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2man. So A2. P, R, W1, W2: one.back to note source4that. So A2. P, R, W2: as.back to note source10Bring away both. So A2. P, R, W1, W2: Bring the.back to note source14And. So A2. P, R, W1, W2: omitted.back to note sourcebeating hookes. So A2. P, R, W1, W2: baiting hooks.back to note source15that make your. So A2. P, R, W1, W2: have you made your.back to note source18With both our heeles. So A2. P, R, W1, W2: Both our heeles.back to note source22Thinke on. So A2. P, R, W1, W2: Thinke you on.back to note source24agast. So A2. P, R, W1, W2: all agast.back to note source29Thinke you. So A2. P, R, W2: you that I.back to note sourcein scooles. So A2. P, R, W1, W2: to scholes.back to note source31Take not I away. So A2. P, W2: Take I not always.back to note source36busie-headed. So A2. R: bustheaded. This stanza appears after line 56 in the printed versions.back to note source37To brawle for everie. So A2. P: to bubble of a; R: to babble of a; W1: to brabble for a; W2: to brabble of a.back to note source39To cut away. So A2. R: To cut you from.back to note source40foolishly. So A2. W1: falsely; P, R, W2: safely.back to note source45Doe yea acount. So A2. P, R, W1, W2: do you make account.back to note source46To have all the world. So A2. P, R, W2: to have the world.back to note source48This night thy soule must sure goe hence. So A2. P, R, W1, W2: Full soon thy soul must needs go hence.back to note source51her knee. So A2. P, R, W1, W2: their knee.back to note source52Doe you thinke to play. So A2. P, R, W1, W2: Think you for to play.back to note source54Noe faith. So A2. P, R, W1, W2: Noe.back to note sourceladdes. So A2. P, R, W1, W2: lords.back to note source58he learnes. So A2. P, R, W1, W2: she loves.back to note source60doth. So A2. P, W2: can.back to note source61swash and flash. So A2. P, R, W1, W2: flash and swash.back to note source68ladie. So A2. P, R, W1, W2: ladies.back to note sourcebeldam. So A2. P, R, W1, W2: beldams.back to note source72Prepare yourselves. So A2. P, R, W1, W2: with me your selves.back to note source76pypes his play. So A2. P, R, W1, W2: pipe doth play.back to note source77daunce readie way. So A2. P, R, W1, W2: dance the way.back to note sourceExplicitfinis Thomas Hill. So A2. No attribution is given in the printed broadsides.back to note source