me now par charité What man thou wilt abide." Felice answerd ogain "Fader," quath hye, "ichil thee sain With wordes fre and hende. Fader," quath sche, "ichil ful fayn Tel thee at wordes tuain Bi Him that schop mankende. Opon Sir Gii that gentil knight, Ywis, mi love is alle alight In warld where that he wende And bot he spouse me, at o word, Y no kepe never take lord, Day withouten ende." Than seyd th'erl with wordes fre, "Douhter, yblisced mot thou be Of Godes mouthe to mede. Ich hadde wele lever than al mi fe With than he wald spousy thee, That douhti man of dede. He hath ben desired of mani woman And he hath forsaken hem everilcan, That worthly were in wede. Ac natheles ichil to him fare For to witen of his answare, That douhti man of dede." On a day withouten lesing Th'erl him rode on dere hunting And Sir Gii the conquerour, Als thai riden on her talking Thai speken togider of mani thing, Of levedis bright in bour. Th'erl seyd to Sir Gii hende and fre, "Tel me the sothe par charité Y pray thee, par amoure, Hastow ment ever in thi live Spouse ani wiman to wive That falleth to thine anour?" Sir Gii answerd and seyd than "Bi Him," he seyd, "that this warld wan To saven al mankende, Bi nought that Y tel can Y nil never spouse wiman Save on is fre and hende." "Sir," quath th'erl, "listen nou to me: Y have a douhter bright on ble, Y pray thee leve frende, To wive wiltow hir understond Y schal thee sese in al mi lond To hold withouten ende." "Gramerci," seyd Gii anon, "So help me Crist and Seyn Jon And Y schuld spouse a wive Ich hadde lever hir bodi alon Than winnen al this warldes won With ani woman o live."6 Than seyd th'erl, "Gramerci," And in his armes he kist Sir Gii And thonked him mani a sithe. "Sir Gii," he seyd, "thou art mi frende, Now thou wilt spouse mi dohter hende Was Y never are so blithe." "Ac certes," seyd th'erl so fre, "Sir Gii, yif thou wilt trowe me No lenger thou no schalt abide. Now for fourtenight it schal be The bridal hold with gamen and gle At Warwike in that tyde." Than was Sir Gii glad and blithe His joie couthe he no man kithe, To his ostel he gan ride. And tho Gii com hom to his frende He schuld spouse his douhter hende He teld Herhaud that tide. Th'erl Rouhaud as swithe dede sende After lordinges fer and hende That pris wel told in tour, When the time was comen to th'ende To chirche wel feir gun thai wende With mirthe and michel anour. Miche semly folk was gadred thare Of erls, barouns, lasse and mare, And levedis bright in bour. Than spoused Sir Gii that day Fair Felice that miri may With joie and gret vigour. When he hadde spoused that swete wight The fest lasted a fourtennight That frely folk in fere With erl, baroun, and mani a knight And mani a levedy fair and bright The best in lond that were. Ther wer giftes for the nones, Gold and silver and precious stones And druries riche and dere. Ther was mirthe and melody And al maner menstracie As ye may fortheward here. Ther was trumpes and tabour, Fithel, croude, and harpour Her craftes for to kithe; Organisters and gode stivours, Minstrels of mouthe and mani dysour To glade tho bernes blithe. Ther nis no tong may telle in tale The joie that was at that bridale With menske and mirthe to mithe, For ther was al maner of gle That hert might thinke other eyghe se As ye may list and lithe. Herls, barouns, hende and fre That ther war gadred of mani cuntré That worthliche were in wede, Thai goven glewemen for her gle Robes riche, gold and fe, Her giftes were nought gnede. On the fiftenday ful yare Thai toke her leve for to fare And thonked hem her gode dede. Than hadde Gii that gentil knight Feliis to his wil day and night In gest also we rede. When Gii hadde spoused that hendy flour, Fair Feliis so bright in bour That was him leve and dere, Ywis, in Warwike in that tour Fiftendays with honour With joie togider thai were. So it bifel that first night That he neyghed that swete wight A child thai geten yfere And sethen with sorwe and sikeing sare Her joie turned hem into care As ye may forward here. Than was Sir Gii of gret renoun And holden lord of mani a toun As prince proude in pride. That Erl Rohaut and Sir Gyoun In fretthe to fel the dere adoun On hunting thai gun ride. It bifel opon a somers day That Sir Gii at Warwike lay - In herd is nought to hide - At night in tale as it is told To bedde went tho bernes bold Bi time to rest that tide. To a turet Sir Gii is went And biheld that firmament That thicke with steres stode, On Jhesu omnipotent That alle his honour hadde him lent He thought with dreri mode, Hou he hadde ever ben strong werrour, For Jhesu love, our Saveour, Never no dede he gode.7 Mani man he hadde slayn with wrong; "Allas, allas!" it was his song, For sorwe he yede ner wode. "Allas," he seyd, "that Y was born, Bodi and soule icham forlorn, Of blis icham al bare For never in al mi liif biforn For Him that bar the croun of thorn Gode dede dede Y nare. Bot wer and wo ichave don wrought And mani a man to grounde ybrought, That rewes me ful sare. To bote min sinnes ichil wende Barfot to mi lives ende To bid mi mete with care." As Gii stode thus in tour alon In hert him was ful wo bigon, "Allas!" it was his song. Than com Feliis sone anon And herd him make rewely mon With sorwe and care among. "Leman," sche seyd, "what is thi thought? Whi artow thus in sorwe brought? Me thenke thi pain wel strong. Hastow ought herd of me bot gode8 That thou makes thus dreri mode? Ywis, thou hast gret wrong." "Leman," seyd Gii ogain, "Ichil thee telle the sothe ful fain Whi icham brought to grounde. Sethen Y thee seyghe first with ayn - Allas the while Y may sayn - Thi love me hath so ybounde That never sethen no dede Y gode9 Bot in wer schadde mannes blode With mani a griseli wounde. Now may me rewe al mi live That ever was Y born o wive Wayleway that stounde!" "Ac yif ich hadde don half the dede For Him that on Rode gan blede With grimly woundes sare, In Hevene He wald have quit mi mede In joie to won with angels wede Evermore withouten care. Ac for thi love ich have al wrought,10 For His love dede Y never nought; Jhesu amende mi fare. Therfore ich wot that icham lorn. Allas the time that Y was born, Of blis icham al bare. "Bot God is curteys and hende And so dere he hath bought mankende For no thing wil hem lete. For His love ichil now wende Barfot to mi lives ende Mine sinnes forto bete That whoreso Y lye anight Y schal never be seyn with sight Bi way no bi strete. Of alle the dedes Y may do wel, God graunt thee, lef, that halvendel11 And Marie His moder swete." Than stode that hende levedi stille And in hir hert hir liked ille And gan to wepe anon. "Leman," sche seyd, "what is thi wille? Ywis, thi speche wil me spille. Y not what Y may don. Y wot thou hast in sum cuntré Spoused another woman than me That thou wilt to hir gon And now thou wilt fro me fare. Allas, allas, now cometh mi care! For sorwe ichil me slon. "For wer and wo thatow hast wrought God that al mankende hath bought, So curteys He is and hende, Schrive thee wele in word and thought And than thee tharf dout right nought Ogaines the foule fende. Chirches and abbays thou might make That schal pray for thi sake To Him that schope mankende. Hastow no nede to go me fro; Save thou might thi soule fram wo In joie withouten ende." "Leve leman," than seyd Sir Gii, "Lete ben alle this reweful cri; It is nought worth thi tale. For mani a bern and knight hardi Ich have ysleyn sikerly And strued cites fale And for ich have destrued mankin Y schal walk for mi sinne Barfot bi doun and dale. That ich have with mi bodi wrought, With mi bodi it schal be bought To bote me of that bale. "Leman," he seyd, "par charité, Astow art bothe hende and fre O thing Y thee pray: Loke thou make no sorwe for me Bot hold thee stille astow may be Til tomorwe at day. Gret wele thi fader that is so hende And thi moder and al thi frende Bi sond as Y thee say; Grete wele Herhaud Y thee biseche; Leman, God Y thee biteche, Y wil fare forth in mi way. "Leman, Y warn thee biforn With a knave child thou art ycorn That douhti beth of dede. For Him that bar the croun of thorn, Therfore, as sone as it is born Pray Herhaud wight in wede He teche mi sone as he wele can Al the thewes of gentil man And helpe him at his nede. For he is bothe gode and hende And ever he hath ben trewe and kende, God quite him his mede. "Leman," he seyd, "have here mi brond And take mi sone it in his hond Astow art hende and fre, He may therwith ich understond Winne the priis in everi lond For better may non be. Leman," he seyd, "have now godeday. Ichil fare forth in mi way And wende in mi jurné." Thai kist hem in armes tuo And bothe thai fel aswon tho - Gret diol it was to se. Gret sorwe thai made at her parting And kist hem with eyghen wepeing, Bi the hond sche gan him reche "Leman," sche seyd, "have here this ring; For Jhesus love heven-king A word Y thee biseche: When thou ert in fer cuntré Loke heron and thenk on me And God Y thee biteche." With that word he went hir fro Wepeand with eyghen to Withouten more speche. Now is Gii fram Warwike fare, Unto the se he went ful yare And passed over the flod. The levedy bileft at hom in care With sorwe and wo and sikeing sare; Wel drery was hir mode. "Allas, allas," it was hir song, Hir here sche drough, hir hond sche wrong, Hir fingres brast o blode. Al that night til it was day Hir song it was, "wayleway," For sorwe sche yede ner wode. Hir lordes swerd sche drough biforn And thought have slain hirself for sorn Withouten more delay. To sle hirselven er the child wer born Sche thought hir soule it wer forlorn Evermore at Domesday, And that hir fader hir frendes ichon Schuld seyn hir lord it hadde ydon And were so fled oway.12 Therfore sche dede his swerd ogain Elles for sorwe sche hadde hir slain In gest as Y you say. Arliche amorwe when it was day To chaumber ther hir fader lay Sche com wringand hir hond. "Fader," sche seyd, "ichil thee say Mi lord is went fro me his way In pilgrimage to fond. He wil passe over the se, Schal he never com to me Ogain into Inglond." For sorwe that sche hadde that stounde Aswon sche fel adoun to grounde, O fot no might sche stonde. "Douhter," seyd hir fader, "lat be, Y trowe nought that Sir Gii the fre Is thus fram thee fare. Ywis, he nis nought passed the se; He ne doth nought bot forto fond thee Hou trewe of hert thou ware." "Nay, sir," sche seyd, "so God me spede, He is walked in pouer wede To beggen his mete with care And therfore now singen Y may Allas the time and wayleway That mi moder me bare." Th'erl ros up with sikeing sare For Sir Gii was fram him fare, In hert him was ful wo And alle his frendes, lesse and mare, For Sir Gii thai hadde gret care For he was went hem fro. Thai sought him than al about Within the cité and without Ther he was won to go. And when thai founde him nought that day Ther was mani a "wayleway" Wringand her hondes tuo. And when Gii was fram hem gon Herhaud and his frendes ichon And other barouns him by To th'erl Rohaut thai seyden anon, "The best rede that we can don Smertliche and hastily, Messangers we schul now sende Over alle this lond fer and hende To seche mi lord Sir Gii And yif he be nought in this lond He is in Loreyn ich understond With his brother Tirry." Menssangers anon thai sende Over al this lond fer and hende Fram Londen into Louthe Over al biyonde Humber and Trent And est and west thurthout al Kent To the haven of Portesmouthe. Thai sought him over al up and doun Over alle the lond in everich toun Bi costes that wer couthe And sethen to Warwike thai gan wende And seyd thai might him nowhar fende Bi north no bi southe. Herhaud was wele understond That Gii was fer in uncouthe lond. Ful hende he was and fre, Palmers wede he tok on hond To seche his lord he wald fond Unto the Grekis See. To th'erl Rohaut he seyd anon To seche his lord he most gon Thurth alle Cristianté. When th'erl seye him thus ydight "Thou art," he seyd, "a trewe knight, Yblisced mot thou be." Tho went Herhaud so trewe in tale To seche his lord in londes fale, For nothing he nold abide; He yede over alle bi doun and dale To everi court and kinges sale Bi mani a lond side. Thurth Normondye and alle Speyne Into Fraunce and thurth Breteyne He yede bothe fer and wide; Thurth Lorain and thurth Lombardye And never no herd he telle of Gii For nought that might bitide. When Herhaud had sought him fer and hende And he no might him nowhar fende, Noither bi se no sond, Into Inglond he gan wende And th'erl Rohaut and al his frende At Warwike he hem fond, And teld he hadde his lord sought And that he no might finde him nought In nonskinnes lond. Mani a moder child that day Wepe and gan say, "waileway," Wel sore wringand her hond. Now herken and ye may here In gest yif ye wil listen and lere Hou Gii as pilgrim yede. He welke about with glad chere Thurth mani londes fer and nere Ther God him wald spede. First he went to Jerusalem And sethen he went to Bedlem Thurth mani an uncouthe thede. Yete he bithought him sethen tho Forto sechen halwen mo To winne him heven-mede. Tho he went his pilgrimage Toward the court of Antiage, Bi this half that cité He mett a man of fair parage, Ycomen he was of heyghe linage And of kin fair and fre. Michel he was of bodi ypight, A man he semed of michel might And of gret bounté With white hore heved and berd yblowe13 As white as ani driven snowe; Gret sorwe than made he. So gret sorwe ther he made Sir Gii of him rewthe hade He gan to wepe so sare. His cloth he rent, his here totorn, And curssed the time that he was born Wel diolful was his fare; More sorwe made never man. Gii stode and loked on him than And hadde of him gret care. He seyd, "Allas and walewo, Al mi joie it is ago, Of blis icham al bare." "Gode man, what artow," seyd Gii, "That makest thus this reweful cri And thus sorweful mone? Me thenke for thee icham sori For that thine hert is thus drery, Thi joie is fro thee gon. Telle me the sothe Y pray thee For Godes love in Trinité That this world hath in won. For Jhesu is of so michel might He may make thine hert light And thou not never hou son." "Gode man," seyd the pilgrim, "Thou hast me frained bi God thin To telle thee of mi fare And alle the soth withouten les Ichil thee telle hou it wes Of blis hou icham bare. So michel sorwe is on me steke That min hert it wil tobreke With sorwe and sikeing sare. Forlorn ich have al mi blis Y no schal never have joie, ywis, In erthe Y wald Y ware. "A man Y was of state sum stounde And holden a lord of gret mounde And erl of al Durras. Fair sones ich hadde fiftene And alle were knightes stout and kene; Men cleped me th'erl Jonas. Y trowe in this warld is man non, Ywis, that is so wo bigon Sethen the world made was, For alle min sones ich have forlorn - Better berns were non born - Therfore Y sing 'allas.' "For blithe worth Y never more: Alle mi sones ich have forlore Thurth a batayl unride, Thurth Sarrayins that fel wore To Jerusalem thai com ful yore To rob and reve with pride. And we toke our ost anon Ogaines hem we gun gon Bateyl of hem to abide; The acountre of hem was so strong That mani dyed ther among Or we wald rest that tide. "Thurth mi fiftene sone Were the geauntes overcome And driven doun to grounde. Fiftene amirals ther wer nome, The king gan fle with alle his trome For drede of ous that stounde. Ich and mi sones withouten lesing Out of that lond we driven the king And his men gaf dedli wounde. The king him hight Triamour, A lord he was of gret honour And man of michel mounde. "Than dede we wel gret foly: We suwed him with maistrie Into his owhen lond. Into Alisaundre thai fleye owy, The cuntré ros up with a cri To help her king an hond. In a brom feld ther wer hidde Thre hundred Sarrayins wele yschridde With helme and grimly brond, Out of that brom thai lepen anon And bilapped ous everichon And drof ous alle to schond. "Thai hewen at ous with michel hete And we layd on hem dintes grete And slouwen of her ferred, And ar that we were alle ynome Mani of hem were overcome Ded wounded under wede. Thai were to mani and we to fewe, Al our armour thai tohewe And stiked under ous our stede; Yete we foughten afot long14 Til swerdes brosten that were strong And than yeld we ous for nede. "To the king we yolden ous al and some That we might to raunsoun come To save our lives ichon, Into Alisaunder he ladde ous tho And into his prisoun dede ous do, Was maked of lime and ston. Litel was our drink and lasse our mete, For hunger we wende our lives lete; Wel wo was ous bigon. So were we ther alle that yer With michel sorwe bothe yfere That socour com ous non. "So it bifel that riche Soudan Made a fest of mani a man Of thritti kinges bi tale. King Triamour com to court tho And Fabour his sone dede also With knightes mani and fale The thridde day of that fest That was so riche and so honest So derlich dight in sale. After that fest that riche was Ther bifel a wonder cas Wherthurth ros michel bale. "That riche Soudan hadde a sone That was yhold a douhti gome, Sadok was his name. The kinges sone Fabour he cleped him to, Into his chaumber thai gun go, Tho knightes bothe ysame. Sadok gan to Fabour sayn Yif he wald ate ches playn And held ogain him game, And he answerd in gode maner He wald play with him yfere Withouten ani blame. "Ate ches thai sett hem to playn, Tho hendy knightes bothe tuayn That egre were of sight. Er thai hadde don half a game With strong wretthe thai gan to grame, Tho gomes michel of might. Thurth a chek Fabour seyd for soth Sadok in hert wex wroth And missayd him anonright And clepd him fiz a putayn And smot him with might and main Wherthurth ros michel fight. "With a roke he brac his heved than That the blod biforn out span In that ich place. 'Sadok,' seyd than Fabour, 'Thou dost me gret deshonour That thou me manace. Nar thou mi lordes sone were Thou schuldest dye right now here. Schustow never hennes passe.' Sadok stirt up to Fabour And cleped him anon, 'Vile traitour!' And smot him in the face. "With his fest he smot him thore That Fabour was agreved sore And stirt up in that stounde. The cheker he hent up fot-hot And Sadok in the heved he smot That he fel ded to grounde. His fader sone he hath yteld That he hath the Soudan sone aqueld And goven him dethes wounde, On hors thai lopen than bilive Out of the lond thai gun drive For ferd thai were yfounde. "When it was the Soudan teld That his sone was aqueld And brought of his liif dawe On al maner he him bithought Hou that he him wreke mought Thurth jugement of lawe. After the king he sent an heyghe To defende him of that felonie That he his sone hath yslawe And bot he wald com anon With strengthe he schuld on him gon, With wilde hors don him drawe. "King Triamour com to court tho And Fabour his sone dede also To the Soudans parlement. When thai biforn him comen beth Thai were adouted of her deth Her lives thai wende have spent For the Soudan cleped hem fot-hot And his sones deth hem atwot And seyd thai were alle schent; Bot thai hem therof were might In strong perile he schuld hem dight And to her jugement.15 "Than dede he com forth a Sarrayine - Have he Cristes curs and mine With boke and eke with belle - Out of Egypt he was ycome, Michel and griselich was that gome With ani god man to duelle. He is so michel and unrede Of his sight a man may drede With tong as Y thee telle; As blac he is as brodes brend, He semes as it were a fende That comen were out of helle. "For he is so michel of bodi ypight Ogains him tuelve men have no might Ben thai never so strong, For he is four fot sikerly More than ani man stont him bi, So wonderliche he is long. Yif King Triamour that ther was Might fenden him in playn place Of that michel wrong Than is that vile glotoun Made the Soudans champioun Batayl of him to fong. "King Triamour answerd than To that riche Soudan In that ich stounde That he wald defende him wele ynough That he never his sone slough No gaf him dedli wounde. When he seye Amoraunt so grim - Ther durst no man fight with him So grille he was on grounde - Than asked he respite til a day To finde another yif he may Ogaines him durst founde. "Than hadde he respite al that yere And fourti days so was the maner Thurth lawe was than in lond; Yif himselven durst nought fight Finde another yif he might Ogaines him durst stond. The king as swithe hom is went, Over alle his lond anon he sent After erl, baroun, and bond And asked yif ani wer so bold - Thriddendel his lond have he schold - The batayl durst take an hond. "Ac for nought that he hot might Ther was non durst take the fight With the geaunt for his sake. Than was ich out of prisoun nome, Biforn him he dede me come Conseyl of me to take And asked me at worde fewe Yif Y wist other Y knewe A man so mighti of strake That for him durst take the fight; Were he burjays other knight Riche prince he wald him make. "And yif Y might ani fende He wald make me riche and al mi kende And gif me gret honour And wold sese into min hond To helden thriddendel his lond With cité, toun, and tour. Ac ichim answerd than In alle this warld was ther no man To fight with that traitour Bot yif it Gii of Warwike were Or Herhaud of Ardern his fere In warld thai bere the flour. "When the king herd tho That Y spac of tho knightes to Ful blithe he was of chere, He kist me so glad he was. 'Merci,' he seyd, 'Erl Jonas; Thou art me leve and dere. Yif ich hadde here Sir Gii Or Herhaud that is so hardi Of the maistri siker Y were. And thou mightest bring me her on Thee and thine sones Y schal lete gon Fram prisoun quite and skere.' "Bi mi lay he dede me swere That Y schuld trewelich bode bere To tho knightes so hende And seyd to me as swithe anon With michel sorwe he schuld me slon Bot ichem might fende And al mine sones do todrawe; And ichim graunt in that thrawe To bring hem out of bende. Out of this lond Y went tho With michel care and michel wo; Y nist wider to wende. "Y sought hem into the lond of Coyne, Into Calaber and into Sessoyne, And fro thennes into Almayne, In Tuskan and in Lombardye, In Fraunce and in Normondye, Into the lond of Speyne, In Braban, in Poil and in Bars, And into kinges lond of Tars And thurth al Aquitayne, In Cisil, in Hungri and in Ragoun, In Romayne, Borgoine, and Gastoine And thurthout al Breteyne. "And into Inglond wenden Y gan And asked ther mani a man Bothe yong and old, And in Warwike that cité Ther he was lord of that cuntré For to haven in wold. Ac Y no fond non lite no miche That couthe telle me sikerliche Of tho to knightes bold, Wher Y schold Gii no Herhaud fende In no lond fer no hende; Therfore min hert is cold. "For ich have the king mi trewthe yplight That Y schal bring Gii now right Yif he olives be. And yive Y bring him nought anon Wele ich wot he wil me slon - Therfore wel wo is me - And min sones he schal don hong And todrawe with michel wrong, Tho knightes hende and fre. And yif thai dye gret harm it is For hem ich have swiche sorwe, ywis, Mine hert wil breken on thre." "God man," seyd Gii, "listen me now, For thine sones gret sorwe hastow And no wonder it nis When thou Gii and Herhaud hath sought And thou no may hem finde nought; Thi care is michel, ywis. Thurth hem thine hope was to go fre And thi sones al forth with thee Thurth Godes help and his. Sum time bi dayes old For douhti men thai wer told And holden of gret priis. "Thurth Godes helpe our Dright - He be min help and give me might And leve me wele to spede - And for Gyes love and Herhaud also That thou hast sought with michel wo, That douhti were of dede, Batayl ichil now for thee fong Ogain the geaunt that is so strong, Thou seyst is so unrede. And thei he be the fende outright Y schal for thee take the fight And help thee at this nede." When th'erl herd him speke so That he wald batayl fong for him tho He biheld fot and heved. Michel he was of bodi pight, A man he semed of michel might Ac pouerliche he was biweved. With a long berd his neb was growe, Miche wo him thought he hadde ydrowe. He wende his wit were reved For he seyd he wald as yern Fight with that geaunt stern Bot yif he hadde him preved. "God man," than seyd he, "God almighten foryeld it thee That is so michel of might Thatow wost batayl for me fong Ogain the geaunt that is so strong; Thou knowest him nought, Y plight, For yif he loked on thee with wrake, Sternliche with his eyghen blake, So grim he is of sight Wastow never so bold in al thi teime Thatow durst batayl of him nim No hold ogaines him fight." "Gode man," seyd Gii, "lat be that thought For swiche wordes help ous nought Ogain that schrewe qued. Mani hath loked me opon With wicked wil, mani on That wald han had min hed, And thei no fled Y never yete No never for ferd batayl lete, For no man that brac bred.16 And thei he be the devels rote Y schal nought fle him afot, Bi Him that suffred ded." "Leve sir," than seyd he, "God of heven foryeld it te. Thine wordes er ful swete." For joie he hadde in hert that stounde; On knes he fel adoun to grounde And kist Sir Gyes fet. Gii tok him up in armes to, Into Alisaunder thai gun go With the king to mete. And when thai com into the tour Bifor the king Sir Triamour Wel fair thai gun him grete. And when he seye th'erl Jonas Unnethe he knewe him in the fas So chaunged was his ble. "Erl Jonas," seyd the king, "Telle me now withouten lesing Gii and Herhaud where ben he?" Th'erl answerd and siked sore, "Gii no Herhaud sestow no more For sothe Y telle thee. For hem ich have in Inglond ben And Y no might hem nowhar sen, Therfore wel wo is me. "Ac the lond folk teld me in speche That Gii was gon halwen to seche Wel fer in uncouthe lond And Herhaud after him is went For to seche him verrament. Noither of hem Y no fond. Ac this man ich have brought to thee That hath ben man of gret bounté That wele dar take on hond Ogain the geaunt that is so fel Al for to fende thee ful wel For drede wil he nought wond." "Erl Jonas," seyd the king, "Loke with him be no feynting17 That Y deseyved be. And yif ther be thou schalt anon Be honged and thi sones ichon." "Y graunt, sir," than seyd he. The king cleped Sir Gyoun And asked him at schort resoun, "What is thi name tel me?" Sir Gii answerd to the king, "Youn," he seyd, "withouten lesing Men clepeth me in mi cuntré." "What cuntré artow?" the king sede. "Of Inglond, so God me rede; Therin ich was yborn." "O we," seyd the king, "artow Inglis knight? Than schuld Y thurth skil and right Hate thee ever more. Knewe thou nought the gode Gii Or Herhaud that was so hardi? Tel me the sothe bifore. Wele ought ich be Gyes fo man; He slough mi brother Helmadan, Thurth him icham forlore. "Min em he slough, the riche Soudan, Ate mete among ous everilkan. Seyghe Y never man so bigin. Y seyghe hou he his heved of smot And bar it oway with him fot-hot Maugré that was therinne. After him we driven tho - The devel halp him thennes to go, Y trowe he is of his kinne. Mahoun gaf that thou wer he, Ful siker might Y than be The maistri forto winne." Sir Gii answerd to the king, "Wel wele Y knowe withouten lesing Herhaud so God me rede And yif thou haddest her on here Of the maistri siker thou were The bateyl forto bede." The king asked him anonright, "Whi artow thus ivel ydight And in thus pouer wede? A feble lord thou servest, so thenketh me, Or oway he hath driven thee For sum ivel dede."18 "Nay, sir, for God," quath Gii, "A wel gode Lord than serve Y. With Him was no blame. Wel michel honour He me dede And gret worthschipe in everi stede And sore ich have Him grame; And therfore icham thus ydight To cri Him merci day and night Til we ben frendes same. And mi Lord and Y frende be Ichil wende hom to mi cuntré And live with joie and game." "Frende Youn," seyd the king, "Wiltow fight for mi thing Other Y schal another purvay?" "Therfor com ich hider," quath Gii, "Thurth Godes help and our Levedi As wele as Y may. Bot first th'erl Jonas and his sones Schal be deliverd out of prisones This ich selve day." The king answerd, "Y graunt thee. Mahoun he mot thine help be That is mi lord verray." "Nay," seyd Gii, "bot Marie sone He mot to help come For Mahoun is worth nought." "Frende Youn," seyd the king, "Understond now mi teling, Al what ich have ythought Yif that thou may overcom the fight And defende me with right The wrong is on me sought, So michel Y schal for thee do That men schal speke therof evermo As wide as this warld is wrought. "Alle the men that in my prisoun be Thai schul be deliverd for love of thee That Cristen men be told.19 Fram henne to Ynde that cité Quite-claym thai schul go fre Bothe yong and old. And so gode pes Y schal festen anon That Cristen men schul comen and gon To her owhen wille in wold." "Gramerci," than seyd Sir Gii, "That is a fair gift sikerly, God leve thee it wele to hold." The king dede make a bathe anonright For to bathe Gii and better dight; In silk he wald him schrede. "Nay, sir," than seyd Sir Gii, "Swiche clothes non kepe Y Also God me rede To were clothes gold bigo For Y was never wont therto No non so worthliche wede. Mete and drink anough give me And riche clothes lat thou be, Y kepe non swiche prede." And when the time com to th'ende That thai schuld to court wende Ther sembled a fair ferred. King Triamour maked him yare tho And Fabour his sone dede also With knightes stithe on stede. To courtward than went he To Espire that riche cité With joie and michel prede. To the Soudan thai went on heye With wel gret chevalrie Bateyle forto bede. Gii was ful wele in armes dight With helme and plate and brini bright The best that ever ware. The hauberk he hadde was Renis That was King Clarels, ywis, In Jerusalem when he was thare. A thef stale it in that stede And oway therwith him dede, To hethenesse he it bare, King Triamours elders it bought And in her hord-house thai thought To hold it ever mare. Sir Gii thai toke it in that plas. Thritti winter afrayd it nas; Ful clere it was of mayle As bright as ani silver it was, The halle schon therof as sonne of glas For sothe withouten fayle. His helme was of so michel might Was never man overcomen in fight That hadde it on his ventayle. It was Alisaunders the gret lording When he faught with Poreus the king That hard him gan aseyle. A gode swerd he hadde withouten faile That was Ectors in Troye batayle, In gest as-so men fint. Ar he that swerd dede forgon Of Grece he slough ther mani on That died thurth that dint. Hose and gambisoun so gode knight schold, A targe listed with gold About his swere he hint. Nas never wepen that ever was make That o schel might therof take Namore than of the flint.20 For King Triamours elders it laught, King Darri sum time it aught, That Gii was under pight. Ich man axe other bigan Whennes and who was that man That with the geaunt durst fight. King Triamour seyd with wordes fre "Sir Soudan, herken now to me Astow art hendy knight. To thi court icham now come To defende me of that ich gome That is so stern of sight. "This litel knight that stont me by Schal fende me of that felonie And make me quite and skere." "Be stille," seyd the Soudan tho, "That batail schal wel sone be go Also brouke Y mi swere!" He dede clepe Amorant so grim And Gii stode and loked on him Hou foule he was of chere. "It is," seyd Gii, "no mannes sone, It is a devel fram helle is come, What wonder doth he here? "Who might his dintes dreye That he no schuld dye an heye So strong he is of dede?" Than speken thai alle of the batayle, Where it schuld be withouten fayle Thai token hem to rede. Than loked thai it schuld be In a launde under the cité; Thider thai gun hem lede. With a river it ern al about, Therin schuld fight tho knightes stout; Thai might fle for no nede.21 Over the water thai went in a bot, On hors thai lopen fot-hot Tho knightes egre of mode. Thai priked the stedes that thai on sete And smiten togider with dentes grete And ferd as thai wer wode Til her schaftes in that tide Gun to schiver bi ich a side About hem ther thai stode. Than thai drough her swerdes grounde And hewe togider with grimli wounde Til thai spradde al ablode. Sir Amoraunt drough his gode brond That wele carf al that it fond When he hadde lorn his launce. That never armour might withstond That was made of smitthes hond In hethenesse no in Fraunce.22 It was Sir Ercules the strong That mani he slough therwith with wrong In batayle and in destaunce. Ther was never man that it bere Overcomen in batayle no in were Bot it were thurth meschaunce.23 It was bathed in the flom of Helle, Agnes gaf it him to wille He schuld the better spede. Who that bar that swerd of might Was never man overcomen in fight Bot it were thurth unlede. Ther worth Sir Gii to deth ybrought Bot yif God have of him thought, His best help at nede. Togider thai wer yern heweinde With her brondes wele kerveinde And maden her sides blede. Sir Amoraunt was agreved in hert And smot to Gii a dint ful smert With alle the might he gan welde And hitt him on the helme so bright That alle the stones of michel might Fleyghe doun in the feld. Al of the helme the swerd out stint And forth right with that selve dint Other half fot of the scheld That never was atamed ar than For knight no for no nother man No were he never so beld. The sadelbowe he clef atuo, The stedes nek he dede also With his grimli brond; Withouten wem or ani wounde Wele half a fot into the grounde The scharp swerd it wond. Sir Gii to grounde fallen is, He stirt up anon, ywis, And loked and gan withstond. Anon right in that ich stede To God almighten he bad his bede And held up bothe his hond. Sir Gii anon up stirt As man that was agremed in hert; Nought wel long he lay. "Lord," seyd Gii, "God Almight That made the therkenes to the night So help me today. Scheld me fro this geaunt strong That Y no deth of him afong Astow art lord verray. That dint," he seyd, "was ivel sett Wele schal Y com out of thi dett, Yif that Y libbe may." Gii hent his swerd that was ful kene And smot Amoraunt with hert tene A dint that sat ful sore That a quarter of his scheld He made to fleye in the feld Al with his grimli gore. The stedes nek he smot atuo, Amoraunt to grounde is fallen tho, Wo was him therfore. Than were on fot tho knightes bold, Fight o fot yif thai wold - Her stedes thai han forlore. Amoraunt with hert ful grim Smot to Gii, and Gii to him With strokes stern and stive. Hard thai hewe with swerdes clere That helme and swerd that strong were Thai gun hem al todrive. Hard foughten tho champiouns That bothe plates and hauberjouns Thai gun to ret and rive; And laiden on with dintes gret Aither of hem so other gan bete That wo was hem olive. Sir Amoraunt was agreved strong That o man stode him tho so long, To Gii a strok he raught And hit him on the helme so bright That al the floures fel doun right With a ful grimly draught. The cercle of gold he carf ato And forth with his dint also, Ther bileved it nought.24 On the scheld the swerd doun fel And cleve it into halvendel; Almost to grounde him brought. What with the swerdes out draweing, And with his hetelich out braiding25 Ther fel a wonder cas. Sir Gii fel on knes to grounde And stirt up in that selve stounde And seyd, "Lord, ful of grace, Never dint of knight non No might me are knele don26 In no stede ther Y was." Sir Gii hent up his swerd fot-hot, Amoraunt on the hod he smot That he stumbled in the place. He hit him on the helme an heyghe And with that dint the swerd it fleyghe, Bi the nasel it gan doun founde And so it dede bi the ventayle And carf it ato saunfaile And into his flesche a wounde. His targe with gold list He carf atuo thurth help of Crist He cleve that ich stounde. So heteliche the brond out he plight That Amorant anonright Fel on knes to grounde. So strong batayle was hem bituene, So seyd thai that might it sene, That seye thai never non swiche; That never was of wiman born Swiche to knightes as thai worn 27 That foughten togider with wreche On a day bifor the nativité Of Seyn Jon the martir fre That holy man is to seche. Togider fought tho barouns bothe That in hert wer so wrothe, Of love was ther no speche. Sir Amoraunt withdrough him With loureand chere wroth and grim, For the blod of him was lete, That drink he most other his liif forgon So strong thrust yede him opon So michel was his hete. "Fourti batayls ichave overcome Ac fond Y never er moder sone That me so sore gan bete. Tel me," he seyd, "what artow? Felt Y never man ar now That gaf dintes so grete. "Tel me," he seyd, "wennes thou be? For thou art strong, so mot Y the, And of michel might." Sir Gii answerd withouten bost, "Cristen icham wele thou wost Of Inglond born, Y plight. King Triamour me hider brought For to defenden him yif Y mought Of that michel unright That ye beren on him with wough That Fabour never Sadony slough Noither bi day no night." "O artow Inglis?" seyd Amorant. "Now wald mi lord Ternagaunt That thou were Gii the strong. Mahoun gaf that thou wer he, Blithe wald Y than be Batail of him to fong; For he hath destrud al our lawe His heved wald ichave ful fawe Or heighe on galwes hong; For kever schal we never er more That he hath don ous forlore With wel michel wrong. "With michel wrong and michel wough Fourti thousend of ous he slough In Costentin on a day. He and Herhaud his felawe Michel han destrud our lawe That ever more mon Y may. Yif he wer slain with brond of stiel Than were Y wroken on him ful wel That han destrud our lay." Sir Gii answerd, "Whi seistow so? Hath Gii ani thing thee misdo?" Amoraunt seyd, "Nay, "Ac it wer gret worthschip, ywis, To alle the folk of hethenisse That Y hadde so wroken mi kende. Cristen," he seyd, "listen to me, The weder is hot astow may se, Y pray thee, leve frende, Leve to drink thou lat me gon For the lordes love thou levest on, Astow art gode and hende. For thrist mi hert wil tospring And for hete withouten lesing Mi live wil fro me wende. "And yif Y schal be thus aqueld Thurth strong hete in the feld It were ogain thee skille. Unworthschipe it war to thee - It were thee gret vileté In wat lond thou com tille. Ac lete me drink a litel wight For thi lordes love ful of might That thou lovest with wille And Y thee hot bi mi lay Yif thou have ani threst today Thou shalt drink al thi fille." Sir Gii answerd, "Y graunt thee And yete today thou yeld it me28 Withouten ani fayle." And when he hadde leve of Sir Gii He was ful glad sikerli, No lenger nold he dayle. To the river ful swithe he ran, His helme of his heved he nam And unlaced his ventayle. When he hadde dronken alle his fille He stirt up with hert grille And Sir Gii he gan to asayle. "Knight," he seyd, "yeld thee bilive For thou art giled, so mot Y thrive. Now ichave a drink Icham as fresche as ich was amorwe. Thou schalt dye with michel sorwe For sothe withouten lesing." Than thai drowen her swerdes long Tho knightes that wer stern and strong Withouten more dueling And aither gan other ther asayle And ther bigan a strong bataile With wel strong fighting. Amoraunt was ful egre of mode And smot to Gii as he wer wode - Ful egre he was to fight - That a quarter of his scheld He made it fleye into the feld And of his brini bright. Of his scholder the swerd glod doun That bothe plates and hauberjoun He carf atuo, Y plight. Al to the naked hide, ywis, And nought of flesche atamed is Thurth grace of God almight. The scharp swerd doun gan glide Fast bi Sir Gyes side - His knew it com ful neye - That gambisoun and jambler Bothe it karf atuo yfere; Into th'erthe the swerd it fleye Withouten wem or ani wounde Half a fot into the grounde, That mani man it seye. And when Gii seye that fair grace That nothing wounded he was Jhesu he thanked on heye. And when Gii feld him so smite He was wroth ye mow wite; To Amoraunt he gan reken He hent his brond with wel gode wille And stroke to him with hert grille; His scheld he gan tobreken. So hetelich Gii him smot That into the scholder half a fot The gode swerd gan reken. And with that strok Gii withdrough Weri he was forfoughten ynough, To Amoraunt he gan speken. "Sir Amoraunt," than seyd Gii, "For Godes love now merci Yif that thi wille be. Ichave swiche thrist ther Y stond Y may unnethe drawe min hond Therfore wel wo is me. Yeld me now that ich dede, Y gaf thee leve to drink at nede. Astow art hende and fre, Leve to drink thou lat me go As it was covenaunt bituen ous to For Godes love Y pray thee." "Hold thi pes," seyd Amoraunt, "For bi mi lord Sir Ternagaunt Leve no hastow non. Ac now that Y the sothe se That thou ginnes to feynt thee Thine heved thou schalt forgon." "Amoraunt," seyd Gii, "do aright, Lete me drink a litel wight As Y dede thee anon And togider fight we; Who schal be maister we schal se Wiche of ous may other slon." "Hold thi pays," seyd Amoraunt, "Y nil nought held thee covenaunt For ful this toun of gold, For when ichave thee sleyn now right The Soudan treweli hath me hight His lond gif me he schold Ever more to have and hold fre And give me his douhter bright o ble, The miriest may on mold. When ichave thee sleyn this day He schal give me that fair may With alle his lond to hold. "Ac do now wele and unarme thee And trewelich yeld thou thee to me Olive Y lat thee gon. And yif thou wilt nought do bi mi red Thou schalt dye on ivel ded Right now Y schal thee slon." "Nay," seyd Gii, "that war no lawe. Ich hadde lever to ben todrawe Than swiche a dede to don. Ar ich wald creaunt yeld me Ich hadde lever anhanged be And brent bothe flesche and bon."29 Than seyd Amoraunt at a word "Bi the treuthe thou owe thi lord That thou lovest so dere Tel me what thi name it be And leve to drink give Y thee Thi fille of this river. Thou seyd thi name is Sir Youn; It is nought so bi Seyn Mahoun, It is a lesing fere. Yif thi name were Youn right Thou nere nought of so miche might No thus unbiknowen here."30 "Frende," seyd Gii, "Y schal telle thee; Astow art hendi man and fre Thou wray me to no wight. Gii of Warwike mi name it is, In Inglond Y was born, ywis. Lete me now drink with right." When Amoraunt seye sikerly That it was the gode Gii That ogaines him was dight He loked on him with michel wrake, Sternliche with his eyghen blake With an unsemli sight. "Sir Gii," he seyd, "welcom to me. Mahoun, mi lord, Y thank thee That ich have thee herinne. Michel schame thou hast me don, Thi liif thou schalt as tite forgon, Thi bodi schal atuinne And thine heved, bi Ternagant, Mi leman schal have to presaunt That comly is of kinne. Hennes forward siker thou be Leve no tit thee non of me For al this warld to winne."31 "Allas," seyd Gii, "what schal Y don? Now Y no may have drink non Mine hert breketh ato." Anon he bithought him thenne Right to the river he most renne; He turned him and gan to go. Amoraunt with swerd on hond He thought have driven Gii to schond With sorwe he wald him slo. Gii ran to the water right, Bot on him thenke God Almight Up cometh he never mo. Tho was Sir Gii in gret drede. In the water he stode to his girdel stede And that thought him ful gode. In the water he dept his heved anon Over the schulders he dede it gon That keled wele his blod. And when Gii hadde dronken anough Hetelich his heved up he drough Out of that ich flod And Amoraunt stode opon the lond With a drawen swerd in hond And smot Gii ther he stode. Hetelich he smot Gyoun, Into that water he fel adoun With that dint unride That the water arn him about. Sir Gii stirt up in gret dout, For nothing he nold abide, And schoke his heved as knight bold. "In this water icham ful cold Wombe, rigge, and side And no leve, sir, ich hadde of thee And therfore have thou miche maugré And ivel thee mot bitide." Sir Gii stirt up withouten fayl And Amoraunt he gan to asayl; To fight he was ful boun. Hard togider thai gan to fight; Of love was ther no speche, Y plight, Bot heweing with swerdes broun. "Amoraunt," than seyd Gii, "Thou art ful fals sikerly And fulfilt of tresoun. No more wil Y trust to thee For no bihest thou hotest me. Thou art a fals glotoun." Hard togider thai gun fight Fro the morwe to the night That long somers day. So long thai foughten bothe tho Wiche was the better of hem to No man chese no may. Bot at a strok as Amoraunt cast Sir Gii mett with him in hast And taught him a sori play. The right arme with the swerd fot-hot Bi the scholder of he it smot, To grounde it fleye oway. When Amoraunt feld him so smite In his left hond with michel hete The swerd he hent fot-hot. As a lyoun than ferd he, Thritti sautes he made and thre With his swerd that wel bot. Bot for the blod that of him ran Amoraunt strengthe slake bigan. When Gii that soth wot That Amoraunt was faynting Sir Gii him folwed withouten dueling; That other hond of he smot. When Amoraunt had bothe hondes forlore A wreche he held himself therfore; His wit was al todreved. On Sir Gii he lepe with alle his might That almast he had feld him doun right, And Sir Gii was agreved And stirt bisiden fot-hot, And Amoraunt in the nek he smot. His might he hath him bireved; He fel to grounde withouten faile And Sir Gii unlaced his ventayle And he strok of his heved. Over the water he went in a bot And present therwith fot-hot The king Sir Triamour. The king Sir Triamour than Went to that riche Soudan And also his sone Fabour. Than was the Soudan swithe wo, Quite-claim he lete hem go With wel michel honour. Into Alisaunder thai went that cité And ladde with hem Sir Gii the fre That hadde ben her socour. The king tok th'erl Jonas tho And clept him in his armes to And kist him swete, ich wene, An hundred times and yete mo And quite-claim he lete him go And his sones fiftene. "Erl Jonas," seyd the king, "Herken now to my teling And what ichil mene: For mi liif thou savedest me Half mi lond ich graunt thee With this knight strong and kene. "Understond to me, sir knight, Mahoun gave ful of might Thou wost duelle with me; Thridde part mi lond Y give thee to, Michel honour ichil thee do, A riche prince make thee. Y nil nought thou forsake God thine; Thou art bileveand wele afine, Better may no be." Sir Gii answerd him ful stille: "Sir, of thi lond nought Y nille For sothe Y telle thee." That erl to Jerusalem went anon, Gii of Warwike with him gan gon And alle his sones on rawe. Th'erl wold yif he might Wite the name of that knight Yif he him evermore sawe. "In conseyl, sir knight," than seyd he, "That thou Youn dost clep thee, Thou no hatest nought so Y trowe. For Jhesu love Y pray thee That died on the Rode tre Thi right name be aknawe." Sir Gii seyd, "Thou schalt now here Sethen thou frainest me in this maner; Mi name ichil thee sayn: Gii of Warwike mi name is right, Astow art hende and gentil knight To non thou schalt me wrayn. Batayl for thi love Y nam And the geaunt overcam; Therof ich am ful fain." When th'erl seye it was Sir Gii He fel doun on knes him bi And wepe with both his ayn. "For Godes love," he seyd, "merci. Whi artow so pouer Sir Gii And art of so gret valour? Here ich give thee in this place Al th'erldam of Durras Cité and castel tour. Thi man ichil bicomen and be And alle mi sones forth with me Schal com to thi socour; For the priis of hethen lond Thou hast thurth douhtines of hond Wonne with gret vigour." "Erl Jonas," than seyd Sir Gii, "Mi leve frende, gramerci. For thi gode wille Than schustow hire me al to dere To give me thi lond in swiche maner; Therof nought Y nille.32 To your owen cuntré wendeth hom, God biteche Y you everichon; Mi way ichil fulfille." Thai went and kist him everi man, Th'erl so sore wepe bigan That might him no man stille. Th'erl to Durras went anon And his sones everichon Were scaped out of care. Gii than in his way is nome. For that the geaunt was overcome Ful blithe than was he thare. Into Grece than went he And sought halwen of that cuntré The best that ther ware. Sethe forth in his way he yede Thurthout mani uncouthe thede, To Costentyn he is yfare. When Gii in Costentin hadde be Out of that lond than went he Walkand in the strete On pilgrimage in his jurnay His bedes bidand night and day His sinnes forto bete. In Almaine than went he, ywis, Ther he was sumtime holden of gret pris. He com to a four way lete Biyonde Espire, that riche cité, Under a croice was maked of tre, A pilgrim he gan mete, That wrong his honden and wepe sore And curssed the time that he was bore, "Allas!" it was his song. "Wayleway," he seyd, "that stounde! Wickedliche icham brought to grounde With wel michel wrong." Sir Gii went to him tho, "Man," he seys, "whi farstow so? So God geve thee joie to fong,33 Tel me what thi name it be And whi thou makest thus gret pité, Me thenke thi paynes strong." "Gode man," seyd the pilgrim tho, "What hastow to frein me so? Swiche sorwe icham in sought That thei Y told thee alle mi care, For thee might Y never the better fare; To grounde ich am so brought." "Yis," seyd Gii, "bi the gode Rode, Conseyl Y can give thee gode And tow telle me thi thought, For oft it falleth uncouthe man That gode conseyle give can, Therfore hele it nought." "For God," he seyd, "thou seyst ful wel. Sumtime ich was, bi Seyn Mighel, An erl of gret pousté. Thurth al Cristendom, ywis, Ich was teld a man of gret pris And of gret bounté; And now icham a wroche beggare. No wonder thei icham ful of care Allas, wel wo is me." For sorwe he might speke namore; He gan to wepe swithe sare That Gii hadde of him pité. Than seyd the pilgrim, "Thou hast gret wrong To frain me of mi sorwe strong And might nought bete mi nede. To begge mi brede Y mot gon, Sethen yistay at none ete Y non Also God me rede." "Yis, felawe," quath Gii, "hele it naught. Telle me whi thou art in sorwe braught, The better thou schalt spede And sethen we schul go seche our mete. Ichave a pani of old biyete, Thou schalt have half to mede." "Gramerci, sir," than seyd he, "And alle the soth Y schal telle thee. Erl Tirri is mi name, Of Gormoys th'erls sone Aubri. Ich hadde a felawe that hight Gii, A baroun of gode fame. For the douk of Pavi Sir Otoun Hadde don him oft gret tresoun He slough him with gret grame. Now is his neve th'emperour steward, His soster sone that hat Berard; He has me don alle this schame. "Th'emperour he hath served long For he is wonderliche strong And of michel might. He no cometh in non batayle That he no hath the maistri saunfayl, So egre he is to fight. In this warld is man non That ogaines him durst gon, Herl, baroun, no knight, And he loked on him with wrake That his hert no might quake So stern he is of sight. "And for his scherewdhed Sir Berard Th'emperour hath made him his steward To wardi his lond about. Ther nis no douk in al this lond That his hest dar withstonde So michel he is dout. Yif a man be loved with him Be he never so pouer of kin And he wil to him lout He maketh hem riche anonright, Douk, erl, baroun, or knight, To held with him gret rout. "And yif a man with him hated be Be he never so riche of fe He flemeth him out of lond. Anon he schal ben todrawe Als tite he schal ben yslawe And driven him al to schond. So it bifel our emperour Held a parlement of gret honour, For his erls he sent his sond. Y come thider with michel prede With an hundred knightes bi mi side At nede with me to stonde. "And when Y come unto the court The steward with wicked pourt To me he gan to reke. He bicleped me of his emes ded And seyd he was sleyn thurth mi red; On me he wald be wreke. And when ich herd that chesoun Of the doukes deth Otoun Mine hert wald tobreke. To th'emperour Y layd mi wedde an heighe To defende me of that felonie That he to me gan speke. "No wonder thei Y war fordredde; Th'emperour tok bothe our wedde As Y thee telle may For in alle the court was ther no wight, Douk, erl, baroun, no knight, That durst me borwe that day. Th'emperour comand anon Into his prisoun Y schuld be don Withouten more delay. Berard went and sesed mi lond, Mine wiif he wald have driven to schond, With sorwe sche fled oway. "Than was ich with sorwe and care Among min fomen nomen thare And don in strong prisoun. Min frendes token hem to rede, To th'emperour thai bisought and bede To pay for me ransoun. Th'emperour and Sir Berard Deliverd me bi a forward And bi this enchesoun: Y schuld seche mi felawe Gii To defende ous of that felonie Of the doukes deth Otoun. "Out of this lond went Y me And passed over the salt se, In Inglond Y gan rive; At Warwike ichim sought, When Y com thider Y fond him nought Wo was me olive. No Sir Herhaud fond Y nought tare; To seche Gyes sone he is fare That was stollen with strive. Therfore Y wot that Gii is ded, For sorwe can Y me no red - Mine hert wil breke o five." Sir Gii biheld Tirri ful right That whilom was so noble a knight And lord of michel mounde. His bodi was sumtim wele yschredde, Almost naked it was bihedde With sorwe and care ful bounde. His legges that wer sumtime hosed wel Tobrosten he seighe hem everidel. "Allas," seyd Gii, "that stonde!" For sorwe that he hadde tho Word might he speke no mo Bot fel aswon to grounde. Sir Tirri anon com to him than And in his armes up him nam And cleped opon him thare. "Man," he said, "what aileth thee? Thou art ivel at aise so thenketh me, Hard it is thi fare." Sir Gii answerd therafter long, "This ivel greveth me so strong In erthe Y wold Y ware, For sethen that Y was first man Nas never sorwe on me cam That greved me so sare." "Than," seyd Tirri, "felawe, ywis, Today a yer gon it is Out of this lond Y went To seche Gii mi gode frende. Y no finde nought fer no hende, Therfore icham al schent. For now it is teld me our emperer Hath taken a parlement of this maner For mi love verrament That douk no erl in his lond be That he no schal be at that semblé For to here mi jugement. "And now no lenge abide Y no may That ne me bihoveth hom this day34 Other forto lese min heved. Th'emperour ichave mi treuthe yplight Y schal bring Sir Gii tonight To fight ogain that qued To fende ous of that felonie Ogain the douke Berard of Pavi Al of his emes ded. Y wot wele yif Y thider fare Thai schal me sle with sorwe and care, Certes Y can no red." Gii biheld Tirri with wepeand eighe And seighe him al that sorwe dreighe That was him lef and dere. "Allas," thought Gii, "that ich stounde That Tirri is thus brought to grounde; So gode felawes we were." He thought, "Might Y mete that douke His heved Y schuld smite fro the bouke Or hong him bi the swere. Y no lete for al this warldes won That Y no schuld the traitour slon To wreke Tirri mi fere." "Tirri," seyd Gii, "lat be thi thought. Ywis, it helpeth thee right nought, For sorwe it wil thee schende. To court go we bothe yfere, Gode tidinges we schul ther here Swiche grace God may sende. Have gode hert, dred thee no del For God schal help thee ful wel So curteys He is and hende." Up risen tho knightes tuo With michel care and ful of wo To courtward thai gan wende And as thai went tho knightes fre To courtward in her jurné Ful bold thai were and yepe. "Allas," Sir Tirri seyd tho, "Ich mot rest er ich hennes go Or mi liif wil fro me lepe." "For God, felawe," than seyd Gii, "Ly doun and Y schal sitt thee bi And feir thine heved up kepe." And when he hadde thus yseyd On Gyes barm his heved he leyd, Anon Tirri gan slepe. And when Sir Tirri was fallen on slepe Sir Gii biheld him and gan to wepe And gret morning gan make. Than seighe he an ermine com of his mouthe, Als swift as winde that bloweth on clouthe As white as lilii on lake, To an hille he ran withouten obade, At the hole of the roche in he glade; Gii wonderd for that sake. And when he out of that roche cam Into Tirries mouthe he nam, Anon Tirri gan wake. Sir Gii was wonderd of that sight And Tirri sat up anonright And biheld Gii opon. Than seyd Tirri, "Fader of Heven, Sir pilgrim, swiche a wonder sweven Me met now anon, That to yon hille that stont on heighe That thou may se with thin eighe Me thought that Y was gon And at an hole in Y wond And so riche tresour as Y fond Y trow in this world is non. "Biside that tresour lay a dragoun And theron lay a swerd broun, The sckauberk comly corn. In the hilt was mani precious ston, As bright as ani sonne it schon Withouten oth ysworn. And me thought Gii sat at min heved And in his lappe me biweved35 Astow dest me biforn. Lord merci, and it wer so Wele were me than bigo That ever yete was Y born." "Now felawe," seyd Gii, "bi mi leuté That sweven wil turn gret joie to thee And wele Y schal it rede. Thurth Gii thou schalt thi lond kever. Trust wele to God thei thou be pouer The better thou schalt spede. To the hulle nim we the way Ther thee thought the tresour lay And in thou schalt me lede. Now God that schope al mankinde Wald we might that tresour finde It wald help ous at nede." Up risen tho knightes tuay And to the hille thai nom the way And in thai went ful even And founde the tresour and the dragoun And the swerd of stiel broun As Tirri mett in his sweven. Sir Gii drough out that swerd anon And alle the pleynes therof it schon As it were light of leven. "Lord," seyd Gii, "Y thanke Thi sond Y seighe never are swiche a brond; Y wot it com fram Heven." Sir Gii gan the hilt bihold That richeliche was graven with gold, Of charbukel the pomel. Into the sckaweberk ogain he it dede And seyd to Tirri in that stede, "Bi God and Seyn Mighel, Of alle this riche tresore Y no kepe therof no more Bot this brond of stiel." [. . .] [. . .] [. . .] To courtward tho knightes went To aspie after the parlement; For drede wald thai nought lete. Ac Tirri was aferd ful sare Of his fomen be knowen thare In the cité yif he sete.36 Therfore thai toke her ostel gode At an hous withouten the toun stode Al bi a dern strete. Of al night Gii slepe nought, So michel his hert was ever in thought With Douk Berard to mete. Erlich amorwe than ros Gii And bisought God and our Levedi He schuld scheld him fro blame And seyd to Sir Tirri the hende, "Kepe me wele this swerd, leve frende, Til Y sende therfore bi name, And Y schal go to court this day And yif Y the douke mete may Y schal gret him with grame; And yif he say ought bot gode, Bi Him that schadde for ous His blod Him tit a warld schame." Gii goth to toun with michel hete, Th'emperour fram chirche he gan mete And gret him with anour. "Lord," seyd Gii, "that with hond Made wode, water, and lond, Save thee, sir emperour. Icham a man of fer cuntré And of thi gode, par charité, Ich axse to mi socour." Th'emperour seyd, "To court come And of mi gode thou schalt have some For love of Seyn Savour." To court thai went al and some, Th'emperour dede Gii biforn him come, "Pilgrim," than seyd he, "Thou art wel weri me thenketh now. Fram wiche londes comestow? For thi fader soule telle me." "Sir," seyd Gii, "ich understond Ichave ben in mani lond Biyond the Grekis Se: In Jerusalem and in Surry, In Costentin and in Perci A gode while have ich be." "Sir pilgrim," seyd th'emperour fre, "What speketh man in that lond of me When thou com thennesward?"37 Sir Gii answerd, "Bi the gode Rode Men speketh thee ther ful litel gode Bot tidinges schrewed and hard; For thou hast schent so th'erl Tirri And other barouns that ben hendy For love of thi steward. Gret sinne it is to thee To stroye so thi barouns fre Al for a fals schreward." When the douk herd him speke so As a wilde bore he lepe him to His costes for to schawe, With his fest he wald have smiten Gii Bot barouns held him owy, Wele tuenti on a rawe. He seyd to Gii, "Vile traitour, Ner thou bifor th'emperour Thei Y wende to ben tohewe Bi thi berd Y schuld thee schokke That al thi teth it schuld rokke, For thou art a kinde schrewe. "Bi thi semblaunt se men may Thou hast ben traitour mani a day - God gif thee schame and schond. Yif that Y thee mai overgon To wicked ded thou schalt be don As a traitour to ly in bond, In swiche a stede thou schalt be This seven winter no schaltow se Noither fet no hond.38 So schal men chasti foule glotuns That wil missay gode barouns That lordinges ben in lond." "Ow sir," seyd Gii, "ertow thas? Y nist no nar hou it was39 Bi the gode Rode. And now Y wot that thou art he, Thou art uncurteys so thenketh me. Thou farst astow wer wode, And art a man of fair parage Ycom thou art of heighe linage And of gentil blod. It is thee litel curteysie To do me swiche vilanie Bifor th'emperour ther Y stode. "And for thee wil Y wond no thing, Y schal telle thee the sothe withouten lesing Bifor his barouns ichon, That with gret wrong and sinne, ywis, Th'erl Tirri deshirrite is And other gode mani on. A thousend men ichave herd teld Bothe in toun and in feld As wide as ichave gon That he is giltles of that dede Thou berst on him with falshede, Thin eme he schuld slon." The douk Berrard was wroth, Bi Jhesu Crist he swore his oth. "Y wald that thou were Gii Or that thou so douhti were Thou durst fight for him here God gaf it and our Levedi." Sir Gii answerd, "Bi Seyn Savour, Drede thee nothing, vile traitour, Therto icham redy. Bi thou wroth, be thou gladde, To th'emperour Y gif mi wedde To fight for th'erl Tirri." The douk Berard ther he stode Stared on Gii as he wer wode And egrelich seyd his thought. "Pilgrim," he seyd, "Thou art ful stout, Ywis, thi wordes that er so prout Schal be ful dere abought. Y warn thee wele," he seyd tho, "That thine heved thou schalt forgo Whereso thou may be sought." Sir Gii seyd, "Than thou it hast Than make therof thi bast; For yete no getes thou it nought." Bifor th'emperour than come Gii And seyd, "Sir Berard of Pavi Is a man of mighti dede, And fram fer cuntres comen icham And am a sely pouer man; Y no have here no sibbered No Y no have wepen no armour bright; For the love of God Almight Finde me armour and stede." Th'emperour answerd, "Bi Jhesu, Pilgrim, thou schalt have anow Of al that thee is nede." The douk Berrard thennes he went; His hert was in strong turment He no wist what he do might. Th'emperour cleped his douhter a mayde, "Leve douhter," to hir he seyd, "Kepe this pilgrim tonight." Sche him underfenge ful mildeliche And dede bathe him ful softliche, In silke sche wald him dight. Ac therof was nothing his thought; Bot of gode armour he hir bisought40 With the douke Berard to fight. Amorwe aros that emperour Erls, barouns of gret honour, To chirche with him thai yede. And when the barouns asembled was Than might men sen in that plas Togider a fair ferred. Thider com the douk Berard, Prout and stern as a lipard, Wele yarmed on stede And priked right as he wer wode Among the barouns ther thai stode Batayle forto bede. The maiden forgat never a del The pilgrim was armed ful wel With a gode glaive in honde And a swift-ernand stede; Al wrin sche dede him lede The best of that lond. Than Sir Gii him bithought The gode swerd forgat he nought That he in tresour fond. He sent therafter priveliche - No man wist litel no miche - And Tirri sent him the brond. When that mayden hadde graithed Gii Wele ydight and ful richely Men gan on him biheld. Sche ledde him forth swithe stille, To th'emperour with gode wille Sche taught him forto weld. Than seyd th'emperour hende and fre, "Lordinges, listen now to me Bothe yong and eld: This knight that ye se now here Hath taken batail in strong maner Al forto fight in feld. "This knight," he seyd, "that stount me bi Wil fight for th'erl Sir Tirri - For nothing wil he wond - And defende him of that felonie Ogain the douk Berard of Pavi That he berth him an hond; For Tirri is out of lond went To seche Gii verrament That for him might stond. This day is sett bituen hem tuo Or be deshirrite forevermo And flemed out of lond. "Bot now is comen here this knight, Ogain Berard hath taken the fight For nothing wil he flen. Ac, lordinges," he seyd, "everichon Where the batayl schal be don Loke where it may best ben." Than loked thai it schuld be In a launde under the cité. Thider in thai went biden. Mani man bad God that day Help the pilgrim as He wele may The douk Berard to slen. On hors lopen tho knightes prest And lopen togider til schaftes brest That strong weren and trewe; And her gerthes brusten that strong were And tho knightes bothe yfere Out of her sadels threwe. After thai drough her swerdes gode And leyd on as thai were wode That were gode and newe. And astow sest the fir on flint, The stem out of her helmes stint So hetelich thai gun hewe. 41 Wele wer armed tho knightes stout Bot he had more yren him about, That fals Berardine. Tuay hauberkes he was in weved And tuay helmes opon his heved Was wrought in Sarayine. Opon his schulder henge a duble scheld Beter might non be born in feld, A gode swerd of stiel fine. Mani man therwith his liif had lorn; It was sumtim therbiforn The kinges Costentine. Strong batayl held tho knightes bold That alle that ever gan hem bihold Thai seyden hem among The pilgrim was non erthely man; It was an angel from Heven cam For Tirri batayle to fong. For mani gode erl and mani baroun Berard hath ybrought adoun With wel michel wrong. Therfore hath God sent, ywis, An angel out of heven-blis To sle that traitour strong. Al the folk in that cité was, Litel and michel, more and las, To se the batayl thai yede. Bot Tirri in a chirche liis And ever he bisought God, ywis, He schuld him help and spede. When he herd telle that the pilgrim Faught ogain the douke Berardin To help him at his nede. Wel fain he wald thider gon Bot for knoweing of his fon Wel sore he gan him drede.42 Ac natheles he ros up tho With michel care and michel wo And thider he went wel swithe. When he com to the plas Ther the bataile loked was Amonges hem he gan lithe And when he seyghe the douk so strong And his armes tohewe among, In his hert he was ful blithe. And tho he seyghe his blod spille, God he thonked with gode wille [. . .] "Lord, merci," Tirri gan say, "This is nought the pilgrim Y met yisterday That is so richeliche dight. He was a feble pouer body Sely, messays, and hungri, And he is of michel might. Y trow non erthelich man it be, On Gii Y thenke when ichim se So douhti he was in fight. Yif Gii mi felawe now ded nere Ich wald sigge that he it were So liche thai ben of sight." Into chirche ogain he yede And fel on knes in that stede And Jhesus Crist he bisought He schuld help the pilgrim That faught ogain Douk Berardin That miche wo hath him wrought. Hard togider gun thai fight Fro the morwe to the night That thai rest hem nought. And when hem failed light of day Thai couthe no rede what thai do may.43 To th'emperour thai hem brought. "Sir emperour," thai seyd anon, "What schul we with this knightes don? At thi wille schal it be." Th'emperour clept to him tho Four barouns that his trust was to. "Lordinges," than seyd he, "Kepe me wele the Douk Berard, And bring him tomorwe bi a forward, Open al your fe; And Y schal kepe the pilgrim tonight; Til tomorwe that it is day light He schal bileve with me." Than departed this batayle, Tho four barouns withouten fayl Understode Berard to kepe And th'emperour toke the pilgrim In a chaumber to loken him With serjaunce wise and yepe. The douke Berard forgat him nought; Of a foule tresoun he him bithought:44 Four knightes he gan clepe. "For mi love," he seyd, "goth tonight Ther the pilgrim lith ful right And sleth him in his slepe." Thai armed hem swithe wel Bothe in iren and in stiel And went hem forth in hast, Into the chaumber thai went anon. The pilgrims kepers everichon Lay and slepe ful fast. To the pilgrim thai went ful right And left up the bedde with her might Tho four traitours unwrast. To the se thai beren him And bothe bed and the pilgrim Into the see thai cast. To Sir Berard thai went anon And teld him hou thai hadden don, Therof he was ful fawe. "Sir," thai seyd, "be nought adred. Bothe the pilgrim and the bed Into the se we han ythrawe." The pilgrim waked and loked an heyghe, The sterres on the heven he seighe, The water about him drawe. Thei he was ferd no wonder it nis; Non other thing he no seyghe, ywis, Bot winde and wateres wawe. "Lord," seyd Gii, "God Almight That winde and water and al thing dight On me have now pité. Whi is me fallen thus strong cumbring?45 And Y no fight forto win nothing - Noither gold no fe, For no cité no no castel - Bot for mi felawe Y loved so wel That was of gret bounté, For he was sumtyim so douhti And now he is so pouer a bodi. Certes it reweth me." Now herkeneth a litel striif Hou He saved the pilgrims liif, Jhesu that sitt in trone, With a fischer that was comand In the se fische takeand Bi himself alon. He seth that bed floter him by "On Godes half!" he gan to cri, "What artow? Say me son." The pilgrim his heved upplight And crid to him anonright And made wel reweli mon. "Gode man," than seyd he, "Y leve on God in Trinité The sothe thou schalt now sen. Understode thou ought of the batayl hard Bituen the pilgrim and Sir Berard Hou thai foughten bituen?" The fischer seyd, "Y seighe the fight Fro the morwe to the night, For nothing wald thai flen. Th'emperour comand tho Thai schuld be kept bothe tuo Tomorwe bring hem oghen." "Icham," he seyd, "the pilgrim That faught with the douke Berardin For Tirri the hendi knight. Yistreven we wer deled ato, In a chaumber Y was do With serjaunce wise and wight. Hou Ich com her no wot Y nought; For His love that this warld hath wrought Save me yif thou might." The fischer tok him into his bot anon And to his hous he ladde him hom And saved his liif that night. Th'emperour ros amorwe, ywis, And at the chirche he herd his messe In the first tide of the day And into his halle he gan gon And after the steward he axed anon And the pilgrim withouten delay. The four barouns forgat hem nought, The douke Berard thai han forth brought Redy armed to play. And the pilgrims kepers com everichon And seyd to th'emperour, bi Seyn Jon, The pilgrim was oway. Th'emperour was wel wroth, Bi his fader soule he swore his oth Thai schuld ben hang and drawe. "For Godes love," he seyd, "Merci, This douke Berard of Pavi Hath him brought o dawe." Th'emperour seyd, "Bi Seyn Martin, Hastow don this, fals Berardin, To don the pilgrim slawe? Yeld him dethes or lives to me Or in mi court dempt thou schalt be Thurth jugement of lawe." The douke Berard wex wroth and wo, Th'emperour he answerd tho With wel michel hete, "Ichave served thee long, Sir Emperour, And kept thi londes with michel anour And now thou ginnest me threte. Therof give Y nought a chirston. Hom to Lombardy ichil gon With alle the ost Y may gete. Y schal com into Almayn for al thi tene Of al thi lond siker mot thou ben O fot Y no schal thee lete." When th'emperour herd that And of his thretening undergat He bad with wordes bold Out of his court he schuld gon And he answerd sone anon That sikerliche he nold. Ther com the fischer priveliche And puked th'emperour softliche, His tale to him he told. "Sir emperour," he seyd, "listen to me. Of the pilgrim ichil telle thee Yif thou me herken wold." "Fischer," seyd th'emperour fre, "Of the pilgrim telle thou me Yif thou the sothe can sayn." "For sothe," he seyd, "Y can ful wel Y schal thee leyghen never a del; Therof icham ful fain. Yistreven withouten lesing Y went to the se of fischeing Mine nettes forto layn. A bedde Y fond ther floterand And theron a knight liggeand, A man of michel mayn. "And ich him axed what he were. He told me the sothe there With wordes fre and hende. 'Icham,' he seyd, 'the pilgrim That faught with the douke Berardin Yisterday to the nende.' Y tok him into mi bot anon And to min hous Y lad him hom And kept him as mi frende. Yif thou levest nought he is thare Do sum serjaunt thider fare And ther ye may him fende." Th'emperour sent after him tho With the fischer and other mo And brought him saunfayle. Thai were don togider blive With hard strokes forto drive Thai gun hem to asayle. Wel hard togider gun thai fight, With her brondes that wer bright Thai hewe hauberk of mayle. Thus togider gun thai play Til it was the heyghe midday With wel strong batayle. The douk Berard was egre of mode, He smot to Gii as he wer wode His liif he wende to winne. He hit him on the helm on hight That alle the floures feir and bright He dede hem fleyghe atuinne. The nasel he carf atuo And the venteyle he dede also Right to his bare chinne. [. . .] [. . .] [. . .] Sir Gii was wroth anon fot-hot And Berard on the helme he smot; To stond hadde he no space For bothe helmes he carf atuo And his heved he dede also In midward of the face. Thurth al his bodi the swerd bot Into the erthe wele half a fot, That seighe men in the place. Th[e s]oule went fro the bodi there, Th[e fol]k of the cite wel glad were, Th[ai] thonked our Lordes grace. Bifor th'emperour than com Sir Gii, "Ichave wroken th'erl Tirri - The sothe thou might now sen - And defended him of that felonie Ogain the douke Berard of Pavi That was so stout and ken. Therfore the sothe ich ax thee Yif Tirri schal quite-cleymed be And have his lond ogen; And whoso ther ogain withstond He schal have schame of min hond Wel siker may he ben." Th'emperour seyd, "Sikerly Thou hast wroken th'erl Tirri; Gret honour thou hast him don. Therfore when he is come His londes than al and some He schal have everichon." Than was Gii glad and blithe And kest of his armes also swithe, After him he thought to gon. Th'emperour wald clothe him in gold Ac sikerliche he seyd he nold, His sclavain he axed anon. To toun he went in his way To finde Tirri yif he may In sorwe and care ful bounde. Into a chirche he him dede And fond him in a privé stede Liand on knes to grounde. "Arise up, Tirri," he seyd tho, "To court thou schalt with me go Now ichave thee founde." Tirri anon his heved upbreyd And seyd, "Pilgrim hastow me treyd? Allas, that ich stounde! "Allas, allas!" than seyd he, "To what man may men trust be To chese to his make? Thou that semed so stedefast To th'emperour me wraied hast, To sle me thou hast take. In ivel time was it to me That Y mi name told to thee; Allas that ich sake." For sorwe that he hadde tho O word no might he speke mo Bot stode and gan to quake. "Tirri," seyd Gii, "drede thee nothing, Thou schalt today here gode tiding Thurth grace of Godes sond. The schrewed Douke Berard he is ded, Under the cité he is yleyde, Y slough him with min hond." Tho was Tirri glad and blithe, To court he went also swithe For nothing wald he wond. "Sir emperour," seyd Gii anon, "Now is Tirri comen hom To resceive his lond." Th'emperour on him gan bihold And seyd to him with wordes bold, "Artow th'erl Tirri? Where is now thi bold chere That whilom so douhti were And holden so hardi?" "Ya, sir," he seyd, "icham he. Whilom Y was of gret boundé And helden ful douhti And now ich have al forlorn With miche sorwe on even and morn To seke mi felawe Sir Gii. "Ich have him sought in mani lond Ac never man yete ich fond Can telle of him no sawe. He is dede ich wot ful wel, God Almighti and Seyn Mighel To blis his soule drawe. Ac now is it told me this pilgrim As slayn the douke Berardin; Therof icham ful fawe. Sir Emperour, Y bid merci, For Godes love and our Levedi, Thou do me londes lawe." Thritti erls wel curteys And alle the lordinges of the paylais And mani baroun afine Crid merci to th'emperour bold. Th'emperour gan him bihold And seyd, "Tirri, frende min, Here Y sese thee in al thi lond With worthschip to held in thine hond Bi God and Seyn Martine. Bifor mi barouns Y graunt thee Steward of mi lond thou schalt be As was the douke Berardine." Th'emperour kist him ful swete, Forgaf him his wrethe and his hete Bifor hem al there. When th'emperour and th'erl were at on The lordinges everichon Wele blithe of hertes were. "Sir Tirri," seyd th'emperour fre, "For thi fader soule tel thou me Astow art me leve and dere, Whennes is this pilgrim? Is he thin em or thi cosyin That faught for thee here?" "Sir Emperour," seyd Sir Tirri, "So God me help and our Levedi For sothe withouten fayle Y no seighe never ere this pilgrim Bot this other day Y met with him And told him mi conseyl. He swore as tite bi Seyn Jon To thi court he wald gon The douk Berard to asayle. Ich wend wel litel than, Y plight, He hadde ben of michel might To hold with him batayle." Th'emperour dede as a gode man And Tirri into his chaumber he nam And richeliche gan him schrede. He fond him wepen and armour bright And al that schuld falle to knight And feffed him with prede And fond him hors and stedes gode Of al his lond the best stode Hom with him to lede. Th'emperour wald the pilgrim athold Ac sikerliche he seyd he nold, With Tirri hom he yede. When Tirri was comen hom The pilgrim he wald anon Sesen in al his lond.46 And he forsoke it al outright For riches loved he no wight For to hold in hond. Th'erl as swithe his sond he sent Over al his lond verrament Til that his wiif he fond. Tho was sche founden in an ile In a nunri that while For doute of Berardes bond. Tho was Tirri a noble man In al that lond better nas nan As Y you tel may. Destrud were al his enemis, He liveth in michel joie and blis Also a prince in play. Anon Sir Gii him bithought That lenger wald he duelle nought; To Sir Tirri on a day He seyd to him in that tide, "Here nil Y no lenger abide, Ich mot wende in mi way. "O thing," he seyd, "Y pray thee, Out of the cité go with me Astow art hendi knight. Alon we shul go bothe yfere And swich tidinges thou schalt here Thou schalt have wonder, aplight." Th'erl him graunt with hert fre And went with him out of that cité In his way ful right. And when thai wer thennes half a mile Ther thai duelled a litel while Tho gomes of michel might. "Tirri," seyd Gii, "understond thou the, Thou art unkinde so thenketh me For Gii thi gode fere; Whi wiltow him knowe nought? Ywis, thou art ivel bithought, No was he thee leve and dere? Thenke he slough the douk Otoun And brought thee out of his prisoun And made thee quite and skere And hou he fond thee ded almast As he rode thurth a forest With a rewely chere. "And hou he socourd thi leman schene And al the fiften outlawes ken He slough hem al on rawe And slough the four knightes radde And thi bodi to toun ladde To leche thi woundes ful fawe; And he socourd thi fader in wer And halp thee bothe nere and fer Tho thou was fallen ful lawe. And now Y slough Berard the strong. Icham Gii, thou hast wrong. Why niltow me nought knawe?" When th'erl herd him speke so Wepen he gan with eyghen to And fel aswon to grounde. "For Godes love," he seyd, "merci. Ivel at ese now am Y In sorwe and care ful bounde. Ful wele might Y knowe thee ar now, In al this warld was man bot thou Ogain Berard durst founde. Merci, sir, par charité; That ich have misknowen thee Allas, allas, that stounde! "Merci!" he crid on his kne, Bothe for sorwe and for pité Wepen he bigan. He seyghe his legges brosten ich del That whilom wer yhosed ful wel More sorwe made never man. Sir Gii went to him tho - In his hert him was wo - And in his armes up him nam. Atuix hem was gret diol in that stounde, Bothe thai fel aswon to grounde For sorwe thai wex al wan. "Tirri," seyd Sir Gii tho, "Thou schalt bileve and Y schal go; Y biteche thee heven-king Bot Ich have a sone, ywis - Y not whether he knight is For he is bot a yongling - Yif he have ani nede to thee Help him for the love of me Y pray thee in al thing. Ich hope he schal be a gode knight, Y pray Jhesu ful of might He graunt him His blisceing." "Merci, sir," than seyd he, "For Godes love leve her stil with me Y pray thee par amour; Mi treuthe Y plight in thine hond Y schal thee sese in al mi lond Bothe in toun and tour. Thi man Y wil be and serve thee ay Ther while mi liif lest may To hold up thin honour. And yif thou no wilt, ichil with thee go; Ywis, ichave wele lever so Than bileve with th'emperour." "Do oway, Sir Tirri, therof speke nought, Al idel speche it is thi thought. Wende ogain hom now right And be nought to prout Y thee rede To serve thi lord at al his nede Thou prove with thi might. Desirite no man of his lond; Yif thou dost thou gos to schond Ful siker be thou, aplight. For yive thou reve a man his fe Godes face schaltow never se No com in heven-light. "Bithenke thee wele of Douke Berard Hou prout he was for he was steward And flemed thee out of lond And he now desirite is, With michel sorwe slayn, ywis, And schamelich driven to schond. Y schal gon and thou bileve schalt, Y biteche thee God that al thing walt And maked with His hond." Thai kisten hem togider tho; Olive thai seyghen hem never eft mo As the gest doth ous understond. Gret sorwe thai made at her parting And kist hem with eighe wepeing; Thai wenten hem bothe atuo. Als swithe th'erl Tirri went him hom; Thre days he no ete mete non, In hert him was ful wo. And when the countas sikerly Herd seyn it was Sir Gii That than was went hem fro Sche upbreyd hir lord day and night That he no had holden him with strengthe and might And laten him nought thennes gon. Now went Gii forth in his way Toward the see so swithe he may, For Tirri he siked sare. Into schip he went bilive, Over the se he gan drive, Into Inglond he gan fare. The lond folk he axed anon After King Athelston In what cuntré he ware. "At Winchester verrament And after his barouns he hath sent, Bothe lasse and mare. "Erls, barouns, and bischopes, Knightes, priours, and abbotes At Winchester thai ben ichon And han purvayd withouten lesing Thre days to ben in fasting To biseke God in tron He sende hem thurth His swet sond A man that were douhti of hond Ogain Colbrond to gon. Ther is the king and the barnage, ywis, For doute of her enemis That wayt hem forto slon. "For Sir Anlaf the king of Danmark With a nost store and stark Into Inglond is come With fiften thousend knightes of pris, Alle this lond thai stroyen, ywis, And mani a toun han nome. A geaunt he hath brought with him Out of Aufrike stout and grim, Colbrond hat that gome. For him is al Inglond forlore Bot Godes help be bifore That socour sende hem some. "To the king he hath sent his sond47 Forto yeld him al Inglond And gif him trowage outright Yif he no wil nought finde a baroun, A geaunt other a champioun, Ogain Colbrond to fight, And therof thai han taken a day. Ac our king non finde may Erl, baroun, no knight, No squier, no serjaunt non Ogain the geaunt dar gon So grim he is of sight." Than seyd Sir Gii, "Whare is Herhaud? That in his time was so bald?" And thai answerd ful swithe. "To seche Gyes sone he is fare That marchaunce hadde stollen thare, For him he was unblithe." "And where is th'erl Rohaut of pris?" And thai answerd, "Dede he is - A gode while is go sithe - And Feliis his douhter is his air, So gode a levedi no so fair, Ywis, nis non olive." Gii went to Winchester a ful gode pas Ther the king that time was To held his parlement; The barouns weren in the halle. The king seyd, "Lordinges alle, Mine men ye ben verrament, Therfore ich ax withouten fayl Of this Danis folk wil ous aseyl Ich biseche you with gode entent, For Godes love Y pray you Gode conseyl give me now Or elles we ben al schent. "For the king of Danmark with wrong With his geaunt that is so strong He wil ous al schende. Therfore ich axi you ichon What rede is best forto don Ogaines hem forto wende? Yif he overcom ous in batayle He wil slen ous alle saunfeyle And strouen al our kende. Than schal Inglond evermo Live in thraldom and in wo Unto the warldes ende. "Therfore ich axi you now right Yif ye knowe our ani knight That is so stout and bold That the batayle dar take an hond To fight ogain Colbrond. Half mi lond have he schold With alle the borwes that lith therto, To him and to his aires evermo To have yive he wold." Stil seten erls and barouns As men hadde schaven her crounes;48 Nought on answere nold. "Allas," seyd the king, "that Y was born. Al mi joie it is forlorn, Wel wo is me olive. Now in al mi lond nis no knight Ogains a geant to hold fight Mine hert wil breken on five. Allas of Warwike Sir Gii Y no hadde geven thee half mi lond frely To hold withouten strive; Wele were me than bifalle. Ac certes now the Danis men alle To sorwe thai schul me drive." When it was night to bedde thai yede; The king for sorwe and for drede With teres wett his lere. Of al that night he slepe right nought Bot ever Jhesu he bisought That was him leve and dere He schuld him sende thurth His sond A man to fight with Colbrond Yif it Is wille were. And Jhesus Crist ful of might He sent him a noble knight As ye may forward here. Ther com an angel fram heven-light And seyd to the king ful right Thurth grace of Godes sond. He seyd, "King Athelston, slepestow? Hider me sent thee King Jhesu To comfort thee to fond. Tomorwe go to the north gate ful swithe, A pilgrim thou schalt se com bilive When thou hast a while stond. Bid him for Seynt Charité That he take the batayl for thee And he it wil nim on hond." Than was the king glad and blithe, Amorwe he ros up ful swithe And went to the gate ful right. Tuay erls went with him tho And tuay bischopes dede also. The weder was fair and bright. Opon the day about prime The king seighe cum the pilgrim Bi the sclavayn he him plight. "Pilgrim," he seyd, "Y pray thee To court wende thou hom with me And ostel ther al night." "Be stille, sir," seyd the pilgrim, "It is nought yete time to take min in, Also God me rede." The king him bisought tho And the lordinges dede also, To court with hem he yede. "Pilgrim," quath the king, "par charité, Yif it be thi wil understond to me, Y schal schewe thee al our nede: The king of Danmark with gret wrong Thurth a geaunt that is so strong Wil strou al our thede. "And whe han taken of him batayle On what maner, saunfayle, Y schal now tellen thee. Thurth the bodi of a knight Ogains that geaunt to hold fight Schal this lond aquite be. And pilgrim for Him that dyed on Rode And that for ous schadde His blod To bigge ous alle fre, Take the batayle now on hond And save ous the right of Inglond For Seynt Charité." "Do way, leve sir," seyd Gii, "Icham an old man, a feble bodi; Mi strengthe is fro me fare." The king fel on knes to grounde And crid him merci in that stounde Yif it his wille ware, And the barouns dede also, O knes thai fellen alle tho With sorwe and sikeing sare. Sir Gii biheld the lordinges alle And whiche sorwe hem was bifalle, Sir Gii hadde of hem care. Sir Gii tok up the king anon And bad the lordinges everichon Thai schuld up stond, And seyd, "For God in Trinité And forto make Inglond fre The batayle Y nim on hond." Than was the king ful glad and blithe And thonked Gii a thousend sithe And Jhesu Cristes sond. To the king of Danmark he sent than And seyd he hadde founden a man To fight for Inglond. The Danismen busked hem yare Into batayle forto fare, To fight thai war wel fawe. And Gii was armed swithe wel In a gode hauberk of stiel Wrought of the best lawe. An helme he hadde of michel might With a cercle of gold that schon bright With precious stones on rawe. In the frunt stode a charbukel ston As bright as ani sonne it schon That glemes under schawe. On that helme stode a flour Wrought it was of divers colour, Mirie it was to bihold. Trust and trewe was his ventayle Gloves and gambisoun and hosen of mayle As gode knight have scholde; Girt he was with a gode brond Wele kerveand biforn his hond; A targe listed with gold Portreyd with thre kinges corn That present God when He was born, Mirier was non on mold. And a swift-ernand stede Al wrin thai dede him lede, His tire it was ful gay. Sir Gii opon that stede wond With a gode glaive in hond And priked him forth his way. And when he com to the plas Ther the batayl loked was Gii light withouten delay And fel on knes doun in that stede And to God he bad his bede He schuld ben his help that day. "Lord," seyd Gii, "that rered Lazeroun And for man tholed passioun And on the Rode gan blede, That saved Sussan fram the feloun And halp Daniel fram the lyoun, Today wisse me and rede. Astow art mighti heven-king Today graunt me thi blisseing And help me at this nede; And Levedi Mari ful of might Today save Inglondes right And leve me wele to spede." When the folk was samned bi bothe side The to kinges with michel pride After the relikes thai sende, The corporas and the Messe gere. On the halidom thai gun swere With wordes fre and hende. The king of Danmarke swore furst, ywis, Yif that his geant slayn is To Danmarke he schal wende And never more Inglond cum withinne No non after him of his kinne Unto the warldes ende. Sethen swore the king Athelston And seyd among hem everichon Bi God that al may weld, Yif his man ther slayn be Or overcomen that men may se Recreaunt in the feld, His man he wil bicom an hond And alle the reme of Inglond Of him forto helde And hold him for lord and king With gold and silver and other thing Gret trowage him forto yelde. When thai had sworn and ostage founde Colbrond stirt up in that stounde, To fight he was ful felle. He was so michel and so unrede That non hors might him lede In gest as Y you telle. So mani he hadde of armes gere Unnethe a cart might hem bere The Inglisse forto quelle. Swiche armour as he hadde opon, Ywis, no herd ye never non Bot as it ware a fende of Helle. Of mailes was nought his hauberk, It was al of another werk That mervail is to here. Alle it were thicke splentes of stiel, Thicke yjoined strong and wel, To kepe that fendes fere. Hossen he hadde also wele ywrought Other than splentes was it nought Fram his fot to his swere.49 He was so michel and so strong And therto wonderliche long In the world was non his pere. An helme he hadde on his heved sett And therunder a thicke bacinet; Unsemly was his wede. A targe he had wrought ful wel - Other metel was ther non on bot stiel - A michel and unrede. Al his armour was blac as piche Wel foule he was and lothliche, A grisely gom to fede. The heighe king that sitteth on heighe That welt this warld fer and neighe Made him wel ivel to spede. A dart he bar in his hond kerveand And his wepen about him stondand Bothe bihinde and biforn Axes and gisarmes scharp ygrounde And glaives forto give with wounde To hundred and mo ther worn. The Inglis biheld him fast. King Athelston was sore agast Inglond he schuld have lorn For when Gii seighe that wicked hert He nas never so sore aferd Sethen that he was born. Sir Gii lepe on his stede fot-hot And with a spere that wele bot To him he gan to ride. And he schet to Gii dartes thre, Of the tuay than failed he, The thridde he lete to him glide, Thurth Gyes scheld it glod And thurth his armour withouten abod Bituene his arme and side And quitelich into the feld it yede The mountaunce of an acre brede Er that it wald abide. Sir Gii to him gan to drive That his spere brast afive On his scheld that was so bounde; And Colbrond with michel hete On Gyes helme he wald have smite, And failed of him that stounde; Bituix the sadel and the arsoun The strok of that feloun glod adoun Withouten wem or wounde. That sadel and hors atuo he smot, Into the erthe wele half a fot And Gii fel doun to grounde. Sir Gii as tite up stirt As man that was agremed in hert, His stede he hadde forlore. On his helme he wald hit him tho Ac he no might nought reche therto Bi to fot and yete more, Bot on his schulder the swerd fel doun And carf bothe plates and hauberjoun With his grimli gore. Thurth al his armour stern and strong He made him a wounde a spanne long That greved him ful sore. Colbrond was sore aschame And smot Gii with michel grame. On his helm he hit him tho That his floures everichon And his gode charbukel ston Wel even he carf atuo. Even ato he smot his scheld That it fleyghe into the feld. When Gii seyghe it was so That he hadde his scheld forlorn, Half bihinde and half biforn, In hert him was wel wo. And Gii hent his swerd an hond And heteliche smot to Colbrond - As a child he stode him under. Open the scheld he yave him swiche a dent Bifor the stroke the fiir out went As it were light of thonder. The bondes of stiel he carf ichon And into the scheld a fot and half on With his swerd he smot asunder, And with the out-braiding his swerd brast. Thei Gii were than sore agast It was litel wonder.50 Tho was Gii sore desmayd And in his hert wel ivel ypayd For the chaunce him was bifalle, And for he hadde lorn his gode brond And his stede opon the sond To our Levedi he gan calle. Than gun the Danis ost Ich puken other and make bost And seyd among hem alle, "Now schal the Inglis be slain in feld; Gret trouage Inglond schal ous yeld And evermore ben our thral." "Now, sir knight," seyd Colbrond, "Thou hast lorn thi swerd in thine hond, Thi scheld and eke thi stede. Do now wele, yeld thee to me And smertlich unarme thee; Cri merci Y thee rede. And for thou art so douhti knight Thou durst ogain me held fight To mi lord Y schal thee lede And with him thou schalt acorded be, In his court he wil hold thee And finde that thee is nede." "Do way," seyd Gii, "therof speke nought. Bi Him that al this world hath wrought Ich hadde lever thou were anhong. Ac thou hast armes gret plenté, Ywis, thou most lene me On of thine axes strong." Colbrond swore bi Apolin, "Of al the wepen that is min Her schaltow non afong. Now thou wilt nought do bi mi rede Thou schalt dye on ivel dede Er that it be ought long." When Gii herd him speke so Al sone he gan him turn tho And to his wepen he geth Ther his axes stode bi hemselve; He kept on with a wel gode helve The best him thought he seth, To Colbrond ogain he ran And seyd, "Traitour," to him than, "Thou schalt han ivel deth. Now ich have of thi wepen plenté Wherewith that Y may were me Right maugré al thin teth."51 Colbrond than with michel hete On Gyes helme he wald have smite With wel gret hert tene Ac he failed of his dint And the swerd into the erthe went A fot and more, Y wene. And with Colbrondes out-draught Sir Gii with ax a strok him raught A wounde that was wele sene. So smertliche he smot to Colbrond That his right arme with alle the hond He strok of quite and clene. When Colbrond feld him so smite He was wel wroth ye may wel wite, He gan his swerd up fond And in his left hond op it haf And Gii in the nek a strok him gaf As he gan stoupe for the brond That his heved fro the bodi he smot And into the erthe half a fot Thurth grace of Godes sond. Ded he feld the glotoun thare. The Denis with sorwe and care Thai dight hem out of lond. Blithe were the Inglis men ichon. Erls, barouns, and King Athelston, Thai toke Sir Gii that tide And ladde him to Winchester toun With wel fair processioun Over al bi ich a side. For joie belles thai gun ring Te Deum laudamus thai gun sing And play and michel pride. Sir Gii unarmed him and was ful blithe; His sclavain he axed also swithe, No lenger he nold abide. "Sir pilgrim," than seyd the king, "Whennes thou art withouten lesing? Thou art douhti of dede, For thurth douhtines of thin hond Thou hast saved al Inglond. God quite thee thi mede, And mi treuthe Y schal plight thee, So wele Y schal feffe thee Bothe in lond and lede That of riches in toun and tour Thou schalt be man of mest honour That woneth in al mi thede." "Sir King," seyd the pilgrim, "Of alle the lond that is tin Y no kepe therof na mare Bot now ichave the geant slain, Therof, ywis, icham ful fain, Mi way ichil forth fare." "Merci, sir," the king seyd than, "Tel me for Him that made man - For nothing thou ne spare - Tel me what thi name it be, Whennes thou art and of what cuntré Or Y schal dye for care." "Sir King," he seyd, "Y schal tel it thee. What mi right name it be Thou schalt witen anon; Ac thou schalt go with me yfere That no man of our conseyl here52 Bot thou and Y alon." The king him graunted and was blithe, He comand his folk also swithe No wight with him to gon. Out of the toun than went he Wele half a mile fram that cité And ther made Gii his mon. "Sir King," seyd Gii, "understond to me. O thing Y schal now pray thee Astow art curteys and hende: Yif Y mi name schal thee sayn That to no man thou no schalt me wrayn To this yere com to th'ende. Gii of Warwike mi nam is right, Whilom Y was thine owhen knight And held me for thi frende; And now icham swiche astow may see. God of Heven biteche Y thee, Mi way Y wil forth wende." When the king seighe sikerly That it was the gode Gii That fro him wald his way On knes he fel adoun to grounde, "Leve Sir Gii," in that stounde, "Merci," he gan to say. "For Godes love bileve with me And mi treuthe Y schal plight thee That Y schal this day Sese and give into thine hond Half the reme of Inglond; For Godes love say nought nay." "Sir King," seyd Gii, "Y nil nought so. Have thou thi lond for evermo And God Y thee biteche; Ac yif Herhaud to this lond com And bring with him Reynbroun mi sone Help him Y thee biseche. For thai er bothe hende and fre, On Herhaud thou might trust thee To take of thine fon wreche." Thai kisten hem togider tho Al wepeand thai wenten ato Withouten ani more speche. The king wel sore wepe for pité And went him hom to his meyne With a mournand chere. His folk ogaines him gan gon And asked the king sone anon What man the pilgrim were. Thai seyd, "He is a douhti knight. Wald Jhesu ful of might He wald leve with ous here." The king seyd, "Al stille ye be. What he is your non schal wite for me, Iwis, of al this yere." Sir Gii went in his way forth right, Oft he thonked God Almight That the geaunt was slawe. To Warwike he went to that cité Ther he was lord of that cuntré To hold with right lawe. He nas knowen ther of no man When he to the castel gates cam, Therof he was ful fawe. Among the pouer men he him dede Ther thai weren up in a stede And sett him on a rawe. And Feliis the countas was ther than. In this warld was non better wiman, In gest as so we rede, For thritten pouer men and yete mo For hir lordes love sche loved so, Ich day sche gan fede With than God and our Levedi Schuld save hir lord Sir Gii And help him at his nede. Sche no stint noither day no night, For him sche bisought God Almight With bedes and almos dede. On a day the levedi went to mete And bad men schuld biforn hir fete Hir pouer men al biden. And men brought hem everichon And Gii of Warwike was that on Of tho ich thritten. In his hert he hadde gret care That he schuld be knawen thare Of hem that hadde him sen; Ac ther was non so wise of sight That him ther knowe might So misais he was and lene. The levedi biheld him inliche Hou mesays he was sikerliche. Curteys sche was and hende, Of everich mete of everich dring That sche ete of herself withouten lesing Sche was him ful mende; Of hire bere and of hir wine In hir gold coupe afine Oft sche gan him sende And bad him ich day com he schold, Mete and drink sche finde him wold Unto his lives ende. Sir Gii thonked that levedi oft Bot alle another was his thought Than he wald to hir say. When the grace were yseyd And the bordes adoun layd Out of toun he went his way. Into a forest wenden he gan To an hermite he knewe er than To speke him yif he may. And when he thider comen was The gode hermite thurth Godes grace Was dede and loken in clay. Than thought Sir Gii anon That wald he never thennes gon Therwhiles he war olive. With a prest he spac of that cuntray That dede him Servise ich day And of his sinnes gan schrive. With him he hadde ther a page That served him in that hermitage Withouten chest and strive. No lenger was he lives there Bot nighen monethes of a yere As ye may listen and lithe. In slepe as Gii lay anight God sent an angel bright Fram Heven to him thare. "Gii," seyd the angel, "slepestow? Hider me sent thee King Jhesu To bid thee make thee yare, For bi the eightenday at morwe He schal deliver thee out of thi sorwe Out of this warld to fare. To Heven thou schalt com Him to And live with ous evermo In joie withouten care." When Gii was waked of that drem Of an angel he seighe a glem. "What artow?" than seyd he. The angel answerd, "Fram Heven Y cam, Mighel is mi right nam. God sent me to thee To bid thee make thee redi way,53 Bi the eightenday thou schalt day Wel siker maughtow be. And Y schal feche thi soule ful even And bere it to the blis of Heven With grete solempneté." The angel goth forth and Gii bileft stille, His bedes he bad with gode wille To Jhesu Heven-king. And when his term was nere gon His knave he cleped to him anon And seyd withouten lesing, "Sone," he seyd, "Y pray now thee Go to Warwike that cité Withouten more duelling; And when thou comest ther Y thee biseche Gret wele the countas with thi speche And take hir this gold ring. "And say the pilgrim hat hir biforn That hir mete was to born On the pouer mannes rawe, Gret hir wele in al thing And sende to hir this gold ring Yif that sche wil it knawe. Als son as sche hath therof a sight Sche wil it knawe anonright And be therof ful fawe. Than wil sche ax ware Y be. Leve sone, for love of me, The sothe to hir thou schawe. "And say icham for Godes love In the forest hermite bicome Mine sinnes forto bete; And bid hir for the love of me That sche com hider with thee For nothing sche no lete. And when ye com ye finde me dede Do me never hennes lede Bot grave me here in grete.54 And after sche schal dye, ywis, And com to me into Heven-blis Ther joies her ful swete." The knave went forth anon, Into Warwike he gan gon Bifor that levedi fre. And when he hadde that levedi founde On knes he fel adoun to grounde And seyd, "Listen to me, The pilgrim that ete thee biforn That thi mete was to born An hermite now is he. He greteth thee wele in al thing And sent thee this gold ring In sum tokening to be." The levedi tok that ring an hond And loked theron and gan withstond The letters forto rede. "Ow, certes," quath the levedi, "This ring Y gaf mi lord Sir Gii When he fro me yede." For sorwe sche fel aswon, ywis, And when that sche arisen is To the knave sche gan spede. "Leve sone," sche seyd, "Y pray thee Wher is that pilgrim telle thou me And gold schal be thi mede." "Madame," seyd the knave ful skete, "In the forest ichim lete, Right now Y com him fro. He is ner ded in the hermitage, On his halve Y make the message; Ywis, he bad me so And bad thou schust to him come, For that ich trewe love That was bituene you tuo Do him never lede oway Bot biri him right ther in clay, Olive sestow him no mo." The levedi was glad of that tiding And thonked Jhesu Heven-king And was in hert ful blithe That sche schuld sen hir lord Sir Gii; Ac for o thing sche was sori That he schuld dye so swithe. Thai made hem redi forto wende With knightes and with levedis hende. On a mule thai sett hir sithe And with al the best of that cité To th'ermitage went sche As ye may listen and lithe. To th'ermitage when thai come Ther thai light al and some And in sche went wel even. When that sche seighe hir lord Sir Gii Sche wept and made doleful cri With a ful reweful steven. Sir Gii loked on hir thare, His soule fram the bodi gan fare. A thousand angels and seven Underfenge the soule of Gii And bar it with gret molodi Into the blis of Heven. Than was that levedi ful of care For hir lord was fram hir fare, "Allas!" it was hir song. Sche kist his mouthe, his chin also, And wepe with hir eighen to And hir hondes sche wrong. Gret honour dede our Lord for Gii: A swete brathe com fram his bodi That last that day so long That in this world spices alle No might cast a swetter smalle As then was hem among. The levedy as tite dede send hir sond After bischopes, abotes of the lond, The best that might be founde, And when thider was com that fair ferred To Warwike thai wald him lede As lord of michel mounde. Bot al the folk that ther was No might him stir of that plas Ther he lay on the grounde. An hundred men about him were No might him nought thennes bere For hevihed that stounde. Than seyd the levedi, "Lete him be stille; Never more remoun him Y nille No do him hennes lede. He sent me bode with his page To biri him in this hermitage Simpliche withouten prede." Thay tok a through of marbel ston And leyd his bodi therin anon Atird in knightes wede. Fair servise than was thare Of bischopes, abbotes that ther ware, And clerkes to sing and rede. When thai hadde birid his bodi anon, The gret lordinges everichon Hom thai gun wende, Ac the levedi left stille thare; Sche nold never thennes fare, Sche kidde that sche was kende. Sche lived no lenger sothe to say Bot right on the fiftenday Sche dyed that levedi hende And was birid hir lord by And now thai er togider in compeynie In joie that never schal ende. When Sir Tirri herd telle this That Gii his fere ded is And birid in the clay, He com to this lond withouten lesing And bisought Athelston the king His bodi to leden oway. He it graunted him ful yare, Into Lorain with him gan fare Into his owhen cuntray. An abbay he lete make tho Forto sing for hem to Ever more til Domesday. Now have ye herd lordinges of Gii That in his time was so hardi And holden hende and fre, And ever he loved treuthe and right And served God with al his might That sit in Trinité. And therfore at his ending-day He went to the joie that lasteth ay And evermore schal be. Now God leve ous to live so That we may that joie com to. Amen, par charité. |
(see note) All about person; in time of danger ride a horse most noble reputation [A] bolder man; town called clever; courageous; (see note) Valiant; to tell the truth most excellent; tournament valor Afterwards (see note) noble I; (see note) heir property allegiance; fealty command noble; into his possession reward gave; payment nobly then; retinue noble joyful; pleased times Then; did many; much began his attempt fair lady I have; through God's grace victory valiant offered; honor daughters But marry woman in reply; directly made I am cease gentle; noble end (see note) Soon beside beautiful was to behold; (see note) Sweetheart; many thanks delight woman the earl (i.e., Felice's father) Daughter will you splendor men Dear accept (see note) she; tell I will very willingly; (t-note) in two words created In truth wed; in a word (in short) I will never obey or accept a husband; (t-note) frank blessed must as reward much rather At once noble; deed declined them each and every one Who honorable; in clothing nonetheless lying deer (see note) their ladies beautiful in chamber (see note) if you please (of your kindness) Have you ever intended comes within your high rank won (saved) Except one [who] is fair of face dear take make you legal possessor of Saint time before certainly if; put your confidence in me wait in two weeks entertainments; pleasure time express to no man lodgings when (i.e. the earl's) at once; (see note) nobles; near honorable event allotted period very courteously ladies beautiful; chamber maid eagerness; (t-note) Those freeborn; together finest (highest in rank) for the occasion treasures (keepsakes) (see note) musical performance horn players; drummers fiddlers, croude players; harpers; (see note) Their skills; show Organists; bagpipers Singers (Story-tellers); entertainers (jesters); (see note) please those people is not any tongue hospitality; pleasure to be seen; (see note) entertainment imagine or eye see listen and hear Earls honorable; in clothing gave professional entertainers; their; (see note) stingy right away kindness at his desire story as; (see note) noble woman [to] him knew sexually together But afterwards; painful sighing Their; them; sadness henceforth hear reputation [was] regarded as lord magnificent in array (splendidly dressed) park (woodland) to slay deer (see note) It is no secret (It is well known); (see note) those At that time; then sky (heaven) crowded; stars glory; granted downcast mood always; warrior without just cause; (see note) (see note) He nearly went mad with remorse (i.e., damned to hell) I am stripped of all joy (see note) deed did; none war; distress I have caused grieves; severely cure; I shall Barefoot beg; food overcome with grief pitiful cries continually Lover; distress [is] very severe Truly; injustice in answer I shall; willingly saw you; eyes time; say ensnared shed grisly of woman Alas; moment But if Cross severe; painful given my reward live in angels' clothing put right my course know; lost dearly; saved abandon walk to atone [for] wherever; at night recognized Along road nor noble lady was distressed kill know not believe And I shall slay myself that you Absolve you need not feel fearful In the presence of the devil (see note) misery Dear darling concern brave assuredly destroyed; many because; many people hill What cure; misery As you One; entreat See to it that inconspicuous (silent) friends a messenger to God I entrust you in advance boy; favored he customs (qualities) in times of trouble faithful; constant reward sword give victory go; journey then; (see note) sadness their eyes grasped him (see note) are here upon God be with you Weeping; two gone; (see note) quickly sea remained sighing hair; tore; hands; wrung bled profusely went nearly mad drew out of sorrow before it would be lost Forever put away herself Early in the morning where wringing; hands undertake He shall at that time On foot desist [from sorrow] think not; noble test assist poor sighing Because On account of accustomed Wringing their each one plan; devise Rapidly near if Lorraine; imagine (assume) close friend; (see note) (see note) harbor every regions; familiar then; return accurately concluded foreign Pilgrim's clothes; (see note) seek Mediterranean Christendom saw; dressed Blessed honest in speech many delay (see note) hall Across; country border Through Brittany went never heard anything spoken Not in any circumstance find sea nor land met told [them how] no kinds of hands listen; (see note) [the] story if; learn went walked; contented mood Wherever God would guide him then; Bethlehem foreign country Nonetheless; then decided To seek out more shrines To win for himself the rewards of heaven Then; continued Antioch On this side of high rank noble ancestry high-born Large; with a well-built body great strength prowess (see note) pity clothes; ripped; hair tore to shreds behavior concern gone what [type of person] are you piteous for your sake sorrowful has lived in power joyful know not; soon asked; your God behavior truth; lies was afflicted I wish I were in the earth [i.e., my grave] rank at one time regarded; importance strong; brave called believe Since lost men happy I will never be again violent Saracens; fierce in battle; (see note) quickly plunder; ferocity army Their attack Before we could sons; (t-note) wicked men amirs (commanders); taken troops fear; time lying was called great prowess followed; with power Alexandria their; nearby field full of broom; (see note) well armed [Each] with helmet; deadly sword sprang surrounded shameful defeat struck; anger blows struck; troops before; taken Mortally; clothing (armor) too many cut to pieces broke surrendered; of necessity submitted; everyone (see note) led us then stone masonry food expected to die We were overcome with grief all together military assistance Sultan feast for by count numerous [On] the third sumptuous richly prepared; hall astonishing event misery regarded; honorable man called to him; (t-note) together ask chess; (see note) challenged him to a game together Respectfully (without giving offense) At the chessboard spirited; to see (in appearance); (t-note) became infuriated Those men [call of] check became enraged insulted "son of a whore" vigor great fighting rook (chesspiece); head spurted out everywhere threaten Were you not You should never leave charged hit fist [So] that leaped up immediately chessboard; picked up suddenly on Sultan's son killed a fatal wound horses; leaped without delay dash away In fear slain deprived of his life avenge might hastily unless Forceably; punish him cause him to be drawn (see note) afraid believed; finished called them immediately attributed to them condemned he made come forward; Saracen (see note) Huge; ugly; man huge; monstrous burnt nails devil well-built extremely with certainty [who] stands; beside extraordinarily tall defend himself; plateau used for tournaments; (see note) great injustice wretch undertake same moment Nor monstrous fierce extension of time; for Who would dare to fight against him as; custom According to law is able quickly (see note) One-third accept But; might promise I; taken was aware of or knew mighty of stroke [i.e., strong in battle] burgess or; (see note) find kin give transfer by deed possess a third part But I him (t-note) companion they are the best then What; those mood (see note) [to] me dear; precious victory; certain here one [of them] exempt; blameless On my faith message straight after great pain Unless I am able to find them tear apart (draw) time bondage knew not; go Konya (Iconium); (see note) Calabria; Saxony Germany Apulia; Barbary? Sicily; Ragusa Romania; Burgundy; Gascony Brittany (i.e., Guy) hold; rule But; nobody at all could; certainly those two or dismal promise sworn; (t-note) right away is alive; (t-note) if slay distressed cause to be hanged pulled to pieces; great injustice Those a matter for great sorrow such; truly; (t-note) into three parts it is no wonder [at all] said to be held in high esteem our Lord undertake Against savage (fierce) Even if he is the devil himself in this time of peril undertake scrutinized [Guy from] head to toe Large; built poorly; clothed face hardship; overcome suspected; lost his mind immediately Unless; denied; (t-note) [May] God Almighty for this reward you Who are That you would; undertake I swear vengefulness black eyes terrifying; to see time take such wicked devil though; offspring on foot death reward you for it are very pleasing moment courteously Hardly; face expression (countenance) they sighed sadly you [will] see people of that country shrines; seek unknown truly prowess undertake fierce defend fear; hesitate I give my assurance in short lying counsel Oh!; English by reason and by rights to my face personal enemy (see note) deprived uncle At table; us all (every each one) Saw; act head cut off quickly Disgrace there was in that act chased then believe; (i.e., the devil's) Muhammad grant certain victory Very well; lying one of them here command immediately inadequately equipped; (see note) poor raiment (see note) fault everywhere troubled (vexed) dressed beg [to] Him [for] together When; friends; (t-note) return pleasure sake Or today; (t-note) Muhammed; may; (t-note) in truth only Mary's son (t-note) nothing Everything are able to win with justice injustice; done against me evermore Throughout the world; (t-note) here; India; (see note) [By] deed of release such peaceful relations; establish world promise certainly [May] God help you to grant it bath dress him clothe Such; I do not wish for wear; gold-embroidered it was never my desire fine clothes food; sufficient I do not care about such ostentation (t-note) company of people ready strong; horse; (see note) they Spires; (see note) display in haste host of mounted knights offer; (t-note) (see note) helmet; plate armor; coat of mail Rhenish (from the region of the Rhine river) truly place Muslim lands ancestors their treasure house; (t-note) disturbed; was not gleaming sun; glass Truly without doubt face plate assail without doubt story; find Before; give up blow leg guards; jacket; as shield bordered; (see note) neck; carried obtained it owned protected by ask From where dared listen myself; same man dreadful to look at stands defend; crime exonerated of misdoing silent begin immediately On my life! (lit., as I break my neck); (see note) call; ugly appearance evil endure quickly discussed together confer decided plain; beside was surrounded; (see note) leaped spirit spurred on blows behaved; berserk their lances shatter; all around drew; whetted were covered all over with blood easily cut; met with lost had belonged to; (see note) wickedness armed warfare river of Hell wield beaten by another man Unless; through treachery There Sir Guy would have died Unless vigorously striking their very sharp swords precious stones Fell on the ground struck same blow One and a half foot pierced before By however powerful split in two; (see note) injury; (t-note) At least thrust down jumped up stood firm very place said his prayer hands incensed Not for very long (see note) darkness into receive truly said [to Amorant]; poorly struck repay you your debt (i.e., with a return blow) live seized angry (t-note) fall to the ground deadly sword; (see note) Distressed those on lost fierce merciless and unflinching; (see note) [So] hard; gleaming break to pieces [So] hard plates of armor; coats of mail split; crack severely annoyed one; withstood; then reached ornamental flowers very fierce blow carved in two; (see note) in half occurred an extraordinary happening same moment place where lifted up hood [of mail]; (see note) [So] that; (t-note) at once moved swiftly nose-guard; proceeded; (see note) face-guard with no doubt shield; rim in two cleaved; same instant fiercely; drew vengeful wrath (see note) to appeal to warriors (see note) himself scowling face or; lose thirst was upon him thirst before [any] mother's son what [manner of man] are you before from which place so may I thrive; (see note) without arrogance (meekly) know I assure you am able great injustice with injustice may Termagant bring it about; (see note) grant undertake faith (religion); (see note) head; very gladly recover; never again That which he has caused us to lose killed Constantinople comrade; (t-note) religion lament avenged religion say you done you any personal harm But; honor non-Christian lands avenged my people dear Permission believe thirst; burst apart life killed battlefield against your better judgement Dishonorable to you; shame whatever; to; (t-note) small amount whole-heartedly I assure you; faith permission from (t-note) delay quickly off; took face-piece fierce attack surrender yourself immediately beguiled in the morning delay enraged as [if]; mad Very impatient [So] that coat of mail struck plate armor; mail in two, I swear skin But; pierced Close knee; near [So] that jacket and leg armor simultaneously thrust; (t-note) blemish saw miracle felt himself struck in this way may be sure made his way grasped furious shattered fiercely penetrated with fighting so much where hardly; (see note) Grant; same favor courteous; noble agreed (t-note) Be silent; (t-note) exhaust yourself head act in the right way; (t-note) bit previously peace keep my promise to you promised fair of face most beautiful girl on earth possess yourself surrender yourself Alive advice suffer a painful death punishment rather; dismembered fidelity I [will] grant Saint complete lie indeed reveal my identity to no person rightly (as promised) against; set vengefulness ugly glare immediately [be cut] into two parts as a gift of noble birth breaks in two decided to himself must run in destruction pain straight to Unless he calls upon danger waist dipped cooled; blood Sharply same where Fiercely violent ran fear would not delay Belly, back shame; (t-note) bad luck to you eager bright full of deceit promise; make villain extended; (see note) gave him painful instruction off felt himself thus struck ferocity seized quickly lion Thirty-three attacks cut However; because of diminish knew the truth (realized) (t-note) delay off mind; afflicted leaped knocked him right over jumped aside quickly deprived presented [the head] quickly to extremely sorrowful; (t-note) noble their champion embraced affectionately, I believe and then more I will say Because you saved my life grant A third of will not [ask that]; (t-note) believing perfectly quietly I will have none together Know confidence Though; call yourself You are not called that I reckon Cross made known hear Since; ask I will tell you properly reveal took pleased saw eyes vassal assistance victory bravery in battle dear; many thanks return God be with you all pilgrimage; complete No man was able to quieten him escaped from danger took his way Because shrines Afterwards; went strange lands has traveled Walking prayers reciting to atone for Germany at one time held in great esteem crossroads Spires wooden cross Who wrung; hands time why do you behave like this I think you suffer greatly; (see note) What [reason] have you to ask afflicted though Through holy Cross If you often; befalls a stranger; (see note) conceal By God At one time; Saint Michael power spoken of as; wealth prowess wretched though no more very bitterly (t-note) ask; severe remedy must Since yesterday As God guides me do not keep it secret get along after that; food a penny got long ago as a gift Worms was called Pavin anger his (Otoun's) nephew the emperor's; (see note) sister's son who is called extraordinarily victory without fail hostility shudder with fear frightening in appearance wickedness govern duke command; deny greatly he is feared; (t-note) by (t-note) bow him stand with him [in a] great retinue be hated by him property banishes; (t-note) dismembered As quickly ruin conference summons; (t-note) great display; (t-note) stand demeanor; (t-note) run accused me of his uncle's death decree revenged accusation Duke Otoun's death; (t-note) pledge at once; (see note) Of which he accused me though I was frightened accepted; pledges person dared become surety for me; (see note) possessed; (t-note) brought to disgrace enemies taken put in sought advice entreated and begged released; agreement condition friend (t-note) I took myself sea came to shore I was ever so wretched there; (see note) stolen by force believe I cannot guide myself into five [pieces] directly; (t-note) once power attired seen overcome furnished with leg-wear Blistered; saw; all over more took spoke to disturbed Afflicted; behavior after a long pause misfortune the earth (i.e., a grave) (t-note) ruined truly assembly delay Or else; head sworn my oath; (t-note) against; scoundrel defend uncle's death; (t-note) speak (mention it) weeping eyes saw; suffer beloved Alas; each time Such loyal friends were I to trunk [of the body] neck prevent (stop); wealth revenge; friend not at all destroy together hear Such fear you not one bit those eager then pass beside you support your head lap ermine; from; mouth; (see note) cloud delay cleft in the rock; slipped on account of that entered amazed at looked upon amazing dream I dreamed just now rises above (t-note) dreamed (imagined); (t-note) went such reckon; none [more rich] dragon on top of it; polished scabbard beautifully carved (i.e., Unquestionably) (see note) As you did; before (earlier); (t-note) if it were endowed [with wealth] by my honor dream; bring about great happiness to you; (t-note) accurately; interpret recover though; poor get along [in life] hill take dreamed (t-note) in our time of need two took directly shining met; dream (t-note) all of its surfaces shone a flash of lightning give thanks for Your gift I never before saw such a sword believe engraved carbuncle-stone; (see note) scabbard; put; (t-note) Saint Michael Except; sword (t-note) look for fear; give up lodging secluded They; protect; sin Look after for me; dear anger Public disgrace will befall him haste greeted who "out of kindness" ask; help (provision) goods the Holy Savior (t-note) do you come father's soul (an oath) (t-note) Syria Persia Only; malicious; harsh ruined noble devastate rogue ribs; carve fist back twenty all together evildoer Were you not Though shake rock utter rogue appearance men may see disgrace and dishonor catch a horrible death; put Like; shackles (see note) punish wicked wretches slander high-ranking lords know; are he [as has been rumored] ill-behaved behave; mad good ancestry noble stock It is no compliment to you hold nothing back truth without falsehood (i.e., the emperor's) truly dispossessed (disinherited) many other persons heard say everywhere I've been innocent; crime falsely accuse uncle; had killed (t-note) oath wish grant (t-note) Fear not [on that account] To do that Be you make my pledge; (see note) bold proud dearly paid for lose Wherever you might look; (see note) When Then you may brag of it you have not got it yet lowly poor relatives Nor enough (t-note) great agony knew not daughter Dearest Attend to showed hospitality; graciously tenderly In the morning went see fine company leopard; (see note) Properly armed on horseback spurred [on his horse] to offer not one thing spear swift-galloping Fully equipped; bring remembered treasure found for it secretly knew anything [about it] dressed equipped very meekly delivered him; fight undertaken; bravely field (t-note) On no account; shrink back [for fear] (i.e., Tirri) Against accuses; assuredly represent in battle deprived [of land and possessions] outlawed flee But; each of you Consider determined plain immediately prayed slay leaped those; at once attacked each other; broke sturdy; reliable their saddle girths burst apart; (see note) simultaneously were thrown drew rained down blows; mad (i.e., frenziedly) (i.e., their swords) iron Two coats of mail; wrapped in Saracen lands double shield (t-note) (t-note) [So] that said to one another undertake who lived Small and large, rich and poor went hides entreated; truly assist (t-note) Very eagerly; wished to go great suffering; distress very quickly decreed the people; walk saw smashed repeatedly joyful when (t-note) individual Humble, impoverished; starved earthly (of this world) strong; in battle were not dead say So alike they appear once again; went morning they led them these; do called that he had confidence in Guard for me agreement Upon forfeit of your wealth when remain Accepted [under their charge] lock guards able; clever summoned go; (t-note) Directly to where the pilgrim lies kill themselves very Lay asleep; soundly lifted wicked sea; carried threw pleased do not worry have thrown looked up; (see note) stars washed If he was afraid it is no surprise Only wind and water's wave; (see note) (see note) made I don't fight to win anything nor friend goodness Because; once so excellent unfortunate an individual Truly; pains hear; narrative; (see note) throne fisherman; approaching (coming) sea; taking sees; float On God's behalf! Who are you? Tell me immediately raised up pitiful cry believe in Know; anything; fierce together saw retreat commanded guarded both of them (t-note) Yesterday evening; separated put away guards; strong here if you can home mass; (t-note) service asked had done their duty fight gone from the place (t-note) hung; drawn put him to death (see note) cause the pilgrim to be killed dead or living condemned; (see note); (t-note) grew angry; distressed intense hatred protected; great honor threaten me cherry stone; (see note) army harm you may be certain One; leave you comprehended demanded certainly; would not Into that place; discreetly nudged (poked); gently noble will not lie to you about the smallest detail willing Yesterday evening fishing to put out floating lying strength ninth [hour] led looked after him like one of my own do not believe send find other persons beside without fail (i.e., Guy and Berard); immediately to strike fight high noon angry; (t-note) deranged hoped; take (t-note) [So] that; ornaments scatter nose-guard; carved in two face-guard at once stand [against it];chance (see note) head the middle cut (t-note) avenged bold and brave offers resistance to this be reproached certain [of that] avenged threw off his armor at once him (Tirri); decided wished to did not desire it pilgrim's cloak town; on his journey overcome went secret (secluded) place Kneeling lifted up betrayed me Alas then! What man can anyone be confident in To choose as his companion betrayed; (t-note) kill; decided an unlucky time gave up [my disguise] tremble do not fear hear God's ordinance evil buried at once hold back gaze Are you expression once; brave considered; courageous prowess sought story know carry up Has joyful You authorize my lands [as mine] by law; (see note); (t-note) altogether grant legal possession to you honor; possess (see note) In front of (i.e., witnessed by) kissed; amiably Forgave; anger; hatred (t-note) at one (reconciled) to me dear and precious From where uncle; (t-note) saw; before Apart from; [when] I immediately Little did I know then, I swear took dress befit furnished; splendidly stock retain But truly; would not went completely refused it not one bit possess quickly; command found island; (see note) nunnery during all that time fear; rule was none Like; disport decided I will must continue my journey One Alone; together such be amazed; in faith willingly remained Those men this disloyal Towards; friend recognize ill informed Was he not dear to you Remember; (see note) acquitted (blameless); free almost dead pitiful expression rescued; beautiful lady all of them quickly carried treat (heal); gladly assisted; father; battle in every way When; low acted unjustly will you to weep; [his] eyes two Ill completely overcome before was [no] man [Who would] dare fight against Berard Forgive me failed to recognize time blistered all over; (see note) once; clad then took Between; sorrow; time grew; pale stay I commend you to God However; (see note) know not youngster has any need to [call on] you above all else blessing stay here if you please (of your kindness) My loyalty I pledge with a handshake endow vassal; always lasts will not much rather [do] so remain Stop this foolish Return; directly too proud; advise demonstrate Deprive disgrace if; rob; [of] his land shall you Nor; into [the] light of Heaven because banished disinherited shamefully; disgrace stay entrust you [to]; rules created saw each other tale tells us (causes us to know) kissed each other; eyes separate ways At once ate nothing countess; (see note) reproached restrained him not let him go away as quickly [as] sighed ship; at once came people of that country place (see note) arranged pray to; in majesty ordinance; (t-note) of great fighting ability fight; (see note) nobility fear an army (host) powerful; strong excellent ravage have taken; (t-note) giant Africa was called; creature Because of him; lost Unless; is forthcoming To surrender [to] him; (t-note) tribute or Against for that; set But dare fight (t-note) (see note) merchants; stolen sorry renown Some time ago heir lady nor at great speed Danish in good faith ruined wickedness overcome each one counsel without doubt destroy; people servitude; (t-note) directly of ours towns; belong to it if Silent sat; (t-note) one utterly lost If only I had dispute Then would I do well surely went face (cheek) not at all [to] him beloved grace His hereafter hear ordinance [do] you sleep? Here I am sent to you by To try to right away before long take in hand (i.e., undertake) directly Two did weather (see note) pilgrim's cloak; seized entreat receive lodging procure lodgings As God directs me begged then destroy; people (nation) we have agree to do combat with him the nature of which, truly person free (exempt from payment) on [the] Cross save mankind rightful ownership (entitlement); (t-note) Enough, dear moment concern for them lifted up [to standing] (t-note) take times (see note) prepared themselves quickly eager exceedingly Made in the best way strength (see note); (t-note) in a row carbuncle; (see note) sun in the dark ornamental flower various Beautiful; (t-note) face-guard jacket Armed sharp-edged in shield bordered; (see note) Adorned; carved (engraved); (see note) offered [gifts to] More beautiful; on earth fast-galloping outfitted (equipped) attire; handsome went (i.e., hoisted himself) spurred decreed dismounted prayed raised Lazarus; (see note) suffered death lion guide; advise Lady rightful ownership enable; attain success assembled two; honor holy relics; (see note) altar cloth; implements of Mass sacred relics (t-note) return Afterwards rule Defeated His (Anlaf's) vassal; assuredly realm submit tribute; pay exchanged hostages as a guarantee leapt up fierce monstrous carry fighting equipment Hardly English man; kill you never heard of Unless it were; devil (see note) kind of workmanship astonishing; hear plates; (see note) Tightly set together protect; devil's comrade leg-guards; well-made (t-note) incredibly tall peer helmet subhelmet; (see note) Ugly shield excessively large pitch ugly terrible creature; nourish (sustain) rules difficult to succeed over [in battle] spear; sharp-pointed halberds; whetted; (see note); (t-note) spears Two; were English [spectators] stared intently at him terrified heart; (see note) terribly afraid; (t-note) Since [the time]; (i.e., in all his life) cut threw at With the [first] two he missed third; shot to him [Guy] pierced without stopping completely; went distance; the width of an acre Before it would stop broke into five pieces ready fury struck But missed; moment pommel; (see note) cut down injury cut in half right away incensed lost reach two feet; still more plate armor; jacket of mail deadly weapon hand's breadth ashamed rage (see note) Completely; in two flew seized fiercely Upon [sparks of] fire Like lightning from bands onward cut to pieces pulling out [of the sword]; broke unsatisfied lot lost ground began Each to nudge the other and brag tribute slave also Do the right thing; surrender yourself quickly seeing that take reconciled protect supply what you need Enough of this created hung give Apollo weaponry none receive painful (miserable) death At once; (see note) (i.e., Colbrond's) stash of weapons took one; long handle (t-note) With which; defend myself fury anger at heart But; missed; blow; (t-note) believe [axe] overextended struck clearly; (t-note) quickly cut off completely felt himself know thrust up heaved bent down; (t-note) severed ordinance slew Danish took themselves Joyful (see note) pilgrim's garb; immediately wait From where May God reward you pledge endow land and people [So] that [in terms] of greatest glory lives; realm yours desire; none of it content Do not hold back for any reason concern know at once together person they entreaty One (t-note) reveal until; the end truly Once would go Dear remain promise I will make you (t-note) (t-note) (see note) entreat take revenge on your enemies weeping; separated household grieving expression came to him stay be quiet none of you; from for the duration of this year immediately recognized joyful placed himself one place sat himself among a group [of poor men] countess thirteen; (see note) husband's In the hope that protect did not cease [in her efforts] (i.e., Guy) prayers; charitable works dinner requested; bring all together one of them those same concern perceptive wretched; thin carefully; (see note) poor; truly food; drink; (t-note) [towards] him; thoughtful beer; (see note) completely Repeatedly many times; (t-note) quite different Than [what] he would tables; set previously instruct buried in the earth decided from that place priest Who performed Mass for him daily heard confession personal servant disagreement or disturbance alive nine listen and hear [do] you sleep yourself ready eighth day (in a week) dream emanating radiance correct name die you can be certain quickly ceremony remained prayers life's duration servant boy he called Boy delay who ate before her taken to In the poor men's company Greets; every way sends recognize of it immediately joyful Dear boy atone here delay If There; [to] hear; dulcet As some authentication in her hand paused Oh, truly reward quickly I left him behalf same you will see him themselves; depart gracious then finest (highest in rank) the hermitage; (t-note) hear dismounted directly voice (see note) Received gone two eyes fragrant breath; (see note) lasted aromatic spices smell right away; summons; (t-note) highest ranking company [of people] wanted to take [Guy] importance were not able to move him heaviness remove; will not cause him to be moved hence command ostentation marble container (trough) religious service remained showed; dutiful (loving) (t-note) fifteenth day beside are friend had made there two [Guy and Felice] the Last Judgment loyalty; justice enable (t-note) |