The Roland and Otuel Romances and the Anglo-Norman Otinel
- Unknown
- Author
- Susanna Fein
- Editor
- Elizabeth Melick
- Editor
- David Raybin
- Editor
- description
This edition contains four anonymous Middle English Charlemagne romances from the Otuel cycle: Roland and Vernagu, Otuel a Knight, Otuel and Roland, and Duke Roland and Sir Otuel of Spain, all from the fourteenth century; and a facing-page translation of the Anglo-Norman Otinel, the late-twelfth- or early-thirteenth-century chanson de geste from which three of the romances in this edition originate. Drawing from the famous Chanson de Roland (Song of Roland), these Crusades stories center on conflicts between Frankish Christians led by the legendary Charlemagne and various “Saracen” groups that captured the imaginations of medieval English Christians. In addition to Charlemagne and Roland, each romance features a Muslim character: either the kind but loathsome giant Vernagu or Otuel, Vernagu's handsome and sharp-tongued nephew. This volume offers readers an accessible approach to the Otuel Cycle and its increasingly relevant nuanced treatment of the racial and religious Other.
Susanna Fein and David Raybin are both editors and translators for The Anglo-Norman Otinel.
- forms
- Poetry
- languages
- English, Middle (1100–1500), Anglo-Norman
- time periods
- 13th Century, 14th Century, 15th Century
- categories
- Chanson de geste, Charlemagne, Emperor, Crusade romance, Hagiographic romance, Matter of France, Nine Worthies, Roland, Romance, Tail rhyme, Legacy HTML
- additional information
- Cover image: Battle of Roncevaux, 1475-1500. Wool and silk, tapestry woven. Southern Netherlands. Photo by Valerie McGlinchey; CC-BY-SA2.0-UK. Cover design by Theresa Whitaker.
- contents
- General Introduction
- Introduction to Roland and Vernagu
- Roland and Vernagu
- Introduction to Otuel a Knight
- Otuel A Knight
- Introduction to Otuel and Roland
- Otuel and Roland
- Introduction to Duke Roland and Sir Otuel of Spain
- Duke Roland and Sir Otuel of Spain
- Introduction to the Anglo-Norman Otinel
- The Anglo-Norman Otinel
- Bibliography