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1On. MS: Begins with red capital O, two lines high.back to note source3ther-among. So Morris. MS: þer á mong.back to note source19–20Hwenne ich schal . . . thu myht. MS: Written as a long line with medial punctuation.back to note source22With seorhe and with sore. So C, fol. 246v. MS: Line omitted.back to note source23we. So C, Morris. MS: word omitted.back to note source28a slo. So C. MS, Morris: al so.back to note source29–30Ich bidde . . . evermo. MS: Written as a long line with medial punctuation.back to note source32–50Wel sore . . . Amen. So C. MS: Lines lost due to a missing leaf.back to note source