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[Enter Mercy] MERCY The very fownder and begynner of owr fyrst creacyon Amonge us synfull wrechys He oweth to be magnyfyde, That for owr dysobedyenc He hade non indygnacyon To sende Hys own son to be torn and crucyfyede. Owr obsequyouse servyce to Hym shulde be aplyede, Where He was Lorde of all and made all thynge of nought, For the synfull synnere to hade hym revyvyde And for hys redempcyon sett Hys own son at nought.1 Yt may be seyde and veryfyede, mankynde was dere bought.2 By the pytuose deth of Jhesu he hade hys remedye. He was purgyde of hys defawte that wrechydly hade wrought By Hys gloryus passyon, that blyssyde lavatorye. O soverence, I beseche yow yowr condycyons to rectyfye3 Ande wyth humylité and reverence to have a remocyon To this blyssyde prynce that owr nature doth gloryfye, That ye may be partycypable of Hys retribucyon.4 I have be the very mene for yowr restytucyon. Mercy ys my name, that mornyth for yowr offence. Dyverte not yowrsylffe in tyme of temtacyon, That thee may be acceptable to Gode at yowr goyng hence. The grett mercy of Gode, that ys of most preemmynence, Be medyacyon of Owr Lady that ys ever habundante To the synfull creature that wyll repent hys neclygence, I prey Gode, at yowr most nede, that mercy be yowr defendawnte. In goode werkys I avyse yow, soverence, to be perseverante To puryfye yowr sowlys, that thei be not corupte; For yowr gostly enmy wyll make hys avaunte, Yowr goode condycyons yf he may interrupte.5 O ye soverens that sytt and ye brothern that stonde ryght uppe, Pryke not yowr felycytes in thyngys transytorye. Beholde not the erth, but lyfte yowr ey uppe. Se how the hede the members dayly do magnyfye. Who ys the hede forsoth I shall yow certyfye: I mene Owr Savyowr, that was lykynnyde to a lambe; Ande Hys sayntys be the members that dayly He doth satysfye Wyth the precyose rever that runnyth from Hys wombe.6 Ther ys non such foode, be water nor by londe, So precyouse, so gloryouse, so nedefull to owr entent, For yt hath dyssolvyde mankynde from the bytter bonde Of the mortall enmye, that vemynousse serpente, From the wyche Gode preserve yow all at the Last Jugement! For sekyrly ther shall be a streyt examynacyon, The corn shall be savyde, the chaffe shall be brente. I besech yow hertyly, have this premedytacyon. [Enter Mischief] MISCHIEF I beseche yow hertyly, leve yowr calcacyon. Leve yowr chaffe, leve yowr corn, leve yowr dalyacyon. Yowr wytt ys lytyll, yowr hede ys mekyll, ye are full of predycacyon. But, ser, I prey this questyon to claryfye: Mysse-masche, dryff-draff, Sume was corn and sume was chaffe, My dame seyde my name was Raffe; Onschett yowr lokke and take an halpenye. MERCY Why com ye hethyr, brother? Ye were not dysyryde. MISCHIEF For a wynter corn-threscher, ser, I have hyryde, Ande ye sayde the corn shulde be savyde and the chaff shulde be feryde, And he provyth nay, as yt schewth be this verse: “Corn servit bredibus, chaffe horsibus, straw fyrybusque.”7 Thys ys as moche to say, to yowr leude undyrstondynge, As the corn shall serve to brede at the nexte bakynge. “Chaff horsybus et reliqua,” The chaff to horse shall be goode provente, When a man ys forcolde the straw may be brent, And so forth, et cetera. MERCY Avoyde, goode brother! Ye ben culpable To interrupte thus my talkyng delectable. MISCHIEF Ser, I have nother horse nor sadyll, Therfor I may not ryde. MERCY Hye yow forth on fote, brother, in Godys name! MISCHIEF I say, ser, I am cumme hedyr to make yow game. Yet bade ye me not go out in the devyllys name, Ande I wyll abyde. MERCY . . . |
(see note) ought; glorified did not refuse; (t-note) (see note); (t-note) (t-note) piteous (see note) return been the true means; (see note) mourns at your time of death (t-note) By intercession; bountiful; (see note); (t-note) sinfulness; (t-note) (see note) advise you, masters; (see note) so that; (t-note) (see note); (t-note) you noble persons; (see note) Place; happiness eye; (t-note) head; worship; (see note); (t-note) (t-note) likened; (see note) by the parts of the body; (t-note) river; (see note) (t-note) purpose (see note); (t-note) From whom surely; strict; (t-note) grain; burnt; (see note) keep this thought in mind threshing; (see note); (t-note) idle chatter big; preaching; (see note) (t-note) (see note); (t-note) wheat (see note) Open your “purse”; halfpenny [for me]; (see note); (t-note) welcome (desired) Because burnt (fired); (t-note) But; is shown by (see note) unlearned and the rest; (t-note) provender; (t-note) very cold; (t-note) Go away; (t-note) neither; (t-note) (t-note) Hurry; (t-note) come hither to have fun with you (see note); (t-note) (see note); (t-note) |
[A page is missing from the manuscript. It seems that Mischief continues to pester Mercy and then departs. New Guise, Nowadays, and Nought enter; the former two attempt to make Nought join in their foolhardy and very physical games and dances, but he will not. As the action resumes below they are flogging Nought’s belly — perhaps tickling him — until it will “burst.” When they have exhausted Nought, they force Mercy into the “dance.”] (t-note) |
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NEW GYSE Ande how, mynstrellys, pley the comyn trace! Ley on wyth thi ballys tyll hys bely breste! NOUGHT I putt case I breke my neke: how than? NEW GYSE I gyff no force, by Sent Tanne! NOWADAYS Leppe about lyvely! Thou art a wyght man. Lett us be mery wyll we be here! NOUGHT Shall I breke my neke to schew yow sporte? NOWADAYS Therfor ever beware of thi reporte. NOUGHT I beschrew ye all! Her ys a schrewde sorte. Have theratt then wyth a mery chere! Her thei daunce. Mercy seyth: MERCY Do wey, do wey this reull, sers! Do wey! NOWADAYS Do wey, goode Adam? Do wey? Thys ys no parte of thi pley. NOUGHT Yys, mary, I prey yow, for I love not this revelynge. Cum forth, goode fader, I yow prey! Be a lytyll ye may assay. Anon, of your wyth yowr clothes, yf ye wyll play.8 Go to! For I have hade a praty scottlynge. [They try to get Mercy to dance] MERCY Nay, brother, I wyll not daunce. NEW GYSE Yf ye wyll, ser, my brother wyll make yow to prawnce. NOWADAYS Wyth all my herte, ser, yf I may yow avaunce. Ye may assay be a lytyll trace. NOUGHT Ye, ser, wyll ye do well Trace not wyth them, be my cownsell, For I have tracyed sumwhat to fell; I tell yt ys a narow space. But, ser, I trow of us thre I herde yow speke. NEW GYSE Crystys curse hade therfor, for I was in slepe. NOWADAYS And I hade the cuppe in my honde, redy to goo to met. Therfor, ser, curtly, grett yow well. MERCY Few wordys, few and well sett! NEW GYSE Ser, yt ys the new gyse and the new jett. Many wordys and shortely sett, Thys ys the new gyse, every-dele. MERCY Lady, helpe! How wrechys delyte in ther synfull weys! NOWADAYS Say not ageyn the new gyse nowadays! Thou shall fynde us schrewys at all assays. Beware! Ye may son lyke a boffett. MERCY He was well occupyede that browte yow brethern.9 NOUGHT I harde yow call “New Gyse, Nowadays, Nought,” all thes thre togethere. Yf ye sey that I lye, I shall make yow to slyther. Lo, take yow here a trepett! [They trip Mercy] MERCY Say me yowr namys, I know yow not. NEW GYSE New Gyse, I. NOWADAYS &nb sp; I, Nowadays. NOUGHT I, Nought. MERCY Be Jhesu Cryst that me dere bowte10 Ye betray many men. NEW GYSE Betray? Nay, nay, ser, nay, nay! We make them both fresch and gay. But of yowr name, ser, I yow prey, That we may yow ken. MERCY Mercy ys my name by denomynacyon. I conseyve ye have but a lytyll favour in my communycacyon. NEW GYSE Ey, ey! Yowr body ys full of Englysch Laten. I am aferde yt wyll brest. “Pravo te,” quod the bocher onto me When I stale a leg of motun. Ye are a stronge cunnyng clerke. NOWADAYS I prey yow hertyly, worschyppull clerke, To have this Englysch mad in Laten: “I have etun a dyschfull of curdys, Ande I have schetun yowr mowth full of turdys.” Now opyn yowr sachell wyth Laten wordys Ande sey me this in clerycall manere! Also I have a wyf, her name ys Rachell; Betuyx her and me was a gret batell; Ande fayn of yow I wolde here tell Who was the most master. NOUGHT Thy wyf Rachell, I dare ley twenti lyse. NOWADAYS Who spake to thee, foll? Thou art not wyse! Go and do that longyth to thin offyce: Osculare fundamentum! NOUGHT [to Mercy] Lo, master, lo, here ys a pardon bely- mett. Yt ys grawntyde of Pope Pokett, Yf ye wyll putt yowr nose in hys wyffys sockett, Ye shall have forty days of pardon. MERCY Thys ydyll language ye shall repent. Out of this place I wolde ye went. NEW GYSE Goo we hens all thre wyth on assent. My fadyr ys yrke of owr eloquence. Therfor I wyll no lenger tary. Gode brynge yow, master and blyssyde Mary To the number of the demonycall frayry! NOWADAYS Cum wynde, cum reyn, Thow I cumme never ageyn! The Devll put out both yowr eyn! Felouse, go we hens tyght. NOUGHT Go we hens, a devll wey! Here ys the dore, her ys the wey. Farwell, jentyll Jaffrey, I prey Gode gyf yow now goode nyght! Exiant simul. Cantent. MERCY Thankyde be Gode, we have a fayer dylyverance Of thes thre onthryfty gestys. They know full lytyll what ys ther ordynance. I preve by reson thei be wers then bestys: A best doth after hys naturall instytucyon; Ye may conseyve be there dysporte and behavour, Ther joy ande delyte ys in derysyon Of her owyn Cryste to hys dyshonur. Thys condycyon of levyng, yt ys prejudycyall; Beware therof, yt ys wers than ony felony or treson. How may yt be excusyde befor the Justyce of all When for every ydyll worde we must yelde a reson? They have grett ease, therfor thei wyll take no thought. But how then when the angell of hevyn shall blow the trumpe And sey to the transgressors that wykkydly hath wrought, “Cum forth onto yowr Juge and yelde yowr acownte?” Then shall I, Mercy, begyn sore to wepe; Nother comfort nor cownsell ther shall non be hade; But such as thei have sowyn, such shall thei repe. Thei be wanton now, but then shall thei be sade. The goode new gyse nowadays I wyll not dysalow. I dyscomende the vycyouse gyse; I prey have me excusyde,11 I nede not to speke of yt, yowr reson wyll tell yt yow. Take that ys to be takyn and leve that ys to be refusyde. [Enter Mankind, dressed as a laborer, with a spade] MANKYNDE Of the erth and of the cley we have owr propagacyon. By the provydens of Gode thus be we deryvatt, To whos mercy I recomende this holl congrygacyon: I hope onto hys blysse ye be all predestynatt. Every man for hys degré I trust shall be partycypatt, Yf we wyll mortyfye owr carnall condycyon Ande owr voluntarye dysyres, that ever be pervercyonatt, To renunce them and yelde us under Godys provycyon. My name ys Mankynde. I have my composycyon Of a body and of a soull, of condycyon contrarye. Betwyx them tweyn ys a grett dyvisyon; He that shulde be subjecte, now he hath the victory.12 Thys ys to me a lamentable story To se my flesch of my soull to have governance. Wher the goodewyff ys master, the goodeman may be sory. I may both syth and sobbe, this ys a pytouse remembrance. O thou my soull, so sotyll in thy substance, Alasse, what was thi fortune and thi chaunce To be assocyat wyth my flesch, that stynkyng dungehyll? Lady, helpe! Soverens, yt doth my soull myche yll To se the flesch prosperouse and the soull trodyn under fote. I shall go to yondyr man and asay hym y wyll. I trust of gostly solace he wyll be my bote. All heyll, semely father! Ye be welcom to this house. Of the very wysdam ye have partycypacyon. My body wyth my soule ys ever querulose. I prey yow, for sent charyté, of yowr supportacyon. I beseche yow hertyly of yowr gostly comforte. I am onstedfast in lyvynge; my name ys Mankynde. My gostly enmy the Devll wyll have a grett dysporte In synfull gydynge yf he may se me ende.13 MERCY Cryst sende yow goode comforte! Ye be welcum, my frende. Stonde uppe on yowr fete, I prey yow aryse. My name ys Mercy; ye be to me full hende. To eschew vyce I wyll yow avyse. MANKYNDE O Mercy, of all grace and vertu ye are the well, I have herde tell of ryght worschyppfull clerkys. Ye be aproxymatt to Gode and nere of hys consell. He hat instytut you above all hys werkys. O, yowr lovely wordys to my soull are swetere then hony. MERCY The temptacyon of the flesch ye must resyst lyke a man, For ther ys ever a batell betwyx the soull and the body: “Vita hominis est milicia super terram.”14 Oppresse yowr gostly enmy and be Crystys own knyght. Be never a cowarde ageyn yowr adversary. Yf ye wyll be crownyde, ye must nedys fyght. Intende well and Gode wyll be yow adjutory. Remember, my frende, the tyme of contynuance. So helpe me Gode, yt ys but a chery tyme. Spende yt well; serve Gode wyth hertys affyance. Dystempure not yowr brayn wyth goode ale nor wyth wyn. Mesure ys tresure. Y forbyde yow not the use.15 Mesure yowrself ever; beware of excesse. The superfluouse gyse I wyll that ye refuse; When nature ys suffysyde, anon that ye sese. Yf a man have an hors and kepe hym not to hye, He may then reull hym at hys own dysyere. Yf he be fede overwell he wyll dysobey Ande in happe cast hys master in the myre. [Enter New Guise, Nowadays, and Nought, hidden to Mercy and Mankind] NEW GYSE Ye sey trew, ser, ye are no faytour. I have fede my wyff so well tyll sche ys my master. I have a grett wonde on my hede, lo! And theron leyth a playster, Ande another ther I pysse my peson. Ande my wyf were yowr hors, sche wold yow all to-banne. Ye fede yowr hors in mesure, ye are a wyse man. I trow, and ye were the kyngys palfrey-man, A goode horse shulde be gesunne. MANKYNDE [hearing New Guise] Wher spekys this felow? Wyll he not com nere? MERCY All to son, my brother, I fere me, for yow. He was here ryght now, by Hym that bowte me dere, Wyth other of hys felouse; thei kan moche sorow. They wyll be here ryght son, yf I owt departe. Thynke on my doctryne; yt shall be yowr defence. Lerne wyll I am here; sett my wordys in herte. Wythin a schorte space I must nedys hens. NOWADAYS [unseen, to Mercy] The sonner the lever, and yt be ewyn anon!16 I trow yowr name ys Do Lytyll, ye be so long fro hom. If ye wolde go hens, we shall cum everychon, Mo then a goode sorte. Ye have leve, I dare well say. When ye wyll, go forth yowr wey. Men have lytyll deynté of yowr pley Because ye make no sporte. NOUGHT [still unseen] Yowr potage shall be forcolde, ser; when wyll ye go dyn?17 I have sen a man lost twenti noblys in as lytyll tyme; Yet yt was not I, be Sent Qwyntyn, For I was never worth a pottfull a wortys sythyn I was born. My name ys Nought. I love well to make mery. I have be sethen wyth the comyn tapster of Bury And pleyde so longe the foll that I am evyn wery. Yyt shall I be ther ageyn to-morn. MERCY I have moche care for yow, my own frende. Yowr enmys wyll be here anon, thei make ther avaunte. Thynke well in yowr hert, yowr name ys Mankynde; Be not unkynde to Gode, I prey yow be Hys servante. Be stedefast in condycyon; se ye be not varyant. Lose not thorow foly that ys bowte so dere. Gode wyll prove yow son; ande yf that ye be constant, Of Hys blysse perpetuall ye shall be partener. Ye may not have yowr intent at yowr fyrst dysyere. Se the grett pacyence of Job in tribulacyon; Lyke as the smyth trieth ern in the feere, So was he triede by Godys vysytacyon. He was of yowr nature and of yowr fragylyté; Folow the steppys of hym, my own swete sone, Ande sey as he seyde in yowr trobyll and adversyté: “Dominus dedit, Dominus abstulit; sicut sibi placuit, sit nomen Domini benedictum!”18 Moreover, in specyall I gyve yow in charge, Beware of New Gyse, Nowadays, and Nought. Nyse in ther aray, in language thei be large; To perverte yowr condycyons all the menys shall be sowte. Gode son, intromytt not yowrsylff in ther cumpeny.19 Thei harde not a masse this twelmonyth, I dare well say. Gyff them non audyence; thei wyll tell yow many a lye. Do truly yowr labure and kepe yowr halyday. Beware of Tytivillus, for he lesyth no wey, That goth invysybull and wyll not be sen. He wyll ronde in yowre ere and cast a nett befor yowr ey. He ys worst of them all; Gode lett hym never then! Yf ye dysples Gode, aske mercy anon, Ellys Myscheff wyll be redy to brace yow in hys brydyll. Kysse me now, my dere darlynge. Gode schelde yow from yowr fon! Do truly yowr labure and be never ydyll. The blyssynge of Gode be wyth yow and wyth all thes worschyppull men! [Exit] MANKYNDE Amen, for sent charyté, amen! Now blyssyde be Jhesu! My soull ys well sacyatt Wyth the mellyfluose doctryne of this worschyppfull man. The rebellyn of my flesch now yt ys superatt, Thankynge be Gode of the commynge that I kam. Her wyll I sytt and tytyll in this papyr The incomparable astat of my promycyon. Worschypfull soverence, I have wretyn here The gloryuse remembrance of my nobyll condycyon. To have remors and memory of mysylff thus wretyn yt ys, To defende me from all superstycyus charmys: “Memento, homo, quod cinis es, et in cinerem reverteris.”20 [Pointing to his breast, which bears this motto and perhaps a cross or a skull] Lo, I ber on my bryst the bagge of myn armys. [New Guise approaches Mankind] NEW GYSE The wether ys colde, Gode sende us goode ferys! “Cum sancto sanctus eris et cum perverso perverteris.”21 “Ecce quam bonum et quam jocundum,” quod the Devll to the frerys, “Habitare fratres in unum.”22 [Mankind picks up his spade and begins to till] MANKYNDE I her a felow speke; wyth hym I wyll not mell. Thys erth wyth my spade I shall assay to delffe. To eschew ydullnes, I do yt myn own selffe. I prey Gode sende yt hys fusyon! [They approach Mankind] NOWADAYS Make rom, sers, for we have be longe! We wyll cum gyf yow a Crystemes songe. NOUGHT Now I prey all the yemandry that ys here To synge wyth us wyth a mery chere: [They sing, leading the audience in the ditty] Yt ys wretyn wyth a coll, yt ys wretyn wyth a cole, NEW GYSE AND NOWADAYS Yt ys wretyn wyth a colle, yt ys wretyn wyth a colle, NOUGHT He that schytyth wyth hys hoyll, he that schytyth wyth hys hoyll, NEW GYSE, NOWADAYS He that schytyth wyth hys hoyll, he that schytyth wyth hys hoyll, NOUGHT But he wyppe hys ars clen, but he wyppe hys ars clen, NEW GYSE, NOWADAYS But he wype hys ars clen, but he wype hys ars clen, NOUGHT On hys breche yt shall be sen, on hys breche yt shall be sen, NEW GYSE, NOWADAYS On hys breche yt shall be sen, on hys breche yt shall be sen. Cantant Omnes. Hoylyke, holyke, holyke! Holyke, holyke, holyke! NEW GYSE Ey, Mankynde, Gode spede yow wyth yowr spade! I shall tell yow of a maryage: I wolde yowr mowth and hys ars that this made Wer maryede junctly together. MANKYNDE Hey yow hens, felouse, wyth bredynge. Leve yowr derysyon and yowr japyng. I must nedys labure, yt ys my lyvynge. NOWADAYS What, ser, we cam but lat hethyr. Shall all this corn grow here That ye shall have the nexte yer? Yf yt be so, corn hade nede be dere, Ellys ye shall have a pore lyffe. NOUGHT Alasse, goode fadere, this labor fretyth yow to the bon. But for yowr croppe I take grett mone. Ye shall never spende yt alonne; I shall assay to geett yow a wyffe. How many acres suppose ye here by estymacyon? NEW GYSE Ey, how ye turne the erth uppe and down! I have be in my days in many goode town Yett saw I never such another tyllynge. MANKYNDE Why stonde ye ydyll? Yt ys pety that ye were born! NOWADAYS We shall bargen wyth yow and nother moke nor scorne. Take a goode carte in hervest and lode yt wyth yowr corne, And what shall we gyf yow for the levynge? NOUGHT He ys a goode starke laburrer, he wolde fayn do well. He hath mett wyth the goode man Mercy in a schroude sell. For all this he may have many a hungry mele. Yyt woll ye se he ys polytyke.23 Here shall be goode corn, he may not mysse yt; Yf he wyll have reyn he may overpysse yt; Ande yf he wyll have compasse he may overblysse yt A lytyll wyth hys ars lyke.24 MANKYNDE Go and do yowr labur! Gode lett yow never the! Or wyth my spade I shall yow dynge, by the Holy Trinyté! Have ye non other man to moke, but ever me? Ye wolde have me of yowr sett? Hye yow forth lyvely, for hens I wyll yow dryffe. [Strikes them with his spade] NEW GYSE Alas, my jewellys! I shall be schent of my wyff! NOWADAYS Alasse! And I am lyke never for to thryve, I have such a buffett. MANKYNDE Hens I sey, New Gyse, Nowadays, and Nowte! Yt was seyde beforn, all the menys shuld be sought To perverte my condycyons and brynge me to nought. Hens, thevys! Ye have made many a lesynge. NOUGHT Marryde I was for colde, but now am I warme. Ye are evyll avysyde, ser, for ye have don harme. By cokkys body sakyrde, I have such a peyn in my arme I may not chonge a man a ferthynge.25 MANKYNDE Now I thanke Gode, knelynge on my kne. Blyssyde be Hys name! He ys of hye degré. By the subsyde of Hys grace that He hath sente me Thre of myn enmys I have putt to flyght. Yyt this instrument, soverens, ys not made to defende. Davide seyth, “Nec in hasta nec in gladio salvat Dominus.”26 NOUGHT No, mary, I beschrew yow, yt ys in spadibus. Therfor Crystys curse cum on yowr hedybus To sende yow lesse myght! Exiant [except Mankind] MANKYNDE I promytt yow thes felouse wyll no more cum here, For summe of them, certenly, were summewhat to nere.27 My fadyr Mercy avysyde me to be of a goode chere Ande agayn my enmys manly for to fyght. I shall convycte them, I hope, everychon. Yet I say amysse, I do yt not alon. Wyth the helpe of the grace of Gode I resyst my fon Ande ther malycyuse herte. Wyth my spade I wyll departe, my worschyppull soverence, Ande lyve ever wyth labure to corecte my insolence. I shall go fett corn for my londe; I prey yow of pacyence; Ryght son I shall reverte. [Mankind exits to get his seed; Mischief enters] MISCHIEF Alas, alasse, that ever I was wrought! Alasse the whyll, I am wers then nought! Sythyn I was here, by hym that me bought, I am utterly ondon! I, Myscheff, was here at the begynnynge of the game Ande arguyde wyth Mercy, Gode gyff hym schame! He hath taught Mankynde, wyll I have be vane, To fyght manly ageyn hys fon. For wyth hys spade, that was hys wepyn, New Gyse, Nowadays, Nought hath all to-beton. I have grett pyté to se them wepyn. Wyll ye lyst? I here them crye. Clamant. Alasse, alasse! Cum hether, I shall be yowr borow. Alac, alac! Ven, ven! Cum hethere wyth sorowe! Pesse, fayer babys, ye shall have a nappyll to-morow!28 Why grete ye so, why? [New Guise, Nowadays, and Nought reenter in great pain] NEW GYSE Alasse, master, alasse, my privyté! MISCHIEF A, wher? Alake! Fayer babe, ba me! Abyde! To son I shall yt se. NOWADAYS Here, here, se my hede, goode master! MISCHIEF Lady, helpe! Sely darlynge, ven, ven! I shall helpe thee of thi peyn; I shall smytt of thi hede and sett yt on agayn. NOUGHT By owr Lady, ser, a fayer playster!29 Wyll ye of wyth hys hede! Yt ys a schreude charme! As for me, I have non harme. I were loth to forbere myn arme. Ye pley in nomine patris, choppe! NEW GYSE Ye shall not choppe my jewellys, and I may. NOWADAYS Ye, Cristys crose, wyll ye smyght my hede awey? Ther wer on and on!30 Oute! Ye shall not assay. I myght well be callyde a foppe. MISCHIEF I kan choppe yt of and make yt agayn. NEW GYSE I hade a schreude recumbentibus but I fele no peyn. NOWADAYS Ande my hede ys all save and holl agayn. Now towchynge the mater of Mankynde, Lett us have an interleccyon, sythen ye be cum hethere. Yt were goode to have an ende. MISCHIEF How, how, a mynstrell! Know ye ony out? NOUGHT I kan pype in a Walsyngham wystyll, I, Nought, Nought. MISCHIEF Blowe apase, and thou shall bryng hym in wyth a flewte. [Nought begins to play] TITIVILLUS [from offstage] I com wyth my leggys under me. MISCHIEF How, New Gyse, Nowadays, herke or I goo! When owr hedys wer togethere I spake of si dedero. NEW GYSE Ye, go thi wey! We shall gather mony onto, Ellys ther shall no man hym se. [to the audience] Now gostly to owr purpos, worschypfull soverence, We intende to gather mony, yf yt plesse yowr neclygence, For a man wyth a hede that ys of grett omnipotens. NOWADAYS Kepe yowr tayll, in goodnes I prey yow, goode brother! He ys a worschyppull man, sers, savyng yowr reverens. He lovyth no grotys, nor pens or to pens. Gyf us rede reyallys yf ye wyll se hys abhomynabull presens. NEW GYSE Not so! Ye that mow not pay the ton, pay the tother.31 At the goodeman of this house fyrst we wyll assay. Gode blysse yow, master! Ye say as yll, yet ye wyll not sey nay.32 Lett us go by and by and do them pay. Ye pay all alyke; well mut ye fare! NOUGHT I sey, New Gyse, Nowadays: “Estis vos pecuniatus?” I have cryede a fayer wyll, I beschrew yowr patus! NOWADAYS Ita vere, magister.33 Cumme forth now yowr gatus! He ys a goodly man, sers; make space and beware! [Enter Titivillus] TITIVILLUS [to the audience] Ego sum dominancium dominus,34 and my name ys Titivillus. Ye that have goode hors, to yow I sey caveatis! Here ys an abyll felyschyppe to tryse hem out at yowr gatys.35 Loquitur ad New Gyse: Ego probo sic: Ser New Gys, lende me a peny! NEW GYSE I have a grett purse, ser, but I have no monay. By the masse, I fayll to farthyngys of an halpeny; Yyt hade I ten pound this nyght that was. Loquitur ad Nowadays. TITIVILLUS What ys in thi purse? Thou art a stout felow. NOWADAYS The Devll have thee qwytt! I am a clen jentyllman.36 I prey Gode I be never wers storyde then I am. Yt shall be otherwyse, I hope, or this nyght passe. Loquitur ad Nought. TITIVILLUS Herke now! I say thou hast many a peny. NOUGHT Non nobis, domine, non nobis,37 by Sent Deny! The Devll may daunce in my purse for ony peny; Yt ys as clen as a byrdys ars. TITIVILLUS [to the audience] Now I say yet ageyn, caveatis! Her ys an abyll felyschyppe to tryse hem out of yowr gatys. Now I sey, New Gyse, Nowadays, and Nought, Go and serche the contré, anon yt be sowghte, Summe here, summe ther, what yf ye may cache owghte.38 Yf ye fayll of hors, take what ye may ellys. NEW GYSE Then speke to Mankynde for the recumbentibus of my jewellys. NOWADAYS Remember my brokyn hede in the worschyppe of the fyve vowellys. NOUGHT Ye, goode ser, and the sytyca in my arme. TITIVILLUS I know full well what Mankynde dyde to yow. Myschyff hat informyde of all the matere thorow. I shall venge yowr quarell, I make Gode a vow. Forth, and espye were ye may do harme. Take William Fyde, yf ye wyll have ony mo. I sey, New Gyse, wethere art thou avysyde to go? NEW GYSE Fyrst I shall begyn at Master Huntyngton of Sauston, Fro thens I shall go to Wylliam Thurlay of Hauston, Ande so forth to Pycharde of Trumpyngton. I wyll kepe me to thes thre. NOWADAYS I shall goo to Wyllyham Baker of Waltom, To Rycherde Bollman of Gayton; I shall spare Master Woode of Fullburn, He ys a noli me tangere. NOUGHT I shall goo to Wyllyam Patryke of Massyngham, I shall spare Master Alyngton of Botysam Ande Hamonde of Soffeham, For drede of in manus tuas — qweke. Felous, cum forth, and go we hens togethyr. NEW GYSE Syth we shall go, lett us be well ware wethere, If we may be take, we com no more hethyr. Lett us con well owr neke-verse, that we have not a cheke. TITIVILLUS Goo yowr wey, a devll wey, go yowr wey all! I blysse yow wyth my lyfte honde: foull yow befall! Com agayn, I werne, as son as I yow call, And brynge yowr avantage into this place. Exeunt. Manet Titivillus To speke wyth Mankynde I wyll tary here this tyde Ande assay hys goode purpose for to sett asyde. The goode man Mercy shall no lenger be hys gyde. I shall make hym to dawnce another trace. Ever I go invysybull, yt ys my jett, Ande befor hys ey thus I wyll hange my nett To blench hys syght; I hope to have hys fote-mett. To yrke hym of hys labur I shall make a frame. Thys borde shall be hyde under the erth prevely; [Places a board under the earth Mankind has been tilling] Hys spade shall enter, I hope, onredyly; Be then he hath assayde, he shall be very angry Ande lose hys pacyens, peyn of schame. I shall menge hys corne wyth drawke and wyth durnell; Yt shall not be lyke to sow nor to sell. Yondyr he commyth; I prey of cownsell. He shall wene grace were wane. [Enter Mankind with his seed] MANKYNDE Now Gode of hys mercy sende us of Hys sonde! I have brought sede here to sow wyth my londe. Qwyll I overdylew yt, here yt shall stonde. [Sets down the seed, which Titivillus promptly snatches] In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti now I wyll begyn.39 [He begins to dig, but strikes the board] Thys londe ys so harde yt makyth unlusty and yrke. I shall sow my corn at wynter and lett Gode werke! [He looks to pick up his seed] Alasse, my corn ys lost! Here ys a foull werke! I se well by tyllynge lytyll shall I wyn. Here I gyff uppe my spade for now and for ever. Here Titivillus goth out wyth the spade To occupye my body I wyll not put me in dever. I wyll here my evynsonge here or I dyssever. Thys place I assyng as for my kyrke. Here in my kerke I knell on my kneys. Pater noster qui es in celis.40 TITIVILLUS [re-entering] I promes yow I have no lede on my helys. I am here ageyn to make this felow yrke. Qwyst! Pesse! I shall go to hys ere and tytyll therin. A schorte preyere thyrlyth hewyn; of thi preyere blyn. Thou art holyer then ever was ony of thi kyn. Aryse and avent thee! Nature compellys. MANKYNDE I wyll into thi yerde, soverens, and cum ageyn son. For drede of the colyke and eke of the ston I wyll go do that nedys must be don. My bedys shall be here for whosummever wyll ellys. [Throws down the rosary beads.] Exiat TITIVILLUS Mankynde was besy in hys prayere, yet I dyde hym aryse. He ys conveyde, be Cryst, from hys dyvyn servyce. Wethere ys he, trow ye? Iwysse I am wonder wyse; I have sent hym forth to schyte lesynges. Yff ye have ony sylver, in happe pure brasse, Take a lytyll powder of Parysch and cast over hys face, Ande ewyn in the howll-flyght let hym passe.41 Titivillus kan lerne yow many praty thyngys. I trow Mankynde wyll cum ageyn son, Or ellys I fere me evynsonge wyll be don. Hys bedys shall be trysyde asyde, and that anon. Ye shall a goode sport yf ye wyll abyde. Mankynde cummyth ageyn, well fare he! I shall answere hym ad omnia quare. Ther shall be sett abroche a clerycall mater. I hope of hys purpose to sett hym asyde. [Mankind reenters] MANKYNDE Evynsong hath be in the saynge, I trow, a fayer wyll. I am yrke of yt; yt ys to longe be on myle. Do wey! I wyll no more so oft over the chyrche-style. Be as be may, I shall do another. Of laboure and preyer, I am nere yrke of both; I wyll no more of yt, thow Mercy be wroth. My hede ys very hevy, I tell yow forsoth. I shall slepe full my bely and he wore my brother.42 [He falls asleep] TITIVILLUS Ande ever ye dyde, for me kepe now yowr sylence. Not a worde, I charge yow, peyn of forty pens. A praty game shall be scheude yow or ye go hens. Ye may here hym snore; he ys sade aslepe. Qwyst! Pesse! The Devll ys dede! I shall goo ronde in hys ere. Alasse, Mankynde, alasse! Mercy stown a mere! He ys runn away fro hys master, ther wot no man where; Moreover, he stale both a hors and a nete. But yet I herde sey he brake hys neke as he rode in Fraunce; But I thynke he rydyth on the galous, to lern for to daunce,43 Bycause of hes theft, that ys hys governance. Trust no more on hym, he ys a marryde man. Mekyll sorow wyth thi spade beforn thou hast wrought. Aryse and aske mercy of New Gyse, Nowadays, and Nought. Thei cun avyse thee for the best; lett ther goode wyll be sought, And thi own wyff brethell, and take thee a lemman. Farwell, everychon, for I have don my game, For I have brought Mankynde to myscheff and to schame. [Exit. Mankind awakes] MANKYNDE Whope who! Mercy hath brokyn hys neke-kycher, avows, Or he hangyth by the neke hye uppon the gallouse. Adew, fayer masters! I wyll hast me to the ale-house Ande speke wyth New Gyse, Nowadays and Nought And geett me a lemman wyth a smattrynge face. [Enter New Guise through the audience] NEW GYSE Make space, for cokkys body sakyrde, make space! A ha! Well overron! Gode gyff hym evyll grace! We were nere Sent Patrykes Wey, by Hym that me bought. I was twychyde by the neke; the game was begunne. A grace was, the halter brast asonder: ecce signum!44 The halff ys abowte my neke; we hade a nere rune! “Beware,” quod the goodewyff when sche smot of here husbondys hede,“beware!”45 Myscheff ys a convicte, for he coude hys neke-verse. My body gaff a swynge when I hynge uppon the casse. Alasse, he wyll hange such a lyghly man, and a fers, For stelynge of an horse, I prey Gode gyf hym care! Do wey this halter! What devll doth Mankynde here, wyth sorow! Alasse, how my neke ys sore, I make avowe! MANKYNDE Ye be welcom, New Gyse! Ser, what chere wyth yow? NEW GYSE Well ser, I have no cause to morn. MANKYNDE What was that abowte yowr neke, so Gode yow amende? NEW GYSE In feyth, Sent Audyrs holy bende. I have a lytyll dyshes, as yt plese Gode to sende, Wyth a runnynge ryngeworme. [Enter Nowadays through the audience] NOWADAYS Stonde arom, I prey thee, brother myn! I have laburryde all this nyght; wen shall we go dyn? A chyrche her besyde shall pay for ale, brede, and wyn. Lo, here ys stoff wyll serve. NEW GYSE Now by the holy Mary, thou art better marchande then I! NOUGHT Avante, knawys, lett me go by! I kan not geet and I shulde sterve.46 [Enter Mischief] MISCHIEF Here cummyth a man of armys! Why stonde ye so styll? Of murder and manslawter I have my bely-fyll. NOWADAYS What, Myscheff, have ye ben in presun? And yt be yowr wyll, Me semyth ye have scoryde a peyr of fetters. MISCHIEF I was chenyde by the armys: lo, I have them here. The chenys I brast asundyr and kyllyde the jaylere, Ye, ande hys fayer wyff halsyde in a cornere; A, how swetly I kyssyde the swete mowth of hers! When I hade do, I was myn owyn bottler; I brought awey wyth me both dysch and dublere. Here ys anow for me; be of goode chere! Yet well fare the new chesance! [They begin to feast, but Mankind interrupts them] MANKYNDE I aske mercy of New Gyse, Nowadays, and Nought. Onys wyth my spade I remember that I faught. I wyll make yow amendys yf I hurt yow ought Or dyde ony grevaunce. NEW GYSE What a devll lykyth thee to be of this dysposycyon? MANKYNDE I drempt Mercy was hange, this was my vysyon, Ande that to yow thre I shulde have recors and remocyon. Now I prey yow hertyly of yowr goode wyll. I crye yow mercy of all that I dyde amysse. NOWADAYS I sey, New Gys, Nought, Tytivillus made all this: As sekyr as Gode ys in hewyn, so yt ys. NOUGHT [to Mankind] Stonde uppe on yowr feet! Why stonde ye so styll? NEW GYSE Master Myscheff, we wyll yow exort Mankyndys name in yowr bok for to report. MISCHIEF I wyll not so; I wyll sett a corte. Nowadays, mak proclamacyon, And do yt sub forma jurys, dasarde! NOWADAYS Oyyt! Oyyt! Oyet! All manere of men and comun women To the cort of Myschyff othere cum or sen! Mankynde shall retorn; he ys on of owr men. MISCHIEF Nought, cum forth, thou shall be stewerde. NEW GYSE Master Myscheff, hys syde gown may be solde. He may have a jakett therof, and mony tolde. Nought scribit MANKYNDE I wyll do for the best, so I have no colde. [Mankind takes off his coat] Holde, I prey yow, and take yt wyth yow. Ande let me have yt ageyn in ony wyse. NEW GYSE I promytt yow a fresch jakett after the new gyse. MANKYNDE Go and do that longyth to yowr offyce, And spare that ye mow! [New Guise exits with Mankind’s coat] NOUGHT Holde, master Myscheff, and rede this. MISCHIEF Here ys blottybus in blottis, Blottorum blottibus istis. I beschrew yowr erys, a fayer hande! NOWADAYS Ye, yt ys a goode rennynge fyst. Such an hande may not be myst. NOUGHT I shulde have don better, hade I wyst. MISCHIEF Take hede, sers, yt stoude you on hande. [He reads] Carici tenta generalis. In a place ther goode ale ys Anno regni regitalis Edwardi nullateni On yestern day in Feverere — the yere passyth fully,47 As Nought hath wrytyn; here ys owr Tulli, Anno regni regis nulli! NOWADAYS What how, New Gyse! Thou makyst moche taryynge. That jakett shall not be worth a ferthynge. NEW GYSE Out of my wey, sers, for drede of fyghtynge! [Reentering through the audience] Lo, here ys a feet tayll, lyght to leppe abowte!48 NOUGHT Yt ys not schapyn worth a morsell of brede; Ther ys to moche cloth, yt weys as ony lede. I shall goo and mende yt, ellys I wyll lose my hede. Make space, sers, lett me go owte. [Exits through the audience with Mankind’s coat] MISCHIEF Mankynde, cum hethere! God sende yow the gowte! Ye shall goo to all the goode felouse in the cuntré aboute; Onto the goodewyff when the goodeman ys owte. “I wyll,” sey ye. MANKYNDE I wyll, ser. NEW GYSE There arn but sex dedly synnys, lechery ys non, As yt may be verefyede be us brethellys everychon. Ye shall goo robbe, stell, and kyll, as fast as ye may gon. “I wyll,” sey ye. MANKYNDE I wyll, ser. NOWADAYS On Sundays on the morow erly betyme Ye shall wyth us to the all-house erly to go dyn And forbere masse and matens, owres, and prime.49 “I wyll,” sey ye. MANKYNDE I wyll, ser. MISCHIEF Ye must have be yowr syde a longe da pacem, As trew men ryde be the wey for to onbrace them, Take ther monay, kytt ther throtys, thus overface them. “I wyll,” sey ye. MANKYNDE I wyll, ser. NOUGHT [reentering] Here ys a joly jakett! How sey ye? NEW GYSE Yt ys a goode jake of fence for a mannys body. Hay, doog, hay! Whoppe whoo! Go yowr wey lyghtly! Ye are well made for to ren. [Mercy enters to the side] MISCHIEF Tydyngys, tydyngys! I have aspyede on! Hens wyth yowr stuff, fast we were gon! I beschrew the last shall com to hys hom. Amen! Dicant omnes. MERCY What how, Mankynde! Fle that felyschyppe, I yow prey! MANKYNDE I shall speke wyth thee another tyme, to-morn, or the next day. We shall goo forth together to kepe my faders yer-day. A tapster, a tapster! Stow, statt, stow! MISCHIEF A myscheff go wyth! Here I have foull fall. Hens, awey fro me, or I shall beschyte yow all. NEW GYSE What how, ostlere, hostlere! Lende us a football! Whoppe whow! Anow, anow, anow, anow! [After much play, in which Mercy is trampled, they exit. Mercy remains] MERCY My mynde ys dyspersyde, my body trymmelyth as the aspen leffe. The terys shuld trekyll down by my chekys, were not yowr reverrence.50 Yt were to me solace, the cruell vysytacyon of deth. Wythout rude behaver I kan not expresse this inconvenyens. Wepynge, sythynge, and sobbynge were my suffycyens. All naturall nutriment to me as caren ys odybull. My inwarde afflixcyon yeldyth me tedyouse unto yowr presens. I kan not bere yt evynly that Mankynde ys so flexybull. Man onkynde, wherever thou be! For all this world was not aprehensyble To dyscharge thin orygynall offence, thraldam, and captyvyté, Tyll Godys own welbelovyde son was obedient and passyble.51 Every droppe of hys bloode was schede to purge thin iniquité. I dyscomende and dysalow thin oftyn mutabylyté. To every creature thou art dyspectouse and odyble. Why art thou so oncurtess, so inconsyderatt? Alasse, who ys me! As the fane that turnyth wyth the wynde, so thou art convertyble.52 In trust ys treson;53 thi promes ys not credyble; Thy perversyose ingratytude I cannot rehers. To God and to all the holy corte of hewyn thou art despectyble, As a nobyll versyfyer makyth mencyon in this verse: “Lex et natura, Cristus et omnia jura Damnant ingratum, lugent eum fore natum.”54 O goode Lady and Mother of mercy, have pety and compassyon Of the wrechydnes of Mankynde, that ys so wanton and so frayll! Lett mercy excede justyce, dere Mother, amytt this supplycacyon, Equyté to be leyde onparty and Mercy to prevayll.55 To sensuall lyvynge ys reprovable, that ys nowadays, As be the comprehence of this mater yt may be specyfyede.56 New Gyse, Nowadays, Nought wyth ther allectuose ways They have pervertyde Mankynde, my swet sun, I have well espyede. A, wyth thes cursyde caytyfs, and I may, he shall not long indure.57 I, Mercy, hys father gostly, wyll procede forth and do my propyrté. Lady, helpe! This maner of lyvynge ys a detestabull plesure. Vanitas vanitatum, all ys but a vanyté. Mercy shall never be convicte of hys oncurtes condycyon.58 Wyth wepynge terys be nygte and be day I wyll goo and never sesse. Shall I not fynde hym? Yes, I hope. Now Gode be my proteccyon! My predylecte son, where be ye? Mankynde, ubi es? [Exit. Enter Mischief; the others are offstage relieving themselves] MISCHIEF My prepotent fadere, when ye sowpe, sowpe out yowr messe.59 Ye are all to-gloryede in yowr termys; ye make many a lesse. Wyll ye here? He cryeth ever “Mankynde, ubi es?” NEW GYSE Hic hyc, hic hic, hic hic, hic hic! That ys to sey, here, here, here! Ny dede in the cryke. Yf ye wyll have hym, goo and syke, syke, syke! Syke not overlong, for losynge of yowr mynde! NOWADAYS Yf ye wyll have Mankynde, how domine, domine, dominus! Ye must speke to the schryve for a cape corpus, Ellys ye must be fayn to retorn wyth non est inventus. How sey ye, ser? My bolte ys schett. NOUGHT I am doynge of my nedyngys; beware how ye schott!60 Fy, fy, fy! I have fowll arayde my fote. Be wyse for schotynge wyth yowr takyllys, for Gode wott My fote ys fowly overschett. MISCHIEF A parlement, a parlement! Cum forth, Nought, behynde. A cownsell belyve! I am aferde Mercy wyll hym fynde. How sey ye, and what sey ye? How shall we do wyth Mankynde? NEW GYSE Tysche! A flyes weyng! Wyll ye do well? He wenyth Mercy were honge for stelyng of a mere. Myscheff, go sey to hym that Mercy sekyth everywere. He wyll honge hymselff, I undyrtake, for fere. MISCHIEF I assent therto; yt ys wyttyly seyde and well. NOWADAYS [to New Gyse] Qwyppe yt in thi cote; anon yt were don.61 Now Sent Gabryellys modyr save the clothes of thi schon! All the bokys in the worlde, yf thei hade be undon, Kowde not a cownselde us bett. Hic exit Myscheff [who then returns with Mankind] MISCHIEF How, Mankynde! Cumm and speke wyth Mercy, he is here fast by. MANKYNDE A roppe, a rope, a rope! I am not worthy. MISCHIEF Anon, anon, anon! I have yt here redy, Wyth a tre also that I have gett. Holde the tre, Nowadays, Nought! Take hede and be wyse! NEW GYSE Lo, Mankynde! Do as I do; this ys thi new gyse. Gyff the roppe just to thy neke; this ys myn avyse. [Mercy reenters with a whip, chasing Mischief] MISCHIEF Helpe thisylff, Nought! Lo, Mercy ys here! He skaryth us wyth a bales; we may no lengere tary. [They run off, leaving New Guise hanging] NEW GYSE Qweke, qweke, qweke! Alass, my thrott! I beschrew yow, mary! A, Mercy, Crystys coppyde curse go wyth yow, and Sent Davy! Alasse, my wesant! Ye were sumwhat to nere. Exiant |
popular dance; (t-note) bales (whips); (see note); (t-note) suppose; will break; what; (t-note) I care not; Saint Anne; (see note); (t-note) Leap; nimble; (t-note) while; (t-note) (t-note) In that case; talk; (see note); (t-note) curse; rascally; (t-note) Take this; (see note); (t-note) (t-note) Stop; revelry; (t-note) (see note); (t-note) concern; (t-note) surely (or “By Mary”); (see note) (i.e., Mercy); (t-note) With a little effort; try (see note); (t-note) pretty caper (t-note) aid; (t-note) try (it); dance [ironic] Dance danced; too violently; (t-note) crowded; (see note); (t-note) believe; (see note) [I] had; (t-note) supper (solid food); (t-note) quickly, greet; (see note) (i.e., I’ll be brief); (see note) style; custom; (see note) every bit Our Lady (Mary); (t-note) against; (t-note) rascals in every circumstance; (t-note) soon get (taste) a blow; (see note); (t-note) (see note); (t-note) heard; (t-note) crawl on the ground trip; (t-note) Tell (t-note) (t-note) sir; (t-note) know designation; (t-note) comfort; (t-note) (see note) afraid; burst; (see note); (t-note) I curse you; butcher; (see note); (t-note) stole; mutton; (t-note) very learned scholar; (t-note) (see note); (t-note) translated into; (t-note) eaten; curds shitten; turds (see note); (t-note) clerkly (learned); (see note) (t-note) Between gladly from; wish wager; lice; (see note) fool; (t-note) what belongs to; duty; (t-note) Kiss my ass; (t-note) sufficient; (see note); (t-note) granted by; vagina; (t-note) (t-note) I wish you would go one accord; (t-note) father (i.e., priest) is bothered by remain; (t-note) (see note) brotherhood of demonic friars; (see note); (t-note) (see note); (t-note) I’ll never come back; (t-note) eyes Fellows; quickly (together) the way of the devil (t-note) gentle Geoffrey (i.e., Mercy); (see note) Let them go out together. They sing; (t-note) good riddance unthrifty guests appointed place beasts beast; (see note) by; (t-note) (t-note) (t-note) (t-note) (see note); (t-note) pay no mind; (t-note) (i.e., But how they will) committed sin (t-note) bitterly; (t-note) Neither sown; reap; (see note) forbid; (see note) (t-note) (t-note) derived destined (for grace); (t-note) in his own fashion; a participant perverse; (t-note) place ourselves; care; (t-note) (see note) two; (t-note) (t-note) wife; husband; (see note); (t-note) sigh; piteous; (t-note) delicate; (t-note) (t-note) (see note); (t-note) Our Lady (Mary) (t-note) appeal to; (t-note) spiritual; helper well-dresssed true; (t-note) at war spiritual guidance sport (t-note) welcome (t-note) fountain; (t-note) from close (t-note) (t-note) (t-note) (t-note) (see note) (t-note) (t-note) helper; (t-note) duration of life cherry time; (see note) loyalty (see note); (t-note) Moderate superfluous mode; wish satisfied, then you [should] stop; (t-note) too well-fed; (see note) rule by chance; mire liar wound; plaster where; penis; (see note); (t-note) If; fully curse; (t-note) moderation (sarcastically) believe, if; horsekeeper; (t-note) scarce; (see note); (t-note) too soon (i.e., he will come) paid dearly for me; (t-note) fellows; know very soon; go hence; (t-note) while Soon I must depart (t-note) believe; far from; (see note) everyone More than a great many; (t-note) permission; (t-note) wish; (t-note) delight in (t-note) (t-note) nobles (gold coins); (see note) Saint Quentin; (see note); (t-note) cabbages since; (t-note) just now; barkeeper; (see note); (t-note) fool; very weary; (t-note) Yet; tomorrow morning; (t-note) concern; friend (i.e., Mankind) boast; (t-note) (t-note) easily changed; (t-note) through; bought so expensively; (t-note) test desire (see note); (t-note) blacksmith refines iron; fire; (see note) visitation (i.e., of trials); (t-note) He (i.e., Job); (t-note) (t-note) (t-note) I advise you especially (t-note) Foolish; dress; boastful habits; means; sought; (t-note) (t-note) heard; year(twelve months); (t-note) holy day; (t-note) he never fails; (see note); (t-note) Who goes; seen whisper; (see note); (t-note) never let him thrive displease; immediately; (t-note) Else; fasten; bridle foes; (t-note) (see note) (t-note) saint satisfied mellifluous; honorable; (t-note) overcome that I came here; (t-note) write on state; promised grace; (t-note) In order that I may; (see note); (t-note) (t-note) (see note); (t-note) breast; badge; arms; (see note) fires; (t-note) (see note); (t-note) (t-note) hear; associate; (t-note) attempt to dig; (t-note) (t-note) (t-note) room; sirs; long (about) popular song; yeomanry (i.e., people) written; piece of coal (t-note) shits; hole (t-note) Unless; arse clean; (t-note) breeches; seen; (t-note) (t-note) They all sing; holy; (see note) (t-note) wish; i.e., composed this song; (t-note) married jointly Hurry; from here; reproach; (see note) foolish talk (t-note) recently here; (t-note) Is this all [the space you have] here to grow grain So that; have [grain for] better bring a good price wears you down; (t-note) feel great sorrow complete; (t-note) try Yet; such a tilling a pity neither harvest crop strong; surely at a bad time Because of; meager meal (t-note) wishes to; piss on it; (see note); (t-note) compost; overbless it; (t-note) arse prosper strike mock; always of your gang; (t-note) Hasten; hence; drive testicles; rejected by (of no use to); (t-note) injury [from being hit] Go away before; means; (t-note) habits; (t-note) Hence, thieves; lie Ruined; on account of; (see note); (t-note) ill-advised Christ’s sacred body; (see note) change; farthing (t-note) high estate; (t-note) help; (t-note) (t-note) (t-note) curse you; by the spade; (see note) head They exit promise (t-note) advised against; to fight manly; (t-note) overcome; everyone; (t-note) incorrectly foes; (t-note) their malicious (t-note) pride fetch grain; (t-note) soon; return made this moment; nothing; (t-note) Since undone; (t-note) while; absent severely beaten; (t-note) weeping listen They cry out hither; protector Come; (see note); (t-note) wail privates (testicles); (t-note) kiss me; (t-note) see it (i.e., your privates) Poor; come heal smite off; (see note) off with; severe treatment injury would be reluctant; lose in the name of the father; (see note) testicles; if I can [stop you]; (t-note) Christ’s cross; chop; (t-note) attempt it; (t-note) fool it off; restore knockout blow; feel no pain; (see note); (t-note) safe and whole regarding; matter consultation, since; (see note) conclusion any at all; (see note); (t-note) whistle; (see note); (t-note) now; flute; (see note); (t-note) (see note) listen before if I give; (see note); (t-note) unto [that purpose]; (t-note) him (i.e., Titivillus); (t-note) faithfully; (see note) (see note) (see note); (t-note) tally (account); (see note); (t-note) He (i.e., Titivillus); (t-note) groats; pence or two-pence; (see note); (t-note) gold royals To the master; try; (see note) here and there; make them pay may you fare well (as you pay); (t-note) Are you well-moneyed; (see note); (t-note) begged; while; curse; head your way (i.e., from your gates) sirs; (t-note) (see note); (t-note) horse; beware (t-note) He says to I prove it (their dishonesty) thus (see note) two; (i.e., I have nothing); (t-note) Yet; last night; (t-note) He says to (see note); (t-note) (t-note) provided for than before He says to Listen Saint Denis; (see note); (t-note) any (i.e., there’s lots of room there); (see note) clean as a bird’s arse; (see note) beware; (t-note) steal them (your horses); (t-note) it will be seen; (t-note) fail to get; else blow to my testicles (see note); (t-note) sciatica; (see note); (t-note) thoroughly; (t-note) (t-note) Go forth and spy where any more; (t-note) where do you plan to go (see note); (t-note) (t-note) (t-note) (t-note) touch me not (John 20:17); (see note); (t-note) into Thy hands; (see note); (t-note) Fellows Since; aware whither; (t-note) recite; problem; (see note); (t-note) the devil’s way left; may bad luck be yours; (see note); (t-note) advise, as soon; (t-note) your booty; (t-note) They exit. Titivillus remains wait here a while; (t-note) try; distract; (t-note) guide; (t-note) dance another step fashion; (t-note) eye; (see note); (t-note) deceive; take his measure; (see note); (t-note) make him irked with; scheme board; hidden; secretly; (t-note) with difficulty; (t-note) After he has attempted it; (t-note) on penalty of shame mix; cockle; darnel (weeds); (see note); (t-note) fit; (t-note) please keep my secret think [that his]; lost; (t-note) guidance While I till and cover it over; (t-note) (t-note) [one] weary and annoyed; (t-note) by chance; (see note); (t-note) (t-note) by tilling I shall gain little (see note) I will not endeavor before I leave assign; church; (see note) knees lead in my heels; (t-note) annoyed; (t-note) Shush; whisper; (t-note) pierces; cease relieve yourself (t-note) also; kidneystone; (t-note) rosary (prayer beads); (t-note) Exits made; (t-note) distracted; (see note); (t-note) Truly; baffled; (t-note) shit lies (see note) (see note); (t-note) even in the owl flight (i.e., at twilight) teach; crafty believe; (t-note) evening prayer; done tossed aside; right away; (t-note) shall [be shown]; stay; (t-note) (t-note) to every question; (t-note) stirred up a clerical matter (i.e., a debate); (t-note) (t-note) for a good while; (t-note) weary; too long by a mile; (see note) not go often over the church stile; (t-note) Regardless; otherwise; (t-note) nearly want; though; angry; (t-note) truly (t-note) If; (t-note) on penalty of; (t-note) shown you before; (t-note) sound; (t-note) whisper; (see note); (t-note) has stolen a mare; (t-note) no one knows; (t-note) cow (or ox) broke; (t-note) (t-note) conduct; (t-note) in; ruined Much; earlier; (t-note) (t-note) (t-note) deceive; lover (mistress); (t-note) everyone; (t-note) neck; (see note); (t-note) tavern; (t-note) lover; kissable; (see note); (t-note) Christ’s sacred body escaped; (see note); (t-note) near; Him (i.e., Christ); (see note) (see note); (t-note) half [of the noose]; close call; (see note); (t-note) (see note); (t-note) knew; (see note) hang upon; gallows handsome; fierce; (see note); (t-note) Get rid of; What the I swear; (t-note) how are you; (t-note) (t-note) St. Audrey’s; band; (see note); (t-note) disease; (t-note) (see note); (t-note) Stand back; (t-note) (see note) nearby; (see note) that will serve [us] well; (t-note) merchant Out of my way, knaves; (t-note) (t-note) (see note) If It seems to me; worn out; (see note); (t-note) (t-note) ravished (t-note) was done; own butler; (t-note) platter; (see note); (t-note) enough; (t-note) financial dealing; (see note); (t-note) at all; (t-note) any makes recourse and resort; (t-note) beg; (t-note) put all this in his head surely (see note) (t-note) (see note); (t-note) (t-note) in legal form, fool; (t-note) Oyez (hear ye); (see note); (t-note) send [excuses]; (see note) one of our steward (scribe); (t-note) long coat; (see note) money left over; (t-note) writes as long as way; (t-note) style belongs; duty And salvage what you can; (t-note) (nonsense Latin); (t-note) (nonsense Latin) curse; written hand; (t-note) running fist (cursive writing); (t-note) neglected known it should behoove you (punning); (t-note) The general court having been held; (see note); (t-note) In the regnal year Of Edward the Nothing; (t-note) (see note) Cicero; (see note); (t-note) In the regnal year of king nobody; (t-note) delay farthing is as heavy as alter it; else gout (t-note) (t-note) (see note); (t-note) six deadly sins rascals (villains) go early in the morning alehouse (see note); (t-note) “give peace” (i.e., a dagger); (see note) cut them up; (t-note) cut; overcome; (t-note) (see note) tunic; (see note); (t-note) (see note); (t-note) run seen one (i.e., Mercy); (t-note) stolen goods, let’s go quickly curse; last one who; (see note); (t-note) Let them all say Run away from that gang; (t-note) (t-note) anniversary of his death; (t-note) tapster (innkeeper); (see note) with you; a bad fall; beshit; (t-note) innkeeper; (see note); (t-note) (t-note) trembles; leaf; (t-note) death would be a comfort; (t-note) misfortune; (t-note) sighing; sustenance carrion; odious makes; (t-note) calmly; easily swayed (see note); (t-note) (see note) your (thine); (t-note) moral changeability; (t-note) despicable; odious uncourteous; (t-note) (see note); (t-note) perverse; describe; (t-note) contemptible; (t-note) (see note) (t-note) (t-note) (i.e., Virgin Mary) On admit (hear); (t-note) (see note); (t-note) alluring; (t-note) sweet son; seen (t-note) spiritual; duty Vanity of vanities (Ecclesiastes 1:2) (t-note) most beloved; where are you; (see note) (t-note) too-fancy; lie; (see note); (t-note) hear; where are you; (t-note) (t-note) Near(ly) dead in the creek; (see note); (t-note) sigh, seek (pun) (t-note) O Lord, Lord, Lord; (t-note) sheriff; “take the body” (a writ of arrest); (see note); (t- note) it is not found has been shot; (see note); (t-note) (t-note) foully dirtied my foot; (t-note) shooting; weapons; knows covered with shit; (see note); (t-note) Let’s confer; (see note); (t-note) counsel quickly; afraid; (t-note) fly’s wing (a small matter); (see note) thinks; mare (t-note) He (i.e., Mankind); (t-note) wittily (t-note) Saint Gabriel’s mother; shoes; (see note); (t-note) opened [and read] Could not have advised us better; (t-note) Here near by (t-note) gallows tree; gotten; (see note) fashion; (see note); (t-note) Set; just so; advice; (t-note) (t-note) scares; whip; remain; (see note); (t-note) curse; indeed; (see note); (t-note) heaped-up; Saint David; (see note) throat; too close; (t-note) They exit |
[The Vices return to save New Guise, but leave behind Mankind, who grovels on the ground before Mercy] |
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MERCY Aryse, my precyose redempt son! Ye be to me full dere. He ys so tymerouse, me semyth hys vytall spryt doth exspyre. MANKYNDE Alasse, I have be so bestyally dysposyde, I dare not apere. To se yowr solaycyose face I am not worthy to desyere. MERCY Yowr crymynose compleynt wondyth my hert as a lance. Dyspose yowrsylff mekly to aske mercy, and I wyll assent. Yelde me nethyr golde nor tresure, but yowr humbyll obeysyance, The voluntary sujeccyon of yowr hert, and I am content. MANKYNDE What, aske mercy yet onys agayn? Alas, yt were a vyle petycyun. Evyr to offend and ever to aske mercy, yt ys a puerilité. Yt ys so abhominabyll to rehers my iterat transgrescion I am not worthy to have mercy be no possibilité. MERCY O, Mankend, my singler solas, this is a lamentabyll excuse. The dolorous terys of my hert, how thei begyn to amownt! O pirssid Jhesu, help thou this synfull synner to redouce! Nam hec est mutacio dextre Excelsi; vertit impios et non sunt.62 Aryse and aske mercy, Mankend, and be associat to me. Thy deth schall be my hevynesse; alas, tys pety yt schuld be thus. Thy obstinacy wyll exclude thee fro the glorius perpetuité. Yet for my lofe ope thy lyppys and sey “Miserere mei, Deus!”63 MANKYNDE The egall justyse of God wyll not permytte such a synfull wrech To be revyvyd and restoryd ageyn; yt were impossibyll. MERCY The justyce of God wyll as I wyll, as Hymselfe doth preche: Nolo mortem peccatoris, inquit, yff he wyll be redusyble.64 MANKYNDE Than mercy, good Mercy! What ys a man wythowte mercy? Lytyll ys our parte of paradyse were mercy ne were. Good Mercy, excuse the inevytabyll objeccion of my gostly enmy. The proverbe seyth, “the trewth tryith the sylfe.” Alas, I have mech care. MERCY God wyll not make yow prevy onto hys last jugement. Justyce and Equité shall be fortyfyid, I wyll not denye. Trowthe may not so cruelly procede in hys streyt argument But that Mercy schall rewle the mater wythowte contraversye. Aryse now and go wyth me in thys deambulatorye. Inclyne yowyr capacité; my doctrine ys convenient. Synne not in hope of mercy; that is a cryme notary. To truste overmoche in a prince yt ys not expedient. In hope when ye syn ye thynke to have mercy, beware of that aventure. The good Lord seyd to the lecherus woman of Chanane, The holy gospell ys the autorité, as we rede in scrypture, “Vade et iam amplius noli peccare.”65 Cryst preservyd this synfull woman takeyn in avowtry; He seyde to here theis wordys, “Go and syn no more.” So to yow, go and syn no more. Beware of veyn confidens of mercy; Offend not a prince on trust of hys favour, as I seyd before. Yf ye fele yoursylffe trappyd in the snare of your gostly enmy, Aske mercy anon; beware of the contynuance. Whyll a wond ys fresch yt ys provyd curabyll be surgery, That yf yt procede ovyrlong, yt ys cawse of gret grevans. MANKYNDE To aske mercy and to have, this ys a lyberall possescion. Schall this expedycius petycion ever be alowyd, as ye have insyght? MERCY In this present lyfe mercy ys plenté, tyll deth makyth hys dyvysion; But whan ye be go, usque ad minimum quadrantem ye schall rekyn your ryght.66 Aske mercy and have, whyll the body wyth the sowle hath hys annexion; Yf ye tary tyll your dyscesse, ye may hap of your desyre to mysse.67 Be repentant here, trust not the owr of deth; thynke on this lessun: “Ecce nunc tempus acceptabile, ecce nunc dies salutis.”68 All the vertu in the word yf ye myght comprehend Your merytys were not premyabyll to the blys above, Not to the lest joy of hevyn, of your propyr efforte to ascend. Wyth mercy ye may; I tell yow no fabyll, scrypture doth prove.69 MANKYNDE O Mercy, my suavius solas and synguler recreatory,70 My predilecte specyall, ye are worthy to have my love; For wythowte deserte and menys supplicatorie Ye be compacient to my inexcusabyll reprove. A, yt swemyth my hert to thynk how onwysely I have wroght. Tytivillus, that goth invisibele, hyng hys nett before my eye And by hys fantasticall visionys sediciusly sowght, To New Gyse, Nowadayis, Nowght causyd me to obey. MERCY Mankend, ye were oblivyows of my doctrine monytorye. I seyd before, Titivillus wold asay yow a bronte. Beware fro hensforth of hys fablys delusory. The proverbe seyth, “Jacula prestita minus ledunt.” Ye have thre adversaryis and he ys mayster of hem all: That ys to sey, the Devell, the World, the Flesch and the Fell. The New Gyse, Nowadayis, Nowgth, the World we may hem call; And propyrly Titivillus syngnyfyth the fend of helle; The Flesch, that ys the unclene concupissens of your body. These be your thre gostly enmyis, in whom ye have put your confidens. Thei browt yow to Myscheffe to conclude your temporall glory, As yt hath be schewyd before this worscheppyll audiens. Remembyr how redy I was to help yow; fro swheche I was not dangerus;71 Wherfore, goode sunne, absteyne fro syn evermore after this. Ye may both save and spyll yowr sowle that ys so precyus. Libere welle, libere nolle God may not deny iwys.72 Beware of Titivillus wyth his net and of all enmys will, Of your synfull delectacion that grevyth your gostly substans. Your body ys your enmy; let hym not have hys wyll. Take your leve whan ye wyll. God send yow good persverans! MANKYNDE Syth I schall departe, blyse me, fader, her then I go. God send us all plenté of Hys gret mercy! MERCY Dominus custodit te ab omni malo In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti. Amen!73 Hic exit Mankynde Wyrschepyll sofereyns, I have do my propirté: Mankynd ys deliveryd by my faverall patrocynye. God preserve hym fro all wyckyd captivité And send hym grace hys sensuall condicions to mortifye! Now for Hys love that for us receyvyd hys humanité, Serge your condicyons wyth dew examinacion. Thynke and remembyr the world ys but a vanité, As yt ys provyd daly by diverse transmutacyon. Mankend ys wrechyd, he hath sufficyent prove. Therefore God grant yow all per suam misericordiam That ye may be pleyferys wyth the angellys above And have to your porcyon vitam eternam. Amen! Fynis. |
(t-note) timorous, it seems to me; (see note); (t-note) (see note)(t-note) comforting; (t-note) guilty lament wounds (t-note) obedience; (see note) petition; (t-note) puerility (childish behavior); (t-note) repeated; (t-note) by; (t-note) singular solace (t-note) wounded; reform; (t-note) (see note); (t-note) allied; (t-note) it is a pity from the eternal glory; (t-note) love; (see note); (t-note) equitable (t-note) (t-note) (see note); (t-note) (t-note) where there is no mercy; (t-note) (see note); (t-note) fortified strict; (t-note) However; undoubtedly; (t-note) walkway; (t-note) relevant; (t-note) notorious; (see note); (t-note) (see note) (t-note) (t-note) authority adultery; (t-note) listen to vain (t-note) persisting in sin; (t-note) wound grievance; (t-note) generous gift (t-note) division (see note); (t-note) union; (see note); (t-note) (t-note) hour; (t-note) (see note); (t-note) world; (t-note) merits would not earn you; (see note); (t-note) (t-note) (t-note) (t-note) chosen beloved means of supplication; (t-note) compassionate; shame; (t-note) grieves; unwisely; sinned; (t-note) goes; hung; (t-note) sought [to destroy me]; (t-note) (t-note) forgetful; admonitory; (t-note) attempt an attack on you; (t-note) Darts anticipated hurt less; (t-note) (see note); (t-note) skin; (see note); (t-note) (t-note) fiend; (t-note) unclean carnal desire (t-note) (t-note) been shown; (t-note) (t-note) destroy (t-note) (t-note) spiritual being leave; (t-note) Since; bless; before (ere); (t-note) (t-note) (t-note) Here exits have completed my task; (t-note) practical protection; (t-note) habits; (t-note) took human form Examine; habits; thorough; (t-note) (t-note) sufficiently proven through his mercy; (see note); (t-note) companions (playmates); (see note); (t-note) for; portion eternal life The end; (t-note) |