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2Tho thu wistest myd iwisse that Jhesu wolde beo thi Sune. The First Joy: Annunciation.back to note source5–6Moder, blithe were . . . ibore withute wo. The Second Joy: Nativity.back to note source9blithe. The rhyme indicates that the original word might have been blive, “willing,” but the adjectival form of the adverb blive is not attested before 1450. See MED, blive (adj.), and compare blive (adv.), sense 1b, “willingly.”back to note source10Tho Crist thureh his myhte aros from dethe to lyve. The Third Joy: Resurrection.back to note source13–14From the Munt . . . myd eye swete. The Fourth Joy: Ascension of Christ.back to note source17–19The King that . . . he the grette. The Fifth Joy: Assumption of Mary in heaven.back to note source24hwenne we schulle this lif forgon. Compare An Orison to Our Lady (art. 8): “And al this lyf we schulleth forgo” (line 23).back to note source28for wel thu miht. Compare An Orison to Our Lady (art. 8): “So wel thu miht” (line 20).back to note source